mccarthyfamilysims4 · 2 years
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Mella found a bunny friend!
Our little wilderness woo oh my I turn my back for a split second and Mella moo already got herself into a bit of trouble with a new bunny friend. It ended up spooking her at first then they became acquainted (Mella would not let the poor thing go until it would be her friend). I think once the bunny understood she was not there to do any harm it finally let up and got a few strokes before bounding off into its hole. Mella could not be happier and she now says "I has bunny friend mama" Oh our little wilderness baboo what ever will we do with you :)
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mccarthyfamilysims4 · 2 years
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Active Alert Chloe On Duty!
I must have overdone it today with all the activity I had a strange feeling all this afternoon and I could kind of tell Chloe was picking up something but kind of not at the same time since I am used to Domino alerting to a Episode very early on. Chloe on the other hand is still a puppy and still very much learning I am proud to say she did give a very good alert as I was prepping to make dinner, I could not feel it but as I was standing there I noticed Chloe stand from the place she was laying and come investigate me. I called to Korey immediately since we want to document everything. Sure enough no sooner does Korey get his phone she alerts. only one and boom I am swept off my feet and put into a DPT downstay until Chloe felt it was safe for me to return to my feet. After the episode we went a took a nap on the couch.
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mccarthyfamilysims4 · 2 years
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Chloe's First day in SDIT placement.
Chloe has been with us for a full day now and I can already say I can see great potential for her future work. She absolutely adores each of the kiddos. Mella took a bit of time getting used to a new dog being in the house and it definitely took some getting used to that Domino would now be going to Mimi's house to stay when Chloe is finally placed with us. It took the poor girl by surprise when my mom came over and picked up Domino yesterday but after a bit of coxing and letting her know it would all be ok and Domino would just be across the street she came around to the idea of Chloe being introduced into the family. Everlee on the other hand wants nothing to do with the big strange doggo and she has consistently kept her distance. Grey was the first to wake up this morning he and Chloe got some very cute bonding time on the bed. Chloe in all is doing great, its strange not having domino but we will see her all the time. Once Chloe has finalized the PA access test she will be perm placed in our home and we will officially be a team *fingers crossed* this all works out.
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mccarthyfamilysims4 · 2 years
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Prospect time!
I've been keeping a bit of a secret, well not so much a secret as all our family knows but I did not have the time with everything going on to update yall on the big news. Almost 6 months ago Korey & I met with a Service Dog Breeder, Since Domino has been my Service dog for the past 3 years I have been noticing that she does not want to work as much this would be fine but I am still disabled and in need of another prospect. I got into contact with SD breeders around me and we settled on a local Golden Retriever program with great reviews. This brings me to the meeting of the parents. About 6 months ago now Korey and I loaded up and went for a visit I met the sweetest female Golden her name is Gretta and the most handsome and loyal male Golden his name is Ferdek. These 2 I just knew would make some beautiful puppies and boy was I right. Gretta stole my heart and Ferdek stole Korey's we have been so excited to see the pairing of these 2. A few days ago I received the call that the puppies were ready for Adoption paring we hopped right on the opportunity to arrive 2 days early to make sure we had first pick of puppies. It only too about 2 seconds of me getting into the pen to realize that I already knew who I wanted Her name is Chloe she has 2 different colored eyes 1 blue like her momma and 1 brown just like her daddy, Both Korey and I looked each of the pups over and said at the same time Chloe when it came time to being asked, Now the hard part Chloe must choose me, I was so nervous for the choosing but sure enough the first and only pup to come to our family was.....Chloe I could not have been more happy it is Official Chloe will be starting next week coming to our home and learning our training journey to make her the best SDIT there can be.
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mccarthyfamilysims4 · 2 years
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Christmas 2021
Goodmorning Friends,
Today is December 25th ,2021, Christmas day. We woke up early to Mella and Evie already to go downstairs. We took a few pics then we went downstairs to see what Santa had left. Sure, enough Santa made his arrival, and the kids could not be happier. we had a great day and can’t wait for the new year. We took a family photo by our tree in our jammies. (All rights to content creators)
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mccarthyfamilysims4 · 2 years
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Family Blue Day
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mccarthyfamilysims4 · 2 years
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Lazy day vibes
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mccarthyfamilysims4 · 2 years
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Happy Valentine's Day loves, 2/14/2022
Today was a fairly normal day. Kiddos woke and we got our valentines from Korey then we had a good day, but the night was the most fun we went out with Korey's parents for dinner, so the girls got to get all dressed up. Mella of course loved this idea but Evie on the other hand would have much rather stayed in pj's. After a bit of back and forth we finally all were dressed and ready to go. We took a few pics in the driveway before we left. then couldn't help but get one with the girls passed out when we got home. In all it was a great night and can't wait to see family again.
Talk to you soon loves,
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mccarthyfamilysims4 · 2 years
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Visiting Family,
Goodmorning Friends,
Today our family was surprised by Auntie Dawn and her husband and kiddo's. Dawn is Korey's sister and my Sis in law, but we just see one another as sister's. Mella and Evie were both very happy to have playmates and I was happy to have a awesome helper with cooking with dinner. While Eddie and Korey sat with the boys, we got to work on the dinner prep. It was only a few mins into cooking prep when both Evie and Fay came walking in wondering what trouble they can get into. Mella and Gavin started making food Aswell with the play kitchen. After a little bit we hear the little ones pulling over the play pots and pans and toys playing on the floor of the kitchen just watching us cook. Mella was able to show everyone around the new house and in all today was a great day.
