#tudo bem!
alien-na-terra · 7 months
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unit-ssn0va · 1 year
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Uh Brazilian Quackity desing LETSGOOO
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idollete · 2 months
vazou eu conhecendo o pipe e o kuku com ESSA MESMA CARA DE CHORO
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gente eu tava vendo umas fotos do m&g e REAL só tem criança no fandom, vei, que loucura é essa
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alien-abduzido · 2 years
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creads · 1 month
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eu gostaria de deixar comentários aqui sobre essa foto: AKAKBDNDDMMENZ);&?&&?$?$!!!!!! 💣💣💣💣💣💣🖕🏻🖕🏻💥💥💥💥🚬🚬🚬!!!!!!!! EKND ENRMRBRJEKSNSBDBNDND!!!!!
juro gente ele de all black o sorrisinho DESGRAÇADO e a cara de alegrinho afffssss sabe queria ir pra uma festa com ele e ele ficasse todo dengoso e me comesse depois todo messy e pouquíssimas ideias só querendo se esvaziar e que belo pescoço fer queria 😈😈👹👺👺🙀🙀🙀👄👄💋💋💋💋👅👅👅👅🦷🦷SABE que saco… juro eu ainda sinto que ele é muito underrated nesse site pq juro eu faria um tcc só falando o quanto eu queria dar pra ele manas que homem gostoso é esse… juro por deus queria meio que explodir a américa latina inteira de tanta sentada que eu queria dar nesse homem affs e☝🏻 essa franjinha dele se o papa fosse mulher o aborto seria legal peca pepeca pe peca goza peca sangue peca em qualquer outro homem eu ia ficar tipo tarrrrr mas nele MINHA NOSSA é tão delicioso… aquele áudio do tik tok this is your man?? look at the screen!!! das mine… 😚😌😋😏😏💓💗💘💞
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sunshyni · 15 days
Vocês sabem o que eu realmente queria estar fazendo nesse momento??? Eu queria estar em silêncio com o meu amor enquanto eu decoro mais uma vez as pintinhas marrons do rosto dele ao mesmo tempo que “My Love” do D.O toca baixinho na tv da sala. Sim, eu estou falando do Hyuck.
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ritadcsc · 1 month
Mas 'todas as coisas', e essa coisa (seja o que for) que pode estar agora inquietando você, é uma dessas 'todas as coisas' que estão trabalhando misteriosamente para o seu bem. Confie no seu Deus!
John Macduff em Deus é fiel, p. 35
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amethvysts · 1 month
ta liberado começar o multiverso da leitora!wag? tive certos pensamentos sobre simón jogador de futebol
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Imagine Aegon telling the little prince of Rhaenyra about wanting to take him to a brothel when he's the right age, the little baby!reader doesn't even know what a brothel is so he just agrees with confusion and innocence. Fortunately Yan!Dad Criston heard this and took it out on Aegon in training. Let's all pray that Rhaenyra didn't listen to Aegon, the brat would die.
Aegon just wouldn't be dead because Criston would be in serious trouble if he killed him. But motivation is not what he lacks.
Criston absolutely abhors Aegon's behavior, he always has and is likely to hate him as well. He is well aware of everything about, about the indiscreet trips to brothels, the bastard children and other things that Aegon did. And knowing that Aegon tried to encourage these… nasty behaviors in his bby makes him livid.
Bby!Reader has no idea what a brothel is, he doesn't have access to that kind of thing, his parents are very overprotective and like to keep him pure, so it's not like he knows anything. And Criston knows it, he is well aware of how naive his son is he likes it, he prefers you to be like that. Criston, luckily, will manage to stop Aegon from taking you to a brothel in time, during a training session he had earlier, and let's just say he didn't go easy on him. Cole really hurt him badly, but since they were in practice, no one said a word.
And your father managed to prevent you from being infected in this way. No one said a word to Rhaenyra, everyone knew that the princess would probably try to kill Aegon right then and there if she knew of his plans.
Aegon wouldn't be able to take you with him due to his injuries.
No one said anything to Rhaenyra, everyone knew that if your mother knew your uncle's plans for you she would murder him. She wouldn't care if it caused a war, but she would kill him. She would kill anyone to protect her bby. And maybe, just when it comes to their bby, Criston and Rhaenyra could help each other out for a while. Just for you.
