#trimmable reblogs wouldn't let me touch the old post for some reason so here we are.
vivalavillain · 8 months
{For @cosmiicmultimuse. Continued from here.}
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He lifted his shoulders in something like nonchalance, despite the dejected look that edged in around the outline of his face.
"I doubt there's enough good in the world to completely wash away Rocket's sins but, as you say, who knows? Colress was once tied with an organization whose name still darkens doorsteps in Unova and he seems liked well enough these days. Perhaps I'll get lucky."
His enthusiasm seems manufactured at best but he brushes past the subject all the same.
"I don't believe I was in Galar at the time of that particular incident and, to be quite honest, when my quest to bring the Dynamax phenomenon here ultimately ended in failure, I stopped paying close attention to what was going in the region. It sounds like everything ended up wrapped in a neat little bow, though, so I suppose that's all that matters."
Wasn't that just the way? He had no doubt that if he looked into the matter, he would find another plucky protagonist at the helm of taking down the imminent threat. He'd failed often enough and paid attention close enough to notice the trend when it came to anyone who dared pose a threat to the status quo. One might think he'd be bitter after all his ill-fated luck with his own machinations-- and, perhaps, this endeavor with Silver proved that he actually was-- but he had the good grace to keep it to himself.
"So tell me, what have you been doing in my absence? I'm curious what adventures you got up to while I was away. Anything of note?"
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