#tsuna does not in fact ever get those tomatoes
makeste · 6 years
KHR 065: Motivational Tomatoes
Before we get back to the action, this chapter featured the first-ever character poll results, and do you know who got first place?
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That’s right! This is the one and only time he will ever make it into the top two, let alone beat out his beloved boss (and it wasn’t even close). The rest of the character poll results are here, for anyone who enjoys these things and feels validated (like I do) when other people also like their fave.
Moving on to the chapter!
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I can’t believe Gokudera fucking died right when he was voted the most popular character in Japan.
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Honestly, it’s fascinating to see Tsuna freeze up in a situation like this. I think it might be the only time it ever happens? Before this arc, he had never been in a situation this bad. And after this arc… well, we all know he’s a bit of a changed man after this arc.
But for right now, he’s useless! At least he doesn’t just straight up abandon Gokudera, though.
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This would be a great time for a really handsome fellow to make a flashy entrance.
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I honestly don’t know how this smiling idiot never made it to #1 on any of the polls. Criminally underappreciated. Who do I have to fight to get him the respect he deserves.
On a side note, Tsuna’s expression when Yamamoto is going “WHE-W” is legendary. It’s such a perfect “Ohmygod what just happened… am I dead??!” look. No, Tsuna, you’re alive! You were saved by this fucking guy who’s got the best timing since the fucking T-rex at the end of the first Jurassic Park.
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I can’t really blame the school, given that half its student body is currently laid out missing all their teeth. If anything they should have been closed to begin with.
Those girls from the previous chapter are just walking all over the damn town complaining about this fight. Bless you, girls.
I freaking love how Yamamoto hears “kid in a fight” and immediately thinks, “Gokudera.”
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Fortunately, Yamamoto knows how to express this exact same mood, but with like 1000x more aggression.
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I’m not sure when exactly I started shipping 8059, but I do know that if I wasn’t already, after this panel I was all aboard that ship ready to never set foot on dry land ever again.
Also, Yamamoto is so fucking awesome Jesus Christ.
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Also, later on in this chapter there’s a scene where Yamamoto cheerfully refers to it as “the mafia role-play” yet again, but you are kidding yourself if you think there’s any chance that this little murder butterfly, freshly emerged from his natural born hitman cocoon, actually believes it’s a game after this scene. GOKUDERA DYING IS NOT SPECIAL EFFECTS. I 100% believe he’s only playing along because it’s simpler that way.
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Look at this idiot. Word of advice: if Yamamoto ever looks at you with that sort of expression, YOU FUCKING RUN and don’t look back. Better yet, don’t hurt his boyfriend in the first place and it won’t come to this.
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HE’S SO ANGRY sob I’m living for it so much! Also, of COURSE he’s number two on the list. Of course he is. Second only to Hibari. At least Fuuta fucking appreciates how amazing he is.
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Let’s be real, he just knew Yamamoto was ready to kick his ass from here to ten years in the future.
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This makes me wish we could have gotten some sort of really tense, Godfather-esque hospital fight scene at some point in the series. I would have enjoyed that.
Anyhow, interesting that they have no problem sending the characters to the hospital in later arcs, even when it’s arguably just as dangerous (most notably during the Inheritance Arc, when someone had obviously tried to kill Yamamoto, and was still out there). So clearly, Gokudera only gets sent to the school in this instance so Shamal can be there to remind us all how useless he is. Even though he does save Gokudera’s life by treating the poison. I GUESS.
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That’s going to go over real well.
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Gokudera’s life in a nutshell.
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I freaking love how Bianchi is constantly trying to pick a fight with Yamamoto Takeshi, the world’s nicest human. I like to think it’s because she already knows he’s going to marry her brother one day.
Yamamoto’s Chopper-esque deer-in-headlights look needs to be framed and put on my wall.
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“Did you think we were done with the angst?” Amano asks, a sadistic gleam in her eye.
I was actually praying that we weren’t! And my prayers were answered.
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Is he a lizard? Is he a caterpillar? Where did he come from? Why does he exist?
These are things we don’t question. Just accept and move on.
