tsukishimashoyo · 3 years
What our friendship for
You are the bestfriend/childhood bestfriend
Kageyama Tobio
Examination day is coming and you are studying alone at your room when suddenly barged in and walked towards you.
"Whoa, ever heard of knocking?" you said still looking at your textbooks.
"Ever heard of I don't care?" he said while sits beside you.
"Just kidding y/n can I ask a favor y/n *puppy eyed you*" he clasped his hands together and acting like pleading.
" Ha! You act nice if you have a favor, and my answer is No HAHAHAHAHA" you laugh evily and look at him
" I can give you my milk for one week, pleaaassshhh just help me pass my exam, I can't go to Tokyo if I can't pass the exam *teary-eyed*" he plead.
" Hmmm, I don't want your milk but in one condition I will help you on your study"
" What is your condition?" he asked you but looked nervous.
" You will buy me lunch for one week, you okay with that?" you said and smirked at him.
" Huh!? O-okay if that's what you want *sigh*" he said but looks sad.
" Pffft- HAHAHA its just a joke, of course I'm gonna help you, what our friendship for? But you buy our snack today I'm kinda hungry" you said while looking at him.
" Yes yes yes, thank you very much my bestfriend" he said and hugs you.
" That's enough, now let's begin *cracks your neck and stretch" he let's you go and sit down properly.
* That's how you spend a day before examination, and Kageyama passed his examination and goes to Tokyo with his teamates*
Kenma Kozume
You and Kenma are childhood bestfriend and live next to each others house. You know that he always play games and not sleeping until morning that's why he's always low of energy.
" Ken Ken you stay up all night playing your games right?" you said while walking-going to school.
" *flinch* Nope I didn't y/n *shaking his head*" he said pretending his fully awake.
" Oh? If that's what you said" you said but you didn't believe him.
You always checking him by the windows that facing each others bedroom. A dim light is what you see at midnight and you know that Kenma is still playing.
* At the cafeteria *
You and Kenma are eating and of course Kenma is not eating, he's playing his psp. One of his teammate snatch his psp and told him to eat and gets angry.
" Give me my psp back" he said while glaring at his teammate Kuroo.
" Kyanma stop playing and eat" Kuroo said and smiled at you. You answered by smiling also.
" I don't want to *stands up and getting ready to leave*" said Kenma.
" Ken Ken I'm gonna take your psp if you don't eat your food and also I'm not gonna talk to you again" you said while taking Kenma's psp from Kuroo-gives the psp to you.
He suddenly sits down and eats his food.
" I'm sorry y/n, please don't get mad at me" he said while eating his food.
" I'm not mad, just eat your food first and after that you can play again *smiles at him*" you said at him.
He also smiled and continued to eat his food.
* You and Kenma are going home *
" Hey Kenma I have a suggestion" you said while stopping at your track and face him.
" *sleepy* what suggestion, and what for?" he said in a low tone.
" I'm gonna help you at your game and after that you sleep" you said smiling.
" *suddenly awakened* Really? Okay then" he said with a sparkling eyes.
"  Hahaha of course, but after we finish our homeworks okay?" you said and starts walking.
" Yep" he said happily.
You and Kenma play and finish the level after how many tries. Good thing it's still not late and good to have a sleep.
" Okay Ken Ken, time to sleep, and don't try to sneak and play games again, I'm gonna watch you through the window, okay?"
" Aww it's still early y/n, can we play again?" he said using his cute voice.
" Nope, today's game is enough, I promise you, tomorrow I'm going to play with you, so sleep now okay?" you said in a sweet voice.
" Okay but promise me you'll gonna play with me tomorrow" he said in his sleepy voice.
" Yeah I promise, goodnight Ken Ken" you said while walking towards the door.
" Goodnight y/n" he said and sleeps.
* A day passed and just like you promise, you and Kenma played again and you put him in sleep so that his gonna have a good time of sleeping, and that continuous day after day*
Akaashi Keiji
You are having a fever and your parents are in another country to travel. You are all alone at home. You're late already, you forced yourself to go to your school because you remember you have a presentation with Akaashi that you and him gonna present it on class later.
