vanillapetrichor · 2 years
in my translation software class today we were using a feature called pseudo-translate which basically fills the target text section with random words from the dictionary in that language, which you basically use to check things like formatting and how non latin characters will appear in the final translated document etc
as he was showing us this, our lecturer gave us the solemn instruction: "please do not try to find meaning in the words it generates"
and it just made me think that it would be a pretty rad (if very specific) form of cyber divination / digital fortune telling
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eisbecherovka · 4 months
Program not work so good
1 note · View note
snezario · 3 months
Catch Me I'm Falling (Part 1); Vo/x
this is an adaptation of a vanilla fic i had been working on and there's definitely going to be some divergence from the original. i've been so hesistant to post this but i finally decided that i just don't care. i'm very much at rock-bottom and this ship manages to be the only thing that still provides me some happiness.
i know a majority of the fandom/shippers like one-sided radi/osta/tic, but i'm tired of acting like i wouldn't sell my soul for a ca/trado/ra ending for them. if you don't like it, don't read it :~)
it's supposed to be slow burn and there isn't a lot of Stuff yet but i'm throwing this out into our little community and maybe someone will enjoy it
part 2 / part 3
It all happened so fast. One minute he was preparing for tonight’s broadcast and the next Vox found himself struggling to pick himself up off the filthy streets of Pentagram City. Lightly pressing a hand to his throbbing head, he could see his reflection in a nearby puddle. He craned his neck to get a better view, doing his best to suppress a frown as he took in his appearance–he was sporting a crack that ran down the left side of his screen, a visibly torn suit, and a heavily bruised ego.
Vox staggered to his feet before brushing himself off. He self-consciously straightened his bowtie as sinners stared curiously at the VoxTek CEO, or ex-CEO now, but they didn’t need to know that just yet. He tried to keep his head high, shoulders square, and his attention forward as he plodded down the sidewalk, giving any passerby who looked at him for a millisecond too long a menacing glare.
It was more of a threat really, he couldn’t be bothered to use his hypnosis on anyone right now nor is he sure it would be successful.
As he marched further and further away from the tower, the television demon’s screen became clouded, a flurry of thoughts swirled in his mind. Sure the relationship with Val was never meant to last or turn into anything more than casual sex between business partners. But Vox did not see any of this coming, and in hindsight he really should have.
Valentino’s legendary temper had not shown any sign of letting up and if anything had gotten worse over the years, the fact that he tore up one of Velvette’s best models over Angel moving out should have set off the alarm bells in his head. He always thought he had been the glue that held the Vees together, the mastermind behind it all. Valentino was more conniving than he thought and Vox had been played like a fiddle.
It was all so textbook too. Valentino approached him after Alastor publicly humiliated him all those years ago. He was the one to suggest bringing Velvette on as a business partner. He was the one that initiated the volatile on-again-off-again relationship that they had shared for the better part of the past 7 years. Some nights Vox had wondered whether they could be just more than fuck buddies, but every time he brought it up Val would shoot him down.
And so Vox gave up on that idea and told himself he was happy to just have something between the two of them. A part of him was clinging onto the hope that Val would see reason and take him back. Maybe if he could just talk to Velvette, she’d get him to consider meeting with Vox, hearing his side of things.
Looking up he realized that he had been so lost in thought that he actually wound up further from the city than he would have anticipated and was now standing at the bottom of the hill to the Hazbin Hotel. His screen glitched and he ran a hand down the crack in his screen which came as a result of Val bashing his head into the wall. It was starting to interfere with his vision too, everything was a bit fuzzy. He looked longingly over his shoulder, back at V-Tower–despite how far away the hotel is, the neon sign could be seen twinkling in the distance.
Pulling a face, he trudged up the hill. Now standing directly in front of the hotel, he realized how gaudy it looks up close. Like a Vegas casino hotel, he snorted softly at the comparison. He moved towards the front door and stared at the stained glass windows. Vox hesitated, his raised fist precariously hovering an inch above the wooden door frame. Was he really about to stoop so low that he was going to his rival?
Long buried memories of Alastor started to resurface, as well as the burning hatred he had been harboring towards the radio demon flared in his chest. His screen chose that moment to glitch again, temporarily extinguishing his anger towards the smiling freak, as well as the pesky memories. He gritted his teeth and relented with a weary sigh. Vox raised his hand again before rapping three times on the door. What did he have to lose at this point, really?
He pulled out his phone to see if there was already any news on his spat with Valentino, he was almost certain that the moth demon was going to start a smear campaign against him. Before he could unlock his phone the door swung open to reveal Charlie, who was bouncing up and down slightly, clearly trying to keep her excitement contained. “Welcome to–” she began to say before her jaw nearly dropped to the floor.
While she had never met the other two Vees in person, she was familiar with them and what they looked like. This had to be the television Overlord, Vox. Although, he looked a little worse for wear, especially for an Overlord. She quickly reestablished her sunny demeanor and started again.
“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!”
It was almost too much for Vox when the Princess of Hell greets him at the door. He almost expected his knock to go unanswered, but now that he’s face to face with Charlie he has half a mind to turn on his heel and run back to V-Tower with his tail between his legs back to Val and beg forgiveness, not unlike the way Alastor escaped the fight with Adam.
Vox gave his head a slight shake as he pushed down the impulse, even though it was so very tempting, planted his feet to the ground. He looked Charlie up and down, taking in her appearance. She was almost his height, to his surprise, much taller than she seemed based on her interview with the news anchor Katie Killjoy some months back. Which was ever so slightly intimidating for him, but no matter.
“Your royal highness,” he bowed his head in reverence to her before raising it again, fixating a sharp grin on her, “I don’t believe we have been properly introduced. My name is Vox–” Charlie was unable to keep her enthusiasm in check and interrupted him with a squeal.
“Mr. Vox, I have heard of you and I am so excited to finally meet you! We haven’t gotten as many guests as I would have hoped. Please come in! Come in!”
Without another word, she grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into the hotel. Despite his aversion to touch, especially when he didn’t initiate it, Vox allowed himself to be dragged past the threshold of the front door.
He gazed around, privately impressed–the interior was actually nicer than he would have expected. During this time he realized this was actually the first time he had stepped foot in the building, well the newly rebuilt version of it anyways. It was not nearly as hi-tech as his VoxTek building, but it was most likely due to that radio bastard’s influence.
He turned his attention back to Little Miss Bleeding Heart and continued, “Right, so I hear the hotel is still looking for recruits and what better way to sell your hotel than to have another Overlord’s endorsement?” The media mogul maintained his grin as he spoke but faltered when he felt an uncomfortable increase in static pressure around him, which signaled the arrival of a certain pompous old-timey prick of a demon.
“Endorsement from you? I hardly think that’s something we could use here,” Alastor’s staticky radio voice grated against Vox’s audio input sensors and he couldn’t help but flinch before making the necessary adjustments. The radio demon’s narrowed gaze pierced through him, and Vox knew that the former was silently taking in his appearance, judging him. His fanged grin remained steadfast as ever, although he raised a brow as his eyes lingered on the crack in Vox’s screen. Much to Vox’s surprise, he chose not to pass comment.
“Alastor,” Vox curtly acknowledged his rival, “I’m just here as a professional courtesy.”
Vox shifted his weight as his last statement hung in the air between the three of them. Why did he lie? Didn’t they take anyone here? After all, they accepted Pentious without batting an eye. With his cracked screen and disheveled appearance, it wasn’t like he even looked like the all-powerful Overlord image he was used to exuding. He was positively exhausted, but he just couldn’t bring himself to tell the truth yet, especially with Alastor hovering around.
It was bad enough that he showed up on the hotel doorstep looking like a kicked puppy. At this point, he doubted his ego could take anymore of a beating today. He hoped that at least Princess Morningstar would accept his pathetic attempt of an excuse and not ask any follow-up questions.
Just as Charlie opened her mouth to respond, Angel’s voice cut her off. They all turned their attention to the pink fluffy spider sinner lounging on the couch by the bar.
