vireous-old · 5 years
Was he really turn into her? Maybe, someday - just a very long time from now. Not anytime soon and most certainly not in this life time. If she was the next regeneration? Oh, he’d most likely stop himself (not really), but that didn’t mean the Doctor wouldn’t think it for the moment.
❝ And yet you hadn’t. Meaning, i’m better than you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a world or three to save.  ❞ 
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Of course, the Doctor was just bickering with himself - was this how it always happened? He remembered slightly of last time; when… the memory was hazy, but he figured this was how it usually happened. If only he could honestly remember.
❝ Oh, you’re welcome to help! ❞ 
// @travelxhopefully xxx
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@travelxhopefully continued from here [x]
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“Better me being killed by someone I love than roaming about a danger to others,” River murmured not looking up to her wife. She loved the Doctor, forever and always but recently she had been struggling with the conditioning placed in her brain by the Silence. Coming back to life from the Library it had been like starting over again.
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corruptedspider · 5 years
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of course he wouldn’t be in his suit when something like this happened.  keep a low profile peter, he said to himself often, but what did he do? he ignored it all the time. thankfully, he had one of his spares with him, but how would that hold up? not well, he knew that already.
still, it wasn’t like he could talk his way out of this situation; all he wanted to do was have a nice night. maybe forget about the last few years and just relax. 
of course, luck never was on his side, and that meant he had to either deal with this himself or.. let the police handle it. and he didn’t trust them at all - not since the last time he was tangled up with them as his spider-man.
❝ what you need to do is stay behind me. i got this. ❞
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Back For A Visit
“I know about regeneration. I saw inside your head, remember, all that stuff you showed me. And - Make yourself at home - And even if you didn’t, don’t think anything could surprise me anymore,” Craig said, as he continued with the tidying Sophie had tasked him with, which he’d been in the middle of doing when the Doctor had turned up on his doorstep for what was now the third time. New face, a woman, but unmistakably his old friend. He cleared an armful of cleaning supplies off a chair and gestured in an offer for her to sit. 
“But is something happening or have you just popped by for a visit? ‘Cos Alfie’s home from college tonight for winter hols and he’s bringing his girlfriend. That’s the reason for the cleaning - he never brings his girlfriends ‘round voluntarily and Sophie’s really excited, but if there’s a chance that someone’s going to get turned into a Cyberman or... It’s not that it isn’t great to see you, Doctor, it is. It’s been so long, Soph and me, we’d started to think... It’s just that when you come ‘round, it tends to be because there’s aliens and I really can’t do aliens right now."
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nothingtoprcve-blog · 5 years
@travelxhopefully // plotted starter
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If Earth thought ONE blonde woman from space coming down to its surface was something, WAIT ‘TIL THEY SEE THIS. It isn’t too long after Carol arrives at the complex. Grief masked under a layer of determination, her plan is to find Fury and figure out how to stop whatever’s happened, but instead she finds a group with no idea what to do, and when she asks her first question, the answer they give is exactly what she’d been hoping NOT to hear. Fury’s gone too. Her friend, albeit one she hadn’t seen in years, but still a friend, dust in the wind. 
Instead, she’s left with acquainting herself with the group calling themselves the AVENGERS ( which sounds familiar, but she can’t quite place it ), and after a quick explanation they give her clothing to wear. The first time she’s worn anything from her in over twenty years. 
Carol is the one who notices the newcomer FIRST. Brows furrow immediately, and she scans the large blue box with a mixture of curiosity and wariness, mostly the latter. And the moment the door opens, her fist is lifted, glowing with bright fiery flames. Jumping to conclusions, maybe, but she won’t trust just ANYBODY. “Who are you? Why are you here?” 
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chokethelight · 5 years
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❝ Good, evil, positive, negative. ❞
He ensured to put a great deal of pressure on the idea of negative due to the reason that was what he was… more or less. The Darkforce was interesting to say the very least; neither being alive nor dead. Something that was more so created than anything else.
Martin hated the discussions they had back and forth about good and evil. His other half always trying to be more dominate due to the fact it was his body. Idiotic to a sort, but even he had to share- they both had to. There was no other way.
❝ All simple perspectives, but can something be created simply as evil? Be… born that way? Can they have no other choice, but to stay on the path? Do they have to be exactly what their namesake is or can they forge a path of their own? One that is neither of those things people solely believe are black and white. ❞
// @travelxhopefully xxx
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miasmuseemporium · 5 years
@travelxhopefully​ liked my Marvel starter call and asked for Bucky!!
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He’s leaving the building that contains his flat, and he notices immediately that there’s something different about the area that surrounds it. There’s a blue police box, about ten feet away from the entrance. The sudden appearance of it makes him wonder... has he been found?? Bucky moves quickly to a place where he can observe, his suspicions on alert.
