himalyantourismo · 2 years
Har ki Doon way to connected with lord Shiva
Har Ki Doon is situated in the heart of Govind Ballabh Pant National Park, surrounded by snow-covered peaks. If you are a nature lover this place will make a special place in your heart and you will fall in love with its thriving green valley surrounded by wide range of mountains.
It is really important to have a proper itinerary prepared before you start your journey or an easy way is to book your tour through Himalyan Tourismo as they will plan everything for you you just need to sit back and relax so I did the same. So here I am sharing my experience with of way to haven “HAR KI D ooN- way to haven” with Himalyan tourismo . So let’s start!
One of my friends suggested me to book a all-inclusive tour package from Himalyan tourismo as he had an amazing experience with them for the same trek so I did the same and this turn out to be a best decision I have ever made. I made my booking online from the official website of Himalyan tourismo. My whole trip was planned by them from tickets to hotel stay everything was covered. I started my journey from Delhi to Sankari via Volvo(distance 429 KM and time 11 hours). We arrived at 8:00 am there we met our tour guide and way to our hotel. Sankari is considered as the base camps for various treks like Har KI Doon, Bali pass, Kedarkantha, Saru Tal etc.
On day 2 we head towards taluka, its a 12–14 km of jeepable and a scenic road that connects Sankari to taluka. Taluka is located in the heart of majestic range of Himalayas and you will be fortunate to see the diverse range of flora and fauna. I was amazed to see the driving skills of Mr. Hemchand and how he was zooming around his jeep stout-heartedly on perilous curves, heads off to him.
I had a wrong perception about place before. Taluka is quite similar to Sankari in terms of modernization and availability as products like buns, Maggi, breads, cold drinks etc. we available, but yes there is a catch that you will struggle in finding mineral water over there so our tour guide was well prepared for such things they had a lot of mineral water bottles, we can clearly see the perks of having a local tour guide as he had a great interaction with natives, due to his nature and good will we got a chance to taste the Uttarakhand dish Arsa (made with rice and jaggery). It was delicious and yummmm.
Also Taluka was our starting point of the trek and better to say from here our real adventure begins. Soon after that we started our trek crossing through the walnut forest and pine trees. The trail goes along with Supin river with few ascends and descents so it is a suggestion to put small steps keep yourself hydrated as soon you may feel tired as every time you goes down you have to climb higher and it needs great strength but the good thing is that you will feel a synergy between you and nature as the climate is mostly pleasant. After all hardships the only thing that kept me on was the magical beauty of valley and also when you are accompanied by good fellows things become quite easy and fun as my group members kept cracking jokes and turned up as a booster dose. We took a break on tea shop and had lunch. Our journey resumed soon as we renewed our energy. As the trek progressed we came across the small valley of flowers which was rejuvenating suddenly felt a positive flow of energy across my body that kept me moving and I cracked the formula to complete the trek, I realized the more you think about how long the trek is the more you feel exhausted instead of that feel the fresh air and connect yourself with nature and believe me this will boost your strength. Two of our group members reached the campsite bit early and when I saw the camp it was like scenery of mountains along with river on both sides. We took a small tea break and soon after that we tied our tents with strong knots.
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We took a small walk around the camp site enjoyed the sunset with some snacks and music. We were very tired due to long trek and fall asleep soon after we had our dinner. Next day I woke up early from birds chitter and I was very refreshed, morning scenes were blissful and weather was bit cold. After our breakfast we resumed our trek and headed towards our next destination. Our trek guide told us about the main crops that are grown on this land like wheat, potato, Rajma. As this part of the trek was mostly exposed to sky and less shadows were there so our trek guide instructed us to apply sunscreen to stay protected from tanning. Till Oslo village trek was less fatiguing we thought that it will remain the same throughout but afterwards it became steep due to which we took frequent short breaks so that we can continue our journey. In between we also did some photo shoot session as it was breathtaking to see such amazing views. During our trek we meet some local crowd for whom trekking was a part of day to day life. After 4–5 km of trekking we reached our camp site which was Kalkatidhar at around 4:30 pm. Though we have covered less distance as compare to the last day it took more time due to the difficulty level, but we managed to reach early so we had plenty time to explore the surrounding beauty. I must say that Kalkatidhar is the most beautiful site so far surrounded by mountains and snow on all the sides I was wondering that why people say that nature can heal everything and now I understood how this works. I kept starring at mountains for about 30 minutes; it was like communicating with nature through your soul. I saw how nature changes the color from blue to orange and it was like a canvas of a great artist. I wanted to capture every single moment but there were so may that I can’t store them in a single camera however I got many great shots. We slept early that day because next day we had to start early as that was our final lap for the Har-Ki-Dun trek. Next day the whole group woke up with the Great Spirit as it was a finale of Har-Ki-Dun trek. Trek was a blend of steep roads going up and down with few waterfalls and forest lands. After few hours of trekking we could see the panoramic view of Har-ki-Dun peak with Hata peak on the left, however Swarga Rohini peak was not visible as the view was blocked by high mountain ranges. After trekking of 2 hours we reached the forest guest house. After 4 days of trekking we finally reached the destination and that feeling was amazing like winning a trophy. A trophy of memories and larger than life experience.
