#triple point igf
disastrousfeline · 4 months
i'm your man
(frames + notes under cut)
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title card!
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some credits. the constellations triangulum (representing TRIPLE-POINT) in circuit purple, canis major (representing CAUSTIC) in circuit green, lynx (representing alsciaukat, aka sou spacius lynk) in their particular shade of purple, as well as circuitry in the circuit's green-purple gradient
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enjoy :)
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a mirror (representing TRIPLE-POINT) displaying [dog teeth? cracks?] on its glass on the left; lynk with angelic imagery on the right. lyric displayed: you're an angel / i'm a dog
additional note: as implied, the lyrics are sung by an aspect of TRIPLE-POINT, one that speaks in lowercase and developed a reverse savior complex towards lynk. everyone else does not matter to them, including themselves, hence the crossouts
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the mirror is now displaying a silhouette of a person holding a leash connected to lynk's prosocollar, now without angelic imagery. lyric displayed: or you're a dog / and i'm your man
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SCHRODINGER'S LYNX, lynk's persona while in the Circuit, stands with some other Circuit members: T|GHTL||SH, Operamandible, Conductive Noose, Synaptic_Static, AVERSION COMPLEX, END.repeat(end);. lyric displayed: you believe me like a god
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SCHRODINGER'S LYNX, now alone. its projected lynx head displays more glitches, and its X-eye melts, as if crying. the Spire can faintly be seen in the background. lyric displayed: i destroy you like i am
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lynk kneeling on the ground, tearfully reaching out to TRIPLE-POINT's broken casket post Event Horizon. lyric displayed: i'm sorry i'm the one you love / no one will ever love me like you again
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some glass shards in circuit purple. lyric displayed: so when you leave me, i should die
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the Spire. lyric displayed: i deserve it, don't i?
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BEAKS AND BEAKS AND BEAKS AND BEAKS AND BEAKS AND BEAKS AND okay i'll stop. it's her! the namesake of the campaign! lyric displayed: i can feel it getting near
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WINGS AND WINGS AND WINGS AND okay yeah you get the point. more of her (simulated self in the CRYPT OF STARS) :] lyric displayed: like flashlights coming down the way
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featureless door in the VORSEHUNGSMOTOR. lyric displayed: one day you'll figure me out
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Event Horizon time. CAUSTIC looks at the viewer. TRIPLE-POINT, eidolized, is visible in the background. lyric displayed: i'll meet judgement by the hounds
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some Circuit embers from before, smiling. less of them because i was getting tired. for what it's worth, these are the three who are the most fond of TRIPLE-POINT and CAUSTIC, not counting SCHRODINGER'S LYNX: Operamandible, AVERSION COMPLEX, Conductive Noose. lyric displayed: people always gave me love
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blurrr. lyric displayed: others were never to blame after all
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lynk reaches out to TRIPLE-POINT, like adam in michelangelo's the creation of adam. lyric displayed: you believe me like a god
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TRIPLE-POINT vanishes, leaving lynk alone. i should note that TRIPLE-POINT did not die in our playthrough — this segment moreso represents the several times lynk abruptly woke up from the dreams in which they speak to TRIPLE-POINT. lyric displayed: i betray you like a man
the following segment is just lynk and TRIPLE-POINT's conversation after Event Horizon. this was honestly just a last-minute decision to fill in the ending instrumentals. also they were quickly patched by the team members with Patch beforehand dw
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feiyuebio-lottieshi · 2 years
insulin-like growth factors 1(IGF-1): a new type"multifunctional" secreted protein molecule2022-02-28
What is IGFL1?
IGFL1 is an insulin-like growth factor-1 (Insulin growth factor-like family member 1IGFL1), which belongs to the IGF-like (IGFL) family. In 2006, research by Peter Emtage et al. discovered a new family of human secreted proteins and named it the IGF-like (IGFL) family. The IGF-like (IGFL) gene encodes a protein of about 100 amino acids consisting of small secreted proteins containing 11 conserved cysteine ​​residues, including two CC motifs. In humans, the IGF-like (IGFL) family contains four genes (IGFL1, IGFL2, IGFL3, IGFL4) and two pseudogenes (IGFL1P1 and IGFL1P2). The human IGF-like (IGFL) gene is located in the 220 kb interval of chromosome 19, and family members are clustered in a 35 kb interval. IGFL is usually not expressed or expressed very little in body tissues. Data show that IGFL1 is not expressed in a wide range of tissues such as adrenal gland, bone marrow, brain, prostate, skin, small intestine, thyroid and uterus; it is expressed in fetal skin, normal breast, ovary, and spinal cord. In addition, relevant database analysis has shown that IGFL1 is expressed in cancer cells, such as squamous cell carcinoma, uterine tumors, and head and neck tumors, suggesting that IGFL1 is expected to be a new potential target for cancer.
