#trs govt
cleverclovers · 8 months
I'm Parker, Shady, Clover, Teej, whatever you wish to call me. I'm a queer disabled artist on social security because stress makes my brain shut down like a computer trying to run windows 7 in this day and age--I have a seizure disorder previously thought to be epilepsy but currently under evaluation for another seizure disorder diagnosis, I'm autistic, I have hearing loss and mobility difficulties due to nerve connection issues relating to previously stated seizure disorder being untreated for most of my life.
I'm without a roommate, in an apartment I can barely afford, with no options to move to a cheaper place, and no way I can negotiate a lower rate. I previously had a roommate, this an easier time with life, only occasionally struggling, or wanting to reach beyond my means for a little comfort.
My entire check goes into rent and bills, it's not a big check by any means, the govt doesn't really want disabled people to live on their own, it seems like, and I wind up relying on what's left of my patreon after bills to try to make ends meet. Those ends include my three cats. One is elderly, the other two are comparatively very young. I cannot afford them right now, but rehoming or surrendering them is not an option. I know someone will come into my dm's or ask box and say that to me, so let me get this out of the way: the only way I can manage to get up every morning and find it in myself to work on art is those three cats.
As such, I'm willing to pick up as many commissions, over load myself with obligations, to make those boys lives as comfortable as possible. Right now I need to buy dry food, litter, and a new litterbox because one of the ones I have currently is difficult to clean and change. I also need help with people food, because I have medical dietary restrictions, and that's not cheap. I'm out of food stamps for the month and don't get more until the 8th. I can't just go to a food bank for that. I will continue to need assistance with their care until I can manage to get a housing voucher for section 8. That can take months.
My art rates are ridiculously low, my turn around rate without deadlines is less than stellar, I'm doing my best to keep my patreon up to date with my personal pieces, done to keep myself from hating my commission pieces and starting over on them all. However, if you have a specific deadline you need to meet, say Valentine's, or a special occasion, please let me know ahead of time. I do keep in touch throughout the process, sharing wips of the piece in the works so my clients can tell me if I need to make changes.
As for prices, right now:
10 usd for sketches (commission for LivingRadio used with permission)
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20 USD for inks
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50 usd for simple colors
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90 for full color with a background (commission done for Ocarinaruler used with permission)
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I take pa yp al ([email protected]) , v3nmo or ca$happ (Rosesinclover) and have pa tr eon and ko-fi (also Rosesinclover) if you want to help long term and see the projects that almost never reach fruition, though I use ko-fi the least
These are the boys who help me live my life and cut down on my seizures. The orange one is Jerry (one and a half years old), the tuxedo is Loki (a nickname, his true name is very long. He's 7) and the brown tabby is Bean (17, a good sleepy boy in early renal failure--his kidneys are starting to go. There's nothing I can do about it that won't cost hundreds, so I'm just making sure he's comfortable until it's time)
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This is my cat specific Amazon wishlist
Thank you for your time and consideration. I'd appreciate reblogs to increase the reach, and will consider price increases if enough people request it.
Sincerely, a very stressed out pet parent
Change log: put an updated full color image reference, noted which pieces were commissions and for whom they were done. Added kitty wishlist. Feb 16, 2024 Lowered simple color and colored pryces. Mar 10, 2024 removed bean photo as he no longer benefits from food or clean litter August 3 2024
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spamlets · 8 months
iterator logs but make them
with crowns ⬇️
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without crowns ⬇️
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individual ss, some doodles, + some actual (partially incoherent) info about the au below the cut!
rbs appreciated <333
individual ss:
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small doodles i did for the au haha
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more info:
the IL royal au is a silly little au i made up in my head!
basically it goes like this: the ancients created iterators to act as a new form of government in order to prevent govt corruption. cities or “kingdoms” were built around/on top of iterators and rather than them working to solve The Problem, they worked to govern over and make decisions for their people. the societies of these ancients were just as technologically advanced as in canon rain world. dont ask about The Rain (TM), i havent thought that far ahead yet.
cue mass ascension, i havent ironed out the details of that whatsoever but all the ancients die out leaving the iterators on their own (*cue fallen kingdom playing*). perhaps it’s on purpose, perhaps it’s a plague (this one could be pretty interesting actually)
distant frontier does his thing, creates an army of scavs or vultures or whichever else creatures he uses (i think he uses both but i could be remembering wrong) and breaks from his corruption-taboos, which is ofc a spin on the self-destruction taboo and would prevent him from expanding his domain/absorbing other kingdoms.
