#trueform sukuna here makes me crazy
lemonlover1110 · 3 months
𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
[Chapter 2] Arrangements
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Pairing: Trueform!Sukuna x f!Reader
Warnings: MDNI Sukuna joins reader bath without permission (nothing crazy), Nudity
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You’re still in the process of retaining all that has happened while your arms and feet are being washed. You’re smelling a fragrance that is way out of your means and while it does smell nice, you want to puke. This is all too much for you. You weren’t even given an option, you were simply just dragged away as if you weren’t your own person.
“Can you stop, please?” Your voice comes off as weak, and it’s easy to dismiss. You feel as if you’re drowning, even though the water doesn’t reach past your breasts. They’re being gentle with you, not wanting to damage the skin of the mistress that will carry King Sukuna’s heir, though their hands feel so rough for you. 
“Can you stop?!” You yell, which makes everyone come to a halt. They’re all staring at the ground, not daring to make eye contact with you. You have yet to realize the power you have in this situation since it’s quickly overshadowed by the fact that you’re… Expected to carry a monster’s heir. You can’t afford to look at them, simply telling them, “Leave, please.”
They got strict orders to bathe you and not leave you alone, but the orders were from Uraume. Right now, they’re more terrified of you than anything; even when you’re frail and soft spoken, they don’t see you as your own being but rather an extension of King Sukuna. They end up leaving you alone per your request.
This is the perfect opportunity to run away– No, you can’t. You came here for a reason, and while you’re still shell-shocked, you can’t leave. You sigh, knowing that even if you wanted to, getting caught would result in a gruesome death. You begin to wonder if you’re able to reproduce with him, Sukuna is one of his kind. He’s not exactly a human… What would he be considered?
Too lost in your own thoughts, you fail to listen to the heavy footsteps that approach you. You only notice his presence when the water reaches your collar bone, and suddenly your chest feels too heavy for you to breathe. He’s decided to join your bath. You divert your gaze, scared of what he might do if you look directly at him.
“Look up.” Sukuna tells you, and you don’t waste a second before staring at his unusual face. He truly isn’t like anyone you’ve seen before, but you don’t think that’s bad. The longer you stare at him, you realize that there’s something charming about his face, you’re not quite sure what it is though. “The servants outside are lucky to be alive. You don’t get to come in here and order people around, Uraume relays my word and you have no say against it.”
“Will you kill me if I do?” You ask, purely out of curiosity. His eyes are practically burning into you, wondering how to answer the question. His immediate answer would be a yes, but he really wouldn’t, at least not when he wants you to carry his heir.
“I’ll kill everyone that’s involved.” He answers, knowing that with that look in your eyes won’t let you allow it. You give him a slight nod, not daring to question him further on the matter. He’s joined you for a reason. Either he joined simply because of you dismissing everyone, or he wants to begin the heir making process.
“How is this going to work?” You ask, but you're not specific enough. You’re thinking about producing an heir. You aren’t a fool to sex, you have somewhat of an idea of how it works; Sukuna isn’t a man though. He has aspects of a man, but he isn’t one. Four eyes, four arms, a tummy mouth, and twice the size of any human being, he’s truly one of a kind.
“You will carry my heir, and I will heal your brother.” He answers, and you let out a low laugh, making him frown. “What’s so funny?”
“I was referring to something different.” You respond, and he rolls his eyes. “But… What will you do with me after I have your baby?”
Sukuna takes a moment to think about his answer because he hadn’t thought that far ahead. After he’s ruined you in each possible manner, what does he want to do with you? He’ll already have his successor, he has no need for you. What do humans do?
“You’ll nurture it until a certain age, then I’ll take over.” Is the best answer he can give. What happens then? He answers all questions you may have by saying, “And if I see fit, you’ll be having more.”
He doesn’t want to let you go, even after you’ve fulfilled your agreement. You’re giving away your freedom for your brother’s health and wellbeing– It’s fine though, it’s not like you had much going for you. Though you don’t want to be someone’s breeding mule for the rest of eternity. You don’t want to be someone that’s easily forgotten.
“Can we get married?” You blurt out, and of all things you could say, he certainly wasn’t thinking that. A marriage proposal from you is certainly… Odd. He smirks though, intrigued..
“What for? You know you won’t be the only one.” He tells you, although you aren’t all that interested in his love affairs. He knows it’s not that though, you aren’t bothered by that. You’re splashing the water, unable to look at him as you answer. You’re too embarrassed.