IGFL1 and the receptor IGFLR1
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IGFLR1 is the receptor of IGFL1. In 2011, Adrian A. Lobito and other authors found that human IGFL1 has specificity and high affinity with a new receptor IGFLR1 (formerly called TMEM149), which is similar in structure to the tumor necrosis factor receptor family (TNFRs).Thus, IGFLR1 was identified for the first time as a receptor for IGFL1. Meanwhile, IGFLR1 is also considered to be a novel receptor in the TNFR family. The IGFLR1 gene is located on chromosome 19 and is widely expressed in lymph nodes, spleen and kidney. Adrian's research also pointed out that IGFLR1 is most expressed on mouse T cells, and its high expression promotes the infiltration and activation of inflammation, suggesting that skin-produced IGFL1-binding receptor IGFLR1 may play a regulatory role in T cell responses.
Figure 1. IGFL1 is involved in the regulation of Basal-like breast cancer
IGFL1 and tumor disease regulation
A growing number of reports in the literature suggest that IGFL1 may be involved in the regulatory processes of multiple tumors. At present, IGFL1 and tumor-related research mainly include Basal-like breast cancer (triple negative breast cancer), ovarian cancer, liver cancer, melanoma, and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
In Basal-like breast cancer, studies have found that IGFL2-AS1 can promote tumor cell proliferation and growth by regulating IGFL1 (Figure 1). In addition, in vivo and in vitro experiments confirmed that IGFL1 and IGFL2-AS1 are oncogenes. Analysis of clinical samples showed that high IGFL1 expression was negatively correlated with the prognosis of triple-negative breast cancer patients. Through TCGA database analysis, in ovarian cancer, differentially high expression of IGFL1 is closely related to poor prognosis, or can be used as a potential predictor of ovarian cancer. In liver cancer, TCGA data also identified multiple tumor-associated fibroblasts (Cancer-associated fibroblasts, CAF) markers such as IGFL1. In melanoma, analysis of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) indicated that changes in IGFL1 expression could affect tolerance. In esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, IGFL1 was identified as a regulatory target gene of differentially expressed lncRNAs.
IGFL1-Clinical application prospects
At present, the clinical efficacy of IGFL1 targets and the exploration of therapeutic pathways remain to be studied. However, with the in-depth understanding of the mechanism of action of IGFL1 targets, the role of IGFL1 in various biological regulatory networks is expected to open up new fields for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. A growing number of biological analyses have shown that IGFL1 plays an important role in growth, inflammatory diseases, and tumorigenesis, all of which suggest IGFL1 as a potential inflammatory skin disease (allergic skin disease and silver skin disease). psoriasis) and one of the drugs for the treatment of oncological diseases (breast and ovarian cancer).
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gogoigo · 5 years
After ten rounds the league stage of the 3rd Pandanet Go Latin American Team Championship comes to its final round with a triple tie at the top of the table. On this Pandanet event, the top two teams at the end of the league earn a spot to play a face-to-face final match during the 3rd Latin American Go Congress in Sao Paolo, Brazil.
So far Brazil, Colombia and Mexico have all 8 points, but on this final round Brazil will be facing Colombia, most likely meaning that only one of them will earn a seat in the final match.
Considering the importance of this final showdown, the Brasil Nihon Kiin will be hosting Zirui Song 1p from the American Go Association for a live game commentary on the Brazil v. Colombia second board match. This match will be played between Brasil’s Feng Wang 5d and Colombia’s Juan David Ramírez 4d. You can follow the broadcast on Brazil Nihon Kiin’s Twitch channel on Sunday August 11th at 19:30, GMT -6.
Zirui Song 1p, AGA
You may also follow all the games of this round directly on the Pandanet client where another very interesting match is taking place: Argentina v. Chile, where both teams have lined up their best players including Argentina’s Fernando Aguilar.
As a conclusion we will have a spectacular closing for the league stage of the Pandanet Go Latin American Team Championship so don’t miss it!
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hudsonespie · 5 years
Sailing Into A Climate-Challenged Future – Is Shipping Able To Cope?