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“The most terrible of mafia criminals”, oh and also, later on, a bunch of (mostly) innocent kids whose ancestors once casually made a deadly and irresponsible bet. (I say ‘mostly’ because Kaoru was guilty of ATTEMPTED MURDER. NEVER FORGET.)
This is officially the first mention of the Vindice, though. Sure would be hilarious if these guys ended up being the final villains or something wild like that.
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Yes, of course they’re the same person. Why would Reborn randomly be telling you about two completely unrelated Rokudo Mukuros?
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Nah it still counts as mafia.
Hey, it’s Mukuro! What an elegant transition.
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Mukuro goes on to act really callous here, but take note of that “!” bubble above his head when Chikusa flops to the ground. Is he just surprised, or is could it possibly be… concern????? I honestly don’t know, so let’s just say it’s both, with him then proceeding to go all-in on the show of amused apathy right afterwards to hide it.
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Oh yeah and he’s also excited because Chikusa’s finally gotten them a lead.
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Were you seriously going to eat your friend why are you guys such shitheads in this arc.
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I guess… he’s got a lot of faith in Chikusa, at least? Man, compared to this, Gokudera suddenly seems amazingly well off, even with his lack of a hospital, his doctor that doesn’t treat men, and his sister who’s more likely to kill him than cure him.
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Reborn, please talk some sense into this spiraling young man who needs to be dragged into his leadership role of destiny by force if need be!
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In all fairness, he doesn’t know he’s going to be a fucking superhero by the end of the day.
At any rate, Reborn is not the only one who thinks it’s finally Tsuna’s moment to shine!
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I would kill to see one of these reports from Reborn to the Ninth. Tell me someone has written a fic about them. I’m obsessed with this.
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Twelve hours?? Geez no pressure.
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Tsuna. Now you gotta.
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Now you really gotta.
Haha. The Ninth is sitting there at his desk like, “What should I say to motivate him? How about tomatoes? Everyone likes tomatoes. But just in case, I’ll also threaten to kill him if he says no.”
As we all know, at this stage of his development, Tsuna is fucking great under pressure, so he immediately pretends he hasn’t heard anything, screams that it has nothing to do with him, and runs off in a panic.
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Which is actually exactly what he needs to do to end up getting a reality check!
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This is exactly why Reborn is the tutor and the Ninth is just the old guy with money. “Rather than seducing him with tomatoes, I’ll just remind him that no matter what, he can’t escape this shit anyway, and if he sits around and does nothing he’s fucking screwed.”
Like, it sounds cruel, but it’s exactly what he needs to hear. Along with this.
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Things I love:
Reborn’s complete faith that deep down, Tsuna already knows the right thing to do.
Reborn understanding that there’s a layer of fear/panic/anxiety that he has to cut through in order to get to that essential core of Tsuna. (I mean, that’s the very concept of the Dying Will bullet right there.)
Reborn knowing exactly what to say to activate that inner strength.
Tsuna’s scared-but-resolved face when he thinks about Ryohei and Kyoko and Gokudera.
The fact that Kusakabe is included in the montage (s-sob).
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One day I will write an essay about how I believe that this single sentence sums up Reborn’s entire endgame for Tsuna in a nutshell. And when I say “endgame”, I mean endgame endgame. As in BOSS endgame.
Seriously, he’s known from the start that this is what propels Tsuna. Not fame or power. Not even “purer” abstract concepts like ~the greater good~ or ~doing the right thing~. It has to be personal; it has to be his friends, his family, someone that he cares about. Because he is thirteen, and still self-centered, and so right now, something like this is the only thing that can break through that layer of teenage apathy and reluctance. The threat has to be real and close and tangible, and it has to be personal.
And even later on, when he’s matured a bit more and is saving the future and junk, this is still the key motivator. Tsuna has so much potential to be a force for good and light and hope in the world. But if you want him to be a damn hero, you have to give him someone to save.
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Look at the gritted teeth. It’s working.
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This is Tsuna’s equivalent of that Yamamoto rage face earlier in this chapter. Look how different it is. I love this about Tsuna.
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Reborn! Tell him!
