#tsukki 🤝 me
causenessus · 9 days
cold kisses
PLAYING FROM KODZUKEN'S STREAM . . . what are you so afraid of by videoclub
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extras <3
tsukishima 🤝 kageyama not knowing what sin they committed in a past life that got them in their respective gcs
tsukki: "i am very calm, collected, and rational."
also tsukki: "allow me to pick a fight with the first person i see."
suna and y/n traded bad pictures of their friends to set as their pfps
y/n and kenma we're sitting on the sidelines during practice and we was cuddled up next to her just like he said watching her type up responses to the questions of his homework
they've also spent spent many nights cuddled on the couch watching his lectures so she's serious when she says she could probably be double majoring in it lol since she's doing all of kenma's work anyway
kenma's talked about it with y/n before bc kenma didn't want her to feel like he was using her or anything but she said it was actually pretty fun to do and if she has the time she doesn't mind doing it
not sure why we're already in therapy hours in the first chapter but at least everyone's a good friend
y/n and kenma have a cat named goldfish
they've also literally been avoiding any kind of "what are we" conversation since high school. they just slowly found that the other was okay chilling in the others' room which eventually evolved to laying on each other and lots of affectionate hugs
taglist: @rinheartshyunlix @kettlepop @eggyrocks @cr4yolaas @httpakkeiji @keioover @does-directions @calx-bdo @staygoldsquatchling02 @cherrypieyourface @iluv-ace @kitty-m30w @h3xi2g0n3 @mylahrins @thechaosoflonging @momoriii-i @localgaytrainwreck @a-pastel-edgelord @bugglesboop @polish-cereal (form to be added to taglist! <3)
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himbofan · 2 years
I FOLLOWED YOU bc you are a fellow tsukki fucker like i am, and any tsukki fucker is a new bff to me 👯‍♀️ also your writing is amazing and i love tout headcannons !! i also want to say that you’re so pretty and you have the cutest cosplays 😌💗 smooching u !!
thank you so much!! i love ur writing so when u followed me back i was freaking out tbh 😭😭💕🫶🫶 and yes us tsukki fuckers gotta stick together so we can continue to build our cult🤝🤝🤝
you’re super pretty too and we are so hot and sexy together 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 if we were in the same room it would catch on fire
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devoti · 2 years
me 🤝 you
annoying the hell out of our mean bfs and not gaf abt the consequences <3
so true so true bestie !!!! we're both all for disturbing our boyfies so prettily and pettily that the only way to shut us up is with their fat cock in our mouths hehe (❀❛ ֊ ❛„) ❤️
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hyeque · 2 years
for your ask game, number 5 pls with kuroo tsukki and jean<3 hehe
eeee hi aims bby ty for sending something in ! and you picking my three best boys 🤝💗
5. go on a six hour road trip with (no car radio, you choose who drives), sit next to on a six hour plane flight, sit across from on a six hour train journey
for the car one i’ll say me and kuroo bc i’d love to talk to him, i feel like we could have a conversation for hours ‼️ also love the intimacy of it just being the two of us and no one else around. trips would never be boring with him. <3
for the plane one i would say tsukki because i would love to be cuddled up next to him on a plane and having small convos or just embracing the silence between each other. his drama queen ass would probably wear a face mask and a neck rest LMAO but would offer it to me if i get uncomfy. also just realized but we’d have to fly first class or something bc bby has long ass legs and needs room.
and ofc for the train ride it would be with jean. i think we would both find appreciation in the view from the train and would enjoy the scenery of whatever it is. since jean and i are artsy maybe we even draw the view and compare work! i have to sit across from him so i get to admire his pretty face. i see no loss here.
send me a number and three characters
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fleur simps #1
so last may 4 (wednesday) was my crush's birthday and i made this tiktok for her HABAHABAHAHA can't wait to graduate and give her a huge hug (depends on my mood if i want to during that day cos i might chicken out) 🐔
"heyy hope u doin good, hope u get acceptance letters from all schools, hope u have great food, hope u never forget me when ur famous the platapus, i hope when u do ur yearly bday crying, i hope tears of joy will come out LOVE U SO MUCH MWAA"
"i will never forget you 🤝"
i swear i won't be able to move on from this mf 😤 plus she messaged me today asking on what to do for one of our subjects BUT I DIDN'T GET TO ANSWER ON TIME COS I WAS AT THE HOESPITAL GETTING MY FOCAL EYE LASER SURGERY SHIT
so i replied to her message late i hope she still loves me (wow as if i didn't get rejected twice right?) (WOW as if she didn't say, "i'm sorry i don't see my future with a girl")
if we go to the same college/university, it's a sign from fate that we are meant to be together forever 🥰💞
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make mistakes: i’m in your walls
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- me 🤝 mattsun
getting auditory hallucinations when paranoid
^^ ….is this a normal occurrence or should i go in for a psych exam 😹😹😹
-i just KNOW makki has terrible edgy humor
-shoyo x pee jokes again 😙😙😙
-tsukki: idk bro???
