#trr au arcana unbound
innerpostmentality · 5 years
Arcana Unbound - Prelude: Xiphos & Calais
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Four thousand years ago gods and magic shaped and ruled and were plentiful in the world. Man and all the creatures were shaped and marked by it. Then things began to change. Gradually those things of magic diminished and the things of science took precedence until magic became a myth tucked away safely in children’s fairy tales and skilled entertainer’s parlor tricks. It’s been a thousand years of progress unmarked by true magic.             Things are about to change. This fic is part of a collaborative AU created by my talented friends @tornbetween2loves, @kennaxval and myself. This part was written 50/50 by myself and @tornbetween2loves.
Disclaimer: all original TRR characters belong to Pixelberry, however we are claiming their beautiful children as our own creations. Word count: 3800 + Warnings: mild angst, some cursing, pretty PG-13 for this part. Future parts will be erotic and deal with some serious problems. Tags: @darley1101 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @bobasheebaby @carabeth @riseandshinelittleblossom @stopforamoment @furiousherringoperatortoad @indiacater @sirbeepsalot @alesana45 @museofbooks @eileendannie @furryperfectionlover @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @strangerofbraidwood @teamtomsato @begging-for-kamilah @ao719
  Calais knocked on Aeneas’ room door and heard his soft “enter” before going in and flopping on his bed. He was sitting at his desk going through a sheaf of folders.
  “What ARE you doing, brother?”
  “Reading the briefs on the ladies who will be attending the season events.” He looked up from the paperwork into his twin sister’s dark eyes. He knew she hated this. Hated at a bone deep level the whole idea of a social season to find a mate. 
“And are you finding your one true love there?” She turned around on his bed lying on her stomach her chin propped on one fist, her legs bent dangling her feet in the air as she stared at him.
“Not exactly. But I am learning who can and can’t speak Greek. Who has titles. What their education and interests are.” He closed the folder and went over to sit on the edge of his bed.  “I know you hate this Calais. I know.“ He reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear and stroked the line of her birthmark. “You deserve someone who sees you. Someone who will see beyond this.”    He sighed as he shook his head. “I hope I can someday find someone who will see beyond this face and the crown.”
  She rolled over and sat up to face him as she crossed her legs. “Doesn’t this whole thing just seem off to you? I mean Mom and Dad were what, 30 or nearly so when they got married. Now they want everyone matched up. What happened to the ‘find yourself’ and ‘plenty of time’?”
  Aeneas shook his head and smiled. “Well it’s not like we have to marry at the end of the season. And I don’t think Dad is abdicating or anything.   My suspicion is that they are trying to avoid precisely that. They are trying to give us some structure to socialize and meet lots of people and get to know them. Do they want us in relationships by the end of the season?  Yes. That is the goal. But do they expect engagements? Not if we don’t find someone we are inclined to be engaged to.”   He grabbed her hand patting it. “You can do this Calais. You aren’t going to find Mr. Right chipping away at some huge block of stone in your shop. You are a royal princess of Cordonia whether you like it or not. If your Mr. Right was the marble delivery guy you wouldn’t even see him for the stone dust in your eyes.   You know how Mom met Dad? It wasn’t in her shop. She was out there. She approached him. Who have you approached? When have you put yourself out there?”
  She snatched her hand away from him. “I like someone.”
  His eyes got wide, “Who?”
  She shook her head. “Never mind. It really doesn’t matter.”
  “Calais.” His violet eyes pierced her. “Doesn’t matter? Really? You haven’t said anything to him have you. Have you?”
  “Leave it, Aeneas. He doesn’t even look at me. Hell, he’s probably gay.” She shook her head and started to get out of his bed but he grabbed her hand.
  “Calais you have to tell him. You are a royal princess. You have to give permission.”
  “This is a fucking disaster. You aren’t going to leave this are you?” Her eyes locked with his. “No, you won’t. I shouldn’t have come here.” She shook her head. “Don’t ‘fix’ this Aeneas.”
  “Then you better tell him.” He raised his brow.
  “Right. And when he tells me he likes you better I’ll let you know.” She turned her back and left his room. She closed the door so quietly he knew she was really, seriously upset.                         ***********************   Calais looked through her phone contacts and finally found Xiphos Lykel. She glared over her shoulder at her brother’s door knowing he meant it. She sighed. And finally texted Xiphos. 
Xiphos looked down at his phone just as it pinged. A look of confusion crossed his face as he read the message. Calais? The Princess? What could she possibly want to talk to him about? He quickly typed a response.
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She looked at the time. 2:15
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  Oh shit, she meant right now??? He shrugged. It’s not like he was doing anything particular at the moment.
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  Calais ran for her room. ‘Shit. What the fuck did I just do?’ She opened her closet and grabbed a red silk blouse and gray slacks. ‘At least I don't have long to panic.’ She brushed her hair and teeth and walked out.
  Her guard, Rodriguez was in the hall and she told him she needed a car that she was going out for cronuts.
  At 2:40 Calais was at the shop looking at the various pastries
  Xiphos looked at his reflection in the mirror. What exactly does someone wear to meet a princess for cronuts? He was dressed in his normal jeans and a t shirt but it didn’t seem right. He pulled the shirt over his head and pulled a button down off the hanger. He didn’t want to look like he was trying too hard. He put the shirt on and ran a comb through his hair then headed out the door.   He tried really hard to tiptoe past Sarissa’s room. He knew she’d pump him with questions about where he was going. It didn’t work. She flung the door open just as he was slinking by.   “Where are you going?” She narrowed her eyes at him.    He stood up straight and looked at her with annoyance. “It’s none of your business. I have to go or I’ll be late.” He turned and headed for the door, ignoring her protests.
  He got there a few minutes early and watched her through the window from the parking lot as she looked at the pastries. He waited until 2:45 then went inside.
  Calais heard the door ring and took a deep breath. Then she turned to smile at him.   Her blush made her birthmark more pronounced but aside from that she had her mother's beauty and perfect figure combined with her father's dark eyes.
"Um, Thanks for coming. I was just going to get some cronuts. But I can’t decide if I want the chocolate dipped ones." She turned back to the display case and ordered one of each and a coffee. "Oh, and whatever he wants."
  Xiphos giggled as he ordered a coffee. “Are you gonna eat all those yourself? We could just share if you’d like.” His eyes drifted down her perfect body then back up to meet her eyes. She was gorgeous. He didn’t really even notice the birthmark that much.
  She looked at him when he giggled, caught in the beauty of his emerald eyes. Then dropped her gaze to the pile of food. "Oh, um, yeah, sure. Share is good." She went over to a table in the back, sat down and pulled out a small sketch book before she cut the cronuts in half. Her nerves were obvious as she stole glances at him.   "So um... I was talking with my brother about the social season stuff. It's weird."
  “Social season? Is that what this is all about?” He grabbed one of the cronut halves off the plate and shoved the whole thing in his mouth. “I’ve always thought the social season was weird, for the record. It is an outdated practice that should be stopped. People can find their own mates these days. There’s no need for all these dumb events and formal socializing.”
  She blushed. "I agree. And my parents... well it didn't work for my dad." She shrugged and took the other half of the cronut and nibbled it as she frowned. "Aeneas says that he thinks they are doing this so we don't have to wind up in the situation someday where we are forced to make the decision in one season.... He said they want us in relationships but we don't have to be engaged at the end of the season." She shakes her head. "Anyway, it's totally weird. All our lives my mom has been ‘take your time, find yourself, figure out what you really want’... It's like some switch got flipped. Now it's like ‘we're going to have a social season because you aren't meeting enough people’...." She scrubbed her face with her hands and sipped her coffee.
   “I totally get what you’re saying. My parents are forcing me to attend the social season. They say it’s time to settle down and find my match. I just don’t think I’ll find my match at a social event.”
 "Aeneas is reading briefs on all the women." She shook her head.
  Xiphos couldn’t help but smile as he imagined Aeneas with files strewn about him as he studied them intently and tried to remember details about the women.  “Well, you can’t fault your brother for wanting to be prepared. Finding a mate is kind of required for him.”
  She sighed. "Well we fought. Sort of. He knows how much I hate this. And he said I wasn't going to find someone unless I approached them. And I told him I already liked someone. And he said that I hadn't told them. Then he said I had to. And I didn't want anyone else to. So... Well... Have a cronut. He went on about it and Ugh. I told him I'd tell him when you told me you like him not me. So that's well... You probably might need to tell him." She shook her head.   "Ignore me. I'm just going to drown myself in my coffee now."
  His mouth dropped open as he tried to make sense of what she had just said. “So, let me get this straight. You like me, and your brother encouraged you to approach me? And you told him that you would tell him I would say I like him not you? And now you’re giving me the same advice he gave you? Do I have it straight?”
  She lifted her dark eyes to him black with intensity. Her voice was low and serious, "Xiphos, I'm your sister’s best friend. I've known her since we were in diapers. You've never seen me. Your eyes have always been on my brother. If Aeneas weren't so caught up in who he is supposed to be he would know." She waves her hand. "I'm not going to tell him. I think that's for you to decide. But I will tell you that he's not going to just see."   She shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Damn. Look. I've told you what I needed to. And I'm going to go now. So do what you need to and don't over think it."
  Xiphos sat in shock as Calais stood to go. He didn’t realize that anyone had seen through his facade. He had always kept his feelings hidden. Or at least he thought he had. He looked up at her, his emerald eyes locked on her dark eyes as he reached for her hand. “Wait. Please don’t go.”
  She looked at the ceiling and wiped away a tear. Took a deep breath. Sat back down.
  He couldn’t stand that she was hurt because of him. Sure, he had always had eyes for her brother; he had been blind to what was right in front of him. Maybe his attention was focused on the wrong sibling? She could care for him. Aeneas could not. Even if he confessed his feelings to him nothing could be done. He was the damn crown prince! He had to have a queen and produce heirs.
He thought about what she had said about her parents wanting them to be in relationships at the end of social season. Nobody had to get married. Maybe this was an opportunity for him to get to know the princess. And get a little closer to the prince too. He grasped her hand and looked deep into her eyes. “I don’t need time to think Calais. I know what I want. Your brother is just a passing fancy to me. We could have something real.”
  Calais looked down at their clasped hands a long moment. She sighed. Her voice held a tremor in it when she finally spoke. "You know I've watched you for years Xiphos. You really are a good person I think. I mean I've seen you be selfless and kind. I also know that I honestly know more about the color of your eyes and the way your hair falls when the wind musses it than I do about you."   She shook her head. "It's really hard to know yourself much less someone else. I try..."   She shook her head again. "I don't think I'm strong enough for you right now. I would like, really like to actually get to know you. What you want.    Do you know? What you actually want?"   She shrugged. "And I wish..I worry about Aeneas. No one knows him, Xiphos. I know he's good and kind and smart and protective and completely driven to do the right thing. He should have been named Atlas because he's determined to carry the weight of the world, at least the country on his shoulders. I don't think he ever slows down enough to figure out what actually makes him happy. And that worries me."
Xiphos grasped her hand tighter and pulled it to his lips as he brushed them across her knuckles softly.   “That is exactly what I want, Calais. A chance to get to know each other. I want nothing more at the moment.” He shrugged and looked deep into her dark eyes. “Maybe this is how we survive this social season. If we spend enough time together to keep our parents satisfied that we are developing a relationship maybe they’ll stay off our backs.”   He let go of her hand and broke their gaze, his eyes downcast. “As for your brother, he will most likely be too distracted by all of his potential matches to pay us much attention.”
"Hey." There was smoky velvet in her voice gentle and compelling. "Xiphos you know better. You've watched him long enough to know there is nothing that is going to distract him from keeping an eye out for his family and friends."  She was silent a moment watching him.   "You need to talk to Aeneas."   She opened up her sketch book she'd brought with her and started paging through it until she found one of Xiphos captured perfectly with a look of almost passionate adoration in his eyes. Her artwork was pit of the stomach emotionally stunning. "Look. This was you. Last summer watching my brother."   She shook her head. "I care too much for him. And for you... If Aeneas thinks that we are involved he will never even look at his own feelings. And if you don't talk to him.... You will always in some corner of your mind wonder what if?"  She shook her head again wistfully stroking the picture of him. "I do want that Xiphos. I do want someone to look at me like that. Not because I told them I like them and they think they've injured me. Not because of my brother or their sister or the need to avoid the social season. And I do want to get to know you. But you have to talk to Aeneas first."
Xiphos glanced at the picture. He felt ashamed that he allowed his feelings to show so plainly on his face. He turned away to hide the tears that welled up in his eyes. She acted like it would be so easy. Sure, he can just text Aeneas and ask to meet him for cronuts so they could talk. And then what? What was he supposed to say? He took a deep breath and looked deep into Calais’s eyes his emerald eyes shone with tears.   “What am I supposed to say to him? ‘Oh hey Aeneas I’ve been secretly in love with you for years. How about abdicating and running away with me?’” He shook his head and wiped away a couple of stray tears that escaped from each eye. His voice was shaky and barely above a whisper. “No. He has enough to worry about without having to deal with a childhood friend being in love with him. I have to put him behind me and get over these feelings.”
  He sighed deeply and ran his hands down his face. He glanced at Calais and his sadness faded to determination. He grabbed her hand once more. “If I talk to Aeneas and confess my feelings and we both agree to move on, then will you agree to get to know me better? To spend this social season on my arm?”
  She shuddered as she closed her eyes. "Xiphos.." her voice dropped to a whispered caress. Then she opened her eyes and met his determined gaze completely vulnerable. Her fingers trembled as she gently stroked the planes of his cheek. "I would never hurt you. But don't you see?..... All these women and guys you go through... That's what you've been doing isn't it? You've been trying to get over Aeneas. But you're just like me. Well not marked; but neither of us could get over the illusion, the perfection of the idea. I'm not in love with you... I'm in love with this construct I've made in my head of you... I can't fall in love with you unless I do get to know you..   I'm tired of dreaming of your kisses." Tears traced down her cheeks but she smiled and dashed them away.   "I never told anyone. I wouldn't have told you now. But Aeneas is going to be like a bull dog trying to find out who I like. And while he's blind to himself and people looking at him, I knew he would see me and eventually he would know. And then it would mess everything up for all of us." She shook her head.   "As hard as it was. I'm glad I told you. And I'm so grateful to you because I think you're being as honest as you know how to be with me."
Xiphos sighed in frustration. She was absolutely maddening! But she had a point. He didn’t want her to be just another woman to help him forget his feelings for Aeneas. And he had to admit that she was right. He had to follow her lead.   “You’re right. I have to talk to Aeneas. I have to tell him my feelings. I can’t continue to live like this.” He looked down to avoid her gaze as he tried to hide his emotions. “I don’t think I can move on until he knows.”
He looked up into her eyes as he fought to control his emotions. “Thank you for having the courage to tell me your feelings. You have truly opened my eyes today.” He gently stroked her cheek as he traced the line of her birthmark lightly with his finger tip. He scooted his chair closer to her so they were next to each other then quickly pressed his lips to hers before she could react. He deepened the kiss as he parted her lips with his tongue.   After a few moments he pulled away breathless as he stroked her cheek and gazed into her dark eyes. “Now my kisses aren’t just a dream anymore.” He smiled and kissed her once more softly.
   Xiphos didn’t even bother to be sneaky when he passed his sister’s room. What was the point? She would harass him until he told her what she wanted to hear anyway.    He’d spent a good hour driving around after his conversation with Calais trying to get his emotions under control. He didn’t know what to think or feel about anyone anymore. He just felt like his life was about to change somehow and it was up to him if it changed for the better or worse.   The door flung open just as he passed by. He stopped and closed his eyes as he sighed deeply. Sarissa opened her mouth to speak, but as her brother turned to look at her she stopped. There were so many emotions swirling in those emerald eyes it left her shocked. This was her playboy brother. He didn’t have any real feelings. Or did he?
  “What’s wrong? You look like someone broke your heart, Xiphos. What have you been hiding from me?”   He stood up straight and looked at her. “Nothing. I’ve been hiding nothing. And nobody broke my heart but me. It’s nobody’s fault but mine.”  He turned away from her and slowly made his way down the hall to his room.    She called out after him. “Did you finally confess your feelings to Aeneas?”    He stopped in his tracks and hung his head low as he shook it. He turned back to face her. “What, am I suddenly an open book? The whole world knows what I am feeling?”   Sarissa gave him a doubtful look. “Come on Xiphos. You know damn well that anyone who has seen you and Aeneas together knows there is a definite attraction. Open your eyes. Be honest with yourself.”
  Xiphos ignored his sister, went to his room and locked the door behind him. He sighed in frustration as he threw himself on the bed and buried his face in the pillows. What a mess. He didn’t know what to think or feel about anyone. Calais was the first person he had felt a true connection with in a really long time. But his feelings for Aeneas were always there. And apparently he wasn’t as good at hiding them as he thought. He wondered how many other people knew.   He turned over on his back and stared at the ceiling, his hands under his head. He laid there and thought about his feelings for a long while, then pulled out his phone. He scrolled through his contacts until he found Aeneas’ name.
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   It takes a while before he gets a response. Finally
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    Aeneas frowned at his phone puzzled.
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Xiphos frowned and sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.
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15 notes · View notes
tornbetween2loves · 5 years
Arcana Unbound: All It Took Was A Moment
This is a collaboration between myself and @innerpostmentality It is a TRR AU set 25 years in the future from the current TRR timeline. The story focuses around the children of the TRR characters.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixelberry, except for our amazing OCs. We claim all of them as our own.
Warning: Parts of this series may contain erotica and scenes of violence. It should not be read by anyone under the age of 18.
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Tagging: @darley1101 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @bobasheebaby @carabeth @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @riseandshinelittleblossom @stopforamoment @scalpeljockeybrycelahela @furiousherringoperatortoad @indiacater @sirbeepsalot @alesana45 @strangerofbraidwood @museofbooks @furryperfectionlover @ao719 @blackcatkita @kennaxval
Word count: 3488
Featured pairing: Aeneas and Sarissa, Xiphos and Calais
Arcana Unbound masterlist
Four thousand years ago gods and magic shaped and ruled and were plentiful in the world. Man and all the creatures were shaped and marked by it. Then things began to change. Gradually those things of magic diminished and the things of science took precedence until magic became a myth tucked away safely in children’s fairy tales and skilled entertainer’s parlor tricks.
It’s been a thousand years of progress unmarked by true magic.
 …………………….. Things are about to change.
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Sarissa stood outside the door of Calais’ room, her mouth dry and her palms sweaty. She raised her hand and knocked softly. “Calais? It’s Sarissa. Are you awake? Can we talk?” She pressed her ear to the door and tried to make out the incoherent mumbling on the other side. A few moments later the door opened. Calais stood there yawning and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She yawned and gestured Sarissa into the room. The girls sat down next to each other on the bench at the foot of the bed. “Calais, I’m sorry for being so angry. I shouldn’t have reacted like I did. I was surprised.” She paused to collect her thoughts.
Calais wrapped Sarissa in a big hug and relaxed into her shoulder. "Please don't be mad."
Sarissa sighed as she wrapped her arm around her friend. “Why didn’t you tell me, Calais?”
"Cause it wasn't going to happen. I didn't want your pity. There wasn't a point. He didn't even see me when I was there."
She shook her head. "Yesterday was just weird."
“Tell me about it. Weird is not the word.” She sighed deeply. “It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that you and Xiphos are crazy about each other.” She looked into her eyes. “I’m happy for you, Calais.
"I don't know what happened." She shook her head. "Aeneas was goading me about participating in the social season. And I was trying to get him to give it a rest. So I told him I already liked someone." She rolled her eyes. "That was the wrong move. Because then he was like a dog with a bone. I wouldn't tell him who it was and he knew I hadn't told the person I liked and he said I had to tell them. When Aeneas gets his stubborn up he doesn't let go. So I knew I had to tell him. One minute I was telling Xiphos that I liked him but I knew he liked Aeneas... " She shook her head. "And that he had been running away from that. And the next thing...."
She looked at Sarissa with a wondering expression. "Your brother is amazing. I'm so sorry I upset you."
Sarissa smiled and looked at Calais, her eyes sparkled. “It’s okay. Your brother is amazing too.” She spoke softly and her cheeks flushed a deep red. She shifted her eyes to the floor. “When Leo and I found you and Xiphos in the stables I didn’t understand how two people could be so utterly smitten with each other in literally a day.” She lifted her head back up to meet Calais’ gaze. “But now I understand.”
Calais pulled back and looked at her, one brow lifted. "Aeneas?"
Sarissa smiled sheepishly as she nodded. Her cheeks were still pink. “Calais, I couldn’t even explain it if I tried. I’ve spent all these years keeping Aeneas at arm’s length, I was so sure that he would be the king I would protect with my life. All it took was a moment. One moment completely changed my entire outlook on life.”
She smiled thoughtfully. "I know exactly what you mean. But I wasn't sure. You know Leo has a total crush on you. And Aeneas doesn't let himself get close." She shakes her head. "Though I knew something was up with him last night when he practically walked into a door to go get something for Xiphos to take to you." She giggled. "I hadn't seen him do that before."
Sarissa couldn’t help the blush that spread across her cheeks. “I really can’t even explain it. Being with him just feels so.....” She struggled to find the right words. “Perfect? Meant to be? I don’t know, maybe I’ve gone mad.” Both girls giggled. “Aeneas said that Leo was a better catch than him. He tried to push me away. But he may have met his match in stubbornness.”
Calais got a soft loving look on her face. "I hope so. He deserves someone who can love all of him. The man as well as the prince, the king he will someday be. I know that it's not going to be easy Sarissa." Her dark eyes locked with her friends. "It's not just that Aeneas will be king. It's that he also wants to be king. He has this construct in his head of the perfect king and he dedicates himself to fitting that model. Sometimes it means he sacrifices his desire to fit that." She sighed. "It's not always a healthy thing. I hope you can make him see that he can be happy and still be a great king."
Sarissa smiled at her friend. “I hope so too. He tried to push me away last night and something I said got through to him. Not sure what but he opened himself up and let me in.” Her smile faded. “But I’m scared, Calais. I’m scared he’ll shut me out and I won’t be able to get him to let me back in.”
"Hey" Calais hugged her. "This whole thing is scary. I.." She trailed off.
Sarissa wrapped her arms around her friend. When she hesitated she pulled back to look in her dark eyes. “What is it? You know you can tell me anything. Anything.”
Her voice was very soft. "I truly don't know if I'm strong enough for Xiphos, Sarissa. I... "she shook her head and her voice was flat. "There was someone... and I thought he cared for me. But it was all lies. Just lies. Just bragging rights. He, he.." Tears ran down her cheeks silently. "Fucking princess bull shit. All he wanted was to say he'd fucked the princess of Cordonia. Got pictures too. So if I went to anyone they would mysteriously wind up with the press." She burst into tears.
Sarissa’s mouth dropped open as she wrapped her arms around Calais. “Oh I’m so sorry. That’s awful.” She pulled back, anger flared in her grey eyes as she looked at her broken friend. “Tell me who he is. I’ll kill him myself. Then you won’t have to worry about pictures.” Her eyes softened a bit as Calais looked up at her and shook her head slowly. Sarissa sighed and wrapped an arm around her friend’s shoulder to pull her close. Her voice was soft and quiet, close to Calais’ ear. “You are one of the strongest people I know. I would be more worried about my brother being strong enough for you.”
Calais shook her head and sniffed then reached over and grabbed a tissue from her bedside table. "Your brother..." She dabbed her eyes. "He was supposed to be... safe?" She laughed. "Too beautiful to be true. Too popular to ever really notice me. Just a fantasy. A dream to love me, just me when no one else could see past the mark and the tiara. I knew he was obsessed with my brother. That just made him safer." She shook her head and looked up. "Oh God... I was so dumb."
Sarissa smiled gently at her friend. “I haven’t yet spoken to Xiphos, but I could tell when he came to my room last night that he has changed.” She wrapped her arm around Calais’ shoulders. “My brother is not as shallow as everyone makes him out to be. He has a big heart and truly just wants to find someone who will love him for who he is, not because he’s ‘Cordonia’s most eligible bachelor’. I think you both are a lot alike. You’re well-suited for each other.” Her smile faded and was replaced by a serious look. “I’m very sorry I reacted like I did. But I want you to know I’m happy for you both. I think you’ll make each other very happy.”
"I never thought he was shallow." she looked down. "I thought he was drowning himself in sex to try to forget Aeneas." She smiled softly. "Aeneas never saw Xiphos’ attraction to him. I'm not sure he ever saw anyone's attraction to him. Or maybe it was because he could never tell if it was him or his crown. Or one but not the other. He's not like Uncle Leo. He's never going to abdicate. Well maybe in 30 years or so. You have to realize that, Sarissa. I don't think Aeneas would ever do a 'fling'." She laughed, "It wouldn't surprise me at all if he's the only virgin left in the family."
