#truthing empires!fh rn
vyeoh Β· 3 years
Had this conversation with @bdoubleowo, as much as I'm enjoying memeing on jimmy for editing out any hint of romantic subtext in his ep, the conspiracy 2015 tumblr fandom monkey in my brain is going brr.
What if this was on purpose? Like, Empires has a precedent (intentional or not) of using editing to make unreliable narration. This can be seen most clearly during the conflict between Mythland and the Cod Empire, where both Sausage and Jimmy edited their vids distinctly in a way to make themselves look much more sympathetic (ie: Jimmy left out/really deemphasized that Sausage was mad at him for stealing, and Sausage really escalated the conflict by making Jimmy's offenses seem much more severe than they were). Empires, obviously, is also told in each video from a 1st person POV, meaning that we as the audience really only gets the info the character they're following does.
So, after thoroughly enjoying all the memes in the flower husbands tag, there's a part of me that's like, "Jimmy did this on purpose. From his c! perspective, the date was nothing beyond political and maybe friendly." His character is also very naive and a bit oblivious, so it would make sense for c!Jimmy to just think 'ah yes the King of Rivendell, who aided Sausage once to kill me and my allies, wants to repay me for saving him. Allience? :D'"
c!Scott, however, has been shown to be scared of rejection. For example, he was unsure about telling his allies about his relationship to Xornoth due to him fearing rejection from them. When he was making the date, he seemed especially careful of not wanting to pressure Jimmy into anything too fast. (And like, yeah ik Scott also called it an alliance formation but he built not one but two red hearts so like. Kinda gay/lh.)
I just feel like this would be a great setup to future angst/conflict due to the two just being terrible at communication, as c!Jimmy's oblivion could easily be seen as rejection by c!Scott.
Is this me wanting more flower husbands content? Probably. Am I wrong? Probably lmao
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