also tsukki: here is the song name and artist- let me give you the year it was made while we’re at it
-i just took 23 pages of math notes FRONT AND BACK in 2 days… not even more like a day n a half. my wrist is fucking DEAD BRO ☹️☹️☹️
taglist! ask 2 b added 🥸
@iamapotat @ohworm-writes @theoriginaleclipse @lavedi @captaincyberqueen @jiminslajibolala @kirislilrock @mxlosa @lmaowif3swapbinge @afairywithacrown @lalalemon101 @artchaik @myfavoriteficsandsuch @faewraithsworld @stuckinanewyear @ade-exl @salt-and-fossils @beebee-0 @cvlliesstuff @tsukishimarawr @fandomsgotmefucked @not-another-ackerman @naviation-xx @squiddlie @tatiquichi @todorokiskitten @wockybee @lorelexi-main @kurisuaru @vicolangelo @kuroaka @atzuums @namyari
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theteapotofdoom · 4 years
kunikida 🤝 tsukki 🤝 sebastian h i p s t h i g h s
I never should have made that list of all my anime guy crushes, I gave you guys way too much power and way too much intel about myself ... you can all bully me and take me down now I was a fool ... god damn it ...
You right though. We be loving tall noodle men with HIPS AND THIGHS ON THIS BLOG ... 
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tendouluvr · 3 years
Share some hcs you have about Karasuno please ! Literally anything. 💕🥺
where do i start😪
ok high school, pre timeskip hcs
tanaka and nishinoya will hold doors open for you but you’re like 20ft away so you have to awkwardly speed walk
i think they would also coordinate roaming the halls together at specific times. they would both ask to go to the restroom and if theyre in different classes they’ll just pass by each other in the hallway and laugh for the fun of it
if they’re in the same class then the teachers tell them one person at a time because they know not to let them out together
you always see at least one of them in the hallway any time you need to use the restroom or refill your bottle, you’re all friendly with each other so they would def stop to talk to you in the hallway and youre just tryna get back to class
yamaguchi knows everything about everyone. he just happens to overhear a lot of things even if he didn’t mean to (lowkk be gossiping but he just knows too much he has to tell someone)
yK HOW HES Really Tall. Ugh he helps you reach for books if you can’t reach it. that’s so polite of him 🙄 also helps you carry books and boxes if he sees you in the hallways
yamaguchi is in theater club.
hinata (& bokuto) is emotionally intelligent. my smart boy💭💭
i wanna say he waits for you when you need to tie your shoes, but he might not even notice you stopped walking in the first place until he’s like a bit ahead and realized you weren’t there to answer his question
but dw he sprints back and apologizes a lot and waits for you
on the other hand, daichi does notice if you stopped walking and would politely wait for you while you finish tying your shoes
also waits for you at the end of lunch to walk back to class together
one time you forgot your water bottle with him and only realized when you were already in class so you walk back out to get it but daichi was actually walking towards your class to give it to you at the same time so you guys were going in circles and you came back into class seeing your water bottle on your desk </3
sugawara is happy to help you always but he’s kinda passive aggressive about it for whatever reason
intentional or not, everything he says always sound like it has subtext and you’re just ,,,, 🕴🏻
he is helpful though so you just ignore whatever you think he’s trying to say
tsukishima actually slacks off on schoolwork a lot, he’s smart and has really good grades but he’s also tireeeeddd
if it’s due the next day, he’ll start on it late at night because he claims he’s more productive at night. if it’s not due until a few days later, he’ll keep it till the day before. he does get everything done eventually but he puts it off and it stresses him out even more
comes to school purposefully looking stressed sometimes so no one bothers him
kageyama would unintentionally remind the teacher about homework.
