#truly do love the number of people like 'wow alvis is so hot' and his hair is LITERALLY in that awkward growing out stage
seagullcharmer · 2 years
i think a lot of why i love xc1 sm is because like,,, it's pretty much all normal people. yeah, dunban and riki are cultural heroes, but before that? dunban was just a guy raising his baby sister. riki is in massive debt trying to take care of his wife and twelve kids. dunban is disabled, and they never try to 'fix' him. shulk is pretty commonly perceived as autistic, and again, no one tries to fix him. some folks interpret reyn as being disabled. fiora is disabled, her whole body basically a prosthetic. sharla is practically a widow. melia, although a princess, faces racism and discrimination within her home and community.
yeah, most of them have cool designs, like melia's curls or dunban's fashion, but also they're just normal people?? especially in the wii version. dunban has a weird nose. shulk has never had a proper haircut. alvis' hair is in that awkward growing out phase. sharla has moles. they're all just normal people who decided to take action. and i love them for it
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