#tucker enjoyers come eat your food
karvviie · 1 month
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is he …. yknow ……
[originally posted october 2020]
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bbqgrillsblog · 1 year
Top 4 Benefits of Buying Charcoal BBQ Grill
Installing a Charcoal BBQ Grill outdoors can offer you plenty of benefits. So, the idea of having an outdoor kitchen with the latest outdoor kitchen appliances, like a Gas Heater, charcoal BBQ grill, bar fridge, etc., can increase the aesthetic value of your house and the quality of your lifestyle. It will allow you to cook outsides in the pleasant natural weather and keep the smoke and food smells outdoors. Apart from this, there are several other benefits of owning a Charcoal Grill but mentioned below are some of the top ones.
Benefits of Buying Charcoal BBQ Grill: 
Save Money: Now, let’s get practical about the benefits. The first is that, you can save a lot of money. But how can you achieve it? Well, because you no longer need to pay for propane or gas that will save money so you would otherwise spend on those two things. A charcoal BBQ grill is also economical as it uses much less fuel than a standard Gas Heater. 
Increase the Aesthetic value Of the House: The second foremost benefit is, it adds aesthetic value to your property. Also, it allows you to enjoy the weather and nature while cooking outdoors. If you are a nature lover and want to preserve natural resources, establishing an outdoor kitchen with these fine pieces of machinery is essential. You will experience for yourself how beautiful and enjoyable it can be.
Easy to Manage: Another significant benefit is the convenience it offers to maintain it. With little care and a do-it-yourself approach, you can keep it in good shape for longer time. While in some cases, you may call a professional to come and fix the problem if they arise during the cooking. 
Eco-Friendly: One of the significant benefits of installing an outdoor bbq kitchen with a Charcoal Grill is, it is completely environmentally friendly and safe for the planet. It offers you an opportunity to cook outdoors and can even be used indoors for quick snacks. Once you experience cooking outdoors in the breezy environment, you will no longer like cooking in a suffocated and congested kitchen indoors.
In other words, we can say that charcoal BBQ grill can be used in both outdoor and indoor kitchens according to convenience. But to get the max out of its benefits, you can use it outdoors as it will allow you to enjoy the weather and keep the indoor environment of the house neat and clean.
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maddykkb285journal · 2 years
Northshore Final Concept: Gather
Gather refers to the gathering of people and the history of the site as a gathering ground for food sources.
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Involve kids in growing their food (Newenham, n.d.)
Community gardens have multiple beneficial outcomes including encouraging community involvement, activating spaces and helping children learn about the importance of environmental sustainability and where their food comes from. They also help to beautify spaces, and provide opportunities for employment and local economic development. Research has shown that people are willing to pay more to live in places with community gardens. For example, in New York neighbourhoods surrounding a community garden saw a 9.4% increase in property values within five years (Healthy Yards, n.d.). Additionally, communities that have developed public spaces where people can become actively engaged have lower rates of crime, they are also intrinsically linked with positively promoting physical and mental well-being (Thompson, Corkery & Judd, 2007).
Australian surveys show that 1 in 4 children aged 5 - 12 years don't know where their food comes from (Hunjan, 2016). When children are immersed and interactive with food and the outdoors they are more likely to taste and enjoy it (Hamilton & Surman, 2018), numerous studies have also shown the benefits to learning when children are introduced to virtual reality, transforming the way educational content can be delivered (Hamilton et al., 2021). Thus the concept of Gather, a community garden featuring indigenous plants and edible produce with augmented reality educational experience and hands on cooking, would not only be educational but also immersive and enjoyable, encouraging repeat visits. Children would see, smell, taste and experience whilst learning about the environment and the world around them.
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Native Finger Limes (Welcome to Country, 2021)
Healthy Yards (n.d.). Community Gardens Retrieved 15 August 2022 from: https://www.healthyyards.org/community-gardens/
Hamilton, D. , McKechnie, E., Edgerton, E., & Wilson, C. (2021). Immersive virtual reality as a pedagogical tool in education: a systematic literature review of quantitative learning outcomes and experimental design: Journal of Computers in education, 8, 1-32 retrieved 15th August 2022 from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40692-020-00169-2
Hamilton, L. & Surman, E. (2018). How to teach kids where food comes from – get them gardening Retrieved 16 August 2022 from: https://theconversation.com/how-to-teach-kids-where-food-comes-from-get-them-gardening-103277
Hunjan, R. (2016). Stephanie Alexander survey finds many children do not know where food comes from: ABC News Retrieved 16 August 2022 from: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-03-10/stephanie-alexander-survey-children-do-not-know-food-origins/7235536
Newenham (n.d.). How to involve your kids in the food they eat – a family garden. retrieved 16 August 2022 from: https://newenham.com.au/involve-kids-food-eat/
Thompson, S., Corkery, L., & Judd, B. (2007). Faculty of the Built Environment, The Role of Community Gardens in Sustaining Healthy Communities:UNSW. Retrieved 16 August 2022 from: http://soac.fbe.unsw.edu.au/2007/SOAC/theroleofcommunitygardens.pdff
Welcome to Country (2021). Bush Food of Australia aka Bush Tucker Retrieved 16 August 2022 from: https://www.welcometocountry.com/blog/an-introduction-to-bush-foods/
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arcticdementor · 4 years
Condemning Nazis is a given. But the other question remains: were the many ordinary Germans, insulted by Weimar decadence and hypocrisy, right about lending Nazis (really a whole bunch of right-wing and sometimes left-wing movements, which only later were pruned into Hitler-approved shape) their silent or vocal approval for dismantling Weimar status quo in early 30s? Very few could foresee the sheer scope and violence of things to come, but everyone could make a judgement about elites active at the moment, and notice their smug enjoyment of effective cultural monopoly, and complete unwillingness to cede ground. It's not just that open malice is more attractive to onlookers than insincere, duplicitous one: it's that you feel liberated when refusing to play by the rules your enemy has forced on you, shaking off the rhetorical framing and win-lose-foul conditions. This is most easily understood by people who were bullied as children. Bullies are, contrary to the way normies imagine it, extraordinarily good at not being openly violent; the most talented ones avoid even straighforward verbal abuse, goading others and provoking the victim with clever, biting mockery and concern-trolling advice instead. To an intelligent onlooker, the nature of the act is obvious, but it can get exasperating thinking of how to intervene legitimately, so most don't think. When the despairing victim stops pleading and negotiating and lifts his fist, it's used against him, complained about to the authorities; but it's an act of refusing to justify your appeals to a hopelessly hostile interlocutor, and thus a release from mental prison. It's no wonder school losers are associated in public consciousness with school shooters, and incels, and right-wing extremists, and white supremacists, and Nazis. The problem is, it's not a relatively minor issue of class animus (or class bullying). In modern America, liberals easily brush off every notion of their actions being in any way harmful, and even here we mainly discuss tolerable and sometimes rather abstract problems: censorship of inherently inflammatory beliefs, effective one-party control of mechanisms of social networking, ineffective solutions to social injustices, economic damage, exacerbation of tribalism. But elites like these create a rather suffocating atmosphere. However much we ridicule Alex Jones, he expresses a sentiment far more common than can be admitted in a polite society: that the elites are "Satanic", "parasitic" and actively anti-life in general, to the extent irreconcilable with long-term survival of the group ("...And destroy