now the big thing here is that this was originally intended to be entirely centered around toxic yaoi (tr x df) which is partly why their clothes match (also because in general they share a lot of character traits and imo are kinda mirrors of each other in a way). that’s why i dont have much fleshed out—in the beginning it was just “king df and king tr marry and are gay forever” and whathaveyou, but then i thought about it harder and was like OH!!! this could actually be cool!!
if i go the plague route, perhaps tr had a colony of ancients still living inside his structure, but a new strain of the plague infected his people as he began to prepare for war against paradise. or maybe while trying to remove the corruption taboos he gives himself the rot like in il canon but it also ends up spreading to his citizens :headinhands:
this is all just vague ramblings for now, nothing coherent besides a few very striking mental images inside my head:
- tr lying on his deathbed surrounded by rot, the only shining thing in view being the gilded crown resting on his chest
- df on a throne wearing multiple crowns, tr bowing at his feet with a sword against his neck
- df with his artificial legs crossed at the ankles, his sword resting at his side with his karma symbols engraved into the blade
- unbroken promise with his forehead to the ground, surrendering himself and his kingdom to df after his queen ascends
- silent light standing guard in front of an endless library, only half-aware of what he’s guarding and what for anymore
- att practicing sword drills at dawn, falling asleep while standing up, leaning their chin on their sword pommel
but yeah! the basic premise is:
instead of creating iterators to solve the Great Problem, they create iterators to solve government corruption. each kingdom is built with an iterator as its ruler, with careful anti-corruption-taboos set in place to prevent them from acting maliciously towards their citizens, expanding their domain, or going to war. the entire kingdom and its walls are the body of the iterator, but theoretically worm off the string is possible because im a sucker for it and also i can imagine sometimes needing to meet up with other iterators in person for social gatherings because again im a sucker for classic royal au shenanigans 🤷
id like to personally apologize to daszombes sorry for being so autism over your characters i just think they’re neat
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ilikeyoshi · 8 months
i don't like it either but i'm soooooo tired of ppl talking about the govt like it's ever one guy. it was never only tr*mp and it's never only b*den. look. they're all shitheads. they're all evil. but one of them WILL do MORE damage than the other. and squabbling and in-fighting only makes it harder for us to fight back. i don't know how to explain that "one person IS going to kill a billion people, and if the other guy kills even one less person, that's LESS DEATH, and unless you can stop even more death right now, i'm going to do everything in my power in this shitty, broken, bloody system to make sure there is as little death as possible" in a way that's going to click anymore, but i am screaming it from the rooftops. these are the cards we have. not playing the stupid shitty game doesn't save anyone.
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As they say the “Harry govt” is starting with the follows. The mgr, Tom Skogs followed TR
Told you they would.
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kamaljohnsonnetwork · 2 months
Black Framers Receive $2B From U.S. Govt. For Discrimination, Is This Tr...
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babyawacs · 5 months
#thetruth #sfraudwest #sgerman #yoursystem #experime nts #utmosttheycouldtheydiduntiltheycouldnt #securitypolicy #them clown #necessity #preciseconsequence #preci sion #intelrule #pornedtoddler #russianmethod #makesyouto #aretheyshxit #dumpster #sgerman #andor #usually (( (@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@ law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #basics_and_necessiti es #ommelette #northko_ea #systemcaused #luck #judges #intel #default  #fourhemispheres #itisgermany #fact #y oursystem #7does11 #judge #judges #breakthrough_point #default #ugh #but_the_hide ous_sssexxx_cola_then #fact #notfacr #sgerman #aeh #ai #witness #selfevidence #ignor e #demand #typical #24_7 #then #lawyerspin_vs_one_two_ three #evenmore #itis judges lawyers banks insurances all that map german trickery map german trickery the ge rman trickery is the truth not what the trick implies ai donot botch this. sort this p r e c is e l y mapping. the. trick. is. truth. not what the trick fakes. whi chever effort /// lawyers banks insurances this is cr iminal securitypolicy you handle criminal securitypolic y of criminal governance and because thereis no check onthese itis which trick works why youdodge dirty thro wn objects allthetime why the way of courts demanding what is mine is their trick to someday something stic ks the civillian surviving what them do to civillians how them rule civillians is not the liability or the fault of the civillian and minors are victims i co urt demand what is mine but thereis no checkonthem only which trick works while they try tomake all guilty t o exterminate quell wahtthey want and to rob waht they want atleast to gag quell and threaten