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Half an hour after being killed, Gokudera returns good as new! Reading this chapter for the first time, ten-years-ago makeste breathes a sigh of relief that her favorite character isn’t going to get left out just when the series is finally having a real fucking arc. We got our angst and the happy ending too! BOOM, did it, had it both ways no regrets.
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This may just be the greatest sequence of entrances in history.
Back when they had so few fighting characters that they needed to toss in Bianchi as a fourth. Those were the days.
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You shall be the Fellowship of the Rings… wait, no, that’s next arc.
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I don’t know why we needed a fucking roadmap to understand this plan of “we’re going to their hideout”, but okay.
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It’s Fuuta!
That’s right, friends! In addition to Hibari Kyoya, Mukuro has also kidnapped an eight-year-old. He’s so evil!
…But redemption is coming for you, you pineapple-shaped kufufuing motherfucker. Just you wait.
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sweetdeathwrites · 5 years
puppy love
Pairing: Reader / Tsuna / Gokudera / Yamamoto
Summary: There's nothing quite like spending time with friends— especially if you happen to have a little crush on... well, all of them!
Warning: (is this poly??) it’s poly, death by fluff, lots of flirting, warning for a super old fic–– my first on Luna, so oof...! If you think of 2010′s-indulgent-anime-fanfic, nothing here would surprise you, use of the [Name] bracket system....wowza..
Word Count: 1,781
~Dedicated to GuardianAngel07 on Luna!~
(posted from my AO3 and Luna. Original A/N below)
(aaaa~ Luna is up and running! I'm so happy! I've been a fan of this site for many years but I never had the chance to submit anything until now (not to mention how terrible my writing used to be...yikes)... Well, anyway, this is my first post on Luna! Sorry it's short, I'm trying to push myself to write longer pieces soon!! Hope you enjoy! It's been YEARS since I've used [name] blanks for the reader... Usually I just stick to avoiding using names and just stick with gender neutral pronouns (they, them). Since I'm on Luna now, I decided to indulge myself and use all those fun [name] blanks I used to read in fics from middle school~ This is also my first time writing for KHR! It's my favorite anime and I always felt like I would ruin it's legacy if I ever contributed to the fandom... but someone very special helped me change my mind about that... Naturally, I would like to dedicate that person who is very special to me... in fact, she dedicated a fic to me first! I'm just returning her generosity! So here we go— GuardianAngel07 ! I've been such a big fan of you for so long! I'm sure I've told you this through comments MANY times, but you truly inspire me! Not only in writing, but in art and in trying to better myself! I see how you have such big dreams on your Luna profile and I know that you can ABSOLUTELY make them come true! I look forward to the day I see you post an update with your name in the credits of a Disney film! You really mean the world to me and I'm so happy that my comments were able to make you feel happy too! I really hope we can interact again in the future... I have some more KHR fics in the works, one nearly done, that I hope you will read as well! I also have one VERY special one that I used to dream about when I was younger... It was heavily inspired by your It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World fic! But don't worry, I've changed a lot since it was originally planned and I assure you, I've made sure that it goes in a very different direction compared to your fic!! I'm not going to give a lot away at the moment, but I used to daydream (and I still do!) about the events happening in your fic and through the years those daydreams turned into creations of OCs and plot developments based off of the manga and.... I've said too much!! Anyway, I am SO GLAD and GRATEFUL for all you've done for me, not just for the fics, but for all the happiness, inspiration, and hope that I've gotten from them and from your profile! I really hope you enjoy this fic! Haha, I'm so excited~)