“Yo, get a LOAD of this! Val and Velvette kicked Vox out of the Vees and have started a smear campaign against him. I’ll bet Val’s going to have me working extra this weekend.”Angel trailed off as he noticed how silent the hotel had become. Alastor and Charlie both slowly turned to look at Vox, his pupils constricted but his eyes were now as large as dinner platters. The sheer horror on his screen was undeniable–well now he was royally fucked.
Vox felt a flush creeping up his screen as the hotel occupants’ eyes bore into him. Angel’s exclamation had invited the curiosity of a few other members of the hotel–the television demon now commanded the attention of the former exorcist angel and cat bartender. And normally he lived for attention, but not like this.
His gaze flitted over each of their faces, most of which seem to be of bemusement. Although there was genuine concern in Charlie’s eyes, which almost made Vox sick to his stomach. Alastor’s expression on the other hand hadn’t changed at all. However, he was the first to break the silence.
“Care to explain yourself, old pal?”
Vox’s mouth opened and his lips moved but no sound came out. His screen flickered as he tried to manually override his audio interface. He was slightly alarmed as his backup fans whirled loudly and liquid cooling kicked in. Hopefully his soundboard hadn’t short circuited. 
“Why don’t we sit down and talk?” Charlie suggested, seeing the distress on Vox’s face. She placed a steady hand on Vox’s shoulder and guided him towards the parlor.
“Mr. Vox, I know you just got here but you’re welcome to stay here while you sort things out. Everyone is wel–”
“HA! Him? Stay here?” Angel interjected, tossing his head back as he laughed. “Pentious was one thing but this is one of the Vees. I’ll bet this is all just another ploy to infiltrate the hotel.”
The pornstar’s mention of Val and the Vees sent a sharp pain in his chest. His claws dug into his palm, but other than that Vox maintained his composure.
Charlie looked contemplative as she considered Angel’s words. She spoke slowly as she worked to process everything.
“Even if he was trying to undermine our efforts… Why did he come here himself? What do the Vees hope to gain from sending the face of their trio to us?”
“Don’t ask me!” Angel threw up all four of his arms in exasperation. “It’s not like I try to understand anything that goes on in Val’s fucked up mind. I’m sure he’s not much different.”
Charlie opened her mouth to speak but promptly closed it, looking reminiscent of a goldfish when she did it.
“Plus did you see the look on Smiles’ face when this guy showed up?” Angel jabbed a thumb towards Alastor. “I’m sure he wouldn’t hesitate to go full demon mode and tear Vox limb from limb.”
Charlie frowned at the imagery. She turned her attention to Alastor leaning on his staff-microphone stand in the corner of the room. Despite his initial question, he’d been eerily silent. The radio demon met her gaze before looking down his hands. She looked between him and Vox. When neither party offered up anything, she pursed her lips together.
“Well the offer still stands, Mr. Vox.” Charlie said definitively. She momentarily put a hand on his shoulder and he could feel her compassion radiating off her. Her angelic girlfriend who also hadn’t said a word the entire time, still leaned up against the wall. As Vox makes eye contact with her she scowled, although her expression softened as Charlie approached her and took her hand in her own. 
She looked over her shoulder and addressed him one last time, “I’m sure Alastor or Niffty can show you to a vacant room, should you choose to stay. Have a good night!”
Angel stretched his arms above his head and yawned loudly.
“Well this has been all sorts’a fun ain’t it? Imma turn in as well. See ya later, Whiskers,” Angel waved genially at the bartender before disappearing down a hallway.
There was an uncomfortable silence now that only Alastor and Vox were left in the parlor. Again, Alastor was the first to break that silence, much to Vox’s chagrin.
“When you first showed up on our doorstep, I was ready to throw you out. You’re quite lucky Charlie intervened and is showing you a kindness that I could never possess,” Alastor tapped his gloved fingers along his chin thoughtfully as he paused, “You know, this actually might not be so bad. It’ll be like old times–”
Vox was lost in thought but managed to catch Alastor’s last sentence. Thankfully, it seemed like his audio issue had resolved itself. He rasped, “Yeah well, you can forget that. I’m not planning on hiding here for the rest of my existence.”
He winced when the radio demon looked at him keenly, he had hoped that Alastor hadn’t also picked up on the hoarseness in his voice. Pressing a couple fingers to his throat, he frowned. Perhaps the audio issue wasn’t as resolved as he thought. 
“Suit yourself.”
Alastor threw up his hands indifferently, adjusting his lapels as he stood to leave.
“Alastor, wait– I didn’t mean… I just–” Vox’s voice wavered as he struggled to find the words, burying his head in his hands when he didn’t quite get there. A couple of tense moments passed and he was sure that Alastor had probably just shadow teleported away by now. But when he peeked between his fingers, he could see a figure still by the fireplace. Although Alastor’s back was turned to him now.
Just as Vox opened his mouth to speak, Alastor’s head snapped around–a decidedly horrifying sound that made Vox cringe. The radio demon’s grin widened in a way that caused Vox’s stomach to churn with anxiety. That’s never a good sign is it? 
“Let’s take this conversation to my room, hmm?”
The heavy radio static in the space between them made Vox recoil. Oh how he hated when Alastor did that. It always made his systems go haywire or well, it used to at least–with his upgraded components he was less prone to Alastor’s radio interference. He watched as Alastor melted into the shadows, his yellow cheshire grin being the last bit of him to disappear into the darkness.
“Do I have much of a choice?” Vox muttered under his breath before focusing his mind to channel his electrical teleportation abilities and follow his rival. He stopped in front of Alastor’s door wondering what horrors awaited him inside. As he stared anxiously at the ornately decorated door, he noticed that it was cracked open. He pondered his next move… Alastor did invite him in.
With a deep inhale, he pushed open the door. The room was dimly lit and Vox had to adjust his screen’s brightness to see much of anything. In his peripheral vision he noticed Alastor sitting in an armchair on the far side of the room. 
“I’m sure you’re dying to snoop around. I will permit you a few minutes to get it out of your system before we begin.”
He looked around Alastor’s bedroom. Huh. Creepy. It appeared to be a hybrid of rustic 1930’s cabin and a Louisiana bayou that stretched past what Vox could presently see. Despite the swamp-like environment, it was surprisingly cool in the room, which was good for Vox because humid climates tended to mess with his components. He idly rubbed a hand down his cracked screen as a fleeting fuzzy sensation skittered through the circuitry in his head.
The radio demon stayed in his armchair, simply observing Vox’s movements. He strolled around the room, picking up various trinkets. Some of them appeared to be remnants of his human life, while the presence of some others puzzled him because of their seemingly ordinary nature. He never really considered Alastor to be a particularly sentimental person but the objects in his room indicated otherwise. Perhaps he didn’t know the other Overlord quite as well as he once thought.
As he turned away from one of the cabinets, his gaze caught a glint of a metal picture frame on a high shelf. Despite the multitude of items, he realized that there are no photographs, let alone framed ones. He reached up to grab it but Alastor’s shadow slid up from behind him and snatched the picture frame before he could get a better look. Startled, Vox spun around to look at the radio demon.
“I think that is quite enough,” Alastor said, motioning for Vox to sit in the armchair across from himself. He waited for the television demon to settle into the chair opposite of him before speaking.
“As you may know, the hotel is a bit lacking in residents following the extermination. I dismissed the idea before, but it could be useful to have the endorsement of other Overlords. Therefore, I have a proposition for you: I help you get back into good graces with your former colleagues and you–”
Vox snorted, before letting out a derisive laugh, “You really think I’m stupid enough to make a deal with you?”
Alastor’s ears flicked back irritably and he rolled his eyes, “Not for your soul, although it would be lovely to own another former Overlord’s soul,” his eyes briefly sparkled mischievously as the thought delighted him. Vox clenched his jaw when Alastor implied he might lose his coveted Overlord status.
“No, my dear. Just an itty-bitty favor. It’s nothing really.”
“Uh-huh… and what favor would that be?” Vox now had his arms crossed in front of his chest as he raised a skeptical brow at Alastor, unconvinced.
