#trying to cosplay as a jew because she married one?
jewishbarbies · 1 year
i hate trish paytas with a burning passion for what she’s done to so many communities, but especially the jewish and DID communities, so i’m not shedding a tear for her. but what colleen did was so incredibly fucked up and that shouldn’t happen to anyone. she needs held accountable. just remember that trisha isn’t suddenly the good guy.
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
Meet the New WIP: Jewish Werewolf Thing
@rainy-rose asked if this WIP has a tag list, and I realized it doesnt even have a title XD So heres a ramble about my Camp NaNo Project: Random Jewish Werewolf Thingie That Has Yet To Be Named
Aaron doesn't know what to make of the girl who nearly ran him over as he was leaving work. But when her eyes said "hide me", and her obviously an asshole ex got grabby, he went along with her "so good to see you honey" and faked-dated her back into the safety of his work's breakroom. Now their bad romance trope is doing like tropes do, and he's falling for the girl who AU'ed her way into his life.
Aaron Holtzmann, werewolf, Jew, nerd. Likes cosplay and tabletops, middle child who cant live up to his older brother's "married with kids" perfect life or his "highly ranked in the werewolf pack fights make mommy proud" little sister. So he's content to not even try. Middle ranked in his mini-pack of misfits. Aaron is the definition of "go with the flow"
Chris NoneYetGiven is human, and way further down into Lowtown than she's ever gone before. Thinking her "wont take no for am answer" ex, Sam, surely won't run into here down here, she's minding her own business and looking for a new place to work out when she spots Sam following her. Darting into the first shop she sees, she runs into Aaron and does the first thing she can think of: asks him to pretend to be her boyfriend. He's big, he's built, and she's desperate. Sam... Sam just won't listen. It's been over for weeks now...
Pack of misfits include: Brent and Lyndsey, Aaron's roommates and co-alphas. They run a small, oddball pack as brother and sister, including Dave and Brian, Aaron's coworkers, and Jenna, a shy nursing student who is somehow connected to Dave and Brian, but no one's quite sure and no one's ever asked. Aaron knows Brian from his shul, and it was Brian's suggestion he move in with Brent and Lyndsey when he had to leave his last pack because of a clingy ex. So Aaron knows Chris's plight all too well.
Current unplotted and a random freeform ball of words, Random Jewish Werewolf Thingie needs a Title, a Real Intro, and is forming a taglist apparently :P
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