#transferred all my 3DS mons to switch finally
eibarain · 9 months
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My fave girlie :)
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sage-nebula · 5 years
I hope you dont mind my asking, but wouldn't GF have decided to remove the national dex long before LGPE released? I can see those games selling well confirming to GF that "pokemon sell well regardless of cut features" but it feels strange to blame it on LGPE when the development time on the games would suggest they made this choice awhile ago. (Not to defend lgpe lack of content) Sorry if this is a bother, I just feel like I'm missing something and would really like to understand your reasoning
For almost any other game I would agree, however for Pokémon in particular:
The National Dex (insofar as the ability to transfer old pokémon over) was never going to be a Day One feature. It’s never a Day One feature in the first games of the generation. Even if they wanted to make it one, in this case they couldn’t because Home isn’t releasing until 2020. As I’ve said in other posts, if they wanted to patch in the NatDex, they’d have the time to do it. Technically speaking, they’d have the time to do it, especially since the fanbase would be willing to wait (even if there’d be a few whiners here or there) the extra time.
Since it’s not a Day One feature, it’s something that can be worked on later in the development cycle (/can even continue to be worked on after the development cycle, or at least it could be if this series were treated with the respect of, say, The Legend of Zelda series). Again, I’m not talking about DLC that’s already on the game card that needs to be activated later, I’m talking about DLC that’s patched in, content created after that you download either to the harddrive or (though I don’t know if Switch DLC works this way specifically) onto the game card itself. Given the type of content they generally want to show early in the release cycle (the general theme / concept of the games, scenes of the various areas in the region, new ‘mon), and the fact that this would be a feature added post-release anyway, we can make a safe bet that the NatDex is something they’d work on much later in the development cycle, possibly even in the last year since, again . . . they’d have that time if they wanted to use it (and if this series was treated with genuine respect).
The Let’s Go games were stated by Masuda to be the future of the franchise if they sold well. They featured a Pokédex that was limited to only the Kanto ‘Dex, plus Meltan and Melmetal. They released in November 2018, and indeed, they sold well. In early 2019 (February, IIRC) Sword & Shield were released. While of course I don’t work at Game Freak and thus can’t say for sure, I would place money on the idea that if they were even a bit on the fence about adding the National Dex, the fact that Let’s Go sold so well despite being limited to 153 ‘mon pushed them right over the edge to, “Cut the National Dex from Sword & Shield, there’s no point in working on it.” I mean, why should they expend the effort if people will buy the games anyway? Especially when President Ishihara went on record saying that long-time fans only cared about “new pokémon and features” around the time of Let’s Go’s release. Sure, they might have already been thinking about cutting the National Dex beforehand, but Let’s Go no doubt assured them that it was a safe and correct call to make.
So that’s what I mean when I say that Let’s Go’s positive sales figures sealed all of our fates. To be entirely honest, before the National Dex announcement, I was certain that we wouldn’t see the shockwaves from Let’s Go until Gen IX. But Sword & Shield having a limited ‘Dex just like Let’s Go, and having special feature ‘mon behind $60 paywalls like Let’s Go, and having core features stripped out like Let’s Go, and the fact that it’s starting to look frighteningly like the starters won’t be able to evolve like in Let’s Go . . . the effect is pretty apparent. Sure, some of this stuff was present even before Let’s Go (namely the whole “let’s ditch useful features in the name of simplifying things” tack that Masuda has been married to for years now), but in the wake of Let’s Go, it’s success, and what Masuda said would happen if it was successful, it’s really hard not to see the link.
(Note just in case anyone read too quickly: I’m not saying the starters WON’T evolve. I’m only saying that I’m starting to fear that’s the case since we’re less than a month away from release and we haven’t even seen second stage evolutions yet. Maybe they’re just trying to keep starter evolutions a surprise, that’s entirely possible, but it’s also highly suspect, and Game Freak destroyed any trust or good faith I had in them a while back.) 
As a final note, the reason why I say that the Pokémon games aren’t treated with respect is . . . well, there are a few reasons:
Game Freak stated themselves that they put their B Team on Sword & Shield while their A Team worked on Little Town Hero. They also said they wanted to create something, “as exciting, or perhaps even more exciting” than Pokémon. They’re tired of working on Pokémon, and it shows. Which, I mean, I get it, it’s been 20+ years, but in that case tell Nintendo so that they can shift the main games over to another studio. I get that Game Freak was created for the sole purpose of making Pokémon, and maybe Taijiri-san is pissed at how you’re disrespecting his baby (I would be), but for the good of the series, if you don’t want to work on it, give it to someone who does. Don’t just shift it onto your bare bones secondary dev team.
