aspl1tl1fe · 1 year
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Conquer headed over to The Trade Winds Open Air Market to do some shopping after his baking lesson. He chatted with his surfing buddy, Tanner, there. Both made promises to get together on the beach, before Conquer headed to the book stall to get some new reading material.
Although he'd really only planned to freshen up his bookcase, Conquer ended up wandering around the market for several hours. He browsed through records, got a new top, and talked Ursula into letting him sample some fresh strawberries at the fruit stand.
The strawberries might have actually been a mistake. The taste of food alerted Conquer to the fact that he was famished and stomach growls came soon after. Luckily, he still had half the sub from Montel's left in the cooler in his Jeep, and the little coffee and pastry stand behind the market also sold soda and ice tea.
Conquer took the newly purchased drink and leftovers to eat on the deck. The breeze from the sea was chilly, and the cold, plus hunger resulted in him wolfing his meal down pretty quickly. It was later than he thought, so he cleaned up his trash and headed back toward the front of the market to get his Wrangler.
Time to go back to the rental and check on his dog.
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aspl1tl1fe · 1 year
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Conquer and Neji headed to the Little Sister first. They took the Wrangler to the port nearest the vacation house, then drove to the grocery store once docked. At Cruzita’s, Neji parked himself outside the door without being asked. Conquer took his diligent behavior as a good sign, still the sim did his shopping quickly, not staying to chat with Yes, or Domingo afterwards.
Once the groceries were loaded, and Conquer spent a bit of time reinforcing Neji’s good behavior, they drove the Wrangler back to a port so they could return to the central island. They got off the ferry near the Trade Winds Open Air Market, where Conquer got fresh fruits and vegetables before replenishing his book supply. 
Again, Conquer loaded the Jeep, and then spent time with Neji. They strolled the outer area around the market for about thirty minutes. All the time Conquer tried to figure out how to make the trip last longer. Should they go to the dog park and play fetch, or was it not the best idea to put a skittish dog around other canines? 
As Conquer was about to give up, he thought to text Carmina. If her shop was open, he’d offer to buy her lunch. Neji could hang out by yet another fountain (which he seemed to enjoy) and Conquer could have an hour of sim to sim socialization.
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aspl1tl1fe · 2 years
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Here’s another random game shot from A Farming Town Tropical Vacation. Like the one from last week, this was also taken of vacationers right after they were made in Create-A-Sim. This is Zara Hamburg, Ari Kirby, and Mika Soreno who I used to replace Matthew Mango either at the same time, or right after the Harveston County sims had their stay on the island.
Back when I shared their profiles I said they were college friends on winter break, but originally, they were going to be sisters who had different dads. I can’t remember why I scrapped that idea, but I did.
I don’t know if they’ll be back for the festival, but I do know I will likely use Zara in my Audre save. I’m thinking I’ll age her to teen, and she’ll be a member of love interest’s family. Might have her work the bakery counter as a part-time clerk.
On another note, the random live mode pictures after CAS tends to happen with which ever sim household I’m most proud of after editing and styling, particularly if they’re standing close enough that I can get them in a group shot. So this household was my winter round fav. I have shots from every round but fall.
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aspl1tl1fe · 1 year
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Easily Impressed
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Justice is the first child born on Isol Isle. He is the eldest of FroAnhke, Shocc, Ru, and Trovinte’s kids, and the later of the fathers, Trovinte, is his biological father. Justice has three younger siblings, Integrity, Pride, and Assiduous who he adores.
Currently, Justice has not chosen to apprentice with any of his parents. He may end up carving out a new path.
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aspl1tl1fe · 1 year
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Young Adult
Loves the Outdoors
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Trovinte is FroAnhke’s second husband whom she wed prior to their arrival to the island clusters. She is Trovinte’s only official spouse, but despite a strictly hetero inclination, Trovinte does consider himself also married to Shocc and Ru. Like the other husbands, Trovinte lovingly parents all four of FroAnhke’s children, however, unbeknownst to him, only Justice is biologically related to him.
Trovinte is the group’s primary hunter/angler/diver.
