#tumbling down the stars ( star rail rp/intel)
hyenapriest · 7 months
He didn't much like the ships. There was so little vegetation and options. Everywhere was just drenched in cloud knights. How were you supposed to have some fun?
Legal options? No one would gamble, no one would agree on a spar. They were talking about engaging in starskiff racing and betting as their chosen poison.
Which left Hyena all alone and without an outlet. So, he might have been trying to pick a fight with the stone faced cloud knight next to him for about a solid hour. Maybe he should just bring up his influential ties – but he didn't like those! So instead? He just complained louder, stomped on the ground, crossed his arms. Pouted even! - which couldn't be seen. Despite everything the other one insisted on calling the guards in. Even though Hyena had never even bothered to make the deal with him.
@shallliveoninsong (coin still says sushang, aeons have mercy)
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hyenapriest · 8 months
@actorsmask from here
"yeh, sounds bout right. Make really funny effects and noises when they dissolve. Somehow they keep coming back though." And he is running out of knives "'m not going anywhere - given walkin ain't workin so well right now"
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hyenapriest · 8 days
Hyena flounders under the advice, going cross eyed under the gestures. Was he really that unknowing? A touch confirmed his fears. “Uh... Laughter n fun are big things, dunno 'bout the elation ya keep spouting bout." ( On the dancefloor or battlefield all are equal.)
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The man kept talking about laughter like it was a person it only made his advice more weird. The more he talked the less Hyena understood.
"Lilin? The Laughter? Aeons?!”, Hyena sneezed, resetting his mind to perfect bliss.
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“Ain't chasing any of your funky aeons. Couldn't care less for a bunch of big fucks.” A statement limited to people drowning in nihilism or optimism. “I am here to honor Driscol!”, a god the fool might have never heard before – yet.
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hyenapriest · 2 months
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Hm, maybe... he could probably at least compare to the fool. Then again his outfit didn't leave anything up for imagination to begin with.
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hyenapriest · 8 months
mobile intel
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credits for the pic @anxiouscervidae & @artsycervidae
Hyena belongs to many universes but the new main is Honkai Star Rail universe.
More specifically:
He is aligned with the masked fools, he thinks he is one, but as far as things go, he is actually just the favourite toy of an actual fool. Due to his family he is tied in with the IPC too.
also noteworthy which I mentioned but somehow forget to add:
he's only half human, the other half is Katican
he has lived a rather long time on Sigonia-IV, thanks to his mother
he has a rather trademark laugh
Ingame wise: Path of Destruction; Wind Element, don't ask me about the kit because I'm not settled on that yet.
Important visuals (besides the picture):
- Hyena comes with a mask that covers the lower half of his face. Styled like a snout with vicious looking sharp teeth stretching into a grin, the mask gives the blonde a set of hyena ears which even move according to emotions, they just don't align with his body language - or his expression. For as long as he wears the mask the ears can even be touched, and he feels that too. The mask also comes with a voice changer and wonky shield supposed to help with keeping him at a comfortable temperature. The thermolayer created by it gives him the illusion of patches of spotted fur.
As far as personality goes:
Hyena seems to have a very childish personality. He gets overly excited way too easily, speaks his mind - often without thinking twice – and switches his moods on a whim. Breaking into fits of laughter or even tears is not unusual for the priest. However when taunted or threatened too much his demeanor changes completely. Most of his usual personality disappears and he takes on a very cold, dark and cruel tone. Hyena himself isn't sure anymore where his true personality ends and the parts he made up start.
And in a fight? . Because he will try to fight you
Unless prepared for a fight Hyena's fighting style is close and personal, in almost complete disregard for any defense besides quick dodges. He giggles and laughs, taking obvious deranged fun out of the situation – may it be the suffering of his enemies or his own. He isn't afraid of guns – or any weapons – in the slightest. Some might say he fights like the devil, without any regard for his own safety, since he isn't afraid but eager to get hurt. If you hadn't believed him to be dangerous before, you might as well do after witnessing him in a brawl.
What was that about IPC?
Mr. Crishan is an alias Hyena uses to get up and personal with suits. The name is linked to a wealthy family who – ironically – trades in wine and other alcoholics. The persona is known to be calm and collected if somewhat eccentric and unapproachable. If you manage to get his attention he turns out to be quite witty and bright. Unsettle him enough and Hyena's personality will break through. His ID states that he runs a small security company ever since he dropped his profession as priest. Since he is – officially – on vacation most of the orders are redirected to his second in command, who goes by the name of Heath. Rumors say that Sasha Crishan is the heir of the family wealth, however - out of unknown reasons - this hasn't been confirmed yet.