the great birth right that you are given As builders of this world And builders of countless more to come"). Maybe his target audience really is the 21st century's equivalent of cartoonish superstitious peasants with pitchforks. But from elite's viewpoint, aren't they even less than that, some sort of unattractive local fauna, pests you've formally got to tolerate while developing your industry? As Tucker Carlson allegedly said: "if I could tell working Americans one thing, it's that your elites hate you. I used to hobnob with these people. They hate you, they hate your work, they hate your families, they hate your religion, they hate your way of life." Tucker is playing to his audience, too. And they want to hear what they already feel. Man is a strange creature, a mix of robust and fragile parts. He can live in a pod and eat bugs, grow up inhaling lead and still work for 60 years straight. But stress him out with evidence of inferiority and his cardiovascular system falters, his hormone levels out of whack; put him in a buzzing city and his reproductive ability is drastically reduced; surround him with revolting art and neurosis-inducing propaganda and ugly modernist architecture and he feels that the world is a bleak dystopia despite unprecedented, if a little distasteful, material prosperity in every bite of HFCS-filled junk food. Make him feel unwelcome, at the brink of exile from community, gaslight him into doubting his sanity -- and he'll either break down, eventually dying of despair, or rebel against this increasingly hostile, censorious, alien hellscape and its apparent masters (or, at least, those who seem to revel in his suffering). You can shut down every avenue of legitimate public expression for him, taboo the very words he could use to express his yearnings; but he'll connect the dots on his own, and chances are, he'll do so in the most destructive and misguided way possible. Peter Turchin has this neat idea about elite overproduction as the mechanism of civilizational collapse. Despite the fact that "elite" status is kind of relative by definition, it is possible to make a plurality, if not the majority, of people imbued with the sense of their "eliteness" and all associated values. I wonder if this has something to do with the degree creep in the US and ideological capture of scientific institutions; with the way the noun "elites" is so often accompanied by adjective "educated"; with the enforced cult of credibility and the way mediocre liberals are invested in this image of science-loving erudites who talk in a patronising fashion to the uncouth masses. Then, with a bit of clever coalition-building and immigration policy, it's possible to not only disorganize and shout down the plebs, but also outnumber them; or so the plan goes. It might work; it might fail. If there's no such plan at all, that's a tragedy in and of itself, because it will still be resisted. To answer the question in first paragraph: I suppose ordinary Germans were wrong to support Nazis and their associates even in the early 30s. But Weimar elites were very, very wrong to not share with the common man, both financially and culturally. They could have done everyone a service by toning their hostility down a notch or two. Alas.
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Pets - Cat Litter Box Help!
Cleaning the litter box isn't the most glamorous job in the planet, but as a cat 
parent, you are aware that it's a job that should be done, however much you dislike it.  Hide the litter box is not an enjoyable game for Kitty, actually, it's quite stressful.  Weighty boxes will stay in place even if your cat steps on a single wall.
You don't wish to drop a great deal of money on a cat litter box that's only likely to last two or three months.  There's a good deal of room for your cats to become in, and a lot of room for them to do what they have to do inside.  As you know whether you possess a cat, if you let all those remains build up over a couple of days you're likely to smell it.
Life After Pets - Cat Litter Box
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You'll be amazed at your choices and learn as you choose which box is the recommended to purchase. The way this box was manufactured means that it's resistant to both issues. A necessary part of kitty care equipment, the litter box gives a thankless but important support. The Fundamentals of Pets - Cat Litter Box Revealed You must think about the size of your cat prior to buying a litter box. The absolute most important tip in making certain your cat uses their litter box is to just keep it clean. Just like a normal litter box, deciding on a litter box that's large enough for your cat is critical. The box can be found in both a regular and big dimensions, so you may use several boxes or a large one that can accommodate every one of your cats. Plus, it is designed to fit in corners so you can tuck it out of sight. Trouble with the new litter box might be to the litter. Litter box odor is always more noticeable when you have multiple cats so that you will have to replace litter and wash the box more frequently than should you have just a single cat and one box. The Benefits of Pets - Cat Litter Box For instance, if you've got 1 cat and 2 levels you ought to have 2 litter boxes. A cat litter box should be clean to stop bad odors from spreading in your residence. Providentially, the ideal litter boxes for smaller spaces are made to help you creatively solve all the problems that can come up with both mess and odor containment. So you may want to contemplate giving him dry food too. If you're uncertain how well it's possible to deal with the smell, you may use the trial period to learn. There are a lot of possible explanations for why you may see that your cat has stopped using the litter box. There are a lot of reasons why your need the ideal litter box for several cats over having an ordinary litter box that's shared between several cats. Due to the shy nature of cats, it is not likely they will use the litter box if it's kept in a crowded place or within a place where you must climb on to something to poop and pee. You will discover that there are lots of different makes, models and brands of automatic cat litter pans to pick from. On the flip side, if you've got many cats, look at getting a bigger litter box, though some individuals argue that the smartest choice is to buy separate litter boxes. Maybe there is another brand out there which can contain cat odors and Fresh Step. Pets - Cat Litter Box Help! For our terrier Tucker specifically, the cat poo was too much temptation. If you're searching for an affordable clumping cat litter, look no more. Your cat will surely enable you to know when the location pleases her. You might know which litter brands are a few of the best to use, but if you don't find out how to maintain this, or even why you require non-tracking cat litter, then you won't be in a position to use the full advantages of the cat litter. Cat litter on carpet is never a great idea. To begin with, you need to pick which animal you desire. If you've got a Maine Coon kitten, you'll quickly find him outgrowing a normal size litter box! Certainly in case you have three or more cats you would want a bigger box. Cats are independent and that's something which cat-owners love. They are definitely the most adorable pets which you can have, and it follows that you can't just have one cat, particularly if you are a crazy pet parent like me. They are very particular when it comes to their hygiene. When you begin to look for the ideal cat litter box, you wish to know your cat will fit. You also should try and find out why your cat started peeing in the specific same spot all the moment. Having a cat can be quite easy in contrast to the majority of pets. Pets - Cat Litter Box Ideas The dog cannot get in the litter anymore. Inexperienced cat owners are able to sometimes face unexpected troubles. In case you have cats and dogs residing in the exact same household, it's likely that you may have caught your dog attempting to become within the litter box and eat their droppings. Below is a list of the ideal dust free cat litters which make cleaning up easy. Cat litter on carpet is never a great idea. Despite the fact that the extra-large size makes it a better choice for homes with numerous cats, the entrance, while convenient for only one pet cat, could make an issue with various cats. In the event the box is tough to get to, your cat may not utilize it. For example, if you've got an overweight cat, you will need a bigger litter box which has a larger opening to make it simpler for your cat to get in and out. Kitties that aren't neutered may be more inclined to urinate inappropriately. They are definitely the most adorable pets which you can have, and it follows that you can't just have one cat, particularly if you