These games are in a hellish development cycle where a new one is popped out every year. Contrast this to The Legend of Zelda where, while we’ve had some anomalies where assets were able to be largely reused and so games came out only a couple years apart (see: Ocarina of Time to Majora’s Mask) --- even that had two or three years before releases, not one the very next year. Most mainline Zelda games spend five or six years in development. I’m fully aware that we will likely be waiting until something like 2022 for Breath of the Wild 2, and I am prepared to wait that time because I know the game we get will be incredible. Granted, I’m going to be dying every single time they announce a release date to push it back, but it’ll be a death I’m grateful for because I will know that the end product will be worth it. The Pokémon games used to have a similar luxury. While there were a grand total of five games released during that time (with “five games” being used loosely, given that one was a slight upgrade and the other four were really two games with slight differences between versions), Gen IV lasted for a grand total of four years. We had Diamond & Pearl in 2006, Platinum in 2008, HeartGold & SoulSilver in 2009, and then finally, Black & White in 2010. By contrast, Gen VII didn’t even last three years, technically. I mean, this November would be its third anniversary, but that’s when Gen VIII officially starts instead. To be fair, it could be argued that Gen IV didn’t have a full four years since it came out in September 2006, and Gen V came out in September 2010. But even if you make that argument, it still had a full year on Gen VII, and to be honest, that showed. The Sinnoh games are far and away not my faves, but they were still full of content. HeartGold & SoulSilver are often considered to be the best remakes in the entire franchise, and considering the content that was cut from OmegaRuby & AlphaSapphire and Masuda’s reasoning for why that content was cut, I can’t exactly argue with that even though I did genuinely enjoy ORAS. And the games that Gen IV ushered in? Controversial opinion, but I think that the Pokémon games peaked with Gen V. Black & White not only initially had a ‘dex that was nothing but new pokémon (and yet STILL included the Nat Dex later, because in Masuda’s own words he felt it cruel to keep people from playing with their faves forever!), but it also introduced a METRIC TON of new mechanics, some of which we no longer get to use (Rotation Battles? Game Freak doesn’t know her). Who knows what exactly Game Freak did with that extra year, but it was clearly a lot of work given how wonderful the games were in Gen IV and Gen V. The extra dev time showed.By contrast, Gen VII got 2.5 years (or 3 if you’re being generous). Every single game released during this gen had massive content cuts, even when comparing to Gen VI, which also had massive content cuts. Mechanics were stripped away, and Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon technically didn’t have a NatDex either, but at least you could still have all of your ‘mon in them at a later date if you wanted to. Now with Sword & Shield, we don’t even have that, despite the Switch being far more powerful than the 3DS. (We also don’t have Mega Evolution for whatever godforsaken reason, even though the Kanto Mega Evolutions at the very least were already used in Let’s Go, the fuck, Game Freak). Pokémon games print money and always have, and Game Freak has taken this and their lack of interest in the series to the depressing but I suppose logical extreme of “do whatever and they’ll buy it anyway.” There’s no love here, there’s no respect here. They just don’t care anymore, and as someone who does care an awful lot, it’s super upsetting to me.
And while people have tried to argue that the games can’t be delayed because of the anime or the card game or whatever else:
The games come first. They’ve always come first. I know some people mistakenly think that the anime came first and that the games were created later, but that is 100% false. Pokémon started as a game series and the anime was created to advertise the games, straight up.
Filler episodes exist, and the PokéAni is no stranger to them. The Orange Islands arc was an entire arc of filler created to pad time between Gens I and II. The Delacora Islands (or whatever they were called) was a filler arc meant to pad time between Gens V and VI. Arguably the majority of the Sun & Moon anime was filler, given its slice-of-life genre, meaning the anime was even less of an excuse not to delay Sword & Shield. You can’t tell me people wouldn’t have been happy with another year of the Alola crew running around getting into random adventures. People would have eaten that up and loved it. We could have had it all.
