#trying to find something to make me feel alive during this Dreadful Studying Era
eliounora · 11 months
ok so I was thinking I would finally watch bbc merlin. considering all the other shows I've seen and post about, it's long overdue. I should to add it to my repertoire. so I got on netflix and I was like whoo-ee saved by the bell, it's not on here anymore. then I remembered I have a vpn so I thought damn it, will have to watch it after all, but alas! not on the uk netflix either. so now I'm leaving it up to fate that some of you will be like "worry not, I have found you a link on the high seas," in which case I will watch bbc merlin [checks calendar] 11 years late. but is it ever too late to watch an adaptation of arthuriana that will without a doubt throw me so deep into the throes of fanfiction that I won't be able to do anything else than repeatedly read different tales about the main characterts kissing? we'll see
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damselofblueroses · 3 years
The Name of the Rose, Chapter 3
Summary: Your study-buddy Doh Kyungsoo comes with you for a long-awaited trip to Tokyo, Japan. There is a tension between you, however both of you decided to build a friendship instead of a relationship.
Chapter Summary: Kyungsoo made a mistake on his delicate relationship with the reader, then he could not find a way of apologizing. Reader made his life harder than he could imagine. They accepted that they mutually have some feelings however they could not name them. Catastrophy begins with Kyungsoo’s acceptance of reader’s interesting and unexpected offer.
Content: Unestablished relationship, AU, Hurt/Comfort, Anger, Slight Violence, Emotional Complications and Healing.
Warnings: Well, the story contains NSFW/Smut, please minors do not continue.
Note: This story was inspired by D.O.’s album, Empathy, the album of 2021 in my opinion. It is an ongoing mini project, I planned to write it as a one-shot when I started, however I realized there are a lot to say about Empathy Era and I cannot stop shut my mouth, or prevent myself from writing… So, here we go.
Chapter Word Count: 5.7k
Series Masterlist
Prettier than Roses
Perhaps Kyungsoo was still punishing himself even after all this time, whether he was aware of his regrets or not. But he was punishing himself, for not being vocal about his feelings for you. He burned for you, he followed you just as a bloody puppy dog tail, but he always kept his heart’s desires in his chest.
He was resisting the urge of confessing, the dire need of being more than a friend for you as he was performing all roles of a friend, but God, he hated his role in your life. Even though he strongly believed that he did not have a chance with you, not even in the slightest, not after he played his role very well, more than he wanted and resulted in being your very dear and close friend. A friend, but nothing more nothing less. He hated so much, if he could, he would change everything in the blink of an eye.
He knew that he had to take you back to the safety of your room immediately. Before he was going to lose his shit. Before he was going to make a mistake. Before he was going to fuck the things up so bad. He was determined to take the cab and keeping you away from himself.
He did not want any distraction, shit he fucking dreamed of ripping that bloody dress off you during the dinner, he did not wish anything but managing to lock himself inside of his room before doing something stupid.
His clenched his fists in order to focus on a different thing. When he saw the cab coming to your direction, he was on the verge of praying.
However, when he turned to you, he just lost his shit.
You were looking at him with you big-doe eyes, a pout on your lips. The city lights were painting you with a dim yellow shine, multiplying your summer rose vibe. To Kyungsoo’s dismay, the wind carried your floral fragrance to him.
He remembered what you asked him.
He remembered what you requested.
Kyungsoo would do it right, he would touch you rightly and correctly, goddamn, he was fucking dreamed of how he could touch you since years. He was not better than the men you went out with, he was fantasizing a lot about you, he felt bad since he did not have your permission, fucking hell if he would ask your permission, but at the same time he knew that he was just helpless when those thoughts about you popped up in his imagination.
Unfortunately, all those dreams were so vivid.
You were like an island to him. A place for self-isolation, a place of happy utopias, a place of loneliness, a place of joy and fruitful ways of living, a place of exile and a place of connection. You were his island, his harbour and he needed to make you his, only his.
