#translated from mandarin
easterndelights · 12 days
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ハッピー・オブ・ジ・エンド Happy of the End (2024) EP 4 - "浩然, 我亲爱的儿子"
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firestorm09890 · 1 year
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hey that's. hey. that's. not at all the same line
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faaun · 29 days
the way that diff languages sound r so fascinating they're all different and all so vivid
#russian is like the surface of a feather like it's light but not exactly “soft” but still very delicate#german is . cute ? i think it's adorable . it has a lot of momentum it makes u wanna talk fast and talk a lot#like it's squishy . sleek surface w a soft inside#thai is like song . it's like interprative dance or maybe a trust-fall . everything follows from the previous thing#it feels like a little fairy flying up and letting itself fall and flying up again and so on (for fun). its so beautiful but also playful#mandarin chinese is like . idk why but it gives me the same vibe the concept of Observation does . like to read and to see and absorb#and then to translate that into smth else . like . imagine a poet people watching or an artist preparing a canvas w practiced hands. thats#the vibe. soft and elegant and musical but like...in a way that feels lived-in. arabic feels wise ? like music or poetry u read#and feel nothing about then years later u stumble on and it applies to everything in ur life. that kind of vibe. like it knows more than u#and itll make sure ur heart and soul grows as big as its lexicon . polish is like snowflakes falling . it has the feeling of complexity and#elegance but it's also so so light and slippery and...maybe not elusive but the feeling of losing a dance partner in a waltz ? like fun and#light but also an underlying elegance and somberness still . turkish is like the feeling when u get a text from ur crush#and your heart tightens and you cant tell if it's really painful or really amazing . it feels like unrequited love . or a caress#or making out with someone when you know its the last time you'll see them. its beautiful in a yearning longing way#korean is like joking around w ur friends and you've stayed up until like almost 5 AM and youre so delirious that everything is funny#and ur speaking kind of lightly and openly and everything you say holds a lot of weight and doesnt matter at all. you laugh at everything#and youre practically talking in inside jokes and watching the sunrise together . one of them hits u on the shoulder lovingly. ur by a fire#yoruba feels like the metatheory of the matatheory . abstraction until it circles back to intuition or maybe#it feels like plotting the route of a comet or maybe like the soft warm whirr of statistics. trying to verbalise beauty somehow#when you know the best thing you can show it is by telling everyone just look!! look at the sky just look!#anyway yh i think i could do this for every language ever tbh
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mostotherthings · 10 days
Tim explains Reese's feelings
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Orca 的陪伴讓Reese渡過了最艱難的時刻,你總是那麽溫柔的安慰我照顧我的心情,甚至泰國台灣往返只待一天只是為了做早餐給我吃替我整理家裡,有你的陪伴真好。
With Orca by his side, Reese went through the most difficult time in his life. You were always so gentle to comfort me and take care of my feelings, even flying from Thailand to Taiwan and staying for just a day to make breakfast for me and to tidy up my home, it is so good with you by my side.
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萌萌頭時期的Reese 有了人生第一個像親人一樣的兄弟,那時的眼神裡都是愛與希望。
Reese who was just a boy with a cute hair-cut, had for the first time in his life brothers who were just like family, the expression in his eyes was filled with hope and love.
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If I hadn't suggested holding that concert then, would Matt still be around... and Neil would not have been devastated
Xiao Hai's appearance was like a key, that opened up everyone's locked up emotions
讓七年後活在自責的Reese 把塵封已久的所有情感打開,學會放下執念、重新愛自己、愛Orca,找回對音樂的那份單純與熱忱,讓我們一起完成那場未完成的演唱會吧。
To let Reese who had been living in guilt for seven years, to let out those feelings that had been locked away so long they had turned dusty, to let go of the guilt and feelings he had been holding on to obsessively, for him to love himself again, love Orca, to get back the innocence and passion he had towards music, let us finish that concert that we did not manage to hold before.
bonus: Director's comment
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@ lienchienhung I love you
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@ timliou1020 i love you too. without you there would not be the Reese we know now
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thisonelikesaliens · 5 months
i have the full lyrics now so might as well just post this for the sake of completion (i had most of the chinese lyrics in my draft since 3/31, typed out word by word before they released the official lyrics). the official english subs in ep7 were top notch, so using them here with my tweaks in blue (just to provide a more direct translation for reference), plus new verses in green (less literal translation, going more for vibe):
山間小鎮的夜色依舊深刻 I still vividly remember, the nights of the small town in the mountains 回家的樓梯上 我們哼著歌 Humming on the stairway home 我想一生有此刻就足夠了 Having this moment is enough to sustain me for the rest of my life 微風卻吹散愛情腳印 不留痕 But a gentle breeze scatters love's footprints, leaving no trace
漸遠的距離堆成隔閡 The growing distance piles up, forming a wall 我們不再擁抱著 像斷線風箏 We don't hold each other anymore, like kites with broken strings 時間並沒有沖淡依依不捨 Time did nothing to lessen this longing 我想你了 無論是醒著或睡著 I miss you, whether awake or asleep
我想你的時候 世界停止轉動 When I think of you, the world seems to stop 剩回憶在心中不斷輪播 And the memories keep playing in my heart 吹過耳際的風 是否也有你捎來的問候 Does the wind brushing past my ears carry messages from you?
