#triples yubin
Hello there, people. This fic is a gift for my on of my besties, who really needed some TripleS fics to read and as a fellow stan, I agree. This is my first attempt writing about them on this blog, if I'm not wrong, so why don't start with a good dose of angst? Let me know if if you liked it and if you would like to see more of them 💙
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Knock knock. "Manager, can I come in?", Yooyeon knew it was your rest day and that you deserved to have a good rest after all the hard work you have done for her and the other 23 members, and yet she still wanted to be the one to wake you up in the morning. Maybe you two could have been outside for breakfast and then have a nice walk in that park you always talk about. Not receiving any answer, she decided to get in; the light was dim, just few sun rays were able to penetrate through the curtains of your window. "Sorry to come in...", she said in a light tone, before noticing you were still deeply sleeping in your bed. She smiled sweetly at your calm face, laying on the white pillow. Another couple of steps and then...the disappointment. Hidden by blankets, Yubin was also sleeping between your arms, the happiest expression showing on her face. She had to suppress the loudest sigh to not wake up the both of you. She went back on her steps, biting her bottom lip and doing her best to hold her tears. "Mhh...did your hear anything, Yubin?", you asked, looking around confused; you were sure that you heard the door being opened and closed again few moments ago. "I'm sure the members were just playing and being loud as usual...go back to sleep", Yubin answered lazily, before nuzzling against your chest and pulling you even closer in her embrace. Yeah, she was probably right, it was nothing to worry about for sure.
Few hours later, around the middle of the morning, you decided to wake up, when Chaeyeon almost kicked down the door to kidnap Yubin and bring her to the living room to replicate who knows which TikTok trend. You groaned, bothered by the interruption of your peace, before strenching your body; it was too bad but it was worth to start your day at that point. You came out of your bedroom just to receive the greetings and hugs of all members as every morning: Nien, Kotone, Kaede, Lynn, Yeonji...as you went around the three dormitories you met all the girls...well, except one. "Seoyeon, do you know where Yooyeon is? I have still not seen her this morning", you asked to S1, that usually was the quickest way to know about everyone whereabouts. "I'm pretty sure I heard her going out few hours ago, but she didn't tell me where was directed too. Maybe she went to study for her exams", she explained, shrugging with nonchalance before returning to her Mario Kart challenge with Mayu. You nodded, convinced, it sounded plausible in your head, after all it was not the first time the oldest girl of the group disappeared to go to the library, furthermore it was not a secret that she was a lover of her privacy. You still decided to try to call her but it was all useless. You pouted sadly, you would have liked to bring her out this morning, doing breakfast together and maybe having a walk in the park you always tell her about. "Anyone down to go out for me?", you proposed in the living room where the majority of girls were, still intentioned to have a great rest day. An hand was lifted faster than all the others...
Yooyeon opened her eyes, meeting the blue sky and the bright sun, and then she removed the earbuds, stopping the music going on. Her healing time helped her to calm her down. She checked her phone and she was surprised to discover a couple of missed calls from you. She felt so stupid, she was there acting all edgy and sad on a random bench when you were looking for her. She dialed your number, she took a deep breath...and then she saw you: you and Yubin were walking laughing and teasing each other, your arms linked and two big smiles on yours faces. Once again the girl had to try her best to not launch her phone away or walking towards you and cursing, but in the end she just stayed still, looking at her manager and friend disappear in the crowd. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, why am I so stupid?", Yooyeon scolded herself, running back to the dorm, this time failing to hold her tears, the images of you and Yubin on your happy date hurting her heart and mind.
When you went back to the dorm, you were so exhusted. Yubin made you walk around all day, going in and out at every shop she was interested in. Also, you really appreciate her company, but she seemed to be in a very good reasons that day so she was very hyper. Also, Yubin was known for being a bit of a tease, but she never stopped to flirt until you got home. And talking about home...the atmosphere was completely different since when you went out. All the girls were gloomy and their eyes had a worried look. "Dahyun, what happened?", you asked, almost whispering. "I'm not sure...during lunch Yooyeon unnie came back crying. She ran in her room and closed herself inside, not letting anyone go inside", she explained, making your heart sink for some reasons. What did happen to her? Yooyeon was a smart and strong girl, it was so rare to see her crying, and you are pretty sure no one has ever seen her breaking down...well, until today at least.
You walked till her room, you could already hear her faint sobbing from outside the room. You wondered for a couple of minutes about what to do in this situation and eventually you gathered the courage to knock on the door and go in. "Hey Yoo, are you alrig-", your question was immediately interrupted when the girl realized you were the one talking to her. "GO OUT! NOW!", she shouted at you, almost scaring you: you have never seen her so angry nor her voice so loud. "Yoo, calm down. Why don't we try to talk so you can explain to me what's wrong?", you proposed, but that only made things worse. "Are you kidding me? Are you a fool or what? This is all your fault", she said, getting up and hitting your chest with her index finger. "Me?", you questioned in a whisper, totally lost after her accusation. "Yes, you! You are nothing more than a player and a liar", at every words her fingers kept hitting you, but actually you were more hurt by the names she was calling you. "What? How come? What have I done to deserve this treatment?", you asked, your expression a mixture of shock and offense. "Go ask that to Yubin", she answered harsly, almost spitting out her words. That sentence alone was enough to make your eyes roll back in annoyance. "Oh my God, don't tell me you are making such a mess just because I had a friendly date with Yubin", you groaned, facepalming now that the whole situation was becoming more clear. "Friendly my ass! You don't sleep with your friends", she burst out, throwing her pillow at you. Luckily you were fast in catching it. "She came in my room in the middle of the night, totally scared because of a nightmare, what was I supposed to do? Send her back?", you scoffed at her accusal, now she was being irrational. On the other hand your explanation made sense to the oldest girl, but still it didn't sit right with her. "Sure, like if she has not roommates to go for these cases. And she's not already 19 or something? What are you? Her babysitter?", she attacked once more, her most immature side slowly crawling out. "Don't talk like that about Yubin, you are leader, you should protect her, not mock her. Furthermore everyone has its own shits to deal with, so stop judging", you were quick to block her tantrum, scolding her as rarely you did in your time as her manager. "You're right, it's not her fault, it's yours: after all why don't invite her to a romantic date after sleeping together?", her tone full of sarcasm was really hitting your nerves at that point. "Oh, you're being ridiculous right now. I went out with her just because you were not home", you gritted her teeth, once more having to explain obvious stuff to her. "What...no, you're lying...", she puts her hands together, conflicted about believing you or not. "I'm not! Otherwise why would I have called you three times this morning?", you gave her the final proof of your innocence, making all the wrong thoughts about you crumble at once. There was nothing more to add, only silence remained in the room.