I’m not even going to dignify “but the card game” with a response lmao. This isn’t Yu-Gi-Oh!. Sure, the card game makes money, and probably a decent amount of it (merch sales probably make up the franchise’s greatest source of income, and as someone who easily spent several hundred dollars in two weeks at the PokéCenters in Japan---including over $100 in one trip to a PokéCenter while I was there, and we went multiple times---I am a big part of that), but they come up with bullshit new expansions all the time and could easily keep doing it. Again, not a reason to delay the games if the games need more time in development.
So all in all, at the end of the day, Game Freak is no longer treating these games with love and respect, which makes them an awful lot like the villains in the games they create. The Let’s Go games were harbingers of disaster for the games, and we were told this very plainly, and just about no one listened. In fact, I legitimately lost friendships with people who got mad at me for making Facebook statuses about how they should buy Let’s Go used if they absolutely had to have them because how DARE I believe Ishihara when he said that Let’s Go were considered core titles, and how DARE I believe Masuda when he said that Let’s Go would usher in the last twenty years of the franchise. Clearly, I was just being an ugly bitch. (I wish I was exaggerating, but this actually happened, I got blocked over it, it was ridiculous.) And now here we are as a result, with no hope of things getting better unless Nintendo forcibly rips Pokémon out of Game Freak’s hands, which I don’t even think they can legally do given that they only own 1/3rd of the IP. (The other 2/3rds belong to Game Freak and Creatures Inc., as I understand it.) 
Pokémon is still my favorite fictional fantasy world, but as someone who has always loved the games first and foremost, the current state of it depresses me to no end.
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tinypigeonlord · 5 years
Don’t mind me, just have had a lot of thoughts on the new Pokemon game so imma write them down. There’s been a lot of posts and videos on what people wanna see or don’t wanna see in the new game too and I wanna give my own two cents to no one in particular.
So first of all graphics. I hear a lot of shit on that. Personally I don’t really have all that many expectations? Like yeah it’s gonna be a Switch game, the quality could possibly be better than we’ve seen. But also did people look over that ‘game footage not final’? Things may still improve and be further optimized. More than that, I love the artstyle atleast? Everything looks so colorful and vibrant and alive and goooood ;w; It sure got my attention. I can’t wait to see all the new areas on my big tv <3
Pokemon popping up and roaming vs random encounters: On one hand I love how lively everything looks with pokemon showing up in the overworld, on the other hand I love the random encounters? I personally liked hunting down specific pokemon, not knowing what I would encounter. I feel like this is also more fun when you’re doing a Nuzlocke; You can’t ‘cheat’ and select a pokemon from those that are currently roaming with random encounters. Aside from that, people mentioned that the roaming aspect made areas look more vacant instead because a lot of open space is needed for bigger pokemon roaming. And finally, it makes the surprise way more fun if a shiny shows up in a random encounter, instead of roaming between the rest of the ‘mon?
Pokemon following you/walking with you: PLS PLS PLS bring this back and expand on it, for all pokemon. Also the option to select which partymember you want to walk with. That was one thing that bummed me out in HeartGold/SoulSilver. If I wanted to walk with my fave, I also needed to have it in the front of the party and throw it out in battle, even in areas where it was at a disadvantage due to type or level. And sometimes I had a pokemon in front for the sake of progression but I didnt necessarily want to walk with it, but there was no option to turn walking off in HG/SS. I believe they did add these options in Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee, but I havent played these games so I don’t know for sure what the options are. I kinda also want to have the option to pick whether I will walk with a ride pokemon or actually ride it? Like, it was hella cool that you could ride arcanine, persian, haunter or snorlax, etc. But what if I wanted it to just follow me? :/ What I also want back is the national dex once you completed the main story. Let most of the pokemon which first appear be gen 8, and after you beat the main game, pokemon from other generations show up more and you can catch new pokemon that were previously unavailable. I hated how in SuMo, I couldnt see a pokemon’s national dex number, and couldnt get any data on it if it wasnt native to Alola. 
Also this is gonna sound surprising coming from a shiny hunter, but I want the shiny charm to be a reward for filling the entire national dex again (minus mythicals/events), and make the shiny rate 1/8192 again instead of 1/4091. As much as I love my shinies, I kinda feel like they’re becoming a really common thing and way too easy to obtain? I do like there being methods to find shinies easier, such as Masuda breeding, chain-fishing, SOS-chaining, etc, but make it atleast a little bit harder than it currently is, to make all that effort worth it.
