lonvlyheart · 4 years
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. ✧ . * . ˚ ⦅ the drama queen + sofia carson + cisfemale + bisexual ⦆ ━ welcome to river valley university MAYA BOLAND ! the TWENTY-ONE year old is a SOPHOMORE , majoring in ENGLISH . we’ve heard that they are CAPTIVATING + ELOQUENT + ERRATIC, but we’ll see about that ! they are APPREHENSIVE towards the news of the marriage education program but we guess we’ll just have to see what happens with you and THE BOY NEXT DOOR !
Meet Maya Boland, the unpredictable drama queen that is a resident here in River Valley! In a nutshell, she is incredibly erratic (unpredictable), eloquent (fluent in writing or speaking) and captivating (capable of attracting and holding interest). She is an English major, hoping to finish a book she is working on by the end of her senior year, hoping to find a publishing company to help publish her book as well.
Growing up, Maya was the favorite among her siblings. From being born first to seemingly being the best at everything she did, her parents never failed to make her believe she was superior among anybody. Although she was held at a higher standard compared to her sisters, she never failed to do anything and everything with grace. She held solid ground, an obvious confidence glowing from her skin. Throughout her school years, she made amazing grades, handling extracurricular activities on top of her school work. She made her parents proud. She soon got into college and told her parents she would focus incredibly hard on her school work, making it out of college with both a career and the best amount of memories.
When Maya met The Politician, she thought she found someone she was going to spend a long time with. For it to be her first relationship, it started on a high note. Her parents loved him when they first met him, saying how Maya should keep this one to try and get ahead of everyone her age. All seemed perfect. That was until she found out he was cheating on her. Upon finding out that he was cheating on her with five other girls, Maya was left heartbroken. She knew from there on, she didn’t want to find another relationship. She wrote it off that all guys all want the same thing, and so, now moving from guy to guy, having little flings but never committing to any of them. As time passed and as she grew friends with the other five girls, she now believes that it was a learning experience. She’s still afraid of commitment.
Since then, Maya has turned to alcohol, partying and even more of a serial romantic. She hasn’t committed to another relationship since The Politician, not wanting to go through that again. She is very stereotypical of being “The Drama Queen”, she makes impulsive decisions based on her wants over what she needs, whether or not they’re smart decisions. Because of her experience with The Politician, she never thinks of the long term effects of her actions, only the short term. Although she stills seems perfect, she is far from that. She gossips to anyone she can, especially if the rumors aren’t true. She doesn’t think before flirting with anyone, finding it fun and carefree despite her possibly breaking any hearts. She uses her impulsiveness as an excuse to “just want to have fun”. Although, deep down, she doesn’t mean to truly hurt anyone, her words and her actions do hurt some people and she never realizes it until after it is said and done.
Upon hearing about the marriage program, Maya is incredibly apprehensive about it. Apart from her commitment issues, she’s not sure if her personality fits the program altogether. Maya would much rather worry about herself and continue her carefree life during the semester. But she did luck out to get a partner like River Young. Hopefully the marriage program will help Maya learn that not all people are the same, and that there is someone out there for her that is right for her, maybe teaching her that there is time to settle down and learn to love again.
“The HBIC”, Isabella Howard, “The Survivor”, Phoebe Summers, Circe Belo - They all were dating The Politician at the same time, After things ended and they all found out, they all became close. They rented a house together instead of living on campus and are all roommates and best friends.
“The Politician” - Dated her, along with five other women at the same time. He broke it off badly and left her heartbroken but she rose above it, or tried to at least. She’s still not sorry about how she acted or about how the relationship turned out. She’s determined to believe it was a growing experience, even if she does think it was a bit too extra for her tastes.
Ivy Duke - They are pretty close friends. The Drama Queen may be an english major but she does know a little about writing music and that’s really where their interests meet. The Drama Queen sometimes writes lyrics for The Musician and they really just love creating together.
River Young -  She isn’t too thrilled to be “married” or tied down to anyone during the semester, really just preferring to worry about herself but if she had to be paired with anyone she thinks she got pretty lucky. She figures he’s pretty easy to manipulate and gets what he wants and that’s what she plans on using the relationship for more than taking it seriously.
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peytonclarke-s · 4 years
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“Oh. Hello! You’re talking to me? Oh… My thoughts on the program? Not much, really. I suppose it’s fine. Maybe people who want to get married someday will think it’s necessary. A-ah, my partner? (THE CHAMELEON) Well–would you look at that, I’m so sorry buuut I actually have to go! I’ve got a shift. Library assistant. Thank you, too! Stay safe!”
v excited to be here :D while i’m still fleshing things out, here’s some fun/fast facts ! lmk if you want to plot <3 
peyton’s a babie!!! she’s very soft-spoken, keen to avoid drama, and is generally just on the sidelines. there’s complex trauma as to why she’s so inclined to lose herself in fiction, but that’s a backstory for another day 
this doesn’t mean she’s antisocial, though; if you ask anyone, peyton’s actually a pretty fun friend to have around! she’s just a lot more introverted around strangers, but she has the tendency to see the best in people 
not at all daring (unfortunately), can be perceived as rather bland--and in general just awfully awkward! very girls-next-doorsy vibes + naive and all that
random hcs as necessary: loves theatre but only ever probably works backstage, lowkey deriving inspiration from her book thru the people she knows/the ttk program, allergic to cats, can’t dance for the life of her
plot w/me !
