#tumblr's pornbot revolution
i really hate the “your tags section” i’m scrolling literature and art happily and you swipe and find a bare pussy, pornhub link. please.
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Being on tumblr rn is so funny because you check your notifs, see that someone followed you and you go "oh! It looks like someone has enjoyed my silly little posts so much they decided to follow! How delightful!" but you look at the username and it's yet another pornbot thinking you won't immediately block it like you have the 3,000 others that have followed you this week
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candiid-caniine · 8 months
the saga of trigger anon <3
hope it's okay that i'm posting these all at once & responding to them in bulk--they're just all so fucking good and having them all in one place seemed right<3
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dear lord, trigger anon (that's what i'm calling you), these are some fucking amazing ideas.
imagining having my brain scrambled to this degree is incredible. i'd like to expand on your ideas with a potential fix for people with physical disabilities, like myself, for whom counting steps is either not possible or would take a long time; in all honesty, i'm not up on my feet very often if i can help it, and use a wheelchair part-time! i fucking love your ideas, but this was the best way i could think of to add to them, so here goes:
say you have a wheelchair user as your sub/trancee. surely there's a way to either rig a smartwatch or an arduino setup of some sort to count revolutions of the wheels instead of steps. or perhaps distance traveled?
for someone who's bedbound...they sell these stupid-fancy water bottles that have counters on the side i think. using that as your metric, instead of basing it on physical movement, might be a good stand-in as well (no pun intended >.>)
someone with a CGM or heart rate monitor could also be conditioned with triggers aligning w/ their medical equipment, only inasmuch as it's safe to do so, obviously; don't really know how i feel about that idea--but i have neither of those pieces of medical equipment so i'm not as familiar.
how about someone who stims? (obv not a physical disability, i'm now going wild with ideas in other ways lol) give them a clicky thing to stim with, maybe a people counter or whatever...they could try to keep from stimming, but eventually they'll want to...
or if they're like me and have flappy hands, attach a step counter to their wrist so that it counts "steps" when they stim >:) most of my stims aren't object-assisted, so that's how it would have to be for me ahah.
i have Thoughts on what you sent re: the "idle game" trancee situation i posted. here are some more ideas based on that:
love the idea of follower participation--that you all could send in words that make me do things <3 i saw a post once about hypnotizing someone to be a little pornbot, like, every tumblr notification they got made them hornier and happier and dumber, so they'd crave to post a lot of things that got them engagement, and it's lived in my brain ever since lol.
the best way it could work, i think, is to first condition me to avoid clicking a link that says certain words, and then to put my triggers under that link so that my followers know them, but i don't :) a person DMs me the word "trumpet" or some shit and i don't understand why im instantly moaning out loud...
that's another way of tracking "points" that doesn't rely on steps: different note numbers on my own posts = different effects on my body. for extra fuckery, make it different not numbers on any Tumblr post, and condition me to scroll tumblr anytime i get bored (wouldn't take much lol)
gosh, fuck yes to "cheat codes." the right words, actions, or sights in combination = secret level unlock ahahaha. see someone clap their hands together, on the train while seated, *and* be above 600 steps/stims/whatever? for the next week, suddenly there's an erogenous zone on my middle finger that feels exactly like my clit when it rubs against anything.
eaten an egg that day, have edged at least 12 times, *and* got a follower to cum? for an hour, i drool uncontrollably...fuck i could go on forever.
last one, since i said "egg." seen a stray cat that day, have ruined once, *and* have a song stuck in my head? i'm suddenly convinced that i'm full of an alien's eggs, and incredibly embarrassed about it.
stacking triggers this way is super fun. i think sometimes it's hard for my owner to visualize how conditioning/hypno works for my brain--still figuring it out myself--but visualization (for me) is the best mode of conditioning. imagining myself like an idle game, where the character (me) is encountering different combinations of gameplay (idle triggers), helps me be more receptive to conditioning.
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deleniam · 2 years
happy tag -- storytime -- itemshop -- art tag -- niche info
freebies -- resources -- art reference -- drawing -- writing
abt -- fav -- ○ -- save -- mom memes -- reclist -- txt
art crediting -- imagecaps -- in the tags -- collectibles