“I will reveal more in due time, old pal,” Alastor said cryptically. The finality of his tone indicated to Vox that pressing the issue wouldn’t be in his best interests. He retracted his hand as Vox continued to cast a doubtful gaze upon him.
“Oooor, you become the laughingstock of the Pride Ring, lose your Overlord status, and worst of all what you’ve always feared–”
“Okay! Okay, I get it…” Vox cut off Alastor, which earned him a glare from the other demon.
“So, do we have a deal?” The radio demon leaned towards him, extending his hand again and smiling all the while. What Vox wouldn’t give to wipe that infernal grin off his face.
Vox narrowed his eyes and searched the radio demon’s smile for a sign that he’s lying, going to double-cross him, or worse. The possibilities were endless. Damn, the bastard was always good at masking his true intentions and beyond his usual mischievous grin, it seemed like a relatively normal deal. Well, as normal as deals in Hell went. And with Alastor no less.
And yet, something in the radio demon’s voice tempted him.
Vox stared contemplatively at Alastor’s outstretched hand. As a fellow Overlord, he was no stranger to deals, nor does Alastor’s notoriety for being THE dealmaker go over his head. Sure, it’s not like he was bargaining with his soul but still, deals held a lot of weight in Hell.
This is a mistake. Every fiber in his being was screaming at him to turn back–hightail it out of the hotel and never look back, to grovel at Val’s feet to take him back, that he’s sorry for every argument, every disagreement they had ever had, no matter how small, even if he wasn’t to blame. Before today the thought of begging on his hands and knees would have disgusted him.
There was something that Alastor said earlier in the parlor that brought his spiraling thoughts to a full stop. It’ll be like old times.
Before he had a chance to overthink it, Vox clasped his hand around Alastor’s.
Alastor’s smile broadened ever so slightly when their hands connected. A brilliant emerald light cloaked the entire room as the two demons shook hands, along with a shrill radio frequency that threatened to overload Vox’s motherboard. Not ominous at all. Alastor’s pupils transformed into radio dials and his antlers expanded both in height and length tenfold. Huh, it had been some time since Vox had seen Alastor’s demon form. This wasn’t even a full transformation–his full demon form was truly a sight to behold, lesser sinners would have cowered in its presence.
Vox shielded his face with his free hand until the light faded. The radio demon released his hand, which he let drop almost lifelessly to his side. His heart was pounding in his chest. What did he just do? Before he could dwell on his actions Alastor piped up.
"Now that that's out of the way, let's say we patch up your screen, shall we?" Alastor brushed off his coat as he stood, one hand clasping his staff as he waited for Vox to respond.
Vox frowned. His scree–? Oh! Raising a hand to trace the crack, he clenched his jaw as he’s reminded of Val’s parting gift to him. He had been so wound up that he’d nearly forgotten about the damage. His attention was momentarily diverted when he felt the unusual fuzzy sensation flit along his screen. Although, apparently that was just the beginning of his problems because as soon as the sensation passed, he completely lost vision on his left side.
“Fuck! Give me a sec, I’m just going to reinitialize my visual system.” Vox’s screen went dark briefly. Upon reboot his face reappeared, but not before it’s covered by an error code indicating that his visual I/O ports are damaged and a warning to cease usage until they are replaced or repaired. He manually overrode the warnings and to his luck, his vision was partially restored not to its usual 4K quality but it would do for now.
Alastor rifled through a cabinet drawer, returning to his chair with a small tube of fast-drying glue. He presented the tube to Vox. “Think this will help?”
“Couldn’t hurt, I suppose,” Vox responded with a half-shrug. He shifted his weight to take the glue from Alastor, but was surprised to see the other demon unscrewing the cap.
“Might be best if I apply it,” Alastor said quietly. Vox simply nodded, still a bit stunned that Alastor had not only offered to help but was actually initiating physical contact. He inched towards the radio demon so that the latter didn’t have to reach as far.
“You know, when you rejected my offer all those years ago I thought you were joking,” Vox paused, gazing at a point past the radio demon’s shoulders at the foreboding darkness of the swamp. It was so quiet the sounds of their breathing seemed to overpower the ambient noises of the bayou. Alastor remained quiet, focused on applying the glue to the crack in his screen but Vox can tell he’s captured the other’s attention with the way his ears twitched.
That was until the dull flickering in the back of his screen that he’d been trying to ignore, decided enough was enough. He only barely registered the sensation when his breath hitched urgently. He angled as far away from Alastor as possible as the tickle crested.
Alastor blinked at him in surprise. Vox’s screen felt unusually warm as he cleared his throat and tried to breeze over the interruption by continuing from his previous statement. “I thought you’d come around eventually. We both had the highest numbers either of us had ever seen and people’s tastes change so quickly here, I just felt that we needed to stay up with the times. But I guess some things never change, eh?”
Alastor opened his mouth to address the intrusion, only for his teeth to clamp down as he let out a pained hiss. He dropped the tube of glue as he jerked away from Vox to cradle his chest.
“Hey, are you okay?” Vox tilted his head. He couldn’t help but ask, even though he knows that Alastor would probably rather get his ass handed to him by Adam again than admit anything to him. Although he's not the only one to be loath to admit weakness of any kind, it seems like nearly everyone in Hell has the emotional intelligence of a teaspoon, barring a select few. Perhaps that was part of the “being in Hell” package, keep them at each other’s throats so they wouldn’t amount to anything.
Despite the minor incursion, Alastor’s smile hadn’t wavered in the slightest. He addressed Vox coolly, “I’m fine, don’t worry your noisy picture box of a head about it.”
However, the wince following his statement indicated he’s in more pain than he was letting on. Vox stretched a hand towards him but Alastor flinched away. He bristled, baring his teeth at the startled television Overlord, “It’s none your concern.”
“For once, will you stop being a pompous ass, and just let me take a look?” Vox snapped irritably at him.
As the lights flickered dangerously, Vox pressed up against the armchair fearing that he pushed too far. Alastor’s full demon form began to loom over him and Vox would be helpless to do anything. To his surprise, he shrank back down, his black eyes reverting to their usual crimson sclera, and his antlers returned to their normal size. He made a non-committal sound and motioned for Vox to move in closer.
Vox peeled back the soiled bandages and examined the wound, careful not to aggravate it. He’d never been the squeamish type but still had to swallow the urge to make a face. Not that he’d ever admit it, but he was surprised when he caught wind that Alastor had not been missing for that long and had already returned to the hotel. From what Vox had seen through his drones, the radio Overlord had taken much more pure angelic power to the face than most demons would be able to handle, let alone live to tell the tale.
“A parting gift from the first man,” Alastor said bitterly, jolting him from his musings. He felt a bit exposed, not having realized that the other demon had been watching for his reaction.
Turning his attention back to the injury, Vox inspected it further. He’s no doctor, quite far from it, but it seemed to be healing, albeit slowly. Probably would hurt like a bitch for a good long while, and no doubt would leave a nasty scar.
“You should probably change the dressings more often,” Vox advised, to which Alastor gave him a withering look. Typical. He rolled his eyes and shrugged, “Unless you want it to get infected.”
Alastor hummed, returning back to the cabinet that Vox saw him sifting through earlier. He pulled out a pack of gauze, ointment, and a roll of medical tape placing it on the table between them. If Vox had to guess, he’d probably been taking care of it himself, and was not being attentive enough from the looks of it. Before Alastor had a chance to object, Vox picked up all the items and removed the old bandages swiftly.
“Hold still,” Vox mumbled with the tube of antibiotic ointment between his teeth. He squeezed a thin but more than adequate layer on the gauze before pressing it against the wound, hesitating at the hiss that escaped Alastor clenched teeth. Powering through, he secured the dressing with medical tape, so that it was snug against the wound but breathable to encourage it to heal a bit faster. “There.”
The radio demon blinked at the fresh dressing but said nothing. Vox didn’t expect him to express any gratitude and just a little acknowledgement would have been nice, but he wasn’t about to hold his breath for it either. Against his better judgment, he circled back to their previous conversation.