[LF] the person in the library, i’d like to see you try, pretend boyfriend for functional purposes + hmu for more!
the person in the library - for the longest time, peyton has been watching (in the most un-creepy way) this student studying at the library. she thinks they’re incredibly cute and it’s almost childish to admit she’s developed a crush on them, but she’s kept her spying lowkey and--oh my god, why are they coming her way, why are they saying they know what she’s been doing, what’s happening,
i’d like to see you try - peyton can’t possibly be *that* nice. would love to have someone to push/pressure her to get a glimpse of her mean streak, and maybe other adventurous things too; help her venture out of her comfort zone!
pretend boyfriend for functional purposes - whenever peyton’s parents have galas or fundraising events, they expect peyton to have a date--which is easier said than done, but thank god she has a pretend!boyfriend who shows up with her to these events & to appease her parents. she pays him by writing his papers, maybe, but it’s a beneficial gig they’ve been playing at for a year or so now; whether it’s become a running joke or it’s awkward is something we could flesh out!
relationships & connections !
the innocent - allie is the closest to a sister that peyton will ever get. peyton is fiercely protective of the younger girl, and always strives to be there for her when she can. 
the addict - it’s an unlikely friendship, but it works. peyton & [THE ADDICT] have known each other since their lab partner days, and they continue to bicker with/humor each other despite contrasting personalities. 
the shambolic - the two are cousins and extremely close with [THE SHAMBOLIC] even living in peyton’s house. ever since they got to river valley, though, peyton’s felt like [THE SHAMBOLIC] has been keeping secrets from her; something she could never quite bring up for in fear losing their great relationship. 
the chameleon - harry & peyton’s high school relationship was short-lived, especially since they were each other’s first significant other. flash forward to college and the two are ‘forced’ to interact with each other again after a long period of civilities and awkward smiles. though she doesn’t know quite yet how to put it into words, peyton had--and always will have--a soft spot for the boy. 
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. ✧ . * . ˚ ⦅ the broken bird + brie larson + female + demisexual ⦆ ━ welcome to river valley university TALULAH (LULU) , MARDOCK  ! the TWENTY FIVE year old is a FIRST YEAR , majoring in ART HISTORY . we’ve heard that they are SHARP WITTED + MERCURIAL + DEFENSIVE, but we’ll see about that ! they are TERRIFIED towards the news of the marriage education program but we guess we’ll just have to see what happens with you and THE SEEKER this year!
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a cloud of smoke distorts pretty features. she is a crescent shaped moon the stars hide from her. she is the flower surrounded by ashes. she is the fire that burnt down the trees in the forest, the smoke will never evade her. she is the moon and the sun, blinding and shadowed. she is the blue hour, covered in hues of pinks and purple, you will never see who she really is. she’ll never let you close enough.
Tw:Abuse, marked off at the bottom
Meet Talulah “Lulu” Mardock, praviable middle child,  
Literally never goes by her full name. she knows it serious if you call her Talulah.
She’s….weird. just kind of weird and goofy but also likes things to go her way and will make it so they do. 
She was born in Ireland, her mother is American and her father is Irish. She travels back and forth between the two and was even planning on going to school there. She loves her home but has grown used to America.
Has two brothers. an older brother and a younger brother
She became interested in art as a child, she’s not anything special, but she loved the idea of art. She takes after her mother that way, she’s been studying art for years, but she always always preferred the history over the drawing.
her favourite artist is Vermeer, she loves his work 
looks like a cinnamon roll, mostly a cinnamon roll, but could still burn you
loves chicken nuggets and cereal and so much candy, literally has the worst sweet tooth, usually has a lollipop in her pocket
Tattoo of the crescent moon on her wrist
Too spite you she would take a bite out of every single chicken nugget you had, while looking you straight in the eye.
Never ask her for directions
Trying to pick herself up and be that weird bubbly girl she was
has a deadpan attitude, it is literally amazing how she has not been fired.
would fight. just 100% would fight
the idea of this class is horrifying. she is still trying to recover from her last relationship and their is still so much trauma engraved in her. if she had been partnered with anyone else she would have dropped out of school but her saving grace is partnering with Jameson
her last relationship left lulu unsure of who was, she’s now a strange version of herself, angry at herself but also in a way fragile, she hides a lot of her feelings behind a carefully constructed facade and she wants to keep it that way.
~~Trigger Warning~~
While In Ireland she met a boy. He was charming enough at first but it slowly changed over two years.  Their relationship would have been rocky at best after that “honeymoon stage”. Lulu is known to be defiant, fighting against him at first, leaving at least once. He was manipulative, pulling her back in. He caught her before she made any really close friends, no one to confide with. Her family too far and too old to really help her. After awhile for lack of better terms it fell down the rabbit hole. He was emotionally abusive more then anything, and her self worth is completely shattered and for awhile wrapped up in him. While he did get physical she usually fought back and ran off until he found her and coaxed her back to him. she was beaten down, his grip was always a little too tight and he liked always keep her by his side, what he made her do, it broke her. Lulu lost a lot of her brightness with him, he stole what made her so strange and fun. One night after he hit her again she picked up her phone and dialed her oldest brother. She wasn’t even sure if he would have answered but he did and she started crying. She needed help. She needed to leave and he came to get her. She left Ireland and came back to the States without ever looking back.
~~ End Trigger Warning~~
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bonniefitzg-s · 4 years
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“You wanna hear my thoughts on the progr’m? I’ve got a lot of fuckin’ thoughts on th--hey! Come back! Fine, I’ll fuckin’ censor it--Jesus, we’re in college already an’ you’re tellin’ me--fine, fine! Anyway, I think it’s a load of bullshit--fuck, fine--I think it’s impractical. There, are ya happy? This is press censo’ship y’know... Jesus! It’s a waste of e’ryone’s time. And my partner, (THE PREVARICATOR), who’er that is. Couldn’ care less. Wish we coulda spent more time doin’ more productive things--like what, ya ask? You wanna take a seat? I’ve got a whole list o’ things--”
[CRACKS KNUCKLES] okay here we GOOOO!!!!! 
lived in ireland but moved to river valley for college (her dad’s job)! she’s the eldest of five and has taken care of much of them due to her dad never being around & her mom being a deadbeat; she goes back to her hometown every summer, where she met one of her more memorable exes
tomboyish, blunt, outspoken; outwardly she seems very exposed and spiteful, but it’s also just a facade for the fact she’s ~guarding a lot; she doesn’t see the point of serious relationships anymore, having never been surrounded by good examples, so she spends much of her time looking after her friends and throwing herself into her work 
while she’s pretty well-versed in various fields of journalism, she’s more inclined to investigative--she’s pesky and annoying so being part of the Inquiry staff works for her! she sees herself maybe starting a publication in the future 
random hcs: doesn’t believe in social media, incredibly soft for animals, terrible at mathematics/science, caffeine dependent, still has strong traces of her accent 
plot w/me !
