#transphobes fuck off forever and stop getting involved in my good wrestling
homoeroticgrappling · 5 months
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simpsonsnight · 5 years
Episode #522
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Gorgeous Grampa Season 24, Episode 14 | March 3, 2013 Homer finds out Grandpa used to be a wrestler called Glamorous Godfrey. He gets back into wrestling at the urging of Mr. Burns. This episode is really joke-driven. There’s a few good jokes but there’s so many bad ones that the good ones are tough to pick out. There are some moments that are truly groan-worthy. Pointless callbacks to jokes that weren’t that funny to begin with (a gag involving homer chugging box wine seems like it should be funny but would probably be best if it were pulled-off in live-action, on-screen advertising for various Storage Battles spin-offs, a parody of Storage Wars that the first act of the show focuses on). The Simpsons discover Grandpa’s wrestling stuff in a storage locker and think Grandpa is gay, and the gay stuff is isn’t too bad considering a bunch of lame dads write this show, but there’s also a pointless transgender gag that culminates in showing a muscular man in a dress. Comedy shows would have you believe that all transgender women were formally muscular men with uncontrollable five-o-clock shadows. My report card grade on transgender issues would probably be a C minus assuming I had a particularly forgiving instructor, but that joke should’ve stopped being told a long fucking time ago. There’s another scene that illustrates what I hate about modern Simpsons episodes and it’s the opening scene. Homer flips through a bunch of tacky reality shows on TV to Lisa’s disgust. It’s a rapid succession of joke titles, but it’s one of the most poorly-made aspects of this episode: a succession of stagnant title screens that only exist to illicit a laugh. All of Lisa’s soundbites of disgust sound like they were isolated from seperate recording sessions or recorded with the direction of “just give us a bunch of different grossed-out reaction sounds that are less than a second long” and they were all cut together awkwardly. I don’t know. It’s just a presentation of jokes with almost no regard for good film-making which is what modern Simpsons represents at it’s worst. What else? Oh! The main reason I want to like this episode is that they put Je Shirt in this episode! One of the Stroage Battles guys is wearing one. If you click that link please know it’s very much worth the trouble of going to the beginning of the blog and reading it in chronological order. There’s some dead images to put up with, but if you click the links you’ll find most of the context you need. It is great!
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Steven Universe: "Tiger Millionaire" Season 1, Episode 9 | Jan 20, 2014 In this episode, Amethyst is a secret wrestler named  Purple Puma. This is real similar to the Simpsons ep! Steven joins Amethyst the same way Bart joins Grandpa as a tag team. Steven even has a similar turn where he is mean to a fan the same way Bart is. They also kinda-sorta touch on transgender issues, Purple Puma is a “he”, and Steven corrects himself after innocently using the wrong pronoun. Anyway, I just tried to look up the finer definitions of “drag” and performance-related cross-dressing to make sure I was using the right words to make a progressive point, and the first thing I found was blog post where the writer was basically calling me transphobic for not already knowing and said “It’s not my job to be your educator” so I’m gonna go rewatch that shitty trans joke in the Simpsons and spitefully over-laugh at it. Fuck off forever you sanctimonious cunt whose blog I’m not going to link to.
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