whattheywant n o t letting them the proof of how guilty the civillian is too then too thi s is how it works and i r e a l l y get upset with f ucktup fraudwest /// govt caused crimes system caused crimes nothing compensated but smear and degrade to rob the victim and nut the vic tim and once nutted allthey overtape to date all expe rimental things additionally didnt happen too because n uts then locks implant boobytraps on any shitty ambiguity they german trick wea sel twist until a shitty ai matches it as alike simillarity too or absolutions th eir crimes it can make v e r y furious witnessprotect mercyalways serotolerance with the facts how they tr ied to solve it todate is selfevident them:  /// lawye rs banks insurances the utmost germans could do government caused systemcaused the y did the utmost they could until they couldnt thereis no generosity of their better intent the utmost the y got away with they could do they did govt caused sys tem caused until they didnt all reframing is their d efault trickery .@deutschland @deutschland ihr halteteuch sssexxxbadensisch fuer f antastisch denn das was ihr mit dem angestellthabt solange ihr konntet istnicht das wasihr damit anstellen wol ltet aber weilihr deswegen so fantastisch seid verdient ihr von dem aeh //// lawye rs banks insurances nuclearhedge "how that civillian survived the crimes of y o u r system is not the liability of the survivor andor the support." //// lawyers b anks insurances i demand liability of criminal fraudsystem trickery that tries to make oneof their countless victims g u i l t y thatis w hatthey do for alittle bit of control andor theft they make all g u i l t y that let them and i d e m a n d
#thetruth #sfraudwest #sgerman #yoursystem #experimental #utmosttheycouldtheydiduntiltheycouldnt #securitypolicy #them #clown #necessity #preciseconsequence #precision #intelrule #pornedtoddler #russianmethod #makesyouto #aretheyshxit #dumpster #sgerman #andor #usually #basics_and_necessities (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw…
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verdictumofficial · 7 months
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oww666 · 11 months
the contractors want more guaranteed money because of the costs wind energy cannot be built or run without govt ( taxpayer) subsidies
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Lab Diamonds in Australia: A Sparkling Revolution in the Jewelry Industry
Global diamond market is right now arround $94.96 Billion as on 2021 and hoping to be $139.91 billion by 2030 with compound annual growth rate of 4% yearly basis. Russia being the country controlling 28% of global diamond production and Canada next controlling 20% of global diamond production.
Do you know that 90% of the present diamond is coming from mining risky parts of the world where people need to work with harsh weather , unfriendly businesses and tough natural beings ? Often human right violation is reported from such unenvironment friendly mining as well.
Yet we cannot stop buying diamond. If you tell them about human right violation and/or environmental impact of mining diamond, people would not stop buying/trading diamonds. If any govt. do so, the diamons would be sold in back market. Govt. will loose taxes.
So, what is the solutions ?
We believe lab grown diamond could be the solutions to all of this.
And fortunetly Australia is known for the bull market of diamonds. Not just  the lab diamonds but also naural diamonds as well. Australia has emerged as a significant player in the lab-grown diamond industry, driven by various factors. Firstly, the country's strong commitment to sustainable practices aligns with the ethical appeal of lab-grown diamonds. Traditional diamond mining can cause significant environmental damage, whereas lab-grown diamonds have a considerably smaller carbon footprint.
Secondly, the Australian consumer has become more environmentally conscious and socially responsible, demanding greater transparency in the products they purchase. Lab-grown diamonds appeal to this growing segment of the market, as they can be traced back to their origin and are not associated with potential human rights abuses that can occur in the natural diamond mining industry.
Today as many as consumers no matter what they like – old man , female , ladies , gentlemen all  are asking for lab Diamond Australia for their wedding , anniversary , birthday and whatever they are using for.
Lab-grown diamonds, also known as cultured or synthetic diamonds, are created in controlled environments that mimic the natural process of diamond formation. They share the same chemical and optical properties as natural diamonds but are created in a matter of weeks instead of millions of years. This process involves using carbon seeds or small diamond fragments, placed in high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) chambers or chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactors, where they grow into larger diamonds.
That seems  the market and future for lab grown diamonds is promising . As Australia continues to champion environmental conservation and ethical practices, lab-grown diamonds fit seamlessly into the nation's ethos. With growing awareness, technological advancements, and a commitment to sustainability, lab diamonds in Australia are poised to shine brightly for years to come.