Sarissa’s eyes went wide. “Aeneas? A virgin?” The color drained from her face. “Y-you mean....oh my god.” She shook her head and sighed deeply. She looked directly into Calais’ face with resolve. “I’m not interested in having a fling with your brother. I want to get to know him. I want to know the man behind the crown.” She paused for a moment. “You should know that I probably understand the pressures of the crown better than any of Aeneas’ other potential suitors. I think he deserves someone who can love all of him. The man, the crown prince and one day king.” She smiled hopefully at her friend. “I think I could do that. I could love him the way he deserves. If he’ll let me.”
Calais laughed softly. "Hey, I believe you. I wasn't accusing you of just wanting a fling with my brother. I was trying to assure you that if he's letting you in.... Well it's not a simple switch with him. I don't think he is going to turn it off. And if he's not.." She blushed, "If he's not as forward with you as you might expect. It's probably more just not being sure how to proceed. Being in uncharted territory as it were. I think he decided a long time ago that the best way to be certain there weren't going to be a slew of headlines about who he was involved with and the string of broken hearts and relationships and stories was just not to be involved at all. So he focused on his studies and his job and committed himself to the country and the people.
Sarissa nodded. “Well what happened this morning makes a lot more sense to me now that’s for sure.” Her smile faded as she looked at Calais very seriously. “So you mean to tell me I have to take the crown prince’s virginity?” Her face grew pale and her eyes widened. “I-I oh my....” She looked down wringing her hands in her lap. “I never thought...I mean I just assumed.....oh hell.” She tossed her hands in the air and looked at Calais sheepishly. “Never mind. Just ignore my stupidity please.”
Calais looked away and shrugged. "It should be someone who really cares for him. I think he's really lucky to have you Sarissa."
She frowned a bit. "I told your brother I want to sculpt him. He said I could.... Honestly part of me is afraid he's going to wake up and feel like yesterday was a leap off a cliff he wasn't ready for. I can still feel him Sarissa. Like he's part of me. And I love it. And it terrifies me at the same time."
Sarissa smiled at her friend. “I know how you feel. Have you heard from him yet today?” She looked down at her phone. “Actually never mind. I’m fairly certain he’s not awake yet.” She giggled. “I had the best time with Aeneas this morning Calais. I never realized your brother had such a good sense of humor. He’s really funny.”
Calais lifted a brow and used her most droll tone, "I laugh at him all the time. It builds character. Keeps him from getting the big head like he was the crown prince or something."
Sarissa raised an eyebrow at her friend. “Wanna come over? We could hang out and gossip about our brothers and when Xiphos rolls out of bed around 2 we can make sure he was ready to jump off that cliff yesterday.”
"Oooh That sounds wonderful! But I have to shower." She sniffed her shirt. "Somehow I doubt smelling like last night’s sea bass is really in the top 5 of how to get a guy to like you." She grins, "Remember you maybe. But not in a good way."
Calais hopped out of bed. "You want to pick something out for me to wear while I shower? That way I don't have to play head games with myself about 'Will he like this? Is this too much?'"
Sarissa giggled. “Sure. Although you would look good in a potato sack. I’m sure my brother would agree.” She walked into the closet, pulling out a selection of blouses and sweaters. She selected a pair of dark skinny jeans with a form-fitting off the shoulder sweater. Calais came out of the shower a few minutes later in a bathrobe with her hair wrapped in a towel. Sarissa held up the sweater. “I happen to know my brother has a thing for bare shoulders and collarbones.” She raised an eyebrow and winked at her friend.
Calais blushed and dropped her eyes. "I've never worn that. I like it. But it leaves my left shoulder bare..." She got a determined look. "You know what? I think it's time I wore it!"
She grabbed it and the jeans then went into her walk in and realized the mess she left in there the night before when she tossed her half packed suit case back in there. She frowned digging though her lingerie drawer picking out emerald green lace boy cut underwear and a matching bra. She donned the jeans and pulled the sweater on. The straps of the green bra were showing above the fold of the top of the dark maroon sweater and her birthmark swept down from her face across her throat, shoulder and down her chest disappearing below the cut of the sweater. She straightened her spine and went out to face Sarissa.
"What do you think?"
Sarissa smiled big at her friend. “You look amazing Calais. My brother will have to pick his chin up off the floor.”
"I feel a little naked." She laughed. "You better get me out of here before I chicken out and put on coveralls and a turtleneck."
She took the towel off her hair and it fell like a damp curtain down her back. She sighed. "This is going to be wet for hours if I don't dry it. Can you help me?" Calais’ hair unbraided hung to her waist. "I keep thinking about cutting it. It's just such a chore." She smiled. "Dad likes it."
Sarissa nodded and gestured for Calais to sit at the vanity. She combed her friend’s hair gently before reaching for the hair dryer and a round brush. “You better not cut it. Your hair is so soft, like homespun silk.” She turned on the dryer and aimed it at each section, pulling the brush through from root to tip. When it was all dry, Sarissa smiled at her friend in the mirror as she combed her fingers through the silky strands. “I have an idea.” She rifled through a drawer and pulled out a jewel-encrusted butterfly clip. She swept Calais’ hair to one side, securing it with an elastic. She flipped the ponytail over once and secured it with the clip. The ponytail fanned across her shoulder and collarbone, covering a large portion of the birthmark. Sarissa smiled. “How’s that? Feel a little better?”
Calais smiled at her friend and nodded. "Hey, Thanks. Thanks for listening. And still being my friend. I promise I'll be good to your brother. I really love him Sarissa. I.. I didn't think I could after." She shook herself and grabbed Sarissa's hand and looked into her eyes. "Just thanks."
Sarissa wrapped her arms around her friend and pulled her into a big hug. “I’ll always be your friend Calais. Nothing will ever change that.” She pulled out of the embrace and smiled. “I know you love him. I can tell you two have something special. I wish you every happiness.”
She blushed. "Let's go. Before I start checking my phone obsessively."
Sarissa blushed. “Ummm sure let’s go. But Calais I didn’t drive here. I came in the limo with Aeneas.” She smiled at her friend sheepishly. “Can you arrange a ride for us?”
Calais grinned "You know.... we could take horses. Your house isn't far from the palace."
Sarissa’s face lit up. “That’s a fabulous idea! Then you and Xiphos could enjoy a romantic horseback ride on the beach.”
Calais smiled shyly before she drug her out of the room and down to the stables. She smiled at Evan at the door and told him that they were going for a ride. Then they giggled all the way to the stables. In short time the horses were saddled and they were riding off down the service path which led to the parking lot. And then to the streets. She told the guard at the main gate they were going to Bastien's house. And he lifted a brow but let them go.
They drew more than a little attention. Two beautiful women riding horses in the streets of the capital as they chatted and walked along. Calais was recognized and she waved and smiled but didn't stop. And it didn't actually take that much longer before they were riding through the gates at the entrance to Sarissa's house. They tied the horses up to one of the yard lamps and went giggling into the house.
Calais laughed. "I thought the guard was going to stop us for sure."
Sarissa broke into a fit of giggles. “I don’t know how we managed to pull that off. I thought for sure we would be escorted back to the palace at any moment.” She turned around and ran smack dab into Bastien. “Oh! Daddy, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.
He stood before them, arms crossed across his chest. He raised an eyebrow at his daughter. “You two rode horses through town all the way from the palace? Without a guard escort?” He narrowed his eyes at them. Sarissa shot Calais a helpless look.
Calais looked at Bastien and smiled then hugged him. "Uncle Bastien, I had Sarissa and we didn't stop. And we did tell the guard where we were going. I can call them and let them know we are safe or you can. I just wanted to get out for a bit. It's my fault."
Bastien softened a bit at the embrace. “Yes, I know you told the guard. He called me.” He looked pointedly at Sarissa over Calais’ shoulder. “You really shouldn’t be out without guards. However, I know that Sarissa would protect you with her life if necessary.” He smiled. “Next time just take the limo or call me and I’ll send a car.”
Calais fidgeted looking a little guilty. "So if I maybe wanted to ride on the beach later??? Please Uncle Bastien? I'll take Xiphos and Sarissa. And the dogs... Please? It's not planned so I don't think the beach ninjas will be waiting to kidnap us." She looked down so he couldn't see her grin.
Bastien sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I don’t see any harm in a ride on the beach. As long as both Sarissa and Xiphos are with you.” He sighed deeply and looked into Calais’ eyes. He smiled gently at her. “Your father would kill me if I let something happen to you.” He saw the happiness in her eyes and sensed there was a change in her. “My dear, you look wonderful today. You are simply glowing with happiness. Has something changed since I saw you last?” Calais’ cheeks flushed pink as she exchanged a knowing glance with Sarissa.
She nodded and hugged Bastien again. "Yes. I sort of fell in love." She gave him another glowing smile before she grabbed Sarissa's hand and dashed off to Sarissa's room giggling.
She got on the other side of the door and covered her mouth over a squeal. "I know. I know. I told him the truth... sort of." Then she looked concerned. "Should I have asked his permission? I mean Xiphos is an adult. I don't want your dad to find out from paparazzi? But Xiphos should probably tell him don't you think? Oh my God... I don't want MY Dad to find out from paparazzi for sure. We need to have a plan..."
Sarissa’s eyes got wide. “Oh no, it would be awful if either of our parents found out from the press.” She smiled at Calais. “Aeneas already asked my dad’s permission.” She held up her index finger. “Hang on a second. You’re right, Xiphos should be the one to talk to both our parents. Wait here for a minute.”
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innerpostmentality · 5 years
Arcana Unbound  The Beach-Part 2
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Four thousand years ago gods and magic shaped and ruled and were plentiful in the world. Man and all the creatures were shaped and marked by it. Then things began to change. Gradually those things of magic diminished and the things of science took precedence until magic became a myth tucked away safely in children’s fairy tales and skilled entertainer’s parlor tricks. It’s been a thousand years of progress unmarked by true magic.                                              Things are about to change.
 This fic is part of a collaborative AU created by my talented friend @tornbetween2loves, and myself. This part was written 50/50 by myself and @tornbetween2loves. It is an immediate continuation of ‘The Beach – Part 1’ Dramatis Persona: Aeneas, son of King Liam and Queen Hyclea, twin brother of Princess Calais, Crown Prince of Cordonia Calais, daughter of King Liam and Queen Hyclea, twin sister of Crown Prince Aeneas Xiphos, son of Duke Bastien and Duchess Olivia Nevrakis-Lykel, brother of Sarissa, Heir to the duchy of Lythikos Sarissa, daughter of Duke Bastien and Duchess Olivia Nevrakis-Lykel, sister of Xiphos Featured Pairings are Aeneas X Sarissa, and Xiphos X Calais Many thanks to our betas, @stopforamoment, @kennaxval, and @hopefulmoonobject who give us much needed encouragement and feedback!
Disclaimer: all original TRR characters and references belong to Pixelberry, however we are claiming their beautiful children as our own creations. Word count: 2900 + Warnings: This is Erotica. Some future parts will also be erotic and deal with some serious problems and mature themes.  Tags: @darley1101  @gardeningourmet  @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject  @bobasheebaby  @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat  @riseandshinelittleblossom @kennaxval  @stopforamoment @teamtomsato @furiousherringoperatortoad  @indiacater  @sirbeepsalot  @alesana45 @strangerofbraidwood  @museofbooks  @furryperfectionlover  @ao719 @blackcatkita @tornbetween2loves 
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  Aeneas carried more wood over dropping it next to the fire and grinned at Sarissa. "You seem to be quite adept at that." He blushed and looked in her eyes, "You certainly always make me feel warm."
  Sarissa smiled as she gazed into his violet pools. “You make me feel warm as well. I’m not sure why we even need a fire.” Her voice was soft and sultry. She stepped closer to him. “My dad took me and Xiphos camping a lot when we were kids. I learned a lot of survival skills.”
  He poured more wine into their cups and settled back on the blanket. "Do you sing Sarissa? I would love to sing with you."
  Her face flushed as she smiled at Aeneas. “I sing, but not very well I’m afraid. I’ve never had any actual training.” She giggled. “I do like to sing in the shower. What would you like us to sing?”
  He grinned lifting a brow as visions of her in the shower captured his imagination, "What do you sing in the shower? I think it's about to be my favorite song." He took her hand and turned it over to plant a soft kiss in her palm.
  Sarissa’s cheeks turned bright red. “I couldn’t possibly tell you. You would think it’s so silly. It’s just a Greek lullaby my dad used to sing to me when I was a kid.”
  Aeneas stroked her flushed cheek then leaned in close and softly sang one of the lullabies that was sung to them as a child looking in her eyes the whole time. “I remember my mom singing that to Calais and me when we still shared a crib. Don’t be shy.”
  “Aeneas, I could listen to you sing all day. It’s almost like I can feel you sing.” She blushed some more as she sung a few lines of the lullaby Kounia Bella.  Aeneas was enchanted by her. His desire burned in his eyes and his voice was hoarse and shy as he confessed, "Sarissa… I find myself... torn." He nuzzled her hair delighting in the fiery silk of it.  She looked at him with concern shining in her dark eyes. “Why are you torn? How can I help?”
  He looked in her eyes a long moment... "I only sing for family Sarissa. And I love singing for you. With you. I told your father that I would always respect you. And I do. But I would.. I want to..." He was blushing and looking at her mouth. "I would so love to please you. For you to teach me how to please you. If you want.. that is.."
   Sarissa smiled at him, desire building in her core for this sweet man who was so respectful and considerate. Her eyes grew dark as she crashed her lips on his. After a few minutes she pulled away, breathless. She stood up and straddled him, her eyes locked on his as she reached up and slowly pulled her white lace thong down to her ankles then kicked it to the side. She sat back down in his lap with her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck. She could feel his arousal through his jeans and she kissed him again deeply. She moved from his lips across his jawline to his ear and whispered, “Take off your pants.”
  Aeneas trembled with passion, pupils blown wide, stunned as he watched her pull down her thong. Never in his dreams had he imagined she would come to him like this so beautiful and sweet. The fire behind her turning her hair into a glorious halo like an angel of desire come to claim him. Then she straddled him and kissed him and he felt her heat searing though his jeans and he was aching for her.   He finally barely managed a low whisper, hoarse with desire her name fell like a soft caress, "Sarissa… I never want you to regret a moment spent with me." A deep moan escaped him as she kissed him again. "Oh God… I need… want, to touch you so much. I am yours if you want me; but you must be certain."   He took her hand and kissed it then looking in her eyes pressed her hand to his hardness and the fastening of his pants.
  Sarissa quickly unbuttoned his jeans then pulled her dress over her head, leaving her in just her white lace bra. She took his hand in hers and brought it to her lips. She locked eyes with his, filled with need for him. “I could never regret anything we do together. I want to show you how to touch me. Can I show you?” She scooted back slightly, creating some room between them. Not breaking eye contact, she took his hand and spread his fingers out then placed her hand on top of his. She slowly guided his hand down between them, taking his fingers and guiding them in circles across her nerve bundle. Her breath hitched at his touch and a low moan escaped her lips. She guided his hand down a bit further until his fingers were between her wet folds. “Can you feel how much I want you Aeneas?”
  He was shaking, gasping as he tried to control himself and savor every moment. "Sarissa," he whispered her name. "Slow, Love... You are so..." He trailed off blushing. A low moan escaped him even as he focused on her, stroking her with infinite care bringing her wetness up and gently, gently running the pad of his finger over her swollen bud. Watching her reaction, "Is this good?"
  Sarissa closed her eyes and bit her lower lip as she nodded her head. Unable to speak, she moaned softly, his touch sending pulses through her core. She opened her eyes and kept them locked on his as she slid her hand into his pants to slowly stroke his hard length.
  He gasped as she wrapped her hand around him. He was extended beyond his foreskin, the tip weeping his need as she stroked him. His violet eyes were black with desire only a thin luminous violet ring around his wide pupils as he met her gaze.   "I... " He was panting and shaking trying to focus on her and making sure she was pleasured and he wasn't getting too rough as she drove him into a world of need for her. A low primal groan was coming from him and he was short thrusting into her hand unable to control himself. But his fingers were insistent and still gentle as he stroked her. "Can I.... " His finger swiped tenderly around her entrance. "Sarissa, I want..." He struggled to manage words as a raging need to join with her shredded his tenuous control.
  Sarissa nodded as she released her grip on him and stood up. His eyes went wide with confusion and vulnerability plain on his face as he watched her.   She pulled his pants down to his ankles fully exposing him. His cock had a distinct curve toward his navel; and she realized he also had a port wine birthmark that extended down from his navel and curved around his hip. Not as large as Calais' and easy enough to keep covered with little effort.   He got very focused and serious as her intent became clear and she straddled him again, his hard length pressed at her wet entrance. Her eyes were dark pools of desire as they locked on his.   "Love... are you certain?" he managed then closed his eyes as a deep moan he thought came from the center of his being was pulled from him as she lowered herself onto him in answer.  Her breath hitched and she was still for a long moment; just feeling him inside her, taking time for them to savor how their union felt. She kissed him softly then propped herself up on his chest. He opened his eyes and fell into her smoky gaze. Keeping her eyes locked on his she slowly rocked her hips back and forth.
   He closed his eyes again locking his jaw, struggling desperately to keep from just instantly losing it and cuming as her tight heat slid up and down him giving him such exquisite pleasure he was weeping. She felt him pulsing inside her and the curve pressed his tip perfectly against her g spot as she rocked gently on him.
 Sarissa moaned as she felt his tip hitting her g spot with each stroke and she realized that this was not going to last very long. She could feel him struggling to maintain control and increased her pace. She closed her eyes as she came undone, her walls pulsating around him. Her voice came out in a soft, hoarse whisper. “Oh my...my sweet prince.” She felt his release just then as his body grew stiff beneath her. “… yours. All of me… is yours, Sarissa.” he gasped even as he consummated their union.
  Aeneas wrapped his arms around her pulling her tightly against him as their breath settled. He kissed her forehead then put his finger under her chin and kissed her soundly. He whispered softly. "Thank you, my sweet jewel." His eyes locked with hers for a long moment. "Are you okay my love?"
  She smiled at him and nodded. “I am better than ok. I am exquisite.” She stroked his cheek softly. “Are you ok?” She looked at him tentatively. “How do you feel? I hope I wasn’t too forward for you.”
  He blushed and smiled and kissed her. "It wasn't what I planned. But it was perfect." He trailed kisses down her throat and collarbone. "You are so beautiful. I cannot look at you without wanting you. I dreamt of you last night. And I think forever more my dreams will all be of you my love."
  Sarissa smiled at him. “Sometimes the best moments are unplanned.” She kissed him softly. “I love being the girl in your dreams. But I also want to be your reality.” Her eyes shifted downward as she sighed deeply. “I am perfectly content here with you, right now, in this moment.” She laced her fingers through his and brought his hand to her lips. She looked up into his eyes again as she spoke softly. “I-I think I’m falling for you already, my sweet prince.”
 "Sarissa," his voice caressed her name his violet eyes held hers, "You are my reality. I love you. I love you with everything I am or ever will be." He held her face and tenderly stroked her cheek, smiling softly, honest amusement in his eyes. "Love, you have me bare assed on a blanket on a beach with my pants around my ankles. I'm so completely fallen for you I'm not even embarrassed." He pressed his forehead to hers as he chuckled. "I promise to catch you, I'm already there."
  She chuckled. “Perhaps we should get dressed. Xiphos and Calais could return at any moment.”  He held her tightly to him for one more moment, reluctant to break the first union of their bodies that felt somehow sacred to him. He kissed her softly, smiling gently in her eyes as he lifted her carefully off him.   She looked around for her dress and slipped it back over her head as Aeneas pulled up his pants. She grabbed her thong and gave Aeneas a mischievous smile before she shoved them into the pocket of his jeans. “I want you to keep these. For when we’re not together and you’re missing me.” She kissed him softly as she stroked his cheek lightly.
  Aeneas grinned and raised his brow as he examined the lacy bit of nothing that passed as underwear. He shook his head and chuckled as he shoved them back in his pocket. "Would you like to go riding? Or I can feed you more strawberries and watch you giggle.... What was that about anyway?"
  Sarissa blushed and giggled as she grabbed a strawberry. She raised an eyebrow at him. “Now this comes from your sister’s dirty mind, so don’t judge me.” She held the strawberry out to him, grasping it from the stem. “What does this look like to you?”
   He lifted a brow and smiled at her then looked down. He frowned for a bit as he tried to figure it out. Then finally, finally his eyes flew up to hers and he blushed. He cleared his throat. "I think you will have to feed me grapes. I'm saving all the strawberries for you."
  Sarissa broke into a fit of giggles. “I’m sorry to ruin strawberries for you my love.” She took it and bit into it sensuously, her smoky eyes locked on his.
  "I'll just have to enjoy them another way." He pulled her to him and kissed her and ran his tongue over her lips to taste the strawberry. He smiled as he broke the kiss.   He stood offering her his hand. "Come on Love. Let's take advantage of the little bit of light we have left to ride on the beach. I want to see you with the waves and the sun setting behind your beauty. And Lancelot needs to carry us around a bit for interrupting us earlier."
  She took his hand with a smile and he pulled her up. She ran her fingers through her hair, smoothing it down and swiping it behind her ears. They walked over to Lancelot hand in hand grinning. Aeneas began saddling him while Sarissa stroked his snout and spoke softly. “Who’s a good boy?”
  Lancelot snorted and lipped at her fingers rolling his eyes as he did his best imitation of an overgrown dog.   Aeneas laughed at him. "He's such a clown. He will roll over for carrots. That's Leo's work. He loves to train horses. Has a real connection with them." He laced his fingers together for her to step in to help her mount. Then with practiced agility he vaulted up on Lancelot behind her and reached around her to hand her the lead lines. "Just lay them against his neck and he'll go. If you squeeze your legs he'll go faster. Give it a try." Aeneas wrapped both arms around her and nuzzled her hair.
  Sarissa laid the lines on his neck and Lancelot began walking down the beach. She guided him close to the surf then squeezed her legs and he began to move into a slow trot. She leaned back into Aeneas’ warmth as they rode along the shoreline, watching the sun set slowly on the horizon.
  He was drawing gentle circles on her stomach where he was holding her. His voice was a silk caress low in her ear. "You are more beautiful than the sunset. And I love the way you smell, like joy and sunshine and passion." He chuckled low, "Dangerous woman. You have kidnapped all my thoughts. After this morning all I could think of was your hand on my thigh." He slid one hand down from her stomach to her thigh and splayed his fingers there. "I had an ambassador talking to me about an art exchange and I swear I could feel you drawing circles on my thigh." He kissed the back of her head. "And now... All I can think of is... what I have in my pocket. And if I were to just slide my hand up just a little I could find heaven."
   Sarissa pulled back on the lines, slowing Lancelot to a stop. She twisted around in the saddle sideways so she could look at Aeneas. “I find it hard to believe we only really started to get to know each other yesterday. I feel like we’ve been close our whole lives.” She laced her fingers through his and brought his hand to her lips. She feathered light kisses across his knuckles.
  He looked at her hand in his thoughtfully. "We both had our barriers. But since we have known each other all our lives... " He shrugged and smiled. "It makes it easier to trust. I think in my heart I have always know you my love.”     *** To be Continued ***
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innerpostmentality · 5 years
Key to My Heart
Four thousand years ago gods and magic shaped and ruled and were plentiful in the world. Man and all the creatures were shaped and marked by it. Then things began to change. Gradually those things of magic diminished and the things of science took precedence until magic became a myth tucked away safely in children’s fairy tales and skilled entertainer’s parlor tricks. It’s been a thousand years of progress unmarked by true magic.   Things are about to change.
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This fic is part of a collaborative AU created by my talented friends @tornbetween2loves, @kennaxval and myself. This part was written 50/50 by myself and @tornbetween2loves.