*At the entrance of your classroom *
" Hey y/n you okay?" asked your girl seat mate.
" Yeah I'm okay, Where's Ashi by the way?" you asked her-trying to talk normal, because your voice is becoming hoarsely.
" Oh Uhm, he went outside for a little bit, and also he's also looking for you" she said while searching something in her bag.
" Why?" you asked.
" Oh maybe because you're late, why though? You're always early coming here, you sure you're okay? " she asked and looked at you examining you.
" Yeah I'm okay, sit down properly now, the professor is coming" you said when you saw the bald professor at the door-he's with Akaashi.
" Good morning everyone, start presenting your works" he said shortly.
You saw Akaashi looking at all the students-searching you. You waved and he saw you. He walked hurriedly and sit beside you.
" Y/n why are you late? Are you okay? Did something happen at your house? Why didn't you tell me? You know I'm your bestfriend right? You should tell me if you have a problem, I'm worried when I didn't see you here early" he worriedly asked you many questions while looking at you worried.
" *sigh* first, calm down Ashi, I'm okay, second sit properly because our professor is glaring at us, third were gonna be the next presenter" you said calmly but suddenly your head hurts a bit, so you grimaced a bit.
" Ouch" you accidentally blurted your pain and Akaashi heard it.
" Huh? Where does it hurt? You want to take you to the clinic? Y/n tell me the truth are you really okay?" he said and eyed you.
" And here we go again the oh so protective bestfriend of mine *sigh* look I'm okay, I just hit my elbow on my desk" you lied-your headache got worsen.
" Let's go now, it's our turn already" you said fighting your headache.
*After the class*
" Let's go home now y/n, you're sick, why did you lie to me?" he said worriedly.
" I can still manag-" You're knees suddenly gave up. Akaashi carries you and tells the teachers that you need to go home. The teacher let's you two go home.
* At your house*
" Auntie's not here so I'm gonna take care of you, just lay down first, I'm gonna cook porridge" he said while laying you down.
* An hour passed*
" Y/n I'm your bestfriend, why didn't you tell me you're sick, and you force yourself to go to school to present our work together,  *sigh* y/n why so stubborn" he said while feeding you porridge.
" I have the file so I need to go to school, if I didn't go our score Is gonna have a deduction, though I know that your gonna take care of me, thank you Ashiiii~" you said and smiled.
" Still, you need to take care of yourself y/n, what if im not here, who's gonna take care of you, but of course I'm not gonna leave my bestfriend alone *smiles at you* " he said still feeding you.
* Akaashi take cares of you until you feel better *
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senyuuno · 3 years
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'Happy 18th Birthday, Sho-chan (@tsukishimashoyo)! Have a blessed celebration and may you enjoy this day as it is specially made for you.
Now you may write as many smuts as you want (haha). Looking forward to more of your fan-fiction blogs, Sho-chan! Consider my answer (scenario/imagine) to this ask as my gift for you, by the way (got permission from the one who asked).
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kuucho-serotonin · 3 years
🤧ive had enough of angst today see ya on 15th  my heart is aching 
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czarahmay · 3 years
hey! I got permission from the original writer/s to post this master list! they were actually juz starting here in Tumblr so hoping to support them by doing this!
Date Updated: APRIL 20, 2022
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Hanahaki Series
Bokuto Koutarou: P.1, P.2
Miya Atsumu: Regret
Kageyama Tobio: Destiny?
Hinata Shoyo: The Truth
Miya Osamu: Goodbyes
Yamaguchi Tadashi: Selfish
Oikawa, Akaashi: Withered Flower
Sugawara: Promise Ring
Tsukishima Kei: Let you Go
Bokuto Koutaro: As We Part Ways
Break-ups: Atsumu, Ushijima, Tsukishima, Suna, Kita
Falling Inlove after Rejection: Oikawa, Atsumu
Toxic: Oikawa, Tsukishima, Atsumu
Getting married to someone else: Bokuto, Kenma
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tsukishimashoyo · 3 years
Jealous Boyfriend
Bokuto Koutarou
You and Bokuto are in a relationship and it's really healthy relationship, though sometimes you have to deal with his emo mode.