he didn’t mean to.. all he did was asked, “is there homework?” to the person beside him because he genuinely didn’t know, but he was a bit too loud and the teacher heard
he can’t decide whether he’s sorry or not :// he doesn’t care about his classmates honestly, but now he has homework too :((( not like he does it
asahi gets mistaken as a teacher by new students all the time and the other third years just laugh while he stands there trying to tell the newbies he’s also a student
yachi 😆 always has the best looking projects, slideshow, presentation, poster, etc. her teachers are always looking forward to seeing what she comes up with every time. she never runs out of ideas. the people who takes school seriously are jealous of her, and the ones who don’t care still thinks it looks nice but they don’t really care lol
she’s like 4 feet so some people who don’t know her thinks she’s like some super smart middle schooler who got to skip grades and go to high school early
you see her in the hallways a lot and she will always wave at you. it’s so cute
kiyoko,, hmm she takes any school assignments a little too seriously. it’s not a bad thing, she’s doing this to keep her good grades, but if the class/assignment is something that can just be quickly googled and the teacher doesn’t care kiyoko would still research as much as she can and then memorize everything she wrote to do a maximum-of-5-minutes presentation
in which the teacher does allow you to look at your notes if needed TT
ennoshita he thinks anyone that looks at him a bit too long has a crush on him
whether they do or don’t, he doesn’t do anything about it either way but he would definitely subconsciously start acting mysterious so he can seem hard to read,, -_-
lowk thinks this way cuz it helps him with his confidence
idk abt kinoshita and narita that much D: they got like 10 mins of screentime and all ive seen them done is react during games and play a little :/
but i assume they’re best friends (all those bench warming bonding moments am i right) so hc that they have a third bff who’s not on the team but you guys hang out together all the time
they play a lot of video games
hang out together on saturdays a ton
the typical neighbor friend
kinoshita secretly says pog and epic a bit too much :// his little sisters are tired of him
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make mistakes: loner arc
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-not loner is not grammatically accurate 😭 i didn’t even realize i didn’t put not A loner until the smau was already done 💀 so here we are
-ok but the little smirk tsukki does when he pisses people off supremacy 😕
-tobio you aint need to do tsukki like that 😕😕😕
-me 🤝 tsukki
not doing things to avoid failing at them
^^^^i’m not wording that right but i’m really bad with words so i hope u guys get what i mean 😭😭
-i’m james dean, you’re audrey hepburn is a good song!!!!… in moderation!!!! i listened to it too much when i was younger,,, i burnt myself out 😭
- emo mattsun supremacy
-oh tsukki tsukki tsukki 😕😕😕😕
^ i cannot count the amount of times i’ve literally said “oh tsukki tsukki tsukki” in a disappointing tone through out writing this whole smau
-me 🤝 y/n
having our loner arc
-i’m bored so have another chapter tehe
taglist! ask 2 b added 🥸
@iamapotat @ohworm-writes @theoriginaleclipse @lavedi @captaincyberqueen @jiminslajibolala @kirislilrock @mxlosa @lmaowif3swapbinge @afairywithacrown @lalalemon101 @artchaik @myfavoriteficsandsuch @faewraithsworld @stuckinanewyear @ade-exl @salt-and-fossils @beebee-0 @cvlliesstuff @tsukishimarawr @fandomsgotmefucked @not-another-ackerman @naviation-xx @squiddlie @tatiquichi @todorokiskitten @wockybee @lorelexi-main @kurisuaru @vicolangelo
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make mistakes: take pasta
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-time skip bc i’m a loser 😜
-sobs… m-m-me and w-who
-me 🤝 mattsun
crying and throwing up over not getting a playlist made 4 us
-i believe in oikawa using all his power to not reveal he saw tsukki n them kiss supremacy😜