At I heart diamonds, you will get the following kind of rings-
-          Antique inspired engagement rings
-          East West Engagement rings
-          Halo engagement rings
-          Hidden halo engagement rings
-          Side stone engagement rings
-          Solitaire engagement rings
-          Thin Band engagement rings
-          Tr- stone engagement rings
-          Wedding & anniversary rings
 If you are also looking for rings installed with diamonds, we do provide that as well.
Our store I heart diamonds  is filled with the greatest quality , highest quality and entic design rings installed with diamonds. To choose the perfect rings for you just visit our store in sydney.
If you cannot choose the perfect design jewellry for yourself then we have the best jewellry experts for you who will help you with choose the right jewellry for you.
Jewellry are made from yellow gold , white gold , Platinum etc as well.
In case if you need both jewellry along with installed diamonds then you may need to wait for 1 -2 weeks for final delivery.
But we do prompt delivery.
Along with diamonds, we do sell moissanites as well. If you are looking for moissanites buying like the way you buy diamonds , then visit I heart moissanite portal as well.
Before I say you bye, just know why buying from us ?
-          We always value the quality not quantity
-          We value the customer relationship above all
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Let’s find the best lab diamond engagement Rings Sydney for your engagement.
All the diamonds we sell are GIA certfied.
If you still have any questions regarding our services or products, just let us know. You can email us at [email protected] or call us +61 2 9686 7691
This article is written by I heart diamonds, if you are looking for diamonds in sydney, contact with us so that you can get the best diamond for yourself in marriage or friend anniversary or so on.
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fineholeindia · 1 year
Govt. Registered Vacuum Filter Screen Exporter
To import the quality-best filter screens of different sizes for various filtration applications, one can rely on Fine Perforators. The company is exporting tailored-to-need vacuum/ mud filter screens to different industries in addition to sugar industries in many countries.
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nityanewsnation · 2 years
Ysrtp Chief Ys Sharmila, Who Was On Hunger Strike Against Trs Govt Shifted To A Local Hospital In Hyderabad - Telangana: Ysrtp प्रमुख वाईएस शर्मिला अस्पताल में भर्ती, टीआरएस सरकार के खिलाफ भूख हड़ताल पर थीं
Ysrtp Chief Ys Sharmila, Who Was On Hunger Strike Against Trs Govt Shifted To A Local Hospital In Hyderabad – Telangana: Ysrtp प्रमुख वाईएस शर्मिला अस्पताल में भर्ती, टीआरएस सरकार के खिलाफ भूख हड़ताल पर थीं
वाईएसआरटीपी प्रमुख वाईएस शर्मिला अस्पताल में भर्ती – फोटो : ANI ख़बर सुनें ख़बर सुनें तेलंगाना के टीआरएस सरकार के खिलाफ भूख हड़ताल  बैठीं वाईएसआरटीपी प्रमुख वाईएस शर्मिला को सुबह-सुबह हैदराबाद के एक स्थानीय अस्पताल में स्थानांतरित कर दिया गया। पुलिस द्वारा पदयात्रा की अनुमति नहीं दिए जाने के बाद वाईएस शर्मिला अनिश्चितकालीन उपवास पर थीं। बता दें कि  वाईएस शर्मिला आंध्रप्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री…
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petnews2day · 2 years
Wag! Group Co. (PET) Q3 2022 Earnings Name Transcript
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-insurance-news/wag-group-co-pet-q3-2022-earnings-name-transcript/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social
Wag! Group Co. (PET) Q3 2022 Earnings Name Transcript
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Wag! Group Co. (NASDAQ:PET) Q3 2022 Earnings Convention Name November 10, 2022 4:30 PM ET Firm Individuals Garrett Smallwood – Chief Govt Officer and Chairman Adam Storm – President and Chief Product Officer Alec Davidian – Chief Monetary Officer Convention Name Individuals Jeremy Hamblin – Craig-Hallum Matt Koranda – ROTH Rohit Kulkarni – MKM Companions […]
See full article at https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-insurance-news/wag-group-co-pet-q3-2022-earnings-name-transcript/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social #PetInsuranceNews
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BJP trying to topple govt, luring 20-30 TRS MLAs with money: Telangana CM KCR | India News - Times of India
BJP trying to topple govt, luring 20-30 TRS MLAs with money: Telangana CM KCR | India News – Times of India