Since the day you were asleep on his shoulder in the bloody library, Kyungsoo wanted nothing but you.
Since the day you jumped in front of Kyungsoo out of nowhere with your fucking Cheshire cat grin, Kyungsoo only wished for being able to stick to you till the end. He did not care if he was torturing himself by dreaming of you when he knew he could not have you.
Your scent was too good.
Kyungsoo did not think what the heck he was doing, his mind could not catch his actions. His breath caught in the center of his throat like he was thirsty since ages, he could feel all dryness. He watched himself out of his body, he reached to you and dragged you into the cage of his arms.
Your smell was something else and Kyungsoo was immediately drunk in your scent.
“It is okey, Kyungsoo.” he heard your sweetest voice.
Kyungsoo did not need anything more to hear. The cab just disappeared into the darkness he caressed your face.
“You are so beautiful.” the words he was desperate to say finally fell from his tongue, mingled with the air. Your eyes slightly widened, and he heard your little gasp, that was the nail of Kyungsoo’s coffin. “Goddamn, you are fucking beautiful.”
“Kyungsoo” you literally moaned his goddamn name, and if there was still a kind of sanity left in Kyungsoo’s mind, your moan unconditionally destroyed it.
He kissed you and it took your breath away, both of you.
He kissed you enough to empty your lungs, and made your mind go to mush.
You were the one who broke the kiss in order to catch your thoughts. Your mind was scattered all around. You leaned over to your shaking knees and held them tightly.
“This… This…” you were panting, trying to find an excuse in the book in order to justify the kiss he gave to you.
“This means nothing.” Kyungsoo muttered but he could also reject to his claim with two reasons. First, It definitely did not fell like fucking nothing, and he never want something more than kiss you.
“Well, it means a lot to me.” you could not help but spill the beans. “Where in the hell you learned how to kiss like this?”
“I told you that you never have a proper taste of me.” Kyungsoo tensely chuckled, hell, he was aware of he was doing everything in his not-to-do list, but the spell you put on him made him impervious to anything except you.
“If you kiss every girl like this,” you hesitated to tell what you wanted to say, then you just gave up. JesusfuckingChrist, if he did not want to hear, he would better not to kiss you. Since he turned your brain into mush, he had to listen. “There is no surprise they are chasing you every day.”
“I do not kiss every girl first and foremost.” Kyungsoo’s eyebrows were furrowed. “If they want to chase me, what can I do?”
“And now you are bragging about yourself.” Your mood quickly changed into a less pleasurable and preferrable situation. “Can we go back?”
“Yes, of course.” he nod but you knew that you just destroyed everything was building between you in the blink of eye. You bite your upper lip so hard, preventing you from crying. Not now. Not before you were going to be under your blanket.
That kiss, that fucking kiss, it was all Kyungsoo’s fault.
He gave you a proper taste of himself, and you just wanted to cry, you were deeply sad because of you were not able to have him, you could not have him. He would not come to you as he boldly stated that the kiss meant nothing.
You were angry.
You were sad.
You were disappointed of yourself.
You just wanted to go back to the safety of your room and being able to talk with Chanyeol. He would understand. You knew that Baekhyun would give you a lot of advice in order to seduce Kyungsoo, but you did not want even to hear them.
He told you the kiss meant nothing.
Hell, if you could agree with this shitty statement, you would be lying your ass off.
Fuck off, you bastard you thought. You were fighting with your tears, trying to send them back. You were a big, strong girl and you could control your feelings.
You always were extremely strong, and you were famous for your self-control. You were not going to let Kyungsoo to destroy your inner peace or seeing you in tears because of his fucking rejection. You thought Kyungsoo would do it better, kissing you better, making you feel good, but the only thing he did was dismantling your foolish dreams.
He put you in your place, he gave you a lesson about your place in his eyes.
Kyungsoo could not look at you while you two were in the cab, going back to the hotel.