我想你的時候 全宇宙都沉默 When I think of you, the whole universe falls silent 那思念喧鬧著不肯放手 Thoughts, so loud, won't let go 說完再見以後 才明白再也不見的溫柔 就叫做寂寞 Only after saying goodbye did I know the kindness of never seeing you again is called "loneliness"
緣分讓距離不再隔閡 Fate makes the distance between us irrelevant 我們重新擁抱著 愛失而復得 We are holding each other once again, regaining our love that was once lost 你是我心中最眷戀的星辰 You are the star that my heart holds most dear 我想你了 無論是醒著或睡著 I miss you, whether awake or asleep
我想你的時候 世界停止轉動 When I think of you, the world seems to stop 剩回憶在心中不斷輪播 And the memories keep playing in my heart 吹過耳際的風 是否也有你捎來的問候 Does the wind brushing past my ears carry messages from you?
我想你的時候 全宇宙都沉默 When I think of you, the whole universe falls silent 那思念喧鬧著不肯放手 Longing, so loud, won't let go 說完再見以後 才明白從未消失的溫柔 就叫做守候 Only after saying goodbye did I realize the tenderness that has never disappeared means I'm still here waiting
我想你的時候 全宇宙都沉默 When I think of you, the whole universe falls silent 你是否也一樣想念著我 Are you also thinking of me? 仰望同一片星空 才明白我們曾經的溫柔 永不會錯過 Looking up at the same starlit sky, we know what this is between us and we will never let go
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he's gonna be late to his first day of breaking the law
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gomzdrawfr · 5 months
Sometimes im reminded that Malaysian tend to have like the habit of switching up languages with no big issues and forgot that not everyone can do that
I went to the local food market, the type that is out in the open with several stalls all placed together closely and its crowded and stuff right
So I talk to my brother and sister in English, Mandarin + Cantonese to my mom and dad. If we're ordering food from the aunty uncle, we either use hokkien / fujian or Malay (depending the race of the seller)
There was a neighbouring customer who were white(think they were from America judging from the bag and general mannerism) that started talking to my dad and he was just saying how insane we sounded switching languages around HAHA
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astranauticus · 11 months
So I finally decided to sit down and tackle Set Me Free (超度我) by FloruitShow, aka the most recent holder of the coveted 'oh I love this song but it's fucking untranslatable' spot in my brain, also a song I can confidently recommend by saying I can almost guarantee you've never heard anything like it before. Give it a listen! I promise you won't regret it
Note: the reason this song is such a pain in the ass is because the chorus consists almost entirely of quotes directly from the Diamond Sutra, so translated lines in bold are lines I took from this translation, with some help from this site. Usually I take pride in saying translations by me but let's just say translating the Diamond Sutra is... a bit beyond me
超度我 - Set Me Free
There's no time left
No time left to tell you one last 'I miss you'
We can't ever return
To that afternoon when the rainbow appeared
I won't ever feel your warmth again
If you could leave me in my dreams
I will give up my breath
请 超度我
Please, set me free
If one sees me in form, if one seeks me in sound
是人行邪道 不 不能见如来
He practices a deviant way and cannot, cannot see the Tathāgata
一切有为法 如梦幻泡影
All conditioned phenomena are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, shadows
如露亦如电 应作如是观
Like dew drops and lightning flashes, contemplate them thus
非空非有 亦空亦有
Present yet absent, existent yet non-existent
不生法相 无所住
Do not conceive of Dharmas, have a mind of no abode
非空非有 亦空亦有
Present yet absent, existent yet non-existent
不生法相 无所住
Do not conceive of Dharmas, have a mind of no abode
I'm sorry
It's so easy to live on in your shadow
But I don't mind
It's just a moment in a daydream
Why does my heart still stir?
It's all because your name is so familiar
If I could be a flower, a leaf, a spring sapling
Could we return to the beginning of it all?
