#trr oc toby
msjr0119 · 5 years
We Belong
Part 9
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Evangeline Bruley returns to Cordonia to take over her families Duchy. She was betrothed to the now King, however he is engaged to Duchess Riley but still has lingering feelings towards his first love. What will happen during her time back in Cordonia?
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Wahay I’ve finally wrote a full chapter 🙌🏼- thank you everyone who has asked how I am, I’m getting there. If there’s any spelling mistakes etc, just please ignore it and I’ll rectify it when I can 😘
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol abuse, mention of murder, loss, slight grief, marshmallow Drakey.
Maybe I’ve been foolish letting you down
I’ve been a little selfish not being around
But if I lost you I’d be helpless inside
Gotta hold on to our love tonight
Cause now that I found that someone I believe in
And I feel so complete by your side
It’s the only time I’ll ever love somebody baby in my life
We gotta hold on to our love tonight
I know that you’ve been hurting
The pains in your eyes
I promise you im changing I feel it inside
I dont know what I would do if it all passes by
We gotta hold on to our love tonight
When you find love never let it go
Because now I realise what your mean to me
Cause now that I found that someone I believe in
And I feel so complete by your side
It’s the only time I’ll ever love somebody baby in my life
Drake stayed by Evie’s side as he sung the song in her ear. Holding onto her hand, he became clammy hoping that she would soon wake up. She had just returned from surgery, the doctors briefly explained that it could have been worse, but there was something they was keeping from him as he wasn’t recorded as the next of kin. The next of kin for her was Olivia once her parents had passed away.
“How’s she doing?” Liam asked as he arrived at her bedside. Drake was confused as to why he was here, it was his wedding night and he should be embracing it with his new Queen.
“She’s breathing. She’s alive. They haven’t said much due to me not being next of kin. Where’s Brooks? Shouldn’t you be with her?”
“Riley understands. Don’t worry about her, Hana is with her. Your mom is in the cells with Duke Tobias. I think my country needs me here at this moment in time. Both of them mentioned about this Anton person but we don’t know who he is or where he is. Riley and myself have made a joint decision to postpone our honeymoon. Evie is everyone’s priority. Justin the press secretary offered to talk to Bianca and Tobias believing as an outsider that they may open up to him more, I didn’t really understand why but it worked.”
“Bianca! Toby! I demand answers now! Evie is fighting for her life. It’s my wedding day. An event that neither of you were invited to!” Punching the table in front of him, this gesture made the two prisoners jump slightly- hoping now that they realised how much trouble they were in. Or so Liam believed.
“I didn’t mean to stab her Liam. We have a past, I wouldn’t hurt her again.”
“Oh course you wouldn’t.” Bianca responded sarcastically. Not giving two damns about him pining for Evie, like her son.
“Shut the fuck up! You don’t know anything about mine and Evie’s relationship.”
Bastien interrupted the conversation, explaining that Justin was outside urgently needing to talk to Liam.
“Justin? How may I help you?”
“I heard about what had happened? Is her majesty okay?” And alive, fucking useless morons.
“Yes, luckily. But it’s my dearest friend Evie that got the wrath of it.”
“As I am Riley’s press secretary, maybe I could have a word with them both? They may speak to me more as I’m not the King.”
Liam agreed, not knowing if they would open up or not. Justin explained that he would enter without company and if there was any danger he would exit the cell immediately.
“Now I know how you could mistake two beautiful brunettes- but you stabbed the wrong one! What happened?”
“I did as planned, I saw the Queen and I had the knife in my hand ready to threaten her. But my ex fiancée Evangeline was forced into me by her. She’s a liability Anton. She’s always drunk!”
“Bianca, you want revenge on the crown but as Toby said, you’re a liability. When am I going to have chance to take the royal family out now?”
“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I’ll try harder. We want the same. I don’t understand your reasoning though Duke Tobias.”
“I haven’t really got any vendetta, I’m just in it for the money. Myself and Liam were friends as children. Our parents were allies. Then we drifted apart. Anton can you get any information on Evie for me please.”
“You don’t deserve any information. So plan D. We failed to kill Riley because your son jumped in front of her, the roof didn’t kill anyone and they all went on that stupid unity tour, you both cocked up plan C.”