quizzes -- comics -- fictions -- words -- vids
alia materia -- light -- functionless -- corola -- pictures
metahuman -- humanxp -- tropes -- concept
things that are poetry

internet age -- fan history -- language -- fantasy biology
meta -- art web -- zine tag -- fx -- ee tag -- kids
tech -- places -- cursed images -- zine tag
current events -- brain -- life tips

incredibly expressive stickmen -- interactibles -- heritage
date posts -- two-parters -- fake posts
no note posts -- tumblr
insp -- shapes -- colors -- presentation -- vx
star trek - ofmd - ovw - hannibal - witcher - persona - hsr
dracula daily - mcr - castlevania - batman - atla - trigun - bg3

goncharovposting -- idesposting -- my poor boyfriend
pornbot extravaganza -- the poll revolution
reddit implosion -- twitter implosion
types of guy -- talks -- happenings
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whitehorsevale · 2 years
It would make the best sense to me if these pornbots constitute an attack by a rival social media company. Unlike many, I know a good number of people on Tumblr who will admit they are heterosexual men, but on Tumblr, that means the ones who stand in array against the Sexual Revolution and all its works. This isn't any kind of money-making scheme. Nobody wants this.
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maryellencarter · 5 years
tagged by @aphorisnt
rules: answer 17 questions & tag 17 people you want to know better (I have not the brain to tag people and anyway since tumblrpocalypse the people I would usually tag are mostly gone, but if you want to do the thing, consider yourself tagged!)
nickname: I think of myself as JT more than by any other monicker. I'm still mad about losing that branding.
zodiac sign: Scorpio. Opinions vary on whether I am "the least Scorpio Scorpio ever" or whether I fit the category fairly well. Sexually confident and manipulative I am not. (Confident in general, still dubious. In touch with my dark side, okay, I will give you.)
height: 5'6", give or take
hogwarts house: Every quiz gives me a different answer, and I've never really clicked emotionally with any particular house. One of my supervisors at work decided I was a Ravenclaw, which I can definitely see. I poked at the @sortinghatchats system a while back, which puts you in *two* houses according to a system of their own, but I was doing me and Wes at the same time and all I really remember is that we were similar but different. I think one of us was... no, I can't remember, and I don't have time to rebuild the analysis at 3am on a work night. I *think* I was a Burned Ravenclaw Primary with Hufflepuff Secondary, or maybe the other way round, and I *think* Wes might have been a Burned Gryffindor or maybe a Burned Hufflepuff Primary? I remember we were both Burned (this is fundamentally the part of Wes I first glommed onto) and I'm pretty sure he was Ravenclaw Secondary but I wouldn't swear to it.
last thing i googled: "smallest count aida" apparently. I'm looking at poster-sized cross stitch patterns, and by poster-sized I mean we're talking 52x72" if I do it on 14ct so more of a tapestry really, and I don't have room for a tapestry in this apartment. I also don't actually have fifteen years to dedicate to making a cross stitch tapestry, but I was looking at potential smaller counts of aida cloth because I am dubious about the whole evenweave thing and specifically "you have to start on *this* side of a thread so the stitch doesn't roll underneath and stop being a stitch" thing. Apparently I could hypothetically get 22 count aida. Which would make it only a 46x33" tapestry, which is practically down to poster size if you think about it. Assuming I could *see* to work on 22 count aida; I really do need to schedule a fucking ophthalmologist appointment already, the whole diabetes-affects-your-eyes thing is being a thing.
song stuck in my head: I don't often get songs stuck in my head. I am not particularly auditory as a rule. Right now there is no song stuck in my head, only the twin whirs of the ceiling fan and the fridge.
following: 64 tumblrs, apparently. Most of these are more or less defunct, so I keep adding currently-active ones that catch my eye. Lot of cross stitch lately.
followers: 85. I used to have over 300 but there was the blog switch and then tumblrpocalypse and yeah. :P They're all apparently people, though. I keep on top of the pornbots pretty well. (Not like that. ;P)
amount of sleep i get: Not fucking enough. I need 9-10 hours a night and I get 5-7. You may notice that I'm up at 3am doing a meme. I suspect the depression, but I honestly haven't identified any underlying cause in a way that would allow me to fix the issue.
lucky numbers: I don't really have any that are "mine". My relationship to numbers isn't like that. I tend to think of 3 and 7, as being the classic medieval Christian lucky numbers.
dream job: That one tumblr post where you black out for forty hours a week and the paycheck shows up. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do that I am also able to do. My "passion" is geology, but that ship has sailed; I'm not physically capable of making a career in geology now, if I ever would have been. Or proofreading, but that hasn't been a livable wage for decades. Or spinster, like the kind that spins thread all day, but that went out with the Industrial Revolution. You see my dilemma? ;P
wearing: My skin. It's 3am, what do you want, fuzzy bunny pajamas? They don't make those for a 56" ass.
favorite songs: The Mary Ellen Carter. Most things from Pete Seeger. A selection of Raffi, The Monkees, and Johnny Cash. Probably some others I'm not thinking of right now.
instruments: I can play piano right-handed well or both-handed badly, recorder fairly well, guitar badly, and can make noises come out of a syrinx, which takes a certain level of skill. I also sing, loudly and sometimes very well.
random facts: Aphorisnt did a combination of random facts about themself and about the world. I, being sleepy, will provide you with only one, that I have been knitting for twenty years pretty continuously and that kind of scares me. (Huh. Maybe in another twenty years I'll be staring in awe and dismay at a similar mastery of cross stitch and finally take up quilting or naalbinding or something. Weaving, crochet, macrame, who knows.)
aesthetics: My phone was trying to autocorrect this to "Wes" until I got a ways into typing the word, and really that's pretty accurate. I have a sense of Westhetics. XD (My clothing is very utilitarian, jeans and solid-color t-shirts mostly, but you should see my apartment. If I ever catch up on the laundry again I'll post some more pictures, I'm pretty proud, even though right now I'm also in an obnoxious state of "NOTHING SPARKS JOY!" :P)
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terminalpolitics · 7 years
Leftist Recruitment on Tumblr
Pornbot: *starts following my blog*
Me: Welcome, Comrade amazonthongmilfs -- this revolution belongs to you, too.
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rasseda · 7 years
the dedicated number of pornbots on tumblr gives me hope for the inevitable robot revolution. robots don’t want to destroy humanity. they’re just really horny.
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Tagged by the awesome for-le-revolution
Nickname: Missy, sometimes Mel to those at work.
Zodiac sign: Libra
Height: 5′7″/170cm
Last Thing You Googled: #LetThemStay for a uni assignment
Favourite music artist: I don’t have one! I get bored too easily. I’ve never stopped listening to The Corrs though.
Song stuck in my head: 'Here goes the hair’ sung by Linda from Bobs Burgers
Last Movie you watched: Ghost in the Shell remake. Not awful, but does no justice to the anime.
What are you wearing right now: A grey ‘Angry Beavers’ T-shirt that came with the DVD box set, and socks and knickers. These are my PJs.
What do you post: All social justice re-blogs and every now and then something I find funny.