are a crazy pet parent like me. They hate to be disturbed when they are going to the toilet so spare a little thought for kitty. When you begin to look for the ideal cat litter box, you wish to know your cat will fit. As a cat owner, you understand how important it's to make sure your cat is cared for. He or she will be the first to suffer. But What About Pets - Cat Litter Box? Cats may get finicky about their litter boxes so it's important to locate a litter box that is suitable for your cat's requirements. In the event the box isn't cleaned on daily basis, the cat won't need to use the pot. If you start to notice your cat isn't using the litter box regularly, it's imperative that you determine why. The general guideline is to have a minumum of one litter box per cat in your house plus an excess box. Despite the fact that the jumbo size is larger than the ordinary box, it may not be big enough for some cats. If you're utilizing the box for smaller kittens, it's crucial to decrease the height so that they can crawl up. To find more details on nature's miracle litter box please visit petsmartblog.com/natures-miracle-self-cleaning-litter-box-reviews Trouble with the new litter box might be to the litter. They are available in a variety of sizes and shapes. What is Really Happening with Pets - Cat Litter Box Altering the litter completely is dependent upon how many cats you've got and which kind of litter you're using but the overall guideline is once or twice weekly. Users love the ease of having the ability to dispose of the whole litter box and they love it can be employed with any sort of litter. So you may want to contemplate giving him dry food too. Before you select the ideal litter box for your feline friend, here's a quick collection of factors you will need to think about. Obviously, it's simplest to train kittens to use an automated litter box since they won't be employed to a non-automatic and they're more malleable when it has to do with introducing new things. If your cat has a propensity of arching and heightening the rear whilst urinating, there's a superior means to spend less. There's no need to be worried about the potential smell as it is fitted with filters that may screen the unwanted smell. You will discover that there are lots of different makes, models and brands of automatic cat litter pans to pick from. Fortunately, there are brands of litter out there which have the properties that produce your job simpler. Currently there are a couple other self-cleaning litter box brands on the industry, but Littermaid is still one of the most familiar. Facts, Fiction and Pets - Cat Litter Box Possessing a pet in the family usually means plenty of expenses incurred. When it has to do with getting the very best litter box, your priorities change whenever you have more than 1 cat roaming around your home. As cats get older, we know they lose their movement, so it's important to make things simple for them. In the event the old smell Kitty was attempting to cover isn't removed, he can continue to go on such a spot. There's a good deal of room for your cats to become in, and a lot of room for them to do what they have to do inside. As you know whether you possess a cat, if you let all those remains build up over a couple of days you're likely to smell it. The Pain of Pets - Cat Litter Box A lot of the litters to be found on the sector simply make your job a hassle. If you choose to continue to continue to keep your cat really fit and in an exemplary shape, we recommend that you look carefully at the instructions explained in the report. With a lot of choices offered in the sector, one is bound to find confused but picking the proper litter box is paramount. Pets - Cat Litter Box - Overview To handle the excess traffic in your house, you want the very best cat litter box for many cats. Selecting the most suitable cat litter does not need to be as big a hassle as it appears. Your cat will surely enable you to know when the location pleases her. Some of the things which you can think about in selecting a multiple cat litter box rather than litter boxes designed for a single cat are given below. You love your cats but that's a complement. There are a number of reasons that someone might need to acquire their cats to use the toilet with a cat toilet trainer. This morning, you're likely to observe fleas stuck in honey. The truth is there are a lot of litter boxes you'll be able to find, but you have to understand how to spot the best one that your cats will certainly love and you will appreciate also. The majority of the times it's a characteristic for male cats. Humans aren't the only individuals who need to deal with Arthritis. They also do not have to be let outside to do their business. They feel more comfortable when they don't have to step on each other's waste. When you begin to look for the ideal cat litter box, you wish to know your cat will fit. You also should try and find out why your cat started peeing in the specific same spot all the moment. Having a cat can be quite easy in contrast to the majority of pets. The Fundamentals of Pets - Cat Litter Box That You Can Learn From Starting Immediately Cleaning the litter box isn't the most glamorous job in the planet, but as a cat parent, you are aware that it's a job that should be done, however much you dislike it. In homes with over 1 story, litter boxes have to be available on each degree of the house. Although this litter box is a little pricier than the alternatives, it's excellent for someone with a larger budget who wants their litter box to coincide with the remainder of their house. You don't wish to drop a great deal of money on a cat litter box that's only likely to last two or three months. There's a good deal of room for your cats to become in, and a lot of room for them to do what they have to do inside. Or you'll be able to foster a cat for a limited time. Get the Scoop on Pets - Cat Litter Box Before You're Too Late A number of the cat litter box furniture is accompanied by a choice to add carbon filters to filter the air heading out of the litter box. The absolute most important tip in making certain your cat uses their litter box is to just keep it clean. Selecting the correct litter box for your beloved feline friend can have a significant impact on it's litter box training and day-to-day litter box usage. The box can be found in both a regular and big dimensions, so you may use several boxes or a large one that can accommodate every one of your cats. Plus, it is designed to fit in corners so you can tuck it out of sight. The Petmate Pan is the ideal budget top entry litter box around, therefore it's not surprising that it's also among the most popular. Litter box odor is always more noticeable when you have multiple cats so that you will have to replace litter and wash the box more frequently than should you have just a single cat and one box. The Benefits of Pets - Cat Litter Box Moreover believe me or not it won't need to find pricy anymore even in the event that you wish to fix the odor question completely! Cats can definitely make so much as the cleanest home smell terrible that is why these self cleaning litter boxes are now so common. You may find merely by doing this that it will begin to use the litter box, and quit leaving that nasty cat urine smell all around the home. Mulch attracts earthworms, aerating the soil and offers nutrients at the very same time. Straightforward cleaning is normally a massive component when deciding which litter is most effective to buy. Avoiding dirty litter boxes is an actual issue and includes a price. Before beginning the procedure for breeding, it is critical that the breeder has adequate housing for those gliders. On the flip side, owning several litter boxes for every one of your cats isn't only pricey, but in addition takes up all of the space and you may wind up spending countless hours cleaning all of the litter boxes. Some cats don't have any issues with the standard dishpan sort of litter box, especially if they don't know there's an option.
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Kittens are vulnerable to eat a little bit of the litter when they're learning, and the clumping varieties are extremely dangerous if eaten.  This litter is created completely of recycled paper that makes the litter itself recyclable and a positive effect on reducing landfill waste.  In addition to all of these things, it is also very affordable.
Vital Pieces of Pets - Cat Litter Box
A lot of the litters to be found on the sector simply make your job a hassle.  If you choose to continue to continue to keep your cat really fit and in an exemplary shape, we recommend that you look carefully at the instructions explained in the report.  With a lot of choices offered in the sector, one is bound to find confused but picking the proper litter box is paramount.