Compatibility with pokebank/the 3DS titles!! I want to transfer all my precious bbies I caught over the years to come join me in the next adventure. That would make it even more awesome if walking pokemon also returns; I can walk with my faves then, not just the pokemon available in Sword/Shield. Also Cloud compatibility. I know Nintendo is afraid of people abusing Cloud to edit save files and I can see them not adding cloud for Pokemon to prevent peeps from somehow cloning or editing pokemons, but on the other hand... Right now, I have ALL my rare, valuable pokemon stored on a Ultra Sun cartridge. Every super rare shiny legendary I spent MONTHS on to encounter, every event pokemon from events that will never happen again, and every pokemon that has nostalgic value to me. If that game cartridge breaks, they’re all gone. If Cloud storage would be a thing for pokemon, I’d have a lot less anxiety about gathering all my babies on a single game with the risk of losing ALL OF THEM. Besides, I pay for online service and cloud, and thusfar havent been able to use the feature for my games :/
And definitely compatibility with pro controller. I really do not like the feel of the joycons, nor the pokeball plus, especially not after playing for a few hours, so I’m really hoping we’ll be able to use the pro controller. Considering we seem to be getting the old battle system back instead of Let’s Go’s, I don’t see why they shouldn’t add pro controller compatibility. Besides, I spent a lot of money on this thing, lemme use it >:v
Customization. The new trainers look absolutely adorable, but being able to make your trainer fit your style more is still great and makes things more personal. On one hand I’d love even more options for customization than in SuMo, on the other hand I fear I will never even get anywhere cause I’ll be spending hours mixing and matching outfits :’D I am not at all fashionable irl, but my characters in games have to look tip top. Most importantly, I want gender-neutral stuff!! As in, the option to wear clothes or hairstyles regardless of the gender you picked at the beginning. Give me a girl and the female pronouns, but the option to get the haircut that the boys get and that flannel he wears. For example.
Minigames! Not everyone is a fan of them, but personally I love things like Contests, PokeAthlon, the Underground, Missions in the Festival Plaza, etc. Especially multiplayer stuff. Give me other stuff to do besides battling. And on that note give me fun multiplayer features; besides trading and battling! The feature where you can call for another trainer in Let’s Go seemed fun to me. Being able to connect with other players and joining them in your game to do stuff together. Like how you can invite people to your town in Animal Crossing, go to the island and take on island challenges from Tortimer.
Story-wise, it would be great to have a big long story, also post-game, which doesn’t end too soon, but with the option to skip cutscenes if you so please, and more importantly, have the freedom to also explore. In Sun/Moon, you were constantly forced to go to a very specific location, everything else was blocked, and you had a cutscene every new area. Like, it was all very linear. I love the older games in that regard, where there is a story, but you figure out yourself how to progress without NPCs constantly telling you where to go and what to do. I always have this issue where after I’m done with the story, I’m kind of... lost on what to do next, so personally I love a long story to keep me busy. Give me a serious threat for the antagonists. Team Skull was lovely and I enjoyed their antics, but I want to feel like I’m saving the Galar region or even bigger, rather than just stomping on some bullies, PETA (Plasma) or fashion disasters (Flare). Also gimme an asshole rival. Lately we’ve had a bunch of precious bbies who must be protected, now bring back a rival who deserves an asswhooping and had it coming. :v As for the new gyms with gym masters instead of leaders, I have no opinion yet. I like the good ol’ themed gyms, I liked the trials. The arena thing looks pretty neat thusfar, but there’s not enough info yet for me to have much of an opinion now. I heard a rumor that this game will also have missions you can do to earn rewards & brownie points, and that would be really cool. I always really love missions in RPGs. I’m just hoping that there will be like, a combination of one-time missions AND daily missions so you don’t run out of things to do eventually after completing a whole list.
I’m also hoping that any potential mythical pokemon will come in the form of missions. The whole serial codes giveaways suck. Just entering a code for some random delivery man to appear in the pokemon center, just casually handing you a super rare mythical pokemon like it’s nothing is just bs. Give me new story, sidequests or missions DLC for a mythical pokemon instead. Like Celebi in Crystal + HG/SS, Mew in Emerald, Shaymin and Darkrai in Platinum, and then expand the missions even more. Pokemon Ranger actually did this really well; you had to go on a mission involving the pokemon before you got it.