He knew that he fucked the things up so bad and he could not think a way to claim back from the pit he fell down by himself.
He kissed you, goddamn, it was the best kiss of his whole life, then he just said it meant nothing.
He cursed himself, he wished for the earth cracked like an egg and swallow his worthless presence. He made you upset, that’s why he could not look at your face. He knew what he was going to see, your eyes were going to mirror his mistake.
He lost in the moment, and while he was trying to give you a justification of that kiss, he just irrevocably ruined everything.
When you arrived at the hotel, you paid for the cab without saying a single word to Kyungsoo and directly walked to the inside of the hotel.
Kyungsoo was dying to grab you and apologizing on his knees, but your face telling him not to dare touching you.
He did not enter the hotel, he just sat on a chair in the garden. He was lost in his self-hatred, dreadful overthinking that had his skull feeling stuffed and a lifeless gaze washed all his feature.
He expected nothing but long days where the minutes bled into hours, hours into days and the inability to differentiate one day from the other. He mentally prepared himself for more than self-hatred, he knew that depression, isolation, and numbness were on their way to finish him, to eat him alive. Your face expression when he told you it was nothing was carved behind his eyelids, whenever he closed his eyes.
Kyungsoo was ready for flashbacks and nightmares, disturbing recollections that would render him for the following days.
Comatose, Kyungsoo thought. It was going to be a comatose for him.
How could he think he was better than those guys you went out? They did not destroy your expectations; they did not blend your self-confidence as Kyungsoo did in the seconds.
You did not know but there was a reason why Kyungsoo hopelessly tried to spare you from his kiss. You did not know but Kyungsoo heard a conversation between you and Chanyeol for once, when Chanyeol was telling that Kyungsoo was different for you, Kyungsoo was caring you more than anyone else, Kyungsoo was always there for you before anyone else just like he forgot how to shut his mouth as he continued. Chanyeol was the one who told you about Kyungsoo’s feelings.
And you just giggled of disbelief as Chanyeol went on about everything Kyungsoo wanted to tell you. Open your eyes to the facts.
You just laughed at his feelings coming from Chanyeol’s mouth and you told him it was impossible, you declared that there was nothing could be happened between Kyungsoo and you. You told Chanyeol, Kyungsoo was a good guy, but you did not think he was for you.
He wanted to save you from an unwanted situation which Kyungsoo could put you in by kissing you. It was sake, telling him to teach you, and Kyungsoo stupidly fell for it.
Till now he preferred to hide in the shadows, dancing around the subject than jumping onto it.
But this logic that his mind was following did not change how much he hated himself right now.
He had no regrets on kissing you, god knew that. He still could taste your velvety lips under his lips, he knew that moment was going to live with him till the end of his life. That kiss was grounding but inebriating, he was feeling sane while bringing both of you to the edge of insanity, your lips burned him like a fire.
When you touched him, you marked his skin, your touch stayed on him.
But he hated himself so much, enough to made him feel suffocating.
He found himself standing up and heading to your room before he could understand what the heck he was aiming for. The deep rumble of his chest that he could almost feel vibrate through the air as he walked through the way coming to you, helped him to prepare himself to face with you.
What could it be? he asked to himself. You could tell him get the fuck off, but he was not going to obey to your wish this time.
It was going to be a rumbling, he knew your possible reactions when you were sad, Goddamnit, you were extraordinarily upset with him, but he did not let this fact to disheartened him. He was not a coward; he was going to fix his mistake.
Kyungsoo raised his hand to knock your door, but before doing it, he heard your voice. As he thought, you were talking with Chanyeol or Baekhyun, he was not sure. He came closer to the door as much as he could, and did not give a shit to the rightful concern what if someone saw him while he was leaning on a single woman’s room like a stalker pervert?
He did not care.
He only cared for hearing your words after the incident.