“I know things weren’t always perfect between us but there were moments where I thought you genuinely enjoyed parts of it at least. And now, I just… Knowing that all this time you cared so little for our partnership,” Vox deflated into the armchair with the last sentence and dragged a hand down his screen. Behind the charismatic businessman persona he put on for the press, he’s tired of it all and being around Alastor again was messing with his head.
“That’s not entirely true,” Alastor murmured, staring pensively down at his hands folded over one another on his lap.
Vox did a double-take, did he hear that correctly? Alastor had spoken so quietly he had to turn up his volume to max, only to barely catch what he said. Did his audio system get fused together because he could have sworn that Alastor just debunked his theory. He alternated between letting the comment pass by or bringing attention to it. Fuck it. He decided to probe, just a little.
“Oh? Care to elaborate, old pal?” Vox smirked as he threw Alastor’s nickname back at him. He passed a hand along the back of his vents, which seemed to be a bit sensitive at the moment.
Alastor scoffed, looking up at the ceiling as he started to relay his thoughts, “We had a good thing going. When you first brought up the idea I wanted nothing to do with it, but you were persistent. You started to wear me down and I thought, maybe the idea wasn’t so far-fetched, maybe I was just being stubborn.” Vox was completely enraptured as Alastor recounted his version of the past.
“Ultimately, it felt like your proposal was inviting too many cooks to the kitchen. I have always worked best alone and our partnership was very much an outlier. After that last night, well…” Vox braced himself to relive the painful memory as the radio demon mentions the night, the night that everything fell apart. But Alastor merely trailed off.
His expression warped into something unrecognizable as he continued, “I thought about apologizing and the next morning I went to your apartment but you were already gone. Within the hour, your alliance with Velvette and Valentino was announced.”
Vox’s eyes widened, he had never heard about any of this before. “I-I had no idea. I–” His words got caught on the lump in his throat as he imagined Alastor at his doorstep.
Alastor shook his head, “Of course not. I left for my seven year “sabbatical” shortly after.” Vox angled his head slightly to see a wistful expression written on the radio demon’s features. Caught up in the moment, he asked the question that’s been on his mind since Valentino first alerted him to Alastor’s return.
“Where did you go all those years?” As soon as the words left Vox’s mouth, there was a sharp uptick in static interference around them.
“You never did know when to keep your nose out of matters that don’t concern you,” Alastor sneered. And just like that, the moment evaporated, gone. Alastor’s mask slid back up, shutting Vox out again. In turn, he shoved down whatever feelings had started to bubble up, back into the furthest recesses of his heart.
“The crack is sealed but I doubt it’s fixed. I’m no electronics expert,” Alastor’s tone was matter-of-fact and he pointedly avoided looking at Vox. Instead, he picked up a book left on the table and began to flip through it.
“Figured as much,” Vox sighed wearily. He craned his neck to examine the drying glue in a mirror on a nearby shelf–hmm, Alastor didn’t do half bad. “I’ll have to visit the electronics store tomoro–hihh’IZZZSHuhh!”
Vox barely managed to curl into his elbow as the sneeze sent him pitching forward. The unexpected outburst caused Alastor to jump and Vox was stunned as well. When he straightened up, Alastor was staring at him with an odd expression on his face.
“Uhh… sorry again,” Vox apologized, rubbing his arm sheepishly before turning to leave. With his hand on the doorknob, he tilted his head back slightly, “Thanks for… this I guess.”
Without another word, he slipped out of Alastor’s room. His screen is warm with embarrassment, having sneezed not once but twice in front of Alastor. As humiliating as it was to lay out his feelings in front of him, this was so much worse.
Wandering the halls aimlessly, Vox found himself thinking about the moth Overlord. Vox was never enough, he could never satisfy him. Reflecting their relationship made his chest ache and tears pricked at the edge of his screen. He stopped in his tracks, choking back a sob, as the emotions threatened to tumble out. Which turned out to be a mistake as he found himself leaning up against a wall when he doubled over with a harsh fit of dry, ticklish coughs.
When it finally subsided he heaved himself off the floor and went to find a place to curl up for the night. He was too humiliated to find the small cyclops maid demon and ask for a room so he settled for a chaise in the lobby. He shivered violently before laying his makeshift bed.  As Vox brought his knees to his chest, the events of the day replayed in his mind. How fast his whole world has come crashing down. One moment he had it all–a company with his name plastered on it, the status and title of being an Overlord with several hundred, if not thousands of souls to boot (he never really kept track), and a so-so situationship, the next he was at rock bottom–stuck at this tacky hotel for redemption, of all things. Redemption. The ridiculousness of it.
He squeezed his eyes shut as his head throbbed. God, he really needed to get his screen fixed.Although… the idea of righting one’s wrongs did have some appeal. His fingers grazed the patched up crack, the crack that Alastor helped patch up. They had a long way to go but maybe, just maybe, things between him and Alastor could follow suit.
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hxhhasmysoul · 10 months
people are laughing at the malevolent kitchen and strange names for mahoraga and sukuna's techniques. but for me it's obvious that something like that happens when you use machine translation like google translate. not even like trados, the professional machine translation and semi automatic translation tool. because if they used a pro tool there would've been a database already built for terms like that after so many eps have already aired.
did the corporation decide on no translator? just fed it through a tool and had someone synch the lines with the sound? or did they get someone on the cheap who exaggerated their skills and did no quality control after the machine translation tool?
either way, it a corporation showing their ass because they are too cheap to pay a professional.
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edmundtudor · 1 year
To my Lord Cardinal's Grace
Please it, Your Grace; the King's Highness arrived here this night at 8 of the clock, and the Queen did meet with His Grace at his chamber door, and showed unto him, for his welcome home, her belly something great, declaring openly that she was quick with child; whereof the King's Highness commanded me immediately to advertise Your Grace, in his name, and to desire the same to command that Te Deum laudamus be solemnly sung in Paul’s, in like manner as His Grace will command to be done here tomorrow. Valeat felicissime, Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra, cui me humillime commendo et trado. Ex Wudstokke, quinta die Julij post horam decimam noctis.
The King's Grace, at his entry of the gates, found there all such as be here of his Council, and said unto us all secretly, that as soon as he had spoken with us, we should all be merry.
Excellentissimæ Dominationis Vestræ Reverendissimæ,
Ri Paceus.
Letter from Richard Pace to Thomas Wolsey, 5 July 1518. Transcribed myself from the original.
Note: The italicised Latin has been left in its original wording; it translates to phrases of humble recommendation commonly found in the closing of letters at this time.
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bagofbonesmp3 · 1 year
taking this class on translation softwares is turning me more than ever into a commie you should not have to pay for trados look at me never pay for translation software. ever
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jazafras · 2 years
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Couple of portraits I did for competitors from the Splinter City OCT!
Characters and credits in order of the images:
Aislinn - ToriCJeon
Frederick - Carnimari
Jessie - SpaceCatJeff
Septi - belim_illus
Nagi - ComplimentShark
Willow - BrunitedArts
Vathosis - Monabysss
Trado - SpeedyDoggo
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annascpmmst · 2 years
Esta máquina al pasar del tiempo, se intentaba mejorar, siendo así, incrementando la calidad en el producto, técnicas y demás aspectos; de tal manera, cada vez ir mejorando la máquina de escribir para la utilidad. La máquina de escribir podía ser mejor cada vez más, hasta obtener el objetivo ideal (aunque siempre se podría ir mejorando poco a poco), perfeccionando las máquinas iniciales.
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esto empezó cuando el primer proyecto salió a la luz, conocido de máquina de escribir fue el “címbalo escri- biente” de Giuseppe Ravizza y el primer intento regis- trado de producir una máquina de escribir fue realiza- do por el inventor Henry Mill, que obtuvo una patente de la reina Ana de Gran Bretaña en 1714.