[LF] let’s take this shit down, ex & why, sugar and spice and all things not nice + hmu for more!
let’s take this shit down - being the rebellious bitch that she is, bonnie wouldn’t go down with a fight. she’d make petitions and write lampoon issues and write to governors about the constitutionality of TTK or whatever. would love to have a co-conspirator/someone to judge her dedication to taking down the program!!!! (she will obviously fail but this will make for some fun times) 
ex & why - if [THE CLUELESS] was bonnie’s best ex, this one’s her WORST. they dated during the school year and ended on terrible terms; their interactions are probably mean, sarcastic and cutthroat 
sugar and spice and all things not nice - bonnie has her fair share of sugarplum sweet friends (all of whom she has slowly learned to not despise) but this one takes the cake. it may seem incredibly trivial (but bonnie is petty like that), but she can’t *believe* how nice and soft this person is. she’s constantly bugging them and pressuring them to be meaner (and maybe they help bonnie get in touch with her soft side <3) 
relationships & connections !
the clueless - finn and bonnie dated one summer, and it was a fairly good relationship; if anything, bonnie thinks of him from time to time and regrets never reaching out. imagine her surprise, then, to see him in river valley. some ghosts come back after all. 
the musician - ivy and bonnie are best friends; the two have made sure that they’re in each other’s classes, and are generally constantly hanging out for the sake of each other’s sanity. 
the boy next door - river is almost like one of bonnie’s adopted little siblings--she adores him for being such a sweetheart and is fiercely protective of him. she’s constantly trying to toughen him up (in preparation for the real world, she says) but, inwardly, hopes he can stay soft and kind amid it all. 
the prevaricator - absolutely nothing, really. bonnie abhors the program, isn’t familiar with [THE PREVARICATOR], and isn’t in the business of taking it seriously. 
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apollopark-s · 4 years
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“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here? Ah--it’s for the program? I wonder who’s the lucky guy assigned with you. Okay, okay, back on track. What I think of Tie-the-Knot? Personally, I could do without it, but I had a terribly boring junior year--internships and all that--so I suppose this is a great way to mix things up a bit. I’ve met my partner, yeah. (THE MOUSE). She ran away the moment I opened my mouth, though, which I suppose is an accurate enough reaction. Anyway, I ought to go find her--give me a call, though, yeah? Alright, alright. See ya!”
my son. look at my SON ! lmk if u want to plot :0 
moved to river valley at the start of high school; has a good enough family life (genuinely loves his younger sister + parents) but they’re not-so well off which has dictated *so* much of apollo’s life: he spends half his time working odd jobs, he works really hard to keep his scholarship at RV, he’s doing everything he can to provide 
because of this, he hasn’t had much time to focus on himself! he’s very deflective and flirtatious in an effort to keep people at an arm’s length; few people really know about his financial situation, and he’s not in the business of letting other people know. he’s very secretive and mysterious, and can even be perceived as a fuckboy if he were a little meaner 
also VERY SMART. honors class kid, competes for the school, en route to a good company post-graduation, full scholarship since freshman year!
random hcs: the only escapism he allows himself is computer games, has had a lot of flings but only one “serious” relationship, can’t cook to save his life, if he had free will he’d probably would have taken up teaching 
plot w/me !
[LF] let’s pretend we don’t know each other, those kids are non-stop!, every cliche best friend plot ever, the one that got away + hmu for more!
let’s pretend we don’t know each other - is apollo an annoying older brother? definitely. would love to have his younger sister (either a freshman/sophomore) in river valley too so he can mess with her + threaten boys! all that fun stuff
those kids are non-stop! - rivals plot :DDD plsss :DDD the two have been academically at each other’s throats since their freshman year. do they hate each others guts and always try to one-up each other? always. is their sexual tension? possibly. 
every clliche best friend plot ever - ever since high school they’ve been best friends! she’s one of the few who know about apollo’s real living situation and although apollo is yet to unpack it, he is most definitely probably in love with her <3 please 
the one that got away - someone to be apollo’s ~one serious relationship! they could either be on bad or good terms (and whether there’s leftover feelings/relapsing WOULD LOVE TO DISCUSS....) lmk.... 
relationships & connections !
the mouse - avani is apollo’s partner, and he finds himself... intrigued by her. she avoids him like the plague and is generally awkward around him, and since he’s smart in everything except social interaction, he thinks it’s her playing hard-to-get. he’s yet to find out her secret, though, which could mean that some misunderstandings are meant to ensue. 
the drama queen - maya and apollo “dated” for a brief time, and apollo steered clear because he much prefers to stay lowkey. the two are still constantly at it (bickering, flirting), but apollo remains extremely wary of the impulsive, happy-go-lucky character his ex is. 
the crimson - there’s a reason apollo always brings his flings to the theatre to fool around: he thinks dakota, who works the lights, is cute. it’s a terrible excuse and an even much more terrible way to get his attention, but if it’s a way to get dakota to look his way--something so uncharacteristically whipped of apollo--then he’ll take it. 