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itsjustkind · 5 years
travelxhopefully replied to your post: ��
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excellent. look at him, see how sad he is :)
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waywardfeathered · 5 years
travelxhopefully replied to your post: unpopular opinion i prefer the new shade of blue...
i think the thing most people have a problem with is that, with people that AREN’T visually impaired, it is very harsh on the eyes and even I was starting to get a headache staring at it for a while. It’s great that it helps people though, I just wish it had the option of being an option, y'know? So people who need it, can have it, and people who prefer the old, had the option of returning to it. It’d make that a much better solution for everyone.
maybe that depends? i’m not visually impaired, unless nearsightedness counts, and it is not straining my eyes at all. xkit is likely to offer options. if it is actually better for disabled people, then i would prefer it to stay that way as the default setting, but sure, offer options for people who do want to change it
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whoalwayswins-blog · 5 years
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Bruce should have been patient enough for his plan to come to fruition. To wait until the time was right and proper to act, but he was impatient for the time being. He wanted to get this done quickly; even if he knew it wasn’t exactly the right way to go about things.
❝ Or you’ll do what? ❞
It was a simple, but loaded question. Bruce wasn’t too sure about what the Doctor could do, but he did know she would most doubly put a damper on his plans. A reason  to why he had to be extra careful about not just his words, but actions as well.
// @travelxhopefully xxx
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ysmnkhn-moved · 5 years
“I just wanted to say i’m sorry.”
@travelxhopefully​ | misc. sentence starters ( accepting! ) 
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“‘S alright,” she started, almost automatically. It wasn’t the woman’s fault; after all, she’d told her that she was willing to handle whatever risks came her way. It was part of the journey, and she’d made them all agree to the terms. She said she was sure, but there was still something - something about losing a battle, almost her life along with it, that scared her. 
They’d known about The Doctor, as most of their adversaries did, but they’d wanted information. Captured Yasmin in an attempt to get it. The woman hadn’t been hostage for long, as The Doctor and the others had found a way to save her in the nick of time, but she’d mentally prepared to take the woman’s secrets to the grave. Now that she was okay, though, she could feel her pulse in her body, drumming like a warning. 
“It wasn’t your fault, what happened,” she repeated; out loud that time. “You saved me, and us, that’s what matters. We’re alright, and they’re back with just as little information as before.” 
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nazipunchingspider · 5 years
Noir meets the Doctor - RP
((Continuation of this))
Noir wasn’t sure what he had expected to come out of the strange box, it didn’t look like it could hold much, being just barely big enough for a single person to stand inside of it. However, that didn’t mean he was expecting a single person to open the door from inside and step out onto the monochrome street. 
The black-and-white detective lowered his hands as the woman apparently made an effort to show that she was harmless. It could be an act, of course, but something about her made him think it wasn’t. 
“All right, then.” He said, still cautious but willing to give her the benefit of the doubt... for now. “I’d say ‘welcome to New York’, but this version of her isn’t very welcoming. You have a reason for coming here?” 
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redxgrass · 5 years
@travelxhopefully - Liked for a starter.
He did not know where he was.
He did not know how he got there.
But he was 89% sure that he knew
the pretty lady that stood before him.
She was familiar, in the way she smiled and the way her eyes shone....
So, he did the only thing he though was obvious to do. He walked up to her.
“Excuse me, Ma’am. Hello.
Can you tell me where i am?”
He asked politely, even bowing in the proper way that he had been taught.
The only thing he did not think of... that perhaps he was no longer on Gallifrey
or even that perhaps she wouldn’t understand Gallifrayan...
“I seem to be Lost.
Would you happen to know if i’m still on the main Planet?
Or perhaps how close the Citadel is?”
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corruptedspider · 5 years
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❝ It never stops. ❞
Peter’s hands slid behind behind his back.  He’d been through lectures like this before. Several times in-fact, but usually they ended up webbed upside down on a wall or worse. 
Truth be told, he didn’t care about what happened to most that crossed him, but the Doctor? She  was something he couldn’t just web up. Not with out some sort of consequences he wasn’t prepared for. 
Nor did he want to be sent to the RAFT; they couldn’t help him. They’d only make things worse. Much worse if he was being truthfully honestly with himself.
❝ Not even for someone like you. ❞ 
Maybe he should have ended with one of his usual quip’s, but  he didn’t think it was necessary. Not when his anger was honestly out of control; not when his rage was close to boiling over.
// @travelxhopefully xxx
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@travelxhopefully, continued from metallic-river
“I distinctly recall shooting that fez. Or have you found a new one?“
❝ I BOUGHT a new one. Ages ago, actually. Only just arrived! ❞
Hallelujah for Kerblam!
❝ It’s nice, dear, ❞ River said, galaxies from sincere. She stepped closer, adjusting a strand of the Doctor’s blonde hair that the hat had pushed out of place. ❝ I think it would look even nicer falling into a sun, and if you’re very lucky I will take it off your head first. ❞ 
❝ You will not! I waited for over seventy years for this to arrive! …which is really bad delivery service but STILL. This is mine and I’m keeping it! ❞
She’s not sulking, YOU’RE sulking.
“I suppose it doesn’t look quite as ridiculous now, it almost suits you,” River took a step closer, and in a quick movement swept the hat from the Doctor’s head and, for safe keeping, plopped it on her own at a jaunty angle that likely make it look even more ridiculous. She quickly retreated, and made a dart for the console. “What’s your favorite sun, love? Any preference”
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melodyandpond · 5 years
" Hi, I’m looking for River Song. Are they in? " Cue 13 being a little shit. :D
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She looks up from her research to glance at the blonde at her door. “Ah, you must be my new student. Sit down, please,” she didn’t even look at the chair she was pointing. “I hope you have read the syllabus before coming in, I don’t want to repeat it all.”
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