#truly nothing like winning on home ice god i can't deal with this
beautifulstorms · 6 months
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Deanna Stellato-Dudek / Maxime Deschamps, All I Ask • Worlds 2024
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OK, here's one: do you think that there's any genuine good in Rick? I can't make up my mind about that one. I don't think he's evil or a sociopath (a lot of fans called him that in the early days, that term is so misused), but his intense self-hatred seems to be the only redeeming thing about him. He must have some sense of morality because he knows he's done horrible things, but he makes zero effort to stop doing horrible things unless it benefits him somehow.
My short answer is yes, Rick has genuine good wrapped up in there but my full answer is a bunch of examples from the show that I would like to call Soft Sanchez moments, where Rick either does something good/says something real and genuine/or his goodness is talked about in some fashion.
Meeseeks and Destroy 
Morty: Look, I want to leave now. You win the bet, okay? (Searches Rick's lab coat for the portal gun) Just give me the portal gun and let's go, please!
(Rick sees the badly beaten Mr. Jelly Bean walk out of the bathroom and pieces together what happened)
Morty: Please, I just want to... go h-home. (Tears up and holds onto Rick)
Rick: Okay. Listen, Morty. I just won a bunch of shmeckels. Why don't we use 25 of them to pay slippery stair here for a ride back to the village, and then we'll give the rest of the shmeckels to the villagers, huh?
Morty: Really?
Rick: Sure, Morty. Yeah. You know, a good adventure needs a good ending.
Rick: Good job, Morty. Looks like you won the bet.
Morty: Thanks, Rick, but I don't know if I should. You know, you were right about the universe. It's a crazy and chaotic place.
Rick: Well, you know, maybe that's why it could use a little cleaning up every now and then, you know. This one's wrapped up neat and clean because we did it Morty style.
(They portal away, but Rick makes another portal back and sticks an energy pistol through it and shoots Mr. Jelly Bean, splattering him all over the screaming villagers)
A Rickle In Time
(Puts his own collar on Morty, who disappears) 
Rick: I'm okay with this. Be good Morty. Be better than me. Holy shit, the other collar! I'm not okay with this! I am not okay with this! Oh, sweet Jesus please let me live. Oh, my God I—I've gotta fix this thing, please God in Heaven, please, God, oh Lord, hear my prayers. Yes! Fuck you God! Not today, bitch.
Mortynight Run
Rick: Screw this. I’m out.
(Rick forms a portal and leaves through it. Morty tries to start the car as a Gromflomite approaches, but it stalls.)
Morty: Oooh…! Come on, come on!
Gromflomite: Get out of the vehicle made of garbage or we will open fire!
Morty: *still trying to start the car* Oh no no no!
Gromflomite: Open fire!
(A portal appears directly above the guards and water pours out of it, flooding the room. Another portal appears on the floor, and the water and Gromflomites are sucked into it. A third portal then appears and Rick emerges through it, walking up to the car.)
Rick: Stupid-ass fart-saving carpet-store motherfucker! *shoves Morty out of the driver’s seat and takes the wheel* Move!
Auto Erotic Assimilation 
Rick: You got that right. But... baby, listen. Y-you're talking about taking over planets and galaxies, you gotta... you gotta just... remember to let go sometimes, you know.
Unity (Administrator): I can let go! Hey, look! You see that town across the river? Watch this.
(Planes fly past and bomb the town, blowing it all up)
Rick: Whoa!
Unity (Administrator): Ha ha! Woot!
Rick: Whoa! That's not what I meant!
Unity (Administrator): [laughing] It's okay! It's okay, I evacuated! I evacuated the town, look!
Unity (Townspeople): Hey! Right here! We’re fine!
Rick: (laughing) Oh, that was awesome! My grandkids weren't in that town, right? A-are my grandkids alive? ... H-hey, my drink is empty
Get Swifty 
Rick: Take it from me, Ice. *burp* You can’t just *burp* float around space not caring about stuff forever.
Morty: Tammy… gross. Birdperson, you always stick up for Rick, but he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He doesn’t think about the consequences of anything he does.
Birdperson: And as a result, he has the power to save or destroy entire worlds. And he is the reason you and I know each other. And the reason I’m alive at all.
Look Who’s Purging Now
Arthrisha: Wait, stop! Please, don't kill me! I-I never intended to harm you, I swear. I am trying to end the festival. W-w-what do you mean? I was going to use your ship to destroy the rich assholes that run our society and save my people from the horrors of this yearly festival.
Rick: I'm not here to judge. I'm just a guy from another planet. But this girl is one of your poor people, and I guess you guys felt like it was okay to subject her to inhuman conditions because there was no chance of it ever hurting you. It's sort of the socio-political equivalent of, say, a suit of power armor around you. But now things are evened out, so, Arthrisha?