A parte, la máquina de escribir, cada vez se podia mejorar en más aspectos, mejorandolos de una manera más general, asi como: el aumento de productividad, mejorar la precisión, legibilidad de documentos y distribución de los mismos. También, por cada avance se podía ir mejorando la automatización y la mecanización de cada tarea en un futuro. Algunos avances notorios en la sociedad, fueron, la bola de escribir de Hansen, la cual llegó a ser adquirida por Frederick Nietzsche; pasando a la máquina de Sholes y Glidden, ya siendo mejorada, cuya patente comenzó a ser producida en 1874 por la compañía Remington; por consiguiente, La máquina Remington 1, está es una de las máquinas que mejora bastante, al utilizar un rodillo superior giratorio, sistema de impresión frontal y un teclado qwerty de cuatro filas. Pero claro, al pasar de los años se fue mejorando, cambiando cosas como el uso de cintas de tela bicolor, configuraciones estándar de teclado y rollos diseñados para formatos de papel estándar, estas fueron las características principales que persistieron paso a paso.
This machine over time, was trying to improve, being so, increasing the quality in the product, techniques and other aspects; In such a way, each time go improving the typewriter for utility. The typewriter could be better and better, until the ideal objective was obtained (although it could always be improved little by little), perfecting the initial machines.  this began when the first known typewriter project was Giuseppe Ravizza's "Writing Cymbal" and the first recorded attempt to produce a typewriter was made by inventor Henry Mill, who obtained a patent from Queen Anne of Great Britain in 1714.
In addition, the typewriter, each time could be improved in more aspects, improving them in a more general way, as well as: increasing productivity, improving accuracy, readability of documents and distribution thereof. Also, for each advance, the automation and mechanization of each task could be improved in the future. Some notable advances in society were, Hansen's writing ball, which came to be acquired by Frederick Nietzsche; moving to the Sholes and Glidden machine, already being improved, whose patent began to be produced in 1874 by the Remington company; therefore, the Remington 1 machine, this is one of the machines that improves a lot, using a rotating top roller, front printing system and a four-row qwerty keyboard. But of course, over the years it was improved, changing things like the use of two-tone fabric ribbons, standard keyboard configurations and rolls designed for paper formats est ...
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What tools do I need to become a successful translator?
Every translator needs to have a set of tools that they can use to work efficiently. Some of the most popular tools for translators are translation memory tools, translation software and file formatting. While these are very useful tools to have, I think that there are a set of tools that are also very important to have as a translator. These are the tools that you will use on a daily basis while working.
1. A good chair
I think that this is the most important tool that you can have as a translator. A long period of time working in a sitting position can be very painful and uncomfortable. When I was working from home, I used to spend 8+ hours sitting on an office chair that was originally meant for a desk. It was very uncomfortable and I would get sore back and neck after a few hours of work.
Having a good chair plays a major role in reducing the risks of developing pain and other issues. I highly recommend getting a comfortable office chair that works well for translators, especially those who use laptops.
2. A high-quality headset
A good headset can play a major role in making the translation, transcription or interpreting process more enjoyable. I used several different headsets while working as a translator and I can say that the one that was the most useful and offered the best experience, was the one that I found to be of high quality and comfortable to wear.
Unfortunately, these are expensive items and most translators will find themselves in a situation where they have to use a built-for-purpose headset or headphones that came with their laptop. If you are in this situation, it is still worth it to invest in a good pair of earphones and/or headphones to use with them in order to reduce the risk of damaging your ears.
3. CAT Tools
I think that CAT tools are important for translators to have. These are the tools that help you process large amounts of text faster. The most popular CAT tools are translation software (such as SDL Trados, Memo and Quest) and translation memory software (such as Datapost Life, Déjà Vu and TermServer).
4. File formatting is an essential part of the translation process because it helps translators format their files correctly so they can be correctly read by computers. The most important file formats that translators need to be familiar with are ASCII, Unicode, HTML, PDF and Microsoft Office files.
5. Translators should maintain their health in order to reduce the risks of developing pain and other medical issues. This means that it is important to take regular breaks and exercise while you are working. It is also important to stay calm and avoid getting stressed while you are working because this can also have a negative impact on your health.
As we all know, being a translator offers flexibility and the ability to work from home. Some translators work 40 hours per week; others work more than 40 hours per week. It’s up to you! But there are some limits you should know about too: most countries set a limit on the number of hours per week that employees can work. In some countries, that limit is 45 hours per week, in other countries, it’s 40 hours. Whatever the limit, you should make sure you don’t go beyond it.
6. Key software for translators
Besides CAT tools, translators also need certain key software that comes standard with their computers or that they can download for free. These include a file manager (for organizing files), a browser (for looking up terms online) and an editor (for proofreading your texts).
7. Translation tools
There are other tools that translators don’t always think about, but which can help them do their work better. For example, online dictionaries and translation sites like bab.la, Termbox and Linguee can help you look up words online more quickly. I would also include online translation memory software like TBMS (now Datapost Life) here because it can store documents in multiple languages so you can search for terms in any language. Additionally, you can compare the same text in different languages. These tools can therefore help translators be more efficient because they can work with their source texts in one window while quickly looking up terms in another.
8. Special translation tools
Certain special translation tools can also help translators be more efficient and effective while working. For example, a copyholder can make reading a document more ergonomic. A translation memory tool (see above) can help you store and compare texts in different languages. A glossary tool like Glosster can help you keep a digital record of terms in a certain language, along with their corresponding translations in other languages.
9. Top translation tools for translation teams
If you work in translation services, you’ll know that certain tools can make life much easier when working as a team. For example, a project management tool like Teamwork can help leaders assign tasks to team members in a systematic way. Sourcing and researching information online can also be done more efficiently via a collaboration tool like Wikis (on a platform like Wikimedia or Neo, for example) or a knowledge database like Linguatex. When working on a particular text or set of documents, your team can effectively collaborate by keeping said documents online and accessible to all team members in these tools.
10. Translation memory software
As we mentioned earlier, a translation memory (or ‘TM’) tool is a software program or application that can store and retrieve translations in different languages. The translation memory software you use should be compatible with the same programs used to write translation software programs (usually called ‘terminology tools’ or ‘computer translation programs’).
Some translation memory tools are built into word processors like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer, for example. When you review a segment of text in your native language (for example, English), the translation memory tool will store the translation in another language (say, French).
Other translation memory tools are separate applications or programs: when you need to review or edit a translation, you load the specific text into the translation memory tool. The translation from your source language into the target language will be displayed, along with any notes or tags, you added while translating. The translation memory software will also ‘check’ any new text you enter into the translator software, looking for matches. Every time the translation memory software finds a match, it’ll update the translation with the corrections you made to the previous translation.
Whatever tool or toolset you use, being a better translator means thinking about how to improve your own work process. Could you be working more efficiently with the tools you already have? What new tools might you need to learn or acquire to do your job better? As new technology develops, the translation industry will also see new tools develop.
The ATA Guide to Starting Out as a Translator is a fantastic e-book for anyone new to the translation profession. Whether you’re currently studying translation, a recent graduate, or making a career change, this e-book is your guide to kick off your translation career.
ATA-Guide-to-Starting-Out-as-a-Translator.pdf (atanet.org)
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eisbecherovka · 10 months
What the general public thinks translation is about: The impossible task of trying to replicate meaning 1:1 between two languages and the melancholic poetry of words being "lost in translation"
What translation is actually about: Opening task manager to put Trados down like a rabid dog
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alain-keler · 12 days
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Journal d'un photographe.
Un petit retour en arrière. Chypre 8 août 1977.
Comme souvent, c'est au mois d'Août qu'il se passe des évènements très importants, et beaucoup de photographes sont en vacances. Je faisais partie des nouveaux à Sygma, et, comme les scouts que je n'ai jamais fréquenté, j'étais toujours prêt.
Monseigneur Makarios, président de la partie sud de l’ile décède. Chypre a été coupée en deux après l'invasion turque de 1974. Chypre est en deuil. 
 Texte de Sygma au dos des planches contact.
" Nicosie, 8 Août 1977.