Disclaimer: all original TRR characters and references belong to Pixelberry, however we are claiming their beautiful children as our own creations. Please see the Series Master List here: Arcana Unbound Series Masterlist Pairing feature: Xiphos X Calais Word count: 2700 + Warnings: mild angst, erotica, 30 diamonds
Tags: @darley1101 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @bobasheebaby @carabeth @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @riseandshinelittleblossom  @stopforamoment  @teamtomsato @furiousherringoperatortoad @indiacater @sirbeepsalot  @alesana45 @strangerofbraidwood @museofbooks @furryperfectionlover @ao719 @blackcatkita
   Calais laced her fingers with Xiphos’ caught in the beauty of his gaze for a moment, shy and nervous, she led him back toward the palace down a small service path that wound around to a stone wall with a somewhat incongruous stone portico with a high-tech secured gate. She pressed her thumb to it and it slid open admitting them. On the other side of the gate was a different world, the service entrance area to the palace grounds was brightly lit with numerous guards stationed and patrolling. Xiphos saw there was a secured parking lot with a service road winding through it to a loading dock on the side of the palace proper. Multiple garage style steel doors lined the loading dock and Calais led him up the side stairs and over to a door at the end of the dock. She leaned over and unlocked the gate with a key that was on a chain around her neck. She looked at him a long moment then hesitant and painfully shy she focused on their intertwined hands. "I... I want to show you." Her voice was such soft velvet and so warm it felt to him more like she was asking him to make love to her.
  She pressed a button and he heard the automatic whine of electric motors as the gate lifted. She stared in his eyes a moment more and blushed deeply before she led him into the dark interior of what felt like a very large room. Once they were inside she pressed another button and the door closed leaving them in complete darkness for one breath before she turned on the light.
  The room was vast. There were three huge blocks of marble still on moving pallets on one side. In the center was a scissor lift next to a large draped piece that seemed to be about twenty feet tall by ten feet at the base. Further back in the room were equally vast draped pieces. She led him toward the back of the room. "This is where I work. I've never shown anyone all of this. I showed Aeneas a couple of the pieces. I've shown mom a couple." She looked at the piece and closed her eyes a moment before she pulled the draped cloth off it.
  Stretched before him was a marble sculpture of Calais nude, frozen in a clear acrylic piece of ice the shape of her birthmark expanded to contain all of her except for the fingers of her right hand protruding desperately just above the surface. Her face frozen in desperation, her mouth open in a silent cry.
  She shuddered as she stood next to him and stared down at her frozen likeness. "It's a multi-media piece. Using Thassos white marble and my special formulation for the acrylic. The figure was sculpted first then encased in the acrylic which was then sculpted and polished afterwards."
  Xiphos stood in awe, his mouth hung open, as he studied the piece. He had a hard time formulating words, but his feelings ran deep. He had no idea how talented she was. He could feel her pain depicted perfectly in the sculpture and he found himself fighting tears. He released her hand and looked at her tentatively. “May I touch it?”
  She nodded. The acrylic seemed somehow cooler to the touch. He could feel the calluses and the waxy smoothness of the fingernails on the fingers that protruded from the acrylic ice.
  Rendered speechless, a single tear rolled down his cheek as he turned to face Calais. “I-I don’t know what to say.” He looked deep into her dark eyes. “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.”
  She blushed but held his gaze, stroking the tear. She took his hand and led him to the next covered piece. She pulled the drape off and in this one the birthmark ice was expanded to become the dance floor for a pair of marble dancers in formal dress smiling into each other’s eyes as they danced above oblivious to the small hand protruding through the center of the ice or the diminished figure of Calais trapped beneath them. The flow of the dance seemed to swirl the waves of the woman's skirt and lift the tails of the man's tux.
  “Wow! This is absolutely amazing! I-I...” He choked up as he took in the piece. “I am in awe of you. How do you—I mean what do—“ he sighed and hung his head as words escaped him. He was unable to put into words how Calais’ art made him feel.
  She looked at him a long time. "I don't really know. Michelangelo said every block of stone has a sculpture inside it and it's up to the sculptor to discover it. And it feels sort of like that. I get these ideas. And I can see it in my head. It's all colored with how I'm feeling at the time." She shrugged and pulled the drape off the next piece. “I call this one ‘Innocence’”   A pair of parents standing in fire held a large block of ice above their heads and their children played across the melting ice oblivious to their parent’s pain and determination. "I've been sculpting since I was four. But..." She shook her head. "I don't know if I can show all these."
  Xiphos walked up behind Calais and wrapped his arms around her waist. He leaned down and spoke softly in her ear. “These are amazing. You are amazing. Why don’t you think you can show them?”
  She looked at him and pointed at the next draped piece. "Uncover it and tell me if I can show it?"   He pulled the heavy tarp to reveal a statue of the King in full royal regalia but the crown on his head had grown thick roots that pierced through his body and anchored him into the ground immobile.   She pulled the cover off the next piece and her father pierced by the roots of his crown is putting a crown on Aeneas as a boy. The smaller crown suspended above Aeneas' head is already extending roots downward toward his head as he smiles up in adoration at his father. The work was exquisite and macabre. The figures seemed unfazed by their painful looking imprisonment. "I'll be crucified by the press if I show these." Her voice was soft as she considered the pieces.
  “Wow. Ok I see what you mean. But these are exquisite. Calais looking at these is like looking into your heart.” His emerald eyes shone as he looked into hers. “Thank you for showing me. I am deeply honored. I can tell how personal these are.” He laced his fingers through hers, and brought her hand to his lips to kiss the back of her hand.
  Her voice was a deep whisper, "I only sculpt what is in my heart." She reached up almost shyly to smooth her fingers through the black silk of his hair. "Perhaps that is why I want so badly to sculpt you."
  Xiphos’ breath hitched at her touch as he felt her fingers in his hair. He closed his eyes for a moment then opened them to gaze lovingly into hers. “I would be honored to have you sculpt me. You are so amazing. I—I...” He faltered as he tried to put his feelings into words.
  She traced her finger delicately over his lips before sealing her mouth to his. She arched against his body softly mewling her need into his mouth.
  Xiphos pulled her even closer as he deepened their kiss. Their bodies flush, he felt his need arising in the pit of his belly. He pulled out of the kiss breathless and whispered her name softly.
  She looked at him, eyes completely dark with her passion. Her voice matched his whisper, "Yes."
  He pressed his pelvis into hers, slowly sliding his hand up the front of her blouse to caress her abdomen. He kissed her lips softly then trailed kisses down her neck, following the line of her birthmark with his tongue. “Mmmmm you smell divine.” His voice was raspy and breathy as his hands travelled behind her then up her back to unhook her bra.
   Her breath caught as her fingers gently explored the perfection of his jawline and traced the column of his neck. Her body trembled beneath his touch as she sighed shyly in his ear "I, I want to feel you... I need..." She moaned low and rolled her pelvis against him craving him from her core like her need for air itself.
  Xiphos gasped at the current that flowed from her pelvis into his. He gazed deep into her dark eyes, his own eyes burning with desire, as he unbuttoned his jeans and started to remove his pants. He paused for a brief moment. “Are you sure this is what you want?” He stroked her cheek lightly.
  Her gaze raked down his body, a silken caress. The velvet depth was back in her voice, "Xiphos I'm much, much more certain that you are what I want than I am about being what you want." She held his gaze and turned to gently nip the pad of his finger he stroked her with before she sucked it into her mouth and stroked it with her tongue.
    Xiphos tried to stifle the low groan deep in the back of his throat, but failed. His whole body trembled as his pants pooled around his ankles and his hardness twitched against her. He was barely able to form a coherent thought, he was consumed by his need for her. His voice came from the back of his throat, deep and low. “I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you. I have to feel you around me. I-l...” He backed her up to a slab of marble adjacent to her sculpture and reached up her skirt. He pulled her drenched thong to the side and sunk a finger into her wet center as he gasped along with her.
  She arched in her joy as her walls tightened around his finger. Her hands stroked down his chest and the flat planes of his stomach and abdomen until she found the silky steel of him. Her warm, strong fingers stroked him carefully as she explored and loved him. "Take me" Her plea was so soft it was like it came from her heart.
  His breathing was labored as he slowly pulled his finger from her and leaned down to kiss her. He lifted her and pressed himself to her entrance and carefully slid inside. He trembled as he felt her walls expand to make room for him. He pulled back to look at her, his eyes bright emerald pools as he slowly began to thrust in and out. He pulled her up close to him. He craved her and wanted to feel every inch of her on him.
  Her eyes were locked with his, her legs wrapped around his waist and she softly gasped as she instinctively rolled her hips in perfect rhythm with his thrusts. "You feel so. . so incredible. Ahh.. Ahh.. Xiph….” His name was pulled from her in a low primal moan as she unwound around him in waves of bliss.
  He held her close as she came undone around him, thrusting through her release, then plunged one last time deep inside her. “My god, Calais.” His voice was deep and primal as he felt his release deep inside her. He closed his eyes and thought he couldn’t remember ever feeling such bliss. He kept his arms around her, holding her tightly to him, still buried within her. His face was pressed to the nape of her neck as he inhaled her scent and tried to commit every detail of her to his memory. His emotions swirled inside him as his heart rate slowly returned to normal. He wanted to tell her what he was feeling, but he didn’t want her to be scared. He knew he was going to love her madly, deeply and with all of him.
  She wrapped herself around him as she kissed him deeply then pressed her forehead to his and chuckled. "Oh Xiphos my sweet love, what have we done?... She was dazzlingly joyous... "How, oh how am I going to work in here now?"
  Xiphos chuckled along with her as he kissed her softly and nuzzled her neck. “Well, I claim this particular slab of marble as mine.” He ran his hand along the smooth surface. “I guess you’ll have to save it to sculpt me.” His eyes darkened as he winked at her. “Or keep it for the next time I visit your workshop.”
  She sighed. "It feels kind of perfect this moment. I know it's really late. And I really don't want this moment to end."
   “Everything with you tonight has been absolute perfection.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “You are right. It is late. I should find my sister soon.” He slowly pulled out of her and pulled up his pants. He pulled her into one more passionate kiss.    He raised an eyebrow at her. “Can I help you cover these back up?”
  She smiled sweetly at him. "That would be wonderful." She showed him how to clip the drapes on hoists to lift them up then spread them before lowering them into place. The tall ones she had to move a ladder into place to unclip the drape. At last they were all recovered and she looked over the shop before she nodded. She turned to him right before she turned out the light and took his hand and looked into his gorgeous eyes. "Xiphos. Thank you. I want you to know something. I know this morning I told you that I was in love with my illusion of you.... Now I know, you are better than my illusion was."
 He smiled and stroked her cheek softly. “Thank you, Calais. For giving me the chance to prove I could be better than the illusion.” He lost himself in the dark pools of her eyes. He spoke softly, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’m not sure how this is possible, but I have to say it. I love you, sweet Calais. I will spend however long it takes to prove that to you.”
  She hugged him tightly then turned off the lights and opened the door into the outside to let them back out into the night. She locked the door. Then impulsively handed him the key and folded his fingers over it. "I have a spare. I want you to have it."
  His mouth dropped open as he opened his hand to study the key in his palm. His heart swelled and tears welled up in his eyes. He felt as if she had given him the key to her heart. He pulled her into a tight embrace then kissed her deeply. “Thank you. This means everything to me.”
  "I don't know how to let you go." She smiled. "Not sure I'm going to be good at learning that either. Do you want me to help you find your sister?"
  He smiled at her brightly. “I know what you mean. How do you say good night after all that?” He kissed her softly. “Let’s go find Sarissa. Maybe she’ll talk to us before we leave.”
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innerpostmentality · 5 years
Breakfast at Tevis
Four thousand years ago gods and magic shaped and ruled and were plentiful in the world. Man and all the creatures were shaped and marked by it. Then things began to change. Gradually those things of magic diminished and the things of science took precedence until magic became a myth tucked away safely in children’s fairy tales and skilled entertainer’s parlor tricks. It’s been a thousand years of progress unmarked by true magic.  …………………….. Things are about to change.
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This fic is part of a collaborative AU created by my talented friends @tornbetween2loves @kennaxval and myself. This part was written 50/50 by myself and @tornbetween2loves. Special thanks to @tornbetween2loves for the gorgeous mood board for Crown Prince Aeneas and the beautiful Sarissa   Disclaimer: all original TRR characters and references belong to Pixelberry, however we are claiming their beautiful children as our own creations. Please see the Series Master List here: Arcana Unbound Series Masterlist Pairing feature: Aeneas X Sarissa Word count: 4300 + Warnings: mild angst, erotica  Tags: @darley1101 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @bobasheebaby @carabeth @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @riseandshinelittleblossom @stopforamoment @teamtomsato @furiousherringoperatortoad @indiacater @sirbeepsalot @alesana45 @strangerofbraidwood @museofbooks @furryperfectionlover @ao719 @blackcatkita
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  Aeneas led Sarissa out to the limo and Evan opened the door for them. He climbed into the car and held his hand out for her to help her in.  "I was not sure you would join me this morning. And I do apologize for the early morning. I wanted to be certain I spoke to your father before there was any news of us."   The ride to Tevi's was short this early in the morning. Tevi's had expanded over the years since Liam and Hyclea had first gone to breakfast there. When Hyclea gave them the Queen's seal, a personal endorsement, their business doubled then doubled again. But the quality was always maintained in their food. And at least once a month the royals would come visit.   "Sarissa," He kept her hand and was stroking gentle circles around her knuckles with his thumb. "It is early so I do not think any press will be there when we arrive. But it is a possibility when we leave. Have you considered what you want to tell them?"   Sarissa’s brow furrowed as she thought about Aeneas’ question. “Honestly I hadn’t thought about it much.” She squeezed his hand and looked at him sheepishly. The press never really paid much attention to her, they would bypass her and swarm her brother. “Do you have some pointers for me? Maybe I could just follow your lead.” She looked away, suddenly nervous. She knew that she would be in the spotlight being courted by the crown prince. This would take some getting used too. She was trained to fade into the background, be unnoticeable.  She looked up into his violet eyes and knew he was worth the nervousness and any awkwardness she might feel being in the spotlight. She smiled at him warmly. “Can’t we just tell them the truth?”   Aeneas looked pained as he held her gaze. His voice was that deep, soothing velvet that was almost mesmerizing. "If this Social Season were only about me I would call a press conference and tell them how completely remarkable and enchanting you are. But Social Seasons.." he sighed before he continued "Social seasons garner support for the crown from the nobility and the public. It is like a lottery where every person feels like they might win. I," he shook his head, "I have to be perceived, initially at least, to be fair. And that is so contrary to what I feel."   “I understand.” She looked deep into his eyes. “So once the social season starts you will be spending equal amounts of time with all the women who participate.” She broke their gaze and looked down as hot tears pricked the corners of her eyes. Her voice was soft and filled with uncertainty. “What if you find you like one of them better than me?”   "No." Aeneas lifted her chin. "Look at me Sarissa." His voice was serious and he waited until she met his gaze. "Listen to me. I need you to hear me not only here." He touched her head gently. "I need you to hear me here." He touched the center of her chest over her heart.   "This is exactly what I was trying to tell you last night when I told you that my brother was the better catch." He shook his head and looked in her eyes then gently turned her head so she could look out the window as he pointed at all the traffic and people. He shifted so that he was right behind her and she could feel the warmth of his body as he spoke gently in her ear. "There are billions of people in the world. Millions in our country that I must think of. That I must care about. That I must try to take care of. And if you chose to sit beside me it means that you will have to share me and I will have to share you. Even beyond the social season we will have to watch each other dance with others and share intimate conversations with others. We will be apart negotiating alliances, trade deals, attending summits." He turned her slightly and gently stroked her jaw as he urged her to face him again, his features held a deep longing hopefulness. "But in the midst of all that, at the end of all that, I want to believe, I need you to believe in this."  Aeneas brought his mouth to hers. His fingers trembled as he threaded them into the silkiness of her glorious hair. Passion like he'd never known unfurled in him and he was vaguely aware as he groaned his need for her. He was completely torn between his rational side that knew he needed to stop and recover his composure, and the imperative of his emotions that drove his body to passion.   Sarissa was overcome as she felt her own emotions and passion rise to meet his. She could feel how desperately he wanted her, no, needed her and any small shred of doubt she had was gone. This was exactly what she wanted. Her whole life had been preparation for this moment and gave her strength. She was meant to be his queen. She just knew it. And she would jump through whatever hoops necessary to get there.   He released his grip on her hair and tried to pull away from her but she kept her lips on his as she grasped his hand and pressed it to her chest, covering her heart. After lingering a few moments longer in their passion, she pulled back, breathless. Their lust-blown eyes locked together as Sarissa cupped his face in her hands. “I hear you, Aeneas. I know what it means to be with you. To love you.” She brought her face close to his again. “You’re worth it. You’re so worth all of it.” She kissed him again gently, deepening the kiss as she stroked his cheek.   He was shaking his eyes closed when he broke the kiss finally. He pressed his forehead to hers. "Sarissa.. oh God..." He let her go and leaned over. "Give me a minute. We are going to be at Tevi's in a few minutes and I cannot get out of the car like this." He struggled as he tried to control his breathing and calm himself. He chuckled and turned his head to look sideways at her. "You are dangerous."   Sarissa scooted over a few inches on the seat to give him some space as she smiled at him innocently. “Dangerous? Me?” She winked at him playfully.   He reached out and grabbed her hand and held it as he closed his eyes and just breathed slowly. "Have you been to Tevi's before?"   She nodded. “Sure. They have great coffee.” She squeezed his hand gently. “Are you ok?”   "Well this is not exactly how I pictured this morning. And it amuses me on some not completely mortified level.  You are so beautiful. Do you know that?"   Sarissa blushed and smiled at him shyly. “Thank you. You make me feel so wonderful. Everything you say to me makes me feel like I’m the most special girl in the world.” She looked up into his eyes, her cheeks still flushed. “So what will we tell the press today? Because I fear that they may take one look at us and know what we are feeling.”   He smiled at her the violet of his gaze intense. "You are. I need you to remember that through all of this."   He chuckled. "The press will always speculate. But if we are pressed I shall tell them that we are planning a surprise party. That should calm them a little."   The limo pulled up in front of Tevi's and stopped. They waited a few minutes while security confirmed everything was ready for them. Evan opened the door and allowed Sarissa to exit the limo a moment later Aeneas exited the car. He stepped out and smoothed his jacket and offered her his arm.   They were escorted into the courtyard dining area and to a table situated next to a beautiful Jacaranda tree. Aeneas pulled her chair out for her before he sat down across from her. The waiter handed them menus and asked them what they would like to drink. Aeneas smiled at her. "I requested this table. It's rather special to my family. It was where my parents had their first official sort of 'date'. That was back in prehistory. And the walls were built to keep the larger dinosaurs out."  “How lovely. You’re such a romantic.” She smiled. “This is utterly charming. Having our first date in the exact spot where your parents had theirs.” She giggled. “Good thing we don’t have to worry about those dinosaurs anymore.”   Aeneas got lost in her eyes for a moment. He blushed. "Yesterday I would not have thought that I was a romantic. I was pretty methodical studying the files." He frowns. "Was I mistaken thinking that you had a class this morning? I was surprised when your dad said 7:30."   Sarissa’s face reddened as she dropped her eyes to the floor. “Yes, I was supposed to be in class at 8. But I wasn’t planning on going, even before you showed up.” She looked up into his eyes curiously. “Do you have a file on me Aeneas?”  "Of course. Sarissa, you wanted to be a royal guard." He shook his head and chuckled. "And when I asked for files on the ladies attending the season they were thorough. I have files on Calais and my mother. I have no idea how that happened."   She smiled at him, her eyes sparkled. “Well you can officially move my file from the ‘royal guard’ pile to the ‘attending social season’ pile.” She giggled. “So what kind of stuff is in my file? Do you find that it’s accurate? Will I be able to have any secrets from you?” She raised an eyebrow at him. “Or maybe you should just throw that file in the trash and see what impression I can make on you?”   Aeneas started to speak but then the waiter came back with their drinks and asked them about their breakfast preferences. He ordered them a basket of assorted pastries, pieces of cheese pie, and a sliced fruit plate.   "I hope you do not mind me ordering for both of us?"   He looked thoughtful for a moment as he thought about the contents of her file. "You are described as a dedicated student with excellent skills. You are a senior with emphasis on security, infiltration and threat analysis. You excel in your physical combat courses. You are 21, two months younger than me. Red hair. Gray eyes. 5'7". Daughter of Bastien Lykel and Olivia Nevrakis-Lykel Duke and Duchess of Lythikos, second child of the couple." He grinned.   "It is woefully inadequate. Tells me nothing about which side of the bed you sleep on. Whether you snore. Does not tell me if you prefer the orange walnut sticky rolls or the chocolate eclairs. It's basically useless."   Sarissa giggled as she took a sip of her coffee. “Interesting. Well, I prefer to sleep on the right side and I will always choose the eclairs. As far as the snoring goes....” Her eyes danced as she gave him a sultry look. “...you’ll have to wait to discover that for yourself.”    “Would it surprise you to learn that I also have a file on you? And Calais? And Leo? And your parents?” She raised an eyebrow at him. “And I’ll bet my files are a lot more detailed and informative than yours.”   She smiled as she thought of her father teaching her to remember details about those she wished to protect. Not just the public knowledge details, but personal details. Observations. Even her mother had encouraged the idea. She had figured that the files would come in handy if she ever chose to take a different path and attend social season.   He grinned at her wide enough to show his dimple as he selected a cardamom cream horn and shook his head. "I know who your parents are so it does not really surprise me. But I am curious since you have been studying me. Is there anything that surprises you about me?"  Sarissa tilted her head to one side as she reached for a pastry. She contemplated his question for a moment as she took a bite. She smiled at him brightly. “To be honest, everything about you surprises me Aeneas. From a fairly young age my dad taught me to maintain a certain distance from you. Not a physical distance, a personal one. He said it was important for me to maintain a professional relationship with those I aspire to protect.” She smiled as she licked a bit of frosting off the tip of her thumb. “So even though I was aware of certain personal details about you, I’m finding you to be nothing like I imagined. You are so kind, passionate and protective. I feel so safe around you. And not just because of your guard detail.”  Cream filling clung to his upper lip as he continued to smile at her. "I am glad you feel safe with me. I shall always do my very best to keep your faith in me, Sarissa."   He sipped his coffee and the cream filling disappeared. He looked thoughtfully at her for a long moment. "How many more classes do you have to finish your degree? I know you are a senior but I also know people who have the credits to be a senior but have changed majors so are not so close to graduating." He laughed and shook his head. "Then there is my sister and brother. They are just set upon making me feel like the slow child."   Sarissa giggled. “You, the slow child? I find that hard to believe.” She smiled as she sipped her coffee. “I have never changed my major, I have always known what I wanted to study and who I wanted to be. So I will be graduating after this semester.” Her eyes sparkled as she gazed at him. “I plan to finish my coursework online for the remainder of the semester.”   He nodded as he took another bite of the cream horn. "Sarissa I know you were really upset with Calais and Xiphos last night. I was too. Then I realized what happened with me. I do not think either of them were really keeping something from us. I mean I do not believe they were really together before yesterday."   Sarissa nodded in agreement. “I didn’t understand how they could feel so strongly for one another in such a short time.” She locked her eyes on his violet pools and her voice was deep and sultry when she spoke. “But I do now.”  His eyes flashed and then he sipped his coffee and took a bite of his cheese pie.   "Yes...."  He studied her intently for a moment. "Anyway, Calais was pretty upset about upsetting you. And Sarissa, I think they are... very serious. I hope that doesn't upset you."   Sarissa took another bite of her pastry, then washed it down with coffee. She nodded in response. “I’m not upset that they’re serious.” Her eyes narrowed. “I’m upset because your sister has had this crush on my brother for months, maybe even years, and she never told me.” She sighed and looked down at her cheese pie as she picked at it with her fork. “I guess my feelings are just hurt. I thought we were best friends. But Calais kept this huge secret from me.” Her voice was shaky as tears welled in her eyes.   Aeneas looked sympathetic as Sarissa got emotional. "I wish we were private. When you are upset all I want to do is hold you and somehow make it better. Sarissa.." His voice was soft and soothing, "Calais does consider you her best friend. She is..." His expression got pained and serious. "When she came back from school to work on her doctorate sculptures here she was much more closed off.”  “Has she talked with you about what happened?"   Sarissa avoided eye contact as she shook her head. “No. I always knew something was different. She came back changed.” She took a deep, shaky breath and exhaled slowly as she wiped a tear from her cheek and looked him in the eye. Her expression pained, she smiled at him sadly. “Another secret she’s keeping from me.”  He extended his leg under the table and pressed it gently against hers. He looked in her eyes, his were full of sympathy. "Not just you Sarissa. She hasn't told me what happened either."   Her head snapped up as a shocked look crossed her face. “She didn’t tell you? But..... she tells you everything.” She looked away, suddenly feeling very ashamed. Here her best friend had gone through something so traumatic she couldn’t talk to anyone about it. And all Sarissa could do was be angry at her for finding happiness with her brother. She buried her face in her hands. After a long moment she raised her head to look at Aeneas with remorse. “I’ve been acting like a selfish brat. I’m so sorry.” She shook her head. “May I ride back to the palace with you after breakfast? I’d like to speak with Calais.”   He nodded and handed her his handkerchief. "She did not tell me about her feelings for your brother either. I do not know what happened. But I know she was hurt badly by someone."   Sarissa nodded as she dabbed the corners of her eyes with the handkerchief. After taking a moment to compose herself she cleared her throat and smiled at him. “Enough sadness. This is supposed to be our charming, romantic first date.” She winked at him with a smile. “So what are your plans today Aeneas?”   He lifted a brow at her and smirked. "I have a couple of meetings after my cold shower. Then I am heading to the children's hospital to take some stuffed lions to the children. I have a fitting. Then another meeting with father and the Italian ambassador about an upcoming trip. Then I expect to fall over from sleep deprivation and dream of you." He smiled and winked at her.  Sarrisa’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “Are you always this busy?” She rolled her eyes at herself. What a dumb question. Of course he was always this busy, he was the damn crown prince! She sighed and closed her eyes as her cheeks reddened. “I-I’m sorry. That was a pretty stupid question.” She smiled at him sheepishly.  He smiled. "We are a working monarchy. Father insists that we have regular contact with the people in addition to the state affairs. Most people still envision something more like sitting around on couches being fed peeled grapes I expect." He shook his head. "There are no bad questions Sarissa. You are welcome to ask me anything."  He called the waiter over and asked for a basket of pastries to take with them.  "For mom and dad." he explained. "Are you ready? I think we may have dodged the press if we leave now."  She nodded and drank the last of her coffee. “Thank you for breakfast. I have very much enjoyed your company, Aeneas.” She smiled at him again, her dark eyes sparkling.   Once they were back in the limo Aeneas looked at her shyly. "Sarissa, would you mind.. might I hold you?"   Sarissa beamed as she scooted close to him on the seat. “Of course.” She reached out and tentatively placed her hand on his knee, drawing small circles with her fingertips. She fought to keep her breathing steady as she felt his arms around her. Her stomach fluttered as their eyes locked together. Her voice was soft, barely a whisper. “Aeneas....will you kiss me again?”   He grinned. "I think you are plotting to keep me in the car."   She laughed and he kissed her. Gently he explored her mouth. He stroked her cheek then he moved to feather kisses along her jaw to her ear. He whispered hoarsely, "You are so beautiful." he gently nipped her earlobe and then kissed it, playing with it with his tongue.   Sarissa moaned softly as he nipped her ear, her hand slowly moved from his knee to his upper thigh as she kissed his neck. She smiled into the crook of his neck and whispered, “I could stay in this car with you like this all day.” She trailed kisses up to his ear and nibbled gently. “But then you’d have to cancel your meetings and your trip to the hospital, your fitting and your meeting with your father and the ambassador.” She pulled back breathless to look into his eyes, her eyes dark with lust. “And the cold shower would not be necessary.”   A groan was pulled from deep inside him. He grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss into her palm. His eyes were blazing, luminescent violet rings around his lust blown pupils. His voice a deep velvet caress as he murmured, "If I expire from need you will have to explain to my parents and yours why they can't remove my smile."  She smiled and kissed his lips softly, speaking into the kiss, “I don’t mind explaining. I’ll even take all the blame.”   "Sarissa… I.." He closed his eyes as he struggled. Then opened them to look deeply into her eyes. "I told your father I would respect you. You have no idea how much I want you. But you deserve so much more than the back seat of a car." He pulled her tightly against him and kissed the top of her head. His whole body was tense and almost vibrated with his restraint.    Sarissa pouted as she snuggled against him. She could feel him tense next to her and she placed her hand on his thigh. She sighed deeply and said in a very serious tone, “You’re right. We wouldn’t want to piss dad off. Especially not before you find a milk producing yak.” She chuckled softly, her body shaking against his.   He held her tightly as he controlled his breathing by counting in his head. Dizzy with her scent and her softness and the feel of her in his arms. He laughed with her as he murmured in her hair. "I promise I will find that yak if it is the last thing I do."  "Hey... Thank you for talking with Calais. You really are her best friend. I think your brother and I made peace last night when he was leaving. Forgive him, Sarissa, do not carry hurt with you."   Sarissa nodded. “We’re all going to be okay aren’t we Aeneas?” She sat up straight and turned to look him in the eye.   He grinned. "Well yesterday I would not have been able to answer that question with any kind of conviction.” He kissed her knuckles still as he looked into her eyes. "When I look at you, when I hold you I can't help but believe that we all are going to wind up fine."   She smiled at him as she lightly stroked his cheek. “I feel the same way. It’s amazing the difference a day can make.”   Aeneas opened his arms to hold her while they were taken to the family entrance of the palace. He stroked her back. "I wish we could just spend the day together. I hope we will be able to manage that before the insanity of the season gets underway."   Sarissa kept her hand on his thigh, making circles with her index finger. “An entire day? That would be amazing.” She looked at him hopefully. “Can we try to make that happen? Pretty please?” She stuck her bottom lip out in a small pout and batted her eyes at him.   He chuckled and tugged gently on her bottom lip.. "Does that work with your dad?" He kissed her forehead. "You know I will try to make it happen."  She grinned widely at him. “Actually, it does work with dad. Well most of the time anyway. I’ve always been daddy’s little girl.” She turned to look deep in his violet eyes with a sultry gaze. She leaned close and kissed his lips softly. She pulled back after a moment. “Imagine what we could do with an entire day together.”   "My virtue feels imperiled." He couldn’t help himself. He knew he shouldn't but he stole another kiss before he signaled for the guards to let them out of the car. "I will talk with you later Beauty."   She climbed out of the limo, his taste still tingled on her lips. “Thank you for breakfast Aeneas. I had an absolutely wonderful time.”    He bowed over her hand, flipped it and kissed her wrist softly before he let her go.
