fumblingxmuses · 7 years
Hard to Explain | trixtergoddess
It had been months since CLint had first brought Yule home with him, always keeping her in contact with her mother, easing Yule on everyone before getting his daughter the baby Husky she’d asked for. The pup, whom Yule named Frigga, was always at the girl’s side. It was a few weeks after Clint had brought Frigga to Yule that Thor approached him, asking about the girl’s mother. When Thor discovered the truth of the young girl’s birth, he was much more calm than Clint had expected. 
“She tended to the girl this whole time?”
Clint nodded, petting Yule’s hair as the girl slept. “I found them by accident.”
“But she used the sceptor to make you..”
“It’s complicated, Thor.” Clint said. “Yes, the sceptor was a big influence, but it wasn’t...just don’t go after her. Yule needs her mother.”
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lordsigynofvanaheim · 8 years
An Arrangement
Sigyn stared down at his mother with the same look he had worn when his elder sisters had been taken away. Normally bright eyes had darken to look like the sea during an oncoming storm. "Do you plan to have all of your children pay for your past sins." He whispered before turning away. He had never had a problem with the Aesir but this was too much.How could he be a good husband to someone who barely knew him and he them. His dreams of a loving home and a family were stripped of him. And yet again he was reminded only of his duty. When they came to sign the marriage contract he was himself or as close to himself as he would ever be again. He found her to be beautiful on first inspection. He only hoped that beauty was on the inside as well. @trixtergoddess
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“I thought you were dead.  Um.  Again.”
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“I’m not going to apologise for this. Not anymore.” [trixtergoddess]
"For what? That you're a pain in my side or the fact you make a prettier woman than I do?"
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imjustthemechanic · 7 years
Although supposedly dead, Lady Loki, appeared in the room in front of Stark. She was bloody and bruised and barely able to stand. "Stark...I need your help..." [trixtergoddess side blog]
Tony jumped to his feet, staring.  “What the...” he said, staring.  “What is this?  Thor said you were dead!”
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warrior-lady-sif · 7 years
Mother + what does your mother think of your chosen path in life? [trixtergoddess]
“I wish Sif had been content to simply be a lady of the court. She has such beauty, she could have married well... but I can’t say I’m not proud of her.”
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fumblingxmuses · 7 years
Forgiven | trixtergoddess
Lulu [ @trixtergoddess ]
“That’s a bit extreme…you know I’m not /really/ a goddess, right?” Lulu chuckled
“Maybe not, but that doesn’t mean I don’t worship you in a loving sense.” Clint said, giving her a smile as he petted Yule’s hair as the girl slept with her head in his lap. “We’ve come a long way.”
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The Helicarrier was in chaos as one of SHIELD’s best operatives (Barton’s been compromised.) and his team of mercenaries attempted to raze the place from the sky.  Everyone was at battle stations, doing their best to contain and eliminate the threat....
Who was watching the cell containing Lulu Laufeysdotter?  
Quickly, he made his way down to the R&D lab, grabbing a Phase 2 prototype, based off that automaton that’d attacked in New Mexico, hefted the weight of it in his hands.  Out of habit, any time he went into combat, he glanced at his wrist.  He was surprised to see he had only minutes left. 
No time to ponder that now, no time to wonder whether it was an agent fighting for their lives whom he had not met yet, or perhaps a mercenary who had gotten pulled into the wrong crowd just as the compromised specialist had once been.  No time to lay any thought to the numbers slipping swiftly toward zero as he ran down the hall, across a catwalk, and into the level storing the once Hulk cage that held Lulu prisoner.
Everything happened so swiftly and slowly.  Thor was inside the cage, instead of his sister.  Phil turned, seeing her, and stepped forward to exchange words, admit he didn’t really know what the weapon he held would do, but he was willing to try it on her if he had to.
He had no idea that the timer clicked over to straight zeros as white-hot pain sliced through him, back to front.
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Amortentia [from Lulu]
( trixtergoddess )
 The scent Phil associates with Lulu is flowery spices and incense, and the somewhat fresh air of the city park.  It used to be blood, and metal… but recent months have changed that.
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Spring had come and gone with little incident.  Phil’d managed to keep his head through another season, managed to avoid the Game altogether - for what it was worth.  As the thought came to his mind, Phil knocked on a tree as he passed. 
He was in the park again, this time with Sniper at his side, going for a good long walk.  He’d kept in contact with Lulu and her little one and, much to his own surprise, hadn’t told his superiors of the development.
In his quieter moments, he realised it was very likely because there were few outside the Game he knew he would be less likely to have to say goodbye to, at least not as soon as it was getting near time to do.  A few years, ten if he was clever about it - before he’d have to move on.
He found himself outside the walk up for the goddess, and reached to press the bell.  He had promised to introduce Sniper one day, after all.  May as well, long as he was in the neighbourhood.
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