blondthndrninja · 10 years
Going for a fem!Law X Nami fic here…working on it right now….goddamn even as a female Law is just so freakin hawt. 
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rubberbitch · 10 years
trafalgarlawko came for an adventure
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zxroko-blog · 10 years
"May i borrow your materials to sharpen swords?"
"Yeah, sure," Zoe went to grab the said items from their usual location before tossing the bundle at the other female.
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blondthndrninja · 10 years
Genderbent LawNa AU!
I got the inspiration for this fic by listening to this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUu1YQZv3BE
Fun fact: The first time I heard it was at a talent show where a girl sang it, it was so cute!
Title: Latte Boy
Rated: Everyone
Pairing: fem!Law X Male! Nami
Bonus: fem! Usopp makes an appearance! 
He was working there again at the register of the coffee stand in the lobby of the hospital. She watched as the orange haired man shouted out another order to the long-nosed woman who worked alongside him. She could help but admire how attractive his physique was in that standard black polo shirt and green apron, and his eyes reminded her of the freshly brewed coffee that he served to the customers. He usually worked in the mornings on some days, and others would be during the afternoons when she had time to herself and wasn’t performing surgery on patients.
‘I wonder if this is all he does for a living?’ Lawko wondered to herself as she saw him flip the lever on one of the machines to prepare a vanilla latte for a customer, ‘Though he’s rather young, maybe he’s a student at the University?’
Shaking off her thoughts, Lawko made her way up to the counter, her golden eyes gazing into those warm brown ones.
“Ah, good morning.” The orange haired man said, adjusting his black cap on his head, “How are you?”
Lawko couldn’t help but smirk, “Fine, I’d like a double latte please.”
“Sure thing.” The orange haired man said holding up a cup and a pen, “Name?”
  The orange haired man gave a nod before writing on the cup and handing it to the long-nosed woman, “Double latte for Lawko!”
  Lawko swore her heart skipped a beat when she heard him say her name.
  “Would you like anything else with that?”
  She returned to her senses, feeling a bit embarrassed that she had spaced out and shook her head, “N-no thank you.”
  “You sure? We have some fresh croissants for just $1.50!”
  Lawko gave a small frown, “I don’t like bread.”
  The orange haired man sighed and gave her a smile, “Strange, most pretty girls don’t refuse that one. Oh well, your total comes to $3.55.”
  Lawko handed him her card, ‘You would think he’s using his looks and charms to squeeze money out of people.’ She thought to herself.
  “Thank you! Have a good day~!” he said handing her back the piece of plastic.
  Lawko only nodded her head and moved over to retrieve her drink that the long-nosed woman had finished making. She took her drink and sat down at a table that was far from the coffee stand but at an angle to keep the orange haired man within her view.
  Taking a sip of the coffee that was in her hand Lawko gave a sigh of satisfaction, ‘I wonder what his name is?’ she wondered to himself, ‘Or if he lives nearby….’ Lawko then shook her head, ‘No, what am I doing? I have no reason to be interested in someone like that!’ She put down her drink and then noticed the writing that was on the cup.
  ‘TORA-CHAN’ Lawko DL
  “Tora-chan?” she whispered in confusion and looked up at the coffee stand. She looked directly at the orange haired man who had just finished taking another order and then looked in her direction. He gave her another smile and then a wink before moving over to the machines to help out the long-nosed woman make the drinks.
  Lawko felt her face heat up at his action and looked back down at her drink before smirking. “So…he is a flirt.” She whispered before pulling a pen out of her pocket and grabbing a napkin from the napkin dispenser on the table.
  “Geez, thank God the busy hours are over!” Namizo said to himself as he wiped down the machines, ‘You think people would figure it out and make their own breakfast at home. Oh well, more money for us!’
  “Namizo!” a voice called out.
  The orange haired man’s head shot up, “Yeah, what’s up Usoppko? Find a twenty on the ground?”
  The long-nosed woman scoffed, “You wish! But I did find something, this was on one of the tables!” 
  "What's the hell?” Namizo grabbed the napkin from Usoppko and looked at it. Written in pen on the napkin were the following words: Latte-boy, I may not like bread but I do like dinner. Call me sometime. –Tora-chan
  The words were followed by a number and Namizo’s brown eyes widened before looking at Usoppko, “W-What table did you find this at?”
�� “Oh, the one where that woman scary looking woman sat. The one with the tattoos and gold eyes. She was starting at you a lot more than usual today! I think she really likes you!”
  Namizo felt his cheeks heat up as Usoppko giggled. He gave a sigh, “How the hell can you like someone you don’t even know?”
  “Regardless, you should at least call her. I think she’s expecting you to.” Usoppko said.
  “But then I’d have to spend money! I’m a broke college student, I can’t afford a date!”
  Usoppko crossed her arms, “It’s no wonder you’ve always had trouble getting a date. You’re too cheap.”
