merluvlee-sims2 · 1 year
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New NPC unlocked! Breena Treewind is a wood nymph who resides in the pine forest in the eastern mountain range in Lindenwood. She is a Pleasure aspiration, a Capricorn, and her traits are Cat Person, Clumsy, Vegetarian, Party Animal, Green Thumb, and Fairy.
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Breena has a jaguar named Lilith who helps to protect her from unwanted visitors.
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Those who befriend Breena will be able to visit her fairy fountain once per season to get rare and valuable items that they would not normally have access to. Breena will only show up on community lots.
The Fairy NPC isn't in the official rules of the MCC, but ever since I saw that Letsplaywithfir3 did this in her Medieval Charter Challenge on YouTube, I always add a fairy to my MCC now 😄
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lunarlilygarden · 7 months
Intro Post
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Hello! The name's Ash and this is a blog I specifically use for sharing my doodles online. My biggest interest is Cookie Run (both Ovenbreak and Kingdom) but especially the elemental legendaries (they hold a special place in my heart).
My Twitter 🐦
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#dreamy rambles: Anything involving text or random rambles
#doodle void: Sketches
#paintings of dreams: Finished artwork
#ask of dreams: Ask posts
List of fav characters and ships 💖
BYF, DNI, Boundaries, and Discomfort Ships
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- I rarely post here so don't expect me to be that active! (I usually just lurk)
- I am very awkward at socializing so I may sound weird
- Please use tone indicators as I have a hard time knowing when someone is joking or not
- I have fav characters and fav ships and if any of them makes you uncomfortable, feel free to mute the tags or leave (also do not say it to my face about how you hate my faves/ships like why do I need to know that???)
- I am heavily uncomfortable with cookie eating jokes or jokes about belittling the cookies solely because they're cookies due to past experiences, so do not do that here
- English isn't my first language and I have trouble with typing and words so I may sound odd at times
- I don't really agree with popular headcanons most of the time (mostly family headcanons) so please be aware I may not share the same headcanons as whatever popular hcs there are in the fandom
- I do oc content sometimes so do please be aware of that
- I may not be aware on who I'm interacting with so if I interact with someone problematic, do tell me!
- I block people who make me uncomfortable or post content about stuff that make me uncomfortable so keep that in mind
- I mispeak and misread a lot due to my inability to speak and read properly so apologies for any errors
- Read my DNI list and my Discomfort Ships list before following
- Please respect my privacy. If I don't want to tell anything about me or what I have, then please respect it.
- Do not be weird when interacting with me (especially if you're an adult)
- Don't spam me. I don't appreciate constantly getting spammed messages/asks
- Do not argue or cause a fight in my posts
- Do not tell me what to add or what should be better in my posts (unless I ask for it like suggestions for drawing ideas but if it's a stupid meme and you go "erm, it would be better if it's [character]" then go away)
- Do not act like we're friends if I don't know you at all
- Basic DNI criteria
- People who think multishipping is cheating
- Vivziepop stans
- People who infantilize queer and neurodivergent people
- People who sexualize/fetishize mental illness, trauma, LGBTQ+, and neurodivergent people
- Proshippers
- Zoophiles
- Dream stans
- If you ship real people with each other (you are just weird)
- AU Sanses shippers (also no exceptions)
- The Coffin of Andy and Leyley fans (if I see anyone with a pfp of one of these fuckers, you are getting blocked on sight)
(Will add more if I forget something)
Discomfort Ships:
(Note: Not every ship listed here is problematic and you can interact if you are a shipper of any of these but please do not mention these ships in this blog)
🌹: Pretty meh
🥀: Do not mention it at all
- Pastryvelvet (🥀)
- Darkmilk (🥀)
- Windlotus (🥀)
- Treewind (🥀) (I see them as family so that's a big no)
- Windherb (🌹)
- Fireknight (🌹)
- Espresseleine (🌹)
- Teaclair (🥀)
- Almondlatte (🥀)
- Croisstime (🥀)
- Starpearl (🌹/🥀)
- Licofait (🥀)
- Blacaviar/pearlcaviar/caviarpearl or whatever the ship name is (🥀)
- Licopome (🥀)
- Oystercaviar (🌹)
- Capchat (🌹)
- Affocara (🥀)
- Affocacao (🥀)
- Abysseel (🥀)
(There is a big chance that you may get block if you post heavy about the ships with wilted roses since they are discomforts)
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cupcakestreets · 3 years
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Cookie Run Traditional doodles💕 I had fun with it. The vampire one is based off a convo I had with @flamboyant-king . Draw Vampire drying up and popping back to normal in your style now. Also Millennial Tree x Wind Archer drawings because this ship appeals to me now. Added a redraw of Wind Archer
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Millenial Tree Cookie x Wind Archer Cookie moodboard
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Aaah these 2 are my biggest otp. Sucks thst it's such a rarepair.