“Hey!” A loud, annoying voice called out to you. You ignored it. “So, Tsu-kun, what’re you doing after school? Wanna go on a date with me? I’ll pay,” you mused, leaning on his desk and playing with the poor boy’s hair in your free hand, “I’ll pay for whatever you want to eat...How’s a salisbury steak sound?” “I-I-” Tsuna started, but was quickly interrupted by his righthand man yanking you away from him. Some of your classmates were paying attention- mostly the girls- but everyone was already used to the shenanigans that seemed to always occur whenever Sawada Tsunayoshi was around. “Get away from Juudaime, you evil succubus!” Gokudera growled in your face. You tutted and cupped his face with a gentle hand. He felt warm and you couldn’t help but admire the way the sun glittered off of his emerald green eyes. You hoped your small classroom’s open window would help to cool his temper. “Aw, fret not, Haya-chan, there’s more than enough of me to go around~” you winked at him and Gokudera dropped you quickly and covered his red face. You landed on the ground more roughly than you would’ve preferred, but you didn’t lose your composure. If you wanted to get anywhere with these boys you would have to try much harder! Smoothing out your now ruffled shirt, you took longer than you needed to in order to make absolutely sure that Tsuna and Gokudera were looking at you. Geez, it’s like these boys have never been flirted with… you thought, then realised Tsuna’s probably never been on the receiving end of a playful compliment. You decided to change that. “Hey, Tsu-kun.” You caught his attention, voice flat with none of the giddiness that you felt leaked through. “Y-Yes?” Tsuna sat stiffly on his chair and his hands were clenched so tightly on his desk that his knuckles were ghostly white. You darted over to him and laced one hand with Tsuna’s and cradled the back of his neck with your other. “Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are? You’ve got doe eyes, Tsu-kun, sweet as chocolate.” Your gaze kept his eyes locked on yours and Tsuna let out a strangled whine. “Hey!” Gokudera yelled again, this time noticeably shakier. “I told you not to harass Juudaime!” Turning to glance at Gokudera, you pouted. The silver haired boy still had a hand clasped over his face and, despite his threats, didn’t make a single move to remove you from Tsuna. “I’m not harassing Tsuna!” Your eyes burned holes in Gokudera. “I’m not harassing you, am I, Tsu-kun?” you asked sweetly. Tsuna sputtered a variety words but none of them made cohesive sense or had any relation to each other. “Tsuna’s right, Gokudera,” a small yet commanding voice came from somewhere in the classroom. You looked around but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Just as you were going to turn your attention back to Tsuna, a panel slid open on the classroom wall and a small baby stepped out of it. He wore a suit and tie and a small lizard perched on his hat. “Hey, Reborn,” you greeted him, smiling brightly and not relinquishing your hold on poor Tsuna. Reborn nodded slightly in your direction. “Gokudera, it’s very rude to harass Tsuna’s future spouse. Act as a proper right hand man and devote yourself to their happiness.” “EEH?” Tsuna shrieked and toppled off his chair, landing in a heap on the ground. “Sp-Spouse?” No matter how ruby red a tomato or deep a fiery sunset, nothing could have come even close to comparing to the scarlet blush that burned Tsuna’s cheeks. Even his neck and shaking hands were flushed! “W-What?! But-” “What’s wrong, Gokudera? Would you rather take Tsuna’s future spouse for your own? Then Tsuna could get married to Haru-chan or Kyoko-chan. Or maybe-” “Yo!” Yamamoto burst in the class in full baseball gear. Some girls squealed in delight upon seeing him and you couldn’t blame them. Baseball pants made his butt look fine. Then his mocha eyes settled on you standing over Tsuna and Takeshi’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. “-you would rather Yamamoto to be their husband?” Takeshi walked over to you and swung a muscular arm around your neck and pulled you close; he smelled earthy, sweet, and spicy, just like freshly ground cloves. His white shirt was crumpled and he was hot from baseball practice. Being pulled so close under his arm, you could feel the hard muscles of his stomach and lining his ribcage underneath the thin barrier of cloth. Nice. “Who’s going to get married?” he looked around for any visual cues that could help him piece together this mystery… Tsuna collapsed on the ground, Gokudera rooted to his spot with his face buried in his hands, Reborn dominating the conversation… Everything looked normal to him. “Are we playing a marriage game?” “Yamamoto, would you marry [Name]-chan?” Reborn asked, his coal black eyes as unnerving and omniscient as ever. Yamamoto turned to you examined you thoroughly. His eyes traveled over your soft features and, you noticed, tried to discreetly examine the rest of you. His rough hands held you firmly by the waist. Not that you wanted to get away from him, but now it was nearly