Your voice was cracked, and he could not hear you properly, your voice was coming and going like a goddamn ancient radio. He could hear some words but there was no consistency or no chance of building a logical sentence of your words. He could perceive his name, with couple of words which Kyungsoo hoped not to be used with his name again, some broken lines on how disappointed you were, and he caught your oh-god-fucking-damn-it type of annoyance against Kyungsoo.
He gave up and knocked your door.
There was no sign from you, and Kyungsoo was tired of patiently waiting.
He did his waiting. Seven years. In a fucking friendzone he put himself in.
He aggressively knocked on your door, and he did not stop until you gave up and opened the door.
“Shit.” he cursed when he saw your face. “You look horrible.”
Oh really? you thought.
After leaving Kyungsoo, you did not spend a single second to lock yourself in your secure and lonely room, then you just pressed the right numbers to make a call. Chanyeol was there for you, he listened your rambling and gibberish without a sign of inconvenience. He let you to curse Kyungsoo as much as you wanted, he joined you for the little party of swearing at Kyungsoo and he was generous on his vocabulary.
But you cried even when Chanyeol managed to put a broken smile on your face by telling you maybe Kyungsoo was not interested in girls, otherwise he had to be on his knees for you.
You cried for Kyungsoo more than anything made you cry till now.
Your sadness caught you off guard, even you did not expect to be upset with him like this, your feelings were like a blunt blade, it was turning in your heart over and over, using your own blood to be sharp again, then continuing its spinning in your heart. Pain made you numb; you could do only cry.
Your eyes were puffed and literally red. Your cheeks were red. Your lips were red.
Of course, you looked goddamn horrible as Kyungsoo, this asshole, proudly observed. Applause time for him for his greatest deduction.
“Nothing can escape from your eyes, Sherlock.” you murmured. “Couldn't you pay your attention on the fact that we already passed the midnight? Why are you here?”
“May I come in?” Kyungsoo kindly asked but something in his eyes were telling you to be on your toes and careful.
“No.” You congratulated yourself because of your refined answer. You were an idiot for sure, instead of playing with him and showing that he had no impacts on you, you chose to manifest how much you were broken by him. Good for you.
Transformation started in his eyes. Those chocolate brown and very warm eyes, reminding the deer’ beauty, perfectly shaped as almonds turned into crescents, and it was a bloody indicator of his mood was shifted into something dangerous. He was always quick to switch the moods, but he had never looked intimating at this level. You really could not believe what the heck he did, he just grabbed your fucking wrists, dragged you inside of your fucking room without your permission and pressed you on your fucking wall.
“Kyungsoo, fuck off!” you hissed at him, trying to save yourself from his iron grasp, swallowing hard.
“Tell me just one thing and save both of us from misery.” he whispered; his low-pitched voice gave you goosebumps which you really tried to take no notice of, but your traitor body willingly has been taking everything if the giver was Kyungsoo. “Why did you cry?”
“What if I do not want to tell you?” you lifted your chin, you needed to distance yourself from him, he already ruined the progress just a couple of hours ago. His statement clearly taught you whatever your friendship was not the best way to build a new kind of relationship, and you strongly opposed to be friends with benefits or those kinds of agreements. You would not go for them, you wanted Kyungsoo as your lover, not as your fuckbuddy.
“Do me a favor,” he enunciated each syllable and moved his right hand to your shoulder, pressing you into wall just like he wished to ground you right there. “Tell me.”
He leaned on you, his palm made contact with your shoulder, sliding up to your neck and staying there. His touch was heavy again, hotter than before.
He was goddamn close.
When you tried to save your body from him again, Kyungsoo’s hips rutted against yours.
Well, now you could feel more than before.
“Stop fucking moving!” he grunted, surprising you with the sudden and macho voice tone. He looked like very uncomfortable. “You and your idiotic behaviour!”
“If you do not like it, let me go!” you hissed, but you felt a knot was forming in the pit of your stomach. You were afraid of his impacts on you, especially after that fucking kiss. He had you over there as melted like a chocolate under heat.