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practcritus · 4 years
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Henry “Harry” Baird - The Chameleon
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic
Major: Developmental Psychology
Age: 23
Year in School: Senior
“Marriage” Partner: “The Bookworm”
Faceclaim: Chance Perdomo
born in sheffield, england, harry’s parents moved him to the states when he was fourteen as his father was promoted to a senior role in his company. harry found the whole move rather disruptive, but eventually he settled down in their new home in philadelphia, his talents at blending in and adapting to what people expected of him coming in rather handy for making new friends and integrating himself into this new place. a part of him always longed for home, but he never saw himself moving back, even after college. he was going to find his place here, no matter what. at least, if he could figure it out.
harry was diagnosed as autistic the year before they moved to america, which honestly was something of a relief to him. it explained things about him that he’d known were considered weird (like his extreme sensitivity to light and a severe reaction to certain textures), and helped him understand himself a little more. that being said, only a very few people have been made privy to the information. he’s found people tend to look at him differently when they find out. it’s partly why he’s so good at blending in with people; although he has some trouble with tone and expression, harry has generally found himself good at mimicking other people’s expressions and attitudes, at figuring out how they want him to react to situations, and that has allowed him to become something of a social butterfly. he’s never had a solid group of friends, but rather found himself filtering in and out. he’s the type to be friends with everyone and he enjoys it that way - harry has always been something of a people pleaser.
harry is a senior studying developmental psychology because he wants to help other kids in the same position as he was; those with atypical symptoms (not to mention the criminal under-diagnosis of non-white kids). he also just generally enjoys learning how people work. he kind of hopes it will help him figure out who he is, as well. harry has picked up interests because his friends liked them, or to help him fit in, and sometimes he wonders if he’s just spent his whole life pretending to be this odd chameleon, or if he really likes anything he actually does. ultimately, he’s just trying to figure out what it really is that he wants from life, and he might have to sacrifice a few friendships to figure out what that is. the whole marriage training thing is uncomfortable for him; in one sense, it’s helpful because while he’s fantastic in groups and with friends, he has no real idea how to maintain a relationship. on the other hand, he just doesn’t have time for this.
harry has a mild obsession with video games and roleplaying, and is a game master in the college’s d&d club. it’s one of the things he tries not to talk about in larger groups because he knows it’s not seen as particularly cool or interesting, but if someone expresses an interest in either, he is off and that person will be roped into playing with him. this is exactly how he’s collected members for his current pathfinder group.
“The Social Butterfly” - They’re casual friends, only talk when they need someone to talk to but it works. She’s social enough for the both of them and he likes to listen. He’s probably the only one that knows about what’s going on with her and she knows things about him that he has never told anyone and honestly it just works. It works so well but they just don’t see each other enough. Hopefully that can change soon.
“The Bookworm” - They dated for a little bit in high school but decided they were better off as friends. It was both of their first times having a relationship and they’ve both admitted that they didn’t really know what they were doing. Honestly, their friendship is stronger because of it but neither of them can really see them going back to the other.
“The Crimson” - One envies this friend’s ability to be able to conform to whatever situation is going on and is trying to learn from him. One envies the ability to know who he is, even if he doesn’t like it. They’re both trying to feed off each other and it ends in a happy marriage rather than a toxic relationship. Honestly it’s nice to take a breather and just sit back and have someone you can relax with.
“The Shambolic” - Best friends. Even though The Chameleon adapts to a lot of different circumstances and doesn’t really know who he is and the Shambolic is a mess and doesn’t know who he is, they’re both kind of just navigating this world together and it’s working. They don’t know what they would do without each other and you never see one without the other.
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charliescott · 4 years
. ✧ . * . ˚ ⦅ the genius bruiser + gregg sulkin + male+ heterosexual ⦆ ━ welcome to river valley university CHARLES (CHARLIE) , SCOTT ! the TWENTY year old is a  SECOND YEAR , majoring in ENGINEERING . we’ve heard that they are INTELLIGENT + WARM HEARTED + IMPULSIVE, but we’ll see about that ! they are TAKING A GIVE IT A TRY APPROACH towards the news of the marriage education program but we guess we’ll just have to see what happens with you and THE SOCIAL SOLDIER this year!
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run boy run. he keeps running never stopping, running from everything that holds him down, running from everything that scares him, running from all the blame carried upon his shoulders. he’s running from expectation, running from total self destruction. but you’ll never see him out of breath,you’ll never see him struggle. a boyish grin dances upon his lips, a wink to make your heart flutter, he’ll charm you with his perfected coolness, with his calculated charming nature. but you’ll never notice how he remembers every detail, how he observes the world around him. he is moving so fast the world slows down, you’ll never see him run but he will always see you.
charles or charlie as he prefers to be called was born into an extremely wealthy family. he wanted for nothing material growing up and was often given something to keep him out of the way of his parents. 
his father is literally the smartest man in the room. he is all brains and no love. charlie always believes that his father only married his mother because she was the smartest choice, in looks, she could have been a beauty queen. and in her studies she was brilliant. she was the logical choice. and charlie takes after her much to his father’s disappointment. 
nothing charlie has ever done has ever been good enough for the man. and nothing will be. his mother would place his projects on the fridge in pride only to have them ripped down later by this father. because he could have always done better. 
he started playing lacrosse much to his father’s disappointment once again but was extremely good, a true natural at it. and it was a good way to channel all his emotions his mother knew were building up. 
growing up their was a group friends who he played with, but over the years between school and practice they grew up apart and sometimes charlie feels a sadness over it because he truly loved his friends
his studies were top notch, he had to be. he feared what his father would do if he ever slipped up but he always excelled in STEM. he wasn’t as smart as his father but he was much more creative, finding ways to be innovative and practical. 
he was accepted to river valley and is studying engineering and physics. is mother is beyond proud of course but his father barely payed attention. he is also apart of the lacrosse team.
charlie hides a talent though. his drawings. he designs and sketches all of his work yes but he also draws things around him. he’s kept that locked away because he’s afraid of what people will think of him, what his father will think of him.
charlie is soft despite his outward brashness and bold nature. he’s very observant of those around and notices the smallest things. because no one ever notices him they way he wants to be seen. and he hates that feeling and never wants anyone to feel that way. 
the class is something he didn’t expect but he’s always been one to try something, so he’s going in with a postive attitude. being partnered with ari isn’t a bad thing, he knows her and he knows of her. her reputation was renowed, and in a way he finds it kind of cool. she doesn’t care what people think and her parents are supportive of her. he’s not mad about being partnered with her and he’s going to find some joy in it. 
generally a chill dude but if you mess with someone he cares about he will go into fight mode and will fight
probably shirtless or sleeveless. 
always carries a protein packet or snack with him, cause you never know when you’ll need one. 
eats like no ones business 
had issues with his dad and would sell his dad to satan for a corn chip. his mother though, he would sell his dad to satan to protect his mother. 
very observant, empath, sweet, basically the brain and the brawn
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starlihgts · 4 years
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hello, hello! i am sunny and i’m here to introduce you all to my precious baby, jiah!!!! i’m still setting up this blog which will soon hold another character as well, but you will be able to find jiah’s stats right here and her full bio here! (both of these are unfinished but i’m working on it, i’m just excited to get some plotting going) please give this post a coloured heart and i’ll get to you for plots!!!