-me 🤝 mattsun
dry heaving over cute things
-the boys :(((
-me 🤝 tsukki
calling ppl ugly (affectionate)
-also y/n and tsukki r quoting lyrics from anyone else but you bc i was also listening to that a lot while writing make mistakes. i was crying and throwing up to it. juno was ahead of it’s time using that song in the movie
-ITS OVER HAHA *starts sobbing*
-let’s get this bread wif the next smau which btw y’all can pick i have options 4 u guys✨ which i’m assuming y’all want oikawa next 🤨🤨🤨
@iamapotat @ohworm-writes @theoriginaleclipse @lavedi @captaincyberqueen @jiminslajibolala @kirislilrock @mxlosa @lmaowif3swapbinge @afairywithacrown @lalalemon101 @artchaik @myfavoriteficsandsuch @faewraithsworld @stuckinanewyear @ade-exl @salt-and-fossils @beebee-0 @cvlliesstuff @tsukishimarawr @fandomsgotmefucked @not-another-ackerman @naviation-xx @squiddlie @tatiquichi @todorokiskitten @wockybee @lorelexi-main @kurisuaru @vicolangelo @kuroaka @atzuums @namyari @iamnotmebruh @lunachelly @definitely-yours @reeseyspieces @batxsignalsx @its-the-aerieljeane @kaleidoscopekai @joyhdh @ashwontcare @pennylanewrites
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make mistakes: thinks menacingly
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-tsukki saying :) supremacy x2
-after tsukki said i hope this tweet was worth it he spiked a volleyball at shoyo’s face <3 shoyo died shortly after 😕 /j
- oikawa 🤝 mattsun
liking y/n more than their actual soulmate
-i’m gonna be real i don’t even remember how the tune of gary come home goes
-he didn’t want to be involved but since tsukki said “i can tell” to him he wanted REVENGE
-tobio: leave me out of this
-also tobio: *is the one to get tsukki to listen to music*
-me 🤝 tsukki
doing things out of spite
-on a different note, i hate math. i hope math ceases to exist.
taglist!! ask 2 b added 🥸
@iamapotat @ohworm-writes @theoriginaleclipse @lavedi @captaincyberqueen @jiminslajibolala @kirislilrock @mxlosa @lmaowif3swapbinge @afairywithacrown @lalalemon101 @artchaik @myfavoriteficsandsuch @faewraithsworld @stuckinanewyear @ade-exl @salt-and-fossils @beebee-0 @cvlliesstuff @tsukishimarawr @fandomsgotmefucked @not-another-ackerman @naviation-xx @squiddlie @tatiquichi @todorokiskitten @wockybee
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-tsukishima a man of little words.
-me 🤝 iwa
liking the 🥸 emoji
-edward fr kissed bella then slammed himself against a wall…… respect i guess
-me 🤝 kei
asking ourselves if we ever thought that we just have issues
-tobio keeps trying to break shoyo’s fantasy that tsukki likes him and it doesn’t work…
-tsukki saying :) supremacy x3?
@iamapotat @ohworm-writes @theoriginaleclipse @lavedi @captaincyberqueen @jiminslajibolala @kirislilrock @mxlosa @lmaowif3swapbinge @afairywithacrown @lalalemon101 @artchaik @myfavoriteficsandsuch @faewraithsworld @stuckinanewyear @ade-exl @salt-and-fossils @beebee-0 @cvlliesstuff @tsukishimarawr @fandomsgotmefucked @not-another-ackerman @naviation-xx @squiddlie @tatiquichi @todorokiskitten @wockybee @lorelexi-main @kurisuaru @vicolangelo @kuroaka @atzuums @namyari @iamnotmebruh @lunachelly @definitely-yours @reeseyspieces @batxsignalsx @its-the-aerieljeane @kaleidoscopekai @joyhdh @ashwontcare
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make mistakes: he a runner
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- i believe in tadashi not being the soft boy some ppl make him out to be supremacy
^^like this man 100% matches tsukki’s energy n i’m not taking criticism
-me 🤝 tsukki
never knowing if a convo went well or not
^^not being able to read social cues supremacy (jk this shit sucks 😐)
-oikawa big brain…. actually saying something useful for once i love him 🥰🥰🥰
-THE WHY ARE U AS A MAN JOKES R SOOOOO FUNNY ESPECIALLY WHEN ITS ABOUT SOMETHIBG NORMAL LIKE I READ ONE THAT SAID “why are you, as a man, using question marks? what are you questioning?? your sexuality?”
^^also just in case u r a man being sad is not a feminine trait it’s a human trait :)) tis just a littol joke dw !