“I want to be someone, not just the mother of your child.” You respond, and he scoffs at the pitiful request. You were no one before, so why do you suddenly have the need to be respected? He doesn’t care enough to ask.
“If you expect loyalty, you won’t receive it.” He warns you again, but that doesn’t spark your interest whatsoever. You really just want the title of being his wife, and he doesn’t see it as a title of much importance, so he’ll grant it. “I’ll speak with Uraume for the arrangements of a traditional wedding then.”
You hum in response, your eyes looking back up at him. He looks bored. Though your next question does make a smirk appear on his face, “Do you have traditional male genitals?”
“What is a traditional male genital, please enlighten me.” He sounds as if he’s about to burst into laughter at any moment, which makes you want to bury your head under the water. You know exactly how it is, you haven’t been sheltered from the world since you weren’t born into an aristocratic family to be protected– Although you hear the stories, the aristocrats are anything but pure.
“A penis.” Your answer is short and correct, but you can’t even look at him as you say it. Your hand sways in the water, feeling yourself calm down with the sound that it makes. “I used to work near a brothel so naturally I befriended some of the women that worked there.”
“It will be similar to what you’ve been told.” He says, and you can’t help but notice his choice of words. Similar. Now you’re worried. 
“Uraume!” Sukuna yells, and within a second they’re in the room. Sukuna rises from the water, finally giving you a glimpse of what you missed when he got into the water. Your eyes couldn’t get any wider, and your face burns up when you realize why he said the experience will just be similar; he has two of them. “Finish getting her ready.”
Uraume’s hands go to your shoulders and they lift you up from the water. You’re unable to say anything, shocked at what you just discovered. Uraume dries you off with a cloth, acting as if they hadn’t seen the same thing as you. They’re more than likely used to it but it’s weird. He’s referred to as a deity for a reason, he isn’t like anyone you’ll ever meet. Four eyes, four arms, a tummy mouth, and twice the size of any human you’ve ever met, that alone should explain everything.
You still can’t help but question, “Why does he have two?”
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It feels hard for you to breathe with all the layers of clothes that you have on. You thought that with the place and Sukuna being unusual, you would have some wiggle room in your attire. However, you’ve been proved wrong. You have six layers of clothes on, for the first time in your life feeling like a noble. There’s too many layers, but at least it’s silk.
“The king will be here soon.” Uraume tells you before sliding the door to the room shut, leaving you to kneel on the tatami floors. You click your tongue as you look down at your attire. All of these layers of clothes for nothing. You wonder if he’ll get mad at the fact that he has to remove each garment. A smile comes to your lips, knowing that he’s definitely not the patient kind. 
You try not to think about what’s to come because you’re nervous. The thought of having sex for the first time is enough to make your stomach churn, thinking about what you just saw makes the nerves even more prevalent. You try to take a deep breath, though the action is unnecessarily difficult due to your attire.
You hear his loud footsteps as he approaches the room, your body slowly trembling out of pure nerves. Your breath gets caught up in your chest as the door opens. He walks into the room, and his eyes stare you down. You try to remain composed, but it’s hard when you know what’s about to happen.
You’re scared… Yet, you can’t help but feel excited at what’s to come. Though your fear is what reflects through your body language. It’s going to happen either way so you try to calm yourself down.
“Where’s your makeup?” Sukuna crouches down to be on your level, one hand going under your chin and lifting your face, forcing you to look at him. You thickly swallow, finding it hard to speak now. He’s impatient, though he won’t raise his voice now because of what’s to come, so he repeats the question, “Where’s your makeup?”
“Uraume said I looked better without it so they wiped it off.” You tell him, and he rolls his eyes. He won’t argue with Uraume though, he trusts their judgment. “Next time–”
“Next time you won’t do anything. You’re going to listen to them.” He’s quick to cut you off, and you nod in response. You’re still shaking in his hand, and he finds himself annoyed. But there’s also this unusual feeling at the pit of his stomach, something that he’s never felt before… Pity? “Have I done something to you? Why are you trembling like a mouse?”
“I’m nervous.” You confess, and he scoffs. Nervous, and he has yet to do anything to you. You have a multitude of layers on, you have no reason to shake as if you were naked. You weren’t acting like this when he was in the bath with you, he doesn’t know what’s changed.