Why did you choose your URL: I just really like the Simpsons but my name is Missy, not Lisa, and my old blog that I can’t access thanks to Tumblr’s security threat thing had already taken stupidmissYgarbageface, so now I am just stupidmiss.

Do you have any other blogs: None that are active
What Did Your Last Relationship Teach You: To develop and express self-respect, and to not be afraid of looking after my own needs.
Religious Or Spiritual: Neither. I’d consider myself an agnostic, but I don’t think about any higher power much at all.
Favorite Color: Berry pinks.
Average Hours Of Sleep: Ha. About 10-12. I oversleep due to health issues.
Lucky Number: None. 
Favorite characters: Louise and Jocelyn from Bobs Burgers, Schmidt from New Girl, Two-Face from Batman TAS, like every single character from the Simpsons. I watch a lot of TV.
How Many Blankets Do you Sleep With: Normally just one blankie, but I’ve had the blankie and a doona and full PJs because it’s been so cold overnight in Melbourne lately!
Dream Job: Director of campaigns for Amnesty International Australia, UK or US, at least for a little while. I tag my fave blogs, and basically the only people that follow me that aren’t pornbots minus for-le-rev: a-sonic-cat, isis, Luinelwen. I’d tag gerbthenerd too but for-le-rev beat me to it :)
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