  “No I’m not! I’m frugal! And honestly, my tastes in women have become a lot more stingy from hanging out with you and the girls!”
  Usoppko rolled her eyes, “Whatever, I’m getting back to cleaning.”
  Namizo turned away and looked down at the napkin he was still holding, ‘Well she did make an effort to write this…and….she is very pretty.’
  Taking a deep breath he pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed the number, he waited in suspense as the phone began to ring.
  “Hello latte-boy.” A voice finally said.
  Namizo felt his heart pound in his chest as he heard the woman’s melodic voice, “H-Hey, who are you calling a boy? I'm a graduate student!”
  A small chuckle was heard, “Are you now? So do you have a name?”
  “Namizo.” He said with a small smile, “…And I heard you like dinner.” 
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blondthndrninja · 10 years
Hurt/Comfort Genderbent LawNa
Since I'm still not over the angst I decided to take it out on my writing….and genderbend it in the process. 
Title: Hold Me
Rated: Everyone
Pairing: fem!Law X male!Nami
Namizo walked through the Sunny carrying a cartography book in his hand along with a flashlight and in the other a mug of hot chocolate. It was one of those nights where sleep was hard to come by. So he figured, by heading to his small sanctuary amongst the mikan trees he would have a better chance of relaxing. As he opened the door to where he knew his trees were, exposing himself to the night sky he stiffened as he heard an unusual sound.
  He looked over and noticed that the strange sound was coming from where he kept the mikan trees. Namizo’s first guess was that Luka was trying to steal a midnight snack, but as he listened closer…he knew something was up.
  The distinct sound of sobbing echoed in the grove, the sobbing of a woman….and the orange haired navigator was pretty sure that it wasn’t Luka.
  ‘Who could that be?’ he asked himself as he slowly descended down the stairs and made his way into the foliage look behind one of the mikan trees. Namizo’s had to bite his lip in order to gasp from surprise. A woman dressed in a long black coat was sitting on his longue chair with her face buried in her slender tattooed hands, and her entire body seemed to heave whenever she let out a sob. Never had Namizo heard something so wretched and heartbreaking in his life and felt his own heart ache at the sounds that he heard. It also worried him greatly, for this was no ordinary woman who was releasing her sorrows into the night, this was the feared shichibukai, the Captain of the Heart Pirates, Trafalgar Lawko.
  Namizo clutched tighter to the mug he was holding, ‘Tora-chan, what’s causing you so much pain?’ he stepped forward making his presence known. Lawko’s head shot up, golden eyes were bloodshot and her face was wet with her tears that were freely running down her face. The orange haired navigator kept his face neutral as he stepped towards Lawko with as much caution as one would when approaching a wild animal. She was in a vulnerable state and he knew better then to provoke her.
  Finally he was standing in front of her, and knelt down with the mug of hot chocolate “Here.” He said quietly, and laid the mug down on the small table that was next to the longue chair before adjusting himself to his full height, “Feel free to stay here as long as you like, just don’t eat my mikans.” Namizo said turning around, feeling it was best to give the woman some space.
  That’s when he felt hands grab his arms causing him to drop the book and the flashlight.
  “Stay.” He heard her whisper and felt her tears soak the back of his shirt.
  Namizo turned around to face the woman placing one hand on her shoulder and the other on her waist, “Tora-chan…”
  “Please….just stay here.” she whimpered as fresh tears built up in her golden eyes. Namizo felt as if his heart had just been torn in half when he saw her face and felt a lump form in his throat. Her look and body language said it all: 'Don't leave me.' Almost instinctively he wrapped his arms around the woman pulling her into his chest and then sitting them both down on the longue chair with her lying between his legs.
  Namizo felt one of her hands tighten her grip on his shirt and she rubbed her face against his chest, as if trying to hide herself from whatever was causing her so much pain. The orange haired navigator moved his hand up from her shoulder and ran his fingers through her short midnight blue hair with great care as her body shook from her sobs.
  “Tora-chan…do you want to talk-”
  “No!” Lawko protested sharply and pulled herself closer to Namizo, “I…just….hold me…I just want you to hold me.”
  Namizo didn't provoke her any further, after all he hadn’t been open about sharing his past when he first became part of the Strawhats. But he knew she would probably open up eventually, all he could do was be patient. So he wrapped his arms tighter around her, making sure her head rested comfortably against his chest. He looked at the woman in his arms who seemed more relaxed in his hold and this made a small soft smile form on his lips.
  “…Namizo-ya….” He heard her whisper.
  “….Thank you.”
  Namizo’s chocolate eyes softened and he bent his head down to gently kiss the top of the woman’s head, ‘Lawko, I would do anything for you to be happy.’ He silently confessed before tilting his head back in the chair and looking up at the stars. ‘Because the truth is…I love you.’
  With that last thought in mind the navigator closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. 
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