amidstcalamity · 9 months
Indomitable Wrath
UNKNOWN, Mitakihara, Japan
An unknown dimension, emanating tragedy and loss. It was as if it was another world. In the white and black stairs that the Eradicator walked up towards, with weird, cartoony visuals all around him, his crimson, calamitous energy pulsed throughout the dimension.
The raven-haired young man punched downwards at the floor, annihilating all the odd-looking familiars around him, before punching through the last one in the head, dissipating it.
And eventually, he was met by an unknown, octopus-like being with wings at the end of the dimension.
A curbstomp. A one-sided fight which the being of despair has to suffer. And with his burning rage, he wouldn't relent.
Devastating punches, energy blasts of immense power, elemental strikes. He'd get hit by the witch's own attacks, but ultimately, he'd shake it off and hit back much harder. He blasted away any familiars it summoned. A flurry of punches kicked in, and then he grabbed her face, crushing it slowly, but steadily. The Eradicator's crimson, glowing eyes hard-focused onto the witch.
He wanted something from it. Its rich calamitous energy. Despite the power difference, he'd absorb the witch. He wanted to prepare for the battle against the Desolation Legend, Hisako Katsumoto.
The Eradicator finally vaporized the being of despair with two colossal blasts, one vertical and one horizontal, aimed directly at her head and body.
After it was all over, the Calamity Effect wielder absorbed its power, crimson energy trails shifting towards his body from multiple angles.
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"I've killed bigger and worse than you..." He spoke in a grim tone, yet as solid as steel. Because he held the energy of the witch, the dimension didn't dissipate yet.. but he sensed one more energy source nearby.
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