~ Lady L
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alien-na-terra · 3 months
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esflores-ser · 1 year
Não vai ser necessário você provar nada pra ninguém, por que quando você realmente entender o real sentindo de viver, vai saber que é por você mesmo, que vai precisar seguir em frente todos os dias!
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idollete · 1 month
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alien-abduzido · 2 years
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rhiezus · 1 year
this stopped being a fling a while ago. // devi x usiK HIM COME TO HIS SENSES
misbehaving has always been on the list of exceptionally intriguing of devika's abilities, she didn't deny that when it came to doing different from what she was told she was a master. and obviously dating usik was one of those "don't do it" things, she saw all the signs and ignored them. at first, it was probably because she felt entitled. he was, undeniably, a hot and new famous face around making his way into korean's hearts everywhere and she was still on the path to do the same so there was something magical and risky about seeing him. and sometimes there were no reasons at all for them to continue doing so other than the fact that they became used to each other. it was way easier to just hit a text and be at the same hotel for the next few hours than to go out, meet new people, introduce them to your way of life, and hope for the best. either way, they could score both ways, but they eventually just chose each other over and over again.
nevertheless, that didn't mean they were ready to call it a full ongoing romantic relationship. at least, devi thought so, and mainly because she would have never in her wildest dreams guessed that's what usik was trying to do. as far as she was concerned he was never going to actively chose her as his girlfriend and not because there was something wrong with her or them for that matter, but because of all the weight such thing might attract. "what the hell do you mean by that?" she had her eyebrows curved and her funny laughing bunny face, half of her expression meant she was delighted to know where that conversation was going and the other half was just pure confusion, thankfully he couldn't see it better than her because she was facing the mirror in a different direction than he had his eyes on. devi put on her lip gloss like she was casually going out again, when in fact she just made her way back to the bed and sat by the edge to put her rings back on that were forgotten on the nightstand.
not everything had to be timed and perfect, devi knew that but when it came to usik she was stubborn. she wanted him to run that extra mile for her, even though she knew he probably wouldn't. sometimes it was even disappointing to try and look for him, because she was never sure where they were standing and while trying to be the cool and stoic girl not to chase him away she had to keep putting the act, even if that meant hiding her feelings. she was never gonna demand some big and extraordinary gesture, but she was going to wait for it perhaps knowing it might not come at all. which explained the reason she had a flair for the dramatics and the meaning behind her affection towards usik in the first place: she liked shiny, explosive, and overall just dreamy and nonrealistic situations because that meant they never occurred to anyone else, just her.
putting a more courageous and savage face on she leaned back on the bed to observe usik more, maybe even try to find the real feelings of him behind his eyes. but she didn't, she couldn't fool herself into believing him. devi closed the distance between their worlds and kissed his lips in a soft and refreshing move, her fingers closing in on his hair and letting go just the same time as she moved away a little bit to be heard. "if you really want it, then you should really do something about it." so a smile tugged on her face, a mischievous little grin suppose to do to him what she knew it was going to do. she might not have been the strongest soldier on that bed, but at least she still had weapons to work on her favor and hoping to stay on his mind for as long as she could was one of them. there was no winning here, they were both already at a loss as soon as they found the real answer to such questions in their hearts. because no misdoing in the world could qualify finding someone you really want and keeping them close despite your fears, it takes work, and devi would never really feel reassured when it came to seeing themselves battling for steadiness, when they comfort laid on everything but that.
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sunshyni · 12 days
Eu acordei tarde pq n queria acordar KKKKKKKKKK Então pra parecer minimamente produtiva, vou pegar músicas do Niall Horan e falar pra vcs qual combina com quem do nct KKKKKKKKK
Começando com "Heartbreak Weather", Haechan com ctz
"Small Talk", dedico essa ao Chenle
"Nice To Meet Ya", TAEYONG, T-A-E-Y-O-N-G!!!
"Cross Your Mind", Jaemin ctz
"New Angel", JENOOO!!!
"No Judgement", MORKKKKKK
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creads · 2 months
amg como vc pronuncia vogrincic?
eu endeota falava "vogrintic" mas vi uma querida gringa dizendo q é "vogrinchich"
amiga, eu pronuncio vôgrinçic!! agora se tá certo eu já não sei KKKKKKKK
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