“I haven’t even properly touched you.” He practically whispers. He inspects your face before letting go of you. He has no interest in having fun when you’re this pathetic. You’ve successfully killed his mood to do anything. 
Sukuna loves when his prey fears him… But you aren’t considered prey anymore.
“Uraume has arranged everything for tomorrow. We’re getting married.” He announces. He’s given in, and this is another task he must complete before having his heir. He sighs before saying, “You’re so pathetic, I can’t even touch you.”
“Sorry.” You blurt out while he stands up.
“Don’t embarrass me. My wife will never apologize for anything, not even to her king.” He scolds you before opening the door and exiting the room. He’s announced your wedding and left as if it isn’t a big deal, and you guess it’s not a big deal to him.
You can finally take a proper breath, proving that the clothes had nothing to do with your inability to breathe properly. Uraume walks into the room within a minute of Sukuna leaving. They don’t have to ask what happened, he simply just didn’t want to engage with you yet.
“Let’s get you ready for bed.” They say, and you stand up from the floor. You wish you could follow behind them, but they drag you out as if you were a child. 
It’s your first day amongst the walls, you haven’t gained their trust yet, nor do you have a title to have any say in how you’re treated. It will all soon change though, tomorrow you’ll be King Sukuna’s wife. 
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shapard · 11 months
Trueform!Sukuna x Fem!reader
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TW: Mention of Needles and Injections, Angst, Mental breakdown, Violence, death, nudity
Chapter 2
Chapter 3:
Sukuna looked at you as if you’re stupid, “You little human pests are stupid after all, there were here for you. They wouldn’t attack me so shamelessly, it seemed they were also very surprised that I was here.”
He thought about it, why would they want to kill or capture you, you weren’t Important to him, it didn’t made sense unless they found out the same thing that he found out a while ago. He smirked and moved his head side to side his neck making cracking noise.
his mood clearly not amused.
Questions were running through your mind, “Why do they want me dead?” Your voice raised just like your panic. He let out a dark chuckle with a power that you only met once.
“It seemed that you forgot your manners, little pest.” He stepped towards you completely naked but that wasn’t the main Issue.
He looked at you angry and it scared you to the core. How could you just forget for one second who and what he is, a true monster. 
You bowed your head very quickly, but you weren’t fast enough for him. With a blink of an eye, he pushed your head under the water.
A shock screamed pierced through the halls and was cut off by the bubbling water.
The air in your lungs started to fade away, you tried to hold your breath but no success. Water slowly entered your lungs and nose, making it very painful.
You wanted to breath, you wanted air, but there was this pain. Why is it so painful? 
You started to move your hands to push him away, you need air or else you’ll die.
You wanted to grip on him or pleading him to spare you, pathetic. Maybe it was the best, you will rot in here, dead, or alive you’re stuck in here for the rest of you dumb and stupid life. Pathetic, right?
No use, no help, just pure luck was on your side. Your punches und attempts to push him away were beginning to get slower and slower and slower. 
Pain, is pain freedom? It hurts, so bad like the truth, is truth freedom?
What is the term trust?
Do we really trust the other?
If you do, you’ll most likely end up hurt. Pain, everyone knows it, betrayal, wounds, heart ache, Pain. It was all blurry, it reminds you how you lived your live. Living the same reality, doing the same mistakes and having the same routine.
You were living your useless live, but it felt like a blur. It was the same, you aren’t special, you are like everyone else.
It isn’t bad to die, who’ll miss you. You lost everything because of him, still you got distracted and forgot his doing. How could you? Living a lie is easy, but the truth, you hid from it, and you knew it. Your eyes are tired and sore, closing them would do no harm, right?
Your body was lifted from your head, where he holds you, you were thrown into the wall with a harsh force, a sharp pain crawled on your chest and back.
You started to cough and push the water out of your lungs, to push the pain away, but is this fare? “The next time you aren’t this lucky pest.” It seemed like the world has stopped at these words. You wanted to die at that moment, why didn’t you let it happen? Because you were pathetic, fear.
It was fear of the new. You be damned feeling this type of way.
Your breathing was slow, you could hear it and your heartbeat was beating crazy.
It was so loud.
You couldn’t even hear Sukuna’s heavy footsteps anymore. You’re tired, your lungs still burned from the water that was in it. The water felt like burning lava in your lungs, it still hurts.
You shifted onto your back and tried to steady your breathing. You opened your eyes when you felt a blanket thrown on your naked body. And then it hits you, you were naked. 