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tornbetween2loves · 5 years
Arcana Unbound: Aeneas’ Epiphany
Four thousand years ago gods and magic shaped and ruled and were plentiful in the world. Man and all the creatures were shaped and marked by it. Then things began to change. Gradually those things of magic diminished and the things of science took precedence until magic became a myth tucked away safely in children’s fairy tales and skilled entertainer’s parlor tricks.
It’s been a thousand years of progress unmarked by true magic.
  Things are about to change.
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This is a collaboration between myself and @innerpostmentality It is a TRR AU set 25 years in the future from the current TRR timeline. The story focuses around the children of the TRR characters.
Disclaimer: all characters belong to pixelberry except for our amazing OCs. They are our precious babies.
Warnings: This series may contain adult themes and erotica and should only be read by people over the age of 18.
Tags: @darley1101 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @bobasheebaby @carabeth @riseandshinelittleblossom @stopforamoment @furiousherringoperatortoad @indiacater @sirbeepsalot @alesana45 @museofbooks @furryperfectionlover @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @strangerofbraidwood @teamtomsato @begging-for-kamilah @kennaxval @blackcatkita @ao719
Sometime in the middle of ‘Andante Andante’ on Calais’ oldies waltz track she started unbuttoning his shirt. By the time ‘Unchained Melody’ was on their dance was one of passion in the softness of her rose scented sheets. And then there was a soft knock on her door.
Aeneas called from her door. "Calais can we talk?"
"Ummmm… " She moaned aloud in her passion. Then started giggling. "G, give me a moment."
She was mouthing "oh my God" and shaking as she looked in Xipho's passion blown eyes.
“Oh shit!” Xiphos whispered, his eyes wide as he climbed out of her bed and quickly pulled on his pants. “Where’s my shirt?” He looked around frantically but gave up when he heard Aeneas fumbling with the doorknob.
Calais pulled a T-shirt over her head and motioned to the closet. Xiphos ducked into the closet and tucked himself into a dark corner behind the racks of clothes. Calais threw her comforter up to cover her bed and pulled on a pair of shorts. She ran her fingers through her hair and opened the door cautiously.
Aeneas took in his sister’s state of dishabille. "Hey. I'm sorry I didn't answer your text. Sarissa was with me. She was pretty upset, Calais."
Calais looked at her brother and nodded. "I know.. I really don't want to talk about it now." She dropped her eyes.
Aeneas looked at his sister a moment then saw Xiphos’ shirt half under her bed. His back went stiff as his eyes stared at her.
"Calais where is he?"
His hands were curled into fists as he stared daggers at his sister.
Xiphos cursed under his breath as he heard Aeneas call his name. He ran his fingers through his hair and checked to make sure his pants were buttoned and the fly was up before he emerged from the closet with a sheepish look. He took one look at Aeneas’ demeanor and stance and immediately held up his hands, to defend himself if necessary.
Calais looked between the two of them and walked over to stand by Xiphos.
Aeneas stared at her his jaw was twitching and he was seriously wondering if he was going to crack his own tooth.
His words were carefully enunciated as he sat down on the seat at the foot of her bed. "Exactly, precisely, what is going on here?"
Xiphos glanced at Calais for a moment then put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. He cleared his throat and turned to Aeneas. “We were dancing. To some really cool old music. Practicing our waltzes for social season.”
"Dancing?!" Aeneas eyes narrowed as he spat the word.
"You know who that is? That is MY SISTER. She's The Princess of Cordonia. Next in line to the throne after me. Now we are going to try this again. Why are you shirtless in my sisters room with an unmade bed at two in the morning?"
Xiphos felt Calais’ spine go stiff.
Aeneas saw her eyes narrow and her shoulders square.. then she stepped in front of Xiphos her eyes blazing at him. "Okay... You want to know what is going on? I love him. That's what is going on. When two adults love each other they sometimes express that emotion physically, intimately. I am NOT a child. And neither is he." ·
Xiphos smiled down at Calais, then turned to face Aeneas. “Your sister is the most amazing person I’ve ever met. She is beautiful and kind and sensitive and caring. I love her and would never hurt her or disrespect her.” He took her hand and laced his fingers through hers.
Aeneas’ eyes were ablaze and he felt himself shaking where he sat. A hundred things instantly popped into his head that he clamped down on knowing that if he said any of them it would do more damage than good. Finally he managed. "For God's sake put on your shirt."
Calais looked at Aeneas. "I don't want him to put on his shirt. This is my room. My rules."
Aeneas growled. "This is the royal palace of Cordonia. And I'm fairly certain the rules here are father's"
Calais looked at Aeneas a moment then went to her closet and pulled a suitcase out and started to throw things in it. Tears ran down her cheeks.
Aeneas’ eyes widened. And Xiphos looked between them before going over to her to speak gently. "Calais, sweetheart, easy. This is just a misunderstanding."
Aeneas looked at them as Xiphos spoke to her softly trying to calm her.
Calais shook her head and dashed her tears away. "No. I'm not locking us away to make him comfortable. And it's dad's palace. But I'm an adult; hey I'm the fucking princess of Cordonia so I'm perfectly capable of finding a place where my rules are what goes.”
Aeneas’ voice was gentle when he finally spoke. "Xiphos is right, Calais. I'm, I was out of line." He shot Xiphos a pleading desperate look. Waaay up on his list of what he didn't want to explain to either of his parents was why their daughter had run off. Much less that she had run off with #1 on the World's most eligible bachelor list.
"Calais, Please stay. I'm sorry."
Calais stopped packing and looked at her brother. Their eyes locked for a long long moment before she finally murmured "Apology accepted. Now get out of my room. I don't want to see you before noon."
Aeneas stood. "Shall I get Xiphos a guest room?"
"Only if he wants one." She looked at Xiphos the invitation to stay clear in her eyes.
Xiphos smiled at Calais then glanced at Aeneas. He moved closer to her and wrapped her in his arms as he planted a kiss on the top of her head. “I want nothing more than to stay here with you.” She looked up into his eyes with a smile.
“But your brother is right. This is the palace and you’re a princess and I’m pretty sure we’d start off on the wrong foot with your parents if I showed up at breakfast.” He slipped into his shirt as he spoke gently to her. “I think it’s better if I just go home. I really don’t want to mess this up before it even has a chance to start.” He kissed her softly as she pouted.
He turned to face Aeneas.
“Thank you for putting me in my place. I want you to know that I am in love with your sister and I never want to do anything to tarnish her reputation or upset the king and queen.”
A look of concern crossed his face. “Where is my sister? I know she was with you, we found Leo by himself in his room. Is she ok?”
Aeneas looked at the two of them and knew they were serious. He'd been in the room with them less than ten minutes and they both had declared their love for each other to him. They were wrapped around each other, calming each other, sharing the little subconscious touches and gestures that were the hallmark of real deal love. He recognized it because he had witnessed it all his life between his parents. He understood it because he realized it was actually his instinctive reaction to Sarissa when she had been upset. The thought sent him reeling and he sat back down on the bench at the foot of the bed.
His voice was dazed as he looked down at his hands and remembered how her hand fit so warm and perfect in his.
"I sent her home." The whole reasoning behind that decision as sound as it was seemed somehow fundamentally flawed because she wasn't here with him now.
Calais had been stroking the small of Xiphos back under his untucked shirt looking at him rather than her brother until she saw a look of concern cross his face and heard the strange tone in her brother’s voice. She saw the dazed look on his face and immediately went to him concerned.
"Hey... Are you okay?"
He nodded and met her eyes. "I, I am. I think. Can you give me a few minutes?
Xiph I'd like to give you something to take to her for me, please. I'll be back."
He got up and wandered out of the room leaving them alone again.
Xiphos turned to Calais and wrapped her in a hug. “Thank you for being on my side. That could have gotten ugly real quick.” He pulled back a bit and looked down into her eyes. “I’m glad that Aeneas is so protective of you.” He sighed as he rubbed circles on her back slowly. “I hope that one day we will be able to rebuild our friendship. I know a lot has happened today and a lot of our relationships are changing.” A shadow crossed over his face and there was a pained look in his eyes. “But I’m having a difficult time imagining a world where Aeneas and I aren’t close.”
Calais looked at him a long moment. "He's very, Very protective of me. Are you mad at him Xiphos?"
Xiphos pondered the question for a moment. Then he shook his head. “I can’t really be mad at him. I understand where he’s coming from. He’s always been super protective of his family. I know what that’s like. I would kill someone for messing with my sister. If she didn’t kill them first.” He and Calais shared a giggle and a smile. Then both their faces dropped. Xiphos’ heart ached as he wiped away a single tear that flowed down Calais’ cheek. “Hey, don’t worry. I’m going to talk to her. She’ll get over it, I just know it. You mean the world to her.” He brushed her cheek softly as his voice softened and lowered. “You mean the world to me too.”
She hugged him. "I don't think Aeneas is really angry with you either. Both of them... were caught off guard." She laughs a little. "I can't blame them. I kinda was as well."
Xiphos chuckled. “This really has been a hell of a day, hasn’t it?” He smiled at her with a love struck gaze. “We could all probably use some sleep and will feel better in the morning.”
Calais nodded and hugged him. "It's been a roller coaster for sure. And my brother was strange just then don't you think?" She frowned a little.
Xiphos shrugged. “Maybe a little.” He raised an eyebrow at Calais. “Do you think something happened between him and Sarissa?” He chuckled lightly. “Maybe their mutual stubbornness was able to break down their walls.”
Just about then Aeneas knocked softly at the door and waited for Calais to call "Enter".
He was blushing as he handed a leather case he'd tied a ribbon around and used a wax seal on.
"Please give this to Sarissa."
He looked at both of them. "I do apologize to you both. I was surprised."
Xiphos took the case and locked eyes with Aeneas briefly. “I am sorry too. I meant no disrespect to Calais, or to you Aeneas.” He turned to Calais and wrapped her in a hug, as he planted a kiss on the top of her head. Then he turned back to Aeneas. “Will you walk me out?”
Calais started to protest but Xiphos was insistent. “My love, I realize this is the palace and security is very tight, but I don’t want to risk anyone seeing us wandering the halls at 2am.” He covered her hand with his. “I meant what I said. I will never do anything to hurt you or tarnish your reputation.” He smiled at her then turned to Aeneas with a questioning look.
Aeneas nodded and waited for him at the door.
He turned to Calais with a soft smile and adoration shining in his eyes as he whispered softly, “Thank you for making this the best day of my life.” He kissed her softly as he stroked her cheek. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I love you.” He turned and walked to the door, motioning for Aeneas to go ahead of him.
Aeneas walked him to the entrance. He cleared his throat as they got there. "Xiphos, I can tell that it's serious between you. My sister really is wonderful. It's a little amazing to me that she opened up to you like that. It's been a hard year for her."
Xiphos shot him a questioning look. “A hard year? She didn’t mention it. But yes, I am very serious.” He turned to face his friend and they locked eyes. “Aeneas, I-ummm.” He looked away as he ran his hand through his hair and sighed. “I want to apologize again for earlier.” He raised his head to meet Aeneas with a hopeful gaze. “Are we ok? Or has our friendship been fractured beyond repair?”
He looked into his eyes a long moment. "I will always be your friend Xiphos. I never wanted to hurt you. I've always thought of you like an older brother. One that reminds me of my uncle Leo in many ways." He gave him a small smile.
"Sarissa gave me permission to court her tonight. I like her Xiphos. More than I should. A lot more than I should. I'm sorry I have to subject her to the cattle call of a social season. I have to be fair. It's important for the monarchy for all the nobility to see this as a fair contest." He sighs. "It's not. Not after tonight anyway."
A wave of relief washed over Xiphos as he smiled at his friend. “You didn’t really hurt me Aeneas, you set me free. And opened my eyes, without me even realizing they were closed.”
His smile faded a little at the mention of his sister. “I must say I am shocked that Sarissa gave her permission. That is the last thing I would’ve expected. But I’m happy you like her and I think you two are a great match. As long as you both can open up to each other.” He grinned at his friend. “And you certainly seem like a different person than you were just a few hours ago when I left you in that billiard room.”
His face fell. “Sarissa is so angry at Calais and me. I’m not sure she’ll even speak to me when I get home.
"I realized some things." Aeneas ran a hand through his hair. "I felt for much of the day today like people were speaking a language that sounded like Greek but wasn't really. And I kept thinking I knew what they were saying but I didn't. And then they were upset and I was clueless. It was really frustrating.
Sarissa prides herself on being observant. It's part of her training for the guard. I think you and Calais really blindsided her and that upset her. I don't think she objects to the two of you being a couple." Aeneas patted him on the arm and offered him his hand.
Xiphos smiled as he shook his friend’s hand then pulled him into a brief hug. “I think you’re probably right. I should’ve given her a heads up.” He smiled. “And I’m glad you’re seeing things more clearly now. Good night, Aeneas.”
"Good night, Xiphos"
Aeneas watched him walk off into the darkness. Then he pulled his phone out and scrolled down to Sarissa's name. He paused a moment knowing it was super late.
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Sarissa was lying in bed, trying unsuccessfully to fall asleep. She couldn’t get her mind to shut off. The image of her brother kissing Calais kept repeating in her mind. And then there was Aeneas. He had turned her whole world upside down. She couldn’t stop thinking about how he made her feel. She closed her eyes and imagined him standing in front of her, his violet eyes gazing at her adoringly.
She smiled and her eyes flew open when she heard her phone ping. She knew it was him. She rolled over and grabbed her phone, her smile growing wider as she read the text from Aeneas. She typed a response.
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God, she was in bed. Of course she was in bed you idiot, it's nearly three in the morning. Visions of her stretched out, those dark eyes melting right through him overwhelmed him.
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Sarissa’s heart jumped into her throat. What did that mean? If he was going to break her heart before they even had a chance......
She was about to type a response when she heard something in the hallway. She jumped out of bed and rushed over to open the door. There was Xiphos, standing with his arm raised, about to knock.
Xiphos cast his eyes down to the floor, then looked back up apologetically at his sister. “Sorry to disturb you, but I figured you would want this now.” He held out the leather case. She nodded, as she fought back tears and took the case.
Xiphos shot her a look of concern. “Sarissa, what’s wrong? Are you ok?” He approached her tentatively, but she held up her hand to stop him as she shook her head. “I’m fine. Please leave me alone. I’m not ready yet.”
Xiphos sighed and took a step back, still concerned. “You know where to find me if you need me.” He turned and walked to his room and Sarissa shut the door. She turned on the light and sat cross-legged on the bed as she broke the seal on the ribbon around the case.
Inside there was a fairly large older book. The Classic and Contemporary Recipes of Yves Thuries: French Pastry. And a note.
I thought you might like to pick something out for us to make together. Or we could just go to Tevi's for some pastry and coffee, or tea.
Thank you for a wonderful evening. I would love to see if we could have a morning together.
When Xiphos got back to his room his phone pinged.
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Sarissa exhaled a breath she didn’t realize she was holding after reading the note from Aeneas. She leafed through the cookbook, giddy with happiness. She picked up her phone and typed a response.
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Xiphos sighed as he looked down at his phone, but smiled as he read the text. He typed a quick response.
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Aeneas couldn’t help the smile as he looked at Sarissa’s response so he quickly texted back:
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12 notes · View notes
tornbetween2loves · 5 years
Arcana Unbound: A Memorable Day for Xiphos
Four thousand years ago gods and magic shaped and ruled and were plentiful in the world. Man and all the creatures were shaped and marked by it. Then things began to change. Gradually those things of magic diminished and the things of science took precedence until magic became a myth tucked away safely in children’s fairy tales and skilled entertainer’s parlor tricks.
It’s been a thousand years of progress unmarked by true magic.
Things are about to change.
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This is a collaborative TRR AU created by @innerpostmentality and myself. It takes place 25 years in the future and focuses on the children of current TRR characters.
Disclaimer: All original TRR characters belong to Pixelberry. We claim their children as our own creations. They’re our babies and we love them.
Warnings: Adult themes and suggestive content. Please don’t read if under the age of 18.
Word count: 5200+
Link to our Masterlist
Dinner was served in three simple courses. A salad with fresh crackers and shrimp. Then a delicately roasted seabass. And finally a lemon chiffon dessert.
Xiphos smiled as he set down his fork after the last bite. “Your majesties, everything was delicious.” He turned and flashed a smile at Aeneas. The beers he had drunk were taking affect and he casually reached over and laid his hand on Aeneas’ thigh. “Thank you for inviting me.” His voice was low, almost sultry, and desire burned in his emerald eyes as he gazed into the eyes of the prince. He felt Aeneas tense.
"Hey. Xiphos. I've got something I need to ask you about." Aeneas stood giving a short bow to his parents. "Please excuse us."
Calais looked at her brother and Xiphos before turning to look at Sarissa, and then Leo. "Hey how about a movie?" To her utter surprise Leo perked up.
"Yeah! We can watch one of the new ones we just got in. The Greatest Showman? Or you can pick Sarissa."
Xiphos stood and bowed to the king and queen and followed Aeneas through the door. His palms were sweaty and his mouth dry again as he wondered what had come over him. What was he thinking? This was a mistake.
Sarissa shot a worried look in her brother’s direction before she locked eyes with Calais. “I think The Greatest Showman sounds fantastic Leo. Let’s go.”
Aeneas led Xiphos downstairs and then down a hallway in the west wing of the palace. He nodded at the guards until he stopped at a door Xiphos knew was the billiards room. Aeneas opened it and turned on the lights then shut the door behind Xiphos.
"Sit." It wasn't a question. Aeneas went over to the bar and grabbed two glasses and a bottle of scotch that was older than both their ages combined. He poured a couple of fingers into each glass and handed one to Xiphos. He studied his friend with a violet gaze so intense it was almost luminous for a moment as he perched against the billiard table and took a sip of the smoky fire in the glass before he walked over and set it carefully on a lamp table by the leather sofa where Xiphos sat. He finally released Xiphos from his gaze when he went over to the wall at the end of the table and selected one of the cue sticks from the rack. His voice had that same velvet quality that his mother and sister both possessed but in Aeneas there was the added depth of a rich baritone.
"There are times when I must admit to being a bit dense. And it doesn't help when my friends and my sister aren't honest with me."
Xiphos somehow remained composed as he followed Aeneas’ lead, selecting a cue stick. But his insides felt like jelly. Nausea grew in the pit of his belly from his nerves. He swirled the amber liquid in his glass and took a big gulp.
“You aren’t exactly the easiest person to be honest with. You can be very intimidating.” He gazed straight into Aeneas’ violet eyes as he tried to read something there about his true feelings. But he revealed nothing. Xiphos envied him in that moment. He wished he could be as stoic. He broke their gaze and grabbed the rack and placed it on the table. He needed a moment to get his thoughts in order. He started racking the balls. “I’ll rack first. You break.”
"You sure?" Aeneas lifted a brow at Xiphos before he placed the cue ball and leaned over to line up his shot. His eyes were laser focused as he took the shot with a smooth ease that completely belied the spin he imparted to the cue ball and the force it slammed into the racked assembly with. The balls scattered across the green felt, two of them fell into pockets. "Solids" He walked around the table focused on it, calculating. Aeneas called the three in the middle pocket and sent it home in a casual fashion before looking back at Xiphos.