Again a personal thingy. Still trying to come up w a way to efficently work on moodboards with how requests are currently formated.
-Mod Crow
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zelensk · 3 years
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tree wind
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ivorytowerblr · 3 years
NaNoWriMo 2021: Nov 23rd
::cranky word-count noises::
Title: Warcraft: Invasion (Vol 1 of Reborn AU) Word Count: 27453 (of 50000) Includes: Violence, mature sexual content, strong language. Summary: It was a dark and stormy night when the rift opened. From it spilled warriors of an alien culture bent on finding and destroying the cause of a sickness that plagued their world, all unknowing that the true cause was right under their noses all along.
Five years after the birth of his son, Llane Wrynn, Crown Prince of Stormwind, would learn of a terrible threat to his people, his nation, and his very world. The only natural thing to do is send his son to the protective walls of Northshire Abbey and, all unknowing, to the protection of a great hero, the prodigy-knight Mara Fordragon.
When sickness ravages your very world, you have no choice but to do whatever it takes to cure it, even if it means traveling to another world by means of the foulest of dark sorceries. It means standing at the side of a butcher, a monster, an abuser, a warrior, a chieftain, a hero to your clan. It means putting aside what is right to do what you must.
All these threads and more weave together to bring about a war like any other; two worlds will never be the same again.
Previous: 1st . 2nd . 3rd . 4th . 5th . 6th . 7th . 8th. . 9th . 10th . 11th . 12th . 13th . 14th . 15th . 16th . 17th . 18th . 19th . 20th . 21st . 22nd . 
Chapter 5
“Instead, I have chosen a region in the Sorrowlands called the Black Morass, which is precisely as hospitable, welcoming, and atmospheric as the name promises. Due to said qualities, the ley node there is powerful but utterly untapped, and those that dwell nearby are superstitious, backwards swamp-dwellers with no concept of the greater complexities in the world around them.”
Excerpt from the Book of Medivh, 583 A.F.
It had begun to rain again, but Garona couldn’t find it in her heart to worry about getting wet. She had lived most of her life in Shadowmoon Valley, a place that had once been beautiful from what she had heard, but those days had ended before her birth. Instead, she’d been forced to adapt to a drying, decaying land with barely enough food to sustain two clans and four races. For all she had travelled to other lands, from Blade’s Edge to Terokkar Forest, from Swelterforge Peninsula to Nagrand, she had never experienced anything quite like Azeroth and the vast, diverse lands that surrounded it.
Here, as an example, she was at the very edge of the vast swamp called the Sorrowlands that stretched along the south-east of the continent, kept back by the chains of mountains that seemed to be everywhere in this part of the world. The deepest part, called the Black Morass, had been empty of everything but animals until the orcs had arrived, whereas the northern Sorrowlands had possessed various settlements -- Bluemarch, Crossroads, Traveler’s Rest -- though no longer. Instead, the Blackrock had torn down structures that consisted of a single, long floor that held themselves up from the muddy waters like a draenei lifting their kilt free of a puddle and rebuilt their own rounded, clay and stone structures to replace them.
It’s all such a waste, given why we’re here, Garona thought, and clucked to her mount. The big worg padded forth, carrying her through the narrow pathway in the mountains that led out of the Sorrowlands and into Treewind Pass. Her worg sneezed briefly at the sudden shift from wet, damp mud to a firm, hard-packed dirt road twisting southward towards a tall, stone structure reaching for the gloomy sky.
As Garona rode, her gaze darted everywhere, from the tall, looming mountains to the wind rattling through the trees that had given this place its name. Or so I presume. Who knows, there could be someone whose deedname is Treewind and they lived here first. I don’t know much about humans. Sometimes, I barely understand orcs.
The first human she had seen, of course, was Medivh, the one who had helped Gul’dan bring them here. A traitor to his people, by all rights. This meant he was not to be trusted, no matter how friendly he seemed, no matter how kind and understanding he had been of her wonder at seeing this world, so new and unlike her own.
Gul’dan does not trust him, Garona thought as she continued to follow the road. That means I should not trust him either.