Even while you were fighting to free yourself, your eyes unconsciously gravitated along his features, all you could do was thinking of him all the time you had spent with him. Those piercing brown eyes and those plump, smooth and heart-shaped lips that are always set in a witty line, the smallest moles and a couple of freckles all around his tiny nose and rosy cheeks, his long eyelashes, and that bloody soft hair of him, caused you to desire running your fingers through.
He was driving you fucking crazy, and you hated his power on you.
“Oh, believe me if I do not like even your idiotic side,” he leaned forward, closed the little proximity between your bodies and you felt the air left your lungs with your sanity. “I would not kiss you, damn woman.”
You were lost for words, you were run down, the only thing you could voice was an exasperated huff. Kyungsoo stared at you, refusing to loosen his grip around your body, instead he held you for his dear life and his gaze was nothing but absolutely penetrating.
You turned your head, trying to find something else to fix your eyes upon while you had been seeking the meaning of his words about liking your idiotic side.
Did he convey his feelings? Did he really stand for liking you, if he liked even your idiotic side, did it indicate that he liked all of you?
If he kissed you because he liked you, did that kiss imply more than nothing for him?
If yes, why he told you it meant nothing?
“Look at me.” his left hand cupped your face gently, on the contrary of his eyes, burning with fires, you could see the red was invading chocolate brown circles. “Do not avert your eyes.”
You blinked and shut your eyelids tightly. Suddenly, the silence in the room was more palpable than it was before, drowning both of you in a foggy swamp of riddles.
You were pissed off, broken and now, thanks to his complicated words, you were more than confused.
Kyungsoo was pissed off, broken and now, thanks to your complicated reactions, he was more than confused.
“If you were so keen on trying to convince yourself that I meant that kiss was nothing,” his jaw flexed, and his eyes were clouded. “I was trying to make amend for my fault. I should have not kiss you.”
You shivered, despite it was a very hot summer night, and Kyungsoo’s warm body made your temperature skyrocketed.
“Why?” you asked. “You do not make any sense, Kyungsoo.”
“Look, who is talking?” he rolled his eyes back. “You never make any sense about our fucking relationship since the beginning. I told you many times, pay your attention.”
You should be warned to follow the signs. Collect them and find the hidden meaning. Kyungsoo was sure on his patience, he could wait for you as much as you wished, he could give you time as much as you needed, but he had no patience to hide in the shadows anymore.
He knew that his constant shifting between one side to the other surprised you, hell it surprised even himself, he did not think about any of this, but since that kiss happened between you, since Kyungsoo got a taste of you, since he could touch you… Everything was changed.
He did not want to let you go.
He could not let you go.
He was aware of you did not belong to him, maybe you did not perceive Kyungsoo as a man, but he could not be your friend anymore. He wanted to tell you how much he adored you more than before. He wanted to kiss you more than before. He wanted to see your face when he woke up, he wanted to cuddle you when he was sad, he wanted to lean on your shoulder when he was broken, he wanted to cook for you, he wanted to sing for you, he wanted to make you happy, he wanted to make you feel good, he wanted to be your harbour to shelter from the stormy seas, your rock to build your home.
He wanted to live his life with you. He wanted to share even the smallest detail of his fucking life with you.
“I told you that I even like your idiotic side,” he clarified. “And you still avert your eyes from me.”
That ignited the fire of your soul.
“Hell, excuse me for my idiotic side but if I remember correctly and my memory never fails me, I told you that it was fucking okey just before you kissed me, after I shared my catastrophic first kiss experience with you,” your voice was not trembling anymore. It was firm, fuelled by your anger. “Then, all you could say was that kiss stands for nothing. What do you expect me to say?”
“Even if you are upset with me, talk to me!” he frowned. “I ask nothing but your words, truly and fully. Is this too much to expect? Hell, you were the one who said that I am a good guy but not made for you, why you are so upset with me because I made an excuse for that kiss?!”