2018 can be viewed as the year of pivotal climate action when the world started demanding change. The global warming debate intensified when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported that surpassing the 1.5 degrees rise in global temperature carries huge risks for humans and nature alike. Global emissions need to be lowered dramatically and the maritime industry has a significant stake in making it happen. This is a call that rings true with Wärtsilä as the corporation’s purpose is to enable sustainable societies with smart technology.
Initiating ‘An Oceanic Awakening’ in 2018, Wärtsilä set out to rally the maritime industry into action and to help accelerate the adoption of environmentally friendly marine technology. As global cargo fleet capacity continues to grow on average three percent per year, the sea as a means of transportation retains its relevance in the future, but the growth also puts pressure on finding cleaner and more environmental solutions in maritime. This is a challenge that Wärtsilä is taking head on, together with its customers, partners and other stakeholders.
The International Maritime Organization (IMO), is the specialised agency of the U.N. responsible for regulating shipping. In April 2018, in reaction to the demand to tackle climate change, the IMO committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the total shipping fleet by at least 50 percent by 2050 from 2008 levels. However, if left unchecked, shipping emissions are set to as much as triple from 2008 to 2050 – in line with the IMO’s high growth forecast that sees a potential threefold increase of the world fleet. The ultimate aim, under the agency’s ‘levels of ambition’, is to phase out shipping emissions entirely by 2100.
Image for representation purpose only
Along this route to the 2050 requirements and beyond, there are of course legislative milestones. And by 2030, greenhouse gas emissions from individual ships – meaning primarily CO2 – must be cut by 40 percent on average compared to 2008 levels, for all vessels, new or existing.
To require a complex industry to make the step-changes needed to seriously address the sustainability targets set out by the United Nations, is not an easy thing. Nevertheless, the targets are there and the maritime industry is having to undergo a process of evaluation to establish the most realistic and cost-effective means of meeting them.
It must be said that, based on predicted demand for cargo transportation between now and 2050 the number of vessels will grow and thus emissions reduction targets on a vessel level need to significantly surpass those on the fleet level. Around 70 percent reductions on the vessel level are needed to enable a 50 percent fleet level emission cut, which means the combined emissions of all ships in the fleet. Whichever kind of economic growth scenario is assumed to be realistic, one thing is certain: a higher number of vessels will lead to more emissions and the industry has a relatively short amount of time to course correct because vessels built today might still be in operation in 2050.
Whilst being the most cost-effective and energy efficient means of transportation, shipping still withstands a multitude of inefficiencies, waste, pollution, long waiting times in ports and abundant safety risks. For container shipping alone, global fleet-wide waste from inefficient fuel usage, owing to sub-optimal voyage planning and execution, is estimated to cost about 14.5BEUR annually. 220MEUR is wasted on other inefficiencies such as deployment of crew, maintenance, spares, oils and facilities issues. Active vessels spend on average 35 percent of their time waiting for and dealing with port operations and a further 6 percent of their time at anchorage. This leads to an ever-growing need for this waste to be addressed alongside the environmental side effects.
Wärtsilä, through its Smart Marine vision, has determined to provide the market with low-CAPEX smart technologies that when combined can push vessel operations toward becoming more cost-effective, efficient and climate-friendly. The use of connectivity, real-time communication and data analytics in voyage optimisation, operation and energy management are crucial elements in the journey towards sustainable shipping. But choosing the right energy source, says Wärtsilä, is just as important on the journey towards a more sustainable maritime future.
Existing solutions to meet the upcoming 2020 legislation
From 2020, the Sulphur content of a ship’s bunker fuel will be limited to 0.5 percent, from its currently easy-to-meet 3.5 percent. Looking at the upcoming legislation, the technological pathways to compliance with the 2020 Sulphur limitations are relatively clear. These are being addressed in essentially three ways. The use of low Sulphur content fuel now being made available by oil companies is perhaps the simplest to adopt. The question marks, however, relate to cost and availability.
An alternative option is to continue using the same fuel oil as before, but with scrubbers fitted to clean the exhaust. The key tech component here is the reactor in the exhaust system that cleans up the exhaust gases before they go out into the atmosphere. It is a practical solution but there is naturally an investment cost to be considered.