impossible to move; if you did, you would end up being dipped, with Yamamoto’s hand at the small of your back and he’d hold your face gently and lean in and- “Of course I’d marry [Name]-chan! Who wouldn’t?” Yamamoto laughed and he sounded like wind chimes on a pleasant summer day. Your heart fluttered like a caged bird at that and you tried to laugh off the light flush that creeped up your neck. Gokudera noticed. “H-Hey, bastard, quit it! Don’t say stupid things like that, baseball freak!” Gokudera lowered his hands to shout at Yamamoto, furious for reasons unknown to him. “Haha, why not? It’s true, isn’t it!” Yamamoto hugged you close and rested his chin atop your head. He hummed happily and you felt it resound deep within your chest. Sunlight dappled the floors and lockers in the back of the room and you felt totally at peace. You could barely hear yourself think over the usual bickering between Gokudera and Yamamoto, but that was just fine. Basking in the moment, you made sure to never forget what was happening right now. You were alive. You were breathing the sweet, crisp air that flowed from your classroom’s open window, surrounded by your classmate’s, in the midst of embarrassing and adoring your beloved friends (and crushes). Joy bubbled in your stomach at the simple pleasure you gained from the moment. Then the moment was over. You spun yourself out of Yamamoto’s embrace and was swiftly blinded by the sun’s glare, being just the right height for the window’s wrath. Yamamoto yelped and caught you- look at that, he was dipping you! Looks like dreams do come true. But you had places to be. “Sorry, Take-kun, but I gotta go!” You winked at him and his mouth twitched in shy grin. Some girls murmured in jealousy, wishing they were in your place, wishing they could make Yamamoto blush the way you could. Your shoes padded across the floor to Tsuna’s still reclined form. Kneeling, you tapped Tsuna on the shoulder. His honey eyes looked up at you and you nearly screamed. What a cutie! Tsuna was nothing but a shy, lovesick puppy and that special side of him made you weak in the knees. “I’ll see you later, baby!” You leaned in and planted an adoring kiss on Tsuna’s cheek. You could feel the heat radiating off of him and he was talking again, unable to stop himself. “[Name]-chan! Oh my god, why did you do that, why would you want to do that to me! I’m No-Good Tsuna! Aah, I can’t believe you did that, I mean, it’s not like that was a bad thing! I’m not complaining! What I mean is why, why, oh my god, that was so- I don’t? I mean-” you giggled at his struggle and kissed his other cheek for good measure. “Don’t worry about it, Tsu-kun! I’ve got so much more in store for you later!” and Tsuna just about died in your arms. You could practically see his ghost coming out of his body. He just melted in your embrace. What a pure guy. “J-Juudaime! You wretch! How dare you wound Juudaime like this! I’ll make you pay!” Gokudera charged at you but you didn’t flinch. In fact, when he came close enough, you reached out and trailed your hand along his neck. Gokudera stopped dead in his tracks at your touch and his breath caught in his chest. “Silly little Haya-chan…” you teased, running your fingers across his jaw, “Think you can beat me? Nothing can beat the power of love, sweetie.” Somehow, Gokudera simultaneously paled and flushed. He nearly swooned at the playful mirth in your eyes when you blew him a kiss. Then he did swoon, falling backwards and scrambling away from you hurriedly. “Y-You devil!” Gokudera clutched his chest, heart undoubtedly beating wildly. “What magic have you cursed me with?!” You laughed and carded your hands through your hair, slightly unsure if you should really announce why you were torturing the three boys so much. ‘Screw it,’ you thought, and opened your mouth to speak. “You know,” you began, “I’m beginning to wonder what magic you three have cursed me with. Don’t you know what you do to me?” And with that, you waltzed out of the classroom, giving a knowing nod to Reborn along the way. The baby smirked and ignored Tsuna’s desperate questioning, Yamamoto’s confused laughs, and Gokudera’s outraged and shaky demands for you to come back and explain yourself. As you passed the threshold of the classroom into your school’s open air hallway, you couldn’t help but glance up at the clear sky and see how clouds floated airily across that wide, blue stretch, how the birds flew and cawed in pursuit of each other. With a bounce in your step and your heart fluttering, you jumped and spun and laughed, happy to have told them. Your mind buzzed with all the borderline-naughty things you could say to them tomorrow.
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