It was your turn to froze. Kyungsoo finally let you go, he stepped back, and his arms crossed over his chest, but you froze to death. You could not move but looking at his unchanging expression like an idiot he just named it correctly.
“Yes,” you took a deep breath. If Kyungsoo said this to your face, it meant that he wanted you to face a revelation. He wanted you to know that he heard your words about him, the words which you vividly remember as you said them to Chanyeol without knowing that Kyungsoo was able to hear them. If he heard them, you owed an explanation to him. Maybe you were just searching an excuse in the book, but you gave up. You were going to tell him what you think of him. “It was me. I still have the same observation. You are damn good for me, if I would say the opposite, I would be lying my ass off.”
Kyungsoo’s face went blank.
What did you say to him? He wanted you to talk truly, however right now he was nothing but almost regretful what he had said to you. Kyungsoo hoped for you did not mean that for real, he wished it was just a gibberish.
Were you a goddamn fool?
He knew the low level of your self-confidence, but your statement was nothing but the shittiest one he has ever heard.
“What?” he murmured. “You think I am good for you?”
“Yes.” you nod. “Look at yourself, Kyungsoo! You are damn good at everything you do, you are clever, hard-working, funny, firm and always trustable, I even do not go for your physical quality, it is fucking obvious, you are handsome as fuck. Of course, I could not say anything different, you were not made for me.”
Suddenly, your hands became the focus of your attention, you fixed your eyes onto them instead of looking at Kyungsoo, who took his time before registering and recording your words in his brain. Then, his hands started were smashed together unintentionally.
“And during all this time,” he heard his own voice trembling, as if being blown by the brute force that he was trying to contain inside of his chest. “I thought you are the cleverer one.”
“I really do not understand why I think you can follow the signs I have been giving to you like a bloody idiot.” he could not help but growled at you. “In my opinion, you are the only girl who deserves to feel fucking good, and if I can be that one to bring you to such a high, I would willingly do it.”
“I do not un-
“Because you do not want to see!” Kyungsoo could not control himself but go ballistic because of your blockheadedness. How could a woman be clueless at this level? What should he do, continue to scream at you about his feelings or should he bring a testimony that was approved by lawyers?
Didn’t you understand how much he cared for you?
Didn’t you see his almost tangible desires for you?
Everyone could sense his love for you, but you could fucking not, and Kyungsoo was burned out because of your total ignorance.
“Are you,” your whisper reached to his ears. “Are you interested in me?”
Kyungsoo decided that, on the contrary of your academic success, you were literally a retard.
“Why do you think I follow you everywhere like I am your dog tail?” he clenched his fists. Quickly, he walked towards you, but stopped just in front of your trembling body. “What do you think of me, do I look like a lost puppy?”
“No.” you were offended by his words. Dog tail? Puppy? He was not that much cute at first place with his level of being witty and shitty! However, after one look at him, you were not sure anymore, even he was clearly pissed off, he was fucking gorgeous and cute. “Shit, Kyungsoo, you are annoying.”
“You are the damn annoying one.” Kyungsoo started to question himself, he wanted nothing more than to fuck this attitude out of you right there, in your double sized bed. “All I did was finding an excuse which can make you relaxed with me, and I accepted my failure. I should have neither kiss you nor lie about it. But I did, and I apologize for my misbehaviour. Let’s look at you, you are just asking goddamn questions and ignoring my answers. Who is the annoying one?”
You whipped your head around; your eyes were glistering with a layer of tears, forming in the edges.
“Are you interested in me, or not?” you cried. Kyungsoo glanced up, he registered the sudden stiffness in you, and how you consciously averting your eyes away from him. He remembered that same stiffness invaded your posture when you wanted to learn what happened to your dad while he was in emergency, or you were hopelessly driving into Busan when you received after the news of Chanyeol’s motorcycle crash.
He finally understood what you needed to hear.
You wanted his words.
You wanted him to say those words.