Noteworthy important NPCs that will be mentioned (+including why):
Heath plucked Hyena from the wasteland which they visited with their group on a whim. Fascinated and entertained by the delusional beliefs of the kid, they decided to unleash the future priest unto the multiverse. Hyena thinks of Heath as his most important person. Heath however likely views Hyena as their own personal theatre show, a never ending joke. A wonderful entertainment for them - and the likes of theirs. In a twist on the story Heath somehow grew attached.
short version:
is the masked fool and Hyena their pet project. At least that was how it was supposed to be ingame: Heath specializes on debuffs and intrigue, so they best fit into the Path of Nihility (ice element)
was taken on along the way. She never talks, she can't. She is the reason Hyena bothered to learn ASL (and Aslan) cursing his hands to always spell the truth. Because while he could spit lies he'd never lie to her, giving away the real story with his hands along - however vaguely it would be without the help of lip movement. She's the first person Hyena ever vowed to protect. Pulled in by her scheming, he became her loyal guard dog. Kitten is without a doubt using the priest as a guardian. Viciously lashing out at the first person who allows her to.
is an exception to the rule. Hailing from the same planet that Hyena was rescued from, he belongs to a tribe of people the blonde despises with an unreasonable unfettered passion. Any chance Hyena gets he'd use to utterly ruin those people. Hawkes however, accidentally, managed to circumvent the rules and not only gain the priests friendship but devotion. He most certainly isn't prepared for all that it entails.
my Aventurine:
short version; they can't stand each other, some people do not like looking into the mirror.
And last but somehow really important:
Hyena perceives pain as pleasure, he isn't a masochist in the traditional sense but he will do anything for his thrill. He is on a road to self destruction. (he does somewhat count as a masochist)
A very short breakdown on rules:
he won't know who you are unless you tell me that he knows you. For what's it worth he can't even ID the fools besides Heath.
I can decide what he does by myself, thank you
I'm not big on ships, mostly because I don't wanna hurt myself or others; and he's likely never gonna be what you want him to become. Really I mean it, you don't know what being with Hyena entails, the powers over him you'd get and how any offhand comment might destroy him.
In the same vein – please don't feed and befriend him unless you are prepared to talk him down from shredding anyone that upset you.
Anything romantic would also have to involve his other partners, so if you're not polyam you might be out already.
I'm terrified of people and therefore hate dms with a passion
no nsfw here, I might make an extra blog
if you have a problem with trans folks you can fucking leave and get hit by a car for all I care
I'm slow (work, gaming, real life), from europe and over 30+ years old
general tumblr rp lingo:
I am not mutuals exclusive
on here I also don't care if you are of age, there's not gonna be anything more than suggestive too but I count on you to wager if you wanna click on those readmores
I will have favourites, it's a human thing to do
I'm a fan of OCs, so come at me
I'm independent
in the spirit of favourites I might find mains, those will be the people meant if any muse is ever mentioned in a thread. That's not first come, first served. (-insert saltiness of 12years rping on here- as if that was even an option for OCs)
And last and least the Mun:
I'm not a good person even though people that know me will disagree
Boy am I ever salty about tumblr rps obsession with canon chars, especially when just having a canon name is enough.
I agonize over everything I say and then it still comes out wrong
for someone usually rping muses with people skills I am AWFUL at it
I'm overthinking everything, I get anxious about anything and I wish any of my muses would just share a tiny bit of their fucking ego bc I sure could use it
I'm 10k undead rats in a trench coat who somehow constitute a Lich named Skullbert, or Skully, for friends (that is actually a former self insert character who is now a very OC thing)
I'm also a guy and if you ever find me anywhere else and see a muse of mine pls never assume them to be straight.
Now I should have scared of any terrible people, right?
and verses!
The only important one for now, aka relating to star rail, is:
tumbling down the stars
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hyenapriest · 8 months
"Do ya know how I can make me phone read out everythin to me?"
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hyenapriest · 1 month
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nothing a bit of silicone can't fix... right?
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hyenapriest · 1 month
Usually I do not talk about Hyena and canon ships.
Usually I do not talk about OC ships at all because people like to think it's a whole “self-insert awkward thing”.