"I'm the future leader of Cordonia. That more than anything has defined my life. Will define my life.”
“Four, in that corner." He pointed before making the shot. He walked over to his scotch and took another sip.
"You caught me off guard at dinner. I am not easy Xiphos. I never have been. But I need to be easy to tell the truth to. Even hard truths."
Xiphos cautiously approached Aeneas. “No, you are not easy. And I’m sorry I caught you off guard. That was not my intent.” He sighed and took a big swig of his drink. “I am not as practiced at controlling my emotional responses as you are. But I do have a few hard truths to tell you. And please bear with me because I’m not even sure how to say this.” He looked into Aeneas’ eyes. “But first I have to ask you this. Aside from being the future leader of this country, do you know what you truly want? What would make you happy?”
"My family, my friends happy. My country flourishing." Aeneas lifted a brow and smirked at Xiphos, "Beating you at pool."
Xiphos chuckled. “Well you definitely have that last part down. You’re kicking my ass before I’ve even gotten to take a shot.”
His smile faded. “As for the rest of it, we’re floundering. Or at least some of us are.” He sighed as his eyes drifted to the floor. “Aeneas, I have come to a realization about myself today. And it was your sister who woke me up. Apparently, I am terrible at hiding my emotions, so what I’m about to say may not come as a big shock to you. Up until this morning, I would’ve said I was in love with you. That my playboy reputation and all the time I’ve spent chasing other people were all attempts to get over you.
But then I had a conversation with your sister and she said something that I can’t get out of my head. She said she was in love with the idea she had created of me. And I just can’t seem to get that out of my head. Perhaps her and I have more in common than I realized. I’m not in love with you, Aeneas. I’m in love with the idea I created in my mind of you. Which is an idea where you are not the crown prince and you are free to love whoever you choose.”
He took a deep breath and swallowed hard. “And so, bearing all that in mind, I must ask your permission for something.”
Aeneas eyes widened, "Calais?" He walked back over to the pool table and called the five in the center pocket and totally missed the shot.
He looked up. "Permission?" He sighed. "Permission for what, Xiphos?"
Xiphos crossed his arms over his chest. “You started all this, you know. You set all this in motion. I was perfectly happy in my ignorance.”
“Looks like it’s my shot finally.” He walked up and surveyed the table a moment. “Nine ball, left corner pocket.” He lined up the shot and sunk the ball, then moved on to the next.
“I would like permission to court your sister, Aeneas.”
Aeneas sat down on the couch and looked at Xiphos. "My sister told you she was in love... What did you say to her?"
Xiphos shrugged. “She didn’t say she was in love with me. She said she was in love with her perception of me. There’s a big difference there. We don’t really know each other well enough to have any deeper feelings than that.”
He surveyed the table once more. “Eleven ball, left side pocket.” He tapped the cue ball gently with the stick, nudging the ball into the pocket. He stood up straight and turned to face Aeneas as he tried to read the expression on his face.
“I didn’t really say anything to her Aeneas. Other than asking for a chance to get to know her better.”
Aeneas dropped his head in his hands. Eventually he looked back up at him and scrubbed his face and sighed. "Aren't you supposed to be asking my Dad's permission? Hell." He frowned. "Listen there's just one thing I want you to promise me. You are both adults and no one can know going into any relationship what is going to happen. But don't screw around on her, Xiphos. If you get bored or find more chemistry with some supermodel just be honest and break up clean. Don't fuck around and swear never again and break her. Do you understand? And if you want to understand my sister you have to see her art."
Xiphos narrowed his eyes at Aeneas. “Did you even listen to anything I said to you? I’ve spent years using people to try and forget what I felt for you. It never worked. What I really need is to build a true connection. Calais made me feel that it might be possible.” He walked over to where Aeneas sat and stroked his cheek softly. His voice was soft and shaky as he whispered, “I’m asking permission from you to ensure that you’re ok with me moving on. This is about my feelings for you.”
Aeneas looked in his eyes, pure amethyst meeting emerald for a long moment before he nodded. "Xiphos… while we are doing this. Do I have your permission to court Sarissa?"
Xiphos couldn’t stop himself from laughing. “My friend, you may court Sarissa all you want. I think you know damn well she has no interest in being queen. She is her father’s daughter. She will be head of your Royal Guard one day. She will protect you with her life. But sure, if you wish to try I have no problem with it.”
One dark brow arched as Aeneas sipped his scotch looking over the rim of his glass. "Perhaps I can convince her that she can guard me better by my side and help direct more than just the Royal Guard. I see a lot of your mother in her. And your sister is more beautiful than she knows." Aeneas waited until Xiphos was about to make his shot before adding, "Of course she may prefer Leonides. You know he is crushing on her pretty hard."
Xiphos lost his concentration and missed his shot completely. “That’s not funny.” He turned to face Aeneas with a hard glare. “Look, you feel free to pursue my sister as long as you are genuinely interested and not doing it because of me. My sister is strong and knows what she wants and I’m confident you won’t break her. But I’ve learned not to underestimate you in the past and I also know that when you want something you are relentless.” He walked back to the rack to replace his cue stick. “I forfeit this game. You win, your highness.” He bowed deeply and headed for the door.
"Xiphos!" The tone brought him up short. Then he heard the glass smash against the stone of the fireplace.
Xiphos flinched and he stopped in his tracks. He turned on his heel to face Aeneas with a scowl on his face. He gritted his teeth and his emerald eyes shone as his face grew red and hot. He had his mother’s temper and could feel it flaring in the pit of his stomach. His voice was low and tense. “What?! What do you want from me Aeneas???”
"I want you to fucking tell me exactly what just pissed you off? One minute you're amiable and the next it's 'your highness.' I wasn't fucking joking.
And you want to know the truth? My brother and my sister are better catches than I am. I have got a whole fucking stack of files full of women who want a crown. And I'm also apparently attractive if I just didn't have that pesky crown. Guess what?... It's a fucking package deal!
And yes, you telling me that your sister, who I was completely honest about my feelings toward is only interested in guarding the crown isn't very funny to me. I will give you a hundred Euros if my little brother isn't sitting in the dark theater staring besotted at her at this very minute. You want to go fucking check?"
Xiphos was trembling inside but channeled his father and kept his cool. Except for his eyes, swirling with hot tears that threatened to overflow. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. He had never seen Aeneas like this. He always kept his cool. Always. He couldn’t help but wonder if maybe this was all just a big misunderstanding. Xiphos dug deep inside his heart and tried to sort through his feelings. After a few moments, he opened his eyes with one last deep breath. His eyes were dry as he approached Aeneas, keeping their gaze locked and steady. He extended his arm out as if to shake hands. “I am sorry. I believe I have not done a very good job at communicating with you. What I’m trying to say is complicated, yet simple. It has to do with you and I. No one else should’ve even been brought into it. I am sorry that I made a joke out of you pursuing my sister. I did not realize you were being sincere. I didn’t mean any of those things I said. I do think you have your work cut out for you because she is pretty set on following in our father’s footsteps.”
“But you must understand that there is another reason she would be hesitant to respond to your advances. Because of me. I love you Aeneas. I have no explanation for when or how it happened, but it did. And I can try all I want to explain it away and say I’m only in love with an idea I created in my mind, as your sister said about me. But that’s not the truth. I have made so many excuses for why I need to forget my feelings for you and move on. But the fact is that I can’t do it. Believe me I’ve tried.
Now I’m standing at a crossroads. I need to get these feelings out. I need for you to know, to see that they are real and strong. And you need to either accept or reject me. Because I can’t move on otherwise. I will just continue along this same path I’ve been on for years. And I don’t want to hurt anyone I truly care about. Your sister is amazing. But she’s right. There’s no hope for her and I to develop something real with this hanging over me. I need to either be with you, or be heartbroken and push you out of my system. Does that make sense? Can you see that I am stuck?”
Aeneas jaw dropped a bit. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I need another drink. Fuck. Sit. Shit."
He walked over, filled both glasses up, and sat down next to Xiphos sipping his scotch. "You were right about this being my fault. This social season stuff. Xiphos, I seriously just haven't even. I think I'm just completely fucked up." He looked in Xiphos' eyes completely honest.
Xiphos smirked. “Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who’s fucked up. I’m right there with you. Honestly, I think this social season has all of us fucked up.” He took a long swig of his whiskey, wincing slightly at the burn as he swallowed, then shifted in his seat to face Aeneas.
Aeneas shook his head his voice soft, "Xiphos, I've never dated. I love my family. I like my friends. I watch my parents. You saw them tonight. It is a little disturbing how much they display their affection all the time in the residence. I just have never felt that. I don't know if I even can.. for anyone."
Xiphos raised his arm and softly stroked Aeneas’ cheek. He placed his hand under his chin and slowly turned his head so they looked at each other, faces inches apart. “You are so capable of love, Aeneas. I see it in your eyes. But you have to open yourself up to feel it.” Xiphos trailed his fingertips down Aeneas’ arm and grasped his hand. “You must forget about everything else for a moment and let yourself feel. Don’t think about your family or your country or even me. Just feel.” He kissed Aeneas’ lips, softly at first, uncertain how he would react.
Aeneas looked in his eyes, curious. He closed his eyes for a moment then pulled back and looked at him concerned as he shook his head. His voice was gentle. "Xiphos, I really don't want to hurt you or anyone. I am flattered that you believe in me. In my capacity to love. But I don't know how to stop thinking. And all I can think is that I'm going to hurt you, and my sister, and whatever poor soul I wind up picking for my Queen." A tear escaped before he turned and gulped the smooth fire in his glass.
Xiphos sighed as he cast his gaze down to the floor. He gulped down the rest of his whiskey as he stood up. His eyes were hot with tears of sadness. His voice was shaky and cracked with emotion. “I am sorry Aeneas. I don’t know how to help you. I wish I could break through your wall. I wish you would let me teach you.” He turned to look into his violet eyes as he wiped away a single tear from his cheek. “But thank you for giving me what I needed.”
                           * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Xiphos stood outside the theater a moment to collect his thoughts. He was still rattled about his conversation with Aeneas; but he felt like a weight had been lifted. He was hurt, but it was okay. It was a good hurt. He could get through this. He could move on from this point in his life; where he had been stuck for so long. He opened the door quietly and snuck in without being noticed. He sat down next to Calais, touching her arm gently. He leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Hey can we talk?”
The musical number "This is Me" was playing in all its power and glory. Sarissa watched the movie intently. Leonides was watching her; just like Aeneas had predicted.
Calais looked at him and he saw her eyes widen as she registered the turmoil in his eyes. She nodded and followed him out.
"Hey. You wanna go for a walk? Walks always help."
Xiphos smiled at her softly. “I’d love that. Lead the way.”
She led him out into the night and nodded at the guards as they passed them. She took him though the gardens toward the stables. She didn't press him; but did give him a flower with a smile. "Did you know that you can calm a horse by breathing next to it slowly. Not making eye contact. You just breathe in and out slowly next to them."
Xiphos smiled. “I did not know that, but that’s amazing.” He moved next to her until they stood side by side. “I wonder if it works on humans. He closed his eyes and listened to them breathe. They stood like that for a moment, then Xiphos opened his eyes as he grasped her hand and shifted his body in front of hers. He ran his hand down her cheek, tracing the outline of her birthmark. “I spoke with Aeneas. I told him how I felt.”
She closed her eyes a moment and took a deep breath. "Good."
"It's okay. I'll be fine. Aeneas is a lucky man. I know.." She looked up and her words cut off...
Xiphos pressed his index finger to her lips with a sad smile. “He’s not the lucky one. I am. He rejected me, Calais. He set me free. I’m free.” He removed his finger and wrapped her in his arms. He pulled her close until their bodies were flush.
She sighed sadly and relaxed into his embrace. "My brother is sometimes an idiot. I know that had to be hard."
"Why do you smell like apricots? And scotch?"
He chuckled. “I can explain the scotch. But apricots? I have no idea. And yes, it was hard. But I feel lighter. I truly feel free, like I can move on.” He wrapped his arms even more tightly around her and kissed the top of her head.
She smiled as she stroked his back a little tentatively. Suddenly shy, she buried her face in his chest her voice was a soft velvet murmur, "Thank you. Thank you for being brave." She looked up wonderingly lost in the beauty of his eyes.
He returned her gaze hopefully as he held her close and lightly stroked her cheek. “Calais, I truly think you are a beautiful person, inside and out. I hope you will be open to getting to know me better.”
His smile faded, replaced with a worried look. “We must try to help Aeneas. I am afraid for him. He doesn’t know how to open himself up to people. I fear he will make himself and whoever he chooses for his queen miserable.”
Concern washed over her features and she nodded. Her voice was very soft. "I know. He really doesn't reach out. He says he wants someone to see beyond his crown. But he never lets anyone see beyond it. When he's being particularly bad I sometimes call him "your Highness" that always pisses him right off. But at least there is emotion being expressed there."
She looked down at her hands in his. There was vulnerability and shyness in the velvet of her voice, "I.. I would very much like to get to know you better. I'm sorry my hands... It's from sculpting. I wear gloves but I know they aren't soft and beautiful."
Xiphos’ heart melted at this shy, gentle creature in front of him. He smiled and took her hands in his as he caressed the calloused fingers and palms, then brought each one to his lips for a soft kiss. “I would love to see your art. Will you show me sometime?” He looked down at her hands one more time. His voice was barely above a whisper as he raised his eyes to meet hers. Your hands are beautiful. You are beautiful.”
"You might not like it." She searched his eyes. "I would like to sculpt you." She blushed with her confession and dropped her eyes. "You are truly beautiful.”
"Did, did you like the sketch?"
Xiphos’ mouth dropped open in surprise. “Of course, I loved the sketch. I never realized it was possible to convey such emotion through art. You want to sculpt me? Like a real, life-sized sculpture?” He tilted her head back up to look into her dark eyes. “I would be honored to have you sculpt me. I would also be honored if you would allow me to see your work.” He stroked her cheek gently. “Please don’t be embarrassed. I think you are beautiful and amazing and nothing is gonna change that.”
"It's what art is Xiphos. Emotion. If it is good it should move you." She looked down. "I'm sorry. I sound like my mother." She laughed a little. "When I was little mother was always showing me various pieces and asking me what I felt. My favorites were always the pieces I could touch, her glass and some sculpture pieces. They let me get away with touching things I probably shouldn't have... because my parents were royalty." She laughed.
He smiled at Calais. “The perks of being royalty are many I guess.” He chuckled and laced his fingers through hers as they locked eyes. “Please don’t apologize for being passionate about what you love” He shifted his gaze downward. “I don’t think I’ve ever been passionate about anything. My parents spent a lot of time sharing their passions with me and my sister. I am trained in several different martial arts and skilled in weaponry. Sarissa shares their passion. I, however, always felt like I was just going through the motions.”
Xiphos sighed. “If there’s something I’m passionate about, I am certainly unaware.”
He paused reflectively. “My parents have been trying to groom me to take over the duchy. They want to retire in a couple of years. That’s why they want me to attend social season. They say it’s time for me to settle down.” He ran his hands through his dark locks with a heavy sigh. He hung his head low for a moment, then looked up at Calais with tears shining in his emerald eyes. His voice cracked with emotion. “How can I settle down when I don’t know who I am or what I’m passionate about?” He quickly brushed away a tear and turned away from her.
Instinctively she slipped her arms around him and laid her cheek on his back. "I would like to help you. It's not something that you can set a date on, Xiphos. You don't have to be alone in this."
He was quiet for a long while, his hands overlapping hers as she held him. He fought to control his emotions. When he finally spoke, his voice was barely a whisper. “Thank you. Thank god for you.” He brought her hand up to his lips and brushed them across her knuckles. Then he turned around to gaze into her eyes with adoration.
"Xiphos," she stroked his cheeks like the wings of a butterfly. "Could, could you maybe kiss me again?"
His face broke into a wide grin. He pulled her close so their bodies were flush, then gently grazed her lips with his. The contact sent a tremor through his body and he moaned quietly as he deepened their kiss. He gently pushed his tongue between her lips and he lost himself in her. He loved everything about this moment, how she felt pressed against him, the softness of her lips against his, the feel of her arms around him. He pulled out of the kiss breathless to look deep into her eyes. He stroked her cheek lightly. His voice was breathy and soft. “I could be passionate about you, Calais.”
"Xiphos…" She looked down. "I know you sort of know about the press. I mean I've seen pictures of you with people. I want so much to do things together. But you should know. Once we are connected... It's going to be a whole other level. They'll have us married and expecting if they so much as see us holding hands." She shakes her head. "I'm so sorry."
He smiled at her warmly. “I am no stranger to the press, for sure.” He pulled her close again, gazing into her eyes as he stroked her cheek. He let out a low chuckle. “We would have them all in a tizzy, Beautiful. I can see the headline now. ‘Cordonia’s most eligible bachelor off the market?’ That’s what they call me.” He smirked and shook his head. “Somehow I outrank your brother on the bachelor’s list. But I don’t care what they print or what anyone thinks.” His emerald eyes met her dark ones, filled with emotion as he moved his lips closer to hers. “I only care about you.” He pressed his lips to hers, as passion ignited between them once again.
She opened her mouth and invited his tongue to dance with hers as she moaned with the desire that sent her up in flames.
Neither of them heard Leo and Sarissa approach until it was too late.
Leo gasped, "Dayuumn."
Xiphos pulled out of their kiss abruptly and turned to look at them sheepishly. His sister stared at both of them, wide-eyed. He turned to look at Calais, her eyes were downcast and her cheeks red as she studied her feet.
Sarissa spoke first. “What the hell is going on here Xiphos?”
Calais swallowed to find her voice before she managed fairly levelly with a small soft smile. "I'm guessing that Leo was going to show you Xerses his cross-country horse?"
Sarissa narrowed her eyes at both of them. “Yes. But look what we found instead. My brother shoving his tongue down your throat. Gross.”
She turned to glare at Xiphos. “Was this your plan? Making my best friend your next conquest? I thought you came to talk to Aeneas?”
Xiphos’ eyes shone bright with rage as he spoke through gritted teeth. “I did talk to him. He rejected me!” His chest visibly puffed out as he began to pant.
Calais voice was soft as she instinctively rubbed small circles on the small of Xiphos’ back to soothe him. "Sarissa, please."
“Please?! Please what, Calais? How do you expect me to react to this? I’m sure Leo is just as shocked and upset, right Leo?” She shot Leo a pleading glance.
Leo grinned, but at her calling his name he immediately scowled. "Yeah." He cleared his throat. "Totally out of line man." He smiled hopefully at Sarissa.
Xiphos rolled his eyes at Leo’s comment. “Oh sure. I’m the one who’s out of line.” He reached for Calais’ hand and laced his fingers through hers. He looked deep into her eyes, then turned to face his sister. “Look, I know this is sudden and surprising to you Sarissa. But Calais is the first person I’ve had a real connection with in a really long time. I don’t plan to hurt her; I plan to court her.”
Calais looked at their fingers laced together and then looked at Leo and her friend. Her head tilted just a little and her shoulders squared. Her voice was soft velvet. "He makes me happy Sarissa. Please, just be happy for us."
A look of realization crossed Sarissa’s face as her mouth dropped open. She looked at Calais pointedly. “Wait a second. You mean to tell me that all these years the ‘secret crush’ you wouldn’t share with anyone was my brother?”
She shrugged as she searched for words to explain. "He was... busy. So it seemed... pointless, pathetic. Aeneas made me tell him."
Sarissa looked back and forth between Calais and Xiphos. She didn’t know how to feel about this. She felt protective of them both. “Have I not been giving you that same advice for years? Suddenly Aeneas speaks in his great wisdom and everyone listens.” She rolled her eyes and sighed as she rubbed her hands down her face.
She turned to face Leo. “I’m sorry but I need time to absorb all this. Come on Leo, show me this horse of yours.”
Leo let Sarissa get ahead of him enough to give Xiphos a grin and a thumbs up before he caught up with her.
Calais looked thoughtful a moment before looking at Xiphos. "She's pissed." She stroked his hand. "Come with me?"
Xiphos sighed. “She is most definitely pissed. But she’ll get over it.” He smiled and laced his fingers with hers. “I’d go anywhere with you.”
Tags: @darley1101 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @bobasheebaby @carabeth @riseandshinelittleblossom @stopforamoment @furiousherringoperatortoad @indiacater @sirbeepsalot @alesana45 @museofbooks @eileendannie @furryperfectionlover @ao719 @kennaxval
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tornbetween2loves · 5 years
Arcana Unbound-Plane Rides
Four thousand years ago gods and magic shaped and ruled and were plentiful in the world. Man and all the creatures were shaped and marked by it. Then things began to change. Gradually those things of magic diminished and the things of science took precedence until magic became a myth tucked away safely in children’s fairy tales and skilled entertainer’s parlor tricks.
It’s been a thousand years of progress unmarked by true magic.
Things are about to change.
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This is a collaborative project between @tornbetween2loves and @innerpostmentality parts of this particular post were also written by our good friend @kennaxval
Word Count: 2800+
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixelberry except for our OCs. They are our precious babies and were created with all of our love and affection.
Warnings: This series may contain erotica and adult themes and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. 
Autumn Lee, heiress of Valtoria, felt her heart race as the plane landed. 'It had been two, no, three years,' she thought to herself, 'and I'm still nervous as hell to see her.' She had spent the last couple of hours scrolling through her phone and reminiscing about Cordonia. She looked through her reflection in the plane window down at the vast Atlantic below. She mused about the complex emotions that raged through her when her mom Hana had called her to let her know about the Royal Social Season. After the fallout from his own Social Season she would have thought that King Liam would never endorse such a cattle show for his own children.
When she left to attend Julliard she knew she was running away from her feelings for Sarissa that she wasn’t prepared to explore. Not that she regretted a moment of it. Living in Manhattan and experiencing her Mama Riley’s world had broadened her horizons and brought her closer with her New York mom. Not that she’d waited tables, her jobs included playing in the atrium at the InterContential Barclay, one of the litter of five star hotels that were scattered across the premium real estate of Manhattan. She filled in as an on call pianist for various Broadway or off Broadway productions.
Her life was good; and her life was busy and it wasn’t until the phone call that she’d ever really slowed down enough to think about Cordonia. As much as she didn't want to admit it to herself, she missed being there. Maybe it was how hilarious everyone’s obsession with protocol seemed to her. Or maybe it was Leonides, her brother from another mother. Prince and prodigy, his musical ability among the best. His infectious joy as he would play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star as counterpoint to her Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue. Anytime they got together, they wrought joyous havoc through the palace. He would be sixteen, a young man now. She hoped he would still have that joie de vivre. She did miss him. But that wasn’t what got her on the plane to attend the Royal Social Season.
Autumn closed her eyes and thought back to that day 3 years ago when she finally tasted Sarissa’s lips and felt her body pressed close to hers. She remembered every detail as if it just happened yesterday. The way the water beaded on Sarissa’s perfect skin as she came up out of the water. The look of her perfect body in that metallic green bathing suit. How perfect her lips were as they kissed and how sliding her hand into the side of her bathing suit was like touching heaven. Autumn could still taste her lips, feel her fingers between Sarissa’s folds, everything. She opened her eyes, her body tingled just from the thoughts. She rubbed her eyes and tried to think of something else. But it was pointless.
She sighed deeply as she surrendered to the truth. Sarissa. It had always been her. Autumn had never had the courage to tell Sarissa how she felt to put it into words, and that's why she had to go back. She had always sworn to herself to speak her mind and not live with any regrets. It was time, one way or another, she would tell Sarissa how she felt.
* * *
Mona yawned and stretched her arms above her head. Flying was so boring. Especially on the royal private jet. There was no one to flirt with, no one to drink with. She looked across to the other side of the plane where her sister sat and flipped through a magazine. She unbuckled her seatbelt and moved next to her sister. “Hey Pam. Whatcha reading?”
"Sports Xtreme... Looking at all the things I'm going to be missing while we are doing whatever the hell we are doing." She frowned. "I can't believe they are still killing trees to put magazines on planes."
Mona shot her sister a sideways glance. “I’m sure you’ll find something extreme to enjoy while we’re in Cordonia. Maybe even find someone to enjoy it with.” She nudged her sister with her elbow as she raised an eyebrow at her
Pam lifted a brow at her sister. "Who would you suggest? I get the feeling you've been studying the prospects."
She smiled slyly. “Well, I hear that some of the Walker boys will be participating in the season. Perhaps one of them?” She looked at her sister pointedly. “Just keep your hands off of Xiphos Lykel. I’m calling dibs on Cordonia’s most eligible bachelor.”