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a-shared-experience · 2 years
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Three archetypal ingredients constitute The
shaman-and all must be present In order to reveal its magic. First, The shaman is activated
by long-standing and diligent study (The Mentor)
second, its orientation is generously and accurately aimed toward the healing of the self, the other, and the culture (The Healer). And third, The shaman has a knack for finding doorways to
the otherworld, allowing psychic visions and
visions and old magic to leak into this world (The Unseen). In this way the shaman is a master who bridges the everyday and the sacred, revealing potent power needed desperately in our time. Yet where there is power, there is shadow.. so The shaman must be vigilant in studying their darkness. This card reminds us that the force of
healing is ultimately not our own. We must shape it and share it with the world.
WHEN LIGHT: fearless student and practitioner
WHEN DARk: overpromises, blames, hurts self and others
GO DEEPER: read "Black Elk speaks" and
Michael Tucker's "Dreaming with Eyes Open"
The Beaver personality is a welcomed sight. These good-natured and dependable creatures have infinite love and enthusiasm for family, and
express it by way of the Earth element (providing
home, financial stability).
Although a Beaver doesn't usually initiate a project, once started they'll work steadily for weeks, months, or years to see it through. The Beaver card appears when the task at hand reguires your long-term, steady effort. It can also signify that it's time for some karma yoga (selfless service).
WHEN IN BALANCE: happy, meaningful work
WHEN OUT OF BALANCE: feels useless, worn out
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TO BRING INTO BALANCE: physical labor, selfless service
Do you believe in magick? 🪄🧙‍♀️
If you want something different for your life than abracadabra bebe you have the courage, willpower, talent, skills and drive to make your dreams reality
Believe in yourself
You have magick in your soul
Be a creator
Be open to receiving more from the universe
Focus on what you want , the answers are coming
Be grateful for all that you have right now in this moment even if you haven’t got everything you want yet
Don’t ignore the red flags
Watch for dishonesty or potential enemies
Do not ignore your fears but do not be led by them either . Ask , “ is my anxiety valid”?
There’s a fine line between anxiety and excitement , take a deep breath and tell yourself “ it’s gonna be great “
Trust and follow your intuition
Get comfortable with your shadow self and shine a little light on it. There’s no need to carry shame.
What are your motives , what are their motives ?
Is your imagination working overdrive ? Imagination is both a blessing and a curse depending on your frame of mind. How can you channel wild fantasy and express it in healthy ways instead of over analyzing To the point of paranoia
Face your shadows. We all have shadow sides which is a part of the human experience. Many people hide them away for fear of being judged. How would life become more enjoyable for you if you accepted the darker side of yourself. Would others really judge you harshly or is it perhaps you that still has not accepted yourself
Stay on the straight and narrow
Play by the rules ( for the most part)
Be fair and just in all dealings
Justice is about doing the right thing even when it’s challenging
You’ll get caught doing anything illegal and though we all like the bad boy/ girl archetype it’s only really a desire to love them back to good. Best a bish can do is hook up commissary and accept your collect call in between you getting shived and eating dog food in a jumpsuit- rethink your plan lol
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concordnhhimm237 · 4 years
How To Master Concord New Hampshire Coronavirus In 6 Simple Steps
Attended a graduation at unh regulation and just had an exquisite time. Ate at some wonderful restaurants tuckers and barleys. Concord was pretty walkable as well as stores have been enjoyment to buy at. The individuals i encountered have been all so quite enjoyable. All round it absolutely was a beautiful weekend.
Fantastic position: awesome huge room with a comfortable working Place, roomy bathroom + good quality toiletries, comfortable mattress.
When you hold an out of country license, you'll have to submit an software for the Concord DMV office. They may immediate you from there.
You can utilize our office finder in the top of this web site, or search throw our substantial portal. Whe Have a very webpage for every support / state / county / city combination, like Hawaii and Alaska.
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beloved going for walks downtown. Best Section of Concord was the Pink Arrow Diner. I arrived for the weekend only to try to eat there. And went into the statehouse to tour the surface memorials nonetheless it rained. We didn't care as the Purple Arrow Diner remains to be open inside the rain!
5000 sqft basement with new ceiling and barn doors. modest entrepreneurs quarter and five employees rooms with non-public baths. A fresh 40 ft dock was set up in 2019, and all the protection needed perform has long been accomplished and We now have occupancy permits set up. This is truly a convert vital Procedure. We are operating it slow at the moment as we are still ending the remodeling. The home is detailed within the wedding ceremony wire along with the knot with a great deal of requests in spot for this coming summer time time. This is the perfect time for you to acquire in order to maximize the occupied summer time. The organization has not been in operation for just a couple of years and it is just staring again up now.
Just off Interstate ninety three, within just strolling length of historic downtown Concord, New Hampshire, this resort offers no cost wi-fi Access to the internet all over the assets and an on-website restaurant. Effortless location to family we've been going to and the downtown
She's so practical and awesome I am happy I'd her in my corner After i was selling my property. After i’m prepared to obtain yet again I understand who I'm intending to!
Quiz yourself on A further set of 40 "Effortless" queries that are certainly likely to show up in your official expertise check in the NH DMV. Thoughts are based upon your state's official DMV manual and site visitors rules.
There’re a myriad of problems made on The brand new Hampshire understanding check. The biggest oversight is just not researching. The 2nd major miscalculation is not really recognizing road signs.
Live free and drive, must be the motto in the fiercely unbiased “Granite State.” And encounter it, heading throughout the White Mountains in The gorgeous Appalachians in almost any expedient way needs using a motorized indicates of conveyance. Here you’ll see stage-by-action Guidance for creating your excursion to The brand new Hampshire DMV rely. Ensure that you have all the appropriate paperwork in hand prior to deciding to Visit the DMV with our information, and make certain test achievements The 1st time close to, with our sources and supplies.
Concord, the vibrant capital of recent Hampshire, thrives on 12 months-round tourism. Main Avenue has about a hundred seventy five retail Areas offering all the things from candy to antiques seasoned having a awesome collection of restaurants.
Picnic tables dot the expansive shaded lawn. Furthermore, a separate Walk-in Cooler trailer is incorporated to deal with your cold storage demands. Historically functioning from 11am-6pm Wed.-Sunshine., the extended-term lease permits growth and development. Current tools enables the menu being expanded as well to include grilled merchandise and frozen treats in case you motivation. With a great deal of flexibility you'll be able to genuinely make this organization your own private and switch your summertime enthusiasm into instant profit. Inquire now to be Completely ready once the weather breaks. This Small business which includes all food preparing and service equipment, education, and goodwill is on the market at an exceedingly affordable cost of $ninety nine,000.
Just after 31 many years this husband and wife staff are able to retire! Situated on A serious highway in a very free of charge standing building, with loads of parking. Also features a very good sizing storage area in again. A lot of new and planned residential and professional offices during the instant area. Established and highly regarded family oriented business, by using a 50 seat dining area with beer and wine. Specializes in excellent handmade Greek type pizza, salads, subs, pasta, supper specials plus more! All tools in great Doing the job order. Walk in freezer and fridge are both below five several years outdated. Has Equally a pizza conveyor oven Plus a Bloodget. A lot of options to increase this company even more. Will not do any shipping, closed on Sunday's and does incredibly nominal catering.