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aspl1tl1fe · 2 years
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Conquer showered as soon as he returned to the vacation house. When he stepped out in search of a towel and then realized the foul smell he’d noticed upon his return was not him plus fishy ocean scent, he put on some comfy athletic gear and then proceeded to deep clean the rental.
He yanked the sheets from the bed and put them in the washer. He scrubbed the toilet, and then the bathroom sink. Once the dirty clothes were put into the hamper with a fabric sheet to soak up any B.O. Conquer got to sniffing until his nose lead him down to the first floor to a plate he’d apparently left in the microwave.
How long had that been in there?
He washed the plate and microwaved a baking soda mixture to soak up the lingering smell, and just when he was about to take a break on the sofa, his cellphone vibrated and then beeped. 
Apparently Nation had a day planned with Savage and Winter, but both sims cancelled last minute. She was texting from the gym (where they were supposed to meet up), and was hoping Conquer might come to her rescue.
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aspl1tl1fe · 2 years
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Conquer’s custom board came in on a Saturday. By Monday, he was ready to take it out onto the water for the first time. As had become his habit, the sim woke up before the sun. He changed into his wet suit, cracked the balcony door so that Neji could come in once he was done sleeping, and then headed downstairs to grab his surfboard and load both it and himself onto the speedboat.
Once situated, Conquer took off for the beach. It was still dark as he rounded the bend to his usual surfing spot. The full moon from the night before shown through dark clouds, lighting up a figure. 
Conquer was expecting to see Tanner, but there was someone else entering the water.
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aspl1tl1fe · 3 years
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Here’s a collection of some of Conquer’s formalwear outfits. 
The first one he’s yet to wear. I’m saving it for when he and Carmina eventually go out for dinner. 
As Conquer has been doing a lot of clubbing, he has already worn the second outfit out to go dancing at my edit of Hobart’s. 
Currently (as in the day I queued this, so 2/16), Conquer is wearing the last outfit (I actually just made that one last week) while he and Savage hit the slot machines at Club Aquarius.
As an aside, the top in the second outfit was the one time the shine on EA clothing worked out well for me.
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aspl1tl1fe · 3 years
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After Conquer dropped Neji off at the dog park he left Isla Paradiso’s main island by speed boat. He and Karlie had agreed to meet up at Bella Vista Beach, so the Conquer docked at the port nearest the island cluster’s most popular tourist attraction. As he approached from the road, he saw that Karlie was not one to be confined by “plans”. Instead of padding about on sand, she was making use of the rink at Rebecca’s Café, whizzing about at a leisurely pace. 
Arriving unnoticed, Conquer grabbed some skates (I promise all this rhyming was accidental), entering the rink still unseen. He was going to roll along like a creepy stalker until Karlie looked back and saw him, but she stumbled and he couldn’t resist being a hero. 
The two skated together for thirty or so minutes with Karlie showing herself to be a better athlete than her initial slip let on. Then, between jokes, the duo decided it would probably be best to eat before they headed off to explore Isla Paradiso’s reefs.
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aspl1tl1fe · 3 years
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Here’s the last Harveston County sim currently vacationing in the Ex-hottie house with Nation and cousin Savage.
This is Winter Lemongrass. He’s the youngest of the trio, just reached drinking age, and is taking a break from working as a hand on his family’s farm. Winter is loud, showy, and so flirty I recently caught him trying to get at his cousin’s bestie, Nation, despite the fact that he knows she’s only into girls... 
Yeah, Winter is one of those boys.
Pic 1: Close Up
Pic 2: Everyday wear
Pic 3: Formalwear
Pic 4: Athletic
Pic 5: Swimwear
Pic 6: Sleepwear
Pic 7: Outerwear
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aspl1tl1fe · 3 years
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Last week I mentioned I got tired of being in create-a-sim and that was why I had no pictures of the two other seasonal vacationers added to my Farming Town vacation series. Months back, I also mentioned that as Conquer is the only sim in his household I’ve given him like all of the outfits, LIKE ALL OF THEM, lol. So basically, while I don’t have new sim shots, I do have plenty CAS shots of Conquer, so why not share more outfit favs!