Pam laughed and shook her head. "You like pouring fuel on a fire trying to put it out. That one is nothing but a handful of heartbreak Mona." She locked eyes with her sister. "Seriously you are going to pair me up with a bunch of Irish farm boys?"
“Hot Irish farm boys, Pam. Hot. Come on, nobody’s saying you have to marry one of them. Loosen up and have some fun!” She raised an eyebrow at her sister. “And I can handle Cordonia’s most eligible bachelor. He and I are cut from the same cloth I think.”
"You sure you don't want some of the 'Hot Irish farm boy' action? There are 4 of them if I recall correctly. Jeez, five kids... Didn't they know what causes that? I can't even imagine. One sister is great. Poor little girl... 4 brothers. Can you imagine?"
Mona shrugged with a mischievous smile. “Who knows? Maybe I’ll get a little action from the hot Irish boys too.” She giggled. “Poor girl is right. No guy in his right mind is gonna try and get close to that. Imagine facing the wrath of 4 older brothers, plus Drake? No thank you. She might as well become a nun.” The girls both broke into a fit of giggles.
Pam shook her head. "I wish I knew if any of them jump out of anything higher than their bed." She laughed.
Mona sighed. “Is that all you care about is if they’ll jump out of a plane with you? Come on Pam, you have to stop rejecting guys simply because they’re not daring enough for you. You are daring to the extreme. You can’t expect everyone you meet to be like that.” She raised an eyebrow as she patted her sister’s arm. “Most of us like to keep both feet planted firmly on the ground.”
Pam looked at her a long moment. "Have you ever thought about what you really want Mona? Seriously? How do you see yourself in 5 years? And do you really think some man is going to get you there?
Mona shrugged. “Yes. I see myself as the new Duchess of Lythikos. The only woman able to tame Cordonia’s most eligible bachelor. That’s exactly what I see in 5 years.”
Pam sighed knowing it was pointless to try to dissuade Mona. Once she got a cliff set in her sights she was hell bent to dash over it.
She closed her magazine. "Okay. So what's your game plan? Or do you expect a man who's been sampling the smorgasbord of Europe from one end to the other to be converted instantly by your admittedly stunning beauty and stellar wit?" She smiled and lifted her brow.
Mona giggled and punched her sister playfully in the arm. “Usually my stunning beauty and stellar wit is enough, dear sister.” She sighed. “But I fear you’re right. I may need a strategy.” She tapped her fingers on the armrest of her seat as she contemplated the situation. “Do you have any suggestions?”
"Suggestions?... Let me see. I could toss any other woman who looks at him over a cliff or out of a plane I guess... Hmm.
You know generally it helps if you know something about them. Something real. Not, he looks delish on a magazine cover. Do you actually know anything about what he does and doesn't like? What is fabricated to make good press? Do you care?"
Mona shrugged. “How the hell would I know anything besides what is printed in the press? I think we’ve met briefly in the past, but we haven’t really talked.” She broke into a big smile. “I know. Let’s google him!” She pulled out her phone and pulled up google then typed in his full name and pressed search.
Pam got up and walked over to the bar torn between drinking herself into oblivion and just tossing herself out of the plane.
She heard Mona squeal "Oh my God.. Oh my God... come look!"
She closed her eyes a moment before she grabbed the bottle of Glenfiddich and headed back to her seat. Where Mona shoved her phone with a full-frontal nude picture of Xiphos Lykel walking out of the surf on some godforsaken beach in her face.
She lifted a brow. And looked at her very excited sister. "Well now we know he's not circumcised. And DO NOT make that your wall paper!" She shook her head. "I can't believe you just shoved his dangly bits in my face. Seriously?"
Mona laughed uncontrollably. “Well now there’s nothing left to my imagination.” She grabbed the bottle of scotch from her sister and took a big swig, then handed it back. “I wonder if he knows this picture is out there.”
"Mona, it's Europe. They have more miles of nude beaches than some countries have coastline. Honestly it would be more surprising if there wasn't a nude picture of the man. He may have short comings but none of them are displayed in that picture. I'll give him that." Pam took a swig of the scotch.
"Mona why don't we just blow this all off. Land. Rent a car. Drive over to Rome, or Paris. Have a vacation without all the Social Season crap?"
Mona half-listened to her sister as she concentrated on zooming the photo of Xiphos. She held the phone up to Pam again. “And miss my chance at this??? No way sis, sorry.” She licked her lips and raised an eyebrow at her sister. “Can you really blame me?”
Pam shook her head. "I just don't want you hurt." She sat down and sipped some more scotch then took her phone out and googled 'duchy of Lythikos'. Information appeared about the area including scenes of its mountains and breathtaking vistas. Then information about the Duke and Duchess and their family.
"I'm not finding anything here about where he went to school. Must have been private. Or Bastien cleared the decks of personal information." She grinned. "Dad gave him a LOT of expertise in cleaning up messes." She got a thoughtful look. "Maybe that could help... If you can get his dad to like you?"
Mona shrugged. “Possibly. I’ve never had to go that route before, but it’s definitely something to keep in mind.” She took another swig of scotch. “I still think he and I will hit it off from the start. We’ll party together. We’ll have fun. We’ll just click. I know it.”
"So who else is likely to be there?" Pam Googled 'Cordonian Royal Court' Her screen filled up with lists of Kings and Queens and their courts for the last five hundred years. She laughed and narrowed the search. "I wonder who else is going to be there? Ramsford, Domvilliar, Valtoria, Krona?"
“I would imagine all the duchies would be represented. Don’t forget Lythikos.” Mona flashed a big smile at her sister.
Pam shook her head, "No chance of that."
"So have you got outfits planned for the masquerade ball? Are we going for stunning confusion, or stunning but individual?"
Pam looked over at her sister when she didn't answer and took her phone now completely filled with Xiphos’ schlong out of her hand. "Earth to Mona. Stop that! Seriously you are going to give me a problem staring at his crotch when I meet him." She reduced the size of the picture while her sister grabbed for it.
Mona pouted. “You never let me have any fun. Although I must admit now there is very little left to the imagination. I was thinking maybe we should do stunning confusion. What’s the point in being identical twins if we can’t use it to our advantage?”
Pam grinned and lifted her brow. "I'm the most fun person you know. Admit it. The only way I could be more fun would be if I happened to have an 8 inch cock. But that would definitely interfere with all the fun we get to have being identical twins." She laughed. "Do I get to see the gowns before so I know how much of my tits and ass I'm going to be strutting for the court?"
Mona grinned and shot her sister a mischievous look. Would you like to see them now? They’re hanging in the bedroom. I could sneak in there and grab them
"oooh yes! I love your designs you know." Pam lifted her brow. "Just make sure you listen at the door first and don't go in if you hear anything. You know they may be old but they sometimes still..." She waggled her brow.
Mona grimaced at her sister. “Ewww Pam why would you say that? I may be traumatized.” She got up and pressed her ear to the door of the bedroom. Pam followed close behind. She giggled and whispered low, “all I hear is dad’s snoring. I think it’s safe.” She slowly turned the handle and came back a few moments later with a garment bag. They returned to their seats and Mona unzipped the bag to reveal several gowns. She picked two and hung them next to each other. “Okay so there are two ways we can do the masquerade ball. Because obviously I didn’t have time to make us gowns for every event, I tried some new things.”
“Both of these are just basic black A-line gowns with a ruffled skirt. But we can switch out the bodice or the skirt and suddenly it’s a different gown.” She demonstrated by removing a length of the hem so the dress would now fall at mid-calf length. “I was thinking we could be phoenixes for the masquerade ball.” She pulled out two red sequined bodices, one strapless and one with one long sleeve. “This way we’re the same, but different.” She pulled out the different materials for the skirts. “One of us could do short, the other long. One ruffled, one not. One all black, one a mixture of red and black. And the masks are identical.” She pulled out two identical masks, black sequined around the eye holes and red and black feathers creating a plume that would cover the forehead. Mona raised an eyebrow at Pam. “So you’re completely in control of how much tits and ass you’re showing.”
"You're brilliant! I love these. Mona why don't you do this full time? I'd love to see you having shows. This is art and it's gorgeous!"
Mona shrugged. “Maybe someday. Right now I just don’t have the time. I’m too busy.”
Pam lifted her brow and moved her thumb and forefinger open and closed like she was expanding the picture on an imaginary phone. "Too busy? What exactly are you too busy doing?"
Mona broke into a fit of giggles. “Research. It’s research. Nothing wrong with being prepared.” She sighed as she began to pack the gowns away. “I do enjoy making clothes. A lot. Maybe I should try and make something of it. If I only knew where to begin.”
Pam smiled at her sister, "Well I think I'd try to talk with some designer that you admired who has done it?" She shook her head, "Didn't they have some classes on business modeling for this when you were in school? Let me guess.... you slept though it a lot."
Mona shrugged. “I guess they did but hell if I can remember.” She sat up straight and her face lit up. “Isn’t one of the duchesses of Valtoria a big designer? Do you think she might be at season?” Pam nodded and smiled. She picked up her phone and typed “Valtoria” into the search bar and after a moment came across a photo of Hana Lee. She held it out to Mona. “This is her. Are you familiar with her work?” Mona raised an eyebrow as she scrolled through the phone. “Actually, yes. She does great work. Now I have a second reason for wanting to attend season.”
A soft bong sounded over the plane’s speaker and the pilot announced that they were on their final approach and would be landing in the next fifteen minutes.
Moments later their mom and dad came out of the bedroom in the back and took the seats that faced their daughters and buckled in for the landing. Leo took Katie’s hand and smiled at Pam and Mona, “So have you girls been busy making plans for the Season?”
The twins looked at each other and burst into giggles.
Tags: @darley1101 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @bobasheebaby @carabeth @riseandshinelittleblossom @stopforamoment @furiousherringoperatortoad @indiacater @sirbeepsalot @alesana45 @museofbooks @eileendannie @furryperfectionlover @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @strangerofbraidwood @teamtomsato @begging-for-kamilah @kennaxval @ao719 @blackcatkita
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innerpostmentality · 5 years
Arcana Unbound - Nightmares A TRR AU
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All Rights to Characters and Settings appearing in the Pixelberry Studio’s Choices Books belong exclusively to Pixelberry Studio. They are gratefully borrowed. And many thanks for the inspiration provided by the Choices books. This series is a collaboration with my friends and incredibly talented writers @tornbetween2loves and @kennaxval Extra special thanks to Liz for not letting the kids eat my brain alone. :-)
Word count: 1500 and a bit Rating: Mature, Erotica Warnings: Anxiety, This is only the beginning... Tags: @darley1101 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @furiousherringoperatortoad
Four thousand years ago gods and magic shaped and ruled and were plentiful in the world. Man and all the creatures were shaped and marked by it. Then things began to change. Gradually those things of magic diminished and the things of science took precedence until magic became a myth tucked away safely in children’s fairy tales and skilled entertainer’s parlor tricks. It’s been a thousand years of progress unmarked by true magic.                            Things are about to change. Their Majesties King Liam and Queen Hyclea of Cordonia cordially invite you and your family to attend the festivities marking their Silver Anniversary. Additionally they are pleased to announce a Royal Social Season. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Aeneas and his sister Her Highness Princess Calais request the honor of your attendance for the events and festivities of A Cordonian Royal Social Season.
  Liam was awakened by Hyclea sobbing and twitching in her sleep. He pulled her close against him and gently rubbed her stomach. “shhh, Love, shhh, it’s only a dream. I love you and you are fine. Shhh, come back to me. I’ve got you. We are all fine, Love. Shhh”
She was moaning softly, “no, no, no, no… “caught in the grip of the nightmare that she was having no luck in escaping. He moved back and rolled her gently on her back and she woke up, sitting up, and crying out, “NO!”
“Hyclea, My Love you were having another nightmare..”
He reached to take her hands in his even as she threw her arms around him sobbing and kissing him. “I love you. I love you, Liam. I can’t lose you. I won’t.” Even in the darkness she could read the concern radiating from him. It was the hardest thing she had ever done carrying this knowledge alone. And she knew that she was the only one who could save them. And she knew exactly how insane that would sound.
Her days were long. She would work for hours before the sun rose and her royal schedule started, meticulously crafting the glass reed pipes that would keep them safe. Then she would meet Liam and the children for breakfast and her charade would begin. Only Liam knew of her almost nightly terrors when over and over she dreamt of her failure in the face of the coming apocalypse. One plan after another failing to save those she loved or those they loved.
“Shhh, My Love you have me. I’m not going anywhere.” Liam’s voice was gentle and soothing. Her nightmares had started a bit over a month ago and had been getting worse. It broke his heart to see her so emotionally vulnerable as these dreams left her. He had tried to get her to talk to a doctor about it. But she shook her head and looked at him levelly with those beautiful lavender eyes and told him it wasn’t the sort of problem any doctor could fix. She had been spending more and more time in her work room he had built for her all those years ago when she had consented to be his queen, converting some of the old dungeon area below the palace into a state of the art glass working studio for her. For years she invited her team to work projects with her there; but since the nightmares started she was working alone and forbidding access to everyone. 
Her eyes lit up, “That’s it. That’s it. Liam… They have to come to us. How can we get them all to come to us? Not just an invitation. Some of them wouldn’t come. Liam, I need to get everyone we care about here. Here at the same time. And you have to promise me. Promise me that you won’t go anywhere until I tell you it’s safe.”
He pulled her hand up and gently kissed her fingers. “Will that ease you, my Love? Having everyone here?” Scooting up in the bed he propped himself up with pillows and opened his arms to her. She nuzzled into him, pressing her ear to his chest taking comfort from his steady heartbeat beneath her ear. He kissed the top of her head murmuring into the sooty black silk of her hair. “I love you my Queen. My Beauty.” Liam held her to him stroking the softness of her cheek thoughtfully as they cuddled together. “The surest way to get the majority of them here would be to host a royal social season. We could combine it with our anniversary celebration to insure the parents attend as well.” He tilted her face up and searched her eyes in the darkness a moment before kissing her. “I cannot believe it has been nearly 25 years, my love.”
Hyclea’s voice was that deep soft velvet that had captured his heart so long ago and still stroked the very core of him, “Good years, Liam. So fast and so beautiful. And not nearly enough.”
He murmured, “Not nearly.” And deepened their kiss. His fingers drifted from the softness of her cheek around the shell of her ear and down the column of her elegant throat. He knew intimately every inch of her body after years of loving her and still found a sense of wonder each time he explored her. He smoothed across her collarbone with the pad of his thumb before following with his mouth. 
Her fingers strong and callused from her years of artistry wandered down his sculpted abs the reward of years of devotion to martial arts and gym work. She delved beneath the waist band of his pajama bottoms soothing circles around his navel teasing him, knowing where he really wanted her to draw those circles. 
His warm palm caressed one breast then the other thumbing over her pebbling nipple mimicking the circles she was drawing around his navel. “Love?” his voice was a soft plea.
“Mmm?” Her hand drifted further down and found his cock firm as she lovingly stroked him. His sigh of pleasure made her smile. “You have the most beautiful cock, my King. I want to see you. May I turn on the light?” Her thumb was stroking across his tip swirling over the slit and around the sensitive ridge feeling him twitch and expand beyond the covering of his foreskin as he hardened.
“Please.” He murmured and then caught her nipple in his mouth as she leaned over him to turn on the soft reading light built into the headboard of their bed. His eyes, black with his passion locked with hers as he laved her nipple with his tongue before suckling her gently. 
She moaned her need low as she took his hand to her swollen bud. He loved watching her passion rise as he deftly stroked her. And then when their breathing changed with the intensity of their need and she straddled him easing his aching length deep into the hot comfort of her body, one at last and always, moving together in perfect synch, knowing without words the precise moment they would tumble into love’s perfect bliss together their cries a testimony to the joy of their union.
Liam held her to him tightly as always overcome with his profound joy and love of his wife. “Better?” He murmured kissing her head as she remained joined to him for the moment, draped over him, holding him in return. He felt himself drifting back toward slumber. 
“They will hate it, you know.” Hyclea murmured softly. 
It took a moment for Liam to pull himself back from the brink of post orgasmic slumber and process what she was telling him. “Who they?” he finally managed.
“Aeneas, Calais… especially Calais, even Leonides may for different reasons.”
Hyclea’s warm body draped over him like a blanket gave him the most profound sense of joy and well-being. He was stroking her back smiling. Listening to her concern but completely incapable of feeling any anxiety wrapped in her love. His voice held only joy, “I think it will serve them well. We need not force engagements on them. But perhaps it will give them a framework to let them find someone they may love.” He pulled her up and kissed her mouth again savoring her. “I want them to know a love like ours, my Love. Aeneas is so busy with trying to achieve perfection in himself he isn’t looking around him. 
Calais, “he frowned, “my darling girl has been hurt. I don’t know who or how but I know she was. She needs someone to help her heal and to love her beyond the façade of her birthmark.” He pulled back just far enough to look in her eyes questioningly, “You really think Leo will hate a social season?”
Relaxed on his chest she nodded. “Mmmm hmmm, because he’ll feel left out.”
“He’s sixteen.”
“Doesn’t matter. And he won’t be the only one. I need them all here, Li. We need something for the younger ones as well. They have to bring them all.” 
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tornbetween2loves · 5 years
Arcana Unbound Masterlist
This is a collaboration between myself and @innerpostmentality It is a TRR AU set 25 years in the future from the current TRR timeline. The story focuses around the children of the TRR characters.
Disclaimer: The original TRR characters and universe belong to Pixelberry. We, however, claim all of our amazing OCs as our own.
Warnings: This series will contain adult themes and will occasionally be erotic. Please don’t read if you’re under the age of 18.
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Moodboards and Quick reference
Meet the Royal family
Meet the Lykel family
Meet the Walker family
Meet the Rhys family
Meet the Beaumont family
Meet Autumn Greaves-Lee (Coming soon)
Meet Evan (Coming soon)
Family trees
Player Introductions
A Walker Family Dinner
Bastien’s Odd Morning
Prelude: Xiphos and Calais
A Memorable Day for Xiphos
Prelude: Aeneas and Sarissa
Plane Rides
The Key to My Heart
Aeneas’ Epiphany
Breakfast at Tevi’s
All It Took Was a Moment
The Truth About Strawberries (beach prep)
The Beach Part 1 Part 2
Please let us know if you’d like to be added or deleted.
Tags: @darley1101 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @bobasheebaby @carabeth @riseandshinelittleblossom @stopforamoment @furiousherringoperatortoad @indiacater @sirbeepsalot @alesana45 @museofbooks @furryperfectionlover @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @strangerofbraidwood @teamtomsato @begging-for-kamilah @kennaxval @blackcatkita @ao719
17 notes · View notes
innerpostmentality · 5 years
Arcana Unbound - Picnic prep, or The Truth About Strawberries
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Four thousand years ago gods and magic shaped and ruled and were plentiful in the world. Man and the creatures were shaped and marked by it. Then things began to change. Gradually all magic diminished and the things of science took precedence until magic became a myth tucked away safely in children’s fairy tales and skilled entertainer’s parlor tricks. It’s been a thousand years of progress unmarked by true magic.                     Things are about to change.   This fic is part of a collaborative AU created by my talented friend @tornbetween2loves, and myself. This part was written 50/50 by myself and @tornbetween2loves. It is set immediately following ‘All it took was A Moment’ Many thanks to our betas, @stopforamoment, @kennaxval, and @hopefulmoonobject who give us much needed encouragement and feedback!
Disclaimer: all original TRR characters and references belong to Pixelberry, however we are claiming their beautiful children as our own creations. Word count: 3400 + Warnings: still pretty PG-13 for this part. Some future parts will be erotic and deal with some serious problems and adult themes.  Tags: @darley1101 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @bobasheebaby @carabeth @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @riseandshinelittleblossom @kennaxval @stopforamoment @teamtomsato @furiousherringoperatortoad @indiacater @sirbeepsalot @alesana45 @strangerofbraidwood @museofbooks @furryperfectionlover @ao719 @blackcatkita  
  Calais sketched on her phone while she sat on Sarissa's bed. She had a little stylus and was concentrating, worrying her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue when Sarissa got back from checking on Xiphos.
  Sarissa had a puzzled look on her face when she returned to her room. “Odd. He’s not there. It’s way too early for him to be up even on a normal day when he didn’t have a late night the night before.” She pulled her phone from her pocket and sent him a quick text.
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    Calais looked up her eyes going wide before she laughed weakly, "One night with wine face and he’s setting track records waking up early to escape." She dropped her eyes to her phone already knowing there was nothing there to find. She just sat there and looked at her phone as her heart constricted with pain. .
 Sarissa glared at her friend. “That’s not funny Calais. I’m sure there’s an explanation. He’s got to be somewhere.” Just then Sarissa’s phone pinged. It was Xiphos.
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  Sarissa raised an eyebrow at Calais. “He’s on his way home now. From the palace.”
  She flushed embarrassed as a tear escaped. "I'm sorry. I... Maybe..." She frowned and took deep breaths. "Xiphos deserves someone stronger. I don't know if I can do this Sarissa. I love him. I do. I'm just so broken. So damn broken. And angry."
  Sarissa wrapped an arm around her friend. “Calais, you are strong. You don’t give yourself enough credit. You don’t have to be strong all the time. Let the people who love you be your strength. Let Xiphos be your strength.” She wrapped her friend in a big hug. “One thing I can say about my brother is he is very determined. When he wants something, he goes after it relentlessly until he has it. If he wants you, he won’t allow you to give up on him that easily.”
  She sighed then looked puzzled. "Wait... He was at the palace?"
  Sarissa nodded and grinned slowly. “That’s what he said. Maybe he was there looking for you?” Sarissa suddenly snapped her head up and sat up straight. “No! I bet I know why he was there.” She gave Calais a mischievous look.
  Calais looked at Sarissa. "You think he was talking with my dad? Like he and Aeneas were in some sort of alliance?" She laughed.
  Sarissa smiled wide. “I’ll bet he was asking your father’s permission to court you. I mean, you can’t really be seen in public with a princess without the King’s permission. Xiphos seems dense but he knows the rules of the court.”
  She grimaced. "Sometimes I wish I wasn't you know." She shook her head and looked out the window and laughed. "All those little girls out there who dream of being a princess. I'm certain it's a lot better in dreams." Then her expression changed and she blushed. "Your brother... I like the waking version best.." She giggled.   "God, Sarissa I feel all over the place this morning. I’m sorry. It’s like I've been holding my breath... "
  Sarissa smiled at her friend’s giddiness. She knew exactly how she felt because she felt the same way. “It thrills me to see you so happy.” She giggled like a school girl. “I know how you feel; I feel the same way about your brother.”
  "I think we should plan a camping trip. Or maybe spend a day out on the yacht? Dad and Uncle Drake used to go camping when they were our age." She shook her head. "God …. How am I going to finish my pieces in time?  I’ve only got a year before the exhibition at the Louvre. It already made me nauseated when I would think about it.” She shook her head grinning. “Now your brother is the only thing in my head. He gives me different feelings in my stomach... " She laughed. "He said I could sculpt him. And I want to. I'm not sure he's going to think the same when he's trapped posing."
  Sarissa raised an eyebrow at Calais. “I think camping sounds like a blast. We could hatch plots to ditch the security details.” She broke into a fit of giggles and her cheeks flushed pink at her next thought. “Perhaps I can deflower your brother underneath the stars? How romantic!”
  Calais eyes got wide and she giggled so hard she snorted. "I can't believe you just suggested we ditch our security details..." "Honestly I think security was always along... just not right in the camp with them..." "Hey you're the expert. What do they tell you about if the royal you are guarding is getting intimate? I want to see that class? Who even teaches that protocol?"
  Sarissa giggled. “Actually, they teach us to blend in to the surroundings. Tune it out. And, of course always have the utmost discretion.” Her eyes went wide as she suddenly stopped giggling. “Oh my god, can you imagine the things my dad has seen? He should probably be the one teaching that class.” They both locked eyes for a moment, then burst out in laughter. After a few moments they were interrupted by a deep voice from the doorway. “What’s so funny? Glad to see you two are getting along.” The girls spun around to see Xiphos standing in the doorway, all dressed up, humor sparkling in his emerald eyes. “My, you look nice. Why are you so dressed up?” Sarissa moved toward him and wrapped her arms around his neck.   Xiphos wrapped his arms around his sister, but his eyes glanced over her shoulder and locked with Calais’. “Well, typically people dress up when they are having breakfast with the King and Queen.”
  Calais blushed scarlet and felt his voice go through her. "Oh." Was all that came out as a strange squeak. She cleared her throat. Took a couple of deep breaths to try to offset the dizziness she was feeling. "We were about going out talking... Talking about it. Hi." She was pretty sure she was about to fall off the bed. If she did she thought she might wake up. There should be laws about men being that good looking. It was dangerous.
