#ttte marvis
mtgc858 · 3 years
Ok,New au idea :),So I saw a few aus were they swap the character with echother and there personality so I made my own version(It's with my H.E.Au charaters so yeah just so you know) :D
Here are the characters that swapped and such.
Percy is a small sized green engine with a number one logo on her engine,She always wanted to see the world and loved meeting new engines,She has a slight crush on Thomas and wants to get closer but is to nervous that he won't feel the same way,She looks up to James and Douglas and seems them as a huge role model,She is very cheeky but can be very shy and can sometimes say things that she doesn't mean to say,She sometimes gets very nervous when confronting Henry and speaking up to bigger engines but with James and Douglas by her side she feels confident.
Thomas is a normal sized blue engine with the number 6 on logo on his side,He helps deliver mail and packages to there rightful place and is very cheerful and useful,He sometimes gets distracted and makes mistakes but is apologetic to anyone for what he did,He is close friends with Percy,Edward and alot of other engines,He has anxiety when his friends don't return back on time and starts freaking out,He has huge crush on Percy and wants to tell her what he thinks but is to nervous(I wonder were this is going? :D),Despite being cheerful and apologetic..He sometimes can be rude and say things he would later regret and would apologize for the whole day.
Edward is a normal sized blue engine with the number 5 on his side,He loves talking about himself and really dislikes working and pulling trucks,He loves calling himself gorgeous (I changed it to that instead of Splendid) and saying that he is like the sea"Bright and mysterious",He likes asking James for advice and feedback about his looks and enjoys spending time with Percy,He can be very grouchy and is fine being called Blueberry or Blue Raspberry by some of the other engines,He hates getting dirty and is very scared of scary stories despite trying to convinced others that he doesn't.
Henry is a big sized green engine with the number four on his side,He acts all high and mighty and really is full of himself,He likes to pick on James for his age and size saying that he's "Useless and can't possibly be helpful",He is a big grump and is pretty much a donkey to the other engines,He hates to admit that he is scared of thunder and the story of the abominable snowman ☃️,He dislikes his younger sister Hella who is big and strong like him and sees her as a show off despite her not knowing how he feels and that he secretly loves his sister as well,Henry likes to pull the express and loves showing off with strength and size.
Hella(Oc)-Flying Scottsman
(I didn't write alot of my oc Hella yet but will soon)
Hella is Henry's sister who lovers her older brother and enjoys checking up on him when she has time,She doesn't know that Henry doesn't like her that much so she wholesomely continues being a cute sweet bean.
Gordon is a big blue engine with the number 3 on his side,He is a shy nervous bean who gets picked on by the other engines for his fear of Butterfly's,He gets picked on be Henry the most but they do have a nice relationship with echother,Gordon can be a grump when not in a good mood or is being impatient and will apologise if he said something that hurt the others feelings,He has serious claustrophobia due to the wall thing and is always nervous and stressed when going by that tunnel,He is glad to have James be there to help with his issues and stress and he is glad to have someone like James.
James is a older red engine with the number two on his side,He isn't as old as the others say he is but he has trouble with getting to places due to his one week being crooked and off,He is a brother figure to everyone and calls everyone splendid as a compliment,He has some trouble seeing with his eyes and sometimes needs glasses to see fully(When in my human au),James is good friends with Percy and Thomas and is a big brother to them and a few other younger engines,He gets picked on be Henry and had to push him up his hill alot when he gets there.
Douglas is a medium size black engine who has the number 8 on his side,He loves talking...alot and the other engines say that he "Honks like a goose" in which makes Douglas a little triggered,He loves saying his line "There are only two ways to do things,The Scottish way or the wrong way,I'm great scottish and I-" (Of course with a scottish accent) before he gets cut off by Henry,Gordon and Edward,He likes to talk to check up on his twin brother Donald and how he treats Phillip,Douglas has a small rival Diesel 10 for lieing and getting him in trouble for something he didn't even do,As a kid Donald found a baby duckling in which he gave to Douglas a a gift so Douglas has a pet duck named Dilly :) and he enjoys being with her.
