#trixxi gronaw
clowndaydreams · 3 years
So What exactly Did they Do to Earn the Heiress's Ire?
Inaaja and Trixxi initially ran in the same circles as this heir(I go back and forth on gender so sticking to mostly gn title).
They would avoid meeting with them due to not wanting to get too involved with seadwellers.
Until Trixxi caught the heir's moirail's eye.
He soon became obsessed with trying to pail her, despite her saying 'no' in every possible way.
It culminated in Trxxi denying him by saying that if he wasn't looking to further her career as a business partner, she wasn't interested in the slightest.
She meant she wanted no romantic partners, he decided she wanted him to prove his worth to her.
So he got them to headline a party for the heir.
While both were excited, Trixxi didn't think this was gonna end well
Inaaja said that if anything happened that made her feel uncomfortable, they would find a way to cancel or leave early.
What they didn't expect was Inaaja catching the heir's eye.
Both had seadwellers after them now and they really couldn't say no to the multiple summons from the heir.
Both also really didn't appreciate them(heir and moirail) making condescending remarks about their religion, caste and at time their music.
It kept escalating and escalating, with any close friends and business partners either cutting ties or congratulating them on the new relationships.
They were in denial about how bad it was and tried to settle into it a little to enjoy some benefits and maybe let their apparent new flushed get bored with them.
It was ok until the negging comments got worse and worse.
There were many fights and things got toxic.
There was even some unhealthy pitch shenanigans.
It all culminated when Inaaja found the heir cheating on her.
Trixxi had it soon after when it came out that there were also plans of making it so they can't perform anymore.
It was a blowout fight.
The clownettes tried leaving but Trixxi was stabbed with a trident.
Inaaja was incapacitated while reeling in shock and trying to figure out how to get her out of there.
From there they were kept as little more than playthings.
Keeping someone captive as an heir is technically against the law, so they do their best to make it seem like Inaaja and Trixxi are just taking a break from everything.
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clowndaydreams · 3 years
man I bet ghb watching the blessing just plan and plot through the wee hours of the morning to try and save these clowns must be concerning. blessing plz. your eyes look like you still have clown grey on them, plz sleep.
The blessing gets extremely fixated on figuring this out. They interrogate clowns that are close to them, research obsessively and listen to their songs to see if there was anything that was missed.
GHB has imposed a rule that they only have 2 hours of research time at night with him. They can do as they please during the day, but the blessing has been staying up way too much at night and it is not fair for them to wreck their health trying to save others. The blessing refused until he offered to help their cause.
GHB now has to figure out to even talk to Condy about this. The blessing is more than happy to offer so many ideas. At least they relax enough to explain their findings and fall asleep in the middle of their sentence.
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clowndaydreams · 3 years
gosh this sounds like a wonderful time for a miracle rap. hmmm. I wonder if trixxi and innaja have a song about being free to do as they please, or about going home? the blessing could rap that or sample the beat to try and inspire them to wiggle free on their own. imagine if they hauntingly do sub vocals while they're basically stuck in clownference call at the end of online clurch service
DUDDDEEEEEEE I was just listening to the album. I have the perfect song for this.
Currently they are very limited with what they can do. They can release music here and there as 'sneak peaks' to an album that can't ever come (because there would be demands for tours which their captors will never let them do for obvious reasons).
So once the blessing actually really starts looking into this, this song drops:
They do a lot of love songs to hide their true messages, obviously. Later on, after they are freed, they'd explain it's a mixture of how they thought going into the relationship and how it went once they were really stuck in it. They put a lot of their feelings into their art.
This would likely inspire the blessing to do a rap to bring awareness.
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clowndaydreams · 3 years
Wait wat. What do you mean he knows what happens when you pail a fuchsia?
Trixxi and Inaaja. They screwed the wrong seadwellers and are currently glorified playthings.
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clowndaydreams · 3 years
I saw you had half-baked OCs...tell me about the clowns that sang that song please.🥺👉👈
I got an acrobatic pair of deadly clownettes! The first is a tall and thick Clownette by the name of Inaaja Traxiz.
The second is a short and sensual cutie named Trixxi Gronaw. They are a pair of Alternian superstars which led onto the fame of those like Marvus and Rapsta. They have a more hip-hop feel to their music. They were especially known for playing a game of roulette with lucky concert go-ers. They'd be invited on stage and allowed to dance as they went about their set. Depending on random factors, the winner could either get culled by 1 of the 2 or be able to hang with them after the show(with an implied chance at pailing with them).
Tabloids would gossip about their every move, from if they were involved with each other or if they were involved with the heir of their generation(who they just always happened to be around), but they would never tell.
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clowndaydreams · 3 years
You're making lore for some of the clowns? What happened to Inaaja and Trixxi?
Yes! Have a mini au brewing in my noggin. It may even become a fanfic. But until then, ask away! Inaaja and Trixxi fell prey to an heir and his moirail. Kept as darlings themselves. At least somewhat anyway.
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clowndaydreams · 3 years
Oh how are Trixxi and Inaaja with the blessing?? :3
Heh, they don't really interact with the blessing. Wouldn't be good for any of them.
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clowndaydreams · 3 years
Tell me about all your OCs? You've mentioned making a few and I wanna hear about them all :o)
OvO But of course. A small snippet for all of them and if you want more info you only have to ask, dear! Under the Read More!
OCs I've written about on here:
Rapsta: Based on a Clown Rapper mentioned in Marvus' Friendsim route(he goes before him). Generally laid back and a bit of an ethical hoe. A very lyrical Rapper as well.
Zaydel Harkuu: Based on a Background clown seen during Nikhee's route! More to himself and stoic without meaning to. He's an introvert that loves to entertain and fight. Also has more adult imagines available if you look. :3c
Tyyler Hotdog: Based on the Hotdog Clown seen in the background of a few friendsim routes. Very much the definition of Golden Retriever boyfriend but he comes with the bonus of always trying to feed you his food and hotdogs from his pop-up stand.
Trixxi Gronaw & Inaaja Traxiz: Clown performers that were kidnapped by an heir and kept against their will. (I don’t have their personalities fully fleshed out yet, but hopefully that will change soon)
Xadnam Petriz: My fantroll/self-insert. She’s Marvus’ manager in my fanon AU. Surprisingly he isn’t her biggest handful out of all of her current clients. 
OCs I haven’t written about:
Wrylok Jyakir: One of Xadnam’s other clients. He is a Gold-blooded DJ that’s shtick is that he turns other people’s voices into notes for his music. Like how Friday Night Funkin’ does vocals for their songs. He makes general EDM too, but he went viral for a song like MILF (from friday night funkin’). Is a lovable jerk, but a jerk nonetheless.
Shukri Ianlov: Xadnam’s only other clown client. She’s a giant femme domme that loves to play mind games. Almost as much as she loves singing.
Amalee Dalama: A teal blooded singer(based off of Doja Cat). She uses her knowledge of the law to perform and make sure she isn’t shut down based on law bending standards. Is also a big hit with the clowns for whatever reason.
Diatiz Hiraan: Another of Xadnam’s clients. She’s an oliveblooded slam poet/rapper that is gaining popularity as of recently. Introverted IRL and a little too pereceptive at times.
That’s all of the OCs I have fully fleshed out for right now!
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