But Hyena is old.
And he has been shipped, he had canon partners before and while I distance myself from Blizzard the assumptions and eventual connections to certain character's traits would still remain.
Which is to say:
It will always be a random coinflip if Sampo or Sparkle turn out to be his favorite people or his most loathed enemies.
Given his own artificial enhancements hidden under his skin he's also more likely to feel connected to Intellitrons but he also thinks he has to set free their mortal soul. Yet Boothill or Xueyi? Now those would have such an easy time getting him to be attached. Who else would ever be able to actually resonate with potentially losing that much humanity?
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hyenapriest · 1 month
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hyenapriest · 1 month
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Great! That gonna help prove him right fer sure!
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hyenapriest · 1 month
A pitiful attempt at elation.
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None of you would survive a real feast.
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hyenapriest · 3 months
hyena star rail character story I
Only a man could inherit the Crishan family fortune.
Only a male heir could be the next in line. Not that a change in those dynamics would have brought the youngest daughters further up on the list. But it was her who set out with a single minded goal. To get the family fortune for herself, for her use, for her ambitions. And if that meant getting a son? She would, no matter the cost. No matter the people she would have to deal with. Her family would learn to not underestimate her ever again. For she was smarter than any of them gifted in ways they could not possibly comprehend. Willing to take sacrifices for the greater goal they wouldn't be able to even fathom. The IPC took interest in her and invited her into their own collection of smart individuals. Beatrice started to thrive and so did her mania. Her ideas. What if – what if humanity could help fell an Aeon? All she would ask for her sacrifice would be to receive a son. One she could sent onto the path of becoming a godslayer - no more than that.
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hyenapriest · 3 months
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Who wants some hugs?
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hyenapriest · 4 months
He is dancing in the rain, too much time in that frozen hellish wasteland makes the sudden off-home downpour feel like a hot shower. Yes, that's fun, that's nice. He could do that all day. All he's seen in quite some time been snow and ice. Water was good, water was nice.
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hyenapriest · 5 months
Is Aha proud of him yet?
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hyenapriest · 5 months
@aventurine-official from here
Aw, shucks, so only downsides and no upsides to the glowy eyes. Well, evolution really did screw that one over in this regard, didn't it? “What, ain't no fair, no hiding for stealth in the dark and not even able to see better either? Screw that.”, came the unfiltered reaction instantly. Well, what could he say, patience wasn't Hyena's strong suit, he almost missed the introduction over that. Now the name and title sure rang a bell, as they should with his family's ties to the IPC.
It was just that... the blonde couldn't care less for the business connections he might have for as long as he wasn't in his suit persona and dependant on those connections. No one drew the connection between him and the Crishan's family heir yet. And anyone who did and voiced it might be slandered as insane. So instead he focused on another thing the gambler had said.
Friend. Wow, that one really intonated the word as if he had to swallow glass to bring it out. Nothing about the way he voiced it fitted the definition of friend. Luckily, playing the fool also meant that one could just ignore subtext and intonations at any point.
So when the hand was offered at him? Hyena decided to pull the physical mask from his face – dismissing it into the void alongside the traitorous ears - in a gesture of 'friendship' to give himself away to be read and then he decided to do the 'friend' thing to do. Friends hug as a greeting, it was what he had learned from at least three separate people! His hand reached out to grab the Stoneheart's and then he pulled, with more strength than he had any reason to have but his grip was light enough to allow escape. He tried to pull the man straight into a possibly surprising hug. Now, he'd even wrap his arms around the other blonde if that one ended up crashing into his rather bulky frame. Surely it was the 'friend'ly thing to do!
And if it also would keep the smaller one from being able to read his face, well, surely that was merely an accident.
But if the other looked and was close with the uptake? He might've noticed that something was off. But regardless, the mask Hyena wore was very much his face at this point. And yes, it did indeed 'take one to know one'. Even if the manoeuvrer didn't go through it might have at least been distracting.
“'m Hyena.”, he started “N ya won't find me on any Penacony records!”, he sounded almost proud. But reading out the ID that was linked to his presence would call him out as a member of the Crishan Family, who was linked with the IPC, there'd even be a picture attached! Yet the man in the dreamscape was so wildly different from what was described it surely must be a fake! “N yes, 'm new here.”, here to watch the show, really. “There's gonna be a festival, right? But 'm here for the sideshow.”
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