Finally, maybe a difficulty setting. People always complain that the games are too easy and that you have to use self-imposed rules such as Nuzlockes to make it remotely challenging. Maybe add a normal or easy mode for young kids just getting into the games, including tutorials such as the trainer school so they can get used to how everything works. Make a harder setting for veterans who like the games to have some challenge but are still in it for the story, and a Very Hard/Ultimate mode for competitive players who know every in and out of the game and are looking for a challenge where you really have to balance your team out and know what you’re doing to progress, and for people who can’t care less about the story elements of the games.
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Despite Pokémon Home's rough launch and mixed feature set, the launch of the app for mobile and game(?) for the Nintendo Switch now means we can view the fruits of our decades of monster collecting with the greates of ease and abandon. As soon as was feasible, launch week bugs be damned (don't save in Lumiose City), we shifted everything over to Home and basked in the glory of our work. It was complete. Or was it? Nestled within the innocuous pokédex feature on Pokémon Home is a search filter for 'unregistered'. Out of curiosity we ran a few searches on pokémon, moves and abilities to see BLANK ENTRIES. On top of that, the mobile app has a series of challenges that award next to pointless stickers for your profile for completion. The challenges range from making specific 'theme' trades but also for registering pokémon from different games, from different regions and forms etc. To our further shock and horror. We didn't have them all(tm). The Challenge Determined to not pay for a Pokémon Bank subscription beyond what we had left on our sub plus the bonus 'month' for the release of the app. we had just under 30 days to mine the DS and 3DS games for everything we needed. The ensuing challenge forming some kind of unique meta-game gaming toeing the line between playing and frantically logging in and out of games, joylessly transferring bits of code from handheld to handheld, cart to cart and over the Internet. Here is the story of that challenge. Forms There are many Pokémon which have different forms or appearances for example, the humble meowth comes in three regional forms, the meowth we know and love from the Kanto region, the blue fat face from Alola and the weird viking thing from the Galar region. Additionally, there's a Gigantamax form, a giveaway in Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield. So in total there are five forms to register for meowth.  There's quite a few of the bastards and they can change with items, moves, on evolution or the specific game and locality that they were caught, evolved and hatched in. At the time of writing, there's 890 different species of Pokémon but a whopping 1250 different forms. We had a living pokédex (we owned one of every single species) but had been slightly remiss in making sure all the different forms were present and correct. After shifting over to Pokémon Home we had about 125 gaps. A hundred. and. twenty. five. Now some of these were forms of Alcremie, the cream pokémon, which has 64 forms depending on how you 'decorate' it and the time of day you spin it around but there were other gaps and worryingly gaps from older games. This is when the fear started to creep in. Because we'd shifted everything over and it was now stuck in Home, getting forms from older games would just be a case of transferring them back or breeding them in game because THERE WAS NO WAY BACK and not all of the 890 species are currently transferable to Sword and Shield. I'd resigned myself to the fact that I'd had to live with some blanks in the dex because there was no way of changing Hoopa into it's Unbound form or getting back the own tempo Rockruff that I'd evolved. Fortunately, after a bit of digging, and some help from Internet friends, I worked out that you didn't need to have those pokémon, merely connect a pokedex from Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon X, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Sun, Pokémon Moon, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon that had the form registered to Pokémon Bank and then connect Pokémon Bank to Pokémon Home. Cue half an hour of extremely dull cartridge switching and voila! This still left a few older game gaps of forms I'd never seen including several colours of Flabebe, Floette and Florges. Two colours of Minior. Partner Hat Pikachu, Two forms of the seasonally changing pokémon Sawsbuck and three sizes of Pumkaboo and Gourgeist. The Missing 'Chu Several boring hours in the flower fields on Pokémon Y later I had all the Flabebe, Floette and Florges colours I needed. I went back to Ultra Moon's Mount Hokulani to painstakingly hunt down those two Minior colours because you see you can't see the colour of the Minior whilst it is in Shield Up mode and they have a habit of self destructing unless you're prepared. Partner hat Pikachu had me stumped because I'd thought I'd meticulously got all seven different hats of this special event only Pikachu. Again, after some digging, I'd missed a QR code event, separate to the internet distributions of the six regional