The third choice and one that is being adopted more and more when building new ships is to have the engines run on liquefied natural gas (LNG). Wärtsilä experts point to global trends as an indication of how transformative gas can be in the near future. As LNG burns emphatically cleaner than distillate fuels territories like the US, China and Europe are rapidly switching to gas as a fuel for heavy vehicles, creating the infrastructure therewith and this movement further elevates LNG as a viable bunkering fuel for seagoing vessels. Market watchers foresee an imminent inflection point where demand for LNG will significantly increase.
And there is nothing that the internal combustion engine does with Heavy Fuel Oil that cannot be done with LNG. Dual-fuel engines capable of running on both regular fuel and LNG were introduced to the maritime sector some 30 years ago by the global manufacturer, Wärtsilä, so this is a well-established and proven technology. LNG contains virtually no Sulphur, thus making 2020 compliance easier.
Future fuels
After passing the first milestone – Sulphur compliance – the going gets far tougher. None of the solutions for compliance with the Sulphur regulations alone can get the CO2 levels down to where the IMO wants them, but a combination of different solutions thereof can certainly make significant headway. This means that alternative clean-burning solutions too have to be found to power ships across the oceans of the world.
There are, of course, existing ways of propelling a ship with zero or almost zero emissions, battery power being the most obvious. But while current energy storage capacity is sufficient for short voyage sailing, further development is still required to make it a technologically feasible, robust and cost-effective solution for larger vessels and it may even never become a viable option for the largest of ships. It is also necessary to consider emissions from well-to-wake when evaluating future fuels to complement energy solutions – bringing to attention to the production of the fuel as well as the way it is transformed in mechanical energy.
There is speculation that fuel cells may one day emerge as technically and economically viable power solutions of the future, but Wärtsilä believes the internal combustion engine will continue to play a critical role at a time when the industry is faced with difficult questions on how to move forward. Therefore, the corporation recommends that shipping companies should look to using future-fuels compatible with existing combustion engine technology, but without the harmful emissions. Put another way, in the run-up to the 2030 milestone, the most economically viable and reliable solution for ships being built from now on comprises a combustion engine running on LNG that is supported by the use of connectivity, real-time communication and data analytics in operation and energy management.
Can supplies meet demand?
Wärtsilä, and other major industry providers, is investing heavily in research on possible alternative fuels. These include bio-LNG and synthetic LNG, ammonia and hydrogen fuel cells. There are considerable obstacles to overcome before their widespread use can be adopted, however. Let’s not forget that the introduction of a new fuel – LNG – required a long period of testing and development of technologies covering the whole supply chain which finally resulted in the adoption of the IGF code in 2015.
Apart from the potential suitability of these alternative fuels for meeting the legislation, other questions to which answers are needed include the likely costs involved, the existence or not of an adequate supply chain and futureproof infrastructure and will there be enough to meet demand. Here, the flexibility of multi-fuel combustion engine technology comes to the fore. As experience has shown, such engines can switch seamlessly between different fuels so if one is not available, others can be used.
A digital seascape beckons
Wärtsilä’s Smart Marine vision is a forward-looking initiative that takes a big picture approach to reach the IMO’s targets and improving sustainability in general. In a Smart Marine Ecosystem, vessels will be technologically smart, using cloud-based software and digital technology to substantially increase efficiencies that will optimise the use of energy, so that fuel consumption is minimised. These ships will sail between smart ports that manage traffic flows extremely efficiently so that waste, such as ships waiting to dock in congested harbours, is eliminated. The vision also foresees new business models emerging whereby greater cooperation between shippers will ensure that ships sail with full cargo loads, thus enabling more cargo to flow using the optimal number of vessels.
This kind of ecosystem will certainly be a major component of the ultimate solution to 2050 compliance. There will be all-electric vessels sailing short sea routes, and new technologies will be developed between now and then. But essentially, it seems that the big change will be in the fuel mix used by the engines. The fuel-flexible combustion engine, therefore, presents itself as a future-proof technology which will enable the industry to meet future targets as and when alternative and renewable fuels become available.
Future fuels and where to invest?
The world of shipping is being re-shaped and investments in sustainable production of bio and synthetic fuels are needed today if they are to become broadly available post-2030. Leveraging radical and transformative innovation is no doubt the way to tackle emissions. Today, LNG presents itself as one of the best and most economical pathways to decarbonisation, owing to its cleaner burn, compatible pricing and established supply infrastructure – The same infrastructure that can be used for future fuels. Therefore, the combustion engine remains the stalwart of shipping because the reciprocating engine enables fuel flexibility leaving the doors wide open for the future renewable liquid and gaseous fuels as and when they become compliant, market-ready and available.