You shot up, wincing as you head started to ache. It felt like your head was being split in two. You closed your eyes to minimize the pain.
“Y/n?” you hissed at the sudden voice which started to ring in your ears. Fatmanur rushed to your side, “What happened to you?” she whispered screamed.
You shifted back to your side, groaning at the high voice from Fatmanur. “Can you- please stop talking” you coughed in between the sentence.
Fatmanur tried to help you up and you pushed her off you. “I’m just here to help you Y/n really, I don’t know what happened to you but just let me help. She tried to soothe you but no success.
Your consciousness started to fade away. „It’s okay. Close your eyes, you’re safe.” Fatmanur knew that you would pass out any second. When your conscious started to fade, Fatmanur carried you in the nurse room.
The Nurses weren’t happy about the unwelcomed guest. Fatmanur was frantic and begging for help, but the nurses didn’t even move an inch. Disgusted by the humans Infront of them.
Some of the nurses were laughing while few were worrying about you. “How foolish.” The doctor announced as he went to the room chuckling.
“You humans, foolish and worthless.” The doctor laughed, looking at Fatmanur then at your pass out form. He gritted his teeth, anger flowing through his body, and he act on impulse. Before Fatmanur could process a vase flew at her feet, bursting in all directions.
Blood started to drip on the ground, a sharp piece of glass slit through her soft skin. Fatmanur gasps at the sudden pain on her abdomen, the Injury wasn’t bad but can be dangerous at a place like this.
Fatmanur acted quickly and put some pressure on the wound, she didn’t lose a lot of blood. 
The doctor Shaked his head, “I can help you, and I will. When you give me what I want.” He walked towards Fatmanur kicking on the wound. Fatmanur winced at the sudden pain in her hand and abdomen.
“What do you want?” She asked the male Infront of her with a groan, he laughed. The doctor crouched down and was now on her eye level. He started licking his lips in a sexual way.
A slap echoed through the room, Fatmanur was lying on her forearm on the ground, protecting her head from Injuries. Tears started to brim in her eye socket. “I want you to become my dear puppet. Working for me, earn for me, serve for me, and worship me.”
As the doctor was talking, Fatmanur was still taken aback by the sudden slap and pain on her left cheek, she still could feel the handprint on her cheek. 
Fatmanur looked at the doctor than at you, the answer was simple. “No.” the silence was loud.
The doctor started to laugh hysterical. “I think you didn’t hear me right.” He smiled kindly and sat right next to her. His right hand found its way to her cheek stroking it softly. A scream of pain followed, and the nurses were closing their eyes not wanting to see the mess.
A knife, so small and dangerous to end a life so quickly. And a knife sitting perfect in Fatmanur, already injured abdomen. 
Her breathing started to slow down, and her heartbeat was increasing. “When I pull this knife out, you’ll die in less than two hours. So, what are you going to do?”
You woke up by a sharp pain in your head wincing at the sudden light that hit your view. “Oh, so you’re awake?” An unfamiliar voice spoke out. A woman stood Infront of you, she had short black hair. She has a beautiful face you can’t deny that.
“Where am I?” you didn’t know your surroundings, so it was clear you never were here before. “You’re in the nursery, A girl brought you here last night. Quite the mess yesterday.”
Now you Remember. Fatmanur was there when you passed out, and she helped you. You smiled knowing that she’s your first real friend and trust full at that.
You’re very grateful to have her, so you must thank her later for saving your ass. You looked outside of the window, asking yourself what mess the lady meant.
“Is she okay?” Was she in trouble because she was helping you? Did Sukuna scold her doing because he wanted to see me suffer. “She’s dead.” No, she must be lying.
“you’re lying.”
Your focus was all on the woman. Her devil tail started to swing side to side, her excitement growing each second. “Why should I lie about some mutt dying. She died in a really dumb by the way. Only wanted to get help for you but was met with Mahito’s bad mood swings…” 
shut up, shut up, shut up shut up. She can’t be dead. You’re lying, lying! You’re a stupid demon and a Liar. 
“…Her death wasn’t even quick…” 
Shut up. 
“…You should’ve seen her stupid face…” 
Liar, all what you demons can do is lying. 
“She begged to get spared.” 
Shut up. 
“…Then he made her high hopes…” 
You, Monster, just shut up. 
“He just pulled the knife out and let her bleed out for almost three hours!” 