The thought sat ill in her mind, like a canker. If her task was to get answers from Medivh as Gul’dan had demanded of her, how was she to be more successful than he was? Was she to look for something? Was she supposed to hear it in his voice or see it in his manner? Was she to smell it on him, or had Gul’dan forgotten that humans were not as orcs were? That while fear-stink and filth gave them an odor, it was not the subtle thing of a chieftain versus a peon or a warrior versus a hunter.
“I don’t think it will be as simple as just riding up and asking, do you?” Garona asked her worg, who made a noise somewhere between growl and whine as it continued onward. She snorted. “You’re no help.” She took a deep breath and let her gaze fall on the tower that grew larger with each of her worg’s strides. It was like nothing she had ever seen before, like it was carved from the natural rock formations, except that no mountain was ever so perfectly created, even with the windows and one section that jutted out like a thumb.
I wonder if they have creatures that are like ogres here, or the gronn of old, Garona mused. How else would they find someone big enough to build such a great tower. Not that we would ever be capable of compelling either of those beings to help us. The ogres would never bow before an orc for any reason, much less help us. The gronn are the caretakers of mountains and the seas, and care nothing for us.
It took an hour before Garona saw anything other than trees and rocks; a stone bridge, as surely carved by time and weather as the great tower was not. Down below, Garona could see a river flowing swiftly, wending its way through the land below until it disappeared beneath the tower.
That must be it then, Garona thought, taking the time to feed and care for her worg, as well as eating herself. A much bigger river came through here and it is now much smaller. It wore away the rock until it dug all the way down to the bedrock. It does not surprise me that there is a mundane answer rather than a divine one.
On Draenor, Garona had heard people attribute nearly everything under the sun to the spirits, both good and bad: if the weather was good, the spirits blessed them. If it was poor, the spirits were angry and needed to be appeased. The number of kills on a hunt, the births of children, the death of a beloved hunting companion or a cherished weapon breaking were all because of the spirits and never an individual. Even those who had stopped believing in spirits still revered their ancestors. Some, like Gul’dan, and those who followed him, held ancestor worship in disdain but still believed the dead could speak.
And then there’s Ner’zhul, who believes in the spirits along with something else entirely. The Dark Star is a strange thing, something I don’t think even Gul’dan properly understands, but Ner’zhul certainly does. I couldn’t say if that makes him happier or not. He is very gloomy and obsessed with death. I wouldn’t be surprised if worshipping the Dark Star is what made him so morbid.
Garona’s hand moved involuntarily to her shoulder, recalling a wound she had taken while traveling through Shadowmoon Valley, where she had been born and had lived most of her nineteen summers. She had been sick, delirious, when she had stumbled into Ner’zhul’s dwelling, ostensibly to bring him a message from Gul’dan. She had collapsed and he had healed her, and even now the memory made her teeth ache and her shoulder hurt.
“Never ask a necrolyte for help,” Garona commented to her worg, holding her hand out to it. The great creature whined and licked her hand. “Because unfortunately, they will give it to you, and you will not like it at all.”
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thespiandrummer · 6 years
Mountain, sky and windsong converge now
categorically confined no more; treewind and
birdsong fill me in a deluge of daylight calm,
pressed into the palms of earthcrease like a branch
of time on the fortune of its camber as we become the
hagiography of these mountains singing,
Glistening among the gleam of their own silence
in this palace, this crown of healing as the canyon,
breath of my lungs, inhales the story of aspen,
their history laid bare by the aurorae of my own self-discovery
a never-ending repose aside these quiet hills I walk with you
© Thespian Drummer / Hagiography
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peterfane · 6 years
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Ladies and Lords of Remain! Our dearest friend, High Lady Chunlin Yang has brough us some new character art: Abigail Gorón and her scout dragon, Treewind!
House Gorón, like many minor houses of Dávanor, was drawn into the Great War early on, siding with House Dradón and the Silver Fox, Bellános Dallanar. However, treachery from within -- almost certainly provoked by House Fel -- cost the lives of both Abi's older brothers. She has since taken up the mantle of House Gorón and hunts justice for her lost kin on dragon back.
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cupcakestreets · 3 years
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Did a Millennial Tree x Wind Archer smut comic. You may look at it on my 🔞🔞🔞 Twitter. I need more content of these two romantically.
Minors DNI please. I'm doing a faith based system right now and I'm asking you not to interact with my adult content.
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cupcakestreets · 3 years
Would like to draw more Millennial Tree and Wind Archer content but it's all horny ideas rip anyway anyone wanna Share romantic headcanons about the nature lovers. Also what's the tag I use: WindTree? MillenArcher? TreeWind? All of the above?
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