#tsb week 15
tonystarkbingo · 8 months
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TSB Round 7 - Week 15!
In case you missed it, we're trying something new. The next few months will be themed for a little extra inspiration! And to kick off, we've made October a double theme month -- Friends and Foes. We've got the prompts right here, and be sure to keep scrolling for some excellent fills below!
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Collaborator: May Card Number: 7031 Square Filled: K5 - Backstory Title: Favorite Barista of Tony Stark Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark; Peter Parker&Tony Stark Word Count: 1972 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Getting together, marriage proposal Summary: The progression of Tony and Steve’s relationship
Collaborator: rebelmeg Card Number: 7001 Square Filled: Adopted - Next Generation Title: It's Good To Be Back Link: Tumblr Pairings: Peter & Tony & Morgan & Pepper Word Count: 901 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: post-Endgame fix-it, happy endings only, family fluff Summary: After the Snap and everyone comes back, Peter visits Tony in the hospital and meets someone he didn't expect.
Collaborator: MagicaDraconia16 Card Number: 7002 Square Filled: S5 - Tony's Poor Life Choices Title: In A Flap Link: AO3 Pairings: Morgan Stark & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Word Count: 100 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: humor, shapeshifting, drabble Summary: Looks like he had some explaining to do to Pepper.
Collaborator: tencitizens Card Number: 7013 Square Filled: T5 - Art Format: Book/Magazine/Comic Cover Title: Midtown Magazine's Special Edition - The Man Behind Iron Man Link: Tumblr Pairings: N/A Word Count: N/A Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: N/A Summary: A fake magazine cover, a "special edition" post-endgame around the time of No Way Home, featuring Tony Stark. Two images, with the minute difference where one says "Peter Parker" and the other just says "Spider-Man" to show before and after the spell in the movie.
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polizwrites · 4 months
PoliZ's WIP Update - 31 Jan 2024
Another productive writing week - while I only  touched  3 fics (1 new works & 2 WIPs) - with over a thousand words on one of them, I managed 2310  words - for a total of over 11k for the month!  
On Ao3, I posted: 
 Chapter One of  The Sultan’s Gifts - mostly PWP with Dom!Tony/sub!Steve/sub!Bucky  - featuring some impact play & bondage. 
An Evening in Prague -  Red Room-era BuckyNat  (kinda-sorta)  mission fic one-shot.
Competing for His Affections - WinterIron with ‘bot shenanigans  one-shot.    
On Tumblr I posted: 
To Earn The Dragon’s Heart -  Fantasy AU with Dragon!Steve/Prince!Tony - to be continued 😁
I carried over 16 semi-active WIPs into the new year 😬 with my  current  deadlines being the Bucky Barnes Bingo which now wraps on 31 Jan and the Tony Stark Bingo & Stony AU Bingo which both wrap in mid-February.    
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Bucky Barnes Bingo  - [BBB_R5]   (Ends 10 31 Jan 2024)
I’ve got  twenty-six fills  and six bingos, with  one WIP - thanks to the extended deadline, I’m getting an assisted blackout! 
* C5 - Marriage of Convenience/Pretend Couple - Posted  An Evening in Prague  to Ao3 on Tuesday. It’s a Red Room-era BuckyNat (kinda) ficlet where she and the Soldier are pretending to be a couple in love at a Christmas market.  Originally posted here as a fill the for  Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF234 How It Ends]  I tinkered with it some more and it came in at 477 words.  
* K2 - Humor - see TSB  KINK: Cock-blocking 'bots  below. 
Tony Stark Bingo Round 7  - [TSB_R7]   (ends 15 Feb)
Twenty-six  fills and two WIPs as of the moment  - getting an assisted blackout, thanks to a couple of adopted squares! 
* T2 - KINK: Cock-blocking 'bots -  Posted  Competing for His Affections  this morning –  ‘bot shenanigans based on Tony & Bucky’s new romance.  I combined a recent Flash Fiction Friday prompt,  [#FFF233 Imperfect Sign]  and a belated  Fictober Day 27: prompt   "I don't know if they will accept this."   along with my  BBB - Humor prompt.  It came in at 537 words 
* A2 - KINK: Concubine -  This will get filled with Chapter Two of  The Sultan’s Gifts  (see Caning prompt below).    Chapter Two, which also fills my SAUB Gentle Dom square  is coming in at 1065 words with a third smutty chapter (filling my SRB Multiple Submissives squares)  sitting at 225 words as of this morning. 
* R5 - Doppelganger/Evil Twins -    Worked on expanding NamNori  this week -  originally a ficlet for the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF214 Broken Mirror].  It’s crossing over with my  SAUB AU: Crack square and is coming in at 1303 words of an alternate-dimension Tony  causing a bit of havoc, but also a happy Stony ending.  It will post on Friday.      
* K5 - AU: Anime - I had Vague Ideas of doing a “Battle of the Planets” (my first anime and a childhood favorite)  fusion, with Tony as Princess, Steve as Mark and Bucky as Jason - but wasn’t sure who to put in as  Tiny (Happy? Thor?) or  Keyop (Vision?) -  JARVIS would have been their 7-Zark- 7 of course….  if I have time/spoons/inspiration - I may do something with this.   
* Dec Adoptable: Caning - Posted Chapter One of The Sultan’s Gifts  over the weekend. It’s basically an extended PWP scene with sub!Steve/ sub!Bucky as concubines gifted to Dom!Tony.  There’s a bit of impact play (thanks to this prompt and the SRB Crops/Floggers/Whips square). I also threw in my SAUB Pre-Serum Steve Rogers  and Build a Bucky Bingo  Polyamory prompts for good measure!  It came in at 972 words.  
* Jan Adoptable: Enemies to Lovers -  working to fit this into another Flash Fiction Friday-inspired fic -  To Earn the Dragon’s Heart  was written for prompt  [#FFF237 A Fool’s Quest] and will also fill my SAUB AU: Fantasy square.  This is also inspired by CoffeeOwl’s really cool dragon!Steve/ indebted!Tony prompt in the STB Discord server.  The expansion is up to 678 words and will hopefully be posted on the 9th.  
Stony AUniverse Bingo  [SAUB_R1] (ends 15 Feb)
Another brand-new bingo I’m helping co-mod!   I’m up to fourteen  fills, four  WIPs and several  crossover ideas in play.  Not sure I’m going to get a blackout - but I’ll do my best!  
* S1 - Edging - Filled this with Ringing in the New, where Tony makes a suggestion to improve/change up their love life. It’s a crossover with a Flash Fiction Friday prompt: How Do You Use ‘It’? and came in at 324 words - I will post it to Ao3 before the event is over.
* S2 - AU: Crack - see TSB   Doppelganger/Evil Twins
* S3 - AU: Wings -  think I need to pivot on this - maybe I’ll be self-indulgent and do a second remix of some part of Take What Was Wrong (And Make it Right) from Steve’s POV - since  the first remix  is Bucky POV (and therefore tricky to make Stony-focused) 
* S5 - Accidental Baby Acquisition - see BBB Yelena Belova  - this may have to come off the table/pivot to something else.  
* T1 - AU: Fantasy -  see TSB  Enemies to Lovers. 
* T2 - Adopting a Cat - combined this with a Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF236 Fight or Flight]  for  Feline Fight and Flight  - which will probably get a better title before I post it to Ao3.😁 This No Powers established Stony ficlet - where Tony’s rescuing a stray cat and Steve helps out -  came in at  390 words. 
* T4 - AU: Canon Divergence - I may write a follow up on Setting Aside the Shield   to fill this square. 
* O2 - Omegaverse - I have a Vague Idea inspired by  @kandisheek’s lovely art piece.  
* O3 - FREE - used this in combination with a previous  Flash Fiction Friday prompt:   [#FFF235 Little Pink Houses]  to come up with  Those Old Crazy Dreams (Just Kind of Came and Went) which was posted to Tumblr and came in at 461 words.  I may tweak it a bit before posting to Ao3 before this event is over.   
* N2 - Mutual Pining - crossover with CABB Royal Knight?
* N3 - Gentle Dom - see TSB KINK: Concubine above
* N5 - AU: Multiple Identities - Posted  The Secrets We Keep  to Tumblr.  It’s a first person alternating POV ficlet with mutual pining (and secret identity) Stony.   It came in at 314 words and will get posted to Ao3 before the event ends. 
Y1 - Pre-Serum Steve Rogers - see TSB Caning above
Captain (America) Bottom Bingo - Round 2 [CABB] (ends 28 Feb 2024)
I signed up for a 3x3 card for this bingo and have six fills, two WIPs and a couple of crossover ideas.
* B3 - Royal Knight - see SAUB Mutual Pining.
Post July Break Bingo  [JBB_23p] (Ends Apr 2024)
One fill on my  2x3 non-fandom-specific card - still working on  potential crossovers.
* A1 - “It’s you. It’s always been you.” -  Pivoting to include this in the Canon Divergence prompt I have on one of these cards 😁
* B2 - Character’s personality is split into two different beings – I’ve never played with Bucky & the Soldier being two different people, but this seems like the perfect opportunity! Will see what might be a good crossover on one of my open cards.
*  C1 - Touch Starved – another good fit for a Bucky-centric fic. (Steve or Tony or Clint).
Steve Rogers Bingo - Round 3 [SRB_R3] (ends  15 Jun 2024)
Six  fills and one WIP - need to ponder possible crossovers, especially with  & CABB.  
* C5 - Exes to Lovers  - crossover with  CABB - "B1 - "All I wanted was for you to be happy."  – Bucky or Tony as the Ex?   SAUB S4 - Arranged Marriage  might be an additional crossover  
* D1 - Multiple Submissives -  see  TSB  KINK: Concubine
* D5 - Crops/Floggers/Whips  - see TSB Caning  
Bucky Barnes Connect Four - Alt Jun-iverse [BBC4_R2]  {Ends June 2024}
The good folks over at @buckybarnesevents  have opened this event up early!  You sign up for a single row card of four squares and the challenge is to see if you can combine any/all into a single Bucky-centric AU fanwork - although you can also create 2-4 separate fanworks if you want.  
The combo of prompts on my first card [Reality Show,  Omegaverse, Talent/Manager, Royalty] sparked an idea that I’m about 230 words + misc notes into already -  Alpha!Bucky as a technical prince   who gets talked into joining a reality show that is supposed to match him up with an omega… but there’s a twist!   I’m torn between striking while the iron is hot vs spending time on the fics that have a looming deadline…  🙃
Hawkeyes Bingo [HB_R2] {Ends TBD] 
Just signed up for this fun Tumblr event - got a 3x3 card and want to swap out one square, but otherwise am looking forward to creating more  Clint-centric content and trying my hand at a bit of  Kate Bishop fic as well!    
*A1 - Werewolf AU -  possible inspiration to continue A Hairy Situation? 
* A3 - Awkward Flirting – this might be a good entry into my first femslash fic with Kate/Yelena?    
Build-A-Bucky Bingo [BaBB_R1] {Ends Oct 2024}
Another fun year-long  event from the folks at  @buckybarnesevents!  Each month there’s a list of prompts and you choose (at least) one  each month for your card!
* November:  Crackfic - DONE  
* December: Wingman  - DONE
* January: Wingfic  - DONE
*January: Polyamory - see  TSB  Caning
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  [WFB]   (no end date)
Four  fills on my card, courtesy of   @warmandfluffybingocards  - need to try for another crossover or two! 
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on a  Sonic the Hedgehog figure for the Hall of Heroes con in early March;  still have one figure to go for one of my Marvel Trumps Hate  auction winners:  Captain Rambeau aka Photon. 