So this post is a little bit of a mash up. First, these are three variations of outwear I made for Conquer. In game I pretend the last picture is everyday wear though, because I ran out of spots in all of the other categories except sleepwear. The first picture is the original outerwear outfit I created when I did Conquer’s initial vacation wardrobe. As summer in Isla Paradiso is too hot for leather, he hasn’t really gotten much use out of it. The next two images are recent wardrobe additions I made once it got cool enough to put on a coat.
Why did I do this? 
Well, As I noted here, I am detail obsessed (which might be the result of my OCD). I tend to make my outerwear look like my sim has simply put a coat on over one of their everyday outfits like a real person would. Strangely enough, working to make that last image match the other two (I’ve since edited the first image to make sure the pattern on the shirts match) made this relatively plan look one of my favorite outfits.
Special thanks to @aisquaredchoco for helping me locate Yesod-sims’ conversion of @darte77‘s biker jacket. I was looking for that link to make these outfit variations... Now if I could just find a way to have a vehicle with a surfboard on it that lets me Recolor THe SURFBOARDS!!!! 
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aspl1tl1fe · 2 years
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While Trovinte and Pride were traversing the waters to return to the main island, the other fathers of isolation were making their way home with Assiduous and Justice in tow.
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aspl1tl1fe · 2 years
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Conquer napped once he returned to the vacation house. He feel asleep in a lounge chair, yet again, and slept so long and so deep that when Neji couldn’t rouse him the dog joined him in snoozing. Upon waking he approached the canvas on the balcony and spent the rest of the day brushing paint across canvas. 
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aspl1tl1fe · 4 years
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Here are pictures of Trovinte and his tiny one story house. I originally built this for the Northeney (on Modthesims.info under Misc > Neighborhoods) version of my Resistance game series, but these shots show the house back in Cink’s world, Palm Shadows (over on cinksims.blogspot.com). 
I plopped this structure down first to use it as a model to create the other buildings in the new site for Resistance. While I mentioned last week that the Founding house no longer exists, the village occupies the original location of that building.
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aspl1tl1fe · 3 years
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The house Conquer rented was located on the south side of Isla Paradiso’s central island. A forest with walk paths stood between the front door and the main road, and the sea sat in place of a backyard. The retired equestrian had chosen the vacation home for it’s seclusion. Although he wasn’t quite conscious of the choice at the time.
When he’d arrived a week prior, he succumbed to exhaustion and wrote it off as jet-lag. He was in a completely different sim-isphere, after all, and there was nothing strange about needing to adjust to the time zone. 
It was more than that, though.
Conquer didn’t just sleep most of that first week away. He took full advantage of the stocked fridge and the isolated cabin to pretend he was the only sim left in the world. 
For seven days, Conquer Daniels went from the bed to lounge chairs daydreaming or snoring, then the kitchen table to the deck nibbling on microwave meals and cereal bars. He ignored the television, the papers and mail delivered to the porch, and only really ventured outside when Neji begged him for walks. If the snacks in the fridge and pantry hadn’t dwindled, Conquer would have been perfectly happy staying shut in. He couldn’t survive on air, though, so he’d have to clean himself up and interact with the rest of sim-ciety.
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aspl1tl1fe · 4 years
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So that Glamour could continue riding while away at school, Conquer had Spring moved to stables just outside the city where his niece studied. There was a course near the property as well, and both Conquer and Glamour hoped she and the horse got plenty of time there.
The move left Devil’s Choice surprisingly restless, and then as harvest approached, Bella died of old age leaving poor Neji to loneliness.
Conquer tried to counter both animals’ reactions by getting them more accustomed to each other. So in the mornings, when the weather in Riverview permitted, Conquer took Neiji out from the kennel and put him in the yard with Devil’s Choice.
For the most part the dog snoozed while the horse ran his laps and the two kept their distance. Every now and again, Devil’s Choice would give Neiji permission to run after him with a snort and the dog would trot along at a distance. Still their relationship needed work. Devil’s Choice was never a big socializer, and he’d grow tired of Neiji faster than Neiji grew tired of him, and then Conquer or Conjure would have to rescue the dog from the horses irritated hooves.
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