⦅ the ebullient + kim jennie + female + pansexual ⦆ ━ welcome to river valley university JIAH, BERRY ! the TWENTY-THREE year old is a SENIOR, majoring in JAPANESE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. we’ve heard that they are OPTIMISTIC + CARING + SOFT, but we’ll see about that ! they are EXCITED towards the news of the marriage education program, but we guess we’ll just have to see what happens with you and your partner this year!
jiah’s first cries were heard on june 24, 1997 at 11:58pm exactly. her mother too young to care for a baby girl at the age of fifteen gave her up for adoption, while doing this a young couple on the other side of the world decided they wanted to adopt a baby. a couple months later the papers were signed and jiah was taken to her new home.
growing up with her adoptive parents, a young gay couple, jiah got everything she wanted. she was always a very happy and bright child, enjoying playing in the sun and dancing around in the living room with her mothers to their favourite songs. she was very loved by both her mothers and loved them back just as much.
with both her mothers being politicians, the girl early on learned a lot about life and how people treat each other, the unfairness of the world upsetting her greatly. wanting to be a light for others jiah has always been very loved by everyone around her. trying her best to help out everyone as much as she can, she often places her own needs aside in order to help others.
despite having gone through some rough situations, jiah always finds a reason to smile, she tends to look for the good in people and tries to enjoy life to its fullest. no matter how grave the situation, jiah will always stay positive, strongly believing things will get better.
─ “the thespian” jiah met apollo when they were both in high school, the boy moving into the house next to hers and they made quick friends. being close ever since the first day they ran into each other. while apollo doesn’t let so much people in, his best friend is one exception. she’s one of the few people he’s completely honest to and, if he dared to sit down and think of it, he’d probably realise he’s kind of in love of her.
─ “the quixotic” meeting eli in high school, jiah was quick to fall for the boy, he made her feel a certain way she’d never felt before for another person. sharing many firsts with him and promising him even more... till fate pulled him away from her, a tragic accident taking the male’s life away. heartbroken, but not beaten, the girl found friendship in her lover’s younger brother, building a close friendship with him over the years.
─ tba.
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sunflcwcrisms · 4 years
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. ✧ . * . ˚ ⦅ the siren + camila mendes + cisfemale + bisexual ⦆ ━ welcome to river valley university SOFIA FERREIRA! the TWENTY THREE year old is a SENIOR , majoring in FASHION . we’ve heard that they are BITCHY + SPOILED + CONFIDENT, but we’ll see about that ! they are ANNOYED towards the news of the marriage education program but we guess we’ll just have to see what happens with you and THE DIRTBAG this year!
gender: cisfemale.
birthday: may 24th.
age: twenty three.
sexuality: bisexual.
major/year: fashion/senior.
faceclaim: camila mendes.
unlike most of the students that go to river valley, sofia was born on the west coast. los angeles, california to be exact. her mother was a well known actress from the 80s into the early 2000s and only stopped to be more active in sofia’s life while she was still younger. 
 while, sofia’s mother managed to be around a lot even with a crazy schedule; her father did not. he left before she was even born and she has yet to meet him to this day. however, it doesn’t bother her as much as it used to when she was around the age of four. now, she’s just happy she has her mother around because her mother is her best friend. 
 her mother made sure to give sofia whatever she wanted when she was younger thus turning her into a spoiled little brat. her mother was just doing her best to fill an empty void that her father left when he left. but she didn’t realize that her daughter’s spoiled attitude would continue into her adult life yet it had.
other info.
sofia is a fashionista!!! literally wears veronica lodge type clothing mixed in with some cher from clueless. 
 she has been in three shows (two as a background character, one as a mainish role in a children’s show), at least five or so commercials and she’s a model for certain mall type stores.
 her mother had gone back to acting since her freshman year of college and she watches the scenes she’s in constantly because she misses her a lot.
 the only reason she’s annoyed with the program is due to the fact that her partner dislikes her just as much as she dislikes him and he’s going to be waaaaay more difficult to manipulate compared to someone more softer than him. 
the hbic.
the musicians.
the dirtbag.
the mooncalf.
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lonvlyheart · 4 years
. ✧ . * . ˚ ⦅ the determinator + madison iseman + cisfemale + bisexual ⦆ ━ welcome to river valley university DELILAH JO “DJ” GREENE ! the TWENTY-ONE year old is a SOPHOMORE , majoring in COSMETOLOGY . we’ve heard that they are REBELLIOUS + FERVID + ERRATIC, but we’ll see about that ! they are DREADFUL towards the news of the marriage education program but we guess we’ll just have to see what happens with you and your partner this year!
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just like her younger sister, delilah comes from a rich family with old traditions, values and ways of life. ever since delilah was born, she knew that that was not the life for her. she rebelled any chance she could get, trying to prove to her parents that she wasn’t the right one for all of the.. legacy stuff. growing up felt like a pain for dj. she was extremely fortunate, but she felt like she didn’t belong. she was thankful for being so fortunate, but she would rather be herself than someone she wasn’t.
although she still holds herself to a higher standard, seemingly perfect, she definitely has lower standards than her parents. she is fervid ( intensely enthusiastic or passionate ) & erratic ( unpredictable )! she is very charismatic and never hides her feelings. because she doesn’t have to hide behind an image anymore, she has been incredibly free to be whoever she wants to be.
all her life, she saved a ton of money from allowances and babysitting a few of her parent’s rich friend’s kids, so by the time she was able to go to college, she could successfully move into her own apartment while still being able to afford college. she finds herself lucky in that way, but she’s extremely grateful for it. 
her major is cosmetology, hoping to become a professional make-up artist and hair stylist! she’s extremely pumped about it and she’s even working part-time at a salon as an assistant and front desk where she takes appointments and answers phone calls and stuff!
she’s pretty much dreading the whole marriage program, seeing it as just another required class, not sure if she’ll actually learn anything. but other than that, come plot with her! please!