-me 🤝 tsukki
talking 2 ourselves via twt x2
-2 chs left ☹️☹️
@iamapotat @ohworm-writes @theoriginaleclipse @lavedi @captaincyberqueen @jiminslajibolala @kirislilrock @mxlosa @lmaowif3swapbinge @afairywithacrown @lalalemon101 @artchaik @myfavoriteficsandsuch @faewraithsworld @stuckinanewyear @ade-exl @salt-and-fossils @beebee-0 @cvlliesstuff @tsukishimarawr @fandomsgotmefucked @not-another-ackerman @naviation-xx @squiddlie @tatiquichi @todorokiskitten @wockybee @lorelexi-main @kurisuaru @vicolangelo @kuroaka @atzuums @namyari @iamnotmebruh @lunachelly @definitely-yours @reeseyspieces @batxsignalsx @its-the-aerieljeane @kaleidoscopekai @joyhdh @ashwontcare
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make mistakes: u monster
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-i love the phrase you talk so much just to say nothing at all
- me 🤝 y/n
coughing in the chat when trying to start a convo
-me 🤝 kei
being dry so ppl will leave us alone
-can u tell i listened to my alcoholic friends a lot while writing this smau???
-me 🤝 makki
saying like 5 words in a gc
-tsukki u cannot ignore this forever stupid!!!!
@iamapotat @ohworm-writes @theoriginaleclipse @lavedi @captaincyberqueen @jiminslajibolala @kirislilrock @mxlosa @lmaowif3swapbinge @afairywithacrown @lalalemon101 @artchaik @myfavoriteficsandsuch @faewraithsworld @stuckinanewyear @ade-exl @salt-and-fossils @beebee-0 @cvlliesstuff @tsukishimarawr @fandomsgotmefucked @not-another-ackerman @naviation-xx @squiddlie @tatiquichi @todorokiskitten @wockybee @lorelexi-main @kurisuaru @vicolangelo @kuroaka @atzuums @namyari @iamnotmebruh @lunachelly @definitely-yours @reeseyspieces @batxsignalsx @its-the-aerieljeane @kaleidoscopekai @joyhdh @ashwontcare
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make mistakes: community service
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- me 🤝 oikawa
not understanding geography
-ugh when ur soulmate lives 10 minutes away from u ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️💔💔💔💔💔💔
-shoyo is observant 😌☝️ and yes i meant to type seem* but i’m illiterate and have so many typos that i do not care to fix or do not notice <3
-when i actually had friends they would call hanging out wif me or being my friend in general community service 😁👍🏻
-bare minimum y/n 🤨
-it’s ok tsukki i too am emotionally constipated so i act edgy in attempt to hide how much i’m struggling inside 💜
-tsukki and them empty threats 🙄🙄
-5 chs left😟
@iamapotat @ohworm-writes @theoriginaleclipse @lavedi @captaincyberqueen @jiminslajibolala @kirislilrock @mxlosa @lmaowif3swapbinge @afairywithacrown @lalalemon101 @artchaik @myfavoriteficsandsuch @faewraithsworld @stuckinanewyear @ade-exl @salt-and-fossils @beebee-0 @cvlliesstuff @tsukishimarawr @fandomsgotmefucked @not-another-ackerman @naviation-xx @squiddlie @tatiquichi @todorokiskitten @wockybee @lorelexi-main @kurisuaru @vicolangelo @kuroaka @atzuums @namyari @iamnotmebruh @lunachelly @definitely-yours @reeseyspieces @batxsignalsx @its-the-aerieljeane @kaleidoscopekai @joyhdh @ashwontcare
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make mistakes: dubious little creature
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-tobio bold over text
-saying silly/so silly is so funny to me genuienly it’s so silly
-me 🤝 mattsun
bullying ppl we love (affectionate)
-tobio: shaking in my boots fuck oikawa
oikawa: i feel….. like i might know someone there….. interesting…..
-tsukki 😏😏😏😏😏 dare i say he’s warming up to y/n
-me 🤝 oikawa
-i’m just gonna start posting 2 chs a day i think cause i’m impatient 🙄🙄🙄
taglist 🥸
@iamapotat @ohworm-writes @theoriginaleclipse @lavedi @captaincyberqueen @jiminslajibolala @kirislilrock @mxlosa @lmaowif3swapbinge @afairywithacrown @lalalemon101 @artchaik @myfavoriteficsandsuch @faewraithsworld @stuckinanewyear @ade-exl @salt-and-fossils @beebee-0 @cvlliesstuff @tsukishimarawr @fandomsgotmefucked @not-another-ackerman @naviation-xx @squiddlie @tatiquichi @todorokiskitten @wockybee @lorelexi-main @kurisuaru @vicolangelo @kuroaka @atzuums @namyari @iamnotmebruh @lunachelly
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