severusloveslily · 5 years
transfer || snily au
Severus sat down his things and looked around the quaint little room. It was fairly similar to Ilvermorny, yet, of course, there were some subtle differences. He’d only just arrived to Hogwarts a few hours before, none of the students had arrived yet. He was there on a special  grant, of sorts. They didn’t often offer this ‘study abroad’ opportunity, but with Severus’s prowess in Potions, they had offered him to sit his seventh year at another magical school. He’d heard nothing but good things about Hogwarts, so here he was.
It wasn’t as if he was walking away from much. He didn’t have many friends back home, and he would take any excuse to be away from his abusive parents who probably didn’t even know he wasn’t home most of the year. He had a friend --- Lucius Malfoy --- who had already left Hogwarts, but he’d met at Ilvermorny when he was on some official business for the Ministry. He hadn’t a clue what had drawn the older boy to him, but they’d made fast friends and had kept in touch. Lucius was fresh out of school, only a few years older than him, but was already married with a child on the way. Severus was due to stay with him on the holidays when he had to leave Hogwarts.
Hopefully this place would be better than Ilvermorny. It was a fresh start and he’d be able to make some actual friends.
A knock was heard and Severus turned to meet the eyes of Albus Dumbledore. “How are you settling in?” the old man asked with a small smile. “I know this all must be a bit daunting. I’m glad you’re here though, Severus, not many people your age have the courage to move across the world without knowing anyone. If you ever get homesick--”
“I won’t,” Severus said as he shook his head, before beginning to neatly unpack his things. He assumed he would have some roommates there, considering the three other poster beds in the room. “But thank you,” Severus added, figuring he ought to be polite to the most powerful wizard in the bloody world. “Nobody has really... told me the itinerary,” he admitted.
“That’s precisely what I came here to do,” Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling. “After you get unpacked, we’ll go down to the Great Hall and get you Sorted. Our houses aren’t the same as Ilvermorny,” he explained. “Then, the rest of the students will arrive and we’ll have our welcoming feast. From there, you’ll receive your timetable and we can go over other things when the time comes. For now, I just want you to get settled and make some friends. Your house mates will be there for you. Our friendships here are very strong,” he said proudly. “I’ll introduce you to Professor Slughorn as well. He’s our Potions Master. He’s so excited about the fact that a student has come here with such potential in his field,” he smiled. 
Severus nodded. He put some things up and saw a flyer sitting on one of the tables. “What’s this?” Severus asked as he looked at it. “Head Boy... What’s that? Like the president of a class? Or house, as you call them,”  he said. The British were odd, weren’t they?
“Oh yes, very much so. They’ll be the leader of sorts to the rest of the students here at Hogwarts. Would you be interested in something like that? I would certainly consider you, given your accomplishments.”
Severus thought about it for a moment and looked at him. “I’m interested,” he said. Well, what better way to make new friends than to be the person everyone looked to? He didn’t know how they would feel about the newcomer swiping it from everyone else, but that was only if they picked him in the first place! “What do I need to do? An interview? Should I write an essay?” Severus questioned.
Dumbledore shook his head, smiling slightly. “No, that won’t be necessary. The Head Boy will be announced, along with the Head Girl, at the welcoming feast. Now, let’s get you unpacked and we’ll walk down together to get you Sorted,” he said as he went to help him. “Hogwarts is lucky to have you, Severus.”
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