  Xiphos giggled as he released his sister and moved toward Calais. He leaned over her and gave her a soft peck on her pink cheek. “Good morning, Beautiful.” He cupped her cheek gently, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear.   Sarissa rolled her eyes as they made googly eyes at each other. “God, get a room you two! A room that’s not mine!”
  Lost in the emerald depths of his eyes Calais was just smiling besottedly at him not even really trying to focus. "Mumm," she murmured locked in his gaze. "Sarissa's not mad at me anymore. We rode over here. And your dad was grumpy. But said we could ride on the beach later but you have to come with us. But we only brought two horses so we might have to share…. If you want to?"
  Xiphos smiled lovingly at her, entranced by her beauty as he gently stroked her cheek. “I would love to come with you. You and my sister should not go anywhere alone.” He took her hand in his, gently rubbing circles across her knuckles with his thumb, never breaking eye contact. Sarissa rolled her eyes again. “It’s like I’m not even here. Is this what it’s like when Aeneas and I are together?”
  Sarissa's phone pinged with an incoming text.
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Then there was short video of him with about 10 kids in hospital gowns holding stuffed toys as they waved and yelled, "Hi Lady Sarissa!" It cut out and then:    
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  Sarissa couldn’t keep the grin from spreading across her face as she watched the video. How sweet! She texted back   
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She still had the goofy grin on her face when she looked up to see Xiphos and Calais looking at her. “What? Do I have something on my face or what?”
  Calais and Xiphos looked at each other and giggled and chimed in unison. "Definitely." Then Calais' stomach growled loudly enough they all could hear it. She blushed. "Um, I might need something to eat. In our escape from the palace I didn't get any breakfast. Maybe we could grab something and have a picnic on the beach?"
 “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”   Xiphos turned to Sarissa. “What do you think sis? Sis?” Sarissa was smiling at her phone, completely engrossed. Xiphos snapped his fingers in front of Sarissa’s phone. “Hey! Have you heard a word we’ve said?”   Sarissa blushed and swept her brother’s hands from in front of her face. “Yes a picnic sounds great. Why don’t you two see what you can find in the kitchen and I’ll be down in a minute?”
  Sarissa typed a message to Aeneas:
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   The text came back almost immediately: 
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  Sarissa responded: 
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   When they stepped out of Sarissa's room Calais was smiling. "I feel like my fairy godmother showed up or something." She blushed. "Thank you for talking with my parents. I know that had to be hard. Especially so early in the morning."  Xiphos laced his fingers through Calais’ and brought her hand to his lips, sweeping his lips across her knuckles softly. “Are you saying I’m your Prince Charming, Beautiful?” He smiled at her. “And your parents are remarkably easy to talk to. Which is surprising since they are the king and queen. They are both very normal.”
 "Are you volunteering for the position?" She grinned at him. "I'm glad they like you. Daddy has a dungeon you know." She giggled. Her stomach growled and she blushed. "And I'm sorry you seem to have gotten stuck with Princess Growling Tummy."   It took everything she had to keep from throwing herself in his arms and kissing him until she lost consciousness. She stopped before they went in the hall to the kitchen where she last saw Bastien. "Um... I might have told your dad when we got here that I was in love. He said I looked happier than the last time he saw me and I told him I was in love. I didn't tell him who. But...” She shrugs. "He's really observant and so I'm sorry if this is going to be awkward."
  Xiphos grinned. “I am most definitely volunteering to be Prince Charming for Princess Growling Tummy.” He chuckled and tickled her belly lightly. “And don’t worry about dad. He already knows about us.” Calais lifted an eyebrow at him. Xiphos grinned slyly and winked. “How do you think I was able to get an early morning breakfast appointment with the King and Queen? I got connections.”
    Sarissa's phone pinged. 
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  Sarissa squealed with excitement as she quickly typed a response. 
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Then she headed toward the kitchen.  He stopped outside the kitchen and pulled her into his arms as they pressed their bodies flush. He kissed her softly, then deepened the kiss to match his growing need.
 She mewled her need for him softly, welcoming his tongue. And when their kiss finally broke her voice was soft as velvet. "I love you. I loved waking up and still feeling the warm ache of our lovemaking." She looked in his eyes vulnerable and wanting.  “I love you too. I could barely sleep last night from thoughts of you. And when I did sleep you were in my dreams. You’re the girl of my dreams, Calais.” He softly stroked her cheek as he gazed into her dark eyes with need and longing.   Calais stood there in his arms cocooned by his warmth and embrace oblivious to the world that moved outside the emerald beauty of his gaze. "I dreamt of you too." her voice was a low purr and stroked his desire. "You are better than my dream." She delicately traced his bottom lip with her callused fingertip. "I wish that you could just carry me off...."
  "Ahh hem...." Sarissa stood there looking at the two of them.
  Xiphos backed away a bit from Calais, his face flushed. He turned his back to his sister to hide his arousal. Calais smiled sweetly at Sarissa and mumbled “sorry.”   Sarissa raised an eyebrow at them both. “Xiphos are you really gonna go horseback riding dressed like that?”   He stammered as he stared at the floor. “Ummmm....” He realized he was still wearing his dress clothes from breakfast. He looked over his shoulder at Sarissa. “Why don’t you ladies pack lunch while I go change?”   Calais grabbed Sarissa’s hand and pulled her into the kitchen while Xiphos made a bee line for his room.   Flushed and happy Calais grinned at Sarissa. "Have you always had a knack for catching your brother or is this part of your guard training?" She chuckled amused by the number of times she and Xiphos had been walked in on in intimate moments in the last 24 hours. "And what are we fixing for the picnic? I find myself with two things on my mind at the moment. One of them is food." She smirked.
  Sarissa giggled as she headed into the kitchen and peered in the fridge. “I am pretty stealthy, Xiphos is too, and no, I haven’t caught him before. He’s apparently way too distracted to notice his surroundings when he’s with you.” Sarissa winked at her friend. “So we could do a cheese and cracker tray with some fruit. Or chicken salad sandwiches. And we can raid the wine cellar too if you’d like.” She raised an eyebrow at Calais. Her cheeks flushed as her face broke into a wide smile. “Aeneas may join us as well. I told him we’d go to the private beach by the palace.”
  Calais texted Aeneas:
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  Sarissa opened a cupboard and grabbed a to go coffee cup and handed it to Calais. She gestured to the coffeemaker with half a pot of coffee sitting on it. “Help yourself. There’s cream and sugar there next to it. Dad always makes a pot of coffee for mom around this time so it should be fresh.” She took some cheese and pepperoni out of the fridge along with a tray of sliced apples, grapes and strawberries. She opened a door leading into a pantry and returned with a large picnic basket. 
  Calais poured herself a cup and sipped it. Then put the top on the cup leaving it black. "What do you think, crackers or bread? This looks great. What are the rest of you going to be having?" She giggled and swiped a strawberry. She looked at the strawberry... and blushed as her mind fell into the gutter as she thought about Xiphos.
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  Sarissa laughed at her friend. “I’m gonna take both crackers and bread, and some of this chicken salad. I’m kind of hungry too.” She raised an eyebrow. “Are you thinking about feeding strawberries to my brother?
  She shook her head turning completely scarlet. "Hold a strawberry and look down at it...." She watched Sarissa for the moment when she saw the resemblance.
  Sarissa’s cheeks burned hot as she realized what her friend meant. “Oh my god! It looks just like....” she started giggling uncontrollably. “What does it look like?” Xiphos was standing in the doorway, smiling at the sight of the two girls giggling and red-faced. Sarissa took a bite of the strawberry and shrugged, unable to control her laughter any longer.
  Calais was still giggling as she lifted a brow and handed him a strawberry. She took a deep breath to calm herself then she took his hand holding the strawberry and slipped her mouth over the berry before she bit it. She looked in his eyes and grinned. She blinked and cleared her throat. "So, we have bread, crackers, cheese, chicken salad, pepperoni, and sliced apples, grapes, and strawberries." She smiled innocently. "Is there anything else you can think of we need for a beach feast?"
  Xiphos’ mouth went dry as he watched her lips wrap around the tip of the strawberry. His eyes grew dark with lust. He shook his head to bring him out of the lusty haze then smiled. “How about a bottle of wine? Or maybe two if Aeneas joins us.”   Sarissa grinned. “Why don’t you two go grab a couple bottles from the wine cellar while I finish packing this stuff up? But I’m warning you, I’ll be sending dad down after you if you take too long.”
  Calais pouted at Sarissa, "You wouldn't" Then looked at Xiphos, "She would." "Oh we need blankets too." She giggled and grabbed his hand to drag him down to the wine cellar.
  Xiphos followed Calais down to the wine cellar. They crashed their lips together as soon as they reached the bottom of the stairs. A low guttural moan came from deep in Xiphos’ throat as he pressed his pelvis into hers. His voice was soft and hoarse and filled with need. “Calais, you are so beautiful. You don’t know what you do to me.”
  Her voice was low. "I know what you do to me. I want you so much right now." She gasped as his hand slipped under her sweater caressing her. Then she shook her head. "Love... we can't." She moaned as she kissed him again arching into him then broke the kiss panting.   "Sarissa will come and get us. She wants to get to Aeneas and the beach." She looked at him with smoky lust filled eyes. "If I were in her place and she was down here with Aeneas and you were going to meet us at the beach..."Calais giggled... "I would have known better than to send us down here in the first place!"
  Xiphos chuckled. “You’re right. Of course.” He sighed deeply and took a few deep breaths to calm himself. He looked around the wine cellar kind of clueless. “So, I’m not really a wine connoisseur. What pairs well with cheese and crackers at the beach?
  She lifted a brow and looked at him. "Are you certain Olivia Nevrakis-Lykel is your mother?" She chuckled. "I promise I'll never tell." She browsed through the racks casting occasional flirty glances over her shoulder as she looked at the labels. "The correct answer depends on the season, the cheese, and what you are wanting to accomplish." She pulled a bottle of Chardonnay out. "Now this would be lovely. It's a little on the light, fruity, side. It will go well with everything we are taking. If our parents were joining us. I'd pick this." She walked farther along the racks, looking intently and finally pulled another bottle. "Now this on the other hand..." She looked intently at him. "This is more for after the food. It's a fortified wine. Which means that brandy was added to the rose' It'll loosen your inhibitions and warm you up. I suspect this is more in the order of what your sister would like to serve to Aeneas." She smirked. "So I think we take a couple of bottles of the Chardonnay and slip this bottle of Madeira in for after we eat and it gets dark."
  Xiphos grinned. “Sounds good. Let’s go before Sarissa comes down here after us.” He leaned down and kissed her softly as he looked into her eyes with longing one last time before he followed her up the stairs.
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innerpostmentality · 5 years
Prelude - Aeneas & Sarissa
Four thousand years ago gods and magic shaped and ruled and were plentiful in the world. Man and all magic diminished and the things of science took precedence until magic became a myth tucked away safely in children’s fairy tales and skilled entertainer’s parlor tricks. It’s been the creatures were shaped and marked by it. Then things began to change. Gradually those things of a thousand years of progress unmarked by true magic.   Things are about to change.  
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This fic is part of a collaborative AU created by my talented friends @tornbetween2loves, @kennaxval and myself. This part was written 50/50 by myself and @tornbetween2loves.
Disclaimer: all original TRR characters and references belong to Pixelberry, however we are claiming their beautiful children as our own creations. Please see the Series Master List here: Arcana Unbound Series Masterlist Word count: 4800 + Warnings: mild angst, pretty PG-13 for this part. Future parts will be erotic and deal with some serious problems.
Tags: @darley1101 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject  @bobasheebaby  @carabeth @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @riseandshinelittleblossom @stopforamoment @teamtomsato @furiousherringoperatortoad  @indiacater @sirbeepsalot @alesana45 @strangerofbraidwood @museofbooks @eileendannie @furryperfectionlover @ao719 @blackcatkita  Her intent when she told Leo she might just shoot some pool after he showed off his horse was to get a little time to think and kill time while Xiphos and Calais did… whatever. Now as she stood before the door into the billiard room alone, light seeping below the door, the last thing she wanted was to possibly interrupt, whatever.. so she cupped her ear and listened at the door for a moment. She heard what sounded like someone breaking to start a game of pool but no conversation. She thought to herself that it must be Aeneas. The future king. The king that she would most likely protect one day. She hesitated at the door as she contemplated if this was a good idea. Sure, they had grown up together, and attended a lot of the same parties and events. And they had spent a decent amount of time together but always in the presence of Calais or Xiphos or both. Never alone. She could not think of a single instance when she was alone with the crown prince.
  She suddenly felt nervous. What would she say to him? Would they even be able to hold a conversation? She sighed, suddenly in need of a drink. She raised her hand and knocked lightly on the door.
  He was surprised as he leaned over the table and heard the soft knock. "Enter" he called as he made the shot before he turned to the door.   His eyes widened in surprise. "Sarissa? Hey, are you okay?"
  She smiled at him. “Yes, I’m fine.” She glanced over at the bar. “I was hoping to have a drink. Care to join me?”
  He smiled. "Sure" He set his cue stick back in the rack. "What is your preference Sarissa?
  She smiled at him as she noticed for the first time how good-looking he was. She didn’t know why she hadn’t noticed before. Hell, she hadn’t noticed anyone before. “I’d love a vodka tonic, please.”
  He lifted a brow and grinned... "Vodka tonic eh?" He poured her drink and put some ice in a glass and poured some black label whiskey over it for himself. "So what has you drinking vodka tonic tonight?"
 She sighed deeply and narrowed her eyes at him with a small smile. “I think you already know the answer to that, Aeneas.” She took the drink from him and took a long swig. “But if you don’t mind, I’d rather not talk about it. Let’s talk about something more pleasant.”
  He searched her dark eyes for a moment before he nodded. "Very well. What is your favorite hobby, Sarissa? I have known you forever; but I think this is the first time you have ever come to talk with me. So tell me about what you like?"
  “I like to read.” She suddenly felt very shy as she tried to think of something else. Her face grew hot. “I’ve never talked with you before because I was never sure it was appropriate. Please don’t take it personally.” Her eyes shifted downward to avoid his gaze.
  "Hey," he lifted her chin gently to look in her dark eyes. "I am not offended. And reading takes in a lot of territory. What do you like to read Sarissa?" He grinned and studied her as he contemplated her with his amethyst gaze. "Mystery?"
  She smiled as she gazed into the violet swirls of his eyes. In that moment, she found him mesmerizing. “I definitely find mysteries interesting. I also enjoy true crime stories. And I’m a sucker for the classics. Anything written in the late 1800s to early 1900s.”
  “What about you, Aeneas? Do you like to read?”
  He grinned and his eyes were bright. He nodded. "Oh yes. I love reading... well not so much reports about minutiae." He crooked his finger at her, "I can tell you a secret. But you can’t tell..."
  She leaned in a bit closer with a sly grin on her face. “You can tell me. I’m great at keeping secrets.”
  "I love to read really good cookbooks." He whispered low in her ear his breath warm on her cheek.
  She couldn’t help the laughter that escaped her at his confession. “Cookbooks? Really?” She chuckled and gulped down the rest of her drink. “That wasn’t exactly what I was expecting.”
  "Shhh,,," He looked around like the walls might be listening. Then smiled. "Seriously a really great cookbook is like travelling with the added benefit of some amazing recipes and stories about their origins."   "You have a great laugh, Sarissa."
  A slight blush crossed her cheeks. “Thanks. And I must say, you are more fun than I thought.” A moment later, she realized that he might have found that offensive. Her eyes grew wide as she slapped her hand over her open mouth. “Oh, I’m sorry, that was so rude of me. I didn’t mean to imply that you aren’t fun, Aeneas.” She looked away from him, cursing vodka tonic under her breath.
  He shook his head. "It is fine. I might be a little tipsy. You would not believe … Well you might. Just please do not Highn ASS me and we will be fine. And I give you official permission to remember when it is private please just let me be Aeneas."
  She smiled at him as relief washed over her. At his mention of it, she realized she hadn’t referred to him once as ‘your highness’ or ‘your royal highness’ or even ‘sir’. The thought truly never crossed her mind once she entered the room. She studied his eyes, she found the violet pools captivated her to the point where she couldn’t break their gaze. She swallowed hard as she battled her nerves which were normally made of steel.      “So what do you do for fun Aeneas?”
  "Fun? What is this foreign language you speak?" He grinned as he teased. "I make horrible messes in the kitchen trying to make some of the things I have read about. Hand spun sugar and sugar work are especially messy. Even when they go right. I play guitar and sing... mostly in the bathtub. Sing that is not play guitar. Oh... and I play billiards and pool. Billiards mostly to think. Pool mostly to beat my little brother."
  She smiled at him, her eyes danced with amusement. “I didn’t know you could sing. Or play guitar, for that matter.” She smiled as she leaned in close to him again. “Will you cook for me sometime, Aeneas?” She knew somehow that she might wake up tomorrow and be mortified about this conversation. But in this moment, she didn’t care. “I guess I won’t challenge you to a game of pool then. Leo beats me all the time so I’m sure you would totally kick my ass. I would need lessons to prepare.”
  Aeneas nodded and smiled, "I would be happy to cook for you. Or with you." His eyes were intent but he seemed happy and relaxed as he leaned toward her. "There is a secret with pool as well. You really want to know how to get a good break. It is all in the wrist. It is not how hard you hit it but rather how much spin you put on it."   There was a soft knock on the door and Aeneas laughed as he looked up at the door. Then he grinned at her and whispered, “Quick, who do you think that might be?" He was close. Close enough she could smell his fresh woodsy cologne and faintly the whiskey he'd been sipping.
  Her heart pounded in her chest and she wished whoever was at the door would just go away. She flashed Aeneas a smile as she rolled her eyes. “I’m guessing it’s our two favorite people. I wish we could hide and not answer it.” She nuzzled a bit closer to him as she breathed in his scent to commit to memory.
  "Do you?" He looked in her eyes a moment then grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the cue rack. He reached down and pressed the molding and there was a faint click. He opened the panel into darkness and stepped in tugging her hand for her to follow him before it closed. It was almost pitch dark and he was right behind her, warm against her back. He whispered softly in her ear. "We have to be quiet. Calais knows this is here. If they hear us we are stuck."
  She leaned into him, the warmth of his body against hers. His whisper in her ear sent shivers down her spine and she trembled just a bit. She sighed and hoped he didn’t notice. Her voice was barely a whisper. “I don’t think they’ll try too hard to find us anyway.”
  A moment later they heard Calais voice, "Sarissa?" "Well she's not in here now, Xiphos. But there are two glasses still on the table and there's ice and ... whiskey still in this one. Aeneas doesn't usually leave a mess. Leo?... " The room got quiet. Aeneas shook against her back as he tried to keep from laughing out loud at the mystery they had posed for his sister and Xiphos.   After a moment he whispered, "Give me your hand and follow me." His hand was warm and large as he held hers gently and led her through darkened passages. After a few moments he paused not letting go of her hand and feeling around on the wall. He pressed a button and a light at floor level came on illuminating stairs going down. "My dad used to tell stories of him and Uncle Drake playing hide and seek in the tunnels. Apparently, your dad was the only one who could regularly find them." He led her down a couple of flights of stairs and then paused at another panel that from this side looked like another doorway. He listened intently for a moment then opened it with a small lever. It opened into a large well stocked pantry. Aeneas smiled broadly enough to show his one dimple. And bowed to her. "Mi Lady your pantry awaits... Let's get some ice cream. They may find us but hey... we will have ice cream."
  “Mmmmmm ice cream. Now you’re speaking my language.” She followed him to the freezer as he opened the door to display the flavors. She tapped her index finger to the side of her cheek as she contemplated the selection of favors. “I think I’ll stick with plain chocolate.”
  He smiled at her as he got two bowls down and scooped a couple scoops into each bowl. She watched him as he served the ice cream. She smiled at the way he stuck his tongue out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated on scooping the ice cream. She never realized there was an actual person behind the stoic demeanor he presented to the public. She was curious. She wanted to know everything about him. He finished and put the ice cream away then turned to her with a smile, holding out a spoon. She took a spoonful and held it up to him. “Ice cream cheers?”
  "Wait!... " He dug around in the fridge side for a moment and came up with a gallon sized jar of maraschino cherries and put one on each of their spoons before clicking them together. "To mischief managed?"
  She smiled as she clinked her spoon against his. “Yes. Managed is the word.” She giggled as she shoved the spoon in her mouth, savoring the feel of the coldness as it flowed over her tongue. “Mmmmm.” She gazed into his eyes intently. “This may be the best ice cream I’ve ever tasted.”
  He was grinning, "A true culinary masterpiece. It's the cherry on top." He looked at her as a mischievous sparkle appeared in his violet eyes. He lifted one brow and then touched the back of his spoon to her nose leaving a little chocolate there. "Tag!" He dashed off into the kitchen as he chuckled.
  “Hey!” She giggled as she wiped the chocolate off with the back of her hand and took off after him, spoon still in hand.
* * *
  After they didn’t find Sarissa in the Billiards room Calais led Xiphos up to Leo's room. They could hear the drum solo being played before they even got halfway down the hallway. Calais grimaced. "I'm going to murder him." She went to his door and didn't bother knocking because he wouldn't hear anyway. He had headphones on one ear as he listened to a track and was very, very much into his playing, no Sarissa in sight.   She closed the door and led Xiphos upstairs to her own room and pulled him into the elegantly appointed room. "I give up. Any ideas where she might be?"
  Xiphos furrowed his brow as he shrugged. “I think she’s somewhere with Aeneas. They’re messing with us.” He wrapped his arms about her waist and kissed her softly as he looked around the room. He raised an eyebrow as he glanced in the direction of the bed. “We could just let them have their fun....”
  She smiled up at Xiphos. "If we really, really want to find them we have several options. We can call or text them. Even if Sarissa is angry I know Aeneas has his phone connected to his royal jewels and will answer me. There's one more place we could look... Aeneas’ personal hang spot... Or I can poke the guard and ask him to locate them." She grins. "How much trouble would you like to cause?"
* * *
  In the kitchen, Sarissa took a moment to glance around at her surroundings. The room was dimly lit with lots of shadowy corners to hide in. She slunk into a dark corner and surveyed the room. This was her area of expertise. She could be quiet and stealthy. She disappeared into the corner and waited for him to reveal himself. After a few moments she saw him reappear in the middle of the room with a puzzled look. “Sarissa?” His voice was a loud whisper. She waited until his back was turned then crouched low behind him, until they almost touched.
  Aeneas chuckled.. oblivious to her behind him. "Saaaa rissaaaaa…. I'm going to eat your ice cream...."
* * *
  Xiphos returned her grin. “Normally I would be all about causing trouble. But considering we’re both in the dog house with my sister; and Aeneas and I aren’t exactly on the best terms, maybe we should just keep this on the down low?”
  Calais ran her hands up Xiphos’ chest and kissed him again then pulled out her phone and texted Aeneas. ….. Hey, have you seen Sarissa?   A worried look crossed Xiphos’ face. “I hope she’s ok. She’s used to hanging out with Leo, but she hardly knows Aeneas. I know we’ve all hung out together a few times, but she has always insisted on maintaining a professional distance between her and Aeneas. She feels it’s unprofessional to be close to the future king she aspires to guard. I just want to make sure she’s okay.”
  "Hey... Aeneas is pretty gentle. He's just oblivious to things sometimes. But Love, if she's hurting he'll do his very best to help her. Trust me."
* * *
  Sarissa couldn’t help herself. She chuckled softly right by his ear. “I’m right here Aeneas.” He turned around to face her and she quickly touched her spoon to the tip of his nose. “Tag!” She took off and ducked back into the pantry before he could react.
 He laughed. "I'm glad you are on my side." He opened the door to the pantry. "I have to go reload..." He went back into the kitchen and grabbed a can of whipped cream from the fridge on his way back to his bowl of ice cream.
  Sarissa stood on the other side of the pantry as she ate her ice cream. Aeneas walked into the room, obviously holding something behind his back. She put her spoon back in her bowl and took on a fighting stance. She knew he was up to something. He moved closer to her. She started to giggle. “Aeneas, whatever your planning, don’t.....” Just then his phone pinged.
    Aeneas’ face transformed and he instantly turned serious as he set the cannister of whipped cream on a shelf and pulled out his phone. He looked at the text and smiled again. "It's Calais wanting to know if you are with me? Shall I tell her to join us for some ice cream tag?"
