#tricorn on the cob watches LK and goes feral for tertiary characters
tricornonthecob · 11 months
Alas, it will keep me awake
LK 120: An American Manwhore in Paris
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DIC animators: "something something edutainment here's the shit we know all of you 18th cent/Antoinette/frev/amrev geeks are freaks for: that sweet sweet material culture" aww yeah we got Robe à la française errwhere.
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Its ya boi, Benji Franxxx
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lol both of them bout to geddit.
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Fuckin' ZINGED I wouldn't even be mad if I got roasted by Benji Franx.
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lol they all gonna geddit.
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If I was the one who came up with that dress I would be SO MAD that it was only in there for a fraction of a moment.
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lol this entire episode is the art department going FUCK YOU WE WANNA DRAW FASHIONABLE HO'S.
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Benji you do realize it sounds like you want to take down their monarchy, yes?
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Oh good! she's back!
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Literally spending this entire scene interrupting all the edutainment by showing off their design work with anachronistic dancing (waltz isn't around until 19th century.)
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You probably should its very cold outside.
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Not throwing any shade, this is the laziest walk animations I've seen so far in this episode and i'm guessing its because they spent the entire animation budget on the previous scene's Roccocaine ball. Honestly, great tradeoff.
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man the writer's room is just chomping at the bit to flesh out Dad Issues, The Tory.
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Nothing good comes from coughing in a period piece.
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Oh did she take Sulfa, too?
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Daaaaaaang that's a nice swipe at her deadbeat dad, Abigail. High-fives!
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James, you sweet summer child, why are you still surprised when conditions at Camp Continental Army are shit.
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Washington? Arnold? Greene??
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Lol Benji taking full advantage of this paid work trip.
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The footman is either hella stoned, or checking out that elegant twunk (fancy dress can't fool me, that guy's a twunk under all that silk.)
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Not with that attitude, sheeesh, you don't even have a bunch of teenaged reporters hanging out around you guys.
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"Fuckfuckfuck this wasn't the plan"
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ya girl is HALLUCINATIN' also is she just... wearing her normal clothes in bed with a wicked ass fever???
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Straight up havin' a real bad trip
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apparently she's in the same forest Snow White was in.
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Check it out, its him! The PTSD Deadbeat DILF with a wonky accent! My blorbo!
Lol the closest she's ever gotten to her father in 4 years is a fucking fever dream.
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They gave that man some full fuckin lips, straight up lookin' as fabulous as John Hancock.
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