Les obsèques de Mgr Makarios se sont déroulées ce matin. Le corps du défunt a été inhumé dans les monts Trados, à une centaine de kilomètres de Nicosie, près du village natal de l'ethnarque, dans un mausolée qu'il avait fait construire de son vivant. 
Une foule nombreuse était venue saluer la dépouille mortelle de l'homme politique dont la succession ne s'avère pas simple".
 Sur la photo du journal d'aujourd'hui, la foule s'agglutine devant le lieu d'où partira le cortège. 
La suite au prochain numéro de ce journal. 
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szczekaczz · 2 months
if i had cats i would name them trados and memoq
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excelmike · 2 months
July 18, 2024
How can Language Service Providers manage scalability with increased project volumes?
Chat GPT's Response:
Optimizing Workflow Processes
Adopt Advanced Project Management Tools: Use tools like XTRF, MemoQ, or SDL Trados Studio for streamlined project management.
Automate Repetitive Tasks: Implement automation for quoting, invoicing, and project assignments.
Expanding Talent Pools
Build a Network of Freelancers: Create a pool of qualified freelance translators and editors.
Develop a Recruitment Strategy: Establish processes for hiring new team members with clear job descriptions and evaluation criteria.
Enhancing Technology and Infrastructure
Upgrade Technology Solutions: Invest in scalable, cloud-based TMS and CAT tools.
Leverage Cloud-Based Platforms: Use cloud solutions for flexibility in project management and data storage.
Managing Vendor Relationships
Develop a Vendor Database: Maintain a comprehensive list of vetted vendors with detailed profiles.
Foster Long-Term Partnerships: Build strong relationships through fair compensation and regular feedback.
Implementing Scalable Pricing Models
Create Subscription Services: Provide subscription models for clients needing ongoing support.
Adjust Pricing Strategically: Balance pricing to reflect cost-efficiency while maintaining quality.
Improving Process Efficiency and Automation
Automate Routine Processes: Use automation for project initiation, translation, and review phases.
Implement Efficient Tracking Systems: Utilize dashboards for real-time project tracking and resource management.
Enhancing Client Management
Assign Dedicated Account Managers: Offer personalized support through dedicated account managers.
Expand Service Offerings: Introduce new services like localization, transcreation, or multilingual SEO.
Strengthening Financial Planning and Management
Develop a Scalable Budget: Create a flexible budget that accommodates growth.
Monitor Financial Metrics: Track KPIs like profit margins and cash flow for financial health.
Improving Reporting and Analytics
Track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Monitor metrics such as turnaround time and client satisfaction.
Generate Detailed Reports: Use analytics for insights into performance and market trends.
Promoting Organizational Agility
Be Flexible and Adaptive: Develop processes that can quickly adjust to changes in project demands.
Encourage Continuous Improvement: Foster a culture where team members suggest and implement improvements.
These strategies provide a foundational approach for LSPs to manage increased project volumes effectively.
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tlumacztomasz · 4 months
Nowoczesne narzędzia wspomagające tłumaczenia – przegląd i porównanie
W dobie globalizacji oraz rosnącej potrzeby komunikacji międzynarodowej, tłumaczenia językowe stały się kluczowym elementem w wielu dziedzinach, od biznesu po edukację. Aby sprostać temu wyzwaniu, na rynku pojawiło się wiele nowoczesnych narzędzi wspomagających tłumaczenia. W artykule przedstawimy przegląd i porównanie najpopularniejszych z nich.
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1. Google Translate
Opis: Google Translate to jedno z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych narzędzi do tłumaczeń. Oferuje tłumaczenia tekstów, stron internetowych oraz rozmów na żywo w ponad 100 językach.
Darmowy dostęp.
Szybkość i prostota użytkowania.
Integracja z innymi usługami Google.
Jakość tłumaczeń zależy od języka; w niektórych przypadkach może być niedokładna.
Brak możliwości dostosowania tłumaczeń do kontekstu lub specyficznych potrzeb użytkownika.
2. DeepL Translator
Opis: DeepL to narzędzie tłumaczeniowe, które zdobyło uznanie za jakość swoich tłumaczeń. Wykorzystuje zaawansowane algorytmy sztucznej inteligencji do generowania bardziej naturalnych i dokładnych tłumaczeń.
Wysoka jakość tłumaczeń, zwłaszcza dla języków europejskich.
Opcja dostosowania stylu tłumaczenia (np. formalny/nieformalny).
Ograniczona liczba obsługiwanych języków w porównaniu do Google Translate.
Płatne plany subskrypcyjne wymagane do pełnego wykorzystania funkcjonalności.
3. SDL Trados Studio
Opis: SDL Trados Studio to zaawansowane narzędzie używane przez profesjonalnych tłumaczy. Oferuje szeroki zakres funkcji, w tym pamięci tłumaczeniowe, terminologie i integrację z innymi narzędziami CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation).
Wysokie możliwości personalizacji i zaawansowane funkcje.
Pamięci tłumaczeniowe, które umożliwiają ponowne wykorzystanie przetłumaczonych segmentów.
Obsługa dużych projektów tłumaczeniowych.
Wysoki koszt licencji.
Stroma krzywa nauki dla nowych użytkowników.
4. Microsoft Translator
Opis: Microsoft Translator to narzędzie oferowane przez firmę Microsoft. Umożliwia tłumaczenia tekstów, dokumentów, a także rozmów na żywo. Integruje się z innymi produktami Microsoft, takimi jak Office.
Integracja z ekosystemem Microsoft.
Możliwość tłumaczenia dokumentów w pakiecie Office.
Obsługa tłumaczeń w czasie rzeczywistym w aplikacji mobilnej.
Jakość tłumaczeń może być nierówna w zależności od języka.
Mniej zaawansowane opcje w porównaniu do dedykowanych narzędzi CAT.
5. Memsource
Opis: Memsource to platforma tłumaczeniowa oparta na chmurze, która oferuje narzędzia do zarządzania projektami tłumaczeniowymi. Skierowana jest głównie do firm i agencji tłumaczeniowych.
Platforma chmurowa umożliwia łatwą współpracę zdalną.
Integracja z narzędziami CAT i pamięciami tłumaczeniowymi.
Automatyzacja procesów tłumaczeniowych.
Koszty subskrypcji mogą być wysokie.
Potrzeba szkolenia, aby w pełni wykorzystać możliwości narzędzia.
6. Lokalizacja AI
Opis: Lokalizacja AI (Localization AI) to nowoczesne narzędzie wykorzystujące sztuczną inteligencję do automatyzacji procesów lokalizacyjnych, w tym tłumaczeń. Narzędzie to pomaga w adaptacji treści do specyficznych rynków i kultur.
Automatyzacja i przyspieszenie procesów tłumaczeniowych.
Dostosowanie tłumaczeń do lokalnych kontekstów kulturowych.
Wsparcie dla wielu formatów treści.
Może wymagać dużych inwestycji na początkowym etapie.
Zależność od jakości danych treningowych AI.
Wybór odpowiedniego narzędzia wspomagającego tłumaczenia zależy od specyficznych potrzeb użytkownika. Dla codziennych, prostych tłumaczeń Google Translate i Microsoft Translator są wystarczające. Profesjonalni tłumacze i firmy tłumaczeniowe mogą z kolei skorzystać z bardziej zaawansowanych narzędzi, takich jak SDL Trados Studio czy Memsource, które oferują zaawansowane funkcje zarządzania projektami i pamięci tłumaczeniowe. DeepL wyróżnia się jakością tłumaczeń, szczególnie dla języków europejskich, natomiast Lokalizacja AI zapewnia nowoczesne podejście do lokalizacji treści z wykorzystaniem sztucznej inteligencji.
Każde z tych narzędzi ma swoje mocne i słabe strony, dlatego kluczowe jest dokładne zrozumienie swoich potrzeb i wybranie narzędzia, które najlepiej im odpowiada.
