#trans people and trans joy is beautiful and next to godliness in my mind
cherryvales · 1 year
Transgender people have no place in religion
At least that’s what I was taught as a child
Sitting in the pews of my church and wondering why God made me dirty
And unworthy of his love
For daring to say I wasn’t a girl
We rarely feel safe within religion
My story is not unique
It’s rare to hear a trans person who hasn’t struggled with the idea
That the people who preach to love all of God’s creations would
In the same breath
Call them an abomination
And not made in his image
So quick are they to forget that if Jesus were here today
He would march with trans people in the streets
Scream until his voice gave out that we must protect each other
Or how he would sit in the bathroom of a nonbinary person
And dye their hair blue as he tells them that they’re loved
That God does not make mistakes
And that making us transgender is to gift us the ultimate act of creation
Jesus is not here
He does not walk with us lepers nor whisper these blessings into our ear
Instead we have each other to hold
As we scramble to find a safe haven in a world that casts us into Hell
Where church and religion fails us there is faith in one another
Something that’s not quite religion
But a lifeline to remind us
That we are not heretics unworthy of our lives
We are not dirty
We are not broke
To be transgender is to be craft ourselves into something divine
To take what was given to us and mold our bodies and minds into what we were always meant to be
And there is nothing more Godly
Than seeing a trans girl take a selfie
In a dusty full length mirror
Smiling in the first dress she’s ever worn
Making her first small steps into womanhood
Or a trans boy in a button down shirt
The pixie cut atop his head his first victory in euphoria
Talking about how to bind safely
Or what it means to be a man
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