“I have always been interested in you.” he gave up. Your heart jumped into your throat at his blunt answer, you did not know how you feel about this information, having a place in Kyungsoo’s head was something you always hoped for, but never believe it could be real. Half of you thrilled with a delicious excitement, while the other half wanted to run away because of fear.
What if he was going to fuck around with you then ditch you?
What if he was going to try being with you then decide to leave you?
What if he was going to pour happiness into your life, you even could not dream of, then disappear?
Your dilemma was in your head. Carved into your mind, body, and soul.
Your biggest fear was losing Kyungsoo.
“I hate this eerily silence between us.” Kyungsoo cut you off before you could dig yourself into a deeper hole. How could you tell him he was everything and more you wanted from this life? How could you make him to understand how much you devoted yourself to him unconditionally? You watched him with darkening eyes, darkening with your fears, with your concerns, with your worries. Your eyes were dark as the pitch-black. “I am sorry to disturb you. See you tomorrow morning if you want to have a breakfast with me.”
Every layer of privacy and secrecy that you desperately tried to build till now in order to keep your weakest point from him were dissolved when he directly headed to the door. You did not even realize but threw yourself in order to stop him.
“Do not go.” you let the tears fall then and held his toned arm for your dear life. You could not let him to leave you behind, otherwise you would be damned. “Do not leave me, before you really have to do.”
“Why should I have to leave you?” Kyungsoo turned back to you. You saw the hesitation of his moves, he wanted to caress your face, but he was holding himself. “I cannot do it, even if I want to. You are too precious for me, bookworm.”
Your face was softened by his rich baritone voice and the nickname he gave you. Calling you as a bookworm was reserved to Kyungsoo, he beaten the shit out of even Baekhyun when he also called you like Kyungsoo.
“One day you will, Soo.” you were lost in your nightmares, mulling over horrendous scenarios your subconscious had been giving you in a fucking row. “One day someone will steal you from me, one day you will fall in love with a girl and leave me behind.”
Something told you that you should have been keeping this logic to yourself, but you were extremely emotional at the very moment. Your expectations, dreams, fears, hopes, everything was mixed up and conjoined with the amount of sake you just consumed.
You were talkative tonight, something very rare for you and Kyungsoo was happy for that. Even though you had been going through a hell of a night. He was also oversensitive, his mind was clouded by his own dreads and doubts, however when you sharply deducted on his not-existed-because-of-you love affairs, he could not help but chuckled.
“First, I have to see the girls.” his throat was like a sandpaper as he swallowed. The rosy tint on your cheeks was obviously growing, invading your skin, and heading to the south. He hardly took his eyes off your neck and the rest of the direction. “Excuse me, but I have eyes only for you.”
“You cannot say that!” you winced, by fanning your face with your hands.
“Then enlighten me.” he defended himself. “How should I say it? Sorry, but I believe in monogamy.”
Your knuckles paled as your grip around his arm tightened.
How could you name the hunger that driving you into crazy? How could you tell him even looking at him, even if you have not a single clue what was going to be happen, riling you up? You supposedly liberated yourself from Kyungsoo, but tearing his gaze away was impossible for you.
You wanted him. So, fucking bad.
You wanted his hands. His lips. His body.
You wanted his soul. His heart.
You were starting to pull him to yourself without noticing, Kyungsoo’s eyes were widened when you took the initiative to your hands.
“Do you remember what I asked to you?” you whispered.
“About?” Kyungsoo exhaled with your unexpected shifting between moods. He did not trust his voice, not now, not when you were so close to him, enough to feel your breath on his lips.
His throat was like the deserts of Egypt right now.
“About teaching me.” you murmured into his fucking ear. “When it comes to touch someone?”
“Yeah.” he swallowed very hard, biting a tsunami of cursing back.
“Will you teach me?” your hands wandered around his arms to his chest and stopped there. “For the future references?”
“If I were you,” he groaned. “I would not think about future references.”