hats, originally distributed at film screenings for the seventh and final hatachu. FORTUNATELY, the QR code was still floating around online and thankfully hadn't expired. I won't lie reader I whooped. I whooped out load. One scan and a chat to a man surrounded by Pikachu later, I'd filled the blank. Sawsbuck, however, was another issue as they change form with the season and I was missing Summer and Spring forms. I jumped back to the DS's Pokémon Black to stock up on as many winter Sawsbuck as possible and then spent an evening with one eye on the GTS trading with others globally until I had the two I needed. Watching the live stock market in Sawsbuck on the GTS was fascinating as there was a glut of the northern and southern hemisphere winter and summer forms as each timezone came online with spring and autumn in short supply. Fortunately, Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist are in Sword and Shield so that's just some time I need to spend rounding up different sized pumpkin 'mon with super size being the rarest form. Form hunting after some Alcremie spinning, Dex connecting and then down to the FINAL NINE. Balls Of the most trivial challenges in Pokémon Home are the ones for depositing pokémon caught in different pokéballs. Depending on the ball there's an award for depositing 5, 15 and 30 in each ball (1, 5 and 10 for the rare balls). Most of this triggered on initial transfer but I ended up with gaps for the higher number awards for fast ball, heavy ball, safari ball and sport ball? The first two were simple enough as you do get given a handful in Pokémon Sword & Pokémon Shield and more had been given away as mystery gifts (presumably anticipating this issue) and once used can then be proliferated through breeding. However, safari balls are only available from the safari zone in Pokémon Heart Gold, Pokémon Soul Silver, Pokémon Diamond & Pokémon Pearl. Lastly, I had to look up Sports balls because I didn't even remember them. These are only used in the bug catching contests on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays in Pokémon Soul Silver. What's worse is, you can't manipulate the time on the DS as all time sensitive events freeze for a period afterwards meaning I only had a few days to remember to catch the bug hunt. Much safari zoning and one Tuesday prize winning Nincada later it was the fiddly transfer of pokémon from game to bank later and much breeding that ticked these off (if you need a sport ball pokémon, I have a few Nincada spare). Abilities Although I very much did set the arbitrary rules of this stupid challenge, I'm not really in control of what my mind will consider acceptable or not. Pokémon Home will let you see which moves and abilities you have registered but for unknown reasons the 65/707 missing moves doesn't bother me but the 12/258 abilities did. With a notebook and serebii.net open I worked out that I needed to find five specific pokémon from older games, the rest were findable in Pokémon Sword & Pokémon Shield and one, the ability Libero, is currently not available at all... Through luck rather than judgement, these were the ones I'd not picked up! They were in alphabetical order, galvanize, grass pelt, power of alchemy, protean and toxic boost. All of these are hidden abilities, meaning that they're not findable on pokémon during normal play but require some extra effort to get. Grass pelt is a hidden ability on Skiddo, the mount pokémon, ONLY available through Pokémon X/Y friend safari an all but defunct feature where connected friends in that generation would randomly generate a small park with 2-3 pokémon with their hidden ability. I checked my Friend Safari on the off chance I'd left the game with a Skiddo park and I hadn't. FORTUNATELY, whilst complaining about this to a pokémon pal, they did have one open so I hope to get one from them (phew). Power of alchemy required SOS battling grimer in Pokémon Ultra Sun with a Gardevoir with the Trace ability. Protean required Dexnaving around Route 118 on Pokémon Alpha Sapphire for a hidden ability Kecleon. The easiest way to get a toxic boost Zangoose was engaging in horde battles on Route 8 in Pokémon Y and KOing the Seviper before they take down the Zangoose sporting this ability. The last one to get is galvanize. A hidden ability only found on self-destructing geodudes in Pokémon Moon. Thanks to the Internet memory this has never been an easy task as it's impossible to stop them from self destructing whilst checking if they have the hidden ability. I've got 7 days left to try... HOT OFF THE PRESS Three days of trying (not continuously you understand) and a few near misses, we got one! NO MORE SOS BATTLES EVER PLZ So there we have it. What a ridiculous thing to volunteer myself to under taking but I will say that chasing these all-but-arbitrary challenges and achievements has resulted in something of a victory lap tour around the older games and the events and mechanics that each introduced. I've got no doubt that the Galar expansions will bring new pokémon and abilities to track down but IF I get that geodude it'll be a satisfying way to say goodbye to the handheld pokémon generations and to round off the hundreds of hours of ""fun"" these games have given me. * yes, yes, not proper OCD, headline innit.
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