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mccarthyfamilysims4 · 2 years
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Pj Day!
Goodmorning loves,
Yet another slow week. We got to stay in pj's all day because Korey didn't have work. Today we got in the new swings for the boys, and they absolutely are a new favorite. Grey even ended up falling asleep soon as he was sat in the swing. Grham however was very active and loved watching the toys. This was able to get me some alone time with Korey and the girls to make breakfast and not have fussy little ones. Will update more soon hope all is going well!
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mccarthyfamilysims4 · 2 years
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Goodmorning Loves,
Today has been fairly easy going not much has really happened. I woke up at 6:30am to feed the boys. Because I was awake, I wanted to get some work done before the girls woke up, so I dressed the boys and put them in the bouncers and got to work. As soon as I was finished, I heard the pitter patter of Mella coming down the stairs. She approached me to let me know that Evie was now awake and wanted out of her crib. I looked on the monitor and sure enough Everlee was standing in her crib holding onto the bars wailing and waiting for someone to rescue her. Soon as I went to stand up, I see Korey appear in the frame and pick Evie up I picked up the boys and walked with Mella back upstairs and met Korey and a very not happy baby bug at the top of the stairs. We all got dressed and the girls were very happy to share their outfits in some pics when we went down to have Breakfast. Korey's mom stopped by bringing the boys 2 of the cutest froggy bouncers and I got to take some cute pics of them. In all it's been a slow but nice day.
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mccarthyfamilysims4 · 3 years
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Outing day!
Got out today with my loves and had a fantastic time even got some cute pics from my sister!
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mccarthyfamilysims4 · 3 years
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Visiting Neighbors Farm.
Carmella woke up super early this morning and she was of course so excited that she came running in to our room and plopped down on the bed and was like “mommy, Daddy is it Mella day yet?” She is referring to Korey and I taking her today Just us 3 and going to the neighbors farm. I was feeding Greyson at the time and smiled at her and reasured her that once Mimi and Poppop arrived that we would be going. She of course jumped up excited and jumped off the bed landing perfectly fine on her bum and ran out the door to go see what she could get into in her room. (We have baby gates all upstairs so only place she can go is her room, Our room, Everlee’s room or the boys room. so i wasnt too worried about her leaving and knew she was just fine on her own while I finished feeding the boys and called my mom again to see where they were at. Once we were able to go she could barely hold in the excitement for her day. Mella day she calles it. We have noticed that she has been feeling left out a bit lately so we wanted to make a special day all her own. (Mella day) A whole day revolved around our #1 Princess Mella Moo and of course she had the pick of where we would go and she wanted to go to the Neighbor’s farm and we got there number and they were perfectly fine with us going on over and see all the animals. Our day was amazing we got some great memories and Mella no longer feels left out at all.. we promised her we would do this once every 2 weeks to get out just us 3. I am hoping she will want to include her siblings one day but for now we are just fine being us 3 Once in a while. The babies had a great time with Mimi and Poppop and in all every one had a awesome day and Mella even was able to make a Horse friend. She was so excited to meet a real cow and couldn't wait to get a pic next to it. My personal fave was the pigs they were so cute and the piglets were so sweet and wiggly. Korey says his fave would have to be the resident duck :) 
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mccarthyfamilysims4 · 4 years
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10-5-2020 Visiting Family.
So as if it couldn’t get any crazier at the house. Well we go and add 3 more kiddos to the mix. Korey and Carmella are playing in the kitchen and I was taking a picture of them when we hear a knock at the door. Everlee was the first to do her “ding dong” dance and then Mella ran straight for the door. I could see thru the window it was my sister and her family. We were soo excited to have them over because the kiddos get along so well and this will be a great chance to meet their baby cousin Kiley. Once the kiddos played for a bit and we got a few snaps we all settled down to watch a movie while the babies slept and the kiddos played. Oh and one more thing Everlee is finally starting to warm up to the Greyson, Not so much Graham but that will come in time. She really seems to love being put with them in there little nap playpen so I let her go in there some times and just bond more with them on her own. In all everything is going great couldn't be happier with life right now and can’t wait to see what tomorrow may hold.
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mccarthyfamilysims4 · 4 years
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10/2/2020 Going home!
Well we can see that Everlee is still not soo keen on the boys just yet but were working on it. Today we got to go home I was so very excited and couldn’t wait to use the boys car seats for the first time. Turns out they are perfect and the ride home went great with only a little bit of fussing. Once home the pups got to meet there new siblings and boy did that go amazing. Ranger and Domino were very gentle and knew the boundaries that was set with the babies and did just perfect. Evie has been a lot more clingy today but she's doing a bit better. I think it has to do with me being at the unit for that time and how she wasn't used to me being anywhere but with her. 
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mccarthyfamilysims4 · 4 years
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9/30/2020   First Meeting
After Korey went to his parents house to take the girls home for the night and the nurses left I spent as much time as I could bonding with the boys by myself and without interruptions and you know get to look them over and see the beautiful miracles we made. The next day I heard a knocking and see Korey with the girls and they are so very excited to meet there new brothers. Mella was a pro by now since having Everlee and she of course was determined to let Everlee know how to be a big sister. With Everlee being so little she didn't understand why there was now two babies with her momma and all she did was reached out her arms towards me and once she got to me all she wanted was to feed and to be cuddled. This gave Korey the perfect time to get some bonding in with the boys himself though so we really didn't mind. In all the first meeting went great the Carmella at least is very interested and very much determined to be the best big sister she can. Everlee could care less but that's ok because she will grow and be just like Mella when it comes to it. :) will be posting more soon 
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