Reference: wartsila.com
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from Storage Containers https://www.marineinsight.com/shipping-news/sailing-into-a-climate-challenged-future-is-shipping-able-to-cope/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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barbosaasouza · 5 years
Reflections on Mathematics in Game Design
In this article, game designer Sande Chen explains the importance of learning mathematics in the field of game design. I went to a university so nerdy that answering calculus problems was sometimes the only way to gain entrance to a frat party. Knowledge of mathematics was expected, even of humanities majors like myself. I soon learned that my economics classes were full of calculus proofs and my writing classes, more often than not, had a scientific focus. There was no escape, it seemed, from numbers and mathematics. Mathematics could be scary. I hated calculating triple integrals. I doubted myself. In my freshman year, I turned down an exciting opportunity to help build a microscope to be sent to outer space because I feared I could not do the calculations. It was not until my class in econometrics that I began to find my way. Unlike today, the tedious number crunching was done by hand rather than computer, but that was helpful to me because then I could clearly see from the large data sets what variables were affecting what. Despite my initial reluctance, a love affair with numbers would serve me well in my chosen field of game design. It seems odd in these times of free-to-play business models and monetization design, but back then, it was fairly common that I would be asked how my economics background might benefit my career in the game industry. In those days, game companies did not have data divisions devoted to figuring out whether blue or pink lettering sold better. Still, I would point out that in economics, we learn how systems work - how one thing affects another – and that is exactly what a game designer needs to know. A game designer is often in front of a spreadsheet with a large set of numbers. It's not just about determining prices, but sometimes it's about figuring out hit points, experience points, damage percentages, probabilities, and various character stats. So much of what a game designer does is surrounded by numbers. You could say it's about learning how to think like computer, but even analog games that don't need computers can need numbers. Many beginning game designers ask, “How do we figure out which numbers to use? There are so many things that need numbers.” The answer? By using mathematics.
Moreover, mathematics is truly a universal language. Even in first contact sci-fi movies, we try to communicate with space aliens using mathematics! If a game designer needs to explain how something will work to a computer programmer, then using mathematical equations is one of the best ways. If a game design has to be passed along to a second game designer, then finding mathematical equations in the documentation is such a relief, much better than seeing a bunch of numbers without any explanations. Simply put, mathematics allows you to express the relationships between sets of numbers in a very precise manner. And for game designers, it's best to be precise because the job requires you to know which numbers to use and on what. This is particularly important to remember when you have loads and loads of numbers that are representing any number of things: weapons, spaceships, armor, potions, psi powers, etc. Since there are newb items or powers ranging up to elite, this means there are number sets. If the game designer finds out that one of the Level 1 items is too strong, then it is much easier to readjust the game balance when all the relationships are known. The entire number set may have to be evaluated and tweaked. You will want to know right away what other numbers are affected by that one change. The importance of mathematics to game design sometimes comes as a surprise to beginning students. They may have thought of game designers as the “idea people,” but they did not really know what “idea people” actually do. Turning a game idea into reality requires more than hand-waving, especially when there are lots of numbers involved. Game designers can use mathematics to clearly specify their designs. In short, love math and love games! [This article was originally written for Mathematics Day at CUNY-Hostos.] Sande Chen is a writer and game designer whose work has spanned 10 years in the industry. Her credits include 1999 IGF winner Terminus, 2007 PC RPG of the Year The Witcher, and Wizard 101. She is one of the founding members of the IGDA Game Design SIG. Reflections on Mathematics in Game Design published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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Something that have been reliable all through the extent of mankind's history is that we age and in the end kick the bucket. Yet, current innovation has majorly affected maturing. With headways in therapeutic science, the human life expectancy is currently around 90 years, because of the way that we can fend off infection. One thing that you can't fend off is the maturing procedure. In any event, that used to be valid.
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Presently there is a supplement called GenF20 Plus. GenF20 Plus is a supplement in view of science that has demonstrated some entirely astounding outcomes up until this point, and that may simply be the start. In this audit, we'll analyze GenF20 Plus inside and out and decide if you should attempt it.
What is GenF20 Plus?
GenF20 Plus is a supplement to battle maturing. The indications of maturing are really changed and incorporate both physical and mental signs.
For instance, wrinkles, crow's feet, tiring effortlessly, age spots and almost negligible differences are only a couple of the physical indications of maturing. None of them any ladies like. Enchantment is as yet imperative, even as we age!
