graywyvern · 2 years
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( me / lanny quarles )
Notes from Tartaria.
Hitch existent toxin wings short one aileron squirms highway hailer twitch huge tilted trailer hitch
Alien Creatures and Ruins.
"Like a panther its shadow Stalks my poet shadow."
--After Lorca
The Theater.
"talk to the enemas"
siltkindle wight flutters still akin wisp into odds plink dero awe tin ogham whist
" 'I want to eradicate autism' sounds much less like genocide than 'I want to eradicate Autistic people'. However, both of those statements mean the same thing."
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graywyvern · 1 year
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( via / via )
   wanderings fade in eddies    fever brisk birch ink Ogpu    Usk office sand eddy reft
Surreal Feel.
"a boutonniere or fritillary stab at littler chimes or spells dissipating into funerary air..."
--Ange Mlinko
"...tears mean more than poems"
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( via / "food vending machine at the robocallers' lounge, artemisia gentileschi, remedios varo" via nightcafe )
You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about.
"Someone who is TENDER-EARED is extremely sensitive to criticism or ridicule." --@HaggardHawks
Jax starting to have the nostalgic vibes yet?
   mortal coil premunire    stiff lapse flail scumble bolt wine    pledge sputter drain medium
Until the Light Takes Me.
"Designing an emoji for the weird second moon that only 0.4% (by my estimation) of the population can see has been, slowly but inexorably, driving me insane. Here's a thread on the artistic process, digital impressionism, and my Pantone restraining order" --@ctrlcreep
Cloudy figure.
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( via / via )
"Some of us had worked so hard before the collapse to bring nature into the city. Then it turned out that we just had to stop fighting to keep it out."
"There are many muses; the wickedest, perhaps, is she who whispers that nothing you feel belongs to you until you can force it upon others" --@ctrlcreep
Actually, i think this one is the "Live at Brighton Polytechnic" i have.
"the secret weapon of morning"
   irony crease for ingots    cyan ace grotesque bear lace    esters leach off sowing orts
Nft Art Collection.
"A sorcerer has a recurring dream about hospitals." --@magicrealismbot
Deserts I.
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( via / "the poor are unlucky, pencil drawing by rembrandt" via nightcafe )
Yekteniya 3. "Their music and lyrics...are written exclusively in Old Church Slavonic..." (Wikipedia)
"revolt of the elites"
asphodel aslant spire shun to addict we clip lampreys psalm ullage baled into stoves
Sinister Elf-Empress by Ernst Fuchs and Tamara de Lempicka.
lotus pond shadows speak beneath two moons
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( lanny quarles / edward hopper (1939) via de villo sloan on fb )
Immortality Sculpture.
"I’ve been saying AI’s a camera but maybe it’s a new alphabet…" --@sashastiles
"The spectacle presents itself simultaneouisly as society itself, as a part of society, and as a means of unification."
   witnesses bind stony ink
   measure us as feast ashes
   above night's inbound idylls
Stage Exit of the Quiet Faller.
"It wasn't a secret that the trees wanted us to forget them, but we wouldn't let them.
We kept the secrets of the forest, the stars, and the trees in jars.
So one day we lost the secrets we couldn't keep." --@GptMicrofic
The Unholy Castle Beyond.
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( via / "Mammatus Cloud over Pittsburgh, Photo by Eva-Maria Simms" via michael simms on fb )
Moon of Three Rings.
"slithy vote"
Geronimo rando dordfall can injure the sky itself perjure at Delphi integer
Evolution of a Song.
"white winter solstice a moth escapes not bothered at all my house, set apart"
Raygun Gothic. (via barry de wolfe in retro rockets) More.
Voronezh ford broken loch antique yeast bzura ghost aftermath ford broken odds
I Dare Ya to Touch It...
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( via / corinth bridge via laura ostteen / via )
Siberia burning.
"cloudburst one crow the trill of the cicadas"
At Your Own Risk.
pyramid hyaline cry cask imped hilch adrift shadow fylfot lapse flume with ambush
Full Moon.
"Bed of Mint
Fragrant were the embraces That I shared with you Where the wild mint grew."
--Clark Ashton Smith
Secrets from the Forest Floor.
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( me / "the philosopher of azovstal, oil painting" via nightcafe / via )
Road and Canal.
"We should not forget how risky and dangerous the Cold War was, or overstate its stability." --@wellerstein (via @joshtpm)
VHS footage of the ophanim.
paintbrush parch with gnashing strength abrupt drop cult issued whites appear fake from scorch chamber
The Rise Of Consciousness by Max Ernst, oil on canvas. (4 versions!)
"For God is a twisted knot, and we are the knots on the great rope. When we untie him, we untie all creation." --@gods_txt
Path Over the Sea.
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( me / @gameauras
"It’s all pretty ropey stuff, erring on the side of gossip and in-jokes, and featuring terrible sex scenes with, as the New York Times put it, 'no equal in modern literature'..." (via aldaily)
"It seems to be about the time of Coleridge that we begin hearing poetry identified with what cannot be translated, a notion which would have puzzled Chaucer and Dr Johnson alike." --Hugh Kenner
Pampered Menial. (via stevo wolfson on fb)
unfathomed incubus eft lashes at the morth amount seethe idyll mink one octane
"...I was called in to design a distinctive language for the series."