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practcritus · 4 years
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Gabriel “Gabe” Howard - The Dirtbag
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Major: Law
Age: 24
Year in School: Sophomore
“Marriage” Partner: “The Siren”
Faceclaim: Jeremy Allen White
gabe (never, ever call him gabriel) is the eldest of six kids and essentially the parent of the other five. his mother left them shortly after giving birth to the youngest, and the subsequent meltdown from his father meant gabe didn’t have a whole lot of choice in the matter. it was keep an eye on the kids or let them suffer. their father’s depression at his wife leaving spiralled him into a circle of alcohol misuse, gambling debt and various other vices that generally left him incapable of looking after kids, but gabe never bitched about it. he wasn’t stupid, he just had to get on with it. his siblings meant the world to him, and it was always them against most everyone else (with the exception of his cousin). TW WARNING: ABUSE. their father was a violent man (one of the reasons their mother abandoned them) and gabe took the brunt of it, sometimes deliberately antagonising the man if it looked like he was going to go after one of his younger siblings. where he wasn’t violent, he was always verbally and emotionally abusive, and it was gabe’s need for his father to love him and not blame him for his mother’s departure that ultimately led to him becoming as closed off as he is today. END TW.
gabe has been working multiple jobs to supplement what little of his father’s income is left to support his siblings, and the idea of going to college was a bit of a pipe dream. he’s racked up a frankly disturbing amount of debt to go to college to study law (which he doesn’t really want to do, but it pays well and he can support his siblings better, right?), and he’s still working two part time jobs while he’s studying. his real passion is art; he’s always been good with paper, pens and pencils, and the time to sit and study an object. about the only time he’s really happy is when he’s sketching, and although he loves it and could probably make a career out of painting or illustration, he just isn’t confident enough in the money. he can’t risk it. he’s too scared to allow himself that, so his passion is one of his most closely guarded secrets.
deep down, he’s actually a really caring and nice guy, but getting under those defenses is extremely difficult. he’s learned to be distrustful of most people and takes any kind of betrayal or deceit very personally, so he’s generally enough of an asshole to keep everyone else at bay and he accepts the loneliness that comes with it. does he want to find love and settle down with someone and hang out? yeah, but he doesn’t have time, and he’s far too cynical to believe it’ll happen. he’s also extremely scared of becoming like his father. he’s been smoking since he was about eleven, but he’s very averse to gambling, alcohol and drugs (doesn’t judge others, but he’s scared that he’ll get addicted to them). he’s still quite antagonistic with the people he is close to; sarcasm and cynicism are just defaults to him, but if he cares, he’ll be there for you through whatever is needed. he would quite literally kill for them.
his mother was deeply religious but he is not (what kind of god would put their children through this shit?). he’s a pretty decent cook and lives at home still, because he can’t leave his siblings there alone. you’ll often find him in the on campus coffee shop or the library, because people leave him the fuck alone there.
“The Clueless” - Maybe it’s just in The Clueless’ nature, but he’s also really good friends with The Dirtbag. It’s almost the same as The Black Sheep where The Clueless sees the best in him and wants him to succeed. Vice versa, even if The Dirtbag won’t admit it. As much as the Dirtbag pushes The Clueless away, he just keeps coming back so he’s kind of accepted it at this point.
“The Minx” - These two are cousins and despite both of their difficult lives, having each other in them was a constant good thing. They grew up right around the corner from each other so they were always spending time together and no matter what was going on in their lives, they knew they could turn to each other. When it came to college it wasn’t even a question on if they would go together.
“The Siren” - He thinks it’s a sick joke, getting paired with her. The two couldn’t be more opposite and he hates everything she stands for. He knows he’s gotta stick with it because he has to graduate because he has to take care of his family but after seeing her name next to his, he almost was ready to drop out but he’s not going to let her ruin something he’s worked really hard for.
“The Addict” - Despite not letting anyone in, these two are pretty good friends. Whenever he needs to smoke or let off some steam, he knows the other is there for him. And vice versa. It’s almost bad though because neither one of them call each other out on the things they’re doing wrong and they both just let the other divulge in their guilty pleasures without consequences.
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sunflcwcrisms · 4 years
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. ✧ . * . ˚ ⦅ the zealous + josefine frida pettersen + cisfemale + pansexual ⦆ ━ welcome to river valley university CHLOE DUNN! the TWENTY year old is a SOPHOMORE , majoring in JOURNALISM. we’ve heard that they are OPINIONATED + INDEPENDENT + LOYAL, but we’ll see about that ! they are INDIFFERENT towards the news of the marriage education program but we guess we’ll just have to see what happens with you and your partner this year!
gender: cisfemale.
birthday: january 3rd.
age: twenty.
sexuality: pansexual.
major/year: journalism/sophomore.
faceclaim: josefine frida pettersen.
growing up, it was always just chloe and her parents. after she was born, her mother had a difficult time getting pregnant again and after a year or so of trying; her parents gave up. they were beyond happy with having just chloe. they thought she was amazing.
however, while their daughter was amazing and quiet and shy when she was younger… chloe grew up to be quite an amazing and loud and outgoing girl. she had opinions and she made them very well known, but only when it came to certain topics. topics that needed the light shined on them.
toms river, nj; chloe’s home. the girl had honestly not liven out of state before and seeing that river valley was in another state yet still close to home made her comfortable enough to apply.
other info.
chloe comes off somewhat aggressive with her viewpoint sometimes, but if someone calls her out on it she’s willing to quiet down/settle down and listen to others, respecting their own views of course.
highkey has always wanted to be a journalist. there’s something about her having a tagline in a really well known newspaper that makes her giddy inside.
she’s not really sure how to feel about the program considering she’s just thinking of it more as an assignment grade more than anything. 
a best friend from her hometown, they’ve basically known each other since birth and they can be any gender.
