#tulia never breaking free from the conditioning and being acina’s attack dog?
vespertine-legacy · 4 years
#a look for tulia #going to zhorrid's funeral #on jadus's arm
oh. okay. that's fine. everything is fine.
#and there probably isn't any enquiry into her death #or even if there is it ends with acina congratulating/thanking her
this is fine. i'm okay with the events currently unfolding. Tulia definitely didn't just lose the last tattered fragment of her soul when she demurely accepted Acina's praise and gratitude.
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
#acina holding tulia's leash and her keyword?
#tulia never breaking free from the conditioning and being acina's attack dog?
hold on just a minute,,
#you killed two dark lords but you'll never be able to hurt me my pet
h-hey now... did Tulia really deserve that?? 😭
hmmm, I don’t know if “deserve” is the right word, but by god, it’s what she’s getting
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