#tumblr said fuck syn and bro rights [pensive]
aaaaagaronia · 5 years
im chernobyl miniseries on main but stupit bros headcanons time [smirk]
gonna split these up so i can actually read jfkbghfdjbjhvfd
also youve read like most of my headcannons for nauls already ali but here we go fdjkngvfdkjhj
theyre just guys being bros :)
nauls goes Dramatic on Main and palmer goes [eyezoom] every time
and dramatic on main i mean he starts monologuing and hes so vague about what hes talking about if you were just listening to him you wouldnt tell what he was doing
he can and will wear socks and sandals to piss everyone off
if you wander into the kitchen at around 3am it’ll feel like youre in the twilight zone because hes wearing the embodiment of wacky 80s core and crop tops and you will go [eyezoom]
come back an hour later and hes back in his usual clothes jfdkhgfvjd he just likes to mess around with people :)
hes gnc (gender non conforming) because i like to project uwu
absolutely rocks fuchsia colored nail polish
his first name is actually Khiry but he prefers to go by Nauls
blasts music in the kitchen a lot not just because he likes to jam out but also because it drowns out the noise of pans clattering since thats a big sensory trigger for him
he!! is chungy!! a squishy boy!!! because i like to project and the Boy alleviates the body dysmorphia 
love for the friends is stored in the Baby
doesn’t really eat meals despite cooking a lot; he just snacks on things throughout the day 
needs glasses but refuses to wear them hdsbfgdh hes far sighted
insomniac but people just think hes just a really hard worker that refuses to sleep so he can keep his kitchen clean which is true but he also cant sleep fdjkbvhfjdrinks 
energy drinks to stay awake when hes really struggling
you can tell hes big sleeby when hes like,,, doing that slow blink cats do
he naps in the rec room sometimes; dont bug him or he wont get that sleep he need
she never actually looks sleep deprived jkdfnhvj hes either wide awake and baby or nodding off jkbgvjhfd
loves his big bro (palmer) to bits and no one knows why
verbally key smashes (so like its just a bunch of different noises) before he actually laughs
palmer chucks ice at the windows (not the guy, but like the window panels) when hes outside
he can kinda sing but he prefer not to and the only man who can actually get him to is his widdle bro (nauls)
he!!!!! likes to draw!!!!he also!!!! likes to shitpost!!!!!
hes really impulsive fjdkbvjhfddoesnt like to put effort in making food for himself but if he has to make food for someone else too he’ll like try to put effort in it
knows like,, one magic trick and uses it all the time 
knows some spanish but he uses it in the wrong places so hes completely incoherent 
used to have long hair but chopped it off because he didnt want to deal with the maintenance of long hair
his laugh is a higher pitch than his talking voice
trips people by sticking his long leggys out but 80% of the time its unintentional
has put french fries in the toaster once; no one knows why but he did and they took forever to get out
he gets quiet when hes upset
:^) its the internalization
has like 4 walk mans but hoards headphones like theres no tomorrow
if you get his jacket dirty you will be slapped; only hes allowed to make it dirty
knees are bad so he has to sit down sometimes
his hair was blond when he was a tiny bastard but it turned brown as he got older
doesnt really drink,, like not consistently but like he will on occasion
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