Morty: I can't help but feel ashamed about what I did back there, Rick. I guess you were right. I've got a lot of repressed stuff. I need to deal with. 
Rick: Don't worry about it, Morty.Remember those candy bars earlier that we got in the first act? 
Morty: Yeah, what about them? 
Rick: Turns out they have a chemical in them called purgenol that amplifies all your violent tendencies. 
Morty: Oh, boy. Whew! Thank goodness for that, huh? That's a relief. 
Rick: Yep. Don't even sweat. You're still the same old Morty. Your character's totally protected. (camera pans out to reveal the label on the chocolate bars reads “now purgenol-free”)
The Wedding Squanchers
BirdPerson: The guest list at this wedding includes 17 of the federation's most wanted. We have committed numerous atrocities in the name of freedom.
Rick: But... but... Here's the thing. Birdperson is my best friend, and if he loves Tammy, well, then I love Tammy, too. (Cheers and applause) To friendship, to love, and to my greatest adventure yet... opening myself up to others.
The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy
Rick: And you know what? I’ll cop to it. I put a lot of strain on your marriage. It wasn’t fair. I’m sorry.
Jerry: What?!
Rick: I didn’t respect your marriage. I certainly didn’t do it any favors. And for what it’s worth, I’ll apologize to Beth for it when we get home. Whoo! Whirly Dirly! Yeah!
Pickle Rick
I’m trying to let the scripts show all the ways Rick is good before I jumped in but since this is really weird without just watching the episode I’ll just explain that Rick doesn’t kill Jaguar after he finds out he has a daughter and then they work together to escape. 
The Old Man and The Seat
Tony: Can I look at a photo of my wife while you kill me?
Rick: Sure, but I'm doing her a favor. She either has terrible taste, or she's trapped in a marriage to a toilet thief. 
Tony: She's dead. And I don't mind joining her. Life has been hollow since I lost her. Using your toilet was nice, though. I'm a bit of a shy pooper. I'm ready when you are. 
Rick: Stay there. (goes through a portal, comes back with another Tony) Tell him what you told me.
Other Tony: What is this? What's happening? 
Rick: Tell him what you told me. 
Other Tony: My wife's still alive. Sh... sh... she went into remission 10 years ago.
Rick: And what did you do today? 
Other Tony: Oh, I, uh, pooped on a really awesome toilet I found... Oh, ow, ow, ow, ow, oh! (Rick shoves him back through the portal)
Rick”: Don't use your dead wife as an excuse. You ( Bleep ) on my toilet because you don't know your place, and your place is nothing. So next time you stumble onto a toilet that feels too good for your ass, trust me, it is. 
Tony: You're not gonna kill me?
Rick: Don’t tell me what to do!
Tony: You can make a perfectly-realized, toilet-filled simulation of heaven, but you can't share a toilet? 
Rick: Don't insult my craft. The chemical is Globaflyn. It connects the whatever-you-want section of your brain to the whatever-you-have section. If your heaven is toilets, that's on you. 
Tony: All of these people... 
Rick: Are living their wildest, meaningless dreams and leaving me out of them.
Tony: People you refuse to kill and refuse to let into your life.
Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerry
(Rick reveals he has saved what he could of PhoenixPerson)
Okay and on to the big one where I am actually going to talk instead of just letting the script go off Rest and Ricklaxation. We see two sides of Rick, Healthy Rick and Toxic Rick. After Healthy Morty slaps Healthy Rick, and he slaps him back, he discovers the machine doesn’t actually know the difference between what is truly healthy and whats actually toxic, it goes by each person’s individual definition. Shortly after we as the audience learn that Healthy Rick? Is actually apathetic. He doesn’t care about others. All the caring and emotions are wrapped up in Toxic Rick. Everything Healthy Rick did and said is all stuff he believes are good, he apologies, he takes responsibility for his actions, he’s polite, he’s trusting, and he doesn’t try to control others, but he is doing all of this simply because he thinks he should. So it is completely selfless when he makes the bargain so Toxic Rick will merge with him, because, and he even says it, he hates having what he considers his toxins inside of him, but it’s the right thing to do.
Then of course Healthy Rick calls Toxic Rick out, knowing that he is the one with all his, “irrational attachments” as he puts it, and as much as Toxic Rick no longer wishes to be a part of Healthy Rick, he merges with him under the pretence that he will then be able to save Toxic Morty. Both act selflessly for different reasons, Healthy Rick believing it is the right thing to do, while Toxic Rick does it for Morty. 
So do I believe that there is good in Rick?? Heck yes!! Good is stored in the garbage grandpa! 
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