One day one of your batchmate invite you to go with her on a cafe to have a conversation and also to catch up about your lives. You messaged Bokuto that you and your batchmate will have a bonding and maybe you might not be able to go home early because you have a bunch of catch ups to be talked about. But then something came up unexpectedly.
"Uhm--*whispers* I thought we're just gonna catch up but why there's a two boys sitting in front of us?" you said and smiled awkwardly at the boy who's infront of you.
"Yes, we are now" she said-smiling sweetly to the other guy.
"This is not the get together I know, then I'm going now, maybe we can catch up some other time *getting ready to leave*" you stand up but the boy who's in front of you stopped you by holding your hand.
"Uhmm *scratch the back of his head*"
"*Does he have a dandruff?* What do you need?" you said pulling your hands off of him.
" Can I get your number?" he shyly asked.
"No, because I have a boyfriend and I love him, so please let you of my hand, and let me leave" you said taking your hand off of him.
"O M!!, I'm so sorry y/n, I thought you're still single, I'm really sorry, you can go now, I'll take care of this, bye~" your batchmate apologetic.
"It's okay, though you should ask first before you make a move okay? Well I'm going now, bye~" you said waving her a goodbye.
You came home earlier than what you said because of what happened a while ago. You saw Bokuto sulking at the corner of the room facing the wall-hugging his both knees.
" Hey Kou, what are you doing? Why are you at your emo mode again? Is there something you want to say to me?" you said sitting beside him and and copying his position.
" Do you still love me?, *sob* are you gonna break up with me?" he asked--still facing the wall, crying.
" Wha-" he cutted you off.
" It's okay bab- y/n, you can *sob* do what you want, I'm sorry for being *sob*  annoying boyfriend, maybe you are *sob* tired of me *sob*" he face you while saying it -- still crying.
" Babe, I'm not gonna break up with, why would you say that?" you hugged him while saying that.
" I went to the cafe you said *sob*  you're going, and I saw you with another guy, I thought that you're  gonna *sob*  broke up with me and went home" he said hugging you back still crying.
" Babe, I'll explain so listen okay?"
" My batchmate set a double date because she thought I'm still single, but she said sorry already, that's why I went home earlier than I said because I want to spend time with my "Baby boyfriend" *you let go of the hug and cupped his face and wipe his tears* so stop sulking and crying, because I won't break up with you, I love you my baby" you said smiling sweetly at him.
He hugged you tightly and said * "I love you too baby".
*You and Bokuto just stayed at home cuddling and spending the day together*
Sakusa Kiyoomi
You and Sakusa are really a good couple and you understands him being a germaphobic.
" Kiyo~ I'm gonna go to the supermarket to buy some foods and also necessities" you said while Sakusa is in the shower for about 2 hours *sigh, this "clean freak" *
" Also, get out now, you're clean already, you're becoming a shining person, scrubbing your body for two hours, well I'm going now, see you later~" you said getting your bag.
" Wait babe, I'm coming, wait a bit, I'll go with you" Sakusa said-you heard the shower turned off.
" Just wait here Kiyo, there's so many people at the supermarket, I can manage, also I'm just gonna buy a few things, I can carry it" you blushed when you saw Kiyoomi coming out of the shower half naked.
" *smiles evily* Hey baby~ if that's what you want but--that can wait later" Kiyoomi walking slowly towards you.
" *Blushes intensely* STOP - Kiyo, bye~" you ran away from him while blushing.
"*chuckles* You heard Kiyoomi laugh a bit while running away.
*Many hours passed and it's already night*
" It's already late and my phone is dead bat, I can't message Kiyo to pick me up, guess I'm gonna walk again *sigh*" talking to yourself.
It's really an exhausting day because there's so many people at the supermarket and many counters are closed because of a problem, only few counters are working.
While walking a person approach you.
" Uhmm, excuse me, can I ask for a directions?" said the man that approach you.
" Yeah" you answered shortly because of exhaust.