Donald is same thing as Douglas but has the number 11 on his side,He is a little grouchy compare to Douglas but is still a kind strong engine,He wants to repay Duck for helping him and Phillip from being scrapped and cares alot for him,He is a father figure to Phillip and basically is his adoptive dad in which Douglas likes to tease him saying "Looks like ya got a wee son on ya hands" in which Donald would shout at Douglas being triggered,He hates snow/cold and would much rather stay indoors being warm and to take the day off.
Duck and Oliver are both green engines with the numbers 9 and 10 on them,They aren't brothers but they treat echother like they are and even sleep in the room together,They argue about almost everything and can get very agressive when prevoked,Duck saved Donald from being fully scrapped along side Phillip and they are great friends,Duck likes to tease Douglas that he lays eggs like a goose and likes making fun of him for that but did stop when Douglas had a comeback by saying that he "Quaked harder"(I know it was Oliver but I thoughtht it would be ironic),Duck has a pet goose named Lolly and enjoys seeing her when he drives by.
Diesel 10-Diesel
Diesel 10 is a big olive Diesel who has blue streaks on his engine(He doesn't have Pinchy),He like to pick on the other engines and is having a rival with Douglas and a small one with Percy,He has a crush on Percy also so he keeps switching from being a rival to a big simping machine,He is best friends with Diesel and likes to mess around with the other engines with him and to cause trouble,He hates the song the trucks came him "Pop goes the Diesel"(I kept it the same) and that is the one reason he really is triggered by Douglas,He loves seeing baby bunnies and was caught by Percy when he was being kind and soft to them.
Diesel-Diesel 10
Diesel is a big Black and Red Diesel with a mechanic claw on his back,He is a vet destructive Diesel who can threaten to kill anyone who hurts his fellow diesels,He has a huge soft spot for Percy and he doesn't know why and he also has a soft spot for Marvis,Diesel tried to attack Marvis when he has a mental break down and lost control of what he was doing and didn't see what he was doing was bad,He felt horrible when he snapped out of it and felt like he could never be forgiven but to his surprise..Percy, Marvis,Edward and the other engines forgave him in which he felt better but still has the guilt of what he did.
(I haven't made a Lady or a Marvis design and a headcanon for them in my au so I will update this after I make them)
So that's all till I make more :)
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mtgc858 · 3 years
Hey Diesel, what are your feelings towards the other diesels?
Diesel:....Ok I'll start off with the twins Ary and Burt,There my partner's in crime basically and they like being tough like me.
Diesel: Me and Diesel 10 have a alright relationship,We chat and hang out when not working and we both like causeing trouble heh.
Diesel: Now Splatter and Dodge I dislike,They are so nagging and annoying.
Diesel: Daisy is alright she is...well different than most of us to be honest,I don't like how she treats us like children when we are CLEARLY adults.
Diesel: About Marvis...She is cool..I like her alot,She is smart,Tough and cool like me *Diesel smiles*
Diesel: As for.....BoCo..*Sigh*..He and I don't get along,He is SOOOOO demanding and is just a short loser,I mean he's the shortest of almost all the diesels I've met and he the only "Cool" thing he did was shave half of his hair!
Diesel: So to make it short,We Diesels see echother as good friends and care for echother....well mostly..
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mtgc858 · 3 years
(Not my art ok)@starcre8tor
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Send one of my ships with a Number and Letter and I'll draw it or something.
The ships are
Thomas x Percy(Female)
James x Percy(I love this ship also in my au)
James x Molly
Gordon x Hella(Henry's sister)
Edward x Annie
Henry x Clarabel
Diesel x Marvis
Diesel 10 x Lady
Diesel 10 x Percy(Another ship I love With Percy XD)
Douglas x Emily
BoCo x Midnight(My Oc)
Donald x Teddy(A new oc)
Colen x Cassy(My favorite ttte of ship)
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