#tsrf2023 week 3 challenges
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Week Three: Cliff Training | Oct. 19 - 25
Reading Challenge: Chapters 45-56
Training Challenge #7: “Racing is about more than riding.”
What is your rider learning about racing, especially on a capall uisce?
Training Challenge #8: Home & Family
What motivates your rider to compete in the races? Who do they have behind them cheering them on?
Training Challenge #9: Obstacles
Training continues—how does it go for your rider? Have they made any enemies on the beach?
Introduction & Challenges | Rules | Ask
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The Scorpio Races Festival 2023: Introduction & Challenges
From the sea, to the sea.
Make sure you’re following​ @thescorpioracesfestival​
If you’re participating in the Character Challenges, sign up by reblogging the Rider Post.
Refer to the Character Challenge Posts for prompts and schedule.
Include the challenge number and title in your posts.
Tag each post with the official tags (#TSRF2023 and #thescorpioracesfestival) and mention @thescorpioracesfestival.
New this year! Consider posting your entries to our AO3 collection!
You can plan ahead or catch up later, but try to post during the specified week (and not before) so we can all enjoy things together!
Complete Rules
Character Challenges
Week One: Sign Ups & Beach Training | Oct 1 - 11
Reading Challenge: Prologue - Chapter 27
Training Challenge #1: Welcome to Thisby!
Introduce your rider. Are they from Thisby, the mainland, or farther abroad? Why are they racing?
Training Challenge #2: “She’s moody and she’s slippery and she’s in love with the sea.”
Describe your capall uisce. What challenges does your rider face with this one?
Training Challenge #3: “Based on my experience on the beach the day before, I form a new plan.”
How did your rider’s first day of training go?
Week Two: The Festival | Oct. 12 - 18
Reading Challenge: Chapter 28-44
Training Challenge #4: Make a Friend
Are they an islander, a tourist, or another rider? How do you meet?
Training Challenge #5: “By my blood.”
What challenges does your rider face going into the Festival?
Training Challenge #6: Explore the Festival
How does your rider navigate the Festival? What do they do before and after the Riders Parade?
Week Three: Cliff Training | Oct. 19 - 25
Reading Challenge: Chapters 45-56
Training Challenge #7: “Racing is about more than riding.”
What is your rider learning about racing, especially on a capall uisce?
Training Challenge #8: Home & Family
What motivates your rider to compete in the races? Who do they have behind them cheering them on?
Training Challenge #9: Obstacles
Training continues—how does it go for your rider? Have they made any enemies on the beach?
Week 4: The Races | Oct. 26 - Nov. 1
Reading Challenge: Chapters 57-66
Training Challenge #10: "On horseback, it's easy to be certain."
Write about the final days leading up to the races. Does your rider feel ready? Is their capall going to listen to them?
Training Challenge #11: "It's not much farther. Only three furlongs, maybe. I don't want to hope, but I can feel it pumping through me."
Create a post about the races!
Training Challenge #12: After the Races
What does your rider do once the races are over?
Creative Challenges
Challenges can be done in any order at any time throughout the Festival! And don’t let this limit you; if there’s something you want to create and share for the Festival, please do!
Creative Challenge #1: Wayfaring
Sketch, describe, or otherwise create a map of Thisby.
Creative Challenge #2: Cosplay
Describe, create, photograph, or draw an outfit you would wear while touring, working, or riding about Thisby.
Creative Challenge #3: Mainland Radio
Create a soundtrack for the Races, Festival, or Thisby in general.
Creative Challenge #4: Your Capall
Create a capall! Use one of the provided templates, or draw or edit your own.
Creative Challenge #5: November Cakes
Thisby is full of wonderful food—November cakes, cinnamon twists, apple cakes and chainsaw, and tea! Make something Thisby-inspired and share.
Creative Challenge #6: Moodboards
Make a moodboard inspired by the book or your character.
Creative Challenge #7: Charms
What items do you use to protect yourself during race season?
Creative Challenge #8: The Festival
Make a mask, souvenir, or other item that you could get at the Festival!
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