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bigyack-com · 4 years
WWE ‘Super’ SmackDown results: Loser Eats Dog Food, new champion crowned - other sports
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At the start of the show itself, Roman Reigns announced that the loser of the main-event between Bloodline and CRZ (Corbin, Roode, and Ziggler) will eat dog food. Yes, you heard that right. This happened during a Live Event last year but the idea of a Dog Food match eventually impressed the WWE higher-ups. This is pro-wrestling and the fans were cheering for it. So it is the fans that have to be happy, so maybe WWE worked out a consequence for a match.The next match on the night was a fatal four-way Tag Team fight to become the number one contender for New Day’s titles. It was a well-contested, hard-fought and neatly-constructed match between the Lucha House Party, The Revival, Heavy Machinery and the team of The Miz and John Morrison. It was logically that The Miz and Morrison earned the right of facing New Day for the Tag Team titles. .@TheRealMorrison and @WWEGranMetalik take turns FLYING to the outside as the action heats up in this high-stakes Tag Team #Fatal4Way Match on #SmackDown! pic.twitter.com/7Xnk9Itt0f— WWE (@WWE) February 1, 2020  This ain't no make believe, New Day.You'll be defending your #SmackDown #TagTeamTitles against @mikethemiz & @TheRealMorrison at #WWESSD! #Fatal4Way pic.twitter.com/9ORtEy41aM— WWE (@WWE) February 1, 2020 READ | Stocks plummeting, TV ratings falling: WWE in troubled watersOtis and Tucker were contemplating the loss when Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville arrived. It was there that Otis finally asked out Mandy for a date on Valentine’s Day. And she accepted. It is a silly storyline but the antics of Otis have made it so enjoyable. However, Mandy and Sonya lost their match to Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross without the help of Otis. Omg I am shipping this!! Absolutely love this !! Awww 😍 https://t.co/dN4kwLh9BV— Dana Brooke WWE (@DanaBrookeWWE) February 1, 2020 Braun Strowman challenged Shinsuke Nakamura for the Intercontinental Championship. You could see that Strowman had no chance of losing to Nakamura without the interference of Sami Zayn and Cesaro. However, their interference also could not stop the ‘Monster Among Men’ as he slammed Nakamura for a powerslam and with the subsequent 1, 2, 3 captured his first-ever singles title in WWE. Congratulations to Strowman. .@BraunStrowman looks to OVERPOWER @ShinsukeN and take the #ICTitle on #SmackDown! pic.twitter.com/0yOI9kAm3e— WWE (@WWE) February 1, 2020  A SUPER SmackDown for a SUPER victory!@BraunStrowman has DEFEATED @ShinsukeN to win his FIRST SINGLES TITLE in @WWE! #AndNew #SmackDown #ICTitle pic.twitter.com/Z1AefO1IwX— WWE (@WWE) February 1, 2020 So, Sami Zayn used to be one of the best wrestlers in the world some years ago. Now he is a wrestler who doesn’t wrestle and is only a mouthpiece for Cesaro and Nakamura. He had Cesaro take care of the business when Elias insulted him. There was no reason why Zayn has stopped wrestling but fans miss the ‘Underdog from the Underground’. NOTE: Cesaro seems to have injured his leg against Elias.Sheamus made short work (pun intended) of Shorty G (Chad Gable). That’s it. #ShortyG throws caution to the wind as he looks to battle back against @WWESheamus on #SmackDown. @WWEGable pic.twitter.com/F0J7w8hMPG— WWE (@WWE) February 1, 2020 It is time for the SmackDown Women’s champion Bayley to take centre stage. She gloats about her victory over Lacey Evans at Royal Rumble before being interrupted by the returning Naomi. She announces that Bayley has never defeated her, so lays out the challenge to the champ. Bayley takes a cheap shot but Naomi fights back and ends the segment with the upper hand. It is going to be Bayley vs Naomi for the SmackDown Women’s Championship. "Sis, you ain't NEVER beat me!"@NaomiWWE thinks the #SmackDown Women's Title could use a little #GLOW! @itsBayleyWWE pic.twitter.com/El7OqCJNQh— WWE (@WWE) February 1, 2020 It is finally time for the Loser Eats Dog Food match that WWE was advertising for the whole show. It was a classic 6-man tag match where Roman was always the star and Corbin was the villain. The Usos, Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode were the supporting act fighting outside. After months of agony, Reigns finally had his revenge on Corbin. The King tried to escape but was handcuffed by The Usos. In a storyline progression, Reigns poured dog food on Corbin while he was tied to the ring post. I hope this ends the storyline and dog food matches for the time being. HERE COMES THE BIG DOG!@WWERomanReigns takes it to #King @BaronCorbinWWE in this Loser Eats Dog Food main event on #SmackDown! pic.twitter.com/Oz0jwoBue9— WWE (@WWE) February 1, 2020  KARMA.#SmackDown @BaronCorbinWWE @WWERomanReigns @WWEUsos pic.twitter.com/fEUJujxVfA— WWE (@WWE) February 1, 2020 NOTE: Daniel Bryan and The Firefly Fun House returns next week. The Miz and John Morrison will bring back “The Dirt Sheet” next Friday. Read the full article
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naturecoaster · 5 years
The 32nd Annual Floral City Strawberry Festival returns to Floral Park March 2-3
You know spring is just around the corner when the 32nd Annual Floral City Strawberry Festival comes to town!  Get ready to come out to one of Citrus County’s prettiest parks on March 2 and 3 for fun (and strawberries), food (and strawberries), entertainment (and strawberries), Princess Pageants and Pie-Eating Contests (and strawberries), arts, crafts and more (and strawberries), and kids’ activities galore (and strawberries)! Oh, and did we mention there will be STRAWBERRIES??  Luscious strawberry shortcake prepared by the Citrus County Agricultural Alliance and the Cattlemen’s Association will be available for your noshing pleasure, along with flats and half-flats of whole fresh berries grown locally by Ferris Farms that you can take home with you as a sweet souvenir of your day to make your own delectable treats. This year, the Floral City Strawberry Festival returns to some of its Americana roots with home-crafted sounds from a roster of traditional-style musicians. But just because they have traditional influences doesn’t mean they aren’t exciting!
The Floral City Strawberry Festival adds a new talent: Emi Sunshine
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Emi Sunshine is making her Citrus County public debut at the festival on Saturday afternoon. This young lady – only 14 years old – hails from East Tennessee and has captured the nation’s attention and enchanted their hearts with her musical wizardry.  Steeped in Appalachian music, Emi is a true vocal stylist. Influenced by legends (Loretta Lynn/Tanya Tucker/ The Louvin Brothers), she is a throwback to earlier eras of country music when trendsetters like Bessie Smith, June Carter, Loretta Lynn and Hank Williams made history. A spectacular 2014 performance at a Tennessee flea market skyrocketed her career to become a worldwide phenomenon when a video of her stage show went viral on YouTube. Since her breakout at just nine years old, Emi has garnered more than 14 Million YouTube views and a half million Facebook followers. Be sure to catch Emi Sunshine at the Floral City Strawberry Festival, because who knows when we will be able to bring this destined-to-be-famous young lady back for an encore?
