#traffic law
The already-risky practice of overtaking an annoyingly slow-moving snow plow could soon be illegal in Ontario. New legislature tabled by the provincial government on Tuesday aims to pass a sweeping list of changes designed to cut what Doug Ford's Ontario PC party characterizes as "red tape," including measures to clamp down on plow-passers on highways. The bluntly-worded Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023 includes 42 initiatives that, if passed, the government claims will "save businesses, not-for-profits, and the broader public sector $119 million in net annual regulatory compliance costs."
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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Walking person vs. Rolling person Etiquette?
We were at Pride last weekend. The time or place or event is largely irrelevant, but imagine a venue like a large public park, or an amusement park with big swaths of grass instead of roller coasters. There are wide walkways that are 90% flat; a few bumps show up where there are repaired cracks or manhole covers and stuff like that. While it’s not advertised as super accessible, it’s perfectly fine for mobility equipment as long as you’re observant of the paths from the handicapped parking to the wheelchair curb to the main park walkway, etc.
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The major issue that became clear almost immediately, though, was that the event was packed with excited participants. (From a Pride perspective, that’s super awesome, and a lot of people are gregariously friendly and complimentary of my rainbow wheelchair tray.) Due to the way the event is set up, there are vendors and organizations in tents on both sides of multiple main walkways. There’s a large semi-circle of food vendors. The middle grassy area is full of people in lawn chairs/ lounging and listening to live music and watching performers on the main stage.
It’s all totally to be expected. I wouldn’t go to a big event like that and expect it to be unpopular or empty of other people. However, the people walking and moving along the walkways are not observing the “walk on the right-hand side of the path” guideline that generally controls traffic in crowds. There are vendors on both sides, so there is temptation to zigzag, but going all the way to the end and U-turning is much leas disruptive to the movement flow.
Regarding my locomotion, I don’t self-propel. I don’t have the upper body strength to make my chair go more than a few inches, especially when I have a gear bag hanging from my handles on the back. When I’m indoors on a hard floor, like linoleum, I do on-the-spot turns, like to come out of an elevator facing forward, but I can’t go down a hallway or anything by myself. I need a helper.
So, when we’re at Pride, we’re observing the “stick to the right” generalization, and trying to keep our party of 7 fairly close together, since it consists of 2 wheelchairs, one wagon, 4 walkers, and, among those, 4 deaf people. We pause frequently to talk to vendors and to do stuff like adjust clip-on fans and drink water. I don’t think at any point we clogged the walkway; we mostly stayed in a line. But, people kept walking by me and scooting in between me and DD (my helper) and hip-checking my chair, and just being a little too close for comfort. Most of them said “excuse me.” The words came out before they shoved on through.
I found that rather not ok. Some of it is personal preference, because I’m a word nerd, and I think words and phrases ought to be used by their proper definitions (“excuse me” is an apology, thus said after the offense. Something like “pardon” refers to action whoops, so better choice during the offense… but I know that’s nit picky and dumb to try to make a standard). But, the true issue here is this: in the case of one walking and one rolling person, who should accommodate whom?
I’m not that much of a jerk that I think just because I’m in a chair that I need to be treated like royalty that’s in an untouchable bubble. I realize I’m in a public space, and interacting with people is a thing.
But, like, when you’re on a hiking path that also allows bicycles, you don’t start chasing down a bicycle if you see one and rub your elbow across the rider’s face. You carefully pass one another. Maybe acknowledge each other. And if the path is super narrow, isn’t it traditional and most polite for the hiker to carefully step aside until the bicycle passes?
If it’s an impossible location, like my chair is blocking the only gap between a tent and a wall, I’ll ask DD to move me. But otherwise, wouldn’t it just be easier and more respectful and more comfortable for all involved if the walker chose the next most convenient place to change direction?
I’m also sort of a naturally anxious/guilty person, and I often feel the need to fall inferior to the other person and get myself and my stuff out of the way (yeah, you can thank my roommate for reinforcing that habit). However, I’m also easily offended to be told I’m wrong or doing something incorrectly, especially by someone who is out of the loop. So, I found myself looking to DD (who is deaf) and my roommate (who is deaf) for reassurance or direction of what to do. I didn’t really get answers. That’s ok, because there was just so much chaos.
