#trans in canon I mean cuz I love the transdanny headcanon but...yeah
dis-blog-ded · 7 years
chibinel replied to your post: The phandom right now
im sorry but where is the video where hartman denies the trans danny theory? im not sure where to look and im curious    
It’s in the “107 facts” video I reblogged a while ago (should recently be in my videos and my danny phantom tag)
He said something along the line of “I know people theorized about it, but the real reason Danny wears a shirt at the water park is because he gets sunburned easily.”
Except...the tone he said it was little...”I know about this, and I’m disproving it right now.” Especially when he mentions people have talked about it, considering the shirt is one of the biggest “clues” about the TransDanny headcanon. And Butch is a known transphobe/homophobe/Trump supporter so...
And what’s worse is that people are telling actual Trans folk that they “have” to respect and accept Butch’s words, because we’re not allowed to HC characters as being just like us. :/
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