“Plan D?” They both said in unison.
“Plan D, I will inform Liam that one of you are totally innocent with the tragic event that occurred tonight. One of you will be let free. I will get the crown with or without your help!”
Exiting the cell, he informed the guards to separate the two prisoners as they began a fight. Lying, he faked shaking- making it out that he was a hero getting a slight bit of information.
“So?” Liam asked, still frustrated with the events that had happened.
“Your majesty, I’m so sorry. You have a traitor within your ‘court’. One of them is innocent, they are sincere. The other one is mentally not stable. This person is the ringleader and they were involved in every assassination attempt that has occurred. The one that injured Sir Walker, the one that nearly killed your father when the roof collapsed, then tonight.”
“Which one Justin?”
“Sir, the innocent party in this is.....” Whispering in his ear the name, Liam grit his teeth. Anger raging through his body.
“Thank you for your help Justin. I have to go and visit Evie. If the press require a statement, could you inform them that there is no comment at this moment in time? I’d appreciate that. I’ll deal with them tomorrow.”
“Of course your majesty. Anything.”
Liam reiterated his point of view from the interaction in the cells, Drake shook his head, ashamed to have a mother like her.
“What’s going to happen to my mom Liam?” Drake wasn’t concerned about his mother’s punishment- as far as he was aware she was now non existent with her confession regarding the Bruleys and the involvement in Evie’s attack.
“I’ll leave that decision up to the council, and Evie when she pulls through. Do you want a coffee?”
“You’re trying to make me leave her aren’t you?”
“You have your own mind Drake, but you look knackered. Max has brought you some spare clothes too. We will be five minutes tops. Olivia can come in and sit with her.” Drake nodded, knowing his friend was correct in some manner. He didn’t want Evie to wake up, seeing him wearing a suit that was covered in her blood, potentially traumatising her more. Kissing her on the forehead, Liam’s heart sunk- seeing his best friend broken in front of him. Realising how much love Drake had for Evie, he had hoped that she would forgive him for his silly mistake.
Olivia entered the room, asking for time alone with Evie without Maxwell being a burden breaking down even more.
“You’re not superwoman you know Evie, I know Drake fucked up- but he loves you. I hope your stubborn ass will forgive him. I hope there’s no recording of me saying this, I still hate him.” Laughing to herself, she hated seeing her best friend in this way- ready to cause havoc if she ever saw Bianca Walker and Toby again.
“Duchess Olivia I assume? My name is Dr Hussain. May I have a moment of your time please.”
“You assume correct. What is the matter?”
“On our records you are Duchess Evangeline’s next of kin. I assume Mr Walker is close to her, but I have to let you know about her injuries.”
“Go on...”
“We stopped the bleeding from the open wound, however there was more bleeding from elsewhere. Was Duchess Evangeline aware that she was pregnant?”
“Yes, unfortunately once we realised the possibility of why she was bleeding we did an ultrasound - there was no heartbeat.” Olivia remained silent, not knowing how to comprehend the news- looking at Evie, her heart shattered in pieces for her.
“Dr Hussain, can we not inform her straight away about the miscarriage? She’s been through enough, I’m sure King Liam would agree.” The doctor explained that he would have to inform his patient before discharging her but agreed for the time being to remain mute- he also explained the outcome of what was due to happen once the miscarriage was fully over. As Evie couldn’t consent on what to do regarding her miscarriage at the moment, there was three options; wait for her body to naturally remove the baby, take a pill, or have a surgical removal of the baby.
Leaving Olivia alone with Evie, she wiped the tears that were pouring down her cheek- thinking about what the best option was for her friend.
“Look at what you’ve made me do now, I’m crying- I’m Olivia Nevrakis I never cry. I forgive you for puking in my Prada bag- or do I? I can replace that, but I can’t replace you. For fuck sake Evie, in future just stand in the corner of the room like your lover and not interfere with anyone. Or at least leave it to someone like me- who actually carries self defence weapons in case of emergencies.” Hearing the door open, she grabbed a tissue and over exaggerated blowing her nose- hoping this would be a good enough excuse for why her eyes were watering.
