#tried to do a decent variety of things for adults vs. for younger readers
theladyragnell · 2 years
not necessarily your top five fav retellings, but top 5 retellings you would rec people to read/see/etc at least once?
Ooh, an interesting distinction, okay! I am assuming you mean fairy tales here, so that's what I'll go with, assuming the person I am reccing to has at least some interest in fairy tale retellings and has seen as much of the Disney fairy tale canon as they're interested in.
1. Ever After! A really good movie for anyone, and one of the best Cinderella retellings out there.
2. Into the Woods! Again, just objectively a great piece of work, if someone likes either fairy tales or musicals.
3. The Starlit Wood, ed. Dominik Parisien and Navah Wolfe. This is a short story collection with a LOT of good ones in it, including the original short story version of Novik's Spinning Silver, so it allows the potential rec-ee to also get that potential piece of interest.
4. I am hopelessly biased, but I DO think that most people who like fairy tale retellings should read Robin McKinley's Beauty at least once. Or any of her fairy tale retellings, but that one's the most accessible for sure.
5. For young people especially, if you want to addict them to fairy tale retellings, you still can't do much better than Levine's Ella Enchanted.
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