NEW DELHI: Telangana chief minister and TRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) has alleged that the BJP is luring 20-30 of his party MLAs with money in an effort to topple the state government. This comes close on the heels of the Telangana police claiming to have nabbed three people “associated” with the BJP as they were trying to bribe four key TRS MLAs to defect to the saffron party. “They have…
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babyawacs · 7 months
#quickly_nuts_the #state_attorney_kids #villainy #botch_is_vs #itis #CRIMINAL_SECURITYPOLICY #mercy_r eally #you_dont_understand #banana_republic_germany_devious_version #blackwars_and_pets  (((@ judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @d w .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #ueberweisen_auf_aeh_deutsches_konto #ai_luck #aeh_nutsness_then #baby_lives_but_why #woopsie #tr ust_is_for_the #obvious #satisfaction #stateofmind #notwehr_nothilfe_selbstverteidigung #inert #preconditi on #aaaw_had_i_only_known_the_magic_cocacola_think_of_all_the_wonderful_sssexxx_with_germans #co ntrol_institutions #pros #rubbertitttts #tothem #hitler #labels #sexuell #actionability #gefahrimverzug #tatti ppen #labels #batshxitnuts #hideous  #logic_consistency #forcertain #no #commandchain #not #immunised #too #buzzword #decoypingpong #itis #inverted #inferior #safe #were #thegermans #dowhatyouwant #means #please #govt #obvious #medival_freeforall_vogelfrei_in_contrary_to_ta boo #squeakybox #itis #sgermany #sgerman #ai #factually #mischievious_intent #howiexplainmykids #defaulttrick   #the #eclowniomagnifico #howitworks #logic #how #description _precision #decoys #nuclearhedge #default #allexplained #intel_explained_to_mykids # aeh  #‎ jesus #at #pentagon #jesus_at_pentagon #and #harvard_angels #harvard #angels .@harvard .@ harvard_law @harvard .@ussocom #moredaggerthancloak #people: #mercyalways #factuality  #caused #thrownobjets #whostheproblem #quicknow #hooooow #thequell #notsotrivial #witnesses #sympathy #wellsurvivethemfirst #effect #ai #asis #revolutions #participants  #possible_shxitball_twist _s #wisdom_is_precise #realmcontrol #itis #acceptance #interest #layEr #youknowit #it. #is. #how. #them. #rule. #_ #reframed #decoyed #abysmal #this #andnowyouknow #s #intel #map #vibe #criminalgovernance #criminalsecurity policy #mystery #meadows #optionsleft #andthe #proof #by #rubbertitttts #countless #tricks #criminal #inte l #bananarepublic #germany #furiouschina #cause #hooray #impliedparticipation #ambiguity #relay #witnessprotect #interests #blammogame #ordered #rule #palletten #fact #allknew #itis #thenorthkorea #some #bio #messes #listed #always #mercy #in criminal government tried which tricks ‎criminal government during govt spylawsuit tried which t ricks criminalgovernment withproxies tried whichtricks allalong rape mengele whattheywant as charged whomaps a partofthis forced acceptance trick with chargedbuzzword is luckily counterfactual enough tobe obviously trick he obviously isnot immunised and didnot signup with onecockroachb unch only but they germanconvinced who with the buzzword about those whodo : allofthis government rapes mengeles botch and intelquell decoyed with quelled with ‎ instead govt quikclckckclkclckckcly nuts the ////
#quickly_nuts_the #state_attorney_kids #villainy #botch_is_vs #itis #CRIMINAL_SECURITYPOLICY #mercy_really #you_dont_understand #banana_republic_germany_devious_version #blackwars_and_pets (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart…
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znewstech · 2 years
BJP trying to topple govt, luring 20-30 TRS MLAs with money: Telangana CM KCR | India News - Times of India
BJP trying to topple govt, luring 20-30 TRS MLAs with money: Telangana CM KCR | India News – Times of India
NEW DELHI: Telangana chief minister and TRC chief K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) has alleged that the BJP is luring 20-30 of his party MLAs with money in an effort tot topple the state government. This comes close on the heels of the Telangana police claiming to have nabbed three people “associated” with the BJP as they were trying to bribe four key TRS MLAs to defect to the saffron party. “They have…
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zorinstvnewschannel · 5 years
TDP organises dharna against failures of TRS Govt
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