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Talking Anderson
Local Entertainers, Pie-Eating Contests and Princess Pageants
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Barefoot Bob and the Hope Also appearing during the festival will be Southern Express Bluegrass Band, Citrus County-favorite Jeff Jarrett, Citrus County educators Garrett Manning and Eric Tremante performing as “Taking Anderson”, and the fun and quirky Barefoot Bob and the Hope, along with Citrus County’s popular DJ John Diorio.
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Southern Express And what could be more Americana than pie-eating contests and princess pageants? Ooh and ahh on Saturday morning as poised young ladies take the stage in their favorite strawberry-themed attire for a chance to earn a crown and become the next Little Miss and Miss Strawberry Princesses.  Or maybe getting messy is more your style?  Then sign up to compete in the strawberry pie-eating contests for a chance to win some cold, hard cash! Competitions will be held both Saturday and Sunday.
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Jeff Jarrett entertains the crowds
Nearly 300 Art and Craft Vendors, Beer-Wine Garden, Food Vendors and Kids Area
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Round your festival adventures out by strolling the park and browsing close to 300 art and craft vendors, imbibing in a cold beer or glass of wine at the beer garden near the main stage, enjoying the gastronomic pleasures offered by the many food vendors, or enjoying laughs and smiles with the young ones as they “play themselves silly” in the kids’ area. Floral City Strawberry Festival hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday.  Entrance fee is $5.00 for guests 12 and older.  Park free at the Citrus County Auditorium and take a shuttle to the Festival location. Floral Park is located at 9530 S. Parkside Ave., Floral City, FL 34426 For complete information on the Floral City Strawberry Festival, visit www.GoStrawberryFest.com.  On Facebook, search for “Floral City Strawberry Festival.”
Floral City Strawberry Festival at a Glance
When:  Saturday, March 2, 9 am – 5 pm, and Sunday, March 3, 9 am – 4 pm Where: Floral Park, 9530 S. Parkside Avenue, Floral City – 3 miles south of downtown Floral City on US Hwy 41 Cost: Festival Admission is $5 per adult, children 12 and under are free Parking: On site at Floral Park, or at the Citrus County Auditorium located at 3610 S. Florida Ave, Inverness.  Free shuttle buses from the auditorium are running all day, both days Website: www.GoStrawberryFest.com Facebook: Search for “Floral City Strawberry Festival” Telephone for Citrus County Chamber of Commerce: 352-795-3149
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Floral City Strawberry Festival: Little Miss Strawberry Princess competitors stand alongside the judges who had to make the tough choices!
Little Miss and Miss Strawberry Princess Pageants
On Saturday morning, the festival opens with the Miss Strawberry Princess Pageants for girls aged 4 – 6, and 7 – 12, a festival tradition going back to the early days of the event. This special pageant is designed to be fun and enjoyable for the whole family and to help children build self-esteem.  It is not a highly competitive event. Applications to participate are on the Strawberry Festival website at www.GoStrawberryFest.com. Read the full article
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ranabowbrite · 7 years
Much of sabbatical is about trade offs. To begin with, we traded some retirement savings and discretionary spending to make our sabbatical possible. And on sabbatical, we’ll be trading our current routines and habits for new ones that reflect different priorities.
A large part of my personal journey is to focus on thoughtfully feeding and nurturing my soul for a year, with three priorities in mind:  Us (my marriage), Body (my physical health), and Mind (my creativity). That means that I’ll be making some changes because for a long time now my priorities have looked more like: Work, Decompress, Work.
Decompressing on the weekends and after work hours is a far cry from really living for a living. In fact, decompressing pretty much means I am not focusing on Us, Body, or Mind. Decompressing is a lot more like disconnecting and intentionally turning off my brain and my body, and it doesn’t usually result in personal growth and development, which is what has been missing for me. I’ve had lots of professional growth and development thank to the focus on my career, but I need some me (and us) time.
So, here’s a list of some of the things that I am most excited to be “trading in” over the next year. You may notice that there aren’t as many things listed in the “US” category. That’s because Trent and I will be spending A LOT of time together over the next year. The creative and physical adventures we will have that will nourish our minds and our bodies, we will have together. We will grow closer largely through these shared experiences, so “US” is pretty much built into everything. In fact, I’ll be searching for the ways in which we thoughtfully spend time apart on sabbatical so that we don’t overdo it.
Priority Alignment: US
Time with my work husbands/wives/brothers/sisters for time with my actual husband
Like many working women, there are many weeks that I spend more time with my boss and my colleagues than I do with my husband. I am looking forward to getting to know Trent all over again and deepening our connection as husband and wife. We did a values exercise at work several years ago, and I recently did it with Trent. It was a great way to connect and get to know and understand each other on a deeper level. If I know my colleagues’ values, I should certainly know my husband’s.  Read more about that values activity and try it out at work and home!
Work husbands and wives and brothers and sisters
Actual Husband
Donating our money for donating our time together (see my post on charitable giving and why it’s important to us)
One of the things we are most looking forward to is finding ways to give back to community throughout the year. While we travel the country, we’ll be looking for opportunities with the Natioal Parks Service. And in Thailand, we are researching lots of opportunities to volunteer our time, including at elephant rescues, in schools, and in mountain villages. Stay tuned for more blogging about this!
Priority Alignment: BODY
Morning commute for morning hike, bike, walk, run
One of my personal goals for sabbatical is to get in great shape. Although I’ve been doing 30 minute workouts three days a week with a personal trainer for years, I need to do more. And I’m holding myself to that. So, I am literally trading in my morning commute for a daily morning workout activity. I won’t have consistent access to the gym since we’ll be on the road and then out of the country, so that means really challenging my body in the great outdoors.
There’s really no excuse in Colorado given all of the beautiful natural workout facilities that surround us, but my excuse has been time. I won’t have that excuse any longer and I won’t find other excuses. By making our sabbatical largely about outdoor experiences through our camping and the adventures we are planning in Thailand, it will be hard to avoid physical activity even if I wanted to!
Heels and suits for leggings and flip flops (and chucks and hiking boots)
Ladies, I don’t think I need to explain this one. Men, talk to the ladies in your life. This one’s all about putting my physical comfort first. A year with only elastic waist bands? Do I dare dream?
Complaining about winter for enjoying a year-long summer
Colorado is wonderful because it has all the seasons, including a nice long winter with plenty of snow (you wouldn’t know it lately). However, winter means that some of our favorite activities, or ones we are looking forward to making our favorites, aren’t always feasible for 4 or 5 months each year. We won’t have that problem on sabbatical since it will be summertime weather everywhere we are all year long. I used to make fun of the “snowbirds” who fled New England each winter for Florida, but now I totally get it.
What are we looking forward to most?