You rolled your eyes, taking your hands back off his body. Kyungsoo caught your hands and put them back on his chest, while he was aggressively dragged you into his arms.
“I am going to teach you.” his eyebrows were furrowed. “How you should be touched.”
Kyungsoo was never going to forget how your eyes glowed after his words with excitement.
He was not sure but it seemed like you wanted him almost like how he wanted you.
Desperately and fucking needy.
He carried you to the bed.
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zeal-ascendancy · 3 years
Janus sat quietly, staring at the pillars of light. His thoughts were on Schala. He wanted to get back and make sure she was safe. Trying to keep calm, Janus looked around to distract himself if even for a moment.
Lucca was reading some books next to him and Ayla had fallen asleep nearby which surprised Janus considering how hard and cold the floor was. Nearby, he saw that Glenn was repairing his armor and that’s when he noticed a rather familiar blade sitting next to the swordsman. Getting up without a word, Janus made his way over to Glenn. Glenn looked up as Janus approached. “Do you need something, Janus?”
Janus sat down and suddenly took the Masamune. Glenn reached to take the sword back but Janus pulled away. Glenn put his armor aside and said, “Janus, that isn’t a toy…”
“I know. It’s Masamune.” Janus replied quietly. Lucca, who had been reading her books for Zeal looked up. Glenn stared at Janus. “How do you-?”
“Melichor made them…” Janus replied. Lucca stopped reading and looked at Janus. She asked, “How do you know Melichor?”
“He’s the Guru of Life…” Janus replied, sounding surprised. Glenn reached out and firmly asked, “Can you please give that back?”
Janus pulled the Masamune a little bit out of its scabbard and asked, “Why isn’t it red…”
Glenn placed a hand on the scabbard. He asked, his voice starting to sound aggravated, “Janus. Give me the sword.”
Janus tensed up but handed the Masamune back to Glenn. Lucca came over and sat next to Janus. After a moment she asked, “Can you tell me more about Melichor?”
“He and the other Gurus advise my mom or create things for the kingdom…” Janus said, fiddling with his bracers. “They teach me… well, try to. Everyone wants me to use magic like Schala and my mom… but I can’t do it.”
“You can’t?” Lucca asked. Janus shook his head no.
Lucca sat there and thought about the legends of Zeal. She didn’t want to worry Janus about it’s disappearance but she also wanted to know how a man they knew in their time was alive in Janus’s era. Glenn, it seemed, was wondering the same thing as he asked, “Do you know why Melichor would be in living in Lucca’s time?”
Janus looked at Glenn in surprise then at Lucca. Lucca glared slightly at Glenn before looking to Janus. She sighed and said, “It’s true… We know a man named Melichor in our time. Glenn told me that he noticed the Masamune has the same blacksmith’s symbol as Crono’s armor.”
Before Janus could say anything, the old man coughed and called over, “Lucca, may I speak to you for a moment?”
Lucca got up and walked over to him, “What’s up?”
“You seem to share a special bond with that young man. He is very fortunate to have met someone like you,” replied the old man. “Someone like him needs a friend like you during this crisis. Events are unfolding that will test his resolve and he will need all the support he can get.”
Before Lucca could ask the old man what he meant, she heard a crackling sound and a flash of light come from the nearby walkway that resembled a stone pier. Everyone looked to see Crono, Marle and Robo climbing out of an ivory machine of some sort.
“We found it!” Crono shouted excitedly. “Now we can get Janus back to his home.”
“There’s only three seats so I imagine the same rule as the gates apply,” Robo explained. “But this machine will be very advantageous for us.”
Janus got up and walked over to the machine. It looked just like the drawings he had seen in Balthasar’s study. A feeling of dread filled his gut. First, Lucca and Glenn talked about knowing Melichor and now one of Balthasar’s inventions was sitting right in front of him. A question sat at the edge of his mind but he couldn’t find the words to speak.
He was so focused on the Epoch that he didn’t hear the argument playing out behind him…
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