“Liv? Is everything okay? Are you crying?”
“Me cry? Ha! Don’t be stupid Walker. It’s dusty in here, not doing my allergies any good. Where’s Liam?”
“He’s on the phone to the kings guard, something about Toby or my mom.”
“Good! Well not good. Just sit with me.” Drake hesitantly sat beside her, wondering why she forced his hand onto Evie’s.
“Drake, I don’t like you. I never have done, and I probably never will do. But you two belong with each other. There’s something I need to tell you....” Taking a deep breath, Drake noticed tears creeping from the duchesses eyes. “Evie was pregnant. She lost the baby. I’m so sorry.”
“She... my baby... I...it’s my fault...” Pulling him into her embrace, she was grateful that there was some hand sanitiser near by- not that Drake had germs, she just didn’t like him or his heavy whiskey scent.
“It’s not your fault Drake...” although you publicly dumped her, and your mother caused this- but I won’t say that out loud. “I’ll leave you alone with her, looks like you have a lot of grovelling to do. If you need anything just let me know.”
“Thanks Liv, but you know I still hate you right?”
“The feelings are mutual Walker.” Winking at him, she provided him with a smile- a genuine sincere smile. Something that he never believed he would receive from his worse enemy.
Cause now that I found that someone I believe in
And I feel so complete by your side
It’s the only time I’ll ever love somebody baby in my life
We gotta hold on to our love tonight
“Hold on to our love forever, please wake up soon. I love you.” Drake placed one hand into hers, and the other lingering over her stomach. Attempting to fight back the tears, he couldn’t prevent them from falling. I’m so sorry.
Drake fell asleep, leaning over the bed- his emotions had got the best of him. All the what if’s still roaming through his subconscious mind. The guilt hammering and stabbing him constantly in his heart. Evie began to stir, the bright light preventing her eyes to open fully.
“Drake?” Her voice was hoarse, his name barely escaped her chapped and dry lips. Pressing the buzzer next to her arm, she wanted assistance due to him being ‘crashed out’. The three friends waiting outside rushed in first after hearing the alarm. Panic setting in, wondering if Evie had potentially had a sudden relapse.
“Evie!” Maxwell screeched, waking Drake up from his slumber.
“Is there a problem?” Dr Hussain questioned as a team of staff rushed in all breathless.
“I pressed... it... I... you can... all go...I don’t want any visitors.”
“Evie? You need us here to help you.” Liam insisted- instead of responding Evie looked into Drake’s eyes, before brushing his hand away and focusing her gaze elsewhere. Not making any eye contact with any of her friends.
“I just want to be alone.”
“I think you should all leave. If Duchess Evangeline changes her mind regarding visitors we shall let you know.” Liam tapped Drake on the shoulder, his body was all frozen- not expecting for her to react this way. Escorting him out, he asked Maxwell and Olivia to sit with him.
“Dr Hussain, a word outside if I may?”
“Duchess Olivia informed me about Evangeline’s miscarriage. I don’t know about hospital policies but I am begging you as your monarch to not inform her about this. It has to come from Drake, the father of the baby. I will ensure that none of the staff will be blamed for this deceit and will get you to fill a form out. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, your Majesty. I will keep Duchess Olivia upto date with news regarding discharge if she still refuses to see anyone.”
Three Weeks Later:
Liam entered the Duchy, not knowing what to expect- not knowing how Evie would respond to him showing up unexpectedly. As he was King, he knew she didn’t have the authority to throw him out as she had done everyone else over the weeks since returning from hospital.
Remember Liam, don’t tell her about the baby. That shouldn’t come from you.
I know Liv! I’m not stupid! I just want to make sure that she is okay, that she is eating and looking after herself.
You should be on your honeymoon with Riley. Leo’s sorting out Toby and Bianca. Evie is not your concern Liam.
She’s still my best friend, and if she is willing to talk to me - I’m going to talk to her. Riley understands. I’ll keep you updated. You check on Drake.
“Hello Evangeline.” Looking up from the kitchen table, she sighed as Annabelle the majordomo escorted Liam in.
“Your majesty.”
“Evie, come on. No titles required.”