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artsburopassports · 4 months
От тайского до русского: советы профессионалов по переводу
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Перевод с одного языка на другой — задача не из легких, особенно когда речь идет о таких языках, как тайский и русский. Оба языка имеют свои уникальные особенности и сложности, и чтобы успешно справиться с этой задачей, нужны определенные навыки и знания. В этой статье мы поделимся профессиональными советами и методами, которые помогут сделать перевод с тайского языка на русский более точным и понятным.
Перевод с тайского языка на русский может показаться непростой задачей. Тайский язык отличается от русского по грамматике, лексике и произношению. В этой статье мы рассмотрим ключевые аспекты и поделимся полезными советами, которые помогут сделать этот процесс проще и эффективнее. Готовы начать это увлекательное путешествие в мир перевода?
Особенности тайского языка
Тайский язык, или ภาษาไทย (пхаасаа тай), — это тоновый язык, что означает, что изменение тона произношения может менять смысл слова. Кроме того, в тайском нет пробелов между словами, и порядок слов в предложении отличается от русского.
Тоновая система
В тайском языке пять основных тонов: высокий, средний, низкий, восходящий и нисходящий. Каждый из этих тонов может полностью изменить значение слова. Например, слово "ใหม่" может означать "новый" или "дерево", в зависимости от тона.
Грамматика и синтаксис
Грамматика тайского языка значительно проще русской. В тайском нет падежей и родов, а также глаголы не изменяются по лицам и числам. Однако порядок слов в предложении может быть непривычным для носителя русского языка.
Сложности перевода
Перевод с тайского языка на русский требует внимательности и тщательного анализа. Важно не только переводить слова, но и передавать смысл и эмоциональную окраску высказываний.
Лексические различия
Некоторые слова и выражения в тайском языке не имеют прямых аналогов в русском. Это требует творческого подхода и умения находить адекватные эквиваленты.
Культурные различия
Культура Таиланда и России существенно различается, что также влияет на перевод. Например, вежливые формы обращения и социальные нормы могут требовать дополнительных пояснений или адаптации в переводе.
Методы перевода
Чтобы сделать перевод с тайского языка на русский максимально точным, можно использовать несколько проверенных методов.
Прямой перевод
Этот метод подходит для простых текстов, где слова и выражения имеют прямые аналоги в русском языке. Однако такой подход не всегда эффективен для сложных текстов.
При переводе сложных текстов важно не только передавать слова, но и адаптировать их под культурные и языковые особенности целевой аудитории. Это помогает сделать текст более понятным и приемлемым для читателей.
Комбинированный подход
Часто для перевода сложных текстов используется комбинация прямого перевода и адаптации. Это позволяет сохранить точность и при этом сделать текст доступным и интересным для русскоязычной аудитории.
Использование технологий
Современные технологии могут значительно упростить процесс перевода. Важно знать, какие инструменты и программы могут быть полезны для переводчика.
Машинный перевод
Сервисы машинного перевода, такие как Google Translate, могут помочь с черновым переводом текста. Однако важно помнить, что такие переводы часто требуют значительной доработки и корректировки.
Программное обеспечение для перевода
Существуют специализированные программы, такие как SDL Trados и MemoQ, которые помогают управлять процессом перевода, сохранять терминологию и улучшать качество перевода.
Культурные нюансы
При переводе с тайского языка на русский важно учитывать культурные особенности и контекст.
Социальные нормы и вежливость
В тайской культуре большое значение придается вежливости и уважению к старшим. Это отражается в языке, где используются специальные слова и формы для выражения вежливости. В русском языке таких форм меньше, поэтому переводчику нужно быть внимательным, чтобы правильно передать эти нюансы.
Исторический контекст
Некоторые термины и выражения могут иметь исторические или культурные корни, которые важны для понимания текста. Переводчику нужно уметь находить эквиваленты или объяснять эти термины в переводе.
Советы по улучшению навыков перевода
Чтобы стать успешным переводчиком, важно постоянно развивать свои навыки и знания.
Чтение литературы
Чтение книг и статей на тайском и русском языках помогает расширить словарный запас и улучшить понимание языка.
Практика перевода
Регулярная практика перевода текстов разной сложности помогает улучшить навыки и научиться справляться с различными задачами.
Обратная связь
Получение обратной связи от более опытных переводчиков или носителей языка помогает выявить ошибки и улучшить качество перевода.
Проверка и редактура
После перевода текста важно провести его тщательную проверку и редактуру.
Переводчик должен внимательно перечитать текст, чтобы найти и исправить возможные ошибки и неточности.
Редакторская проверка
Привлечение профессионального редактора помогает улучшить качество текста и сделать его более читабельным и понятным.
Частые ошибки
Избегайте распространенных ошибок, которые могут снизить качество перевода.
Литеральный перевод
Перевод слов в буквальном смысле часто приводит к непониманию текста. Важно учитывать контекст и передавать смысл, а не только слова.
Игнорирование культурных особенностей
Неучет культурных различий может привести к неправильной интерпретации текста. Переводчик должен быть знаком с культурой и обычаями как исходного, так и целевого языка.
Ресурсы для переводчиков
Существуют различные ресурсы, которые могут помочь переводчикам улучшить свои навыки и знания.
Онлайн-словари и глоссарии
Использование онлайн-словарей и глоссариев помогает найти точные эквиваленты и термины.
Сообщества переводчиков
Участие в сообществах переводчиков, таких как форумы и социальные сети, позволяет обмениваться опытом и получать поддержку от коллег.
Перевод с тайского языка на ру��ский — это сложная, но увлекательная задача. С помощью профессиональных советов и правильных методов можно сделать этот процесс более эффективным и результативным. Не забывайте развивать свои навыки, использовать современные технологии и учитывать культурные особенности. Удачи в переводе!
Часто задаваемые вопросы
1. Как начать переводить с тайского языка на русский?
Для начала изучите основы тайского языка и его грамматику. Практикуйте перевод простых текстов и постепенно переходите к более сложным.
2. Какие инструменты могут помочь в переводе?
Используйте машинные переводчики для чернового перевода и специализированные программы для управления процессом перевода, такие как SDL Trados и MemoQ.
3. Как избежать распространенных ошибок в переводе?
Избегайте буквального перевода и учитывайте контекст и культурные особенности. Проводите тщательную проверку и редактуру текста.
4. Где найти ресурсы для улучшения навыков перевода?
Используйте онлайн-словари, глоссарии и сообщества переводчиков для получения поддержки и обмена опытом.
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444names · 7 months
Names generated from all the marked locations in TES:IV Oblivion
Abindo Abing Abusek Aersian Alhom Aller Allsplewel Alwitartow Ambel Amehregatts Amend Andair Andlead Apscial Arboy Aredming Arety Arlor Arockent Arrage Artlan Askine Atands Atbred Atchoming Aterelecor Athwenmin Atrot...