A few ladies even experience memory issues and diminished mental limits too.
That is the reason GenF20 Plus was intended to battle these maturing indications by battling the wellspring of maturing itself: the lessening of HGH.
What Makes GenF20 Plus Unique?
There are many things that make GenF20 Plus exceptional. One of them is the primary system – the expanding of HGH levels. GenF20 Plus is experimentally figured to discharge HGH and raise those levels.
Be that as it may, there are many other interesting things about this supplement. Another is that it is embraced by different specialists. There are three specialists embracing it, ideal on the landing page and likely endless more around the globe. That is quite irregular for any kind of supplement without anyone else's input.
At that point there is the way that GenF20 Plus is moved down by a lot of research. Regarded therapeutic distributions like the New England Journal of Medicine, Drug Discovery Today and the European Journal of Endocrinology are only a couple of the logical productions that offer verification that HGH majorly affects maturing.
Fixings in GenF20 Plus
The rundown of fixings in GenF20 Plus is entirely little, however that short rundown of fixings pack a colossal punch, assisting with a wide range of things including: prostate wellbeing, cholesterol, pulse, cerebrum wellbeing, expanded safe framework, lessened weakness and a mess more. Here is the rundown of significant fixings in GenF20 Plus.
L-Arginine: Normally originates from eat less carbs; not normally delivered in your body; triples your HGH levels.
L-Glutamin: Maintains muscle wellbeing, sound cell division and development.
L-Glycine: Stimulates the pituitary organ to discharge HGH.
L-Lysine: Improves invulnerable framework and advances genital wellbeing.
L-Tyrosine: Vital hormone for diminishing tiredness and dejection.
Astragalus Root Extract: Improves digestion and processing.
Deer Antler Velvet: Contains against maturing super components glucosamine, chondroitin and collagen.
Gamma-Aminobutryic Acid: Helps nerve conduction.
Colostrum: Boosts resistant wellbeing; assists with bone thickness and advances fit bulk.
L-Valine: Stimulating amino corrosive that lifts digestion.
Pituitary (Anterior) Powder: Helps the pituitary organ deliver more HGH.
Phosphatidyl Choline: Helps the body assimilate the fixings in the supplement.
L-Ornithine: Helps to triple HGH levels.
GTF Chromium: Helps glucose from the circulation system to enter cells.
Some Medical Evidence on HGH
There is a lot of proof that demonstrates HGH affects maturing. As said, there are cites from different regarded restorative productions in regards to that examination. We'll go over a couple of them here.
The primary originates from an examination directed by Stanford University in 1992 at the Stanford University Medical Center. It was known as the 'Investigation of GH Therapy in the Elderly.' Here are a portion of those discoveries:
"The Physiologic GH or potentially IGF-I substitution treatments have awesome odds of turning around (or notwithstanding keeping) a portion of the 'tretorous' [signs] of maturing."
This statement from an examination distributed in the European Journal of Endocrinology really utilizes "stunning" to portray the aftereffects of an investigation:
"Substitution treatment, which incorporates the Growth Hormone has demonstrated stunning impacts on cardiovascular and renal body capacities, thyroid hormone and bone digestion, sweat discharge, and general clairvoyant condition."
At long last, inquire about directed by Drs. Rose and G Johannsson in Sweden should comfort your psyche concerning in the case of expanding HGH has any here and now or long haul reactions.
"There are no confirmations at all to propose that HGH Replacement Therapy can cause any unsafe long haul reactions."
The Man behind GenF20 Plus
The man who is behind this astounding supplement is a medicinal specialist. That should not shock anyone after such a large number of astounding things that we've found about this supplement up until now. His name is Dr. Steven Lamm, and he is an authorized M.D., a creator and an analyst.
He says that GenF20 Plus was intended to raise your generation levels of HGH to what they were the point at which you were more youthful, so you can by and by encounter the advantages of youth, including energy, stamina, better general wellbeing and smooth skin without the presence of maturing. Dr. Lamm not just outlined this supplement; he is staking his therapeutic notoriety to prescribe it to patients.
Advancements and Pricing
Truly, the valuing is entirely steep. In any case, they do have a markdown code on the primary site that you can utilize, and you can purchase a while's supply ahead of time to spare cash. Also, it merits paying this cost for a supplement that works!