* * *
  Xiphos grumbled. “I wouldn’t exactly call our conversation gentle.” He sighed deeply as he pulled Calais close into his chest. “That’s really not fair. I said a lot to provoke and anger him. I knew how he’d react.” He kissed her softly then pulled back with a questioning look. “When he and I were having our discussion, I asked him for permission to court you. He in turn asked for permission to court Sarissa. I thought he was joking and I laughed at him.” He sighed again. “He insisted later after we calmed down that he was serious.” He looked deep into Calais’ dark eyes and stroked her cheek softly. “What do you think about the two of them together?”   Calais hugged him and considered for a moment seriously. "Your sister can be pretty stubborn. I think it depends a lot on if she decides she wants Aeneas. Not the future king, the man that is beneath the crown. I think she could get to him. But it's going to take a lot of stubborn."
  Xiphos sighed and stroked Calais’ cheek. “Then let them be. She will find us when she is ready.”
  Calais smiled at Xiphos and plugged her earphones in to her phone and offered him one and put the other one in then selected Ed Sheeran’s 'Perfect' and held her arms out to him. "My dad taught me to waltz to this song. It's older than I am but I still love it. Dance with me Love."
  Xiphos smiled down at her and his emerald eyes sparkled as he wrapped one arm around her waist and took her hand in the other. He pulled her close and they moved around the room in perfect unison as they gazed into each other’s eyes. Enchanted with each other so much  more than they would have thought possible in one night.
* * *
  Sarissa’s mouth dropped open and she laughed as she realized what Aeneas was about to do. She eyed the whipped cream playfully. When he mentioned Calais’ name it was as if a dark cloud passed over her.
  The joy left her face and she looked away from him. “No. I do not want her or my brother anywhere near me right now.” Her eyes stung with hot tears as she turned her back to hide her face. She knew that Xiphos was probably concerned. She cleared her throat. “Please just tell her that yes, I am with you and I am fine. Ask her to tell Xiphos I will find my own way home from the palace.”
  Aeneas looked puzzled. Then closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he dropped his phone back in his pocket and pulled her against him into a hug. "Sarissa… help me out here. What happened? I am sorry I hurt your brother. He caught me off guard and I was honest with him. Why are you upset with them? He asked me if he could court her. And I thought if we were being formal I should ask his permission. I am a bit dense at times according to Calais. I know I should have asked you first." He stroked her back as he held her close.
  A confused look crossed Sarissa’s face as well. “Aeneas, I am not upset about what happened between you and my brother. I don’t really know what happened, I can only make educated guesses because everyone just keeps me in the dark.” She cast her eyes downward to hide her tears again. It was unlike her to show weakness like this. “I’m upset because Leo and I walked in on them in the stables and interrupted a passionate kiss.” Her voice was soft and shaky. “Calais is my best friend. How could I not know she had feelings for my own brother?”   She hesitated for a moment, her face buried in his chest. She pulled back to look into his violet eyes. “Wait. You asked his permission? You should’ve asked me first? Maybe I’m the dense one here because I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re talking about.”
  "Welcome to my world, Sarissa. I feel like I have been on an alien planet most of the day. Since my sister walked in my room upset about the social season and told me she didn't need a social season because she already liked someone. She did not tell me who. And I knew she had not told them. So I sort of threatened her. She knows me. She knew I would find out who. I want her to be happy. The next thing I know Xiph is texting me he needs to talk. He has been like an older brother to me my whole life so I was completely caught off guard... " He shook his head. "When you came in and told me I knew why you were drinking Vodka I thought it was because I had asked Xiphos' permission to court you rather than asking you."   He frowned. "I am sorry."   He held her gently. "Xiphos was seriously kissing Calais?"
  She looked up into his violet eyes, caught off guard by what he just said. This was the last thing she expected. She felt like she should pull out of his embrace, but there was something so comforting in his touch. Her brother and best friend were suddenly the furthest thing from her mind as she absorbed what he just told her. “Y-you asked Xiphos’ permission to court me?” She didn’t know how to feel. Flattered? Angry? Hurt? Excited? Lucky? Her head was spinning. This was so unexpected. This was the future king she was supposed to protect. Yet here she was, wrapped in his arms, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe she wasn’t meant to protect the king as a member of the royal guard. Maybe she was supposed to protect him as his queen.   She looked up at him almost hopeful. “And what was his response?”
  Aeneas smiled, "Well he gave me permission and told me good luck because you were going to guard the crown. Then I opined that you might prefer my brother, who is honestly the better catch. Then he said that wasn't funny and things went downhill from there..." He frowned. "You deserve better, Sarissa. Truly."
  She looked at him with a shocked expression. “I deserve better than the affections of the crown prince?” She shook her head in disbelief, then searched his eyes. “I think you have more in common with your brother than you realize, Aeneas.”   She hesitated for a moment as she tried to think of what to say next. She felt as if her entire life path could change in this one moment. Her grey eyes swirled with emotion as she gazed at him and she knew she needed to choose her words carefully. “I am not so special, Aeneas. I am just a girl who thought she knew exactly what she wanted in life. But really I know nothing. My brother was not wrong, I’ve always had aspirations of following in my father’s footsteps. That’s the only dream I’ve ever had. To guard the crown.” She sighed deeply. Her voice was soft and quiet. “That was so much my dream that I had blinders up whenever I was around you. I felt I had to keep a professional distance.” She looked up into his eyes. She whispered softly as she stroked his cheek. “Tonight the blinders came off. I didn’t realize what I had been missing.”
  He took her hand and delicately feathered circles across her knuckles with his thumb. The brilliant amethyst of his gaze met her beautiful dark eyes. And for a longtime he just lost himself in her gaze. He finally closed his eyes a minute and sighed. "You deserve someone who can devote themselves to you. Not divide their attention to you with the attention that the Crown demands. You deserve someone who doesn't have to be fair and subject you to the cattle show of a social season. You deserve someone who can wrap their arms around you and kiss you on the street corner, or on the beach, or on a park bench and doesn't have to worry about which paparazzi outlet may capture a photo." He shook his head. "It's likely the most selfish thing I've ever done asking to court you, wanting to court you.."
  She looked into his eyes and smiled. “Aeneas, you are worthy and deserving of all those things too. I understand the demands of the crown. Probably better than any of the other girls who will be at social season. You deserve happiness too. You deserve to be loved.” She looked deep into his eyes as she thought for a moment. She spoke softly, her voice full of emotion. “I give you permission, Aeneas. Please don’t push me away.” She shifted her gaze downward, then looked back up at him. “We will never know if we don’t try. And if you choose not to court me, I will be here anyway. Ready to protect you with my life. Always wondering what could have been in the back of my mind. Watching the queen and wondering what made her good enough when I was not.” She turned her head away suddenly as her voice cracked with emotion and tears welled up in her eyes. She took a few deep breaths to compose herself, keeping her hand clasped with his. She looked up at him with sad eyes. “You’re not being selfish. Wanting a true connection with someone who can know who you truly are beyond the crown is not selfish. It is brave.”
  His eyes searched hers in turmoil as a deep desire to kiss her raged through him and waged war with his resolve. Finally his voice deep and soft he managed, "I am honored Lady Sarissa." He bowed over her hand as though to kiss her knuckles but turned her hand and softly kissed her wrist, then unable to quite let go smoothed his thumb across her palm and planted another kiss there. He stood up straight, shoulders square, composed crown prince and offered her his arm. "It is very late my lady. May I get you a car to take you home?"
  Sarissa’s breath hitched as Aeneas’ kisses on her wrist and palm sent electricity up her arm and straight to her core. She trembled slightly as she threaded her arm through his. “I’m sorry. Am I keeping you awake Aeneas?” She knew it was late and her 8 am class the next morning was the furthest thing from her mind at the moment. She never thought that he may have an early day as well.
  His eyes flew to hers with a flash of startling intensity. His voice was very low and flowed through her. "It is a certainty that you will Sarissa." Then he blinked. He laid his hand over hers on his arm and escorted her back to the hallway. He smiled at the first guard they came across. "Tevi, could you please call for a car for Lady Sarissa?"   The man gave him a short bow and spoke into his headset.   Aeneas turned to her and smiled softly. "I have enjoyed this evening tremendously, Lady Sarissa. Might I call on you tomorrow?"
  Sarissa smiled up into his violet eyes. “Please do, Aeneas.” She smiled shyly and broke their gaze as she glanced downward. “This is the best night I’ve had in a long time. Thank you.”
11 notes · View notes
innerpostmentality · 5 years
Arcana Unbound - A Walker Family Dinner
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All Rights to Characters and Settings appearing in the Pixelberry Studio’s Choices books belong exclusively to Pixelberry Studio. They are gratefully borrowed with many thanks to the inspiration provided by the Choices Books.
  This series is a collaboration with my friends and super talented writers @tornbetween2loves and @kennaxval This particular chapter was written pretty much half and half by me and tornbetween2loves. Here’s a link to the lovely mood board made by @tornbetween2loves for the Walker kids Word Count: Around 2280 Rating: The series will have erotica and adult situations. This part is safe to read with your mom sitting next to you.
Four thousand years ago gods and magic shaped and ruled and were plentiful in the world. Man and all the creatures were shaped and marked by it. Then things began to change. Gradually those things of magic diminished and the things of science took precedence until magic became a myth tucked away safely in children’s fairy tales and skilled entertainer’s parlor tricks. It’s been a thousand years of progress unmarked by true magic.   Things are about to change. King Liam and Queen Hyclea of Cordonia cordially invite you and your family to attend the festivities marking their Silver Anniversary. Additionally they are pleased to announce a Royal Social Season. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Aeneas and his sister Her Highness Princess Hyclea request the honor of your attendance for the events and festivities of A Cordonian Royal Social Season.
  Tag list for Arcana Unbound: @darley1101 @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @bobasheebaby @carabeth @riseandshinelittleblossom @stopforamoment @furiousherringoperatortoad @indiacater @sirbeepsalot @alesana45  @museofbooks @eileendannie @furryperfectionlover 
    Something was up. Breandan looked at his parents holding hands though most of the family dinner. Now it wasn't unusual for them to have dinner together. And his parents were always displaying their affection with each other. But they'd been having discussions with their looks all dinner long.
  Drake looked at Meridoc and smiled then kissed her forehead before turning to the table. "So a couple of things are going on. And we are all going to Cordonia."
   Meridoc looked at her children and watched the reactions cross their faces. Breandan looked like a puzzle had been solved and another one presented. Sebastien lifted a brow and was unreadable. Conner was looking at her, looking for clues on her feelings about this. Pearse was shaking his head. Abigail was clapping and lit up with excitement.
  Sebastien spoke up first. “Okay, I’ll bite. What exactly are the ‘couple’ of things that are going on?” He looked at his dad pointedly.
   Conner nodded in agreement with his brother, while maintaining eye contact with his mom. “And when exactly are we making this trip? I’m supposed to be back in Paris in a few weeks for the start of the new semester.”
  Abigail could barely contain her excitement. She loved staying at the palace, it always made her feel so special to be a guest of the royal family. And the palace was the only place she had found horses to rival the ones at their ranch. “I’m down. Can we leave tomorrow?”
  Drake took a deep breath and ran his hand through his salt and pepper hair. "King Liam just bought a team of six of our horses. So we are all going." He looked pointedly at Pearse. "And Breandan, Sebastien, and Conner are invited to participate in the Social Season."
  Breandan sat back folding his arms across his chest. Looking thoughtful. Only a twitch in his jaw hinting at his thoughts.
  Pearse ran his hand though his hair mirroring his dad's gesture perfectly. "So who's going to mind the ranch? I should stay here."
 Drake looked at his youngest son. "Gilliam is going to tend the ranch while we are gone. This isn't a debate."
  Conner lifted a brow in surprise, tearing his eyes from his mother long enough to stare daggers at his dad. “Social season? You’re joking right? I didn’t think those existed anymore.”
  Sebastien shrugged and threw his arms up in the air. “Sure why not? It’s not like I have anything better to do.” He acted annoyed to follow his siblings lead but he really felt excitement deep inside. Maybe this was just what he needed. A change in scenery.
  “Aw, why can’t I participate in social season too?” Abigail frowned and her voice had a slight whine as she pouted at her father.
  Drake smiled. “I’m sorry Abby, you’re not old enough yet. But King Liam has assured me there will be plenty of social activities for the younger kids as well.”
  Meridoc took Drake's hand. "We are all going. And we are going to enjoy this vacation. It's a great honor to have a royal invitation to the Social Season. And all of you could use some socializing. Horses do not count, Pearse, Conner."   She smiled and there was a sparkle in her eyes. "All of you dressed up in suits. I'm certain all of you will make me very happy and proud." It wasn't a question.
  Abigail looked hopeful, "Do I get to wear a suit too?"
  Drake smiled and shook his head. "I think for this occasion you'll have to be dressed in gowns to make them all jealous that you are my girl, Sweetheart. And I will have to teach you the Cordonian Waltz so you can stun the whole court."
  Abigail’s eyes widened and she smiled big. “I get to wear gowns?! Like a real princess?!” She squealed and clapped her hands.
 Conner frowned, but did not argue. “I’ll try on my suit tonight. Make sure it still fits.” Sebastien nodded. “Same.”
 Breandan stood and walked over to his mother leaning over to kiss her on the cheek. "As you wish mother. I'm guessing that we are going to have to get some new suits for the occasion. And I insist that you teach me the Cordonian waltz."  He smiled at his brothers. "I say we take the court by storm! Just think of it as a long spring break."
Pearse looked around and nodded. "I'll do my best. But you know this is like some medieval crazy stuff, right?"
Sebastien threw his head back and laughed. “You’re right Breandan. Let’s show the court just what the Walker men are made of! They won’t know what hit them.”
 Conner sighed. “I just hope I don’t have to miss too many classes. Pearse is right. This is medieval. People don’t do things like this anymore.”
"Conner," There was a certain tone their mother occasionally got that brought all her children to instant attention. "There is more to learn than what you will find in books or in a kitchen. And people do many things. The very fact that there is so much discomfort being displayed here confirms my thinking that this is going to be very good for you all. To succeed as a chef you will need to learn how to connect with many kinds of people. The same goes for medicine, or veterinary medicine. Honestly, it doesn't matter what you want to do in life having excellent social skills will stand you in good stead.  Because of our friendship with the royal family you have an extraordinary opportunity. And I will NOT see any of you waste it." Meridoc lifted her brow and looked at each of her well grown handsome sons.
 Conner hung his head. “Yes mother. Of course you are right.” The other men nodded in agreement. “When do we leave?”
 Her tone had a different effect on Drake. There was nothing in the world as sexy to him as the commanding, tiny, spit fire of a woman that was his wife. He was grinning as he gazed at her a moment longer before he answered Conner.  “In two days. We'll need to leave. We'll have to take three trucks and trailers for the horses. And it'll take four, maybe five days so we can let the horses walk some and keep them calm. I don't want to keep them locked up in trailers for more than six hours at a time" Drake looked at his sons. Now that they were talking about business he could tell they were all settled and focused.    A lot more than he was if he was being honest. Liam was the brother of his heart but the Cordonian social season and the court held a world of anxiety for him. Meridoc knew and had persuaded him that this was something he needed to face and that with his family there it would be different, better. She squeezed his hand as though she knew what he was thinking. He smiled into her blue eyes and found his peace.
  Sebastien caught Pearse’s attention from across the table. “We’ll make sure everything is ready to transport the horses. In fact, we’ll get started right now.” He stood up, motioning for Pearse to follow.
  Conner looked back and forth between his parents, his gaze finally settling on his mother. “What can I do to help you, mom?”
 Abigail was all smiles as she looked around the table. “What can I do?” She looked at Drake with puppy dog eyes and a slight pout. “Can I help you daddy?”   Drake smiled at his little girl. “Of course Baby. You will play a very important role during this trip. You will help exercise the horses.”
 Meridoc looked at Conner. "I need you to do an inventory of the feed. I want to make sure we have a month’s worth here for all the stock before we leave. And another order set up for a month from now that would only take a phone call. If it were needed. Plan what we need to take for each horse for the trip first.   This is an opportunity Son, not a sentence. I need you to start thinking about that. You can make connections that would help you open a restaurant in several countries in Europe.”
  Conner straightened up and flashed his mother a big smile. “Of course, mama. You’re absolutely right. I’ll get started on it right away.” He stood up to follow his brothers out the door. But before he left he shot Drake a questioning look. “Hey dad, didn’t you say that the head chef at the palace received his Grande Diplome from Le Cordon Bleu?”
 Drake nodded and smile at his son. “Yes. And he is a 5-star chef who also owns his own restaurant.” Conner’s face lit up. Maybe this trip did have its merits. He followed his brothers out to the stables.
    There was a gentle ache in his heart as Drake looked at Abigail. He saw her womanly curves and knew that soon, too soon, his baby would find someone else who would be her focus. Tears were running down his face. He had little emotional defense left ever since the incident. Meridoc looked at him and wiped his cheeks and kissed him gently. "It's okay m’dear heart." Her blue eyes looked deeply into his dark gaze. "You will always have me."   Abigail hugged him then, "And me. I love you Daddy. Don't cry."   He kissed Meridoc and then Abigail's head. "My precious girls."
 Abigail pulled out of her dad’s hug and smiled at him excitedly. She turned to Meridoc. “Mom what about gowns? I have to have gowns to wear to the palace. Do we get to go shopping?” She squealed excitedly.
    Pearse followed his brother outside. "Okay. What are you thinking Seb.?"
  Sebastien flashed a sly smile at his brother. “I don’t know what you mean. We need to prepare for the transport.” They began walking toward the stables. “I’m thinking this trip could be good for us, Pearse. Get our heads out of horses’ asses for a bit. Give us a chance to meet some new ladies.” He raised an eyebrow at his brother.
  Pearse glared at his brother. "Well, I'm not actually invited to the social season in case you forgot. But that's okay. What would I want with a bunch of nobles? I'll be just fine with the horses."
 Sebastien raised a brow. "You know mama isn't going to let you hide in the barn. And you know the ladies of the court aren't going to be the only ones around."
    Drake smiled between his girls. "I think both of you will have to go shopping. Once we get there and learn more about what the theme for the different balls will be."  Meridoc laughed. "You can't possibly exp..." Drake cut her off nodding with a smirk.  "Oh no my Love, you don’t get out of this. I fully expect you to put all the other women to shame at the balls." He pulled her hand up and kissed her knuckles looking in her deep sapphire gaze.
    Breandan went to his room concerned and understanding far more than his brothers and sister what this entailed for their father. He didn't know all the details of exactly what happened so many years ago that had left his father in his mother's care, emotionally vulnerable with physical problems that ranged from tremors when he would get stressed to occasional speech and memory problems. He knew that part of recovering from trauma was facing that trauma again in some way. Facing it and overcoming it. And he knew that was in part why they were doing this. Why his mother insisted on at least once a year she and their dad would return to Cordonia to visit the palace and the royal family. So he was here. And as absurd as he found the idea of a Social Season he would participate.   He was feeling fairly ambivalent about it. Part of him was appalled at the idea of a series of contrived events with the express purpose of putting people together to find a suitable mate. Part of him was fascinated at the history of the society that gave rise to such a tradition. He considered it unlikely in the extreme that he would find a life mate in this pageant. Since he had been in university he'd dated men and women but never found that spark that made him want to make them part of his world and his family. But who could tell? The world never ceased to amaze and amuse him.
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tornbetween2loves · 5 years
Hey everyone!
I’ve been involved in a collaboration with my good friends @innerpostmentality and @kennaxval and we’ve created a TRR AU that we think is really great. It is set in the future so our beloved TRR characters are in their 50s/60s and while they will play a role in this the real story is going to focus around their children. The first fic for this series has been posted, I am linking it here. I’m going to tag all of my normal TRR readers and permatags. Please check it out and let me know if you’d like to be tagged for the series so I can put a tag list together. Thank you all for your time and support.
Arcana Unbound
Tagging: @indiacater @carabeth @bella-ca @boneandfur @bobasheebaby @stopforamoment @alesana45 @debramcg1106 @speedyoperarascalparty @drakewalkerwhipped @femmeshep @hhiggs @lizeboredom @pb-boeboe @klaudiana-beaumontkkreal @tmarie82 @katurrade @lodberg @hopefulmoonobject @missevabean @walkerismychoice @eileendannie @museofbooks @jared2612 @h3llostrang3r @ooo-barff-ooo @cora-nova @jovialyouthmusic @gardeningourmet @furryperfectionlover @sirbeepsalot
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tornbetween2loves · 6 years
My Masterlist
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixelberry, except for my OCs which I claim as my own.
The Royal Romance
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This is the series that started it all. Part one is my very first fic. While playing TRR, I had the worst time choosing between Liam and Drake. So I decided to create a world where I didn’t have to choose. Liam, Riley and Drake are in a polyamorous relationship in this series, so if that’s not your thing, please don’t read. Many parts will be NS*W, so please don’t read unless you are 18+.
Read it here.
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This series is based on the same characters and relationships as the original My Heart Torn Apart, but the events take place 5 years later. It’s much more angsty than the original. Although there is less smut in this series, there are still some parts that are NS*W so please don’t read unless you are 18+.
Read it here.
My Heart Torn Apart, A Glimpse into Christmas Future
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This is just a couple of holiday fics that flash forward into the future. It does contain spoilers so if you’d rather not see where the series is headed, don’t read these fics. But they’re also super cute.
Read it here.
The Christmas Surprise
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This is a mini-series based in an A/U where Riley chose Drake and Liam fell in love with Olivia and she is Queen. I know this isn’t a popular ship, but I think Liam and Olivia are great together. For now, this is just a couple of fluffy Christmas stories but I may write more for this A/U in the future.
I did write a couple of one-shots set in this A/U. You can find links to those under the link for this series
Read it here.
Shifting Focus
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This is my newest series and focuses on the development of a romantic relationship between Bastien and Olivia. It is very adult-themed and many parts will be NS*W. While other TRR characters will play a role in this series, the main focus will be on Bastien and Olivia. Bastien is considering shifting his focus from his career to himself. Olivia has awakened feeling that have long been dormant. But will he be able to break through Olivia’s hard shell and convince her that it’s time for them to focus on their relationship and their future?
Read it here.
My Happiness Comes From You
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This began as me attempting to complete some requests for various challenges, but has grown into this amazing story that I have to see through. I am going to attempt to deliver a happy ending for my Driam pairing. Please bear with me, my writing process has been crazy slow lately. I will get there eventually. In fact, I have a new part set to post soon!
Read it here.
The Crown and The Flame
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A Story Worth Telling
This series takes place after the ending of TCATF in an AU where Kenna and Val are married and rule as queens of Stormholt. Michael is an OC who is a writer. He has written biographies of many of the leaders of the five kingdoms and now wants to write Kenna and Val’s story. But he must first earn their trust by getting to know them and making them feel comfortable. Thank you to @kinkykingliam for creating this awesome mood board for this series.
Read it here.
Desire and Decorum
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Lifelong Love
This series takes place in an A/U for Desire and Decorum. In this series, the Earl of Edgewater stays married to Mary and they raise the MC together. My MC is Lady Elizabeth Ann of Edgewater. With no one to question her inheritance of Edgewater, Elizabeth is free to choose who she wishes to marry. She and Ernest Sinclaire grew up together and are childhood friends. Briar is still her maid, having travelled to Edgewater for work. Harry never existed and although Mr. Marlcaster is present for the social season, he is not associated with Edgewater. This series won’t really follow canon, but there will be some events based on it. Oh and in this series, Lady Elizabeth does not lose her parents. At least not right away. Who knows what may happen in the future?
Read it here.
Clearing the Air (TRR) pairings Drake x MC Bertrand x Savannah
At the Mercy of the King (TRR) NS*W with a Driam pairing
Foolish in Love (TC&TF) suggestive with a Kenna x Val pairing
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (TRR) pairing Liam x Drake x Riley poly AU NS*W
Forbidden Love(TRR) pairing Drake x Riley, Liam x Drake, Liam x Riley x Drake NS*W
Choices (TC&TF) pairing Kenna x Val, however this fic focuses on the unrequited feelings of Kenna’s rejected LIs and shows how happy the queens are together
All That Mattered (D&D) pairing Sinclaire x MC
A Blizzard in Lythikos, part 1 (TRR) pairing Drake x Olivia. This is a two-part story written to fulfill a couple prompts left over from December and February. Part 2 here.
The Arrangement (BB) this is my new poly series. It will eventually be a Adrian x Priya x Amy poly. This fic is very ns*w so adult readers only please.
Love at First Bite (TRRxBB) This fic was written as part of the Choices Crossover. It may or may not be used as part of the final project. It features and Adrian x Olivia pairing
Riley’s Birthday Surprise (TRR) a request fic for a Liam x Riley x Bastien pairing
Arcana Unbound Masterlist
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