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mountainrocktrek-blog · 9 months
Group joining trekking in Nepal 2023-2024 -Fixed Date
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Join our thrilling group trekking adventure in Nepal for the 2024-2025 season. Explore the breathtaking Himalayan landscapes with like-minded adventurers on fixed dates. Whether you're a novice or an experienced trekker, our expert guides will lead you through iconic trails, including the Annapurna Circuit and Everest Base Camp. Book your spot now with us. 
For more details
Address- Z Street - Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone- +977 1 4701233
Mobile, WhatsApp & Viber- +977 9849023179 (Dipak Pande)
Website- www.mountainrocktreks.com
#Thamel #Moonlighthotel #ramadaencore #hotelmoonlightthamel #paknajol #zstreet #mountainrocktreks #MRT2023 #Mountainrocktreks #visitmountainrocktreks #TrekkingAdventures #GroupTrekking #TrekkingNepal #AdventureTogether #HikingTribe #TrekkingCrew #MountainExplorers #TrailBlazers #ExploreWithUS #Trekking2023 #Trekking2024
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sabsiritzinger · 5 years
28.02.-02.03. Kathmandu
Unterkunft: The Glasshouse Hotel
Die Flüge sind alle gut gelaufen und wir sind sogar eine halbe Stunde eher gelandet als geplant. Angekommen am Flughafen war ich total überwältigt. Der Flughafen ist nicht sehr groß, es ist unfassbar ruhig für einen Flughafen und die Aussicht ist gigantisch! (überall Berge⛰😍) Wir sind dort von einem Taxi abgeholt worden und ca. eine halbe Stunde zum Hostel gefahren, welches mitten in der Stadt liegt. Der erste Eindruck von Kathmandu war sehr positiv. Auch wenn die Stadt sehr voll ist, die Stromkabel kreuz und quer an den Häusern befestigt sind (ich weiß nicht, wie sie da jemals kaputte Kabel reparieren wollen😂), die Gassen total eng und wirklich jede Ecke mit Gebetsfahnen geschmückt sind, es hat echt Flair😍 (Fotos im nächsten Post)
Das Hostel war bis auf die unbeheizten Räume(😅) super cool!
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Wir hatten einen echt krassen Double Bedroom, der schöner war als manche Hotelzimmer zuvor🙊😍 Fabi hat im Dorm nebenan geschlafen. War alles super sauber, wir haben uns sehr wohl gefühlt! Der Besitzer war total cool, hat uns seine halbe Lebensgeschichte erzählt (war echt interessant !) und hat uns super leckere Pancakes zum Frühstück gemacht.🥞
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Wir haben im Hostel Jodi kennen gelernt: Er ist 42, aus den USA, auch schon etwas länger am reisen und hat sich unserer Trekkingcrew angeschlossen :)
Am ersten Tag haben wir nicht mehr viel gemacht, haben bloß noch unsere Wäsche abgegeben und lecker Chicken Tikka Masala gegessen🍴 Achja und wir mussten uns erstmal akklimatisieren, da es hier doch um einiges kälter ist 🥴
Am zweiten Tag haben wir uns dann alle gemeinsam um unsere Permits und unsere Ausrüstung gekümmert, da Jojo und ich nicht wirklich warme Klamotten geschweige denn Wanderausrüstung dabei hatten. Man braucht für die Wanderung im Annapurna-Gebiet zwei Permits: einmal, dass man als Trekker registriert ist (grün: individuell, blau: mit Guide) und einmal, dass man in der Annapurna Conservation Area unterwegs sein darf. (Insgesamt haben wir dafür 5000 Nepal Rupie bezahlt, was umgerechnet ca. 39€ sind).
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Hat ganz schön lang gedauert, weil sie dann auch noch den Schalter vor unseren Augen geschlossen und Mittagspause gemacht haben 😂 Wir sind dann einfach auch was essen gegangen... Als wir später endlich unsere Papiere hatten, sind wir zurück in die Stadt und shoppen gegangen💃 Wir haben uns jeweils eine Daunenjacke und einen Daunenschlafsack ausgeliehen (für umgerechnet ca. 2€ pro Tag), den Rest mussten wir uns kaufen (Wanderschuhe, Wandersocken, Fleecejacke, Handschuhe, ... etc.). Ist zwar alles fake, dafür aber echt ganz gute Qualität und erfüllt auf jeden Fall seinen Zweck! In Summe habe ich fürs Ausleihen und Einkaufen ca. 100€ gezahlt, was wirklich günstig für die Menge an Sachen ist! Eventuell kann ich einige Sachen danach auch weiterverkaufen... Naja jedenfalls waren wir nun ausgerüstet für unser Abenteuer 😬
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Am nächsten Tag sind wir sehr früh aufgestanden und mit dem 7:00 Bus nach Pokhara gefahren, von wo aus wir am Tag darauf endlich in die Berge zu unserer Wanderung gestartet sind.
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himalyantourismo · 2 years
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Kedarkantha is a mountain peak of the Himalayas in Uttarakhand, India. Its elevation is 12,500 ft. Kedarkantha is located within Govind Wildlife Sanctuary in Uttarkashi district. A trek to the peak of Kedarkantha usually starts from Sankri, a small village, and takes four days to complete.
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