#trans motherifking rihehts yall
saintfrenetic · 2 years
being trans 2 me is like. you spend your entire life being told that this is your shoe size and these shoss fit you, and sure they pinch a little amd hurt your feet now and then but that's what you get and it's fine, mostly. you wonder if maybe there's another shoe size but your mom says "well, i GUESS you could wear a different size, but that's wrong. you don't do that."
and then one day someone shows up talking about how they're shoes never fit and then they found another size. and you borrow some shoes. and you realize that you can never go back to where the ones that were too small. you wonder how you ever dealt with it in the first place. but now you're comfortable in a way you've never been, and that's pretty damn neat. even if i've changed my shoes more than once
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