The more I think about it, though, the more I think I’ve come to a conclusion. There’s a loose hierarchy of pedestrian/vehicle etiquette, such as kids playing in the cul-de-sac vacate for cars. Pedestrians on the sidewalk accommodate bicycles. Cars accommodate racing/commuting bicycles in bike lanes/bike boxes/observing traffic law. In general, wheels have power over feet, yet the relative vulnerability of all parties involved must also be observed. A wheelchair is most similar to a bicycle, so a pedestrian should work around it. Additionally, a wheelchair user is more vulnerable than a pedestrian, so again, the pedestrian should observe the safety of the wheelchair when planning their own movements.
I’m not trying to make edicts or enforce laws. I’m trying to logic my way through something that didn’t make a lot of sense. If you have thoughts, feel free to share. It’s not just one opinion that counts, after all.
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robfontaine1 · 2 years
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Many drivers are unfairly cited for traffic violations. They may lead to paying fines, driving school costs, and having the driver's license suspended. Get the legal assistance you deserve by hiring an attorney from our firm as soon as possible and avoid having to deal with these potentially irritating consequences.
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sittinwithyou · 6 months
No, you go ahead.
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artificer4396 · 7 months
“Following traffic laws is the same as bootlicking!”
The entire problem with cops is that they *ignore* the law and jeopardize others’ safety for their own convenience. That isn’t an excuse for you to tailgate someone with your high beams on for being just 5 mph over the limit.
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jbcorbanlawyers · 9 months
Driving Defence: The benefits of hiring a lawyer who specialses in traffic law
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Hiring a specialized traffic law attorney can be a game-changer when facing driving-related charges. These legal experts possess in-depth knowledge of traffic laws, regulations, and local nuances, providing a strong defense. They can navigate complex legal processes, negotiate reduced penalties or fines, and, in some cases, even help avoid license suspension. Additionally, a skilled traffic lawyer can explore potential errors in law enforcement procedures or evidence, improving your chances of a favorable outcome. By investing in their expertise, you not only protect your driving record but also your financial well-being and peace of mind. Don't navigate traffic charges alone—hire a traffic law specialist today.
Click Here To Know More: https://jbcorbanlawyers.blogspot.com/2023/09/driving-defence-benefits-of-hiring_25.html
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joshbales · 9 months
When I roll through a stop sign — with no other car or person in sight, or course — I like to quickly tap the brake as a friendly tip o’ the hat to traffic law. Acab includes everyone who doesn’t like this post, btw. Sorry, I don’t make the rules!
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elicatkin · 1 year
Could Hugo the west end cat change the law? - BBC News
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arthrussell · 1 year
সড়ক পরিবহণ আইন, ২০১৮ এর ১০৫ ধারা ও অন্যান্য
PC – Pexels সড়ক দুর্ঘটনা র��ধে ও ‘নিরাপদ সড়ক চাই’ আন্দোলনকারীদের দাবীর প্রেক্ষিতে সরকার ২০১৮ সালে সড়ক পরিবহণ আইন, ২০১৮ নামে নতুন একটি আইন প্রণয়ন করেন। এই আইনের ১০৫ ধারায় বলা হয়েছে, মোটরযান চালনাজনিত কোনো দুর্ঘটনায় গুরুতরভাবে কোনো ব্যক্তি আহত হলে কিংবা মারা গেলে, তৎসংক্রান্ত অপরাধসমূহ বাংলাদেশ দণ্ডবিধি অনুযায়ী অপরাধ হিসেবে গণ্য হবে। আরও বলা হয়েছে যে, দণ্ডবিধি, ১৮৬০ এর ৩০৪খ তে যাই থাকুক না কেন,…
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tyxaar · 5 months
A compiled list of various severe crimes committed by one Mr Scar of the Good Times, exact counts pending. Cannibalism (Multiple counts) War profiteering Trading of Souls Grave robbing Fraud of multiple varieties Racketeering Arson (Like a lot of it) Unethical experimentation Acts of Terror Spiritual possession Contract killing Sale of human remains Ritual sacrifice Oathbreaking Violation of the real life Geneva Convention Deceptive marketing Kidnapping Desecration of a sacred place Whatever tf Area 77 had going on Insider trading Extortion Patricide Matricide Unsafe building practices Holy war Desecration of corpses Market manipulation Treason Tax evasion Murder (Lots and lots) Large-scale extreme vandalism Mass enviromental destruction Political corruption Identity fraud
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gotocourt · 1 year
Brisbane traffic lawyers - Go To Court lawyers
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Guidelines For Using Traffic Lawyers to Your Advantage
The law is a complex as well as varied subject and also there are various area of the law - a few of which are related and others of which bear little relationship per other. Discovering the right lawyer for your specific requirements is very important if you hope to have the ability to win an instance in court and prevent a heavy fine or various other charges or alternatively if you are trying to get compensation yourself. If you require criminal legal representatives as an example after that this will be for a criminal court case, whereas separation legal representatives can aid you in a divorce negotiation certainly.