" Oh thank you, Where is ***** Subdivision? I'm kinda lost because my parents didn't tell me where is it and just said I should find it myself, such a cruel parents blah blah blah blah blah " blurted the stranger man.
" Oh, that's where I'm going, I live there with my boyfriend, you can come with me, also maybe your parents just wants you to be independent, I really regret not letting my boyfriend come with me *sigh* but his a germaphobe, I just care for his health because his gonna get sick if there's many people will gonna touch him intentional/unintentional " you said and smiled slightly.
You both talkative so you and him became friends. You're now near at your house and you didn't saw Kiyoomi staring at you and the man who's with you at the window,he also saw that the man carries the grocery bags for you.
You smiled at the man and wave him goodbye.
The time you got in at your place, Kiyoomi suddenly hugs you and throws the grocery bags.
" KIYO?! Wait I just got exposed with so many germs, I need to wash up first, let go of me first" you said panicking because Kiyoomi will gonna get sick for so much germs.
He didn't let go of the hugs and starting to sneeze.
" O my Gosh Kiyo, let go of me NOW, your starting to sneeze" you said and force him to let go of the hug.
You and Kiyoomi went to the bedroom and laid him in the bed, then you went to shower. You're hearing Kiyoomi sneeze again and again.
After showering you took care of Kiyoomi all night.
*Another day comes*
While you are cleaning you heard an opening door and closes.
"Goodmoring baby~* he said and kisses your forehead.
" First of all Goodmoring too, *you put your both hand on your waist and face him* why did you do that last night huh? " you said raising your left eyebrow.
" Are you mad baby~? Don't be mad at me pluuueeeasssshhh? *he said using baby tone*" he hugs you and suddenly swaying you both lightly.
" Let go *using your cold tone* " he let you go and just stare at the floor while fidgeting his fingers.
" I'm not mad okay, so look at me Kiyo * smiles at him * but I want to know why did you do that knowing I'm exposed with many germs and also you throw away the groceries " you said. *the groceries that I bought for how many hours just to get it,i just want to cry now*
" Wellll~ I saw you with another man last night, and he carries the bags, and I thought that if I get sick you won't leave me and you're gonna take care of me until I get better" he said--still fidgeting his fingers-looking at the floor.
" *sigh* that jealousy of yours-" he cutted you of.
"I'm really sorry baby, please don't leave me" he said and hugs you.
"Im not gonna leave you okay?, and also the man that you saw is our new neighbour that got lost for how many hours and ask me the direction, because his parent didn't tell him the direction that leads here" you said while patting his back.
"I'm really sorry baby *he let's go of the hug and looked at you with teary eye*"
" *chuckles* I really like when your jealous, you're being a baby, I forgave you already, but don't do it again okay?" you said while chuckling.
" Mean *pouts* I really love you baby~" he said and and hugs you.
" I love you too My Kiyo~" you said and hugs back.
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senyuuno · 2 years
are you perhaps a fan of angst? i saw ur comment on @tsukishimashoyo version of angst. or was it just a reader-writer relationship? or what?
I'm sorry if this ask bothers u
I got two anonymous questions asking about this. But anyways, I can't say that I am a fan of the genre, but I do look up to those kinds of fanfictions about Haikyuu.
(2) Sho-chan is a co-writer and a friend of mine so it's kind of like that...you know? That...?
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senyuuno · 2 years
Who's Sho-chan? You mentioned the name on Yamgoop's angst. btw.😞..the angst is soft so i was chilled atm... 😟(My lies)I did not expect the twist tho I saw the tags😥💔💔
Hi! An anonymous question again, hi~ Sho-chan's a dear friend of mine. Y'all can follow Sho-chan's blog @tsukishimashoyo; mainly writing for angst but you could still ask for fluffs (just please ask Sho-chan to write some fluffs, I worry about their emotions. Nnhh, kidding.)
Thank you for reading Yamaguchi's angst and Sho-chan's Kageyama's! 🙂
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czarahmay · 3 years
yoooo both of my fav starting authors went off. 🥺🥺🥺guess they have to study. am soooo sad ☘️good luck my babiesss....@tsukishimashoyo @senyuuno @katsukinshu
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