“Liam.” Emphasising his name, she stared vacantly into the black coffee as Annabelle excused herself. Liam had hired her against Evie’s wishes, but she had been closed off from everyone- not allowing anyone to see her.
“Shouldn’t you be on your honeymoon?” She questioned with a slight bit of sarcasm in her voice- not really understanding why he was here, again.
“Should be but I’ve had a lot to deal with, and we need to make sure you are fine.”
“Oh I’m fine. A stab wound to add to the bruised ribs. Danger just loves to follow me around.”
“Exactly, so you need to allow us to see you. You need to talk to Dr....”
“I do not need to talk to Drake. He’s the reason why I’m like this. His mother is the reason I am like this. End of story.” He needs to talk to you.
“How about I make us something to eat, then we can watch titanic. I know I’m not Max. But I can cry like he does.” Liam faked crying, very over dramatically- providing Evie to laugh for the first time in weeks. And there’s that beautiful smile, baby steps. Liam managed to fix a meal together for the two of them, finding pasta and sauce in the cupboard it was a basic meal. Evie hesitantly ate it, but he could see that she was being stubborn. Smiling softly at her, gave her the encouragement to eat it all. They settled on the couch, and as promised he put titanic on. They spent the entire movie sitting close to each other, Liam kept his arm around her as she snuggled into his embrace. The cuddles they shared felt like a little touch of heaven- content with each other like when they was younger. Even though he was married with a pregnant wife, Liam had wished that he could extend his stay just so he could stay close to her for longer, keeping her safe in his arms and embrace. It was the closest anyone had been with her, and he felt relieved that someone could make her finally open up- even if it was just her arms wrapped around him. Cupping her cheek, he felt a dampness in his his fingertips- now realising that she had been crying once the film had ended.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine Liam. Thank you for coming. I now understand that this is probably what I needed.” Liam drew closer towards her, she could feel her heart beat so hard- scared that he would feel it. Kissing her softly on the cheek, left a small damp mark- knowing this was his way of being polite, a sign of their long term friendship she didn’t read too much in to it. A small grin crept onto his face as he pulled away silently. His eyes locking on to hers as her cheeks painted themselves a bright shade of red. Unexpectedly his lips brushed hers not in an innocent manner it was more passionate and demanding. Knowing deep down this was wrong, she needed to pull away before she lost herself in to him- but she couldn’t. It was as if all her senses had disappeared, she couldn’t think straight. Guilt. Guilt was the devil on her shoulder encouraging her to resist the soft touch of the King. The angel suddenly forced its way into her mind, making her push him away- knowing she had crossed the line. She was now a hypocrite calling Riley the ‘court whore’.
“I... I think you should... go.” Shaking his head, he blatantly ignored her suggestion. Instead he stood up, holding his hand out to her- leading her upstairs.
Fuck, startled she sat up in bed in a shot, sweat dripping off her forehead. Why am I dreaming about Liam?
“Are you okay your grace?”
“Yes, thank you. Sorry if I woke you. And please just call me Evie. I’ve been telling you this for weeks now, I’m sorry I was horrible to you when you first arrived- I was more angry towards Liam than you for his deceit. I’m happy he hired you on my behalf now, so please- we are friends. I’m Evie to you, not your grace.”
“Sorry, Evie. How are you feeling? Do you need me to do anything for you?”
“No, thank you - Annabelle. When’s the council meeting?”
“This afternoon at 1pm. His majesty called by late last night to remind me. He was occupied by Duchess Olivia and Sir Walker.....”
“Good evening Annabelle, is Duchess Evangeline available?” Annabelle opened the door allowing the visitors to enter the Duchy. Curtsying for Liam, she regained her normal posture before biting her lip- nervous that she was once again going to have to refuse them from seeing Evie.
“Your majesty, she is asleep. She still isn’t up for visitors. May I help?”
“We was hoping to speak to her, but it’s okay. The council meeting tomorrow is at one o’clock- if the Duchess is going to be attending could you inform her please. If she doesn’t attend we all understand.”
“Of course your Majesty. Is that all?”
“Is she eating?” Olivia asked, that was her main priority over the council meeting. Ensuring that her stubborn friend wasn’t killing herself out of spite.