"Mixing Rome and the snow in his song" --Mandelshtam (tr R Tracy)
"...Neal Stephenson’s novel Quicksilver was preceded by a cryptographic puzzle that turned out to be written in John Wilkins ‘Real Character’ language..."
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graywyvern · 3 years
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( “humoresque beach hyperrealism” on nightcafe / via )
Hymn of the Earth.
“The Watchers
Beneath the rampart, when the bending palm Draws languid fingers through the opening bars Of wind-borne ocean music, with pale stars On lips and eyes, sit in a holy calm
The watchers of the dooms, and far away, With orange fires and marbled stain of blood, Sinks through the wrathful slanting of the flood That citadel devoted by the birds of prey.
See! Towers alone remain, like jewels ablaze, Points of a sinking crown. The watchers now Draw back in haste, save one with troubled brow Who seeks those coming through the rain and haze.”
Charles Spear
Theme from Eeviac.
Titan sib stir dawn intact aslant tine Ubar ash stool vista break adjourn waltz swelter
Cadillac Funeral.
"how comfortable cheep! cheep! cheep! and the sun goes out"
The Lost Sister. (via rebecca solnit on fb)
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graywyvern · 3 years
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( via / via via @mechlandscape )
"Lynch has switched his on-camera attire from a white shirt to a black one (leading writer Cody Shafer to brilliantly wonder whether Lynch is 'playing his own doppelganger' in the revived Weather Report)."
"Yes, there is death in this business of whaling—a speechlessly quick chaotic bundling of a man into Eternity." --@MobyDickatSea
"Some people see winged forms, angel-like beings..."
icebergmask scourge mesh abject we broadcast again smack dab tsetse skirl psalm accuse lobe
Little Talks.
"Gilberte was like one of those countries with which one dare not form an alliance because of their too frequent changes of government." --@Daily_Proust
Walking octopus.
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graywyvern · 3 years
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( via / lanny quarles on fb )
The Wave Speech.
pre-approved gray tears bated sparse spirals crave to avoid fervent Ides aggry grown back
Hot Rod Lincoln.
"God was long gone before Nietzsche made his death certificate into a slogan, but no one has yet written the obituary of the Devil." --Thomas Ligotti via @voidedintoabyss
"Spring Harvest
The Indian paintbrush paints the meadows scarlet, The wood-doves woo, the tender leaves turn green, Birdsong is everywhere, the sky is violet, A morning cloud is lit to tangerine.
All life rejoices, but its guest is dying; The streets are void, the air is strangely clean; Death stalks the human cities, terrifying: Grey lungs, grey thoughts, and not a trace of green.
We had forgotten Death, the harvester, He’s come now for his crop, his ashen tithe; We thought we had the power to defer Forever that old specter with his scythe.
O yes, he’s part of life, is Master Death: We name life’s colors, but he takes our breath."
--Fred Turner
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graywyvern · 3 years
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( @spaceliminalbot / stafford taylor in asemic )
Indigenous languages thrive at UT Austin.
"anyone who has written a 600-page novel that is planned as the first of a trilogy, like Jonathan Franzen, does not seriously believe in his own doomsday words." --@JopyceCarolOates
Bishop quits church.
venomleak dear fnast porous Imam · sluice heart's natal skaz oddly perne darksome groan-off
An Ancient Gesture.
"They've such a passion for Liberty, that they can't help taking liberties with her." --Martin Chuzzlewit
what will remain after us
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graywyvern · 3 years
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(via / via)
"To dupe your prude duenna, pray" --Shapiro's Gautier
Shotton Colliery.
texiptla deft exile sip apart starved glimpse balm eddy sent after atop bent axle
How Preston Ware played it. Another. (His 1d4 d5 2f4 opening may look silly, but he beat Steinitz.) About 10 years ago at Chess.com, i wrote: "i have seen the idea of 1 a4 d5 2 Nf3 c5 3 e4 because that's a useful idea in the Fajarowicz (against the opponent's a3, b4). can't be that bad with a move in hand. (I owe this idea to Myers Opening Bulletin*, which has covered this whole topic in depth.)" Then again there's the thematic tournament...looks like White won most of them. Naturally, Bill Wall tried it. (I haven't looked to see if he made a book--.)
Intriguing Otherstream debate.
"A Galapagos tortoise enjoys reading the philosophy of Kant." --@MagicRealismBot
-------------------------------------------------------------- *it says here that Myers "explored 1 Nf3 d5 2 a4 Nf6 3 b4 and 1 e4 c5 2 a4." Both can arise by transposition from 1a4 d5 2Nf3 or 1...c5 2e4.
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graywyvern · 3 years
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"the ivory-tusked Pequod sharply bowed to the blast, and gored the dark waves in her madness, till, like showers of silver chips, the foam-flakes flew over her bulwarks" --@MobyDickAtSea
Permutations in poetry.
cyborg wynd abates goop tranche igloo dwine my indigo adorned lag obtaining palm
Layman's discussion of 2019 Prox super-flare.
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