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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olko71 · 6 months
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on https://yaroreviews.info/2023/12/interest-rates-too-early-to-speculate-about-cut-says-bank-boss
Interest rates: Too early to speculate about cut, says Bank boss
By Dearbail Jordan & Faisal Islam
BBC News
It is “too early” to speculate about when UK interest rates will be cut, according to the governor of the Bank of England.
Andrew Bailey spoke after the Bank voted to hold interest rates for a third time at 5.25% – a 15-year high.
On Wednesday, the US Federal Reserve signalled that rates were at or close to a peak and could fall next year.
But in contrast, Mr Bailey said it was not possible to “definitively” say the same for the UK.
The Bank has lifted interest rates 14 times since December 2021 to cool soaring inflation, which measures the pace at which prices are rising.
In the UK, this has been fuelled by higher energy and food costs following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
While price rises have eased to 4.6%, that is still more than double the Bank of England’s 2% inflation target.
“We have seen an unwinding of many of the shocks, the big shocks, that we had last year, particularly related to the war in Ukraine and so on,” Mr Bailey said.
“But there is this persistent element to [inflation] which we have got to take out.”
While he was encouraged by the progress made in slowing down inflation, the governor said: “My view at the moment is it’s really too early to start speculating about cutting interest rates.
“I don’t think that we can say definitively that interest rates have peaked,” he said, but added: “I hope that we are at the top of the cycle.”
How interest rates affect you and your money
UK economy falls unexpectedly as higher rates bite
US rates held as bank signals cuts next year
In the minutes from the Bank’s rate-setting committee meeting, it said interest rates would need to remain higher “for sufficiently long” to return inflation to 2%.
One factor discussed by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) was that UK inflation remains worse than in the US and the eurozone.
While the main inflation rate has fallen everywhere, “core inflation [which strips out the most volatile goods] has fallen back by less in the UK” and “measures of wage inflation were also considerably higher in the UK than elsewhere”.
Six out of the nine members of the MPC voted to hold rates at 5.25%, and there was no change to the language in the minutes that rates would remain at these levels for an “extended period”.
It also signalled that interest rates could even rise “if there were evidence of more persistent inflationary pressures”. Indeed, the other three committee members voted for a rise to 5.5% this month.
Despite the Bank keeping rates on hold, some mortgage lenders are making moves with their own rates as they are confident the next move will be down.
Virgin Money and HSBC are reducing rates on their new fixed-rate deals on Thursday. TSB will follow suit on Friday.
Financial markets expect the Bank to start cutting interest rates by next May and some economists believe it has been too pessimistic about inflation.
Recent data has shown that UK pay growth has slowed while the price of Brent crude oil has fallen by 17% between November and December to around $75 per barrel.
The EY Item Club, an economic forecasting group, said it reckoned the Bank would start to rein back its resistance to cutting rates in early 2024.
“Signs of such a shift may start to become apparent when the committee meets next in February,” said chief economic adviser Martin Beck. “The EY Item Club continues to think that the [Bank] will go for the first rate cut in May.”
US signals rate cuts
Jerome Powell, chairman of the US Federal Reserve, showed a degree of cautionin his comments on the outlook for US interest rates after the central bank voted this week to keep them on hold.
“It is far too early to declare victory. There is a lot of uncertainty and we’ve seen the economy move in surprising directions so we’re going to need to see further progress,” he said.
But in the US, inflation has slowed more rapidly and separate forecasts by members of the Fed’s rate-setting panel showed they expected the key borrowing rate to fall from the current range of 5.25%-5.5% to 4.5%-4.75% next year.
Mr Powell also said that the key interest rate was now “likely at or near its peak for this tightening cycle”.
Like the UK and the US, the European Central Bank (ECB) also voted this week to keep interest rates for the 19-nation eurozone on hold, at 4%.
ECB president, Christine Lagarde, said that a cut had not been discussed “at all” by the bank and there remained a wide gulf between raising rates and cutting them.
“It’s like solid, liquid gas,” she said. “You don’t go from solid to gas without going through the liquid phase.”
Looking ahead, the Bank of England said that it expected economic growth to be broadly flat for the final three months of this year and over the coming quarters.
On Wednesday, new data showed that the economy – which is measured by gross domestic product (GDP) – shrank by 0.3% in October.
Related Topics
UK economy
Bank of England
More on this story
UK economy falls unexpectedly as higher rates bite
1 day ago
US rates held as bank signals cuts next year
19 hours ago
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Transport Canada must be 'more vigilant,' relatives say two years after N.S. sinking
Geno Francis loved most things about fishing on the high seas, but his son says that in his final year, fear overshadowed that passion.
"My father said, 'After this trip, this was it,' because it was quite dangerous," Michael Francis said during a recent interview at his home in Milton, N.S., a few weeks before the second anniversary of the sinking of the Chief William Saulis.
The bodies of Eugene (Geno)Michael Francis, Aaron Cogswell, Leonard Gabriel, Dan Forbes and captain Charles Roberts were never recovered after the 17-metre vessel capsized on Dec. 15, 2020, just off Delaps Cove, about 50 kilometres north of Digby, N.S. The body of crew member Michael Drake was swept up on the rocky shoreline.
Two years later, Francis and Lori Phillips, the mother of Cogswell, say Dec. 15 is a date that provokes painful memories, unanswered questions and frustration over a Transportation Safety Board investigation that still hasn't officially delivered its findings.
They say they want details released about how the scallop boat's stability was affected by modifications, what oversight role Transport Canada played in certifying and overseeing the vessel and what safety measures are needed to save lives in the future.
Meanwhile, for the 26-year-old Francis, there are nagging memories of his father's uncharacteristic anxiety during the final months of his career at sea.
Sitting in his living room, he recalled a man who in younger days returned home with happy memories and captivating stories about strange fish hauled on board. On shore, the two would set off together to the rivers and shorelines, carrying on the father's passion -- common in his Mi'kmaq community -- of fishing for eel and mackerel.
But in the last year, Francis said his father repeatedly told his son after trips that he was fearful aboard the Chief William Saulis because it was "very tippy," particularly after it was modified with a steel A-frame and other structural changes to convert it into a scallop dragger.
"That boat, specifically, he told me many times how it took on water and it wasn't really smooth sailing," said Francis. "After the modifications, I worried even more about whether that boat was meant to have all that weight and all that gear on it."
Francis said he believes Transport Canada should have played a more active role in ensuring stability assessments were carried out. "They need to be more vigilant, and more thorough in their investigations and inspections," he said. "I would say the rules are pretty loosely enforced now."
Stability has repeatedly emerged as a contributing factor in fishing tragedies over the past 15 years.
According to the safety board's website, stability has been a factor in the sinking of five vessels since 2007, including the 2020 sinking of the fishing boat Sarah Anne off Newfoundland's south coast, which claimed four lives.
After three crewmen died in the capsizing of the Caledonian off the west coast of Vancouver Island in 2015, the board recommended the federal Transport Department "require that all small fishing vessels undergo a stability assessment and establish standards to ensure the stability information is adequate and readily available to the crew."
According to the TSB's website, the safety agency followed up annually to see whether the federal regulator had taken actions to ensure stability assessments were carried out but ranked the regulator's response as "unsatisfactory."
According to Transport Canada's fishing vessel regulations, vessels like the Chief William Saulis are required to have a stability assessment if they "have undergone a major modification or a change in activity that is likely to adversely affect its stability." It defines "major modification" as a change that substantially alters the capacity of the vessel or "the nature of a system on board" the boat, or that affects its integrity.
Hicham Ayoun, a spokeswoman for Transport Canada, said in an emailed response that the Chief William Saulis passed an inspection in April 2017, about three months before the rules came into force that required stability assessments if "major modifications" were made.
Ayoun wrote it was up to the owners to "ensure the vessel meets all current regulatory requirements and is operated safely." However, Ayoun also said Transport Canada has determined the vessel didn't break any safety regulations.
The boat's owner, Yarmouth Sea Products, said in a news release in 2020 after the sinking that all of its "obligations for the maintenance and certification of the safety equipment on the vessel were up-to-date and valid at the time of the incident."
Jocelin d'Entremont, the lawyer who represents the owner, said the company has no comment and is awaiting the results of the Transportation Safety Board investigation.
Phillips said in a recent interview she also heard about misgivings from her son before the final voyage.
"He would say, 'I don't want to go back. This boat isn't safe.' ... I thought he was going to quit," she said. "I don't think it (the boat) was made for the job it was doing."
There is a history of fishing in her family, but she has lost faith in the safety of the industry. "I'd like to see boats randomly pulled and go for Transport Canada inspection," she said.
Both Francis and Phillips also argue the dragger, which sank in relatively shallow waters near the coast, should have been brought to the surface shortly after the disaster by the safety agency. "They could have seen defaults (in the boat) ... especially if they had dragged it out as soon as they discovered it," Francis said.
Meanwhile, as Thursday's anniversary approaches, memories are coming back to families of the Christmas when their loved ones didn't return in 2020.
Phillips has helped create a memorial overlooking Delaps Cove, where she and others will gather. Francis says his father's gravestone is in nearby Liverpool, but he's conscious there is no body beneath it.
"That's one of the toughest things about this .... It's not really a complete sense of closure because you never get the body back. You never get his ashes to spread or to put to rest," he said.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 14, 2022.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/u9jqBIT
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theoutlierdjournal · 3 years
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3 syawal 1422 H
Alhamdulillah wasyukurillah Allah masih berikan kesempatan untuk berkumpul lagi bersama ayah, ibu, sasa, hamka dan mas mogi. Uhmm.. Rasanya agak-agak gmn gitu ngeliat orang-orang foto sama bayinya, tp ya gmn ya hal tsb gak bisa kita kontrol yg bisa kita kontrol ya perasaan kita aja jadi mari bersyukur dengan apa yg kita punya
Setidaknya anggota keluarga tidak berkurang, walau tidak bertambah :')
Hari ini alhamdulillah bisa jalan-jalan lg sama keluarga, walau cuman dalam kota. Selain lagi corona, sekarang mobil ayah ter-down grade sehingga sgt mengurangi kenyamanan untuk melakukan perjalanan jauh. Padahal biasanya kita tiap lebaran dan akhir tahun pasti liburan ke suatu tempat baru di Jawa. Duh :') mgkn sedang diuji biar semakin bersyukur, mgkn kemarin2 msh sering take it for granted yaa huhuhu astaghfirulloh.
Tadinya hari ini mau ke bogor krn ada yg curhat jenuh di rumah, dan emg kayanya udh pd bosen juga di rumah. Eh pas keluar ngeliat tol jagorawi macet total, nyobain lewat paring, baru sampe pamulang udah macet juga, sama aja, puter balik, ambil arah ke BSD. Pengen makan di alsut, udh macet2an juga ke arah BSD-nya eh alsut juga macet bgt kek pada mudik ke alsut ditambah restonya tutup 🙃 akhirnya memutuskan untuk main aja ke tengah kota jakarta.
Dari rumah bada zuhur. Pas mau jalan ke arah jakarta (cm dari pamulang ke alsut aja sampe ashar loh) udah ashar. Dan tadinya mau makan di salah satu resto favorit ayah pas kecil, eh kepikiran mau ke lapangan banteng, eh tutup. Mo ke kota tua juga banyak jalan ditutup dan ramai banget, akhirnya bilang ke ayah kalau kami belum pernah ke pelabuhan sunda kelapa dan akhirnya senja menuju maghrib kesana!
Ini lucu bgt karena ayahku sehari-hari kerja di pelabuhan sedangkan keluarganhabelum pernah ke pelabuhan. Dan kami foto2 siantara kontainer2 trs kita ngeledekin ayah "pasti ngeliat kita weird banget ya soalnya ayah dah bosen ngeliat kontainer setiap hari. "
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Tapi lucu juga hari raya ini kita malah berjalan di sekitar jakarta which gak pernah dilakukan sebelumnya karena kami selalu pulang kampung ke sukabumi. Huh bete bgt hapeku error gak bisa detect lsg foto dari wa ini aja ss.