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lonvlyheart · 4 years
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. ✧ . * . ˚ ⦅ the halcyon + josephine langford + cisfemale + heterosexual ⦆ ━ welcome to river valley university CAROLINE AUCLAIR ! the NINETEEN year old is a FRESHMAN , majoring in ART . we’ve heard that they are CORDIAL + COURTEOUS + INSECURE , but we’ll see about that ! they are EXCITED AND SLIGHTLY SCARED towards the news of the marriage education program but we guess we’ll just have to see what happens with you and THE BRAINLESS BEAUTY !
full name: caroline auclair
age: nineteen
birthday & zodiac sign: january 15, capricorn
personality traits: cordial, courteous, insecure
other info.
caroline is the sweetest person around. she is always caring and helping people, always giving advice and trying to be there for everyone. although she seems to be the happiest person, she is very insecure about herself. this could be a reason why she feels a little overthrown when she’s around allison greene (the innocent), knowing that she wants to be with her all-time crush. she wouldn’t ever let allison know her feelings, though. she loves allison, and she loves the friendship that they have, she doesn’t want to ruin anything with her feelings.
art is basically her life, she always has paint covering her fingers, clay in her hair, canvases all around her room. she always has a new project going on. she hopes to one day have her own art piece in a gallery one day.
she’s very excited about the program, knowing this could finally be her chance to get the attention of the brainless beauty! she just hopes things finally work in her favor.
“The Mom Friend” - These two are cousins. It’s almost like an older and younger sister ordeal though. Neither of them have that relationship in their own families and so they both found it in each other. Out of everyone in the school, they know they would drop anything for each other.
“The Innocent” - They were best friends all of high school and knowing that they were going to school together was even more exciting. They decided to be roommates and everything is going amazing. The only bad part is that the Innocent is trying to go after the Halcyon’s crush. She wants him for her image and constantly forgets how in love the Halcyon is with him. The Halcyon is way too afraid of losing her to say anything though.
“The Brainless Beauty” - Honestly getting paired with him was a dream come true. She has the biggest crush on him but she also knows the Innocent is trying to go after him. The Halcyon is hoping that through this program she can get a leg up and he’ll be interested in her instead of her friend. She just wants to be noticed.
“The Photographer” - They’re really close friends. As she is into art, they have pretty similar interests and try to create together as much as possible. They share a lot of the same classes and just have the most interesting intellectual conversations. Plus the Halcyon definitely asks her advice on what to do with her friendship and crush all the time.
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lonvlyheart · 4 years
. ✧ . * . ˚ ⦅  the songbird + lily james + cisfemale + heterosexual ⦆ ━ welcome to river valley university OLIVIA ROSE SAMPSON ! the THIRTY year old is a professor, teaching SONGWRITING AND MUSIC PRODUCTION . we’ve heard that they are EXTREMELY TALENTED + FULL OF ENERGY + HUMBLE, but we’ll see about that ! they are EXCITED TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS towards the news of the marriage education program but we guess we’ll just have to see what happens with you and your students !
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Meet Olivia Rose, a country-turned-pop singer who is now a professor at River Valley University! She is kindhearted, extremely talented, energetic and humble! She loves music more than anything in the world, it being her whole world since she was fifteen.
When Olivia was born, she loved music. It was like her earlier mind knew she was born to be a talented artist. She loved the songs on the radio, she loved the way the piano sounded on a Sunday afternoon, she loved anything and everything that had to do with music. When she was old enough to start taking music classes, her parents enrolled her into each class that she wanted, piano lessons, singing lessons and guitar lessons. She was a quick learner.
When Olivia turned twelve, she started taking her skills onto journal pages, writing poems- lyrics- about anything she was feeling. It was her way of letting her growing emotions be free in the form of writing. Whether it was with boys or family problems, she was able to express herself through song. One day, her parents found one of her journals and read it, seeing how good of a songwriter she was. With talking to her first, they entered her into a music competition in Nashville, trying to get her voice known. She easily became her town’s favorite, performing at small shows and become a little starlit. Although her success didn’t come right away, Olivia was more than inspired to keep pursuing her dreaming of becoming a singer,
When Olivia finally turned fifteen, she was scouted at another competition. It was finally the time for Olivia to be known for her music, to be able to share her talents with the world. She was thrown quickly into stardom. She was slowly known as the girl who wrote songs about her breakups. Of course, it hurt Olivia that people summed her music up to just be that, knowing her music was so much more, but for awhile, Olivia figured she would rather have that then to not be able to share her music at all.
As years pass, Olivia grew even more famous. She was always touring, playing parts in TV shows, even having a part in a movie. She was always a busy working bee, but Olivia couldn’t help but to love it. It was always something she had dreamed of, and she wouldn’t change it. Of course, there were people who wanted to tear her down, but she tried so hard to focus on her own. As long as she stayed true to herself, no one could break through her skin, right?
Each album that Olivia put out, Olivia learned how to produce and edit each of her songs. She was always in the studio, playing with different voice layers. She wanted her songs to sound perfect. Because of her learning each thing she could about the system, she took a lot of her songs home, outside of the studio to finish songs. Music was her life, she never wanted to stop being in the studio.
But yet, one day, Olivia was followed up by scandal hungry people trying to break her down. Of course, she didn’t want to listen to them, but because of their place on the hierarchy of the celebrity world, Olivia was soon cast as a bad person. It broke her inside, not wanting to put out music anymore. It was her entire life, but because of one bad person and their followers, Olivia was silenced. She took this time to learn and to grow. But as she was more into hiding, she decided to get a college degree. She figured she would put her talents to use and learn more and better herself. She took plenty of music classes like music production, music theory, pretty much anything that could better her mind.
She soon earned her a degree in music, but also a degree in teaching. She wanted to be able to teach what she knew one day, in case her whole celebrity thing didn’t work out. During her classes, she wrote and produced a comeback album. She was incredibly proud of herself, and she wanted to take back her narrative. As soon as it was released, Olivia felt a weight off of her shoulders. She was finally able to be herself, and be more educated in the world to make better music. 
