#trc has a HOLD on me jfc
kote-the-inn-keeper · 8 years
Tag game
Thanks @bookcub for tagging me
1. Did you have a book phase you are ashamed of?
    Books? Um, no. Not really. I was disappointing with a lot of books and series though. So I guess I was ‘embarrassed’ by those. Any books I read and am embarrassed of have been because I was forced to read them.
2. How many books do you have marked as read on goodreads?
    ....? What is goodreads????????
3. Worst book you ever read?
    Twilight, Fallen [the series with the edgy girl on the front], Maximum Ride, um that’s all that come to mind immediately.
4. What are you currently reading?
    Bout to read The Slow Regard of Silent Things and the first book to The Raven Cycle. Hope TRC [???? is that the abbreviation??] is good as people say.
5. What character do you look the most like?
    From what? I really connect with lots of characters and adore so many from all sorts of different books. Good indicators if I like them is if they tend to be humble, come from broken home and have grown from that, and or are funny. Also loyal.
6. Do you have any book posters and if so, of what?
    Um, kind of? Not really, no. My mom got me a Alice in Wonderland one... But it has the tardis in it? She thought I was really into Doctor Who... I don’t hate it, it’s really well drawn, but I’m not a huge fan of DW.
7. What book do you want to become a movie/TV series (assuming it’s done well of course)?
     I’d love Eragon to be done. I know NOTW is being done, but I’m excited for it. A good kinda teen (tm) series would be The Fallen [has a guy on the front]. There was this other dragon rider book I read as a kid and it had this sassy ass cat in it and I loved it to bits but the name isn’t coming to mind; that’d be super cute! There was this one book I read as a freshman in highschool from my science teacher and god I can’t recall the name for the life of me. But I remember the plot and characters almost vividly; it’d be a super good action movie!!
8. What is the most quotable book in your opinion?
    Any book. I’m not one to label what is and is not quotable. Lines and words resonate in people differently and give them different types of feelings.I personally either love 100% joke quotes from books or the most deep and heart felt ones.
9. What quote has stuck with you?
    Lots of NOTW ones, a few from Eragon [it was a huge part of my childhood okay], a few Alice in Wonderland ones [I h8 when people fuckin use them in edgy manners jfc stop], and little bits of ones I can’t recall the books directly anymore.
10. Who is your fictional hero?
      I’m to embarrassed to answer lmao!! I have way to many for all sorts of reasons.
11. Who is an author you avidly avoid?
      The writer of Twilight, the Maximum Ride guy [i feel like his stories are half baked, and authors just push his books cause he already has fuckin 100+ out there s he’s just making bank and not writing from the heart][that’s the same guy right??? oh well], Obvious racist and sexist ones out there, blah blah.
I’ll tag: @kashyuri-art @corade2 @druggeddraccus @elodinsroofparty @kvothe-kingkiller @kvothbloodless and whoever else idk i have so many followers and people I follow ily guys. If you do it tag me and I’ll rb!
1. Have you written [personally or put out on the internet] a re-write of a book/section of a book? Not a fanfic, a literal ‘I hated this this wasn’t write this is how it was supposed to go’.
2. Do you listen to music while reading? If so, what?
3. What types of books do you lean towards most?
4. When you read, do you imagine yourself in the world as well/next to the main character?
5. Are you an emotional reader or a stone cold reader?
6. Do you write in your books, sticky note, or highlight? Or none?
7. How do you bookmark your page with a physical copy of a book?
8. When you recommend books to friends, do you give them your copy, buy them one, or just tell them about it?
9. Do you like holding books in your hands, or do physical copies mean less to you than the story itself? [No wrong answer!!], Explain!
10. After reading a book, do you take a few days to yourself to think it all over, or dive into the next book/another book?
11. What makes a character seem a live to you?
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