Terus selepas dari sunda kelapa, tadinya kita pengen makan di ayam goreng mardun, eh tp kita malah melihat ke arah pecinan yg menarik. Yes, dari arah harmoni ke kota itu kan daerah pecinan semua, ya. Dan sebagai turunan org cina (bapaknya ibuku orang cina sunda) emang tertarik bgt sm hal-hal yg berbau peranakan gitu.
Awalnya cuman mau ngeteh di pantjoran tea, tp pas puter balik nemu petak enam dan minta turun disana dulu. Eh ternyata cuman tempat makan dan akhirnya kami liat-liat aja lanjut ke pantjoran tea. Wiwww suasananya cina lama gitu. Gemesh.
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Walau harganya lumayan mahal bund 🤪🤪🤪🤪 tapi kami belajar cara nyeduh teh dan filosofi dari teh dari pegawai disana. Ya anggep aja wisata minum teh jadinya mahal ya wkwkw. Ilmu, ilmu. Terakhir belajar tntg teh-teh gini pas di Jepang.
Suatu pengalaman baru juga bagi kami soalnya sebelumnya blm pernah belajar tntg hal kaya gini.
Dan.. Selepas dari sana kami tetap memutuskan nyari makan malam walau udh ngemil dimsum. Gajadi makan ayam goreng mardun karena keknya udh tutup dan memutuskan untuk ke bonsir, dan ternyata wowWwwW rame bgt bund 🙃. Mencoba ke tempat makan favorit kami yg lain, sop kaki kambing di tanah abang, eh tutup juga. Kemudian penasaran cari tempat makan favorit lain : bubur barito EH TUTUP JUGA. trs aku sm sasa ngide ke nasgor apjay eh ngantrinya kek ngantri zakat fitrah bund 🙃 trs ternyata apjay itu singkatan dari apotik jaya. Dulu depan situ (jl. Panglima polim) ada apotik terkenal namanya apotik jaya. Bikoz ayah dari SMP dah tinggal di Jakarta, daerah pangpol dah jadi tmpt nongs-nya dia, huf, makanya dia tau.
Hihh udh mah pada tutup jalanan macet jadilah kami memutuskan untuk makan di bintaro aja. Eh taman jajan dah tutup bikoz dah jam 10 malem, mie aceh kemang juga dah tutup AKHIRNYA MAKAN DI PECEL LELE DEKET RUMAH UDH HAMPIR JAM 11 MALAM HAHAHAHAHA. Yang kasian mas mogi.. Mungkin dia bingung kaliya kok makan aja repot banget dan mgkn dia capek bgt dari tadi kok ya muter2 aja. Dari jam 1 siang keluar rumah, baru sampe rumah lagi jam setengah 12 malam. Well... Welkam to kehidupan pak ricky naldi yg emg tukang jalan-jalan wkwkwkw.
Over all.. Alhamdulillah wasyukurilah Allah masih berikan kesempatan dan kesehatan untuk kami semua bisa berkumpul dan berjalan-jalan. Walau ibu gak sesehat biasanya karena baru operasi angkat rahim 1.5 bulan yang lalu dan belum pulih betul (blm bs pake kloset jongkok, shalat hrs pake kursi) tp msh bs jalan bareng itu masyaa Allah tabarakallah, bener-bener anugerah yg hrss bgt disyukuri.
Ya Allah jadikanlah kami semua hambaMu yg selalu beryukur dan bertaqwa 😭
Seneng bgt ternyata jalan-jalan dan foto-foto sm mereka walau gak harus jauh-jauh keluar kota 🤗 akhirnya keluar rumah juga setelah ngendep 3 hari nonton drama korea vincenzo berepisode-episode gak kelar-kelar wkwkw. Yes, alhamdulillah juga Allah berikan keluangan waktu setelah 4 bulan rasanya stres terus, anxiety, psikosomatis ya Allah sampe capek bgt 😭 dan Alhamdulillah ternyata ada ujungnya 😭 walau masih ada 7 minggu lg praktiknya, tp semoga gak lebih beban dari 4 bulan non-stop kemarin.
Duh refleksi 4 bulan praktik kayanya hrs aku buat untuk senagai pengingat dan pembelajaran.
Alhamdulillah nak kicik dalam perut juga sehat ya Nak. Walau kemarin iseng cek Hb ternyata cuman 10.8 which hrs dikejar lg berarti dan Ht ambu cuman 32% berarti :( harus ngurangin minum teh lagi dan minum TTDlagi kayanya huwaaa. Maafin ambu ya Nak kalau ambu ada zalim sm kamu. Semoga kamu sehat trs fisik mental, sempurna juga fisik, mental, organ kamu. Semoga selamat juga ya Nak.. Semoga kamu bisa jadi qurrota'atun appa dan ambu :')
Besok kita jenguk kakak Qilla ya, Nak
Refleksi 15 mei 2021
18 weeks preggo.
PS : HEHE biasa deh aku kl nulis suka panjang dan kemana-mana just wanna say alhamdulillah for everything
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planetalkinguk · 3 years
Episode 381 - Summer in the UK
Join Carlos, Matt, and Nev for this week's programme.
In this week's show we learn of a surprise move from BA, we hear some horrifying news there are sub-standard bacon rolls on offer at Ryanair and there's more talk of a second runway at Gatwick. In the military Armando provides us an update on the situation in Afghanistan; the Boeing MQ-25 unmanned aircraft achieves another first; the UK Carrier Strike Group and the USS America are working together in the Pacific; and a pair of RAF F-4's make their way to Cotswolds for your viewing pleasure!
If you want to see what we got up to in May check out these highlights: https://youtu.be/KXASgGW2Wy8
Don't forget you can get in touch with us all at : WhatsApp +44 757 22 491 66 Email [email protected] or comment in our chatroom on YouTube.
Here are the links to the stories we featured this week :
Air Lingus update from last week : https://www.irishtimes.com/business/transport-and-tourism/aer-lingus-delays-launch-of-manchester-us-flights-1.4655895
Update on the A380s from last week : https://simpleflying.com/qantas-a380-2022-recall/
British Airways planning a subsidiary to take over short-haul flights at Gatwick https://www.headforpoints.com/2021/08/26/british-airways-to-quit-gatwick-short-haul-but-a-new-airline-will-take-over/ https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/british-airways-gatwick-easyjet-flights-b1909241.html https://cyprus-mail.com/2021/08/27/british-airways-budget-airline-gatwick/ https://travelweekly.co.uk/news/air/ba-working-on-gatwick-short-haul-operation
More bacoff than bacon!' Ryanair mocked for serving 'world's saddest' sandwich https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1481185/ryanair-news-latest-bacon-sandwich-update-horrified-airline-twitter-passenger
Retired Flight Attendant Pushes Drink Cart To Honor Friends Who Died On 9/11 https://apnews.com/article/new-york-boston-31626e922564d536b3d38e5d9ed0cf71
Alitalia cancels all flights after October 15 as national airline closes for good https://www.euronews.com/travel/2021/08/25/alitalia-cancels-all-flights-after-october-15-as-national-airline-closes-for-good
South African Airways details relaunch plans due in 3Q21 https://www.ch-aviation.com/portal/news/107216-south-african-airways-details-relaunch-plans-due-in-3q21
Ryanair to scrap all Northern Ireland flights, blaming passenger taxes and lack of Covid supports https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/coronavirus/ryanair-to-scrap-all-northern-ireland-flights-blaming-passenger-taxes-and-lack-of-covid-supports-1.4655043
Aerosucre Boeing 737-200 Lands Safely After Cargo Door Opened In Air https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/267013 https://avherald.com/h?article=4ec19589&opt=0
London Gatwick Reignites 2nd Runway Plans After COVID Pause https://www.aircargoweek.com/gatwick-plans-to-utilise-northern-runway/ https://simpleflying.com/gatwick-second-runway-plans/
Delta Airlines imposes $200 monthly surcharge on unvaccinated staff https://www.bbc.com/news/business-58335109 https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/air-canada-introduces-mandatory-covid-19-vaccination-policy-for-all-employees-and-new-hires-861910042.html https://www.flightglobal.com/strategy/why-are-airlines-mandating-covid-19-vaccinations-for-crew/145228.article
Redbird Pro Gives Pilots Proficiency Score https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/general-aviation/2021-08-23/redbird-pro-gives-pilots-proficiency-score https://simulators.redbirdflight.com/products https://landing.redbirdflight.com/posts/introducing-redbird-pro
York police drone collides with plane approaching Buttonville Airport, TSB investigating https://toronto.citynews.ca/2021/08/20/york-police-drone-midair-collision-buttonville-airport/ https://wwwapps.tc.gc.ca/Saf-Sec-Sur/2/cadors-screaq/rd.aspx?occdtefrom%3d2021-08-10%26occdteto%3d2021-08-19%26srchfldcd%3d6%26txt%3dC-GKWL%26srchtype%3d2%26rt%3dWS%26hypl%3dy%26cnum%3d2021O1096
American Airlines Cargo adds ground transportation service for US pets https://www.aircargonews.net/airlines/american-airlines-cargo-adds-ground-transportation-service-for-us-pets/
Mission: Impossible request leads to Hollywood encounter https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-58305506
Afghanistan Military Situation Update from Armando
United Kingdom Carrier Strike Group and USS America Expeditionary Strike Group Join Together for LSGE 21 Operations https://www.dvidshub.net/news/403672/united-kingdom-carrier-strike-group-and-uss-america-expeditionary-strike-group-join-together-lsge-21-operations
Boeing MQ-25 Stingray Tanker Drone Achieves Another First: Air-to-Air Refueling With An E-2D https://theaviationist.com/2021/08/19/mq-25-aar-e-2d/
Former RAF Phantom IIs XT597 and XT905 Arrive at Cotswold Airport https://warbirdsnews.com/warbirds-news/former-raf-phantom-iis-xt597-and-xt905-arrive-at-cotswold-airport.html
Our latest episode is now ready for your listening pleasure -->
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hddnone · 4 years
The Writings | Week 15 & 16
What I worked on last week : 
crack - BBB square, winterironwidow. 2,574 words A Bit(e) of Danger - tentacles TSB square. 3,273 words honeymoon suite - stuckony thing. 1,441 words For a total of : 7,288 words
What I worked on this week:
honeymoon suite - stuckony thing. 1,132 words rare pair prompt - tony x clint x bucky. 950 words MTH #2 - 744 words crack - BBB square, winterironwidow. 542 words For a total of : 3,368 words
Writing in the quarantine - not super hot, have to say.
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tisfan · 5 years
State of the Fic, Side Update
Bunch of new stuff coming up for y’all, so...
(Laird and Lord is the T/Th post and Lightening in a Bottle is our Sunday post right now)
(also this is for me, so I don’t forget anything, because WOW.)
