#trustschaos 034.
fatalelity · 2 years
this is not the first time she’s been stranded on a foreign planet with virtually no access to her ship & judging by their situation,    it doesn’t look like it’s going to be her last.   the truth is,   she was supposed to rendezvous with her former colleagues from the enterprise for a brief vacation on risa in a few weeks but now she’s on some dingy m-class planet,  stuck with a medic that she’s had conflict with more than she could count since they’ve met.   pinching the bridge of her nose,   she shuffles through the inventory of the shuttle craft whilst doing her very best attempt to not trample the lone casualty in the process.
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tablet in her hand,   she notes down the specs & conditions as well as the rations they have & how long they would last for.   the uniform’s suffocating her as she rips the jacket off before casting a gaze over at @trustschaos​.   “   hey!  found any intelligent life forms?   the circuits here are fried,   it’s gonna take at least a week to fix it ‘n that’s assuming we have the supplies & an engineer —— which we don’t,  by the way.   ”
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