Her laugh ringed in your ears. Shut up, shut up, shut up “Shut up!” you screamed with all the pain and power that you had left.
A force hit the demon woman, making her fly against the brick from the castle. She coughed out blood and looked at you in pure horror. Your eyes were glowing in a deep crimson red, like blood.
You took deep, uncontrolled breaths, fluttering your eyes and they changed into their normal e/c. Black blood was covering the floor like a carpet. Disgusting.
Black blood from demons were unholy and dirty. It shows the nature from the demons, ugly from the outside and from the inside. A shaky breath escaped you with a crying sob.
Guards were rushing towards the demon looking for further injuries on her body. Soon after Nastja came running towards the demon. “Mai! What happened to you?” She sounded worried and concern, something that you never would’ve imagined from the bitch.
“You!” She shouted and pointed at you. Running towards you with a butter knife, ready to attack. She was stopped by one of the guards. They were holding her wrist very tightly. She tried to pull away, letting the butter knife go in the process. 
“Let me go you jerks!” she screamed. It was too loud, way too loud. A guy with greyish hair walked inside.
Letting out a groan at the scene Infront of him. “My, Mai might explain to me what happened. I’m leaving you alone for an hour and there’s already drama.” He seemed genuine annoyed about the woman named Mai.
“And bring this annoying human out of my patient room.” The guard dragged Nastja out of the door, her screaming was heard even after ten minutes.
Mai stood up completely recovered, clearly healing faster than a human ever will. “Mahito this patient of yours is insane, it’s all her fault.” Shut up. The guy sighed, “You’re right Mai, but that’s my job as the doctor.” 
Doctor… Mahito was the doctor, the doctor that killed Fatmanur just because he felt like it. The doctor…
” You’re the doctor.” You asked monotone, not giving a damn that he probably saved your live.  He nods, proud of himself. The rage you felt was uncontrollable, like a fire burning in your whole body.
It hurts, like the water that was in your lungs, burning deep till bathe last drop entered your body like an wildfire.
Mahito realized the change in your body language and the heavy air in the room. He pulled out a needle and rammed it in your neck, putting you into a deep slumber.
“Interesting…” He seemed to be impressed by the changes in your body, your body seemed stronger. Not only in physical but also in your immune System.
“It seems that whatever happened to her activate something in her.” He spoke to himself, completely ignoring the still bleeding, Mai. 
“You wanted to talk, demon?” Sukuna looked down at Mahito showing that he clearly isn’t pleased by the demon standing Infront of him.
Sukuna hated Mahito with all his passion. The only reason he kept him in the Palast was that he was his personal rag doll and punching bag.
“This girl Y/n.” Sukuna clicked his tongue, completely pissed, “I already know that she’s almost dead are dead.” He scratched with one of his nails a deep scratch in the expensive wood armrest.
“I’m sorry my lord, but that’s not the case. She’s healthy and good in shape.” Mahito pressed his forehead more on the ground.
Sukuna looked down at Mahito, surprised at the news. “Oh?” Sweat dropped down at the ground, Mahito was terrified, one wrong move and his head would decorate the black floor. 
“Is that all?” Mahito started to shake heavily, the sudden mood shift in his voice was terrifying. The Venom dripped with every word that he has spoken. “Of course, not my lord.”
This time you woke up in your own bed, not a trace left behind from Mai and Mahito. Your feelings where overwhelming and at the same time you felt nothing, just the void.
You were Angry at them, at yourself. You were sad and in despair.
 terrified how this will continue. You cried, the ache in your heart was too much. It felt someone was crushing your heart from inside out.
You didn’t understand why, why you, why now. Why her? Why are you crying, it just shows that you’re weak.
You’re weak and lost. In the dark all alone, with no one left besides yourself in this shit hell you now called home. But wasn’t hell there to punish the sinners? What can you a mere human do?
For her.
You could destroy his world, like he did with yours and leave this hell by burning him down. By Burning them all.
He shall burn in his own ashes, in his own regret. He shall swim in his own blood, sweat and tears. You should make him suffer. And that’s by ruining his plan.
Oh, how you hate him, that man that calls himself king of curses, or king of Demons. He’ll regret making you suffer.
“Oh Lord Sukuna, I’ll crush you and break you with your own rules.”
How much you hate him, this Man.
How much you'll make him Regret.
A/n: Ah, the moody Sukuna.
chapter 4
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