“Yes your grace, I ensure that she is looking after herself. To begin with she was very withdrawn, and still is in some context. Sir Walker...”
“Just call me Drake. Please.”
“Drake... I know you need to talk to her personally, but give her time. She’s been through a lot- she will eventually become the Evie you all once knew. Healing takes time.”
“Maybe we should just send Drake upstairs, beg on your knees for forgiveness. Like a dog.” Olivia narrowed her eyes at Drake, the last few weeks she had been like a stuck record- drilling into his head how much he messed up.
“Liv, don’t you think I know that. I just want her to look at me, to talk to me. I fucked up and I want to make amends with her.”
“You’ll have to kiss and make up brother. You must be a better kisser than I was as she chose you. As Annabelle suggested healing takes time. Thank you for your time Annabelle. You’re doing a marvellous job. Goodnight.”
“I did as you said, explaining as I have done since King Liam hired me that you didn’t want any visitors until you was ready.” I know you did Annabelle, I was stood in the shadows overhearing the conversation. Maybe that’s why I dreamt about Liam kissing me?
“Thank you. Shall we go out for breakfast? Change of scenery? My treat as a thank you.”
Evie arrived at the palace unusually late- usually she was like Bertrand, insisting that meetings or events you had to be punctual. Walking fast, her breathing was heavy but she believed it was also due to nerves- nerves that were self inflicted as she had chosen to ignore everyone. Forcing the door open, the room went mute all of a sudden. Everyone mirrored the same expression, a big smile.
“Sorry I’m late, stop gawking at me. I’m not a ghost, not yet anyway- maybe next time.” Seeing Liam raise his eyebrows up with her ‘joke’ she sat next to Olivia, who held her friend’s hand. “Carry on Your majesty. I won’t interrupt.”
“It’s nice to see you Evie, I’m sure we can all agree. You showed up at the right time actually, we was about to discuss the punishment options for Bianca Walker and Duke Tobias. We want you to have the final decision as you was affected.”
“Toby can have his dick chopped off for all I care, and exiled out of Cordonia. And for that woman- I think she should face the death penalty.” Everyone provided her with the same look- shock. Obviously they knew she would have anger, but didn’t expect that from the kindness noble they knew - if anyone it would be Olivia that they would expect it from.
“I’m joking....” or am I? “Toby is British, simple- send him home. But with Bianca, I have one suggestion. Not many of you will agree with me, not many of you may like her- but she is still Drake and Savannah’s mom. She tragically lost Jackson, she’s dependent on alcohol. I’ve never had an addiction, but it must be hard to be so reliant on it. Maybe she just needs some rehab and counselling, to become the Bianca- the caring mother, the welcoming friend, we all knew when we was younger. Bartie doesn’t want to see his grandmother the way Drake and Savannah saw her for the majority of their childhoods. She’s not only a mother, but a grandmother to a gorgeous little boy who will want all his nanas attention before they have anymore children- she needs help.” They all gulped, all knowing that Drake hadn’t had the opportunity to tell her about her miscarriage. On behalf on Evie, they agreed with the doctor to allow her body to naturally remove the baby, if she was to question it, Dr Hussain suggested that it was an early period brought on by stress- going against all morals, he didn’t have a choice to rebel against the decision as he was surrounded by nobles and the royal family.
“Liam, can I have a word with you in private please? I’m sure Bertrand could carry on?” Liam nodded, escorting Evie out- he wondered what was on her mind.
“How are you feeling?”
“Where’s Drake? I’m just a bit sore, I had this awful cramping in my stomach- and a heavy period, sorry too much information.” Placing his hands around her waist, he knew what exactly she was referring to- feeling guilt ridden he needed to keep providing that infamous stoic expression as he held her in his arms.
“I’m glad you’re okay, I just wished that you would have seen us all before now. Drake... he’s... he’s not very well.” Oh great, just lie to her yet again. I’m going to have no balls left, once she finds out the truth.
“I see, could you take me to the cells? I’m not bothered about seeing Toby, but I need closure with Bianca.”
“Are you sure that’s wise?”
“Please Liam.”