Baalmokens Baasecrus Baassitte Banatel Bandes Bants Banust Bardeck Barfrol Bargo Barthery Baturet Bayous Bayout Becids Beckanda Becoade Becreswen Berpen Blader Blettshad Blics Blift Blinhall Blodcradle Blows Blueed Blues Bolad Bonew Bonunt Boodired Booter Boringmine Bottlad Bregylarfry Brehern Brind Brine Brots Browinedmis Busherperen Cadle Calke Callsont Candisa Cappleakera Carken Carkend Carkfarfro Cartatre Caveds Cedminkeren Chaysta Chmank Choloorroll Chomingoome Chots Clagia Claked Clated Cleasteliff Clowhides Coadooder Coaseetone Colabawn Colleafrone Comblagior Comblooderm Copples Coven Cover Covered Coverega Crest Cretyminell Croatim Croxey Crumalach Culwarn Curazan Curefughcre Cused Cyrock Darked Dartorm Daverah Dedming Dedmists Deragny Derey Derfrock Destim Dirust Ditersed Divild Doodel Doodged Dunts Dzondow Dzonewesek Eastan Eatair Eceselood Eckerpel Ecrelion Edmine Emeherow Ensen Ented Faculuntack Facupty Fandast Fardinkhey Fatheatch Fireat Fiste Fiveynota Flagasete Flead Floderostra Flord Flowlan Foldav Foldho Forcamed Forthelasek Froslo Fyron Gagiande Garsfo Glasek Glernets Gleyel Glynorn Gnorn Goble Gobleret Gondard Gones Gonesewey Gonibel Goteds Grager Grassail Greasts Greheyaw Gride Grinn Guics Hackan Hackhomp Hadend Halous Hamblicus Hapstopsed Harrent Hasesou Haunding Haunealosta Hausested Haval Heaston Helas Herbecoll Herfive Hightaine Hightersil Hights Hinety Hintick Hithore Holemine Holow Holveidder Homberey Homblor Homedming Hordran Horedge Horreen Howline Hring Impil Inewes Ingellood Inhaf Inhalholl Insilverms Ireak Islenaces Jimpy Joblanded Jobleasts Kerive Kinfee Kinha Kinsine Knightine Kninen Kvahtimed Kvall Labek Lance Lanceah Lapsel Light Litard Lited Loodrall Lorboder Lovirel Lunder Maged Mands Mappron Marre Marres Marroutcol Matedming Matertlap Maylle Mazon Medming Meravahts Minga Mokeleande Moketch Monds Morde Mothest Mount Moured Mouttle Nacalsol Nampy Neloss Niand Nibeckhele Nibek Nibern Ningedming Nirthwely Nisle Niveyaw Nolad Nomin Nonda Nonindiil Noriusted Notellet Noter Notterots Nowlashatim Nustertus Ogweleveist Oldabitming Omeada Omontonon Oncest Ondiing Onger Onone Onturenia Onyoutle Ouggle Ouned Ounts Ouran Pallatch Pallibelly Parclawen Pitminquict Pling Plunglesone Plunn Poine Popproleds Poset Pridern Prine Proppriand Quance Quandaven Ralhorn Raniber Reepingreed Regiand Relan Rester Reswedmine Rickent Rinhall Rocken Roldasering Rortarke Rosill Rossewt Rotchal Rottlen Rounibek Runetchaled Rustedmil Sagen Scarms Seciall Sedmine Seleace Selken Sepinets Serbellave Sested Shabayisius Shale Shapscandle Shaured Shests Shigh Shincambea Shitincen Shito Shrepwater Shrock Sideak Sider Sideste Sidew Simption Skine Slipscarged Slord Smandis Smuckhom Sonlynn Squesecoal Squits Stempy Stick Strickana Strine Stroblacen Strocken Surey Swendste Tacal Taleadave Tallibert Taloved Tapscan Tatbrius Tavline Teleyll Terykter Theisleepty Thwen Thwens Timptireet Tinge Tiong Tiverpenik Tomins Toomornamon Torand Tordruma Torselothit Tracus Trado Trage Tragondst Traladoge Tralempen Trandow Tredmancarn Tregyle Trelo Trian Tricialead Trictaken Trielken Trock Troebele Trokellict Tross Trowharch Twatursin Twoodir Twyllas Udedunkhel Ulwincrus Ulwine Useldcres Valdt Valick Vedmin Vellynort Vicit Villow Vingrad Virus Vitornand Vlanigh Vlawinded Vlick Wamen Waraund Wedmin Welbe Weleatus Welow Wents Werets Werfiew Weyll Wiilla Wings Woorazonyx
Same thing but higher order.
Abanda Abandirt Abandle Acrost Aerial Agedmine Agelda Alletedmine Ambleakneck Ancres Ancrets Angalo Anulus Apple Arcoastrand Argon Argonia Arpent Arpentail Arrery Atarusted Athroater Atrolavicus Atrollagea Aurustedman Ayish Ayisheoth Ayisheoths Azural Baash Barrius Basing Batius Baturasecul Bawnet Beastaff Beenmead Beenmine Beldhouse Bellen Belleted Belley Bellmoor Blacen Blach Blans Bloat Bloate Blood Bloodead Bloodean Blooded Bodead Bogwatch Boots Bordered Bother Bowlinda Bramp Braver Braverhom Bravern Bravicus Brelict Brelion Brittler Brota Bulwar Bulwarield Cadle Camondonel Campy Candstor Canus Capse Capstoot Captiver Caveyond Cedrock Ceyata Chand Chanda Chapelley Chest Chornander Cland Clough Coastater Collagea Collaps Colle Colly Copsed Corbone Counted Cover Crest Crossandone Cruma Crust Cuptorbek Cyrock Darkfat Daseculots Dasel Deepscornal Dered Deseral Deserch Desercliff Desertower Desolatar Diricts Dirtue Dister Dividewatch Doome Doubleak Doublepe Dragonia Dragutted Drakel Draken Drunn Eastand Eastrich Echome Edguardava Edguardinge Eleakmine Elemen Elepe Emplew Estoots Exhaunt Exhaunted Exhaust Facial Fallindre Fanacasek Farror Feedstor Felgagedman Fiela Fieldt Fighlanda Fighlans Fights Finsela Fishatte Fisheoths Flast Flater Flecial Floodman Floodwill Flower Foamira Fores Formercliff Forsius Forst Frond Fyrel Fyrelict Garlast Garlun Garlundered Garlunderel Gater Gaters Gerber Ghost Glada Glerock Gnolly Gobling Goldcorbek Gooded Gotted Gravil Greak Green Gutter Hackheast Halman Hamelict Hance Handelepe Harmallen Haust Hayne Heart Heistirus Heldhouse Herleakmilk Hermalaw Highlans Highter Hightinge Hights Hillach Holly Horun Horunes Hotem Howlin Hroad Hrotch Illack Infest Infests Inhabite Inhabitine Inhal Inhalman Insidewatch Isleed Isted Istrell Jensa Jension Kements Laken Larbowling Larsh Larsimer Leveleah Leveleman Levelepe Leyatate Liber Lingmine Lingreaken Lornal Lostfire Lottleman Malletorbek Marand Maraudere Markved Matrel Mazor Mehrun Mehrunn Mongreed Morandstar Mosling Mossess Mountainian Mounted Nagast Nagastal Namine Narfins Natul Nenay Nendir Nenyand Newland Nikelone Ninenal Nisinkhole Nonunga Norther Northerleak Northinbone Numbe Officide Officides Ogreedumph Ogreyland Olanken Oldcorbek Omedmine Oments Ondoned Onedmine Orrow Orrowhavern Outher Outhered Overial Pantheart Pants Parthing Patrenegade Patrond Patrony Patross Pinna Piukand Piukandit Plack Plackdir Pother Prina Prine Promiscal Punken Questbrid Quicked Redmine Regyl Renmare Repairich Rickwood Rivering Rivers Rugdum Rumaraudere Rumber Rumbleak Sageldt Sagensa Sainia Savlia Scallia Scallin Scarcane Scinine Sciningmine Secrest Secrose Seculots Seekindai Sentius Septiver Seral Serian Serict Serin Serine Sering Serpales Serpenia Serted Sertedmine Seveleah Shaft Sharobatius Shatte Shatted Shattedmine Sherock Shetcomb Shetcomber Shetcome Shrinda Shring Sidewater Silord Silverial Silverine Silvern Silvers Sisted Smallion Somedmine Southead Squand Squander Standit Standits Stands Starnet Statatarn Stong Strap Stried Suician Suitorsfont Suitorsius Swamp Swelle Systead Systed Tarenegade Tarus Taversity Telen Telenglynn Thead Theartlaws Theldt Therock Thinbone Thole Threenmine Throated Throt Throtandit Tiben Tibena Tided Timatrel Timatrosier Torber Torsimer Trand Tridge Trolatater Trond Uderbek Uderedmine Udersity Ultim Underpent Unive Univeringo Unmark Urall Urasekmoor Vahtacus Valle Varob Varond Varsime Veyard Veyawik Vinda Vindawiin Vlask Vlastatarn Vlastrap Walke Warief Wateredge Wateredmine Weatures Weetwater Wellmoor Wenderted Wendredmine Westbridge Weynonunga Weynonwyll Weynot Whited Whitmongres Witharm Woodman Woodrun Woodrunn
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