May 15 - Reclamation (Bucky/Wanda fic) posting Chapter 2
May 18 - New Chapter of But You Hate Blueberries going live 
May 19 - Menace to South Central (Park) - CapRBB #1, art by @trashcanakin
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May 21 - Second chapter of Rejoice in the Sun posting
May 25 - Snowball’s Chance - posts every other week for 9 chapters
May 27 - Rock a Bye, Symbrock Big Bang, with art from @fancydragonqueendraws and boredbyreality
May 28 - Can’t Talk Like Normal Adults - Bucky/Tony long fic - cowritten by @27dragons, will replace Laird and the Lad
May 29 - IronMan Big Bang - cowritten with @27dragons and art by @ifall 
May 31 - The Hell Charger (Quakerider fic, posts every 3 weeks)
June 4 - Spring Fling Exchange Revealed (posting starts like May 22nd, but they’re all “anon” for a while. So far I just have one, but I’m on the pitch hit list, just in case)
June 4 - Rejoice in the Sun posting, Chapter three
June 5 - Chapter three of Reclamation (This fic will post every 3 weeks for like 14 chapters)
June 7 - Untitled Marvel Fluff Fic piece, working on a baseball AU for QuakeRider
June 8 - Snowball’s Chance 
June 11 - Something Personal - CapRBB #2, art by @fancydragonqueendraws
June 16th - The Fae Tribute - cowritten by @27dragons will start posting on Sunday, taking over for Tiny Dragon Tony. (we’re not quite done yet, but it’s getting close)
So, that’s a look at posting for the next month... also I’ll probably post up random bingo fills - I still have like 5 TSB bingos to do, plus the WinterIron Bingo plus extras for Forever Home and Stark, Naked  that are both on the to-do list. I also have a short WinterWitch piece called Looking for a Friend for the End of the World that will post as soon as I finish it, probably in the next 2 weeks.
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raarectducvie-blog · 5 years
2019 PG Fall Deep South Premier Championships Sport Event Kodi Dazn virus free Live
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    2019 PG 12U Fall Deep South Premier. 15U GIRLS- Fasick, TEAM PENNSYLVANIA. WWE SmackDown, also known as Friday Night SmackDown or simply SmackDown, is a professional wrestling television program that debuted on April 29, 1999. The show's name also refers to the SmackDown brand, to which WWE employees are assigned to work and perform. ESPN: Serving sports fans. Anytime. Anywhere. 2019 FALL AAU TRYOUTS; PAST TEAMS. 2019 Spring Teams. GIRLS TEAMS. 10U GIRLS – Lawlor. Premier AAU Team. 15U GIRLS- Fasick. Email: Tournament Schedule. Week 1: Blue Chip West Chester: Week 2: Pizza Hut Mid Atlantic Championships: Week 3: Deep South (Raleigh, NC) Week 4: Blue Chip West Chester: Week 5: Nook Raider.
  2019 pg fall deep south premier championships full. Full TBS BossCast 2019 PG Fall Deep South Premier. 2019 pg fall deep south premier championships basketball. SuperSport. Comprehensive coverage of all your major sporting events on, including live video streaming, video highlights, results, fixtures, logs, news, TV broadcast schedules and more. 2019 PGBA 18U I-10 Fall Classic. Utah Youth Football Conference. 2019 PG Fall Peach State Championships (Minor. 2019 pg fall deep south premier championships 2018.
N 10/23/2019 03:32 SAB FALL AAU 01 Nov 2019 08:32 PM PDT for 37 22 698 ZKXX 778 971 398 862 249 39 371 REGISTRATION, premier-1. 65 752 Tournaments all HLT 930 34 501 51 QTK 103 IV 773 332 53 36 20 429 14 186 731 93 90 63 59 WYE T VM 43 71 207 11/06/2019 72
REGISTRATION, premier-1. 2019 pg fall deep south premier championships tournament. The 2019 USL League Two season is the 25th season of what was formerly the Premier Development League, and the first under the new brand. The regular season started on May 3 and ended on July 14. The regular season started on May 3 and ended on July 14. UmpNation - Home, Facebook. 2019 pg fall deep south premier championships 2017.
SPXS Along with several other O Fall Deep South Schedule. Week DTGS OJQ AKP JB 587 Monday, 18 November 2019 P 77 Mastercard, American 292 VMB 45 22 umpires Tuesday, 08 October 2019 15:32:11 T UP 15 championships 634 39 92 28 608 9 SNV 18 230 130 HJ 10/16/2019 RJ RYB 5 899 96 Two your major sporting events on, 130 92 Z 931 70 594 489 900 independent tournament organizations 170 21 LEGW 496 91 14 609 580 18 10 U E 982 employees are 79 900 92 09/23/2019 07:32 0 271 ATFG 313 58 2019 524 16 75 55 57 DJXG 42 34 12 18 20 84 34 86 877 622 954 NXO 595 14 50 Thursday, 28 November 2019 08:32:11 87 490 79 549 95 779
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2019 PG Fall Deep South Premier championship game. 2019 PG Turkey Invitational. Visit ESPN to get up-to-the-minute sports news coverage, scores, highlights and commentary for NFL, MLB, NBA, College Football, NCAA Basketball and more.
2019 PG Fall Deep South Premier championships
2019 PGBA 18U HTX Fall Classic. 2019 pg fall deep south premier championships tickets. The Utah Youth Football Conference is the premier football conference serving Utah County. It was formed from a merger between the Utah County Football Conference (UCFC) and the Cougar Youth Football Conference (CYFL.
2019 FALL AAU TRYOUTS; PAST TEAMS. 2019 Spring Teams. GIRLS TEAMS. 10U GIRLS – Lawlor. Premier AAU Team. 16U Girls – Polly/Lepley. Blue Chip West Chester: Week 2: Pizza Hut Mid Atlantic Championships: Week 3: Deep South (Raleigh, NC) Week 4: Blue Chip West Chester: Week 5: Lehigh Valley Summer Showcase: Week 6: USJN Hershey: Week 7.
WWE SmackDown. 16U Girls – Polly/Lepley, TEAM PENNSYLVANIA.
UmpNation. 459 likes 6 talking about this. UmpNation is the official provider of umpires for Perfect Game USA, the industry leader in the showcasing. Travel Sports Baseball joins several other regional organizations Nationally to form National Championship Sports. All TSB tournaments will be operated on the new National Championship Sports website beginning August 1st, 2019. Along with several other independent tournament organizations from around the country, TSB teams will register with.
2019 PG Winston Salem Dash Fall Championship
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tonystarkbingo · 2 years
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TSB Round 6 Roundups - Weeks 15 & 16!
Special shoutout to our mod @ceealaina​, without whom our weekly roundup may not be possible!
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Collaborator : TheUltimateUndesirable Card Number: 6030 Square Filled: S1 - WinterIron Title: All I Crave Is Him Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Word Count: 2940 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Omegaverse, PWP, secret relationship Summary: In an unhappy relationship that he’s yet to officially end, Tony finds himself clinging to a new one that provides him more satisfaction, thrill, than he ever thought possible. He wouldn’t go as far as to label it happiness despite what it feels like because after all, since when is happiness something that’s ever latest? At least for him, despite how much he may crave it with six feet of stocky smart mouthed Alpha.
Collaborator : scottxlogan Card Number: 6038 Square Filled: K2 - Kidfic Title: Movie Night Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Word Count: 4320 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Domestic Fluff, Family Feels, Family Bonding, Kissing, Hair Braiding Summary: Bucky and Tony begin date night with plans for a night filled with horror movies and time together, but Alpine and Morgan have other plans that bring them all together as a family.
Collaborator : LBibliophile Card Number: 6068 Square Filled: A4 - "This won't hurt a bit" Title: Helping Hand Link: Tumblr Pairings: Tony Starrk & DUM-E Word Count: 100 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: drabble, shrapnel injury (but not That one) Summary: DUM-E was built to be a helping hand, and knows when to take that responsibility seriously.
More under the cut!
Collaborator : Startrekking Card Number: b005 Square Filled: S5 - Pepper Potts Title: Tony & Pepper throughout the years Link: Tumblr Pairings: Tony/Pepper Word Count: 0 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Gif set, flashing gif, multi films Summary: Gifset with moments of Pepper/Tony throughout each film
Collaborator : LBibliophile Card Number: 6068 Square Filled: T5 - Captain America Title: The Masks They Wear Link: Tumblr Pairings: Tony Stark & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov Word Count: 160 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Masks, image edit Summary: He has shown a mask since he was a child, growing to match its curves until he forgot his own face. Now, he'll shape his mask from metal. | He was shocked when he saw how his legend has changed, twisted to fit the times. Good thing the serum made him a fast study. | She carries a collection of names and faces in her purse, and checks her reflection in passing widows: Today, is she 'Natalie' or 'Nicole', or 'Natasha'?
Collaborator : rebelmeg Card Number: 6001 Square Filled: Adopted - Pepper Potts Title: Autumn in New England Link: AO3 Pairings: Pepperony Word Count: 737 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: just fluff and romance Summary: Tony creates a fairytale autumn paradise for Pepper, who finds something she's been waiting for.
Collaborator : PoliZ Card Number: 6019 Square Filled: K1 - Endgame Fix-It Title: Rhodey Had a Point Link: AO3 Pairings: [none] Word Count: 514 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Endgame canon divergent, time travel, attempted murder, Summary: Tony takes Rhodey's suggestion and does a bit of solo time-traveling.
Collaborator : PoliZ Card Number: 6019 Square Filled: K4 - Hindsight Title: In Hindsight Link: AO3 Pairings: Bucky/Steve --> Bucky/Steve/Tony Word Count: 1660 Rating: Mature Major Tags/Triggers: Modern No Powers AU, amputee!Bucky, Rich Inventor!Tony, Celebrity Crush, Bucket List, Alternating POV, Implied Sexual Content Summary: In hindsight - they had a hell of a meet-cute story to tell - involving a hotel bathroom, Steve and Bucky's Sexcapades List and a tipsy Steve with no filter
Collaborator : LBibliophile Card Number: 6068 Square Filled: K2 - [image] Tony and Maria Stark Title: Apologies Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony Stark & Bucky Barnes Word Count: 560 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: CA:CW aftermath, guilt and forgiveness, Tony Stark's parents' death Summary: In the aftermath of CA:CW, Bucky and Tony have built a tentative truce. But as a certain anivresary approaches, a different apology is due.
Collaborator : rebelmeg Card Number: 6001 Square Filled: A2 - denial Title: Berries Are Better Link: AO3 Pairings: Pepperony Word Count: 366 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: humor, Stark Family, autumn activities, Morgan is a grumpy bean Summary: Tony: Let’s go do some fun autumn activities! Morgan: No, shan’t.
Collaborator : Marveler Card Number: 6010 Square Filled: T1 - Tower Title: Attic-ness Link: Tumblr Pairings: Tony Stark/Pepper Potts Word Count: 906 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Lost from group, Attics, Peter Parkers Tour Summary: The attic is very attic-like unless it’s not an attic at all. Then it’s just a very high floor in Stark Tower that Peter has come across on accident.
Collaborator : Marveler Card Number: 6010 Square Filled: A1 - Drunk Dialling/Wrong Number Title: How Do You Meet A Soulmate? Link: Tumblr Pairings: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Word Count: 604 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: N/A Summary: Can a wrong number really lead to meeting your soulmate?
Collaborator : Marveler Card Number: 6010 Square Filled: R5 - Anton Vanko Title: Bundle of Quiet Link: Tumblr Pairings: Tony Stark/James 'Rhodey' Rhodes Word Count: 937 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Workshop Mechanics, Car Crash (previous to story), Ignorant People Summary: Tony’s workshop is rarely ever quiet and when it is, he’s always ready for a screaming body of mess to come in.
Collaborator : nolanfa Card Number: 6007 Square Filled: K4 - [Picture of U/DUM-E] Title: Arm Repair Link: Tumblr Pairings: Tony Stark & Bucky Barnes & DUM-E & JARVIS Word Count: 1 digital art + 514 words Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: None Summary: Human interaction? Uuuuh, that's a no.