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It's extremely vital that you select the ideal type of lawyer for the particular areas of the regulation you are handling, since this will make sure that they have one of the most pertinent knowledge as well as experience to aid you win your case as opposed to an extra broad expertise that is much less appropriate and comprehensive. Traffic lawyers then will help you in cases where you are in dispute over a ticket or a crash. If for example you find yourself on the receiving end of a traffic ticket or speeding ticket that you do not think was your fault, after that you may decide to use traffic lawyers in order to say your instance and also stay clear of understanding on your certificate and also the nasty fine. You may choose to utilize traffic lawyers in the circumstances that you have had a cars and truck accident and also don't think it's your mistake.
Traffic lawyers can help in either of these scenarios in a selection of means. For instance, when it comes to a speeding ticket there are numerous loopholes that could help you to get around the issue. As an example if the rate sign, or perhaps the roadway indicator were to be blurred or in anyhow illegible then that might assist you to fight a ticket as you could realistically argue that you were unaware of the limit. Traffic lawyers play an important function right here since there are many situations where people end up paying for tickets that they really did not be entitled to - and if you wind up shedding your certificate as a result after that this can end up extremely significantly altering your way of life for the worse. A traffic lawyer has several duties and also can aid in many means to guarantee a positive end result in a court case. For traffic lawyers or Criminal Lawyers, click this web link: Discharge Without Conviction.
In the case of a traffic mishap then you may use a traffic lawyer to either protect on your own or to prosecute somebody else in a civil litigation instance. Here the duties of a traffic lawyer and also criminal lawyers could overlap in cases where you are being prosecuted for criminal driving - such as a hit and run. Here there are various little bits of evidence that can operate in your favour if you are innocent. A mark on the road may tell the court where you started damaging or your specific trajectory. Witnesses as well as CCTV could be able to suggest even more information, as can the nature of the damages to the cars and/or residential property. As such it can assist you significantly to act quickly when you think you are going to need a traffic lawyer to take the names as well as varieties of prospective witnesses as well as to make a note of any details that might be pertinent at a later day.
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armstronglegal · 2 years
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premimtimes · 2 years
‘See these bastards... I will call the governor,’ Arise TV anchor lashes out at traffic police
‘See these bastards… I will call the governor,’ Arise TV anchor lashes out at traffic police
An Arise TV anchor who flouted the traffic law on Monday lashed out at the officials of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA) who impounded his vehicle. Rufai Oseni, the anchor, had tweeted that a police officer pointed a gun at him and his vehicle taken away over a traffic infraction. https://twitter.com/ruffydfire/status/1554067277858934785?s=20&t=0Ms6AxEyfOYSrAes-08saw But a…
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artificer4396 · 1 year
Shit like this is why testing for a driver’s license needs to be stricter
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galaxystt · 6 months
We've GOT to see a colored version of that one Scar & Pizza sketch.. (if you don't mind)
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BOOM lined and colored scar pizza combo, with a side of grian :D ((they sound like a terrible food order, but honestly that fits the vibe they're awful <3 /pos))
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