Long bike rides
Running outside
Long walks with the dogs
The beach
Sitting outside drinking
Expensive eating out for cooking healthy meals at home
We won’t be able to afford eating out all the time while on sabbatical, so that will be helpful, and we’ll have more time than we currently do to spend on meal prep. While in Thailand, the foods we will have easy access to are simply fresher and healthier than what is readily available in America. I can’t wait to blog about my Thai eating experiences…
Priority Alignment: MIND
Back to back meetings for back to back naps
It’s rare that I take a nap these days without a feeling of guilt–I should be doing something else! Funny, I have the same feeling during a lot of meetings. I’m sure no one relates to that. So, I’m trading those meetings for guilt-free naps whenever I want! Naps restore mental and physical health, but for me this is more about relaxing my mind.
Tucker knows how to nap
Fear of failing for the pure enjoyment of new experiences
I’m going to conquer all kinds of fears in this year of freedom (there’s a post for that too!). In fact, fear is one of the things that most impedes our personal freedom, and it’s gnarly, because it works from the inside out. It’s completely up to us to let go of the fears that hold us back from reaching new levels of personal growth. I plan to do all sorts of crazy things on sabbatical that fear holds me back from now.
Watching TV for thinking and writing
I used to write poetry a long, long time ago. And short stories. And plays. And I journaled almost every day. Once I began focusing on my career, those creative outlets dried up because I stopped nurturing them.
I’m a creative spirit by nature, and I am so excited to have more time to explore that side of myself again. No more coming home from work and turning to the TV because I need to turn my brain off and decompress from a stressful day. I’m loving writing this blog, tapping into my voice, and expressing my thoughts, however mundane they may be sometimes. It’s an active process of self-entertainment, one that nourishes my soul instead of sucking it dry like the television can do. But I don’t plan to give up Survivor. Not after more than 500 episodes. I’m all in on that one.
Spending money on things for spending money on experiences
This is a big one. We are transitioning from buying the latest gadgets, designer clothes, and whatever strikes our fancy to put on a shelf, to spending our scrimped and saved dollars on experiences. That includes trading hotels for pop up camping in the U.S. (Check out our Freedom Machine!) and low-budget beachside huts in Thailand. Instead of buying new clothes, a new iPhone, and the new cookware I really want, we will be paying national park entrance fees, visiting wildlife sanctuaries here and abroad (elephants here I come!), and renting inner tubes to float the Guadalupe River in Texas.
Reading about the demise of our country on Facebook for experiencing the beauty of the countryside as we take to the open road
As I’ve talked to friends, family, and strangers about our plans, one thing has been consistent. They all say that I have to disconnect from the news and the political drama that is dominating our social media, TV screens, and conversations these days. The majority of Americans agree that the things happening in our country right now are pretty messed up (I’m treading lightly here), and I agree. Like many others, I’ve been pretty consumed by it. But I know that I have to take a step back if I am to enjoy this year, truly experience the kinds of transformational experiences I hope to have.
It won’t be easy, and I may falter occasionally, but I am going to do my very best not to stay tuned in to the madness. I have to hold myself accountable for my goals and priorities, and to do that, I must hold at bay a lot of the negativity and downright depressing news that surrounds us all as of late.
Instead, we are embarking on a year-long adventure where, certainly there will be conversations with strangers both here and abroad about the state of our democracy, but I’ll have those conversations from an authentic place rather than a hyped up, fear-laden, knee-jerk response which is what most of us have these days because it’s what has been stirred up around us.
Please don’t take this as a sign that I don’t care. It’s actually quite the opposite. But I have to find hope and opportunity again through my own experiences so that I can refill my cup and keep working for social justice.
I  ordered 500 of these postcards, and I plan to use them up before and after sabbatical, just not during.
      Sabbatical Life: Trading This for That Much of sabbatical is about trade offs. To begin with, we traded some retirement savings and discretionary spending to make our sabbatical possible.
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Brighton: #MyHomeTownIsYourVacation
Sometimes it’s easy to forget, when you’re sitting in the office with grey clouds filling the skies, that you actually live in a travel destination. To you, the streets you walk each day and the cafés you nip into for coffee on a Saturday morning are just standard, mundane even. But for those venturing on a European road trip or world tour, visiting your town or city may be a huge highlight of their time abroad.
As a travel blogger it’s easy to get stressed and bogged down about not having content to write about when you’re not out gallivanting the globe (you can tell this is an issue of mine with my huge content gaps!), but it’s important to remember the best bits about where you live and use your insider knowledge to improve someone else’s travel experience, just as you’d expect when trying to find tips and advice for your next journey.
With this in mind I obviously want to focus on my amazing (current) city: Brighton!
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Based in the south of the UK, Brighton is a fun, eclectic, colourful city that is well worth a visit when coming to England. Although, just an hour from London by train (and even less if you come directly from the airport on the Gatwick Express), Brighton is worlds away from the big smoke. Being on the coast, the air is fresh, spirits are high, fish and chips are never far away and there is much fun to be had!
There are plenty of classic tips for any visit to Brighton so I will of course highlight these, but I also want to mention a few of my personal faves having lived here for a few years so that you can do something a little different during your time in the city and (hopefully!) have a memorable trip :-)
Classic Must Dos
Visit Brighton Pier – Cash in your pounds for buckets-full of 2ps for hours of enjoyment at Brighton Pier. No trip to the English seaside would be complete without enjoying the merriment of 2p machines, sticking your head in a cut-out signs, having chips stolen out of your hands by seagulls and going on rides where you have to hold on for grim death. Okay, okay, I know this doesn’t sound like the most appealing activity but once you get past the tacky lights and sticky carpet and embrace that piers are a quintessential part of British holidays, I guarantee you’ll have a good time!
See Brighton Pavilion - The mini Taj Mahal, enigmatically placed slap bang in the middle of the city, is a must-see for anyone visiting Brighton. Beautifully designed and steeped in history, the Brighton Pavilion is a great sight for architectural lovers, history geeks or anyone simply looking for top-notch photograph for Instagram! If you’re lucky enough to visit on a sunny day, head up to the tea rooms on the balcony for a relaxing pot of tea and a scone (again quintessentially British!).
Wander round the Lanes/Laines – The “Lanes” and the “North Laine” are very different places, and the confusion between the two is a classic bug-bare for traditional Brightonians… However, both are filled with unique and interesting shops that are well worth a wander. For high end boutiques, antique jewellers and the famed ChoccyWoccyDooDah, head to the Lanes found just metres from the seafront. There are great eateries here like Food For Friends, Curry Leaf Café and Brighton Burger so you can easily spend an afternoon relaxing in this area. For hipster cafes, vegetarian shoe shops, flea markets and quirky bars, the North Laine is the one for you The Office is known for its fantastic selection of gins, Kooks Café is great for an early evening glass of wine and The Mash Tun is perfect for a pint.
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As you can probably tell, I like to eat and drink my way around every destination I visit, and living in the city is no different! 
My favourite finds pretty much focus on bars, cafes and restaurants but I’ll throw in a couple of other mentions too so you don’t think I’m completely food-obsessed.