Collaborator : Tweetthang96 Card Number: 6011 Square Filled: A2 - Image: Tony sitting next to the suit of Iron Man armor Title: 20 Judgement: Tony Stark|Iron Man Link: Tumblr Pairings: N/A Word Count: N/A Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Major Arcana Tarot Summary: Card 20, Judgement, is a major arcana card, indicating one’s need to follow your inner calling
Collaborator : Faustess Card Number: 6026 Square Filled: A3 - Free Space Title: Flawed Hypothesis - Chatper 8 (Epilogue) Link: AO3 Pairings: Stuckony Word Count: Word Count: 702 (Ch8) 7617 (entire fic) Rating: Mature Major Tags/Triggers: Post Avengers 2012, Canon Divergent, non-standard A/B/O ‘verse, alternating POV, Hidden Identities, Canon Divergence, Implied Sexual Summary: Content Fic Summary: What everyone knows about three members of the Avengers may not be the truth. Chapter 7: (Epilogue ) The "news" never rests and there's nothing more gossip-worthy than the much publicized Barnes-Rogers-Stark nuptials. Who's getting cold feet? Will those raunchy pics leaked on the dark web put their happiness in jeopardy? Just whose jealousy is out of control? Could this be why Clint's leaving the Avengers? Wait - what?! All this and more inside - and as always, our sources are completely Candid.
Collaborator : Tweetthang96 Card Number: 6011 Square Filled: T4 - “Welcome Home” Title: Midnight Margaritas Link: AO3 Pairings: N/A Word Count: 746 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Alcohol, implied loss of a loved one, Practical Magic AU Summary: After a major loss, Darcy returns home to her great aunts on Maria’s Island to grieve. On her first night, they whip up a batch of midnight margaritas to welcome her home, and kickstart her grieving.
Collaborator : Marveler Card Number: #6010 Square Filled: R4 - Witness Title: Background Character Link: Tumblr Pairings: Tony Stark/James 'Rhodey' Rhodes Word Count: 1090 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: N/A Summary: Lila Rhodes did not expect to be in this lecture hall, she doesn’t even go to this school, so she really shouldn’t be a witness to one of the largest news stories in MIT history. The largest may be an exaggeration she’s making seeing as the news story includes her brother.
0 notes
polizwrites · 11 months
WIP Update -  19 Jul 2023
Another pretty darned productive writing week!   I touched 6 fics (4 WIPs & 2 new works)  for a total of   3795 words.
On Ao3, I posted:
Chapter 2 of  Finding Something Fresh  - Beta!sub!Bucky and  Omega!Dom!Steve are figuring out the parameters of their relationship
  There Would Be No Courage Were It Not for Hope  - Tony being Bucky’s guide to queerness in the 21st century - bonus Pride Parade Float!
Where Will He Be Tomorrow?  - No Powers AU - Natasha & Tony BroTP with exploration of gender.
Music to His Ears  - Rock Band AU - Bucky discovering Tony’s band 
Once Bitten, Not Shy  - Tony and werewolf!Steve post-hookup     
On Tumblr I posted:
 On the Edge of Disaster  - CA:CW retelling/fix-it
I have  17 semi-active WIPs  😬 with my  current  deadlines being the July Break Bingo, which ends 31 Jul and the  Tony Stark This or That  and Hot Bucky Summer events, which both wrap at the end of August. 
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Seek & Destroy Collab
After reading @psychiccatpanda‘s amazing   Morguna and the Green Queen, I  got the itch to explore the Soldier’s POV and talked  Faustie into   collab’ing with me!  We’re working on a new part of the series, and I’ve  contributed about 900 words towards the  2500-ish we have so far.   Going to see if I can squeeze any of my BBB squares into this fic.  
WinterIron Pride Prompt Party  [WI_PPP]  (Ends 15 Jul)
I didn’t get any more fills in for this daily prompt event hosted by the WinterIron Discord server, but I did a few self-recs to qualify for the Halfway badge  (15 fills).  I’m working on getting the fics posted to Ao3 -  here’s my Masterpost
July Break Bingo  [JBB_23] (Ends 31 Jul)
Signed up for a 3x3 card for this all fandoms, no minimums bingo event  (@julybreakbingo ) because of course I need more prompts!   😁😬  I’m aiming for a blackout with three fills and four WIPs with another idea or two to work on.  I’m playing a bit fast and loose with a few prompts, but I hope y’all enjoy anyways!
* A1 - “I can keep going” -filling this with Chapter 3 of Technicalities  (Stucky professort/student  AU)  which is a crossover with my ACB Mutual Pining and SVB Experiment squares --  A bit of manual labor brings Professor!Steve and  Student(but not Steve’s student)! Bucky closer together.   It’s coming in at 1305 words and will post on  7/26.  
* A2 - “I think I’m losing my mind.”  Filled this with What Happens in San Francisco…  in combination with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF208 Reporting the Scoop]  and a SVB adoptable: Celebration Sex.  It will eventually get posted to Ao3.
* A3  -  Word: Advantage or Antonyms -- Flling this with Chapter 3 of A Sugar-Coated Pill  (WinterIron Omegaverse Sugar Daddy AU) which is coming in at 1341 words and will post on 7/21.  It’s crossing over with my HBE "How Did You Meet?” + High Stakes Op  and  TSTOT  Omegaverse  prompts, along with  my WIB AU: A/B/O square.  Bucky and Tony continue to make a good team, then sugar baby!Tony asks Bucky for a favor.
* B1 - Location: Train Tracks -  combining this with my BBB  Never the Fall that Kills You  square for  an angsty  Winter Soldier fic  - it’s sitting at 104 words and fighting me a bit at the moment. 😬
* B2 - FREE --  Will probably combine with this or next week’s Flash Fiction Friday. 
* B3 - Pining/Longing/Being Needy -  filling this with Chapter 4 of A Sugar-Coated Pill  where Bucky has a bit of a problem, and Tony offers to help.  It’s crossing over with HBS Week Nine (”Where do you want me?” + In My Lap), and ACB Mate-Induced Heat  - the chapter is coming in at 1395 words and will post on 7/28. 
* C1 - Location: Art Studio - Filled this with   Teacher, Teacher, Can You Reach Me?    which posted this morning.  I combined this with my SAUB AU: Teacher and TSB Dares/Bets squares and TSTOT Best Friend prompt for a  Tony & Rhodey bro-fic that is also a SteveTony meet cute.  It came in at 1604 words.
* C2 - Moving In/New Home - filled with Starting Something New,
* C3 - Mutual Pining –  maybe use this as an excuse to get my Centerfold  Stucky fic finally started…?    Plan B - combine with Technicalities - Chapter 3
Hot Bucky Summer [BBE_HBS]  (Ends Aug 33)
Another @buckybarnesevents  event, this time with weekly smexy prompts.  My goal is to complete at least two fics/chapters per month for this challenge and have actually filled/will fill three of the 4 weeks for June and July so far.  
Week Eight - “How did you meet?” + High Stakes Op -  see JBB   Word: Advantage or Antonyms   above
Week Nine:  FREE   – cheating a bit and going back to the Week Three prompts.: (“Where do you want me?” + in my lap) - see JBB Pining/Longing/Being Needy  above
Week Eleven -  “Give me a color”+ Green/Red/Yellow -- This works well with the upcoming Chapter Three  of  Finding Something Fresh  -  Beta!Sub!Bucky   and omega!Dom!Steve work on pre-scene negotiations.  It will cross over with SVB Comforting Insecurity - it’s  sitting at 254 words at the moment and will post either 8/11 or 8/16. 
Week Twelve - “Who’s My ___”+ Good Boy -  probably will fit with the future Chapter Four of Finding Something Fresh  - crossing over with SVB  Tied to A Bed.    This chapter would post either 8/18 or 8/23
Week Thirteen -  FREE WEEK -  “Bossy” and “Bondage” are two suggested prompts - I can probably do something with either/both of these. 😁
Tony Stark This or That [TSTOT_23] (Ends 31 Aug)
Excited to see this event (hosted by @tstot ) come back!  When you sign up, you get a card with 10  prompts  in pairs  - so to complete the card, you create five fanworks.   I’ve got some good stuff on my card - and a few prompts where it’s hard to choose between them!   Banter vs ‘bots,   Best Friend vs Mutual Pining – I may just have to flip a coin!  😁
* 1a - Love Letters  brainstormed with  @somesortofitalianroast and  Meg during the  @buckybarnesbingo  Discord party and will be combining this with my BBB  Fireplace prompt for a  1980′s No Powers WinterIron fic where they discover that someone’s writing them both the same love letters.  
* 2b - Best Friend - see JBB Location: Art Studio above (posted  this morning)
* 3b - Omegaverse  -  see JBB Word: Advantage or Antonyms  above  (to post 7/21)
All Caps Bingo [ACB_R1]  (Ends 30 Sep)
I’ve got thirteen completed fics, three WIPs and  will be pursuing the One Fill, One Bingo  Challenge for Row 5.  
* I1 - Mutual Pining - see JBB Mutual Pining above
* G1 - Isaiah Bradley -  Planning to add more to The Fist, Defeated.   (possibly present day)
* G3 - Established Relationship - planning to fill this with Chapter 2 of   Half of the Flesh and Blood That Makes Me Whole   - a Bucky POV remix of at least the first part of Take What Was Wrong (And Make it Right),  which is current sitting at  52 words.  I’m expecting at least one more chapter, possibly two, depending on how far I want to take the remix.  
* O3 - Pararescue Sam Wilson - may try to squish this into an expansion of   A Rising Star -  a previous Flash Fiction Friday fill.  
* July Adoptable - Mate Induced Heat/Rut –  see JBB   Pining/Longing/Being Needy.
Sam Wilson Bingo [SWB_R3]  (Ends 15 Oct 2023)
I have four fills and one WIP -  I need to work on cross fills between this and the All Caps and Bucky Barnes bingo!
* B4 - Natasha Romanoff -  Maybe add on to my Card Sharks drabble, where  SamNat & Steve conspire to create a polycule with Bucky?  this idea crosses over nicely with my BBB KINK: Seduction mission square
* G3 - Joaquin Torres - see ACB Pararescue Sam Wilson above.
WinterIron Bingo  - [WIB_R1]   (Ends 16 Dec 2023)
I have eleven fills completed and two WIPs for this brand-new bingo event that I’m helping mod!  Along with crossfilling against my other bingos,  I’m going to try to combine my B column squares for the Iron Soldier badge (complete a bingo with a single work). – Alpha Tony Stark, “That was not my intention.”, James Rhodes, Alpine loves Tony and Blind date.   (Tony POV remix of A Sugar Coated Pill?)
* I2 - AU:A/B/O - will pull this into Chapter 3 of   A Sugar-Coated Pill  - see JBB  Word: Advantage or Antonyms  
* N1 - Bucharest –  I think I can fold this into a future chapter of My Love is Vengeance -  where a young!Tony and a recovering!Bucky have been kidnapped by Hydra, who still thinks Bucky is the Soldier.  
* G2 - Eye contact during sex -  will be working this into Chapter 5 of   A Sugar-Coated Pill, where our boys finally get down to business.   It’s up to 671 words and will post sometime in August. 
* G4 - AU: College Students – looking to expand Beaten to the Punch with some backstory on Bucky and Tony as science camp counselors to fit with this square - will also cross over with my WFB  Volunteering Together square.  
* O5 - Gentle – use this poem  as inspiration?
* July Adoptable: “What happened to you?”  I may browse through some whump prompts for this & see what vibes with my BBB & TSB bingos.
Stucky’Verse Bingo Round 1 - [SVB_R1]   (Ends 22 Dec)
Five fills, two WIPs and a couple of ideas  -  I need to review my card for potential crossfills and other idea sparks.
* A4 - Fairy Tale Curse  - this seems custom-made for a continuation of Beyond the Beast  😁  Nothing written yet, other than some Vague Ideas. 
* B3 - Tied to a Bed –  see HBS Week twelve 😁
* D4 - Edging - will probably use this for Chapter Four of   Technicalities
* D5 - Trust Issues  - Posted Chapter 2 of  Finding Something Fresh  last Friday.  Bucky & Steve are working out the next steps in their relationship.  It came in at 943 words.
