kaorinvelvetful · 5 years
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Although it is "water land," there are many beautiful flowers here. Among these, lupin is a distinctive feature of this area.
(On May 4, 2019、in Tsukuiko Shiroyama Park)
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kojodan-clip · 8 years
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日時: 2017年3月5日(日) 10:00~14:00 ※雨天中止
場所: 津久井湖城山公園 根小屋地区パークセンター周辺 神奈川県相模原市緑区根小屋162
内容: 戦国時代には後北条氏の支城のひとつだった山城、津久井城。その魅力をご堪能あれ! 津久井城主 内藤氏の「お屋敷跡」で津久井衆をテーマにした甲冑劇を行うほか、地元津久井商工会が誇る名産「津久井城ブランド品」等の販売もあります!12時には狼煙が山頂からあがります!公園の外から見えた方はぜひ公園までご一報を!
参加費: 無料
申込み: 不要
問い合わせ: 県立津久井湖城山パークセンター 042-780-2420
公式サイト: http://tsukuiko-ibento.blogspot.jp/2016/02/blog-post.html
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kaorinvelvetful · 2 years
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Then follow the promenade. Tsukuiko Shiroyama Park has a long promenade, and it seems that many locals use it for walking dogs.
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kaorinvelvetful · 2 years
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On May 4, 2022, I visited Tsukuiko Shiroyama Park in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture for a hike. It's been 3 years since I visited here. The time is 8:30 am. I started walking on the paved path at the foot of the mountain.
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kaorinvelvetful · 5 years
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On May 4, 2019、in Tsukuiko Shiroyama Park 
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kaorinvelvetful · 5 years
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The name of Lupin is derived from wolf and seems to compare the feature with very strong manure absorption power to greedy wolf. (On May 4, 2019、in Tsukuiko Shiroyama Park)
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kaorinvelvetful · 5 years
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There is an artificial waterfall in the center of Waterland, surrounded by open spaces and large flower beds. A great place for a walk or relaxation. (On May 4, 2019、in Tsukuiko Shiroyama Park)
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kaorinvelvetful · 5 years
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I finished the viewing of "Flower Land" and then visited "Water Land". (On May 4, 2019、in Tsukuiko Shiroyama Park)
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