“Bianca...” Evie nervously announced herself into the cell, followed closely by Liam and Bastien. All the hate she had towards the woman, slowly drained away- seeing her in this vulnerable state obviously not having any option but to cold turkey. Bianca bit her nails, her whole body was trembling- until she saw the people enter. Correcting her posture, she knew she had to act ‘sane’ in order to have any chance of escaping any punishment.
“Your majesty, Duchess Evangeline.” Faking a smile, she had lost count of how many days she had been here in the cold yet damp cell. If it wasn’t the rats scurrying past her, she heard the echoes of the guards conversations. “It’s good to see you alive Evie.”
“I’m like a cat, with nine lives- except I’ve only got seven left. I assume that you are wondering why I am here?” Bianca scowled at her, before nodding. “At the council meeting, Liam wanted myself to have the final say about your punishment as you harmed me. Then blamed Toby for it all, you must have forgotten that the Queen was a witness. But anyway, I originally wanted the death penalty. You hurt your children, you lost your husband because of your addiction, you potentially could have killed me. How many more people do you want to hurt?”
“I’ve hurt a few more. Not purposely. One being my own grandchild.” And your parents.
“You’ve hurt Bartie? How low can you stoop?”
“Evie, I think it’s time we left. Bianca, Evie has decided to save your life as long as you agree to counselling and rehab. That was her decision, if you ignore the conditions you will leave me no choice.”
“Why are you changing the subject Liam?”
“I’m not...” Don’t you fucking dare say what I think you are about to, it has to come from Drake.
“Oh Evie, it was fate that my grandchild that you was carrying tragically didn’t want to stay with you.”
“Bianca, I have no idea what you are on about.”
“Ask your precious King Charming if it’s true...” Evie looked towards Liam who was scowling towards the woman as Bastien covered his hand with his mouth, as he shook his head with Bianca’s malicious attitude.
“Evie... fuck. We didn’t want you to know once you’d woken up, you’d been through so much. I’m so sorry. Drake wanted to talk to you, it was between the two of you. We’d assumed you would have let him talk to you.. not shut everyone out...”
“I.. I... we.. we was having a baby? She made me miscarry?”
“As I said it was fate.” Cackling in the background, Evie soon regretted sticking up for the woman in the meeting- her hate had immediately returned with vengeance.
“Liam, I’ve changed my mind. Stick to my original decision- death... I need to find Drake.”
Exiting the cell, she felt as if she was about to hyperventilate. All these weeks, none of her friends had mentioned her true injuries- although she had been avoiding them. Catching her breath, she knocked on his door- not really knowing what to do or say. Believing that everything that was to occur would be spontaneous.
“Go away Liam.” Hearing his voice through the walls, he sounded broken- assuming it was due to her actions, she took a deep breath.
“I was just wondering why you wasn’t present at the meeting.” Hearing the door open, they both stared at each other- neither knowing how to elaborate on this conversation.
“I erm. I wasn’t feeling up to going. Are you okay?”
“Can I come in?”
“I’d rather you didn’t Evie....”
“We need to talk.” Forcing her way through the door, she noticed three empty bottles of whiskey- assuming there would be more if she scrutinised the room. Feeling ashamed with himself, most people would criticise him- but in his mind this was the only way to heal the pain he had gone through alone.
“I’m not an alcoholic...” Defending himself, he hoped that she wouldn’t send him to rehab. Hoping that if he could talk to her and explain his reasons that she may understand.
“Whiskey to you is like tap water it doesn’t affect you. I’m not criticising you Drake. You might want to shave soon though.” Smiling at him, her heart fluttered. Even though he had hurt her, she still cared deeply for him- and always would do.
“You don’t like this look? I think I’d suit a bit of a beard...” Winking at her, she laughed-even if it was quietly he still heard it, not wanting to say anything to push her away he made the decision to let her begin the conversation.
“Actually it does suit you, I’m just used to not seeing you with more than a bit of stubble...” Tracing her fingers along his forming beard-that spark returned with this slight touch. Quickly removing her hand, she saw disappointment in his eyes, but she couldn’t go back to where they was prior to the wedding shower. “So, I saw your mom....”
“Why would you see her? Don’t you ever see her again! Promise me Evie.” She’s a maniac.