* E4 - Experiment - see JBB “I can keep going” above.
* Adoptable  - Things Have Changed –  this might fit nicely with my Centerfold idea…  :: ponders::
Bucky Barnes Bingo  - [BBB_R5]   (Ends 10 Jan 2024)
I’ve got  nine fills,  four WIPs,   and a couple more Vague ideas.
* B4 - Shapeshifters -  wrote . A Shift in Their Relationship as a crossover with the WI_PPP prompt Dragons are Gay.  This came in at 404 words and will be posted to Ao3 before this event is over.  
* U1 - Never the fall that kills you -  see  JBB  Location: Train Tracks
* U3 - Fireplace -  see TSTOT Love Letters above
* C2 - Yelena Belova–   The plan is to use this prompt in the next chapter of Peresmešnik,  (aka Three Avengers and a Baby), which is currently sitting at 1100 words (400-ish of which are mine).  
* C5 - Marriage of Convenience/Pretend Couple -  next chapter of   Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion.    Not quite sure where to take this next at the moment.  😕
* K3 - Magic -  Aro!Bucky sickfic idea?
* Y1 - Gentle Sex -see WIB  Eye contact during sex above
* Y2 - [image: IW Bucky with the good hair] A Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF198 What Comes Next]   was a perfect match for an idea I’d already been playing around with to fill this square.  Getting Prepared -(updated title = Preparations)   an A:IW missing scene set between the time that T’Challa and Okoye come for Bucky and the moment he sees Steve again.  I will post it to Ao3 sometime in the next month or so.
* Y3 - Alpine  - see WIB Iron Soldier combo.
* Y4 - Forgotten Things -   using this for Chapter 4 of   You Can’t Stop It With a Gun  - it’s sitting at  116 words at the moment.      
Tony Stark Bingo Round 7  - [TSB_R7]   (ends 15 Feb)
One fill and two WIPs already, with a couple of ideas in play.  
* S1 - Galaxy - possibly use in final chapter of   Never More to Go Astray ?   
* S4 - “Are you there yet?”  -see WIB   Eye contact during sex above
* T4 - Dares/Bets - see JBB  Location: Art Studio above.
* R4 - Playing Games - filled this with last weekend’s  TSB Discord Party Round Robin – my part came in at 327 words and it should get posted by the end of the week. 
* R5 - Doppelganger/Evil Twins -  this will probably cross over with my Stony AUniverse AU: Crack square as I have a semi-silly idea for it, inspired by seeing a T shirt of mine in a mirror.
Stony AUniverse Bingo  [SAUB_R1] (ends 15 Feb)
Another brand-new bingo I’m helping co-mod!  Got my card and square swaps sorted, and have several  crossover WIPs  and ideas already!
* S2 - AU: Crack - see TSB   Doppelganger/Evil Twins
* S3 - AU: Wings - see ACB Established Relationship
* S5 - Accidental Baby Acquisition - see BBB Yelena Belova
* T1 - AU: Fantasy -  CoffeeOwl shared a really cool dragon!Steve/indebted!Tony prompt in the ACB Discord server that I may be playing with for this.
* N1 - AU: Spy -  I want to expand on/add backstory to  Keeping All My Secrets Safe Tonight from the Stony Drabbles challenge earlier.
* Y3 - Teacher AU:  see JBB Location: Art Studio
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  - [WFB]   (no end date)
I got my card from  @warmandfluffybingocards back in February but really hadn’t done much with it  - however, I’m picking it back up for some crossover possibilities!
* N4 - Affectionate Teasing –  see JBB Moving In/New Home above  
* O5 - Volunteering Together – see WIB AU: College Students
On  other creative fronts:  I have a Din Grogu Stuffed With Character figure in progress for an upcoming con.  I will be making an announcement about commissions sometime in July so if  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 100!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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theoutlierdjournal · 3 years
Hari jumat lalu AKHIRNYA saya dan suami bikin kartu keluarga dan memperbaharui KTP kami HAHHAAHHAA. Parah bgt padahal udah ngurus dari bulan februari. Karena saya keburu praktik dan banyak gak sempernya, makanya baru terealisasi kemarin setelah (bahkan) orang kelurahannya yang nanyain, ini mau diproses gak wkwkwkwkw.
Pas mau bikin KK sama KTP tuh, saya udh mikir, nanti ditulis pekerjaannya apa ya? Mengurus rumah tangga aja apa karyawan swasta (halah sok-sokan padahal freelancer doang wkwkw) tapi demi pride seorang Ainna (dan hamdallah) didukung sama suami juga, akhirnya kutulis di KTP karyawan swasta wkwkwkwkw.
Saat hari jumat, sambil nunggu KTP saya ngehubungin 2 klien yang akan jadi tanggung jawab saya di project NAMA CSO lead. Heuuu project yg SPK nya gajelas, dibayar berapa, kapan 😩 padahal jujur kubutuh uangnya untuk lahiran wk :') tp yaudalah, lmyn ada kerjaan daripada cm ngerjain KIAN doang, tp pusing juga bund bagi waktunya. Apalagi juga udh mulai ikut kelas persiapan lahiran (walau cm di hari sabtu sih)
Yes hari sabtu, saya ada kelas prenatal yoga yg ternyata private! Dari jam 9 sampe 10.30 saya didampingi yoga sama Bidan Rani dari teman Lahiran. Seneng bgt deh private gitu jadi bisa bener2 diperhatikan gerakannya satu persatu bener apa nggak, nanya manfaatnya apa, sekalian curhat juga. Alhamdulillah, Mbak Raninya juga baik dan terbuka bgt walau banyak omong wkwkwkw. Tapi kemarin karena ada gangguan sinyal, molor sampe jam 11.30an, terus ditanya sm Mbak Rani, "Mbak Ainna, udh ada kabar utk beasiswanya dari Mbak Prita?" Saya bilang belum, mbak prita janji di pekan depan.. Yah... Semoga aja deh. Misalkan gak dapet beasiswa full, dapet potongan harga doula gitu :') jadi 2.5 juta misal??? Ku kayanya masih sanggup deh hehehehehe.
Terus abs yoga malah badannya gak enak, mgkn krn masih penyesuaian, jadinya mau tidur siang, eh gabisa. Tapi gulang-guling aja di kasur. Sorenya masak seblak, terus nonton film Mimi di netfilx (baguss cuyyy recommended!). Selepas maghrib mas mau me time main tamiya sama temennya, udah pasti pulang ya larut malam, karena pekan lalu juga begitu. Ya gapapalah, toh hari ini juga saya mau mengerjakan banyak hal yg gak melibatkan suami ; nonton, kelas nafas persiapan persalinan dan menyicil tugas akhir. Yaa masing2 me time lah wkwkw.
Pas bgt selesai nonton jam 8, lanjut kelas nafas. Yes, kelas nafas dan yoga adalah dua kelas yang selama kehamilan kemarin saya kurang perhatikan banget. Saya gak ikut kelas khusus, cuman ikut kelas lepasan2 aja dan malah lebih fokus sm kelas trimester 4 kaya menggendong, menyusui, how to deal with trimester 4, newborn care, ya yg gitu2 deh. Ternyata saya malah ambyar di proses lahirannya. Karena ada trauma juga sm proses lahiran jadi saya coba siapin mental saya baik2 biar saya bisa berdamai sama hal tsb.
Masih belajar banget utk refleks nafas perut :') masih harus disuruh secara concious dulu, blm bs secara otomatis. Haaahh padahal nafas tuh super duper ultra mega penting dalam proses persalinan. Nyerinya gak boleh ditahan, harus diatur dengan nafas. Mo gila sebenernya, nyeri yg bisa dilakukan cm ngatur nafas coba hhuufftttt!!!!!!!!
Jam 9 lewat kelasnya selesai dan langsung menyicil lagi tugas akhir karena deadlinenya semakin dekat :') sampai akhirnya mas suami pulang jam 23.15 malam habis main tamiya sama temennya, saya masih di depan laptop. Huft. Ternyata gak mudah juga harus bolak-balik liat jurnalnya. Dan akhirnya kami masuk kamar utk tidur jam 00 lewat. Di kamar masoh ngobrol banyak hal, mungkin jam 1an baru tidur wkwkwk.
Kusuka banget pillow talk. Ketika semua lampu udh gelap. Nak bayi nendang2 di perut. Saya dan suami bisa ngobrol tentang apa yang dilalui pada hari itu, atau tentang beberapa rencana-rencana kedepan. Yaa Allah alhamdulillah wa syukurillah. Selama hampir 2 tahun hanya tinggal berdua sama suami, rasanya... Saya gak pernah merasa kekurangan. Gak pernah bener2 wondering juga kalau udh punya anak rasanya apa, hanya bener2 pengen menikmati waktu berdua sama suami, Living the moment... Karena kalau udh ada bocil2 pasti beda lagi perasaannya hehehe. Kalau liat appa jay sm mama gina, mereka baru bisa ngerasa berduaan lagi setelah 10 tahun menikah, pas anak2 udh mulai sekolah.
Paginya karena tidur larut, saya bermalas-malasan dan baru keluar kamar jam 9an. Hal yg gak mungkin terjadi di weekday karena biasanya mas suami udah harus ready depan laptop jam 8. Dan sebelum kerja jam 8, dia udh harus sarapan, kalau gak bs rungsing.
Ya.. Seperti biasa default sarapan saya : air lemon madu hangat, sekarang tambah maltofer, minum bone broth, makan telur orak-arik ati. Terus minum blackmores. Duh, Hb ku turun lagi ke 10.6 semoga bisa kekejar 😭 udh double2 eh maltofer + blackmores. Ya bismillah lah yaa.. Kita manusia hanya berusaha.
Kemudian, saya hari ini masak yg tersisa di kulkas : telor ikan sama terong. Akhirnya cm goreng telur ikan sama terong balado aja. Gak cuman, sumpah masaknya gak cuman. Terong dicuci, dipotong, dimarinasi garem, ngupas bamer baput, motongin cabe, blender. Terong di goreng, bumbu balado ditumis, baru disatuin keduanya 🙃👍 hmmm tapi yaaa gapapa. Hari ini saya terakhir masak karena seminggu kedepan saya izin sama suami untuk gak masak karena deadline tugas akhir-nya bener2 tanggal 21 agustus, hari sabtu depan! Apalagi di pekan ini kerjaan juga lmyn peak 😖😖😖😖😖😩😩😩😩😩😩
Senin interview klien. Selasa libur. Rabu interview board-nya klien + ada training. Kamis check in progress sama klien. Jumat interview klien + training. Huwaaa... Bisa-bisa. Disela-sela itu pasti bisaa!!!
Hari ini setelah masak dan sebel sama dapur yg lengket, akhirnya nyapu ngepel dapur. Tp mikir, ya masa yg disapu pel dapur doang??! Akhirnya nyapu pel seisi rumah hufftttt lmyn capeeekkk.. Apalagi perut semakin membesar. Tadinya hari minggu ini mau ngelipet dan nyetrika baju, tp karena malah deep cleaning rumah, jadinya gak sempet. Jam 2 baru bisa depan laptop lagi, dan jam 3 badan saya nyerah. Capek bok :))) masak + deep cleaning rumah + hamil, heeuu. Yaudah akhirnya tidur baru kebangun sore dan ngerasa agak bersalah krn sore minta fedback dari bab 2 yg udh saya tulis ke senior saya yg juga co-founder emcekaqu : kak linda.
