#ttte Harry Rogers
orangesartblog · 1 year
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He headed over to where some other workers were standing on the platform when he passed by a certain Stationmaster.
Roy noticed, and smiled, giving a quick wave as he passed by, which Harry awkwardly returned, nearly dropping the empty crate in the process.
He stopped.
"Hey! Would you maybe… like to have break together today?"
"I- uh- yeah! I'd like that.."
The Stationmaster's eyes lit up "great! I'll see you then."
The Workman smiled warmly in return "I'll see you then"
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orangesartblog · 2 years
So I've been working on reference sheets for the past handful of weeks. And because it's pride month, I thought I'd share some of my lgbt background charecter OCS.
Basically I watched the CGI series and every now and then I saw someone who I liked, so I gave them a personality lmao.
I should note Emily's crew is currently in the works, I want to make them lesbians but I'm still figuring that out cause it's set in the 50s and i gotta research women in railways ect.
Also I'm a little afraid to share them cause they mean a lot to me so be nice lmao /Lh
Anyways, Ref sheets!
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Damn, you can tell who I drew first and who I draw last based on how animated they are lmao
From top to bottom. (There more fleshed out then this I swear)
Harry: he's shy and awkward (same). But also a sarcastic little shit. I love him. He's stronger then he looks. He's not the greatest with the trucks, in fact he's actually really bad with them. But it's okay because Annie and Clarabel have adopted him pretty much.
Roy: out going and chill, I want Roy to be my friend. He's fantastic under pressure which is great, because there's often chaos in Knapford. He'll sometimes bring in colouring sheets mixed in with paper work for the assistants if he knows they've been having a rough day.
Alan: I projected my anxiety onto this poor man. He's a really good cook, and he had never stepped foot on a train before landing the job as sir Topham Hatts assistant. Something that a lot of people find strange.
Steven: bubbly and friendly. Always helping out. Bought a wooden railway set for the breakroom once and it got so chaotic that it nearly injured a railway inspector got banned. Oops. (That inspector is fine btw.)
Tony: chaos. He knows not to do most of the things he does but does them anyway cause why not. He once set fire to his uniform, and is now no longer allowed matches unless supervised, though he now carries around playing cards.
Bob: also chaos but more controlled. More of a "this seems stupid. But it won't kill us so let's do it anyway" kind of guy. Also someone who I want to be my friend. He's makes some of the worst dad jokes ever.
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