“I saw her to personally inform her of her punishment for her harming me....” Pausing, she needed to say more- taking her time, she finally finished her sentence off. “...and our baby.”
“How... how do... you know? I wanted to talk to you about it, but....”
“Your mom blurted it out. I’m so sorry Drake. If I knew... I’d have... I would have... we could have supported each other...” Pulling her into his embrace, she didn’t want to cry in front of him- most people would say it was tragic, that it wasn’t a baby- but to them they would be grieving over the loss of their future together.
“I’m so sorry... I’d have looked after you both, I’d have provided for you both, I’d have loved you both with all my heart.”
“I know you would have done... I’ve got a few things to do, we could meet up tomorrow and talk properly?”
“I’d like that. I wrote you a letter, I wasn’t sure if you was ever going to speak to me again. Here.”
“I’ll read it when I get home, come to mine tomorrow- say brunch time?”
“Sure.” Evie gave him a half hearted smile, walking towards the door- he grabbed her wrist.
“I love you.” Not responding back, she slowly closed the door behind her. Pausing outside in the hallway, she immediately regretted not saying those three words back. Opening the door slowly, she witnessed him pouring the whiskey down the sink- wondering if he was feeling okay. Wondering why he would do that?
“I love you too Drake.” She whispered, before exiting the room once more.
Arriving back at her Duchy, Annabelle welcomed her as always. Sitting in the kitchen, her fingers traced the white envelope- hesitating whether to open it or not. Annabelle gave her a coffee, whilst looking at her confused- Evie noticed and decided to confide in the woman sat next to her.
“Drake gave me it, he said he was unsure if I would ever speak to him again. I assume you know about the baby?” Feeling guilty that everyone knew apart from the mother herself, she nodded. “Do you think we’d have made good parents?”
“I believe you would have, no doubt about it. He seems to care a lot about you.”
“Do you have family or friends here in Cordonia?”
“Yes ma’am, not too far from here. Why do you ask?”
“Once you have finished, why don’t you go home and have tomorrow off? I’m fine, if I need you I’ll will contact you.”
“Thank you. I’ll be back early Friday morning.”
“Goodnight Annabelle, and thank you for all your help. I’m going to go upstairs.”
Walking upstairs, she entered the master bedroom. Pulling the dress out of the wardrobe that she was wearing at the royal wedding, the tears that she had so cleverly kept hidden now rushed out like a burst dam. Opening the letter, her mind was flooded by his scent.
Evie, Lina. You’re probably reading this because you are refusing to acknowledge me, not that I blame you one bit. I’m not writing this for you to feel sorry for me, I just need to communicate with you in some way. There are things I need to tell you, things that probably should be said in person. I never wanted to let you go, I love you so much that it hurts. My Mom is poison and always will be, at times I wish she had died rather than my Dad- I know I’m a horrible person for saying this. In my stupid mind, I thought losing you would be for the best, to protect you. Then the night of the wedding, I could have potentially lost you for good- never having the opportunity to tell you how I truly feel. I don’t deserve you, I never have done- I’m just Drake the commoner, who is best friends with the King. The King who gave me a title out of pity, not because I deserved it or earned it. I’m not sure if you know this, but your parents made me heir to your Duchy if anything was to happen to you- could you imagine? I hate nobles. Except Liam and you obviously. Even though you have survived, I still lost a bit of you- a bit of us both. Super spunk here managed to get you pregnant, but we lost our baby. I’m so sorry that I couldn’t protect you both. I’m sat here crying because I just want to hold you in my arms, telling you that everything is going to be okay- that I’m the biggest jerk alive. If you ever decide to talk to me again, I will fight to win your love back- I want a future with you and without you in it my future is bleak. If you just want to stay friends, I suppose having you in my life as a friend is better than nothing at all. I love you so much Evie, and I’ll never stop loving you. D x
Wiping her tears, they just kept appearing- then her thoughts lingered on her parents choice of heir.
“Was you really that desperate for an heir that you’d choose Drake Walker? Seriously?” She managed to laugh in between the tears. “It’s a good job that I’m a fighter, that I decided it wasn’t time... no wonder in my dream Jackson persuaded me to not give up, he knew that Drake wouldn’t cope..” My grandchildren. Grandchildren? Was that my subconscious informing me that I was pregnant? Or was it really Jackson, Mom and Dad? I need to see Drake. Now. Not tomorrow.