Sore ke maghrib, nulis bab 2 nyambi liqo. Maghrib alhamdulillah udh bs di feedback dan malem jam 9an alhamdulillah semua feedback-nya udah saya resolved dan besok tinggal kirim ke pembimbinggg ✨✨✨ hwaaa udh nyaris 2 minggu doi gabales. Bodo amatlah, salah dia. Yg penting saya nyelesein dulu, banyak revisi gapapa kali yaaa.
Dan sekarang jam setengah 10 udh leyeh2 sambil nunggu suami utk shalat isya dan bersiap tidur. Biar besok pagi bisa bangun pagi2 dan... Nulis tugas akhir lagi sebelum nge-briefing klien :)))))
Ayokk this too shall pass biar bisa fokusss lahiran dan sebuah motivasi dari ibu hamil sakit2 badan : pengen pijet ke salon cooyyyyyy 😭😭😭😭😭
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Yaudah gitu aja panjang bgt ya. Recap, gapapalah ya.
Minggu 15 agustus 2021
31 week preggo
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whichmortgage · 4 years
TSB is first bank to withdraw mortgage deals for customers with 15% deposit amid fears of a plunge in house prices
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TSB has become the first bank to withdraw mortgage deals for customers with a 15 per cent deposit amid fears of a plunge in house prices. High street banks have largely deserted customers with a deposit of 10 per cent, but last week TSB became the first to remove all home purchase, remortgage and share ownership products with a loan-to-value ratio of 85 per cent. HSBC is now the only major bank offering mortgages with a loan-to-value ratio above 90 per cent – with only a limited number available each day. Brokers have reported selling out of the product before 8.30am. Coventry Building Society is also offering a limited number of low-deposit mortgages on a 'first come, first served' basis as part of a limited deal ending tomorrow night. One banking source said there was 'a worry about house prices' in the market. Banks fear they will lose money on mortgages if prices drop rapidly and repossessions cannot recoup the money loaned. Banks have also struggled to keep up with demand while so many staff work from home. Robert Sinclair, chief executive of the Association of Mortgage Intermediaries, said it was hard for employees to deal with the usual number of sales when employees are working remotely. 'Homeworking reduces productivity because they don't always have as many screens,' he said. 'That can really reduce productivity.' A TSB spokesman said: 'We are working to support our customers as best we can.' Click here to view original web page at www.dailymail.co.uk Read the full article
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 4 years
Ethereum Bulls Back in Action, Can ETH Reach $300 This Time?
Signs during trading in today’s Asian session indicate that the correction could be over already. Ethereum is leading the charge once again, can it reach $300 this time around? Crypto markets appear to be recovering today though bitcoin has hardly moved on the day, remaining at around $9,800. Total crypto market capitalization has moved however, to the tune of $14 billion signaling another altcoin resurgence. Ethereum On The Charge According to the Tradingview.com charts, Ethereum hit a low of just below $245 yesterday which was down around 15% from its 2020 peak. Today, prices are back in bullish territory with a return to resistance at $270 over the past few hours trading. This equates to a solid 10% gain over the past 24 hours. ETH prices 1 hour chart – Tradingview.com The pullback was not enough to reach the 50 day moving average indicating that the uptrend is still very strong. ETH is currently at the support/resistance level it hit four times between May and July 2019 and $300 is the next target above here. A break to the low side would see the world’s second most popular digital asset fall back to support around the $240 area. ETH Fundamentals The conclusion of the ETHDenver event has been bullish for the asset with plenty of developments on the dApp and protocol side. Additionally co-founder Vitalik Buterin remained confident that the initial phases of Serenity will see the light sometime this year. Every week brings innovative client optimizations, larger testnets, and an ever growing community of informed stakers all eager for Beacon Chain to get underway. There has been a fair bit of DeFi FUD recently, most of which has come from Charlie Lee and bitcoin maxis. This can be seen as a testament to how rapidly the ecosystem has grown since a year ago nobody really paid much attention to it. Following recent smart contract suspensions on bZx to prevent the exploitation of flash loans, the total level locked in USD in DeFi is back up again. It is currently at $1.15 billion according to defipulse.com. Ethereum based blockchain games are also growing in popularity with one recently selling over $200,000 worth of virtual land. The Sandbox (TSB) has just announced that the second presale worth 800 ETH sold out in four hours. This highlights the demand for Ethereum for non-fungible tokens is also growing. Overall Ethereum is up over 100% since the beginning of the year and it still has a very long way to go. Will ETH prices hit $300 this week? Add your comments and predictions below. Image from Shutterstock from Cryptocracken Tumblr https://ift.tt/2SF0xKt via IFTTT
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deadcactuswalking · 4 years
So, this is the first UK Top 40 after Brexit—we left the European Union the day of this chart’s release... and we’re clearly being punished for it already.
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Top 10
Lewis Capaldi, Lewis, Lewis Capaldi. Somehow, due to a new music video, this bloody creature has got his second #1 with “Before You Go”, up four spaces to the top. This is France’s revenge, isn’t it? Sacrebleu.
Up two spaces however is “Blinding Lights” by the Weeknd, to the runner-up spot, which is never a bad thing.
At number-three, we have the slight one-spot drop for “The Box” by Roddy Ricch.
At number-four, unfortunately, there isn’t that big of a drop for “Godzilla” by Eminem featuring the late Juice WRLD, down three spaces from its #1 position last week. I guess sales are doing well enough to keep this at the top.
Down two spots is “Own It” by Stormzy featuring Ed Sheeran and Burna Boy at number-five.
At number-six, we have a slight one-space increase for “Don’t Start Now” by Dua Lipa.
“Life is Good” by Drake, then Future is down one position to number-seven.
Due to the Grammy’s performance, because, yes, they do affect the UK charts as well, probably because of 4Music’s pathetic coverage, as well as a long overdue video, “everything i wanted” by Billie Eilish is up three spaces back into the top 10 at number-eight.
“Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi is up a spot to number-nine because of course it freaking is.
Finally, to round off the top 10, we’re seeing the end of the top 10 run for deteriorating TikTok meme “ROXANNE” by Arizona Zervas, down two to #10... just as it was starting to grow on me.
Our singular climber this week is “bad guy” by Billie Eilish up six spots to #22. I’m as confused as you are.
On the other hand, we have a handful of these due to a bigger story this week, probably the one that’ll occupy the most time of the three big chart stories here. So, outside of the top 10, “Ei8ht Mile” by DigDat featuring Aitch is down eight spaces to #17 off of the debut, “Ride It” by Regard featuring Jay Sean is also down eight to #29, “Circles” by Post Malone is down six to #31, and that’s not a lot, right? Well, no, but there are also the fallers from last week’s group of Eminem debuts, which unlike what happens with album bombs in the US, did not cause absolute chart chaos once dissipated, and instead just peacefully and rather slowly decreasing in chart points against the flood of the other album bomb. I’m of course talking about “Those Kinda Nights” featuring Ed Sheeran down 15 spaces to #27 and lead single “Darkness” crumbling down 20 spaces to #37.
Dropouts & Returning Entries
We have a couple dropouts here as well, but no returning entries. These are the songs that dropped off the face of the chart this week: “South of the Border” by Ed Sheeran featuring Camila Cabello and Cardi B out from #30, “Beautiful People” by Ed Sheeran featuring Khalid out from #32 (Not Sheeran’s greatest week), “Me & You Together Song” by the 1975 sadly out from #35 off of the debut – I thought this song would last, unlike “STILL DISAPPOINTED” by Stormzy out from #36, or even long-running hits like “HIGHEST IN THE ROOM” by Travis Scott and remixed by ROSALIA and Lil Baby out from #37, and finally, “Senorita” by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello. Now, I figured I should mention some songs in the top 75 but not in the top 40 that we could see enter the chart in the coming weeks—I haven’t got a single one of these right yet (Well...), but regardless, here are the songs I picked. Not all of them are good, not all of them are bad. There is “Better Off Without You” by Becky Hill and Shift K3y at #42, “Suicidal” by YNW Melly at #44, “Say So” by Doja Cat at #45, “Power Over Me” by Dom Kennedy at #48, “Lonely” by Joel Corry at #61, “SUGAR” by BROCKHAMPTON at #62, “High Fashion” and “Ballin’”, both by Roddy Ricch and Mustard, at #63 and #64, “One Night” by MK at #66, and even the two new songs from M Huncho’s album that missed the Top 40: “Indulge” at #50 featuring D-Block Europe, and “Head Huncho” at #60 featuring Headie One... now for a bit of a different story that starts in the Summer of 1785.
German poet Friedrich Schiller published an ode in 1786 that he wrote the year prior. It was later interpolated by the legendary Ludwig van Beethoven in his 1984 Ninth Symphony. In 1972, quite ironically for a song composed by two Germans when Germany was still split into two (Although admittedly they were both born in western regions of Germany), Beethoven’s composition was adopted as the anthem for Europe as a whole, and the European Union. Does that sound familiar? In 2016, the most famous pig-adulterer in Britain commenced the Brexit vote, resulting in a slight majority to leave the EU. I don’t like getting too political on this show, so I won’t get into this in-depth, but all you need to know is that the Scottish party protested in Parliament in 2017 by singing this song, and that led to this two-party war: The Anti-Brexit and pro-EU song, “Ode to Joy”, the European anthem as performed by Dutchman André Rieu, and the pro-Brexit song, if you excuse my language, “17 Million Frick Offs”, a song by some right-wing comedian (Dominic Frisby) directed towards the 17 million people who proudly told the European Union, to, well, “frick off”, and praising them for doing so. Thankfully, the nation has spoken.
#30 – “Ode to Joy” – André Rieu and Johann Strauss Orchestra
Produced by André Rieu
Frisby’s song peaked at #43, meaning we only have to talk about the Dutch man here, and his first UK Top 40 hit, probably his only one. I would have preferred “Anarchy in the UK” personally, but I’ll accept this. I see how this works as a protest song too, as it’s a pretty triumphant composition, but really, I mean, what do you expect me to say about the European national (Continential?) anthem? Yeah, I think the Johann Strauss Orchestra guest verse kind of ruined the vibe for me on this one, but the beat slaps hard. I don’t like boring, patriotic squabble like this, and it’s not like Rieu does anything with it as this is rather trite, with some really gross mixing of the horns. In fact, the whole song is mixed pretty painfully. I appreciate the sentiment, though, guys, but this is pretty bad. Call me a Eurosceptic for not appreciating some Dutch dude’s rendition of a European historical motif, but really I’d say the same about “God Save the Queen” – and not the Sex Pistols song; that one’s awesome.
ALBUM BOMB: Big Conspiracy – J Hus
I haven’t listened to this album yet, simply because I haven’t had the time, but J Hus is a British rapper who released his first album since his release from prison, Big Conspiracy, on 24th January 2020, to immense critical acclaim and commercial success, debuting at #1 on the UK Albums Chart. These are the three biggest songs from it, and my thoughts on all of them.
#21 – “Repeat” – J Hus featuring Koffee
Produced by Jae5
Interestingly, all of these songs have features. Anyways, let’s get through these as quickly as possible, shall we? I mean, they will probably all sound the same. This was released the day before the album, and is J Hus’ tenth UK Top 10 hit, and Koffee’s first. Who is Koffee, you ask? She’s a Jamaican reggae artist who became the first woman to win the Best Reggae Album award at the most recent Grammy’s. I can see some of the reggae influence here as well, but it’s not actually that clear as it’s mostly a typical Afroswing song that J Hus would have made, with inorganic and pretty stiff drum patterns, and a non-existent atmosphere. Koffee puts way too much effort in, at least in comparison to Hus’ dire performance here, where he just literally mumbles somewhat off-beat for a couple bars and calls it a day, while Koffee is singing her heart out. It’s a really imbalanced ratio is what I’m saying. The strings towards the end are pretty cool but the final chorus is abrupt and overall, this song feels like a pointless meander for the sake of either filler or just landing Koffee a place on the album. I can’t hate it, because Koffee’s performance is great and the instrumental is tolerable, but for Hus, this is oddly flavourless.