Instructions to Take GenF20 Plus
There are two things that you have to think about taking GenF20 Plus. To begin with, there are two types of the supplement. There are the consistent cases and after that there is a shower that is intended to kick begin HGH generation. The second thing that you have to know is that multi month's supply is 120 containers, so you will need to make sure to take your GenF four times each day.
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All that really matters here is that GenF20 Plus just works. The reason that it works is the HGH incitement, a hostile to maturing treatment that is went down by innumerable research examine after endless research think about. There are specialists suggesting this supplement, patients prescribing this supplement, companions of individuals who have seen corrective and physical changes from companions who are taking the supplement and a ton more. There is no motivation to endeavor to face an onrushing typhoon. We likewise might want to prescribe that you utilize this supplement on the off chance that you need to invert the indications of maturing and look more youthful.
>>>>>> https://www.healthynaval.com/genf20-plus/
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disastrousfeline · 2 months
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musings on the hypothetical multiversal srt waiting room
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and a related stock image meme or whatever it's called
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disastrousfeline · 3 months
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take up arms, take my hand, let us waltz for the dead
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disastrousfeline · 5 months
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have this with 0 context
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barbosaasouza · 5 years
Reflections on Mathematics in Game Design
In this article, game designer Sande Chen explains the importance of learning mathematics in the field of game design. I went to a university so nerdy that answering calculus problems was sometimes the only way to gain entrance to a frat party. Knowledge of mathematics was expected, even of humanities majors like myself. I soon learned that my economics classes were full of calculus proofs and my writing classes, more often than not, had a scientific focus. There was no escape, it seemed, from numbers and mathematics. Mathematics could be scary. I hated calculating triple integrals. I doubted myself. In my freshman year, I turned down an exciting opportunity to help build a microscope to be sent to outer space because I feared I could not do the calculations. It was not until my class in econometrics that I began to find my way. Unlike today, the tedious number crunching was done by hand rather than computer, but that was helpful to me because then I could clearly see from the large data sets what variables were affecting what. Despite my initial reluctance, a love affair with numbers would serve me well in my chosen field of game design. It seems odd in these times of free-to-play business models and monetization design, but back then, it was fairly common that I would be asked how my economics background might benefit my career in the game industry. In those days, game companies did not have data divisions devoted to figuring out whether blue or pink lettering sold better. Still, I would point out that in economics, we learn how systems work - how one thing affects another – and that is exactly what a game designer needs to know. A game designer is often in front of a spreadsheet with a large set of numbers. It's not just about determining prices, but sometimes it's about figuring out hit points, experience points, damage percentages, probabilities, and various character stats. So much of what a game designer does is surrounded by numbers. You could say it's about learning how to think like computer, but even analog games that don't need computers can need numbers. Many beginning game designers ask, “How do we figure out which numbers to use? There are so many things that need numbers.” The answer? By using mathematics.
Moreover, mathematics is truly a universal language. Even in first contact sci-fi movies, we try to communicate with space aliens using mathematics! If a game designer needs to explain how something will work to a computer programmer, then using mathematical equations is one of the best ways. If a game design has to be passed along to a second game designer, then finding mathematical equations in the documentation is such a relief, much better than seeing a bunch of numbers without any explanations. Simply put, mathematics allows you to express the relationships between sets of numbers in a very precise manner. And for game designers, it's best to be precise because the job requires you to know which numbers to use and on what. This is particularly important to remember when you have loads and loads of numbers that are representing any number of things: weapons, spaceships, armor, potions, psi powers, etc. Since there are newb items or powers ranging up to elite, this means there are number sets. If the game designer finds out that one of the Level 1 items is too strong, then it is much easier to readjust the game balance when all the relationships are known. The entire number set may have to be evaluated and tweaked. You will want to know right away what other numbers are affected by that one change. The importance of mathematics to game design sometimes comes as a surprise to beginning students. They may have thought of game designers as the “idea people,” but they did not really know what “idea people” actually do. Turning a game idea into reality requires more than hand-waving, especially when there are lots of numbers involved. Game designers can use mathematics to clearly specify their designs. In short, love math and love games! [This article was originally written for Mathematics Day at CUNY-Hostos.] Sande Chen is a writer and game designer whose work has spanned 10 years in the industry. Her credits include 1999 IGF winner Terminus, 2007 PC RPG of the Year The Witcher, and Wizard 101. She is one of the founding members of the IGDA Game Design SIG. Reflections on Mathematics in Game Design published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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