Grabbing her coat, car keys and bag- she ran downstairs needing to get to the palace as soon as possible. Hoping that Drake would still be there, if not the only other place would be his cabin. Opening the door, her eyes widened.
“What are you doing here?”
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lorirwritesfanfic · 4 years
Lori's Favorite Fics - Lockdown Edition #1
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It's been awhile, but I'm back with the reviews!
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I explained a little why I haven’t written the reviews, but to sum up, I haven’t read much during quarantine and I'm still shocked it's May because it feels like March had 200 days and April lasted a week 😅 So, instead of trying to remember what day we are and when I read fics x, y and z, welcome to my favorite fics of lockdown!
Blades of Light and Shadow
Tyril x Elf M!MC drabble: I’m not going to lie, I only have eyes for Nia. But I adore how @lilyofchoices​​ writes the relationship between Tyril and Maiele (Elf M!MC). This particular piece of Tyril waking up in the middle of the night and musing about it is truly a delight to read. Check out her other drabbles if you can.
She | Nia Ellarious x Elf F!MC:My precious priestess has fics! *pause for a victory breakdance* @melodyofgraves​​ wrote this lovely one shot about Aurora's (MC) love for Nia and the description is simply to die for 😍
Desire & Decorum
Midnight Kisses | Mr. Chambers x Mr. Konevi: I miss these adorable characters so much and stumbling upon this piece in which @the-writerly-night-owl​​ writes Mr. Chambers and Mr. Konevi go from a heavy make out to cuddling with Mr. Chambers's daughter is wonderful. Cutest side characters ever!
Not Goodbye | Annabelle Parsons x MC: @kenna-and-val-are-my-queens​​ broke my heart with this one shot, but I forgive him (love you, M!) because it’s so well written and Annabelle is so character
Prince Hamid short stories - Braid My Hair | Rapunzel: My comment about these two pieces could be a long list of gifs of people fangirling, but @missameliep​​ fics deserve a proper review 😄 To answer two requests about Hamid braiding his daughter's hair, Dani wrote two heartwarming short stories related to her canon divergent series The Pursuit of Happiness and her modern day AU Second Chances. It’s too adorable to see him braiding his talkative daugther’s hair and looking for braid tutorials on the internet as he recalls past experiences with his sisters and Elizabeth. If you're a Hamid stan or just loves fluff, you have to read them.
Open Heart
Melt My Worries | Rafael x F!MC: Based on a scene of Open Heart book one which is great because Open Heart 2 doesn't exist to me, @simplymissjulia​ reminded me why I love Raf writing this adorable piece. He takes Bella (MC) to the street market, introduces her to best street food in Boston, dances with her and they kiss. And this is the only sort of Rafael content I need to see.
Ride Or Die
The Bet | Logan x MC: I saw this fic a while ago and I was shook with how sexy and enticing this piece is. Based on chapter three, when Ellie bets a kiss while playing pool, Logan takes her away from prying eyes and things get reaaally steamy. This make out sesh is a superb work and still remains PG-13. Well done, @choicesarehard​ !
Unrequited | Ximena x MC friendship: Friendship fics are so underrated. This fic in which Ximena comforts Maria (MC) after she confessed her feelings for Toby is a lovely piece to read. @troublemakerinspace​​ told me it was her first RoD fic in the fandom and OMG I wish my first fic here was this good.
Rules of Engagement
Football is the best | Leo x OC: When @xxrainbow-princessxx​​ writes Leo being a dad, I know it's going to be good. But Leo being a dad and watching a football match with his daughter Natalia who mimicks all his reactions to the game is just too cute to handle 😍
The Royal Romance
Somewhere Else | Drake x MC: I keep saying I rarely read TRR fics, but sometimes I have to make exceptions. @mauldings​​ posted her masterlist on Choices Fanfic Writer's group so everyone could read her work and I was completely blown away by her Drake x MCs. I swear I would have given Drake a chance instead of toying with his pixelated heart hahaha if his chemistry with MC was like this to me.
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