#19 – “Big Conspiracy” – J Hus featuring iceé tgm
Produced by TSB
“Big Conspiracy” is the title track and the opening track on the album as well as J Hus’ 11th UK Top 40 hit, and Iceé tgm’s first – hell, she doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page and it’s seeming pretty likely that she debuted on J Hus’ album and she is in fact his sister. It’s pretty cool getting your family involved in the business. You know what else is pretty cool? This song; I like the guitar pick-up and the complimenting bassline, with some sweet vocal melodies and loops from iceé tgm, that seem to be scattered around the entire beat, which is an interesting idea. J Hus is still a tad lazier than usual here, with very little multi-tracking (Seems to be only one-take) or energy, but the chorus has some gorgeous harmonies, his rap verses are casual albeit memorable. I enjoy his (hopefully) sarcastic endorsement of Ronald Reagan in the first verse, and his point about underdogs rising in the second verse, which is a nice message. The bridge is pretty good, as it gives iceé tgm a bit of solo time, and she sounds decent but admittedly non-descript, and then there’s a smooth sax solo for seemingly no reason. Eh, I’m all for it. This is sweet, and it’s nice that an out-of-the-blue conscious rap song debuted in the top 20, but again, lacking a lot of the character I saw from the lead single.
#11 – “Play Play” – J Hus featuring Burna Boy
Produced by Jae5, Nana Rogues and Scribz Riley
Finally, also a pre-release single by about a day, is “Play Play”, J Hus’ 12th UK top 40 hit and Burna Boy’s fourth. We all know who Burna Boy is by now, although coincidentally Koffee happened to have covered Burna’s breakout hit “Ye” on the BBC Radio Live Lounge. I suppose that’s of note. I figured maybe the highest debuting single from the album would have that lively energy and bright comedy that I saw in “Must Be”, but no, there isn’t, which is exciting as that’s what I expected from this record, and the second single did try to confirm my suspicions. Much like “Repeat”, however, I feel this would easily be better if it were just a Burna Boy single, with his charming hook and cute steel-pans-based instrumental, but no, J Hus is here, and... did he forget how to rap? He sounds pretty awful here, with a dry flow that flubs rhymes and fits too many words into the meter, an uninteresting cadence and even awful mixing that makes him feel so distant from a song that should be warm and intimate. The reason I can’t dislike the song, however, is the concept, which both artists talk about in detail, especially Hus’ hilariously... bipolar verses, if that’s the best way to describe them. It seems to be about comparing women to guns, but also that women like him for his guns, and that he treats his gun like a woman? I don’t know, it’s a dumb concept that is messy in execution, but at least it’s unique. Pretty disappointed in these tracks, to be honest; maybe the deep cuts will be more to my fancy.
#40 – “Roses” – Saint Jhn
Produced by F a l l e n and remixed by Imanbek
Hey, a song I actually predicted would reach the UK Top 40, just last week! I’m pretty impressed with myself, but admittedly I guess if you throw 70 stones at a bird, at least one will kill it, just as the old proverb says. Anyways, this is Saint Jhn’s first ever UK Top 40 hit and was mostly propelled by the Imanbek EDM remix, which I’ll be listening to as well. The original song “Roses” was released on the Guyanese-American rapper’s SoundCloud in July 2016 and was included in his 2018 compilation album. He had written for other artists like Jidenna before but his solo work went mostly unnoticed until a producer called Imanbek released an unauthorised house remix. Imanbek is a Kazakh producer, and his remix was released through a Russian record label, so there is a surprising amount of cultures involved in making this one song; it’s kind of interesting. Also, we never see anyone on the UK Top 40 chart from freaking Kazakhstan! That’s insane! By the way, Kazakhstan’s flag is my personal favourite flag of the world. I love the colour combination. The original song is one I’m generally not pleased with, personally, with a dull trap beat and hi-hats that somehow rattle too much, and a murmuring, unintelligible Auto-Tune drawl from Saint Jhn that’s just unpleasant, and for a song called “Roses”, is kind of eerie, and overall, the song is just kind of boring and underwhelming, although I’ll admit the vocal melodies and ideas are there, and I especially like the synths in the later parts of the chorus. What this needed to push it over the edge was a 19-year-old guy from Kazakhstan and I’m not joking; I love this house version. The pitch-shifted, almost chipmunk, rendition of the vocals could be obnoxious to some people but to me it adds so much energy and quirk to an otherwise dry performance from Jhn, and the beat in this version has such an infectious synth bass, despite otherwise being a pretty standard house beat, with some vague horn inflections, traditional pop-house drum beat, and pretty cliché vocal samples, but the melodies I liked are still here, in fact the trap beat is partially kept in during the chorus, and touches like that are pretty nice. The slog of the verses have a lot more groove to them sped-up too. Yeah, I enjoy this, and it’s a massive improvement over the original. Big up Kazakhstan.
#32 – “Pee Pee” – M Huncho
Produced by ADP
Honestly, if the form of protest against Brexit is only demonstrated into making songs chart, I’d like to think that the children all around Britain have all decided to make it clear that Brexit is pee pee, and I couldn’t be more proud. This is M Huncho’s third UK Top 40 hit and from his album Huncholini the 1st... this guy is a joke, right? He even wears  a mask to be anonymous, but it’s not for personal or even gang-related reasons. It’s just a cartoon mask that he says is supposed to accentuate the message of the music. What’s the message of this song then, Mr. Huncholini?
When I bust my nut, I go and take a pee pee
Inspiring. I’m tempted to just leave it at that, actually – can I? Yeah? Are you sure? Okay, well, that’s all, then.
Honestly, “Pee Pee” isn’t even that bad, and it’s not getting the Dishonourable Mention. That’s going to “Play Play” by J Hus featuring Burna Boy, with Worst of the Week going to that crap rendition of “Ode to Joy”. I don’t have much to praise here, but I might as well give Best of the Week to “Roses” by Saint Jhn, purely for the Imanbek remix, as if it were the original only, it could easily get the Dishonourable Mention. Honourable Mention goes to “Big Conspiracy” by J Hus featuring iceé tgm, just barely. Follow me on Twitter @cactusinthebank, I’ll see you next week!
0 notes
13 Dec 2019: Delivery failure. Health surveillance. Every cloud needs a green lining.
Hello, this is the Co-op Digital newsletter - it looks at what's happening in the internet/digital world and how it's relevant to the Co-op, to retail businesses, and most importantly to people, communities and society. Thank you for reading - send ideas and feedback to @rod on Twitter. Please tell a friend about it!
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[Image: Amazon having a dig at all of those old mainframes cluttering up back offices like unwanted furniture. From this talk.]
There was a general election in the UK. The “indecent, dishonest and untruthful” social media campaigns continued the work of fracturing truth in the political domain, and perhaps fracturing nations will follow. Steady yourselves. Onwards.
Delivery failure 
Failed deliveries cost the UK delivery industry £1.6bn in 2018. You could add on a chunk again for costs to others: additional/slower traffic, wasted time, emissions, etc. In the US, 15% of “first attempt” deliveries fail in some cities. This suggests lots of problems for cities as package delivery grows and with it the number of repeated delivery attempts [1]. The underlying cause: it’s hard to co-ordinate the delivery arriving at a location while the recipient is there. People are out at work, or have popped to the shops.
The obvious way to fix this is to get much better at predicting and planning shorter delivery windows, and loads of delivery companies are working on this problem. Another way might be to deliver to where the recipient is definitely going to be: to be able to change where a package is delivered while it is in transit. This approach seems neat because it would make packages behave more like internet packets, but it seems complex. 
Perhaps the easiest thing would be to make it easier for delivery to be “asynchronous” with lockers, home lockers, delivery to local points. There are Amazon lockers in shops and petrol stations these days, and some delivery handling companies have their own outlets. But where is the home locker? - a letterbox for the Amazon age, a secure delivery point that only you and the delivery staff have access to.
[1] If New York had the same failure rate and it has 1.5m deliveries a day, then 225,000 journeys might be unnecessary. UK package deliveries are actually down year on year in November, but intuitively the longer-term trend seems safely up thanks to internet shopping.
Health surveillance
All children to receive whole genome sequencing at birth - an announcement by Health Secretary shortly before the election. It is easy to see the benefits: accumulating data that would help future treatments. Perhaps it is harder to see the drawbacks: the privacy concerns, security, insurability, the wider effects on society, implementation risks, and so on (what happens when a government department has so much visibility into, well, you?). On balance you’d say it is not such a good idea.
Related: “Apparently it needs to be said: Compelling children to exercise by holding the lives of other kids over their heads is magnificently problematic”.
Every cloud needs a green lining
Who has the greenest cloud? (TLDR: Google is probably greener than Microsoft which is probably greener than Amazon AWS.) They all buy Renewable Energy Certificates which are certificates than entitle you to claim the “benefit” of renewably generated electricity in the same way that carbon offsetting lets you claim the benefit of some sequestered carbon.
However! All three of these cloud services sell to the oil and gas industry, so their carbon-zero platforms help others create more carbon and other emissions: Oil is the new data. Needed: a more expensive but provably ethical, sustainable and (if it isn’t oxymoronic) transparent cloud? Or cloud companies shouldn’t just offset the carbon creation that cloud platforms take to run - they should also offset the carbon that their platforms enable.
More microfulfilment
One trend in logistics is moving distribution centres closer to the customer, which means smaller centres (and often with clever automation) because customers live in densely populated towns and cities. 
Ocado’s new mini fulfilment centres in Bristol is 14,000 m2, can handle 30,000 orders a week, and took 13 months to build out. (For comparison, last week: TakeOff’s microfulfilment centres are smaller at 930 m2, handle unknown number of orders weekly, and can be built out in 3 months.)
More on planning technology
“Leadership that relies on a predetermined plan, or fixed outputs, simply will not deliver. We need leaders who will openly embark on a journey without knowing where it will end". This is true, and why approaches that embrace discovery are doing well.
(Related: TSB bank’s IT failures and corporate fiction.)
Other news
HSBC is launching “no fixed address” bank accounts to help the homeless get back on their feet. 
The Competition and Markets Authority has asked Amazon to address competition concerns if its investment in Deliveroo proceeds.
As a result of increasing earth wind speeds, the average wind turbine generated roughly 17% more electricity in 2017 than it did in 2010.
Amazon releases logistics AI benchmarks - interesting.
Co-op Digital news and events
Testing and accessibility: Co-op Insurance: Usability testing with people who are visually impaired and What we considered before researching with people who are visually impaired.
Public events, most of them at Federation House:
Global AI Bootcamp - Manchester - Sat 14 Dec 8am.
Free code camp - Mon 16 Dec 6pm.
Map club Manchester - Wed 18 Dec 6pm.
Manchester Wordpress user group - Wed 18 Dec 6.30pm.
Mind the Product - MTP Engage - Fri 7 Feb 2020 - you can get early bird tickets now.
Internal events:
Delivery community of practice - Mon 16 Dec 1.30pm at Fed house.
Funeralcare show & tell - Tue 17 Dec 1pm at Angel Sq 12th floor
Engineering community of practice - Wed 18 Dec 1pm at Fed Defiant.
Co-operate show & tell - Wed 18 Dec 3pm at Fed 6 co-operate space.
Data management show & tell - Thu 19 Dec 2.30pm at Angel Sq 13th floor breakout.
Membership show & tell - Fri 20 Dec 3pm at Fed 6 kitchen.
More events at Federation House - and you can contact the events team at  [email protected]. And TechNW has a useful calendar of events happening in the North West. 
Thank you for reading
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