请 超度我
Please, set me free
If one sees me in form, if one seeks me in sound
是人行邪道 不 不能见如来
He practices a deviant way and cannot, cannot see the Tathāgata
一切有为法 如梦幻泡影
All conditioned phenomena are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, shadows
如露亦如电 应作如是观
Like dew drops and lightning flashes, contemplate them thus
非空非有 亦空亦有
Present yet absent, existent yet non-existent
不生法相 无所住
Do not conceive of Dharmas, have a mind of no abode
非空非有 亦空亦有
Present yet absent, existent yet non-existent
不生法相 无所住
Do not conceive of Dharmas, have a mind of no abode
我的执念 万千千千
My obsessions, hundreds of thousands
放不下地 放不下天
I can't let go of the earth, I can't let go of the sky
I cut and fold at the red string
I fall to the mortal realm to seek reunion
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itwoodbeprefect · 4 months
it's a delightfully humbling experience to run across a video with hardcoded subtitle translations in two different languages and absolutely none of those (the spoken language or the subtitled ones) are even slightly related to the four languages i could somewhat claim to speak or the nice handful of others i can at least try to take educated guesses at. there is a wide open world out there full of words i don't know and likely never will, and not for lack of trying, but because we (humans) have SO many different languages the human lifespan just isn't long enough to learn them all. and i think that's incredibly cool, actually
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datastate · 9 months
does anyone have game/manga recs? i'm trying to compile my bookmarked list before i sleep & so :0
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sauvechouris · 21 days
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the-busy-ghost · 4 months
Love when the only translation the Latin dictionary had for a particular word was in Chinese
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slumbergoblin · 1 year
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Trying to figure out 'default' outfits for these old biddies guys! (+ human colors for funsies)
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qserasera · 9 months
im feeling shrimp emotions
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my-shining-sun · 2 years
what’s the best dub of this movie and why is it finnish
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micamicster · 1 year
While you were sleeping au! You mentioned the subway and I think? The F line, a while ago. I’m curious which subway stops are the most important to the story. Also which NYC neighborhooods do you think matches the vibes of the various mdzs characters in this au/in general. Also if there’s anything you want to share I’d love to read it!
Hi honey thank you for asking! Yes we did decide on the F line, good memory haha
I've put a lot of thought into the route and setting of this story. I needed the setting to do a lot in terms of character (wealth, community, cultural background) and in terms of plot (need both my main characters to regularly take the same train a long distance), but luckily I think that neighborhoods and subways are equipped to do all of that!
I settled on both Wen Qing and Jiang Cheng regularly commuting in from Queens, but for different reasons. JC is coming from queens because his family has owned a large townhouse there for multiple generations, while Wen Qing, a more recent and more broke arrival to the city, lives out there because the rent is cheaper. Queens has its own massive chinatown, but it's more recent (comprised of a a newer wave of mandarin-speaking immigrants entering an older hokken-speaking population) compared to the historic Manhattan Chinatown (hundreds of years old, overwhelmingly cantonese-speaking). I have placed a lot of my action in the Manhattan chinatown, partly because it's historic and partly because it's most familiar to me. Both JC and WQ commute to the East Broadway stop on the F line, WQ to go to work at a nearby hospital and JC to go to his job (the Jiang family own a restaurant).
Here is an excerpt of a scene from the subway! thank you for being interested <3 <3 <3
The train shudders to a stop and they part to let people stand and push past them. He nods at the seat that’s appeared between them. “You should take it.”
“It’s fine.”
“Please. I know you’re about to be on your feet all day. Just take it, before some ass with no appreciation for essential workers steals it from you.”
“I can’t. I’m afraid if I sit I won’t get up again.” It’s the truth, but she didn’t mean to say it. There’s no reason to worry him about her. She’s stood on the train a thousand times, she can stand one more.
“I’ll get you up if you need it. Promise.” He nudges her forward gently. It’s just the drag of his knuckles against the small of her back, but she sways into the touch before she can stop herself. Hastily Wen Qing overcorrects the other way, and drops into the seat as quickly as she can.
At the next stop even more people crowd on, pushing him forward. He scowls and braces himself with one hand on the bar above them, back stiff and unyielding. She recognizes the stance from years of navigating the subway at rush hour—don’t take up more space than is your due, but don’t give an inch or the crowd will take a mile.
The train takes off with the familiar rocking of the crowd, as people lurch forward and back, renegotiating space and balancing against each other. It sends him stumbling right up against the seats, his leg knocking into hers for a moment before he catches himself.
“It’s okay.”
He looks at her carefully, like he’s searching for any sign she didn’t mean it. He steps closer, letting the people behind him expand into the extra space in the way that crowds are always so liquid. She shifts to let him even closer, his leg settling between hers, his knee braced against the hard plastic edge of the seat. Whenever either of them shift it sends the expensive wool of his suit dragging across the machine-starched stiffness of her fresh scrubs.
She’s in a strange sort of sleep daze, like maybe she hasn’t really woken up at all yet. Soon she’ll open her eyes to her cold bed, her dark room, her relentless alarms. But for now she’s warm. She’s still too tired and the train is too crowded, but sitting down she exists in a little bubble, with Jiang Cheng’s broad back curved over her and his arm above them.
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