As a way to slow down after her last tour, Olivia decided to become a professor at River Valley University. She is still new at this whole teaching thing, but she figures that if she throws in some stories within her teaching, the year will be fun! 
other info.
So. Basically her voice claim is Taylor Swift. She is based off of Taylor Swift, hence her albums and the ‘scandal’ with Kanye. She has each of her albums up until Reputation. She is now writing Lover.
She does have two cats in which she adores. A chunkier cat named Louie and a kitten named Callie!
She is currently single, and not entirely sure if she wants to mingle! She’s ready to settle down and find the one, but she’s kind of afraid of it not working out and being even more labelled as the girl with a lot of boyfriends with breakup songs.
OLIVIA ROSE  (  LILY JAMES  )  is  requesting  CHILDHOOD FRIENDS ,  who  happens  to  look  a  lot  like ( NONE ).  it  ( ISN’T ) necessary  to  contact  the  player  before  applying. ( any kind of friends! could have followed her throughout her journey or have since moved to philadelphia / became a professor or something! )
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lonvlyheart · 4 years
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. ✧ . * . ˚ ⦅ ariana grande + cisfemale + heterosexual ⦆ ━ welcome to river valley university MALAKAI BIANCHI ! the TWENTY-ONE year old is a SOPHOMORE , majoring in SECONDARY EDUCATION . we’ve heard that they are DEVOTED + INTELLECTUALLY CURIOUS + TALKATIVE , but we’ll see about that ! they are HOPEFUL towards the news of the marriage education program but we guess we’ll just have to see what happens with you and QUIXOTIC !
full name: malakai bianchi
age: twenty-one
birthday & zodiac sign: june 26, cancer
personality traits: devoted, intellectually curious, talkative, indecisive, impulsive, playful
other info.
malakai is definitely the social butterfly, she loves being present and the center of attention in any situation. although she isn’t narcissistic, she does love being appreciated for whatever she’s doing. she’s super talkative when she’s around others, like SUPER talkative, she’ll talk your ear off about anything and everything. she’s very playful when she’s talking, and loves making jokes or make side comments, and she’s just. like a little bee, buzzing around from flower to flower, trying to make friends and carry on good conversations.
she is currently less than one month pregnant. she went to the doctor for a check up, and the doctor made a mistake and accidentally inseminated the wrong girl. upon finding out, malakai broke down. everything she had built in the last five years felt like it was coming down. she felt like her world was ending. currently, she is full of uncertainty, and she’s not sure how her life is going to be like now.
she doesn’t like to make decisions on her own unless she knows every fact or can picture what can happen next, but she’s also incredibly impulsive on the side where she’ll do whatever she wants whenever she wants and no one can stop her once she has the idea in her mind.
MALAKAI BIANCHI  (  ARIANA GRANDE  )  is  requesting  A BEST FRIEND,  who  happens  to  look  a  lot  like ( KENDALL JENNER, JOSEPHINE LANGFORD, ANY FEMALE OR MALE FC  ).  it  ( ISN’T ) necessary  to  contact  the  player  before  applying. ( They grew up together, were attached to the hip, never did anything without each other. Can plot more later! )
MALAKAI BIANCHI  (  ARIANA GRANDE  )  is  requesting HER BABY DADDY,  who  happens  to  look  a  lot  like ( ANY MALE FC  ).  it  ( ISN’T ) necessary  to  contact  the  player  before  applying. ( He donated his sperm that was accidentally inseminated into her. She’s pretty scared about it, and is very freaked out about her future. I’m not sure how they would figure out that it was his baby, but I mean anything is possible! )
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sunflcwcrisms · 4 years
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. ✧ . * . ˚ ⦅ the traveler + zoey deutch + cisfemale + homosexual ⦆ ━ welcome to river valley university DELILAH McALLISTER! the TWENTY ONE year old is a JUNIOR , majoring in ART. we’ve heard that they are CREATIVE + OUTSPOKEN + TALKATIVE, but we’ll see about that ! they are CURIOUS & EXCITED towards the news of the marriage education program but we guess we’ll just have to see what happens with you and THE PHOTOGRAPHER this year!
gender: cisfemale.
birthday: october 22nd.
age: twenty one.
sexuality: homosexual. 
major/year: art/junior.
faceclaim: zoey deutch.
all delilah could remember from when she was younger was always being in somewhere different. her family never stayed in one place and her life felt like a constant vacation. while delilah was born in new york, she didn’t stay there for long. both of her parents were in love with the idea of traveling the world, especially while delilah was young. they both saw it as an opportunity to show her how much fun traveling could be if done right. plus, it was good to keep children active, right?
while most of her extended family judged her parents for not settling down in one place so delilah could “go to school and make friends”, her parents and her were living the best like they could. they had a set schedule everyday where she would wake up, her mother would home school her for a few hours in a car they rented for their next trip or in their hotel room or wherever they were staying and then the rest of the day was for exploring the new place they were in.
delilah learned a lot when traveling to different countries. it wasn’t just the sights and the agriculture that interested her when she was in those countries, but the culture. she loved to learn how different cultures did different things, especially art wise. she’s learned so many new styles, techniques, mediums, etc for when she makes art over the years, it’s amazing.
it took her a lot to tell her parents that she had decided to apply for school in philadelphia because while her parents were happy for her and wanted to be independent; they had wished she picked a school in europe. most of their traveling is done there and a lot of friends they had made along the years were there as well. but there was something about going to college and experiencing at least one thing almost every normal young adult did. which was going to college and have a good few years making friends and memories. and she truly didn’t want to miss out on that.
other info.
delilah is very upbeat and peppy. loves to cause a little bit of trouble and is super adorable imo lol
she has a lot of experience in knowing a lot of history about certain art mediums and stuff along those lines.
she can speak fluently in french, italian, german, spanish and norwegian. both of her parents taught her the languages in the past years and she’s still actively learning dutch mainly and a few other languages!
highkey into pop punk. is quite the little emo bitch just bc the music makes her feel amazing and helps get her creative juices flowing!
the black sheep.
the boy next door.
the photographer.
the heart of gold.
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