Brunch – You may already have it in your head that you want to enjoy brunch overlooking the sea, but strangely enough this can be somewhat hard to find in Brighton. The New Club just on King’s Road offers buttermilk pancakes and a first-rate bloody Mary (the dream!). That will set you up nicely for the day before you pound the seafront in search of the uber-photogenic beach huts of Hove.  
Graffiti – Brighton has some amazing street art adorning bars, restaurants, electricity meters (basically anything that will stay still long enough to be painted!). Some of my favourites are the in the North Laine where you can also enjoy a spot of Geocaching. Don’t miss the famous mural on the side of the Prince Albert pub (just under the train station) and see if you can name all the celebs.
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Cheap Eats - For cheap and cheerful Asian cuisine, Pompoko and Shogun Ramen are hard to beat. For less than £10-15 you can be filled to the brim with delicious yet fairly healthy tucker. Why not go to both over the weekend and let me know who you think has the best gyoza…!
Duke of York’s Cinema – If you’re just visiting Brighton for the weekend you may not want to waste your time inside the cinema, however, if you’re travelling for a longer stint the cinema is a bit of a luxury every now and again. Leaps and bounds better than an Odeon or Cineworld (no offence), at the Duke of York’s on Preston Circus you can slump back on a comfortable sofa with a glass of wine in hand and watch award-worthy films.
Fine-dining – Although Brighton is yet to gain its first Michelin Star, there are a number of restaurants who should certainly be in the running. Top of my list would be the incredible 64 Degrees. Seasonal ingredients, creative chefs and an intimate atmosphere all add up to an unforgettable dining experience. Silo too, with its zero-waste policy and home-milled bread is also a contender. Head here for a homely brunch or a delectable plant-based dinner and beer brewed on-site. Finally The Set at The Artist Residence offers exquisite tasting menus and The Cocktail Shack is the perfect place to have a tipple such as the delicious Green Tea Phone Home.
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I hope you’ve enjoyed my tips and if you’re planning a visit to Brighton don’t hesitate to get in contact for more top tips :-)
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naturecoaster · 5 years
32nd Annual Floral City Strawberry Festival March 2-3
You know spring is just around the corner when the 32nd Annual Floral City Strawberry Festival comes to town!  Get ready to come out to one of Citrus County’s prettiest parks on March 2 and 3 for fun (and strawberries), food (and strawberries), entertainment (and strawberries), Princess Pageants and Pie-Eating Contests (and strawberries), arts, crafts and more (and strawberries), and kids’ activities galore (and strawberries)! Oh, and did we mention there will be STRAWBERRIES??  Luscious strawberry shortcake prepared by the Citrus County Agricultural Alliance and the Cattlemen’s Association will be available for your noshing pleasure, along with flats and half-flats of whole fresh berries grown locally by Ferris Farms that you can take home with you as a sweet souvenir of your day to make your own delectable treats. This year, the Floral City Strawberry Festival returns to some of its Americana roots with home-crafted sounds from a roster of traditional-style musicians. But just because they have traditional influences doesn’t mean they aren’t exciting! The Floral City Strawberry Festival is honored to introduce a new talent to our festival audiences! Emi Sunshine is making her Citrus County public debut at the festival on Saturday afternoon.  This young lady – only 14 years old – hails from East Tennessee and has captured the nation’s attention and enchanted their hearts with her musical wizardry.  Steeped in Appalachian music, Emi is a true vocal stylist. Influenced by legends (Loretta Lynn/Tanya Tucker/ The Louvin Brothers), she is a throwback to earlier eras of country music when trendsetters like Bessie Smith, June Carter, Loretta Lynn and Hank Williams made history. A spectacular 2014 performance at a Tennessee flea market skyrocketed her career to become a worldwide phenomenon when a video of her stage show went viral on YouTube. Since her breakout at just nine years old, Emi has garnered more than 14 Million YouTube views and a half million Facebook followers.  Be sure to catch her now at the Floral City Strawberry Festival, because who knows when we will be able to bring this destined-to-be-famous young lady back for an encore? Also appearing during the festival will be Southern Express Bluegrass Band, Citrus County-favorite Jeff Jarrett, Citrus County educators Garrett Manning and Eric Tremante performing as “Taking Anderson”, and the fun and quirky Barefoot Bob and the Hope, along with Citrus County’s popular DJ John Diorio.
Pie Eating Contests and Princess Pageants
And what could be more Americana than pie-eating contests and princess pageants? Ooh and ahh on Saturday morning as poised young ladies take the stage in their favorite strawberry-themed attire for a chance to earn a crown and become the next Little Miss and Miss Strawberry Princesses.  Or maybe getting messy is more your style?  Then sign up to compete in the strawberry pie-eating contests for a chance to win some cold, hard cash! Competitions will be held both Saturday and Sunday. Round your festival adventures out by strolling the park and browsing close to 300 art and craft vendors, imbibing in a cold beer or glass of wine at the beer garden near the main stage, enjoying the gastronomic pleasures offered by the many food vendors, or enjoying laughs and smiles with the young ones as they “play themselves silly” in the kids’ area. Floral City Strawberry Festival hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday.  Entrance fee is $5.00 for guests 12 and older.  Park free at the Citrus County Auditorium and take a shuttle to the Festival location. Floral Park is located at 9530 S. Parkside Ave., Floral City, FL 34426 For complete information on the Floral City Strawberry Festival, visit www.GoStrawberryFest.com.  On Facebook, search for “Floral City Strawberry Festival.”  Floral City Strawberry Festival at a Glance When:  Saturday, March 2, 9 am – 5 pm, and Sunday, March 3, 9 am – 4 pm Where: Floral Park, 9530 S. Parkside Avenue, Floral City – 3 miles south of downtown Floral City on US Hwy 41 Cost: Festival Admission is $5 per adult, children 12 and under are free Parking: On site at Floral Park, or at the Citrus County Auditorium located at 3610 S. Florida Ave, Inverness.  Free shuttle buses from the auditorium are running all day, both days Website: www.GoStrawberryFest.com Facebook: Search for “Floral City Strawberry Festival” Telephone for Citrus County Chamber of Commerce: 352-795-3149
Little Miss and Miss Strawberry Princess Pageants
On Saturday morning, the festival opens with the Miss Strawberry Princess Pageants for girls aged 4 – 6, and 7 – 12, a festival tradition going back to the early days of the event. This special pageant is designed to be fun and enjoyable for the whole family and to help children build self-esteem.  It is not a highly competitive event. Applications to participate are on the Strawberry Festival website at www.GoStrawberryFest.com.
Festival Sponsors:
Presenting: Insight Credit Union Stage: Crystal Automotive, Motorcycle and Tractor Group EmiSunshine Presenting Sponsor: Duke Energy Arts For the Schools: Duke Energy, Suncoast Credit Union Pie-Eating Contest: Joe’s Family Restaurant, Media: Citrus County Chronicle, Tampa Bay Times, Digital Hound Media, HomeTown Values, WXJB 99.9 FM Read the full article
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