You skipped dinner, you were no hungry at all after that absurd fight. You were on your bed, brooding about if you had done the right thing. Were you too tough? Maybe you could have handled the situation in a different way or time. But no, you had to sort it out quickly, the following day the girls would have had a schedule, there was no time for any problem. You surely didn't expect the deal to be you interacting with a member. Sure, it could have been misunderstandable, but Yooyeon had disproportionate reaction. Like, you didn't want to deny the reality: you and Yoo had something going on. The problem is that you didn't know what that something was. It was this weird dynamic of slow-burning attentions and small gestures that didn't lead to absolute nothing in the past months...and yet, both of you felt attached to each other, at this point for Yoo maybe it was something more. But even if you really made a move with Yubin, could the other girl blame you? There was nothing concrete: not a kiss, not an affectionate moment, not even a date. What was she mad about? Sure, after Yooyeon made you notice, also Yubin bevahior was weird lately...
Knock knock. "Manager, can I come in?", speaking of the devil... Different person, different time, same words: the fate is such a fascinating thing, but you couldn't know that. "No, I prefer to stay alone at the moment", you replied, but your words were ignored. Despite those, Yubin came through anyway; she was wearing her night clothes and had a sleepy look on her face. "I know this is a wrong moment, but can I sleep here again?", she asked with nonchalance, sitting really close to you on the bed. "I don't think it's appropriate, Yubin", you tried to act professional in front of her but the girl could easily read your feelings. "Is this because of what Yooyeon unnie said about me?", she blurted out, now she was more awake than ever. "Did you hear us?", you sighed, scratching your neck embarassed. "Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, but honestly almost any member could hear you two because of how loud you were being", she confessed, shrugging that weight from her shoulder. Shit, another problem to solve the following day, but in that moment you had other to think about. "Don't be angry to your unnie, I'm sure she didn't mean to be rude or anything, she was just mad...", you tried to reassure her, but actually there was no need of that. "Oh, I'm not angry at all. Honestly if I was here, I would also be mad at me", she said that with such a calm that you couldn't help to be puzzled. "W-what...what do you mean by that?", your eyebrows furrowed and you start to sweat, already knowing what she had in her mind. "Did you notice any changement in me lately? Did you not realize I'm being more...affectionate lately?", she tilted her head, her body moving closer to yours. "I mean...y-yeah, I've noticed that, of course, it was hard to not get that...but I thought it was we were becoming friends?", you proposed this explanation, but even you were not believing to this version, your nervous stuttering the proof of that. "Friends? I'm not interested in that shit", she scoffed, before moving to sit in your lap, her arms around your neck. "Yubin, I don't think this is approp-", you tried to stop her in extremis, a last chance to not mess up everything; however your attempt was easily canceled by the girls lips, meeting yours in a stolen kiss, that gave butterflies in each other stomach. For the first time that day, everything, any problem, any troble, any doubt just vanished: it was just you, Yubin, her soft lips and her arms pulling you closer.
Once someone really wise said that life is all about timing. Nothing more true. Yubin was faster to show her interest, to confess her feelins, to make you hers. Sadly it was not the case of Yooyeon, that was slow, too slow in every field, too scared of her own feeling to act up. And even after your fight, a sort of final warning, she was still late. Few minutes made the difference between being the one claiming you and the reality: standing behind your door, an hand silencing her disperate sobs, regretting any chance she wasted as a fool.
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softkiseu · 23 days
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ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴀᴛ ᴀɢᴇ
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ᴏʟᴅ ᴀᴛ ꜱᴏᴜʟ
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triplessscosmos · 4 months
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𓆩♡𓆪  tripleS “girls never die” mv icons
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unixxspa · 27 days
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a10ttion · 3 months
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💫﹐tripleS nakyoung (S7) & yubin (S8) icons ! ★ lιkᥱ or rᥱbᥣ᥆g. 𖹭
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tri24ples · 4 months
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heejinsoulyves · 5 months
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Yubin from tripleS, teaser photo for ASSEMBLE24 on May 8
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mei-youmeworld · 10 months
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Gong Yubin
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asianhaven4u · 7 months
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Gorgeous duo
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generation24 · 6 days
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TripleS’ Assemble ot10 Concept Photos
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yunibobo · 21 days
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silly silly jjangchinz
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wenusedits · 3 months
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unixxspa · 2 months
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Lowkey, this is me 🥺
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kilmeslow · 4 months
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tri24ples · 4 months
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istjun · 4 months
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YUBIN & DAHYUN ♡ 240511
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